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Chris Evans | 16:16 UK time, Thursday, 24 May 2007

Aggggggghhhhhhhh ! Somedays... somedays...

Push me pull me, ever feel like a human BOP-IT. Must be bad, just nipped to STARBUCKS for an iced FRAPPACCINO, the girl there couldn't understand what I wanted, which is slightly worrying as it's one of their best selling drinks but then again where's her incentive poor love.

That always makes me wonder when you go to a particularly dire restaurant in an airport where the food is more synthetic than plastic coated cardboard yet you get served by a really brilliant waiter or waitress. You just want to grab them and take them to central London to someplace where they can earn their weight in tips every day of the week.

I've now finished my coffee and am feeling suitably weird. Whoopsie.

Can I get a witness, I don't think so.

Four pairs of tickets to go see GENESIS being given away tonight, just for you here's one of the questions,


CAULIFLOWER'S in great danger of being withdrawn from our supermarkets as hardly anyone buys it anymore.

Once a month club tonight and it's a thursday and it's sunny and and and and I've just been payed !!!!!!

All chorded up today, love it, roll on five o'clock. The radio show is my bath, the place where I'm safe and I can relax, pass the radox please.

CLP 2007



  1. At 05:16 PM on 24 May 2007, wrote:

    Helloooo Bloggers!

    How is everybody on this gorgeous Thirsty Thursday? The alternative OAMC was a success last evening alledgedly and my Roobear has had the ok from Uncle Roger the vet this aftrenoon so she plods on towards her 100th birthday in doggie years occasionally forming an orderly queue in front of Grandad's biscuit tin!

    Mange Tout

    & the Bears

  2. At 05:18 PM on 24 May 2007, elmlea wrote:

    Two items about your blog

    1) we were talking about califlower in church greup and at least four people said they like it raw (not me) but I love it cooked!

    2) going to church group and owning the Kings James bible should mean that I know the answer to the question, but I don't and won't at home in time to look it up. drats!

    Have a good thusday everyone and to all those who have sun - enjoy it while it lasts!

    Elm X

  3. At 05:25 PM on 24 May 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hurrah Christophe.

    Here's the soap.

    I reckon your show/bath is like my big jacuzzi bath that needs seatbelts or it blows you right out of it and into the garage.

    You wouldn't be puttin' the Radox in there or you'd be missin' presumed dead for 6 weeks till the bubbles died down.

    And even then you'd have the gait of a new-born giraffe on valium.

    So yes. That's definitely the show. Blows your head off, makes you titter and doesn't need help to make it fizzy.



  4. At 05:33 PM on 24 May 2007, wrote:

    In the beginning was the word and the word was God...

    or not...

    Used to look out of the window at Sunday School...well that, and draw in my Ladybird books...


  5. At 05:59 PM on 24 May 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Me too...the bath thing,

    I eat between 5 and 7 so that i don't miss the show....

    Rock on Mr Evans x

    D x

  6. At 06:10 PM on 24 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Oh well one and all

    I tried the compo for the Genesis tickets but all lines busy. Well I have only ever won one compo a Blue Peter badge and that was robbed at school.

    Actually I don't really like the big stadium concerts as I usually only see the back of someones head.

    Guten Tag

  7. At 06:11 PM on 24 May 2007, wrote:

    bonjour mon amie!

    Wow what a lovely day! the sun is shining but i'm feeling a storm is a comin!
    I'm so excited. I'm seeing pirates of the caribean 3 on saturday. I do love johnny depp, even more in pirate mood! yumyum!!
    I just fancy a vodka or cranberry in this weather, i might have to have one later whilst watching holby!

    Well i better go, friday tomorrow!Whoohoo!!! love to you all, alex xxxxx

  8. At 06:53 PM on 24 May 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Christoph - where have you been?

    I LOVE cauliflower !! The supermarkets can do what they like, but at least I'll still be able to buy me luvverly veg from the local farm shop.

    I HATE Starbucks and places like it. They're so blimmin' noisy that you can't hear yourself think, let alone hear what someone's saying, so no wonder she didn't understand what you wanted! I won't frequent them unless there's absolutely no alternative.

    Have a great OAMC - the sun's shining and it's ARF tomorrer - yee ha!

    jillygoat xx

  9. At 08:41 PM on 24 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    I feel bad today. I let the gang down last night because I was feeling sorry for myself.

    I think I'm arriving at another set of crossroads.

    I really feel like throwing in the towel and doing something different.

    I'm just not sure what.

    In the meantime, we are teetering on the edge of the precipice with nothing but a lovely long weekend ahead of us.

    Go ahead, might as well jump!

    Get strapped in for ARF and enjoy the weekend.

    Much peace and love


    PS Blue (Moby Dick)

    PPS Bonzo's Montreux

    PPS Richard Melville Hall

  10. At 09:28 PM on 24 May 2007, wrote:

    Talking about food... have you tried Cold pressed Rapeseed Oil yet? We make it here on the farm and everyone is talking about it. It tastes like Asparagus or Nuts. We are divided in our household. But its good for you and its British!!

  11. At 10:22 PM on 24 May 2007, wrote:

    Evening all,

    Clodagh, having just read your comment regarding bubble bath in a jacuzzi reminded me of one of my many tribulations in my lifetime.

    Thing is, I was partaking in an enjoyable few days pursuing pursuits at a certain Parc, centre - ally located. I was cycling along a narrow and winding track near some water, where I lost balance and ended up well over knee deep in a certain sludginess now known to me as The Boating Lake. Hastily and embarrassedly I beated a retreat to my accommodation and realised that I was due to partake in a snooker tournament later that day. I had taken 1 pair of jeans and a few rather too mini mini skirts. I toyed with the idea of going to the snooker, playing to my advantage in a skirt that would surely be offputting to my opponents (in a good way!) but decided that I would probably be disqualified. So jeans came off, along with sodden socks and into the bubbling bathtub they went, planning to dry them on the far too overheated heated floor in the bathroom. I added the merest drop of Dewberry Body Wash to rid the clothing of any water whiff, closed the door and chilled out watching the telly for a few moments.

    Upon my return to the bathroom, I opened the door to be greeted by an 8 foot high pile of bubbles, spilling out into the bedroom area and all over me. I felt like I was being attacked by the marshmallow man in Ghostbusters after he had been for an air whipping session (other whipping sessions are available, but thats a different story - and slightly more expensive). I fought my way through the sweet smelling foggyness and turned the bubbling machine off, and spent an hour and a half trying to dispose of my excess of skin softening mayhem. To this day I am still missing a sock. I did make it to the tournament, and I did play in a mini mini skirt. I did not win, though I like to believe that was due to my lack of skill more than anything.

    Got the t-shirt? Yep, but no sock!

  12. At 01:05 AM on 25 May 2007, wrote:

    In the beginning ....

    there was no Frappaccinno!

    Hope you are feeling relaxed, refreshed, reinvigorated after yet another brilliant Drivetime! You must make sure you look after yourself, Christoff ..... you are very precious to us!

    I have a note from my Mum to excuse me from tomorrow's blog .... it's our dear friends Amy and Scott's wedding, in a gorgeous old church overlooking the bonny banks of Loch Ness. I got a new DSLR camera from hubby today for the occasion!! However .... we are sneaking a radio into the hotel where the reception is being held .... just incase!!! 'Nuff said, CLP!

    Huggles all round,

    Susan, Highland lass

  13. At 07:38 AM on 25 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Good morning, a beautiful sunny day beckons in Gotham City today.

    Em M - it was at The Waterfont, don't worry tho' as they're back on Dec 12 at the UEA, see you there!

    lizzy/ChrissieS - I don't wish to be a killjoy but when i met Jupitus at a doo in Norwich he was really rude and arrogant, in fact he died on his backside because of that attitude. I can't repeat what he said to the photographer who was taking his pic. Perhaps he was just having 'one of those days'?

    H - ladybird books, what a reminder of days gone by. Did you ever guess my job? Can't work out yours??

    MfR - I'm still baffled by your PS's????

    Had acupuncture on my knee yesterday, very strange. Not sure it helped but my physio is ace so I let her do what ever she wants.
    House move has been delayed (no surprise there) to mid-June - should've been 2 days ago - Grrrr.

    Enjoy the sun, and to all my fellow gingembre's - don't forget your sunblock....


  14. At 08:17 AM on 25 May 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi all,

    Went to my son's cluster choir concert last night on his school field, it was one of those really special evenings that don't come along very often, made extra special because its his last year at that school. When they started to sing Proud by Heather Small and the hundreds of parents started clapping, I must confess, I had something in my eye. Strangely enough, so did my friend!

    Childminding course tomorrow and 10 mile walk for Macmillan on Sunday, have fun everyone whatever you are up to.

    Em xx

  15. At 08:58 AM on 25 May 2007, wrote:

    Morning morning!
    Hurray! It's a Friday!! Doesn't get much better - we're at the start of the weekend and for some of us a Bank Holiday weekend! So from right now, the weekend is just starting and is at it's longest point! So much to look forward to it's unbelievable!

    No Bank Hol in Ireland, so I'll be in des Londres to make up for it this weekend! Can't wait! Its' mad, you spend so much time trying to get out of a place for a better quality of life and then, every now and then, you like to dip your toes back into what you were trying to escape!! Can someone explain that to me?!

    I did my voting duties last night in the election and in turn met some new neighbours at the polling station - sometimes I think "hello" is a dangerous word!!!

    Toodle pips

    PS - Never liked cauliflower, so I'll accept my part in its demise from the shops.

    PPS - Hate Starbucks, we got some cappacinos from there a while back, everyone was very very ill for a day after that..... :(

  16. At 09:08 AM on 25 May 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Hurrah yous is a big eejit like meself, are you blonde as well?

    Blonde, daft and dangerous looking has got me out of many a predicament, and is most useful when you want to nip into a line of traffic. Eyes wide, finger to the lip and the most belligerent of chaps will roll their eyes skywards and let you in. But don't forget the nice big smile and say a big thankyou in your rear view mirror.

    Ah fek now that's the last time I'll get the sympathy vote but you can't blame a girl for tryin' can you?

    As for the mini skirt over the snooker table, that reminds me of my old Granny when she spotted a neighbour's daughter sporting an unfeasibly short skirt.

    "By the crin." she snorted. "I thought summat was winkin' at me."

    I've no idea where that came from but it cracks me up to this day.

    A wise woman, my old Granny. Carted of to the local loony bin, she was fiercely proud after her release. If you ever said "Ah, Grandma, don't be daft", she'd boom, "Ere. I've a certificate sayin I'm NOT. That's more than you lot 'ave."


    Right that's me, I'm off to do battle in Liverpool.


  17. At 09:16 AM on 25 May 2007, wrote:

    ARF arf arf wot a larf, only yesterday it was Thirsty Thursday and now it's ARF ALREADY! This week has varnished into thin air almost as though it never happened!

    LOVED the cauliflower spot...and the Handy Hint re the lemon juice. I've always done that with apples, but never would have thought to use it with either caulis or spuds...a guy I used to know had a wicked recipe for Stuffed Cauliflower (yes you can) and it became his signature dish, so that if you went to his house for dinner, you were just a leetle disappointed if he hadn't made it!

    Anyhoo, I had to do housework shortly after that, and I can't hear the radio over the hoover...

    ...and I knew I didn't get the Genesis Q right, but hey...can't win 'em all. I'm with you Prof Plum...festivals are fun, but stadium gigs when you just end up counting the bits of someone elses dandruff, are not...

    Gingembre - Are you a Ladybird? I do know that red burns in the sun after all...and I am the only person in the world who does what I do...good luck with that...

    Em M - I REALLY hope the weather holds for you on Sunday. I used to do a job which quite often involved MacMillan and I have a huge amount of respect for the job they do. Good luck in your endeavours hon!

    So, all those with little or no sun...there'll be some soon!

    ps Alvin Hall

    pps Calvin and Hobbes

    ppps MfR

  18. At 09:46 AM on 25 May 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning everyone!

    It's FRIDAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!! Hip, hip hooray - I'm off work next week, so today will be slightly manic as I finish everything off, but hey ho - a week off!

    Hmmm - have just had notification that a car I hired for work has been returned with damage! Nothing that ocurred while I was driving - I can assure you. Thing is - the hire company didn't collect the car until 5 days AFTER the hire period ended, so just WHO is responsible?

    Lovely evening yesterday - headed out in open topped car to some lush country pubs - had a very civilised, relaxed, pleasant evening - just what the doctor ordered.

    CLP - you don't need to tell me about head explosions - mine's been in a whir all week!

    Righty boys and girls, will blog off now, but will drop by later.

    S xx.

  19. At 10:08 AM on 25 May 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    I never frequent Starbucks - can't stand the place. Sitting at the window on a stool, staring into the street, with people walking past staring back at you eating - what IS that all about?

    I love cauliflower.

    I would love your pay packet - just for one month!!

    Gingembre - ooooh sorry to hear that about Big Phil. But I do know that celebrities can be quite rude and stroppy. I once met Noel Edmonds when Radio 1 were in Glasgow on a road show. Must have been 1977 (yikes!) and he was SO rude and offhand. O.K., so I had wandered into his dressing room without an invitation - but manners at all times, Noely!

    Em M - the concert sounds just magical. No wonder there were tears! I went to a concert at my daughter's primary school when she was about 7 years old (she's now 16). I have no idea what they sang because I cried buckets from the moment it started until it finished. My husband was completely mortified!

    Have a great Friday one and all!!

    C xx

  20. At 10:08 AM on 25 May 2007, wrote:

    Cauliflower - LOVE it.

    Raw, steamed, mashed, as a cream soup, in cheese - bring it on!


  21. At 10:18 AM on 25 May 2007, wrote:

    Whoo hoo its friday!
    i could just do with a strawberries and cream frappaccino! its all humid here this morning! Gingembre-thanks for the post on the blog! the hair is straight at the mo but i have to say the majority is going for the curls!!

    I LOVE CAULIFLOWER! its so much better than brocolli! i can't believe people aren't buying it though i think its more a winter food.

    will catch ya later my loves!!, missy xx

  22. At 10:54 AM on 25 May 2007, wrote:

    Not only is it FRIDAY, it's my last day at work for 2 weeks and 2 days - hurrah!

    Now, before you start, don't get me wrong - I adore this job. BUT the holiday in Cuba has been booked for what seems like light-years and I can't wait to get on that plane and go up up and away.

    What's everyone up to for the Bank Holiday weekend? In this part of the world (Suffolk) the weather looks okish Saturday but pants for Sunday and Monday. It's lovely today too.

    Loads to do pre-holiday. Hair, nails, bikini line (eugh!), ironing, packing, cuddling the cat - all too much!

    Currently doing oodles of filing - what did they do before I arrived? No filing, that's what!!!

    Laters amigos.

    Riba Riba!!


    PS: Definitely Salsa, not squash!

  23. At 12:01 PM on 25 May 2007, wrote:

    CtD, I forget, is it Cuba you're going to? I don't think you've mentioned it at all...

  24. At 12:06 PM on 25 May 2007, wrote:

    Blimey cripes I feel old all of a sudden ....

    Jeremy Vine has just played God Save The Queen by the Sex Pistols, which ensued a conversation about age. Colleagues around me were born in 1982, 1983 and 1985 ..... a sa 1968 baby I feel I should be drawing my pension now!

    Yikes - pass the Royal Jelly and botox!!

    x x

  25. At 12:22 PM on 25 May 2007, wrote:

    HL - you are sooooooooooooo funny! I'll miss your blogs but at least I'll have tons to catch up with when I get home.

  26. At 12:52 PM on 25 May 2007, Em M wrote:

    Cheryl I'm a 1968 baby too, all the best people are!

  27. At 01:11 PM on 25 May 2007, Nev wrote:

    Save the cauliflower..!

    Cauliflower cheese with bacon and fresh bread - just can't beat it.


  28. At 01:25 PM on 25 May 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    CtD - I hope you have a wonderful time in Cuba. Any room for me in your suitcase?

    Sammie - hope you have a great week off and that the sun shines for you.

    jillygoat xx

  29. At 01:47 PM on 25 May 2007, wrote:

    Off early today hoorah! Tickle, enjoy the Smoke! CtD, enjoy Cuba!

    Everyone have a great weekend and see you all for ARF!

    chow bananas

  30. At 01:55 PM on 25 May 2007, Jojo wrote:

    Afternoon all

    Cauliflower is just scrummy - lightly cooked, chopped and tossed in a little butter and salt - mmmmmmmmm - hubby hates it but until he learns to cook Cauli it is!

    And as for 1968 babies - we are just the best peeps around - Was a little disconcerted once when some whippersnapper asked if I'd ever been to an 80's theme night - gave said child a withering look and pointed out that theme nights were a very poor second to the real deal!

    Happy holidays peeps

    Jojo xxx

  31. At 03:14 PM on 25 May 2007, wrote:

    i think the once a month club is a great idea- especially people you've worked with and really liked, and then cos we're all really busy you just don't see them
    and the next think you know they're moving to New Zealand -
    glad i ran into you guys
    shame the details are a little blurry,

    a good end to my days of debauchery - no, really

    thanks for the hug
    and take care of yourself

  32. At 03:49 PM on 25 May 2007, wrote:

    Well, wellie well well.. not been here in a while and its great to see everyone so chipper and dandy.. I've stopped training on me bike and put on a stone.. I am eating a snickers a day and as much shite as I can get into me and I;m not the best in the morning.. is there a link? Most probably.. the good news is...
    I've started the writing again even though it was in a a park publik wise which reminded me of the George Michael.. god he's looking weird though isn't he? A h come on now.. theres nips and tucks done savage there.. might have to get a few scalps cut off me belly at this rate,.. 11 stone and counting..
    Thanx for reading this you know it helps...

  33. At 05:28 PM on 25 May 2007, lisa wrote:

    ...that is so very sad about the lil Cauliflowers ..

    why oh why?!! I love them still:)

  34. At 05:55 PM on 25 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Dear one and all

    Have read a few blogs today. Hazel Love great observation of the Hen Party. Your all are very talented. Maybe you should get together and write a sit com. Something like the "Bloggers"

    I just requested the Fire Starter by the Prodigy for my friend but it's soooo busy.

    By the way I did not even have to look up the answer to Genesis as I went to a convent school and remembered it well.


  35. At 07:42 PM on 25 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Tsk tsk Christophe.

    Twice in one week. You can blame the gremlins once, but on ARF?

    Well, the weather seems to be doing its damnest to wash away our plans for the weekend. The (veggie) barbie on Sunday is but wishful thinking and tennis on Monday? Pah!

    Still. I've my sis round on Sunday and I'm taking my Dad for a (belated) birthday lunch at chez CLP on Monday....

    ....by which time it will be two weeks 'till the Road Trip! (well, CTD has been plugging Cuba since, um, Christmas).

    I was in and out of the car during ARF tonight, and missed most of it, but there was I thinking that we would have a week of top drawer, classic tunes (hats off to Won't Get Fooled Again) and after a quick chop at the barbers (Pablo's in Cranleigh - The Best) I hopped in, turned the ignition and


    Oh yeah. We haven't heard that for a while, have we?

    Each to their own and all that, but come on.

    Oh well.

    Have a fab weekend one and all

    Huge peace & love


    PS Hillel Slovak

    PPS Jack Irons

    PPS Dave Navarro

  36. At 11:20 AM on 26 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Introduction to the Bloggers.

    They come from various walks of life. They somehow find the time in their busy lives to corespond online. A few decide to get together
    Shirley, a divorcee and quite keen to meet up with Lawrence(real name Stan) a Music Producer. However in real life a long distance lorry driver who sits at his pc with a beer and fag in hand, ash all over his keyboard and a few dodgy sites saved to favourites.
    Shirley however is a Music school teacher hoping one day to write the winning entry for the Eurovision song contest.She thinks Lawrence can help.
    Lottie is keen to meet Stuart she has never married. She has lied about her age and is not exactley like her photo which was taken fifteen years ago.

    Stuart is a dullard and can't mix with the opposite sex and finds it easier to talk online giving a whole new persona to his shy character.

    The meeting is joined by more bloggers and an interesting evening ensues.

  37. At 02:22 PM on 26 May 2007, wrote:

    A long time ago I was at a restaurant, feeling nervous because it was posh and I wasn't, and I asked for bottle of red wine; then I added "dry please". I was eyed with some contempt before the "superior" waiter said "there is no such thing as sweet red wine." I don't think he even added "sir". Now what a well trained waiter would or, rather, should have said is "certainly sir, dry red, thank you". Don't you think?

  38. At 04:59 PM on 26 May 2007, wrote:

    Radio Two might be my sanctuary soon too ;) - could be doing a new music doc show about unsigned musicians/bands in the UK and how to release a album/single without the help of the worlds #1 AnR director.. Simon Cowell!.. anyway, not much to say at the mo, am in talks with the commissioner at R2, about doing it.. could be a goer!

    Have a good bank holiday all - shame the weathers not up to much, but do get out there! :)

  39. At 08:08 AM on 27 May 2007, John Pritchard wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Why don't you get your listners to nominate a brilliant waitress/waiter so they get the recognition they desrve and get soe of them on the radio to describe what delivering brilliant service is all about. Start a campaign for brilliant service.


  40. At 10:19 AM on 27 May 2007, clodagh wrote:

    It's early Sunday morning and up 'ere in Wigan, before I don the flak jacket and set off with my 3 aunties, the Old Trouts, to Sainsbury's to sexually molest the sliced loaves and check 'em out for bogus asylum seekers, I've just had a Eureka moment which I'd like to share with Bloggettes (and some Nancy Bloggers).

    Horse shampoo.


    I'm sat sittin' 'ere like Rapunzel after finding me Horse Shampoo and Tail And Mane Conditioner in one of me suitcases, purchased just for the craic at the Irish National Ploughing Festival last year. I swear. All the shite I've bought over the years to make meself follically gorgeous has failed miserably; John Frieda's Easy Frizz, Pantene Ice Shine that does bugger all for your hair but generates enough electricity to power your hairdryer and curling tongs in the event of a power cut; Trevor Sorbie's Miracle Cow Pat Intensive Care, Sticky Clarke's Instant Shine Serum that turns you instantly into summat from A Flock Of Seagulls, Bed Head Funky Gunk Junk, Charles Worthaslap's Turtle Wax.....etc. etc. I've had 'em all.

    So this horse shampoo. Marvellous. Get some at once. Remember Squeaky Clean hair? Hurrah. And the smell reminds me of when my mother Renee used to pummel me head into submission, forcing soap suds into every orifice before passing me along to the Dear Departed Father Eric to towel it dry, resulting in vertigo and tinnitus for a week.

    Happy days.

    And by the way. The Irish National Ploughing Festival. Another Hurrah. You haven't lived till you've watched the Dancing Diggers of County Offaly.

    Well, best go; the Old Trouts are here and looking menacing and I've to dig out me tranquillizer gun in case I venture too near any frisky stallions en route.

    Watch yourselves.


  41. At 08:54 PM on 28 May 2007, Anna wrote:

    MfR - where is your spirit man. Bbq's still work in the rain. We spent so much money on food and drink for our barbe that we made the neighbours sit in the garden till they had eaten every last bit.

    after 5 pints of waggledance, you dont care about the rain.

  42. At 11:12 PM on 28 May 2007, Victor Meldrew wrote:

    What in the name of god is going on in this country.

    Bottles of wine with warning labels on. Food flown in can't be organic. Smoking banned but still freely avaible to buy.
    What next Twixt bars with warnings this chocolate bar could seriously damage your health.
    Brew tea in a pot rather than in a mug to cure cancer.

    The worlds gone mad

  43. At 12:23 PM on 29 May 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoff & ALL blog dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Just a quickie terday, i'm mad busy but i'll 'ave the drivetime loud n' damn proud on in me truck later- 17.00- I'll be there friend and 14.00- Wrightie.
    Just hope you've got some wrock, the Mayo was well on it yesterday and the Dylan was well off it- well off his head but on it with his music- but I like the Dylan- one layed back DUDE!!!!

    Sorry getting carried away now. I'm outta ere,

    CHOW!!! Hope everybody is having a good day and did ave a good long weekend.

    PS Christoff- The Starbucks (Your Blog above)- It's a good place to pick up a Russian wife. Everytime I go into one in London there's always an Eastern European lady of sophistication & beauty serving. Who needs Russianwives.com. I'm off ter me local Starbucks for a LARRTTAYYYE (Latte) and a date. I've given up on UK women- I just don't ave any luck with them. No offence to UK women but i'm just unlucky in love ere in the UK.

    CHOW!!! - POKA!!!! - Bye in russian!

  44. At 12:29 PM on 29 May 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    YO!! I've just notice Victor Meldrew has blogged.

    Can I have your autograph- i'm a big fan. Plus I agree with you the world 'as gone mad.

    Chow!!! POKA!!! again. (Russian for bye)

  45. At 12:53 PM on 29 May 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Ok chaps. After 3.

    Hurrah Yippee Wa-hey.

    Drive time is back today and we'll all be titterin'.

    Now then something very dark was in the air last week, what with the gremlins in the arteries of the blog, and people in angry depressions when in reality NONE of us who find ourselves in the position to be able to articulate ourselves and spend the time to do so via this media, are in any position to whinge.

    So may I suggest, and by the way I've had my share of dark depressions so I really do sympathise and empathise, that if you are in the throes of the glums you should immediately play a sad song and have a bit of a weep and a wallow and indulge yourself, then pick yourself up, have a good stretch and breathe deeply before tuning in to Christophe Lambie Pie.

    And if you're lucky, CLP will do his excellent scouse parrot or maybe ask some deep meaningful question to challenge us all intellectually, such as Why Is Buddha Fat.

    And by the way. MfR. Bugger the rain. I once barbecued Christmas dinner. Everybody outside, freezin' our lallys off, eating chipolatas and stuffin' on sticks and pullin' crackers in the snow.

    What's a bit of frostbite when you've a bellyful of mulled Guinness and surrounded by eejits.

    Speaking of which, must go; I'm back over to Dublin tomorrow and unable to get my CLP fix, so A Bientot Tout Mangies.


  46. At 01:54 PM on 29 May 2007, wrote:

    Would appear to have been BP'd. Did not nessercelery mean to be contraversial, but sometimes I just gotta...

    Prof Plum...there's nun round here me darlin! Thank you for your comment about my 'umble blog...xx

    Anyhoo...yesterday the boy took me to see some film with Johnny Depp in it. I think it may have been about pirates but not positive. Mr Depp was oh so oh dearie me now I can't concentrate at all.


    Yep. Pretty sure it was about pirates. It was a bloody good film too...

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