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Chris Evans | 15:46 UK time, Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Last night was a beautiful night wasn't it ? Well it was here at least anyway especially when you get a job offer from heaven which was...

... "Er., hello Chris, this is George Michael's peoples heres. Would you like to come to Wembley tonight and interview George about playing the first ever gig at the new Wembley for a forthcoming television special, oh and then also come along on the night, bring a few pals who can watch the concert whilst you host a little bit more tv. And there's a few quid in it and there's free sandwiches !"

I did take time out to consider the offer and then after all of two and a half seconds I screamed,

"You bet your blankety blank life I do !"

So last night as the sun was setting over North west London George and I had a chat.

I arrived there as soon as I could after the radio show, around eightish, we were allowed to park deep down in the belly of the stadium, in fact we drove all around it twice, that was fun, then we finally saw the blacked out "smoking" B.M.W. of Yog.

I thought we'd be done by nine but as it turned out we were nattering away till almost eleven.

Had the construction of Wembley not been delayed and other sweeps of fate not played their part then there was no way Mr. Michaels would have been the showstopper on day one. He says he's very lucky, which of course he is, but you have to say, the boy deserves it, he done well.

Questions asked and answered include:-

How Greek are you ?
Who did you have to beat to get to be the first artist to play at the new Stade de Uk ?
Tell us about Andrew Ridgeley's recurring nightmare involving Bruce Springsteen begging to jump on stage with Wham ?

There's lots of other good stuiff in there, we had a right laff, very Un-Parky. What will and will not make the edit I have no idea but the gang there seem to be on the case.

The show will air on Channel Four, Saturday june 9 at 9 p.m. and will culminate in the broadcasting joining George live on stage that night during the first ever musical extravaganza to be held at the new National Stadium.

Exciting stuff innit ?

Now four hours ago I was flying over lat night's Lighthouse sur mere, right over the top of it and very nice it looked too, I wonder if they've sold it yet and if so will we get a slice of the action ?

Apologies about abscenteism yesterday but honest to goodness not much i could do about it ma' dears.

CHIN CHIN, looks like the wether's picking up eh ?

Come on the Reds... love Stephen Gerrard.

CLP 2007



  1. At 04:17 PM on 23 May 2007, wrote:


    CLP - you so rock honey!

    CtD x x

  2. At 04:25 PM on 23 May 2007, wrote:

    I'm baaacckkkk!!!

    Well CLP, the present Mrs Tickle will be glued to the tv on June 9th - it will be George Michael a go-go that night, and doubtless we'll be having a Wham! Sunday after that....

    Hope all is well and dandy - yup, weather is picking up again, but I think it'll get a bit cooler at the weekend. Oh dear...anyways, as long as it stays dry and sunnish - no complaints.

    It's election time over here, so we've been pestered by lots of campaigners looking for that crucial vote. All the same stuff - just different leaders ultimately. Every bit of space is covered in election posters, which makes me dubious about candidates and their 'green' credentials. But congrats to a certain candidate who got his poster on a bus shelter.....in Calais........ !!

    Bonne de douche to you all!
    Tickles :)

  3. At 04:33 PM on 23 May 2007, martin james wrote:

    STOP going on about me, I`m not worth it. OK I`m really sorry, but, I`m not well.


    Bloggers, I like you all but please leave me alone now, I`m sorry and I`m not well, or worth it.

    m xx

  4. At 04:33 PM on 23 May 2007, wrote:

    Arthur Noon all :o)

    Go the reds - have some friends who've gone to Greece in the hope of finding a ticket. Knowing them they probably will!

    Saw George on Parky at the weekend and didn't really enjoy it, not sure whether it was because of Mr Michael or Mr Parky, Stephen Fry rescued the whole programme for me, although he normally does that whatever he's in.

    Countdown to Springwatch which starts next week - woo hoo :o)

    My sister once wrote to Jim'll fix it (the original) to ask to meet Wham, nothing came of ti though. I asked to ride and elephant but nothing came of that either. I wonder what has happened to all the redundant Jim'll Fix It letters?

    Happy Hump Day everyone

    :o) Jo

  5. At 04:38 PM on 23 May 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Hello Honey! Good to hear from you - do you have a note from your mum?

    Wowee, what a fab job! You really are lucky, aren't you?

    It's clouded over a little here, but it's still warm, so I'm not complaining!

    Byezee Bye,

    S xx.

  6. At 04:39 PM on 23 May 2007, dylangraycat wrote:

    Chris I am so jealous, I am currently trying to talk my other half into going with not much success at the moment, will have to keep working at it!

    love to you and George


  7. At 04:40 PM on 23 May 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:


    Ello Christoff & ALL Blog dudes,

    Bingo Star ere,

    I was just inside me computer checking me 13 amp fuse even though it should be on 3. This blog is too damn powerful- am tellin yer!
    Yesterday the blog blew, just wanted to check it weren't me OTT blog that blew it or me own computer that had blew, blown, err blew.
    But WROCKIN' BRILL the BLOG is back today- YES!!!!

    I hope everbody is ok today- i'm feeling groovie and just slightly mad but not enough to ring a shrimp, sorry shrink.
    It's all this technology it drives me crayzeee!!!

    Christoff I was very impressed with yer bit of scouse mouse accent. I always knew your talents were wasted on the TFI gig.
    Being able to hit it with that kind of scouse you should ave played the seventh brother in the comedy BREAD. There was 6 wasn't the? Oh damn I can't remember, I totally confused now.

    Anyway talkin' of scouse it's the big one ternight- com' on LIVERPOOL, I've got me fingers crossed for them being a LFC fan.
    I used ter deliver pizzas to Ian Rush- yer know.
    Very nice bloke rushie. I bet if he were playin' ternight we'd win easy.

    GOOD LUCK LFC!!!!!!

    I remember the 2005 final- best match i've ever seen LFC 3-0 down at half time, then came back ter win on penalties- WROCKIN'!!!!!!!

    Oh well, I'm outta ere.

    Oh PS - TINSEL - I can't say about the thingy thing. It's just to damn embarrasing and nerdy. TOP SECRET!
    Plus if I did say what it was for i'd either ave M15 or Sir Jimmy Saville after me. Too damn RISKAY!!!!

    Chow blog friends!!!

  8. At 04:45 PM on 23 May 2007, mjg wrote:

    Good to hear your news CLP.

    Well done u, looking forward to seeing it! You of course would be the man for the job - who else could put someone at their ease like you do. Nice one.

    Have a great summer evening everyone and take it easy.

    Be blessed.

  9. At 04:50 PM on 23 May 2007, wrote:


    Now, I never particularly liked Wham!, but I have to confess, I DO like a bit of George.

    I saw him sing at a Linda MacCartney tribute night at the Royal Albert Hall a few years ago...my friends and I were in the Stalls, and got the chance to go to the stage...he was only about a metre away...totally blew me away!

    Oh, Chris, I love my job, but I'd have loved yours for those few hours last night.

    Oh yes

  10. At 04:56 PM on 23 May 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hiya Chris!

    Wow! George M! ( pound pound)... just one question. Did you run your fingers through his hair? If not, why not?! If so , can you tell us about it on the show tonight?.... Ok so that's three questions.

    Keep smiling CLP :)


  11. At 05:03 PM on 23 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Pieces of eight one and all

    I had a surprise visit this afternoon from one of those "Life" magazine people. The place where I am staying has links to smugglers and this guy was interested to find the cellar which apparantley has a secret tunnel. Well beats Avon calling!

    Living in a lighthouse must be the best place in the world. Reminds me of the Film the Fog!

    Well done Chris hope the flying is going well, you could have helped out at JL Airport today.
    Fancy going tech on such a special day naughty airline.

    Good evening

  12. At 05:17 PM on 23 May 2007, wrote:

    How fantastic is that!!!!!!!!

    I'm soooo jealous, what a top job. I love my job... loads and loads....honest I do and wouldn't want to swap it really but that is just the best!

    I won't be tuning in on the 9th as I'll be away with my gal pals celebrating the impending wedding of one of the above but I'll be setting sky+ that's for sure!

    Now.... how do I get this laptop to tune you in as I can't be in my car today?


  13. At 05:32 PM on 23 May 2007, michelle dean wrote:

    hi chris , WOW ON MEETING GEORGE M. how luckys that ................i most certainly will be watching on June the 9th ............. and i actually live not far from the staduim ............. lucky me eh ! ............. anyway to the lighthouse wish it was mine looks FAB .............
    have a good evening .............come on you REDS


  14. At 05:34 PM on 23 May 2007, wrote:

    Your back Chris!
    Thank goodness. wow good news about georgie babe, so you wont be coming to norwich then :(! But wembley sounds brilliant doesn't it! I saw it all finished when we saw Kylie in January, it looked amazing and you do just want to go round and round it!

    The weather has been lovely here the last couple of days, but trust the good old british weather, its gonna rain from friday! NOOOOOOO! perfect for back hols!

    For my little missy blog readers, you will have read about me seeing the dishy bloke who is getting married next year. well yesterday i was telling this to my cousin and she had a similar story to tell, THEN on the way home who was driving infront of me, yes this bloke! You just know I will keep bumping into him now!

    Will update you all when I do! Love to you all, missy xx

  15. At 05:39 PM on 23 May 2007, wrote:

    Chrissie S - from yesterday's blog - we fly out Monday morning. Staying at Gatwick Sunday night so to me, that's when the holiday starts!

    Read some reviews of our hotel at lunchtime online - can't wait! I was really cheeky when I booked the holiday and upgraded the flights and the accommodation to an ocean view suite. Well, Mr Diva wasn't with me to haggle the ££££ so I just went for it!

    Off home now bloggers - will be back in the morn for more Thirsty Thursday merriment!

    CtD x x

  16. At 05:39 PM on 23 May 2007, wrote:

    Congrats Christoff!!!

    So chuffed for you ... and guess what I'll be doing the evening of the 9th June!?

    Do you not fancy the lighthouse yourself?! It looks gorgeous!

    Got to go - had a busy day with 2 toddlers and we are going on a badger watch tonight!

    Huggles all round

    Susan, Highland lass

  17. At 05:58 PM on 23 May 2007, michelle dean wrote:

    hi chris ............................WOW GEORGE MICHAEL ............how cools that .................i dont live far from that stadium ..............u could of popped in for a cuppa..................anyway loving the show ................and how loverly is that lighthouse
    would love to live there

    COME ON LIVERPOOL............


  18. At 06:19 PM on 23 May 2007, Curry Gravy wrote:

    This is a message for Martin.

    Look around you what do you see.
    A whole world out there if you just let it be.
    Learn to love and learn to move on
    Your life has only really begun.

  19. At 06:28 PM on 23 May 2007, wrote:

    I'm not sure if this will come up twice as i have already posted today!
    Wow Georgie baby! god you lucky lucky thing and how good is wembley. When I went to see Kylie the stadium was more or less finished and it looked amazing then. We wanted to drive round a couple of times just to see it all.

    How good is the weather! the past two days have been lovely here and tomorrow is looking good, but you can always trust the british weather... its due to rain and rain all over the bank holiday weekend!

    So for those who read missy's blog a little update for you.In my last post I was telling you how I saw a bloke last week who I sought of fancied and who is now so so so yum but is getting married (read the blog!). Anyway yesterday I was telling the story to my cous who also had a smiliar thing happen to her so we were both having a moan, then on the way home who was driving infront of me down the road, yes you've got it this bloke (I will just point out I am not following him!). This always happens I don't see him in ages and now I'm gonna keep bumping into him! will update you when I next bump into him!

    Hope all the norfolk bloggers are well, Gingembre- you feel free to look at my blog, thats what its there for and next time you do leave a message!

    Hope all you lovely bloggers are well and will pop on later to read all the comments, love to you all, missy xxxx

  20. At 06:36 PM on 23 May 2007, Em M wrote:

    OH my God - I just knew it was George Michael!!

    I have loved him since his Wham days, he's totally wonderful. If you speak to him again before 12th June please tell him his number one fan is coming along to Carrow Road to see him and really NEEDS to meet her hero!! OK,deep breath, pull yourself together Em.

    Chris I can honestly say your job is a zillion times better than mine, but today I was paid for two hours and actually only put in one and a half!
    Can't say fairer than that can you?

    Em xx

    PS Who saw Sir Mick H on GMTV? What a voice, although not the most handsome man in the world. Seen him twice at Blickling - totally fab. Do you think I'm obssessed with open air gigs? xx

  21. At 07:07 PM on 23 May 2007, De Sm wrote:

    rock on Chris....

    for Matt who went to the 'other side' ...before he was thirty....
    you 'll never walk alone ....

    Smithy's with you ... everyone with you ..XXX

    D x

  22. At 07:08 PM on 23 May 2007, Steevie fae Dundee+Glas wrote:

    Howdy one and all

    I've regretted missing George when he was
    at Glasgow SECC. I heard it was "a show".
    I've thought of going to GM Stadium concert
    June 17 at Hampdem but ChrissieS #35
    Monday blog confirmed by thoughts about
    "view" etc. Last time I was in Hampden was
    1976 (I think) for Rangers vs Hearts Scottish
    Cup Final. I'll prob be a cheapskate and
    waddle to the nearby supermarket and listen
    from there. I'm reasonably close to Hampdem
    when I am 'West', so much so that when
    Robbie Williams was there not that long ago
    I ended up going in to town the Friday night. I'd
    no intention of going (it had been a LONG day
    at work and a horrendous drive to boot) but
    when I realised I was singing along to "Angels"
    with the crowd I bailed. Even fruther way from
    Hampden, on way in to town you could still
    hear it; so much so that I invited the police
    standing on the corner "If you are that bored
    and fed up, why don't you sing along".
    "Why don't you go away" was the edited
    gist of the reply I got.

    ChrissieS #35 Monday : Hampden aint
    THAT far away from Glas city centre. I walk
    about 4/5th (or maybe 2/3rd) of it most
    Fri and Sat nights and Sunday afternoons,
    town and back. Twenty minutes in, half hour
    back (depends on booze intake and whether
    I stop for a pizza on the Sat he said quietly).
    But then I've been doing it for a couple of
    years now and I suppose I'm used to
    it and if you are fed up (etc etc) and not sure
    where you are going, it can seem like an age.
    I have my landmarks on the journey. Have
    only ever been on a bus twice, one of those
    was because my then other-half didn't want
    to humph it " - Tell me you are kidding" they
    grunted. I was elbowed two weeks later but
    the "let's walk it" was non-contributory. Honestly!

    June 9, 9pm, C4 marked on phone reminders.

  23. At 07:15 PM on 23 May 2007, De Sm wrote:

    M J ...everyone is worth it....

    D X

  24. At 07:19 PM on 23 May 2007, Ruthie B wrote:

    Chris do you realise how lucky you are!!!!!?! WOW WOW WOW. Now listen how do you fancy a date on 9th June with me?...You can't? Your going where? GM at Wembley....Oooh that well I don't mind tagging along?
    From 8stone, 6 foot blond goddess aged 21.

    (Well maybe not ...a 34 year old, overweight, obsessed George Michael fan but how about it? If only for the cheek!)...Ill be good honest?!

  25. At 07:25 PM on 23 May 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    Apropos nothing

    Just after finnishing catching up with the
    Blogs and doing a "post", I
    happen-stanced across this on ´óÏó´«Ã½ News
    website. It refers to the law of unintended
    consequences. In this case it is the
    (possible) affect of the smoking ban
    coming to E & W on July 1st. You, as a pub
    owner Chris, may notice some of what they
    refer to. Some of the anecdotes are from
    Scotland and Eire who already have the ban.
    One of the "comments" added (Mike Finn
    of Teeside) refers to "smirting". A new word
    for the dictionary methinks; those who
    smoke (outside) and flirt. In terms of the
    smoking ban in Scotland, I have to admit
    I enjoy no longer waking up in the morning
    thinking "What IS that smell" (I know, I know,
    I wouldn't have smelled other people's
    cigarette smoke on my jacket if I hadn't
    hung the thing on the living room door
    or the bedroom floor but that's a small detail!)

    (Remember people, right click on link and
    "open in new window" so you still have this
    page or those of you with Firefox or Internet
    Explorer 7 - and some versions of IE6 - you
    can choose to "open in new tab")

    OH !!! Just as well I previewed (Why ? I
    normally never do....???!!!!). I (originally)
    forgot to post the link. Blush ! Sorted.........

  26. At 07:31 PM on 23 May 2007, wrote:

    Congrats Christoff!!!

    So chuffed for you ... and guess what I'll be doing the evening of the 9th June!?

    Do you not fancy the lighthouse yourself?! It looks gorgeous!

    Got to go - had a busy day with 2 toddlers and we are going on a badger watch tonight!

    Huggles all round

    Susan, Highland lass

  27. At 07:34 PM on 23 May 2007, Cala wrote:

    WOW Chris, Now that's gonna be worth taping, Well hubby will as I'm there on the 9th :-)...... I see the parky one, and was very disapointed, So I know your gonna do a much better job!!

    Yep the weathers Georgous down in devon at the moment.... Roll on Wembley :-) Was at wembley arena for last years tour, boy were all in for a treat :-)

    P.s If your vip seated, I'd love to buy you a drink :-)

  28. At 07:43 PM on 23 May 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Christophe Lamb Pie.

    That's bloody marvellous news, hurrah yippee.

    And not because of who or what or where, although it IS a very big deal, but because you're Sooooo excited, hahaha!

    Bless you. And get that cardy on with the cords. I'll send you some nice comfy socks. We like a chap in a cardy don't we, girls.

    Mind you this is the woman who finds Eddie Izzard strangely attractive. So if you're going to go for the full twinset and pearls, you'd best watch it.

    Talk like that can turn a girl's head.

    Right I'm off. Up the Scousers.


  29. At 08:06 PM on 23 May 2007, Sue Midwinter wrote:

    Chris, O.M.G! When you see the fab George - PLEASE tell him he is the most fantastic singer/writer/ performer ever - and we, his fans adore him, and couldn't care less what is said in the press. He SO still has "it."

    You lucky monkey!! Don't suppose you fancy making a life long fan, aged 34 and a mum, THE happiest woman alive and allow me to mop your brow for you during the gig? I promise I will be VERY good!!!

    Make sure you tell him Chris! Love ya. Xxx

  30. At 08:19 PM on 23 May 2007, Sue Midwinter wrote:

    In fact Chris, I could probably see my way to being an on-the-spot-true-George fan reporter - giving a balanced opinion of his performance. What do you say?

    Have a wonderful time on this quite momentus day! XX

  31. At 08:26 PM on 23 May 2007, Donna wrote:


    Im going to be THERE and on the 10th and Manchester and I was at Manchester 21st and Earls court the (God Im getting to old for this) and Wembley the 17 Dec

    and my hubby comes from Warrington

    so many OMG

    I can if wanted give a fans point of view into GM concert just email Mr E and I wont mention Orford once or Padgate


  32. At 08:50 PM on 23 May 2007, WISHIWOZKENNY wrote:

    wow you lucky sod get me an autograph pleasssssse chris, will be there on the 9th cant wait enjoy i know i will xxxx

  33. At 08:53 PM on 23 May 2007, wishiwozkenny wrote:

    chris you lucky boy do this mad manc a favour please get me his autograph pretty please big big fan was at parky last week he nearly ran me over how cool lol have a great day i know i will xxx

  34. At 08:59 PM on 23 May 2007, Hels wrote:

    Congratulations! It had to be George. The one and only.

    Will also be there. And now that I know you're going will clearly be looking GORGEOUS! Even more so than usual.

    So look out for me - and we'll party together.

    Wham! Bam! Thank you mam!


  35. At 10:57 PM on 23 May 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Wow, so last night night my two favourite people were having a chat!

    I saw George at Wembley Arena last December and absolutely loved every minute.

    I have loved him since Wham! and he is one of the most talented performers that this country has ever produced.

    He is very honest about his private life and whether you like what he does or not, you have to respect that honesty (which is so rare in celebrity land) in my opinion.

    Me and one of my good friends will be there that opening night at Wembley Stadium and I can't wait.

    Chris, you are soooo lucky to meet him. I wish that I had your job! I bet he was just as pleased to have met you by the way.

    Love Debbie x

  36. At 11:19 PM on 23 May 2007, Debs (Panos) wrote:

    OMG, I need to go and buy myself a dvd recorder which will be better than video. How lucky are you Chris - getting to talk to the god of music. I will be at Wembley on the 9th and 10th so have to speak nicely to hubby to record the show for me.

    I was at the parky interview and just know that you will do a much better job at interviewing george but I desperately need to make notes so I can compare and in order to do that I need to be present when you speak with George, so add me to your list of entourage.

    16 sleeps to go woowwwww

  37. At 01:02 AM on 24 May 2007, Rita wrote:

    Well done Chris!

    George Michael indeed!! I'm looking so forward to seeing you have a chat with him.

    Please let him know that I'm wishing him all the luck in the world and hope to see him in the States later this year. I flew to London to see him at Wembley last December and now I'd LOVE to see him in my own country!!



  38. At 08:48 AM on 24 May 2007, wrote:

    Now, I don't want to labour the point either, but wasn't yesterday GLORIOUS (south of Watford)...and it shows on the blog...good to see SfD&G, Tickle and Rachel too x

    ...and my oh my, doesn't Thursday come around when you least expect it?

    Have just had a thought...

    I wonder if, when George Michael blogged (on his own blog - well you never know, or perhaps you do???) that he was meeting Mr Chris Evans...loads of people posted things like: blimey, Chris Evans, he's a legend, you lucky thing, I used to listen to GLR, I saw him crossing the road, please can you get me an autograph, I'm gonna set my dvd/video/blueray (other recording devices available), I'm staying in that Saturday for sure...etc etc

    Well, as I said, you never know...
    It'd be kinda cool woodenit?

    CtD - was at LGW last night meeting a friend! So near and yet soooooo far...am now singing Gibson Brothers song in head...thanks for that!

    MfR, you could do Salsa not squash...

  39. At 09:04 AM on 24 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    wow - what a GM love-in we have going on here!!!!

    Good morning folks.

    Last night I went with 3 mates to see a Jam tribute band but it wasn't!! - It was actually THE JAM.

    Bruce Foxton and Rick Buckler have reformed with a young lad called Russell (who was brilliant by the way) on lead vocals - what a great night. I swear if I'd closed my eyes I'd have heard Mr Weller - it was that good. Saw loads of old faces too which was ace.

    missy - I have left a comment x

    need to go now, off to physio


  40. At 09:54 AM on 24 May 2007, Jane wrote:

    Wow Chris!!!

    As a huge George fan I can't begin to say how jealous I am, as are all other GM fans!

    You are the man for the job though, hope you can talk about George on your show tonight.

    The Parky interview was dissapointing with questions just focusing on his problems - George had to constantly defend himself. Equally George should've shut up about his personal stuff and just move on to positive things... ho hum.

    Well done Chris!
    Jane x

  41. At 10:05 AM on 24 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning all! Lucky you Chris - saw him last week on Parky, thought he was very honest and open. a thoroughly nice bloke. Is that why you and Jonny were having the convo about who'd be George and who'd be Andrew? That was very funny!!!

    Thought your really naff interview with the George Clooney ditsy girl was funny - she had me going when she said George had invited her to a cabin!!

    I agree with Clodagh - love a man with a cardi. You're getting all snuggly and cosy, yummy yum!

    Bingo - oh well, I'll have to just use my imagination!! Prob be a lot worse than the truth though ha ha!

    It might be Thirsty Thursday but for me it's the new Friday, I've got tomorrow off, woo hoo, an extra long weekend!!!


  42. At 10:13 AM on 24 May 2007, wrote:

    Whoever was covering for you last night - I was in the car and the reception is lousy up here in the highlands so I wasn't really listening, usually listen to you on the internet - played a cd by Victoria Hart (the radio even decided to stop crackling for her). She is fantastic, but I cannot find where to buy it anywhere. So if she left her cd behind in your studio could you play some more - or if you don't like it you can send it to me!!


  43. At 10:56 AM on 24 May 2007, wrote:

    Morning everyone.

    I'm having soooooooooo much trouble concentrating today. It started cloudy here in Suffolk but the sun is now trying to put in an appearance and all I can think about is my holiday ....

    HL: have put in for ARF: Cuba by Gibson Brothers! P'raps this week I'll get a call. I was green with envy last Friday when a Moonwalker got to talk to CLP - I was in the bath listening and the water almost boiled.

    Oooh - gotta go. Product training. Dunno why - I'll forget it by the time I get back from Cuba ...

    CtD x x

  44. At 11:11 AM on 24 May 2007, Em M wrote:

    Clodagh - Eddie Izzard, I agree. Bloody gorgeous.

    Gingembre - That's so weird, when you said Jam tribute band, I thought I wonder if he means Bruce and Rick as I had seen they had got back together, it must have been great. Where did they play? Wish I could have been there.

    I agree that Michael Parkinson was too interested in talking about George Michael's problems; it seems like a lot of people have forgotten what a brilliant singer, writer and performer he really is. I like Parky but I think you will do a better job as you are the same age group as George and i don't think you are the sort of person to judge others. Luck you though (and lucky George having a chat with you, obviously!)

    Em xx

  45. At 11:51 AM on 24 May 2007, martin james wrote:

    Cheryl hope your well, recovering from the walk. I`ve put some money into the charity for you. Not a fortune, but every little helps.

    m xx

  46. At 12:24 PM on 24 May 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Clodagh & Em M - I have adored Eddie Izzard for years but have never quite managed to get tickets to see him. For me he is both gorgeous AND funny. I love him in his feminine garb, although I'm not sure I could be seen with a guy who looks better in a frock than I do (probably just as well there's no chance of it happening then, eh?!)

    I know I'll be pelted with whatever's at hand, but I've never liked George Michael - neither his music, nor the man himself, except for his version of "I Can't Make You Love Me" ....... that makes me weep, but otherwise, nah - not for me, sorry. Ouch - stop throwing things .....

    jillygoat x

  47. At 12:29 PM on 24 May 2007, wrote:

    THank you Martin - very much appreciated.

    Hope you're on top of stuff soon!


  48. At 01:43 PM on 24 May 2007, wrote:

    I had the HUGE privilege of having Eddie Izzard perch upon my desk while we were having a chat. Oh, dearie me...actually he was chatting...he was turtelly GAWJUSLY GAWJUSLY GAWJUS...and I was making 'aba aba aba' noises. All my boss could say (no sense of humour apparent...EVER) after he'd gone was 'If he's going to all that bother, why doesn't he match his lipstick with his nail varnish.'

    I love him
    (The future Mrs Izzard)

    btw if anyone is interested...the desk still exists. I wish I'd taken it home. Could've made a FORECHOON selling it on eb*y...

    Other news. Have decided. My office door is definitely on the flight path. Have just had one of the swifts in again. Didn't frighten the bejayzus out of me at all. Oho noho...not a bit.

    ...and there are jolly bunsters all a-gathered under the tree. It's like blimmin Beatrix Potter round here.

    ...and MJ, one of the blue tits was just here.

  49. At 02:06 PM on 24 May 2007, lizzylou wrote:

    Jillygoat - have to say that I totally agree with you on the George Michael thing. I'm sure he's a good egg and all and I do admire his honesty about stuff, but his music leaves me cold.

    Now Eddie Izzard - now you're talking!

    And Clodagh - totally agree with the cardigan thing - something about them being comfortable enough with themselves to wear them (if that makes any sense!)

    Also find Phil Jupitus strangely attractive - not at all sure why - maybe its just cos he makes me laugh

    Maybe all the sun we are having has gone to my head!

  50. At 02:37 PM on 24 May 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight Christoff & ALL Blog dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I'm so glad to see so many people still like George Micheal. I think he's one of the most talented singers we've ever had. After all of the trouble in his private life,- that should be private!!!!, he is still popular with his tours selling out etc, etc.. Good on him. He is absolutely brilliant live - his vocals amazing.

    Shame about LFC losing last night but atleast they got to the final- an achievement in it's self!

    Yer can't win em all blog friends.

    PS Tinsel - all i'll say it's in the 1988 book.

    Aye Chris- great opening tune last night- The Corrs. Got there ablum amonst many- love em. Emerald Isle Music at it's best friend- am tellin' yer!! Plus certainly not bad looking- oh yes friend!!

    I like that tune that starts errrr-
    YEAHHH, YEAHHH, YEAHHH, YEAH- then the great prominant guitar comes in- DERRR, DERRR, DUM then - YEAHHH, YEAHHH, YEAHHH, YEAH- then repeat off the getarrr riff again- beautiful tune.
    So Young it's called- love it!!

    I like that Hopelessley Addicted too- full of passion & emotion- just like your show Christoff-
    Oh yes sir!!!, Oh yes sir!!!
    You think i'm joking- no I'm not friend!!!!

    Errr well i'm outta ere, errr


  51. At 02:56 PM on 24 May 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Jillygoat, you are totally entitled to your opinion. However, the fact that you don't like him but still have one song of his that you do like, that has to count for something....

    My husband has a cd in the car that I can't stand, it doesn't matter what this guy sings I really just know straight away that I will not like it at all. I have never been proved wrong yet!

    Eddie Izzard, by the way, is definately a bit gorgeous. Jonathon Ross coped very well with that women last week, can't remember her name. Entertaining but scary, Chris - I don't suppose you would like to interview her!!!

    Love Debbie x

  52. At 03:02 PM on 24 May 2007, clodagh wrote:

    jillygoat and Em m.

    Hurrah see I knew it wasn't just me who likes a chap in a frock.

    And to anybody who thinks I need a Real Man to do me a favour, you couldn't be more wrong. I was born and raised in the everglades of the North West where the men eat lightbulbs and the women all have small feet, by Rugger Buggers. My life has been spent taking the piss out of some of the biggest, daftest, ugliest and loveliest chaps you'd ever wish to meet.

    I well remember my dear departed father (the fastest winger in history...mind you that was in the days when training comprised of Once Round The First Team Pitch; not too fast in case it put your fag out..) making his highly emotional speech at my wedding. To another rugger bugger.

    "Ah well," says he when the cat-calls and the bun-throwing stopped, "I always say If you can't breed 'em, you 'ave t' acquire 'em."

    So here I am, bloggers. 52 years old, daft and no self-esteem.

    And fancyin' chaps in frocks.

    Happy TT. Go for it. Hurrah!


  53. At 03:24 PM on 24 May 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Hazel Love - ooh, you lucky thang, you! How on earth ......? There's only one thing for it - I'll fight you for him.

    From the real future Mrs Izzard

    Lizzylou - I met Phil Jupitus a couple of years ago when I was at a recording of a show for R2 - he was with Griff Rhys-Jones and some other comics. He was really sweet and had a lot of time for us fans.

    jillygoat x

  54. At 03:26 PM on 24 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Strangely attractive men ... my favourite subject!!!

    Eddie I is gorgeously gorgeous. But hazel, you can have him if I can have gordon Ramsay (as long as he doesn't eat disgusting parts of animals anatomies ever again!!)

    Now, my fave - Roberto Benigni in Life is Beautiful. I defy any woman not to fall in love with him in that film.

    Bongiorno principessa!!

  55. At 03:39 PM on 24 May 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    Phil Jupitus is lovely! Yes, he's really funny and you would be guaranteed to laugh hysterically in his company. But, also, he has lovely eyes and there's so much to know about that man, I'm sure of it!

    Eddie Izzard - he's wonderful and I think he really regrets that whole dressing up thing, but it was his hook - and it worked!

    Hazel - are you just the luckiest girl in the world? You have met Eddie Izzard and now Moose too!!

    C xx

  56. At 03:45 PM on 24 May 2007, Jess Cook wrote:

    Sooooo sorry about the football last night!!! I had to put up with it as my son and partner were having a boy thing all evening!

    Mighty hot out there today - I'm in Harrow on the Hill - only for work purposes - I couldn't afford to live here. The gas board have been digging up the roads round here for weeks now and parking is a nightmare - still it's very impressive up here what with the school and all.

    Must go home now. Have to go and collect my work for tomorrow and then off. Hope the show goes well. I always listen in my car on the way home. Tata Love from Jess

  57. At 04:34 PM on 24 May 2007, Kiru wrote:

    Wow...Kudos to you Chris for keeping the interview light and fun. Cant wait to see the whole thing. Ur preview is hilarious. ;)

  58. At 04:54 PM on 24 May 2007, Hellbell wrote:

    Tinsel - sooooooooo right about Gordon........ mmmmmm ..... sigh ....... swoon .......

    H xx

  59. At 05:06 PM on 24 May 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Ah no, not Gordon Ramsay.

    I could slap him hard and not in a good way. Hard and with a big wet fish. Bushack. Right round the mazzard.

    I'm sure he has many redeeming features but I find him way too smug and bullying for my liking. And the F word is just simply BORING now.He's beginning to sound like my daughter, aged 2, when she discovered the spectacularly embarassing effect that shouting "Bugger Off!" had from her buggy.

    Bless her. She's still doin' it. And she's 26.

    Needs a slap as well.


  60. At 09:29 PM on 24 May 2007, wrote:


  61. At 10:31 PM on 24 May 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Hi there Chris.
    WOW, brilliant news, well done you!! Have to say though,as a lifelong George fan, I'm a smidge envious....ok, so thats a complete understatement.....I'm sooo very jealous!! I'll be at Wembley on the 9th but it's ok, I can spare some time if you need a hand.
    If you need help holding your microphone then Chris, I'm your girl. I'm great with one of those clapper board thingy's and I can shout 'ACTION' in a very professional manner. I've got a gold medal in 'Wandering around with a clipboard looking like an Important Person' and I'd be so quiet, you would'nt even know I was there. Failing all that, I make great tea.......

    Well done to you Chris

  62. At 02:22 PM on 27 May 2007, elke wrote:

    I am sooooooooooooooo looking forward to this, being a huge huge huge GM fan for 23 years now. Well, i will be in Wembley the 9th, but will catch it somewhere later on the internet i guess.

    You are one very lucky man Chris! oh lol, you must have heard that 1000 times before.

    Oh, and please don't edit the 'how Greek are you' reply. It is one of my burning questions for George as well.... Oh well, guess we will see it in Athens as well...

    Will the interview be shown on the big screens during the 20 minutes interval at Wembley? Would be a nice treat for us 90000 in there.

  63. At 03:31 PM on 28 May 2007, Nita wrote:

    I`m from Portugal and I`ll love to hear this interview... How can it be possible?

    Thank you!


  64. At 05:09 PM on 28 May 2007, Nufaro wrote:

    Just when I thought being a GM fan "couldn't" get ANY better.... ;)...

    To everyone going on the 9th June have a "FANTASTIC" (no pun intended ;) time... I'll look forward to "my" night on 15th June @ Manchester xx..

    And to George, via Chris please xx, a BIG thank you for giving us fans this opportunity.. and fingers crossed for all his fans in the USA - may it be YOUR turn to see HIM Live soon :)...

    Much L & R (love & respect)

    Nufaro xxx

    "Greenstraw" optional ;) xx

  65. At 07:55 PM on 11 Jun 2007, sonia jones wrote:

    can you please tell me why a verry special guest wasi wasi was verry dissapointed as it had on the tiket with a verry special guest.george was amazing................

  66. At 01:03 PM on 29 Jun 2007, wrote:

    dear chris on the smoking ban, i dint thinkn the goverment have got it right, the do gooders and the goverment also the nhs, have found smoking guilty before they can prove that it is the cause of cancer and all other illnesses they say it is. well i can prove that smoking is not the cause of any illnesses, but i know what is, and that is the traffic and its fumes on our roads, walk up a street in a town or city and wipe your finger over a door or window and it will come of black, that is the fumes we are breathing in of which is a bigger danger to us all. take a look at hong kong and china, they walk round with masks on there faces because of the traffic fumes . so why is smoking getting all the blame, they want to get there facts right and admit they are wrong. plus this ban is going to put thousands out of work because they will not be needed as people wont go as much. plus the goverment make millions in tax on smokers, so if everyone has to stop then who is going to pay all the tax back, we all are, smoking never hurt anyone

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