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Chris Evans | 08:21 UK time, Thursday, 24 August 2006

Couldn't blog before today, I was in the technological wilderness. Good to see you've been having a bash anyway!

I've just ripped open a sachet of WELSH BREW tea after one of those mini hotel kettles had finished boiling, it took a while but it was well worth the wait. I love those little kettles, maybe I'll get one for home, or maybe that would ruin the effect they have on me when I see them when I'm away. They are a sure fire sign that one is on holiday, either that or a travelling salesman.

I have a very nice hotel room in the great CELTIC MANOR RESORT, a few miles outside CARDIFF. The resort was built purely with a view to hosting the RYDER CUP GOLF TOURNAMENT, which it will do i 2010. It's massive, really massive. It's owned and run by TERRY MATHEWS and his son DYLAN, I've met DYLAN but I've never met TERRY. DYLAN is very unassuming, humble and modest and also highly accommodating to each and everyone of the hotel guests.

From my bed I can see the golf course we are to play on this weekend. Every time I look at it, it makes me nervous, I've been through every hole in my head ten times or more, trying to imagine what shots I need to play: what if the wind's blowing, what if I mess up, am I going to hit fairway woods or can I trust my irons, my drives have to be straight and in play off the tea.

We're playing in a thing called tha ALL STAR CUP, it's like a mini RYDER CUP for celebs. TEAM EUROPE versus TEAM AMERICA.

It's the best fun I ever have, for three days we all pretend we are professional golfers and everyone seems to join in our fantasy, last year over fifty thousand people turned up to watch us play, this year they think it will be even more. I remember JAMES NESBIITT saying as he stood on the first tee waiting to take his first drive, it was the most nervous he had ever been and JAMES - a very confident individual.

I played around here with a couple of guys who work here last night and even then I was nervous, I feel a little bit sick thinking about it now but I LOVE IT !

Hey now, hasn't the week flashed by again ? I mean it's blinkin' THURSDAY, the first week of my holiday almost over !

The books are going well, M.P.W's biog is finished and was great. Monday night, me and a couple of pals tried cooking a few of his dishes, including a simple fried egg !

MARCO says a good fried egg should take ten minutes to cook, five minutes to gently heat a thick bottomed pan and then a further five minutes to "seduce" the egg into cooking. This is achieved by almost poaching the egg in butter rather than sizzling it in heat. He says the butter should be gently melted and then once the egg has been put in, a teaspoon should be used to continually baste the egg until it cooks to perfection. If at any point you can hear the egg cooking, he says your pan is too hot and you should just take it of the heat until it calms down. There are no craters in the egg and the yolk has the thinnest of pale pink films hiding an eruption of golden yellow loveliness beneath... heaven.

Something else we tried to do was to create our own truffle eggs. This was an idea I had whilst shopping in WAITROSE.

To create a real truffle egg, as I'm sure most of you know, is simple and almost fool proof but in order to do so, one needs:- some real truffles, several eggs, some rice, a sealable storage jar and two to three days. Well I had barely any of the aforementioned. So here's what i thought...

(If you don't know what happens next, in the original recipe let me briefly explain. You place a layer of rice in the jar, then a layer of truffles wrapped in issues, then you place two or three whole eggs on top, you repaeat this layering system until the jar i full. You then seal it and put it in a cool dark place for two to three days. The power of the truffles is so strong that it will permeate the shell of the egg and get into the egg itself. Thus when you fry the egg it will taste of truffle... one of life's true delicacies. The rice will also have been infused, so will be the beginnings of a truly amazing truffle risottto.)

My idea was, what if we were to seperate and egg, take the white, pour in some truffle oil, mix it ever so carefully and then rebuild the egg by putting the yolk back in and then frying it.

And Guess what ? It works !

100 % success, it was unbelievable. We then experimented further, one egg becaome a truffle parsley and dried shitake mushroom egg. Though all the ingredients were chopped so finely that they were barely visible as the egg hit the plate. Fiddly but very much worth i. Also the more oil we added the hotter the egg was when it came out, the oil retaining the heat in the mixture.

Try it out on some friends, what looks like a perfectly normal fried egg wiil hold a whole host of mouth watering mysteries.

If you're thinking of giving something a go, take a stab at it, if it comes off you'll be over the moon.

I shan't mention the dishes we tried that failed of course, I'd be here all day but it's like golf, it just takes the one thing to go right to keep you coming back for more.

You know, talking about food almost made me forget how nervous I am, or is that just my tummy rumbling. Yum, I may have to go the litchen and ask the chef has he heard the legend of the secret truffle egg.



  1. At 09:31 AM on 24 Aug 2006, Gill wrote:

    Hey Christophe!
    Fab to hear from you and ace you're having a great holiday! Can't wait to watch the all Star Cup at the weekend, hope you do really well!

    Missing you on the drive home but am enjoying Mr Macaroni's show nevertheless

    Must try those egg recipes, who knew something so simple could be so variable
    Take care and see you on telly over the weekend


  2. At 09:57 AM on 24 Aug 2006, gilly marlow wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Good to hear from you again, i was beginning to miss your cheery view on life!

    Good luck with the swings, and eggs and things.

    Heres to a fantastic weekend for all of us.


  3. At 10:05 AM on 24 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris.

    Nice to hear from you again.
    That truffle egg really sounds worth investigating. As to wether I can get hold of truffles here in lanzarote i dont know . Still should be fun trying.
    Never ever understood the game of golf or the fascination with it, but hey we all do our own thing and thats what makes life interesting.
    Used to go on holiday when I was a kid to Penarth which is just outside Cardiff. Lovely old Pier there. The only surviving paddle steamer used to sail from there to Weston Super Mare.

    Good luck with your game.


  4. At 10:10 AM on 24 Aug 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hey babe.....


    The good thing about those little kettles is, you can pour all the water out , lay it on its side on your hotel room floor, and then use it as a hole for putting practice! A nicely vacuumed green, in your room overlooking the Golf Course. Kewel!

    Happy swinging over the weekend ........... ... wear something outrageous ... you know it makes sense....

    Keep smiling


  5. At 10:12 AM on 24 Aug 2006, Craig Stanton wrote:

    Hey Christoph-lamby-pie,
    Long time listener, first time writer. And I mean Long time listener. I remember some of the old jingles from the breakfast show when I was doing my paper round back in '96 (ish). Now I'm overseas but get to enjoy the fun with your podcasts. I'm catching up on a couple of weeks now and just heard the 4/8/06 one with "That milk advert", they got the point of the words all messed up it goes like this (though the team name might be wrong)

    1) Milk? ergh!
    2) It's what Ian Rush drinks
    1) Ian Rush?
    2) Yeah, he says if I don't drink enough milk I'll only be good enough to play for Acton&Stanley
    1) Acton&Stanley? Who are they?
    2) Exactly!
    1) Gimme some (grabs the milk)
    2) naaa get off!
    1) gimme some!

    And I thought my dad's brain was full of useless old cartoons he saw in the 60s.

    Final note, my little brothers insist that kids have more taste buds than adults, that's how they can tell broccoli is horrible and adults can't. So maybe the maturing of the palette (same podcast from a fortnight ago) is due to taste buds dying off, one to check with your show doctor I think.

    Keep up the good work, from your furthest away fan, Craig, in New Zealand.

  6. At 10:41 AM on 24 Aug 2006, Katie wrote:

    Hi Chris and happy holidays to you.

    Sounds like you're having a brilliant time, and I've got to wish you the best of luck for the golf tournament - don't be nervous, I'm sure you'll do brilliantly and 'Come on Europe!' I do agree with Rachel (4) though, I do think you should wear something outrageous and just think if it helps put Team USA off then all the better.

    The truffle egg sounds gorgeous, think that's gonna be one to try in the future.

    Best of luv'n'luck to you Chris


    ps Craig (5) The team in the advert is Accrington Stanley :) ...... oh no, that means that I actually know something about football - aargh!

  7. At 10:48 AM on 24 Aug 2006, Jill wrote:

    It's good to be nervous isn't it ? - helps you to play better because your body is at a high pitch, flooded with adrenalin. Something like that anyway.

    I've had a whack at golf a couple of times but am useless - just makes me laugh at myself and be a nuisance to anyone else who's being serious. Nevertheless I think it's a fantastic game to watch and must be even more enjoyable to play if you have some skill No-one can mess things up for you - it's you versus nature (wind, rain, trees, grass etc). Even if you know the course well, the game will be different each time because of all the variables.

    Good luck Christophe, hope you're in top form and have a great time

    Jill xx

  8. At 12:12 PM on 24 Aug 2006, jane wrote:

    Hi Christophe!
    Great to hear what you`re up to, looking forward to watching the golf at the weekend (and thats something i never thought id catch myself saying!!)
    I was your first caller on the show on friday and kicked myself after because i thought i sounded like a bit of a fool!! I must try again!!
    Enjoy the rest of your break, good luck, missing the show.
    Jane (or June or whatever you want to call me!) XXX

  9. At 12:25 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Demelza D. wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Glad you're having a great hols, we all miss you terribly, hope you didn't mind us keeping the blog rolling while your weren't around.

    All the best with the golf.

    Demelza D x

  10. At 01:06 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Ali wrote:

    Hi Christophe,

    So good to hear from you again. Have been checking the blog everyday and been so disappointed there were no updates. Pleased to hear the hols are going well, sounds like you're thoroughly enjoying yourself. Hurry back - the drive home just isn't the same without you :-(

    Happy Golfing!

    Ali x

  11. At 01:13 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Ruth wrote:

    Come back to the show, it's not the same without you!!

    Glad you're having a good holiday. Good luck with the golf...

  12. At 01:31 PM on 24 Aug 2006, wrote:



    Hope you are still carrying out Random Acts of Kindness everyone?

    hugs to all


  13. At 01:38 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Hello Christophe

    Glad you are having a lovely holiday, altho we miss you loads, we will appreciate you all the more when you are back!!!!!

    Hope you do well at the weekend, and I agree that you should wear something really bright and colourful to put the others off!!!!!!

    Enjoy the rest of the holiday

    Much Luv


  14. At 01:40 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Tchap wrote:


    Good luck at the weekend and looking forward to seeing the competition on TV at the weekend. Love my golf too and generally find that a strong drink does wonders for the nerves!

    What is your handicap big gun?


  15. At 01:46 PM on 24 Aug 2006, House wrote:

    Hey blogheads - whats going on?

    thanks for the update Chris - gonna try me some o them fried eggs, the MPW way.

    love the thought that truffles may have issues.

    ".....then a layer of truffles wrapped in issues, then you....."

    truffle: I want to infuse......but I just can't......
    chef: why, whats stopping you?
    truffle: ?
    chef: have you thought about how the egg and rice might feel?

  16. At 01:48 PM on 24 Aug 2006, AH wrote:

    Despite apprehension in you taking over the drivetime slot, can I say what a fab and easy on the ear show it is!

    Enjoy reading your blog every day and have missed them this week. At least the break has inspired me to start participating.

    Cannot promise to watch the golf but good luck and hope you and your team enjoy the rest of the holidays.

    Looking forward to hearing you back on the airwaves at drivetime.

  17. At 01:54 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:

    Hiya Chris,

    Nice to see you are back with your listeners. Hope you enjoying the time golfing and I be watching this weekend to see how you get on. At least one thing the game of golf will work off those big brekkies you will be having every morning. Or is continetal?

    Have a good week and rest of your holiday.


  18. At 02:04 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Lisajo wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    The Celtic Manor is a fab hotel, did you know that it was a maternity hospital before that? Well the old part of the hotel I think they call it the manor house now. I was born there 30+ years ago. [sir]Terry is a lovelyman and has done a lot to put Newport on the map. Glad that you have good views and are getting the practice in. At least the weather is better today we had thunder yesterday. See you on the Roman Road saturday and Good luck to all the team.

    Love lisa xxxx

  19. At 02:24 PM on 24 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Best Wishes in the All Star Cup.

  20. At 02:31 PM on 24 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Well, it appears you are indeed having an enjoyable and productive time, and I wish you good luck at the weekend.

    As a long term resident of Scotland, I am used to hearing tales of golfing heroics down the local pubs. I'm none too keen on the game myself, ever since I was unwittingly involved in a crime administered by a local golfing afficiando who had fallen on hard times.

    As a parasitologist, I am keen on examining the internal fauna of a number of local wild animals, including moles. They are the scourge of a few local courses as you may be aware. Anyways, the owner of one particular course one day invited me to sample the local mole population in order that I might help reduce their numbers and conduct some research on their parasites. We went to his course under the cover of darkness, armed with shovels. I must have caught about 50 moles that night and retired to my laboratory in high spirits. My sponsor told me that the greens would be repaired in the morning by his greensman.

    The next day was a major event in the local calendar, it being the date of the annual Royal Society of Actuaries golfing competition. The tournament was being held at a rival course and so was unaffected by my efforts at mole catching - or so I thought. In fact, my sponsor had led me to the tournament greens instead of his own. When the vandalism was uncovered, the sponsor offered to take on the tournament, leaving me to answer questions asked by the local police. When I pointed the finger at my sponsor he suggested it had all been a misunderstanding, and offered to share the proceeds and a few bottles of Talisker with his rival. They made tens of thousands of pounds each. I was almost arrested and made the laughing stock of the village. And to add to the humilation, I didn't find any parasites in the moles, despite extensive disection.

  21. At 02:55 PM on 24 Aug 2006, wrote:

    You should get one of those hotel kettles. It won't look out of place in your pad, as long as you fold the bogroll end into a little triangle and buy a TV from the 1980's.

  22. At 02:59 PM on 24 Aug 2006, david lumb wrote:

    good afternoon and it's great to hear your having a good time.

    In a brucie way it's nice to hear from you to hear from you nice! and when you win(cross fingers) it'll be didn't he do well good game!

    eggs in butter for ten minutes i might try it.

    and i'll be watching the all star cup i like golf and( wood!)
    love to play it.
    i play a computer golf game it's really good it's an old game now but it's very realistic in the overall concept of it. it's called jack nicklaus 6 golden bear challenge theres a website that has more details on it just use google and type in goldenbearsden and it should give a link to it if you want of course.

    well good luck don't be nervous!

    a happy thristy thursday to one and all
    carry on blogging

  23. At 03:04 PM on 24 Aug 2006, david lumb wrote:

    just one more thing quickly on the golf game i play i also design courses for anyone to download and play but you need the game first obviously

    hasta luego

  24. At 03:07 PM on 24 Aug 2006, J wrote:

    No need to be nervous

    I always imagine how good it feels just getting a "simple" par on the Roman Road 10th.

    - Drive down the middle being careful not to go right & get blocked out by the tree.
    - Sweet iron across the valley into the green.
    - 2 putts will do me.


    I guess the Roman Road is my hill which is somewhere I feel the need to go frequent regularly, and is probably why I can't give you any advice on cooking.

    PS. Will be at the gala and hoping to bid for a flag (please please give me a chance :-)

  25. At 03:15 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Teresa wrote:

    Good of you to take time out to blog.
    I can understand that you will be nervous as all eyes will be on your team willing them to win. Surely though the main thing is for both teams to enjoy the three days.
    Celtic Manor Resort sounds very plush - and no -those kettles are not for home, they are part of time away from home.
    Enjoy the Golf Chrisophe and enjoy the rest of your time away from the Beeb

  26. At 03:34 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Clair wrote:

    Great to hear from you Christophe and that you're having a good break - I've missed your cheery shlog...

    Enjoy the weekend - the same to all blogheads,

    Take care,

    C x

  27. At 03:54 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Emma wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I only started reading your blog the day before you went away, but I really enjoyed it and emailed some of my friends and told them to give it a look.
    Good luck in the golf, I watched last year and I was crying at the end! I will be on holiday next week in Suffolk, so as it will probably be pouring I expect I shall have plenty of time to watch.

    Em xx

  28. At 04:32 PM on 24 Aug 2006, sally wrote:

    mange tout, christophe

    fabbo to hear from you again. a very happy thirsty thursday. mmmmmm, like the egg ideas. fired to go and read mpws book now. golf - the more you think about it, the more difficult it gets. vg luck

  29. At 05:27 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Greetings and Salutations one and all,

    Glad to hear you are enjoying a fine holiday, Mr Evans. Relax, recharge, revitalize and return, that is the advice I humbly proffer in this, my first contribution to your curiously compelling blog.

    I have listened to your radio broadcasts and watched your television shows for years now and have long since been an admirer of your broadcasting acumen. Through University and beyond, from the BB to the ´óÏó´«Ã½, to Virgin and now your triumphant renaissance with the best broadcasting corporation in the world, your unswerving ability to deliver superior work has never diminished.

    Incidentally, you bought me a couple of pints in the Hillgate Pub one afternoon a few years ago, my local when I lived in Notting Hill Gate. We were watching a footie match on SKY and we were both on our own at the time. We proceeded to enjoy a chat, a beer and bag of crisps, so many thanks again for that. Your generosity of spirit was and indeed remains evident.

    I now listen each morning at work from Vancouver, Canada and am always impressed with your show; from the marvelous music to the tantalising traffic, the spot on sport to the bewitching business briefing, the constant repartee is always entertaining. Well done to you and your fine team, sir. Great to have you back on the wireless.

    As with 'blogger' #19, I too was born in the old Victorian maternity hospital around which the majestic Celtic Manor Resort has now arisen. It was called Lydia Beynon back then (named after the mother of Sir John Beynon, the owner of the property from 1915) and I was born there in 1974, one year before it was permanently closed. I have seen the new resort and am utterly impressed with the world class amenities and facilities on offer and am also glad to hear you are enjoying your view, the golf and some piquant Welsh tea.

    Good luck on the golf course and if you play the Roman Road Course, be sure to avoid the bunkers with your tee shot on the 1st...

    Good day to you.

    Dr T

  30. At 06:27 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Lisajo wrote:

    Hi to Littlest Hobo #29

    Glad to see a fellow Lydia Beynoner? I was born a few years before you 1970. The place is amazing now, Cant believe that something as lovely as this is on my doorstep.

  31. At 07:37 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Julsey C wrote:

    Hey Chris!

    Long time no hear!! Sounds like you're enjoying the break. Maconie isn't bad but I miss the show during the drive home!!

    Hope the golf is good?

    J x

  32. At 08:15 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Sarah wrote:

    Just remember to breath and keep your head still. Dont worry about where your elbows are or how you look. Breath slow and steady ,deep calming breaths and your body will do the rest. If you think too much you will shank or slice and nobody likes a shanker!

  33. At 09:03 PM on 24 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for a fresh, vibrant and interesting blog and radio show!

    Have a great holiday and good luck!

    Best Wishes,


  34. At 09:11 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Bev D wrote:

    Hiya Chris..good to hear from you, hey calm down you will play fine and have a wonderful time. Loved all your egg receipes and advice on how to cook them, I've got loads of eggs in at the mo and will try them out. Word of warning.. watch out for any wasps/bees.. I got stung on the first day of my hols (in Stourhead gardens) and 3 weeks later I still have the scab and bit of swelling so they are violent this year! Have fun tomorrow and log on whn u can to keep us informed..missing you xx

  35. At 09:17 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Bev D wrote:

    PS It's my Birthday tomorrow so altogether and sing............lol

  36. At 09:41 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Jeannie wrote:

    Good to hear from you Christophe.
    Have a great game but careful with those eggs boy. Ever see Cool Hand Luke? One egg recipe a day me thinks!!!

    Enjoy the rest of your hols :0 )

  37. At 10:08 PM on 24 Aug 2006, James Michie wrote:

    Good luck Christophe,

    I will watching in anticipation of a glorious victory.


  38. At 10:35 PM on 24 Aug 2006, libby wrote:

    good evening folks

    i guess the majority of listeners travel home during the show and work during the day. I however listen in on my way to work and travel home to Janice long, two great shows in one night how lucky am I ?

    Great recipe, how come when blokes experiment in the kitchen it comes out fantastic ? - when i do it it usually ends up in the bin and we get takeout... maybe I should experiment a bit more.., mmm I feel a craving for curry coming on.

    take care all xx

  39. At 11:11 PM on 24 Aug 2006, debbie wrote:

    Hi Chris
    What a lovely surprise to hear from you again. Just got back from some friends and have aquired one of their old black bins for my pototoes- you are such an inspiration!
    So, just logged on to read everyones advice on pototos and there you were so thought I'd say hi. Sounds like you are having fun- enjoy the rest of your hols.
    Off now to make copious notes on potato growing!

    Debbie x

  40. At 11:41 PM on 24 Aug 2006, dave wrote:

    Well you made it back.Is Newport a technological wilderness?Good luck with the golf let us know about the walking.How far?Any hills to conquer?Blog if you have the energy left at the end of the day.

  41. At 12:06 AM on 25 Aug 2006, Graham wrote:


    Forget the golf just eat. You just have to check out a fantastic chinese restaurant in Cardiff 'The Happy Gathering' ab fab !! - used to eat there several times a week when I lived in Cardiff a couple of years ago.
    Ask any yokel, erm local, they all know it matey. Fore!!

  42. At 12:12 AM on 25 Aug 2006, Simon wrote:

    Sorry to say so Chrispohe mon brave but the blog is turning into a "girl zone". How many women comment compared to men? We are being taken over by girlies!!!!

  43. At 03:03 AM on 25 Aug 2006, Morwenna wrote:

    Hi Peaches - big wet mwahhhhhh's

    Cooking and golf are two things I know nothing about. As old Marky said, 'Golf is a good walk spoiled' I totally agree. Why wander around an expanse of grass, with a stick and a ball trying to get said ball into little hole, when it's much more fun to shop? Now that's what I call a good walk - with plenty of stop off's to burn plastic - preferably belonging to someone else.
    Cooking? I think not! That's why god made men the best chefs. They cook, I eat, they load the dishwasher I watch television - what could be simpler than that?
    Besides, there's nothing more yummy than watching a man dressed in nothing but an apron, peeling his brussel sprouts, while humming the theme tune from Fireball XL5 - or is that just me?

    Anyway, I must drag myself away - there's a man at the door called 'Mr Clean Easy' - and you know I can't resist an easy bargain.

    Adore you


  44. At 07:21 AM on 25 Aug 2006, Lisajo wrote:

    Morning all,

    No sign of a blog yet this morning. First to bev d #35 happy Birthday, and second to Graham #41 the Happy Gathering still going strong and the food is delish. Went a few weeks ago for a hen night. Just going to put the kettle on and await his masters return, if he has any energy left from the golf.

    Have a fab friday all

    Lisa xxx

  45. At 09:16 AM on 25 Aug 2006, Dot wrote:

    happy birthday to all who are celebrating today! nice to hear from you Chris though i did begin to snore when you talked golf.......... i just don't get it but then I like gardening!

    How about a topic for the day today - no none has suggested one - what about ......

    fave record of all time?

    Mine has to be either A Minha Menina by the Bees or Boy with the Arab Strap by Belle and Sebastian.

    It is a hard choice as the Cure are also in there somewhere oo with In Between Days.....

    You could go on and on and on and on.........

    Happy days - off to vet with cat who had teeth out - what a week this has been (and the car has just gone into the garage - boy do we need a lottery win!)

    Love Dot

  46. At 10:15 AM on 25 Aug 2006, Abi wrote:

    Hi all

    Fave record of all time - that's a toughy as there are so many contenders.

    These three have sprung to mind, but I'm sure there are others that equally deserve mention but I just don't know what they're called or who they're by!

    Learning to Fly - Tom Petty
    Caught in the Middle - A1
    It's My Life - Bon Jovi

    Hope that's not too sad a selection!

    Blog on & have a marvellous bank hols. Here's hoping the weather will be kind (it's lovely here at the mo, but how long will it last?????)


  47. At 10:31 AM on 25 Aug 2006, Living Life 2 The Full wrote:

    Morning All

    Dot - good subject of the day - but oh my! the choice!

    Fav at the moment has to be the new Scissor Sisters one - fab - especially loud in the car to dance to!

    Funnily enough was in Cardiff week before last (visiting Dr Who exhibit with son who is Dr Who mad - he wants to be The Doctor - that's another story) - and had the Scissor Sisters on radio, had windows open, volume very loud, stuck in traffic and we were dancing in car - to much amusement of everyone around us!

    Fav of all time - hard one - just too much to choose from - but Layla by Eric Clapton very high on list.

    Perhaps a future subject should be first record ever bought? That'll really make us cringe! Or even most embarrasing record ever bought!

    Keep a good and happy thought everyone across the BH weekend and ENJOY!

    LL2TF xx

  48. At 10:33 AM on 25 Aug 2006, AH wrote:

    Favourite record of all time - EASY!!!
    Romeo and Juliet - Dire Straits

    Bev D #35 - Happy Birthday! - You share the day with my eldest son who is 6 today! I am at work feeling miserable, meanwhile he is out with his brother and daddy having a ball!

    Happy Bank Holiday everyone - here's hoping the weather stays dry!

  49. At 10:38 AM on 25 Aug 2006, Demelza D. wrote:

    Good Morning All

    Happy Birthday Bev D and anyone else celebrating a special day.

    Fav record of all time

    English Rose - Paul Weller (full of warm glowy memories that song and still a great tune)

    Just secured tickets for Weller this morning, for his added London dates in November, they went on sale at 9am and I was there in cyber space ready and waiting, so I am a very happy bunny today!!!

    Hope everyone else has as good a day and an equally fantastic bank hols weekend.

    Love Demelza D. x

  50. At 10:40 AM on 25 Aug 2006, Demelza D. wrote:

    PS Dot - hi hope all goes well with the cat, and the car......you have had a bad run of it, what with builders as well!!!!!

    Demelza D x

  51. At 10:44 AM on 25 Aug 2006, ju wrote:

    dear chris

    good luck with the game this weekend

    look forward to your next blog


  52. At 10:45 AM on 25 Aug 2006, Kenny Maxx wrote:

    Hi CHris,

    Enjoy Celtic Manor. I worked there in 2003 and it was fantastic place. The golf was superb. I worked with a guy- last name Holland. He was a golf sales exec back then. Now he's VP of everything. Ask him what his secret is for climbing over people while all around him get sacked.

    Looking forward to seeing what you wear on Sky this weekend. Have a great tourney!

  53. At 04:03 PM on 26 Aug 2006, wrote:

    52 people still watching the blog, even tho you have gone missing!!!

    well, holiday anyway, alright for some.. actually, thats not fair, i could holiday, but I am paid by the day, so I sit there, and think, the holiday cost me x per day, but i am loosing y per day, and the two together, reakly stings...

    I guess, i will burn out tho!

  54. At 02:26 PM on 08 Sep 2006, STEPHEN WHITTAM wrote:

    chris you are ver good at radio two becouse love when you come the show and i loking forward to hear you on radio show please would you play queen l love listing to we are the champions

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