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Chris Evans | 16:08 UK time, Wednesday, 9 May 2007

A hamstrung Wednesday is upon us. Can you feel the string in the ham ? Usually a day of relief and exaltation, today you can tell just feels like it hasn't earnt it's...


London is deathly silent. It's real weird. I was supposed to spend the morning up in the air learning a little bit more about how to crash an aircraft safely because basically that's what learning to fly is really all about. The weather however, was having none of it so grounded we were.

Instead of rolling and diving and engine offing I ended up in HOMEBASE having a completely wasteful half an hour dithering over which shade of grey paint to buy. What a come down.

I thought it was grey I wanted and then realised it might be more of an olive green maybe. A slave to choice I left the store having spent over thirty quid on test pots. Test pots that I have neither the time nor the inclination or the ability to indeed "TEST!"

I hope the sun shines tomorrow or at least the cloud lifts or something anyway that means i don't have to succumb to the devil that is D.I.Y.

Tonight on the show we're talking donkeys, lion's pooh and how difficult it is to make a home made crisp. Potato crisp that is, veggie crisps and others are quite easy by comparison.

Happy hump day anyhow dudes and i'll see you on the radio.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 04:26 PM on 09 May 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hi there,

    Hating this weather so much. Everything seems better in the sunshine, I don't even mind if it's cold!

    I used to make potato crisps when I was younger by slicing the potatoes up with a potato peeler to get really thin slices. They weren't too bad, may have another go tonight actually.

    Looking forward to the show, don't know about the lion poo bit though!

    Love Debx

  2. At 04:33 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    Well, hallo there Christophle. Nearly time for me to go home hoorah, but even that brings it's own perils today.


    ...the main thing with test pots is to make sure you use each one, each painted in varying sizes of small squares or rectangles, on the same wall. This wall must be of sufficient prominence in your abode, that everyone who comes in to that room, goes up to it, stands a bit sideways, looks at the painted patches, and says, 'Well, I'd go for that one, wouldn't you? If it's the same colour in the daylight anyway, else I'd go for more of a blue, in here...'

    Have you thought of blue?

    The green sounds like the sort of colour I'm trying to find for my bathroom.

    But then there are the three-toed sloths and zorillas to be considered...

    hump on McEvans

  3. At 04:35 PM on 09 May 2007, Dan wrote:

    Alrighty, Chrissie Boy - happy hump day to you too - looking forward to the show and heading for a pint or two in Belfast tonight (we're going to see a brill comedian called Kevin McAleer - if you ever geet a chance, do not miss) so its almost the weekend - hats off to the Bank Holiday maestro.
    Have a good one . . .

  4. At 04:35 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:


    ref: Lions Poo

    Apparently if you spread it in your garden, it deters neighbouring cats from fouling your flower borders!

    I guess if I was a little moggy and could sense Lion Poo I'd be a bit scared too.

    You can buy Lion Poo from Colchester Zoo - it's brilliantly marketed as "Zoo Poo" !!!!

    Happy Hump Day.


    PS: I'm a Leo - grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. At 04:39 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    Many a rainy day has been spent down the DIY store...or as I look at it these days, toyshop for adults...

    Donkeys tomorrow! I shall tune in, one of my favourite animals since I got a cuddly toy donkey when I was an ickle Tickle. Poor things, many have such hard lives and deserve lots of care.

    Raining in Cork too, tomorrow looks good though, a quick break before more rain returns...let the grass grow I say.

    Hope everyone is well and good for today anyways,
    Tickle :)

  6. At 04:46 PM on 09 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Alas, the outlook is bleak on the weather front.

    So, DIY it is then. Personally, can’t bear it. I have no patience. I would rather close the door and come back a few hours and a few hundered quid later after someone who knows what they are doing has done it properly. It’s not laziness, just a disinclination to have a stab at something I don’t enjoy and will make a complete arse of.

    For me, it is squash (not salsa) tonight, assuming ‘gym leg’ doesn’t make the reappearance that it was threatening to do last night.

    Then, hopefully a repeat of last night’s sleep.

    Note to self. Must start swimming again at the weekend. After kicking off the year in fine fettle, my ‘winter tummy’ is starting to appear in May! And only four and a bit weeks to holiday!

    Peace & love


    PS I sing myself to sleep. A song from the darkest hour.

    PPS Sleep with one eye open.

  7. At 04:52 PM on 09 May 2007, Caroline was 'ere again wrote:

    Hey CLP , hello everyone
    Looking forward to the show, am trying to get child to phone for the fanfare..she first played chess yesterday at 7yrs old, and was v good!

    My mum (back in the good old days of chip pans under the sink) used to make crispy skins from the washed potato peelings removed from potatoes when she fried chips in the house for my tea ( this was over 30 yrs ago) She would fry the chips etc..and then would have put the rinsed peelings in a teatowel to soak up all the moisture, then she would fry the dry peelings in the hot fat, and would drain well..Spry crisp 'n dry...and sprinkle with salt. DELICIOUS! They wouldn't keep well...so after tea we'd also have the crispy skins...blimey, no wonder I need to lose weight!
    Oh, and I reckon the difference between a snack and a crisp is that a crisp is made from potato, (I suppose beetroot, parsnip etc.too .but in whole thinly sliced form)looks like cut potato/vegetable and is fried but a snack can be made of anything eg maize/corn/starch/rice mashed up and peletted out then fried or baked etc?????
    Anyway, off to make steak(from butcher, but not ribeye..sorry), garlic mushrooms and potato wedges for tea..Love
    Caroline x

  8. At 04:56 PM on 09 May 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    I agree with Debbie - using an old potato peeler not only does great crisps but also waferthin cucumber for sarnies

    Sorry got to go boss due back

    Best to all bloggers


  9. At 05:06 PM on 09 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hello one and all

    Still hungry and homeless but no big issue.

    Flying tonight eh Chris.. Charley Echo permission to cross runway 26 Alfa. Good for you.

    Best wishes to all cyber friends wherever and whoever you are.

  10. At 05:23 PM on 09 May 2007, kaz wrote:

    Hi Christophe

    You must have spent over thirty pounds on
    test pots - are you mad!

    Going to put you on radio now to learn how
    to make a crisp


  11. At 05:33 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    good afternoon bloggers and blogettes!
    now listening to the show!
    god I hate Homebase! i just feel awful going round there listening to the rubbish music! i hope you get a nice colour paint!

    So come on chris, when are you coming to Norwich? come on chris, mambo's awaits your arrival!

    hope all you bloggers are very well, why did the weather have to go bad! we all get used to the sun then.... boom it goes again!

  12. At 06:07 PM on 09 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    PS Forgot to mention ...... shopping for paint can be fun if you take your girlfriend with you. (Men mainly being colour blind can be a handicap).
    I Have had great fun Waltzing in the isles to the in house music.

  13. At 07:41 PM on 09 May 2007, nev wrote:


    I am sure it is a mini poly tunnel you have.

    I too have invested in one this year and find the watering a pain...in fact I have just taken it off so the rain gets to the ground...kind of defeats the objective really!


  14. At 10:39 PM on 09 May 2007, wrote:

    Chris, If your not going to use the Test Pots put them on Ebay & donate the Winnings to Charity & with a Signed Pic..........Clothed of course!! sure you would get some positive caring Headlines

  15. At 06:40 AM on 10 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Good morning everyone, the sun is just about winning an argument with the clouds here in Norwich this morning so could be a nice last day off work for me!

    Yes folks I'm back tomorrow after 7 weeks off, not looking forward to 05.40 when the alarm will interrupt my much needed beauty sleep! I'll still be here just not as often but thank you all for welcoming me into your community I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your stories and blogs. When my rehab looked bleak I've always been cheered by you all.

    I'm not looking forward to work yet can't wait as I actually love my job but being at home with the family cannot be beaten. Only on light duties for first 2 weeks then back on full 12 hour shifts again from June 27.

    To all you Norfolk bloggers - nice to know you're all there.
    missy, keep on at CLP and see you at Mambo Jambo's soon?

    Bonnet de douche


  16. At 08:27 AM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    Morning one and all.

    Well there is no sign of sun up here in Northshire, grim wet and miserable - it's grim up North tha knows. Flying lessons eh? A pal of mine is learning to fly and I spent a blissful afternoon last winter flying over the Lakeland fells on a beautiful bright sunny day - quite exceptional.

    As for James Martin last night giggling away, I think you frightened him to death when you went on Saturday kitchen and he's hasn't quite recovered yet

    And - the comment that ladies P isn't good for the compost heap - I think most women would have problems getting it into the watering can!

    Mange tout xx

  17. At 08:49 AM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    Happy Thursday to you all, and it can't be soon enough!

    Have had not good sleep all week, am s'posed to be going art tomorrow eve with work, and think will find it hard to be ushool sparkling self at this rate...

    Anyhoo, plenty to be getting on with today, oh, and the 'travellers' have moved in to the football pitches about 300m from where I work. Is the job at the landfill still going CtD? It's gotta be better than here at the moment...

    Gingembre - hope you are going to continue to pop by in the evenings? Just getting to know you and then you leave...sad sad! My mate went back to work last Friday after 12 weeks off after a car accident. He has felt worserer this week than in the whole of that time, and is really not enjoying the whole driving thing.

    Wishing you the very best for the future, in case we don't see you xxxxxxx

    ...and I'll be sticking with the orange peel to keep the cats away...

    ps Parsnip Chips are the bees bees

  18. At 09:14 AM on 10 May 2007, SammyM wrote:

    Just How Lovely You all Are!!!

    Thank you all so much for your good wishes, its lovely having a little secret that you can share with my blogging friends)

    Jo - Congratulations on yours too, are you going to find out boy/girl at your scan??? We did with Charlie as hubby is a 'planner' and needs to know EVERYTHING!

    Only a quicky today as got to download the podcast and off to work now.

    See you later

    SammyM xxx

  19. At 09:15 AM on 10 May 2007, J wrote:

    Morning all,

    Am also trying to do some painting and have been thinking of a colour for the bathroom which will be warm and yet go with the pink-veined tiles (Yuck) that live on the wall. House is rented so ripping out bathroom not an option. Maybe the sage/olive green would work...

    Flying sounds just fab. I got to go on a glider once which was a magical experience. Perhaps I'll do it again. Someone said recently that CLP and the blog is inspirational and perhaps they're right!


    PS Thanks for all the supportive comments recently - it is wonderful to be able to sprout forth here in anonymity and still feel softly cushioned and supported.

  20. At 09:37 AM on 10 May 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Sorry folks, catching up on yesterday...

    SammyM - wonderful news honey! Sooooo pleased for you!

    J - counselling is hard work. I have had two kinds; the 'invasive' kind and the relatively mild seemingly just talking kind. Both were good, although the first was very, very hard. I am an island (or so I believe) and very rarely ask for help from any of my family, etc. Things haven't been going too well lately, so I am going back to counselling. It's only once you've had it that you can appreciate how good it can be. Good luck :-) Btw - I split from my ex last year - it feels rough now - but you will ok, I promise.

    Now then - Humpday - wasn't it just? Even though I kept thinking it was Tuesday! I'm so topsy turvy, I can barely get any work done!

    The testers Chris, can be used to make some wall art - just buy some of those framed canvas thingies and use the testers to create something.

    Catch you all later (it's Thursday - already!)

    S xx.

  21. At 09:50 AM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    Morning all!

    Bingo Star - you got namechecked!!! And a dedication from CLP - ooooh how we envy you. I almost drove into a hedge in a jealous rage .....

    Mr Diva was home from the lakes when I got in last night. My immaculately tidy, clean house now resembles a rather damp Millets stock room - lovely! They're already planning next year's forray, dontcha know. And I can't even get an answer out of him as to what we're doing Saturday night!!

    Hazel - yep. although I wouldn't recommend it!

    Database work today .... that'll test my brain!

    Laters amigos.

    CtD x x x

  22. At 09:54 AM on 10 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Crisps crisps crisps ... food of the gods!! I always wanted to be a crisp flavour tester when I was little. Or a sweet shop lady.

    Gingembre, I hope you'll pop in from time to time.

    CLP - just remember to remember which tester pots the colour came from. Have made that mistake before with varying shades of red ...

    Happy Thirsty Thursday all!


  23. At 10:10 AM on 10 May 2007, mwk wrote:

    Happy thirsty Thursday everyone xx

    Chris, I hope the weather has cleared for your flying lesson. Love the idea of being able to fly but think I would be too terrified to even try :o)

    How are your sheep? When I was driving through the countryside at the weekend I saw lots of gorgeous lambs in the fields, they are so adorable :o) My Aunt used to have a sheep farm and I always loved going to visit at lambing time to help with the feeding :o)

    Gingembre - Pleased to hear you have made a full recovery. Good luck for getting back to work. I've enjoyed reading your posts so I hope you still find time for blogging :o)

    Hazel - I with you on the parsnip chips....yummy!

    J- It is tough when a relationship ends, but it does get better :o) You will get lots of support from the blog. Sending you lots of positive thoughts to help you through, good luck with counselling xx

    CtD - So pleased you are settled into your new job and all is good. Well done on your weekend training, and very best wishes for the big day xx

    Chrissie - It's such a shame some of the others didn't come back to the blog, I keep hoping they will, it would be nice to hear how they are doing xx

    Have a good day all.

    Mary xx

  24. At 10:49 AM on 10 May 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoff & All Blog dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Can I just halt me blog comment here a minute, WOW, WOW---STOP!!

    I just wanted to wish a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to SAMMIE M. I hear you've got a bun in the oven and I ain't talkin' ice buns- know what am sayin'!!!
    Seriously BIG CONGRATS. Sammie M your following in the footsteps of the Financial Fox, another Drivetime time baby!!

    Chris I just wanted to say thanks for the mention yesterday and playing the Beatles tune with the Ringo Star not rushin' his percussion- WROCKIN'!
    The only problem the shock was too much- I crashed me paint brush (Painting at the time) but it's ok, a quick wipe and me wall was fine.
    I'm just damn glad I weren't at work on the M6 in me 40tonne rig. I could ave ended up in the nearest field with the shock.
    Imagine, (another Beatles tune- The Lennon), explaining that to the police- Chris Evans played a tune by Ringo Star for me Bingo Star. The copper would say we need more than a break down truck for this one. The poor driver's avin' a breakdown- get a shrink!
    Plus on top of this I could ave ended up aving another mention on R2, Sally's travel, but for all the wrong reasons.
    I tell yer, that would be no good for the career prospects- close one Christoff- am tellin' yer!!!

    PS YES- Wrockin' great opening tune again.
    I just had a small idea Chris. Why not start your show every day with a big wrock tune. You could call it the WROCK OPENER!! You could choose it yersen or get the listeners to text in the following day's wrock opener. I think it would be a good idea especially with the summer coming- everybody loves a good wrock number. It would kick your shoe off on a big high. err sorry show.
    Just a little idea I thought i'd share with you, blog friends & Christoff.
    Maybe I shouldn't send this idea publicly over the blog, a rival station are probally reading this idea now and ave stolen it- DAMN!!

    Adios til next time blog friends!!

  25. At 10:50 AM on 10 May 2007, clodagh wrote:

    And by the way Christophe.

    Those test pots. Hang on to 'em.

    The daughter might need 'em to paint on the walls of Styal prison.


    Hurrah now that's the craic. I'll text from me cell and let you know what the food's like.


  26. At 11:02 AM on 10 May 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Sunny greetings on this overcast -here anyway - day. Tinsel... re sweet shop lady wish - donkeys - topical(?) - years ago when I first started driving I worked the dawn shift on Sundays, in a fairly posh sweet shop in Altrincham - this paid for the petrol etc. They had wonderful hand made chocolates - sold loose - and there was no problem about eating and drinking from stock whilst at work. I never had anything; too much choice I think - anyone seeing my size now wouldn't believe it though.
    Flying - thought I could physically do that when I was about 4 years old - can still remember the feeling, probably more of a levitational "experience" than a Peter Pan moment. Did think I would go in for flying lessons after I passed my driving test - but found out the full costs and realised I'd have to wait for a Pool's win - yep it was that long ago!
    And talking of time/flying.......... I bought the stuff to make raspberry vodka yesterday and it's for Christmas!!!!!! Could well make the Vodka Bull Cake instead.

  27. At 11:16 AM on 10 May 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Hi Blog friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Cheryl The Diva- just read your comment- I did crash when I heard Christoff mention me, but only me paint brush.
    (painting at the time)
    Cheryl i'm just so glad you didn't crash into a hedge.
    Only question was the hedge a hedge fund? Believe me you don't want ter follow in the footsteps of Nick Leeson- am tellin' yer Cheryl.

  28. At 11:30 AM on 10 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Clodagh - aka Wigan One - I think you should deffo get the bike - how can Jonny refuse a request like that!!! Altho' I might need it myself actually - have a horrid feeling I may have been 'flashed' once too many times this morning - may be skateboarding to work soon :-(

  29. At 11:31 AM on 10 May 2007, sue phillips wrote:

    Hi Everyone,
    It's rained so much here in Wales that my new pond is over-flowing and it's HUGE!!! I hope the fish don't get washed out:(
    Great stuff from Bob Flowerdew but forget bunnies, mice and birds it's the slugs that are eating my plants. It's costing me many bottles of beer for the slug traps so if anyone out there knows of an eco-friendly way to finish them off please let me know. Have tried grit, sand and beer which is best but the garden and slug population are large.
    The show just keeps getting better I can't wait for 5pm to hear the latest. LOVE IT:)


  30. At 12:29 PM on 10 May 2007, J wrote:

    I missed Bingo's reference but I'm sure I heard a text read out from our 'Dissing Dave'.

    What happened with Bingo then, please?

    Clodagh - I can't bear the petty minded ness that seems so prevalent in this country now - I'll support the Wigan One in your fight against tiny minded gimps!

    Sammy - what is invasive counselling please?


  31. At 12:50 PM on 10 May 2007, wrote:


    What's a hedge fund?

    Can I spend it on shoes?

    Is it similar to a fudge head?

    Love the idea of opening with a Wrockin' Great Toon every day but CLP, please don't make it Paradise City by G&R as many moons ago I crashed my little mini 850 at a junction when leaning over to turn the cassette player up a bit!

    Smoke On The Water is worth a play, and Inside by Stiltskin doesn't get played nearly enough on the radio! Oh - I could go on for hours but I'll only bore you all stoooopid!

    btw: I got BP'd earlier - yikes! I didn't put anything ratty in my post - drats!

    Lunch beckons. Sadly Beckham isn'y for lunch ..

    CtD x x

  32. At 01:39 PM on 10 May 2007, SammyM wrote:

    Just How Lovely You all Are!!!

    Thank you all so much for your good wishes, its lovely having a little secret that you can share with my blogging friends)

    Jo - Congratulations on yours too, are you going to find out boy/girl at your scan??? We did with Charlie as hubby is a 'planner' and needs to know EVERYTHING!

    Only a quicky today as got to download the podcast and off to work now.

    See you later

    SammyM xxx

  33. At 02:19 PM on 10 May 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Hi Pips I use salt laid down around my tender plants and that seems to work.

    Plant pots with copper around the rim works against snails.

    Off to do some more work.

    Ciao bloggers


  34. At 02:39 PM on 10 May 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    J - Mr E played "In an Octopus' Garden" and as the vocals are by Ringo Starr he dedicated to Bingo Star - Chief Blogger. So the next task could well be scalp hunting!!
    Apols if this has been answered before this shows.

  35. At 02:54 PM on 10 May 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    I heard that human hair scattered around the bottom of plants keeps slugs and snails away as they can't slither over it. Not exactly weather proof though I suppose. Also, broken egg shells apparently work for the same reason.

    I can't use repellents as I haven't found one that is animal friendly.


  36. At 03:08 PM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    Sammy M - is your brain already turning to porridge, or are you sooooo excited you sent the post twice in error! I have my friend, Pook, to thank for the porridge explanation (she has four w'eens who are actually about 15, 13, 10 and 7 by now I spec) and is still blaming the children for her lack of erm...now can't think of the word...er...never mind....anyway, back to the studio...

    ...and 'scuse me mentioning it, but doesn't CLP usually try to open the show with a good ol' CHOON? It don't matter to me wottitis, I'm always found (generally somewhere near the traffic lights - other traffic control systems available) singing along to whatever todays choice may be...'s gotta be one that will appeal to everyone...but there is one track, long forgotten by me, that might be jolly (possibly only for me) 'Mean Streak' by Y&T...

    Well, you never know do ya?

    laters delishus pertaters

    ps Clodagh - I am currently contesting several of my local council's accusations, and one from the great (@rs*hol*s) Transport For London. I am SO on your side you better believe it!

    Free the Wigan One!!!!

  37. At 03:08 PM on 10 May 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon all!

    GINGEMBRE- good luck tomorrow. i'm sure it will all be fine! we will get christophe to go to mambo's! will look out for you on here when you get a chance to pop on! don't forget to say hi!

    Missy bag update. Now putting the bag together! its looking good. will put a photo of it on my blog when its finished(hopefully tomorrow!) there is also some Manchester photos on my blog now so go and have a look!

    Have got a medical exam. for the incapacity allowence people. I know it sounds silly but I always get nervous about these. I have no reason to be as if I had the energy to work believe me I would be! I'm just one of these people who always gets nervous about these things! Will let you know how it goes, but for now I will sign off. Lots of Love, Missy xx

  38. At 03:17 PM on 10 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Pips #29 - I read that seaweed is a great deterrent - it's salty which they avoid at all costs, cos it dries them out, and when the seaweed dries out, it's too crackly and hard for them to slime over! I collected lots from the beach and put it down round my little seedlings last weekend, am waiting to see what happens after all this rain!!

  39. At 03:19 PM on 10 May 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    All the organs of the body were having a meeting, trying to decide who was the one in charge. "I should be in charge," said the brain, "Because I run all the body's systems, so without me nothing would happen."
    "I should be in charge," said the blood , "because I circulate oxygen all over so without me you'd all waste away." "I should be in charge," said the stomach, "because I process food and give all of you energy." "I should be in charge," said the legs, "because I carry the body wherever it needs to go."
    "I should be in charge," said the eyes, "Because I allow the body to see where it goes." "I should be in charge," said the rectum, "Because I'm responsible for waste removal."
    All the other body parts laughed at the rectum and insulted him, so in a huff, he shut down tight.
    Within a few days, the brain had a terrible headache, the stomach was bloated, the legs got wobbly, the eyes got watery, and the blood was toxic. They all decided that the rectum should be the boss
    The Moral of the story? The ass hole is usually in charge!
    "now I know why I got my job"

  40. At 04:24 PM on 10 May 2007, J wrote:

    Thank you Wilsmar!

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