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Chris Evans | 14:59 UK time, Tuesday, 15 May 2007

In the Radio 2 office at the moment and JOHNNY "SPORTS" SAUNDERS has got his lips around......

... the mini trombone that he acquired via last week's drive time swap shop. It is actually quite cute and does seem to hold a decent note. Will anyone want it come tomorrow and another swap forum ? we'll have to wait and see.

My brother's over from Aus this week, he's here to see my mum and basically hang for a while. This morning saw an event I never thought immaginable. Three generations of the Evans family working out together via the POWER PLATE and my mum is eighty one and not long ago fresh from a serious op. Brother's tummy ripped, mum's back better, me loving it as always, the legend of the power plate continues.

My bro' tells me there are special dog biccies you can get for older dogs, less fat and all that. Fat old dogs tend not to be healthy ones and my Enzo looks forward to a sleep more than a walk nowadays. This has to change.

Panorama last night, what was all that about ? A documentary about a reporter making a documentary rather than about the subject it was meant to be investigating. One nil to the Scientologists that's what I'm saying. Also last night saw the new Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse sketch show take a pop at Ricky Gervais, I smell envy and all things green.

It's never good to have a pop that you hope no one will notice. They always do and it echoes of negative emotions running far deeper. Comedians, the strangest people I have ever met.

CLP 2007



  1. At 04:59 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon, Christoff ..... counting down the minutes to my banishment to the kitchen to listen to Drivetime!

    Sounds like the Evans family are having fun together! So .... this Power Plate thingy really works then? I don't buy newspapers so haven't seen any recent shots of you to see if your muscles are rippling now! Hint, hint .... photos for flickr! I can't even check out the webcam as it won't load for me! Why don't you put Enzo on it!? ;)

    Your Mum must be so chuffed to have her two boys close by just now!

    Couldn't be bothered with the Panorama thing - I heard so much on Vine's that I couldn't be bothered with it! And I really have lost my sense of humour when it comes to Enfield and co just now!

    Have a great show!

    Huggles, Susan, Highland lass

  2. At 04:59 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Oh CLP please let us know about low cal biccies for old bears (dogs in other words) as my Roobear will be 100 in doggie years next month and could do with some treats, plus the youngster (still only a babe really) is a piglet in disguise and needs low fat treats!

    Panorama- what a hoot! It would never have been shown by the ´óÏó´«Ã½ of old.

    & the Bears

  3. At 05:02 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Wilsmar - thank you, thank you, thank you.

    This Blog has really restored my faith in the human race!

    CtD x x x

  4. At 05:25 PM on 15 May 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hi Chris.

    The comedians thing. Nah you're way off beat there my old china........ when comedians take a pop at someone it's cos they love em. Just like in the underworld, the first rule is, you cannot kill someone you don't know , so it is with comedy, you can only make fun of someone that you like. That's the rules. You can never make fun of someone you don't like, that's just plain nasty.

    Keep smiling


  5. At 05:25 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Wilsmar - thank you, thank you, thank you.

    This Blog has really restored my faith in the human race!

    CtD x x x

  6. At 05:26 PM on 15 May 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hi Chris.

    The comedians thing. Nah you're way off beat there my old china........ when comedians take a pop at someone it's cos they love em. Just like in the underworld, the first rule is, you cannot kill someone you don't know , so it is with comedy, you can only make fun of someone that you like. That's the rules. You can never make fun of someone you don't like, that's just plain nasty.

    Keep smiling


  7. At 05:28 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Wilsmar - thank you, thank you, thank you.

    This Blog has really restored my faith in the human race!

    CtD x x x

  8. At 05:38 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    lets see some photo's of the mini trombone - might have someone interested in doing a swap :)

    A few weeks ago, Chris and the drivetime team were talking of the latest win for them and Radio Two at the Sony Radio Awards.. well, I love this story of what happened to the producer of Radio 1's Chris Moyles show, at the Radio Awards..

    "... No doubt he would've mentioned my extremely embarrassing incident on Monday night at the Sony Awards. If you heard yesterday's show, you'd know that I was the victim of falling off my chair. It wouldn't be too bad if I'd had a few white wines, but it was at the start of the evening and I was stone cold sober! There I was feeling all posh in my new dress. Just sitting down, when a random man walked behind me and moved my chair. The next thing I knew was when I was sprawled in the floor. I just remember looking up and seeing Will (greyhead) and Dave (moyles other sidekick) absolutely creased up. You'll be pleased to know I don't have a bruise on my derriere and everything is all fine." - Rachel Jones, Producer, Chris Moyles, Radio 1

    I wonder if Chris and the team noticed this at the awards? - funny, yup I too laughed! :)

    Listeners, do look me up on the net! I too have a few new podcasts -

    Sam Downie

  9. At 05:48 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    I have to agree what was Panorama all about last night, I learnt absolutely nothing about Scientology.

    Although to be fair the big bust up at the end made it worth watching. Very funny!

  10. At 06:22 PM on 15 May 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Johnny's horn.

    I'll swap it for a 2" square chocolate brownie I've just paid £2.55 for in Paul Rankin's cafe in Belfast.

    That must be a bit of a record-breaker. Even for me. I mean, I buy me coffee in Starbuck's.

    Mr. Rankin. Shame on you.


  11. At 06:43 PM on 15 May 2007, Etienne Dutoy wrote:

    Thing about that Panorama doc was the fact on you tube his apology was centred around a rather whimiscal fact. He said that having played the part of the drill seargent in a school production of Oh What A Lovely War he felt compelled to test his shouting. I played the part of the photographer in a production of that show does this mean I am destined to become a mad paparazzi?


    (fatigued and just wanting to be part of it all)

  12. At 07:01 PM on 15 May 2007, wrote:

    Good evening all!
    WOW i'm so happy me and the folks just all did the most spear of the mo thing. we've just booked to go to Tenerife again in October! just for a week, but with this weather we've had and dad is busy busy at work so we all decided we need another break!!!

    Don't you love it when you just do something impulsive!

    Have been doing a bit of ebaying today. Sold some more bits and bobs and have put some more on there! I've taken a tip from my cousin, if you don't use it in 6 months it goes!!
    so all the too big or too small clothes are going! Must say ta ra for now as time for a rest. love to you all Missy xx

  13. At 09:09 PM on 15 May 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    CrD you are more than welcome.... I wish I had the ability and energy to do it too. Have a wonderful evening will definitely be willing you along and praying for a cloudless sky.
    Much success.

  14. At 10:36 PM on 15 May 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoff & ALL blog dudes!

    Bingo Star ere,

    Hi al,l just wanted to say Chris what a Wrockin' opening and closing tune terday!
    Queen- my all time fav band, Seven Seas Of Rhye, great. My fav is probally Headlong- great, fast driving tune and the Kaisers to close- great.

    PS Cheryl The Diva - sorry abit late but congradulations on your 11th Wedding Annirversary on the 10th!!!!

    PS Chris say GOUDLAYYE POSSOMS from me to your brother over ere from OZ!!!

    Got ter go now, just a quick one today- i'm snowed under with work- STRESS or WHAT!!

    errrr Chow!

  15. At 06:58 AM on 16 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Good morning all
    ...another fine day in Gotham City awaits us.

    Great 24hrs of blogging folks, taken me an age to read it all.

    CLP's pub?? - where please? - would like to take the lovely MrsW away for a treat.

    Christophe - I didn't see either programme in question but have heard plenty from many, you could be right about the green eyed monster by the sounds of it. Any thoughts on the DFYT or TFI repeats on some Sky channel - go on, bring joy to millions again.

    missy - love booking spur of moment hols, have a great time, flyong from Norwich?
    Robbo - I remember my split well, big love mate and keep your chin up, it'll all be ok once you get to 'the other side'. Me and my ex are now great mates and our 10 year old appears unscathed by it all.
    Jo - never found any hydro as work sent me to physio in the end but thank you for the suggestion and for asking x
    hazel - oooh a guessing game eh? No I don't do any heavy lifting - but I have 'lifted' a heavy or two in my time??!!
    ChrissieS - come back one day, us carrot crunching bloggers will recommend loads of places to visit.

    As predicted yesterday, the house move went pear-shaped, might not be next week now - grrrr

    How do you make a tissue dance?
    "put a little boogie in it!"

    .....courtesy of 10yr old daughter.... made me laugh

    Petit Pois


  16. At 07:59 AM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Morning Christophe and bloggettes

    Missed the show last night and will again tonight - training till 9 pm - yawn. Did see the Panorama thing and found it very uncomfortable - although I'll have no truck with scientologists I hate seeing someone lose their rag in such a big way. I find it really disturbing and alarming. Also, I wonder if the beeb would have shown it if the scientologists hadn't posted it out to thousands of people? - again not that I'm defending them.

    Hi ho hi ho - it's off to work I go.

    Mange tout mon petit pois xx

  17. At 08:22 AM on 16 May 2007, Soosie wrote:

    Would like to know more about the Power Plate for exercise and toning - our power plates normally have power pasta on them, so no weight loss there.

    Am off to Yoga tonight, I have a theory that if I stretch sufficiently the 'excess' will redistribute itself and therefore be less noticable.

  18. At 09:24 AM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    i went thru the car wash with my aerial up.

    Can't hear you any more. Can't fit my pc into the car.

    What's a girl to do?


  19. At 09:40 AM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Good morning blog-peeps - HAPPY HUMP DAY!

    Had my nails done last night and they're now airbrushed with yellow bits in the middle and blue tips. Lovely! We tried pink (for Moonwalk) but it looked pants so we went with blue.

    Then spent an hour hunched over stitching fluffy bits on my bra. I've bought it into work with me today so at lunchtime I shall once again stitch away to my hearts' content!

    Did anyone see Gordon Ramsay last night? Any views on the horse meat debate? Sorry if anyone finds this upsetting but I have to admit, we had it in France years ago and it was fab. It's lower in fat, lower in cholestrol, high in protein .... where can I buy some???

    We applied for tickets to the last series of the F Word. I thought it odd that we had to submit a photo of us - I drew the conclusion that we weren't selected because we were not gorgeous enough - personally I think I'm really gorgeous. Sorry Gordy if I'm not gorgeous enuff for your tv show - bet you woudln't turn me away from one of your restaurants, would you??

    Gok Wan says all women are beautiful, regardless of size, shape etc. I like him!

    Sorry - I got a bit ranty there. Moving on ....

    I've applied for my ARF - please, please let me get a call back! I've asked for Aerosmith's Walk This Way - it seemed appropriate with Moonwalk looming!

    Right, best do some work - will nip in again later for a chat!

    CtD xxxxxxxx

    PS: 3 more sleeeeeeeeps!

  20. At 10:05 AM on 16 May 2007, Em M wrote:

    did anyone see the widows tale last night? I thought it was such a moving programme, if you get the chance, watch it.

    Missy - lucky you, I wish someone would whisk me away on holiday. Feeling really down today, tokk a Zirtek last night for my hayfever and its left me feeling really sluggish and low.

    Em xx

  21. At 10:52 AM on 16 May 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi, just checking in.

    EmM #20 - just want to say to you, hope you feel better as the day progresses. Wish you could whisk your way up here to Glasgow for the day - we have zillions of Spaniards walking the streets, waiting for tonight's UEFA Cup Final. I assure you, the sight of these lovely guys dressed in their football shirts and jeans and wearing "See You Jimmy" hats would cheer you up no end!

    You'll get through today and it'll be better tomorrow. (Hopefully!!)

    C xx

  22. At 11:51 AM on 16 May 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Hey CtD, you've got me smiling this morning. I have visions of you moonwalking in the rain and stitched on feathers on your bra getting soggy and heading south! Unfortunate analogy for you ladies I know, but ............

    Anyway, good luck to you, I hope the weather stays dry and your assets, stitched on or otherwise, remain perky!!

    DD out

    PS I walk the line

    PPS I fought the law, and ....... they arrested me.

    PPPS How much is that ..... ooops gone missing!

  23. At 12:05 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Quiet in 'ere today innit? Where is everyone? Or have the BP gone bonkers???


    CtD x x

  24. At 12:21 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Cheers DD - glad to have put a smile on your boat!

    Looking at the forecast, I think I'll do the Moonwalk in me flippers and waders ....

    CtD x x

  25. At 12:43 PM on 16 May 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Happy humpday people.
    It's been all go here..... been for a trip outside to look at the sun as some dipstick set the fire alarm off in the nursery kitchen - there's a creche. We've got Cybermen - in shiny suits and breathing equipment - working the other side of some plastic screen/sheeting and nobodies coming back out from that side of the room!! Scary stuff, well it would be if I wasn't used to me own reflection. It's gone all dark and dismal now hope the sun's shining down on you all. Attempting to think of summer by eating strawberries and cherrys(!) I picked up from the market this morning - it's not working.

  26. At 12:52 PM on 16 May 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Afternoon all!

    Humpday it is then... Thanks goodness - really rather tired and wonderihng if I'll make it to the weekend...

    Saw Aus vs NZ netball match last night - took the kids - they were on the edge of their seats and thoroughly enjoyed themselves! So nice for the three of us to do something a little different to the norm - so, no telly watching for me last night (or the night before come to think of it).

    HL - I hear you're to have a new neighbour - hope she doesn't play music from her S, A & W era too loud...

    CtD - wowee - I think your bra will look fab - even if you do get wet! I've a pink feather boa you can have if you like?

    Prof - you and me both honey. Let me tell you, getting your own life back is far better than apathy - I am a different person now to 16 months ago - and proud of it!

    Best get back to it,

    S xx.

    P.S. I should be so mucky...

  27. At 01:15 PM on 16 May 2007, J wrote:

    Happy Hump Day (if only!)

    Peacocks are squawking outside, got half of the pressing things done that I must get done before I'm off to Florence next week - yahoo...

    Also, found young lad in the village who will lend me a Liverpool shirt to wear next week in Florence!

    Got my second stint with the counsellor tonight - he also does hypnotherapy and after hearing the show last night - heck, I think I'm going to give it a go!


  28. At 02:26 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon all.

    Sammie - many thanks for the offer of the feather boa but I'll pass. Why? Because 2 years ago there was a group a laydeeeez Moonwalking in feather boas and as each mile passed by, there was a trail of boa feathers which culminated at about 18 miles with half a dozen balding boas in a bin, together with some Mickey Mouse ears - very funny sight in the early hours of the morning!

    J - your Hump Day will come (no pun intended - much!)

    Bingo Star - thank you. We had a lovely evening at a local beer festival on Saturday. Well worth the £2 entrance fee.

    One thing .... I wish CLP hadn't called this thread "Johnny's Got The Horn" because everytime I pop in for a chat, I get a very disturbing image in my brain place. Not good! (at least not between 9 - 5.30)

    Love n Stuff

    CtD x x x

    PS: Howard Donald for Prime Minister!

  29. At 03:36 PM on 16 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Ainsley Chocolate Heaven bars one and all

    Can't stop eating them! I'm not a great choccy fan but I like these.
    I hear chocolate companies are going to start using more animal fats etc. I suppose they will then taste a bit more like Hershy bars... burger flavoured chocolate ... mmn delish ... not.

    The strangest comedian I can think of is Ken Dodd and about as funny as watching paint dry!

    Sammie I will bare your advice in mind, thank you.

  30. At 03:50 PM on 16 May 2007, J wrote:

    C-t-D - here's hoping and if Johnny's got the horn then I guess he could always pass it on...

    Good luck with the slinking!


  31. At 03:55 PM on 16 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Bonjour mes amis

    J - good luck with the counselling tonight. I had hypnotherapy a couple of times - didn't actually think at the time that I was 'under the influence' but do remember swallowing a lot??? Make of that what you will!! Second time I wept buckets half way through - but felt sooooooooooooo good afterwards!!

    CtD - best of luck for Sat - hope it doesn't rain tooooooooo much. You'll have a fab time - it's very brave of you to go for it - such a long way!!!!

    Hello and goodbye everyone else, I'm off home now!


  32. At 04:12 PM on 16 May 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Oh, gawd Sammie...who please? Am just recovering from huge frightening BANG! and loss of all power last night, so am not up for welcoming singing divas...

    All power now back on (just, the boy has just phoned me) but my account of what I was doing prior to the explosion was 'unsatisfactory' according to the sparks - sitting on the sofa just watching telly with the heating and a couple of table lights on in case you're wondering - apparently I must have 'plugged something in'. 'Are you sure she wasn't doing any washing as it appears that it was the washing machine that was the cause?' Very sure officer, and do you want to know why? Because we need to go shopping for washing powder. That's why.

    Still. I won't be doing any washing whilst alone in the house now. He told the boy that he was surprised I didn't smell something or notice smoke. Well, when there is a huge BANG! and everything goes dark, there are some things that slip past your conciousness while you are still checking presence of arms and legs I'd say.

    Just call me Spike

  33. At 05:02 PM on 16 May 2007, wrote:

    dogwithnobrain - tonight's show is dedicated to you: you lucky thing, you!

    Yours enviously

    CtD x x

    PS: hope you heard it, despite driving thru the car wash with the aerial up!

  34. At 06:21 PM on 16 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Forgot to mention lets wish Dr JMC good luck for the compo for Genisis tomorrow. I'm afaid I can't help, always forget names and titles. However you could raffle off the other ticket for Charity of course.

  35. At 06:35 PM on 16 May 2007, cyril bell wrote:

    Hiya Christoff
    Go easy on Enzo, all old dogs just want to sleep ! Our Westie Ginney died at the tender age of 105, just before christmas !!! She went really quickly, having a stroke and knowing nothing about it ! But in her last few months she really slowed down and only went in the garden to do her ablutions ! and back to her bed for another nap ! We now have a rescue Westie called Libby and she is absolutely bonkers ! and we love her. Dogs are such great friends, we need them in our lives. Sleep tight Ginney
    Love C

  36. At 08:07 PM on 16 May 2007, M K ROSS wrote:

    Not that I want to blow my own trumpet, but I find I have an amazing memory for voices. About a year ago I happened to be talking to a bloke, a total stranger I thought at the time. It turned out I worked at the school attended by his children. Well, suddenly it occurred to me that we might know each other, as there was something about his voice I found familiar. Then it struck me. I used to go out with him when I was about 20. Now that is 36 years ago, and hadn't seen or spoken to him since then! Our last ever conversation was a row, on the phone, in September 1971! Then it happened again tonight. I was listening to the serial on Radio 4 at 7.45pm. The actor I heard had a phoney French accent. That's the bloke who played Poldark, I said. Sure enough I checked the web site, and there it was - Robin Ellis. I haven't heard that voice since the 70's either.

  37. At 09:22 AM on 17 May 2007, mel wrote:

    I Just love Wispa bars (other choccie bars are available...).
    What ever happened to them ??

    The other bubbly chocolate that is available is just not the same, the bubbles are bigger...

    There is even a website dedicated to bringing back the Wispa...


  38. At 11:17 AM on 17 May 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Is it me, or are there some bloody dreary records about at the moment?

    The weather is vile at the moment, and the radio is not easing my day one bit. Even Leonard Cohen would be hard pushed to cheer himself up to this.

    Yes I know I can switch it off or over, but the misery seems to be on all stations, not just this one!

    Are we having April now?

  39. At 11:36 AM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Why can't I read or comment on yesterdays Blog? Come on teccy peeps - sort it aht!

    CtD x x

    PS: HL - yes, I agree. Although the first thing I heard on R2 this morning was Hot hot Hot by Arrow - made me feel all ready for my hols and even got me singing a bit - at 8.15 am that's good going!

  40. At 11:48 AM on 17 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Still can't open Weds blog?????

    hazel, I think you're right about the music too!


  41. At 01:00 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    I think the link to Wednesday's blog is kaput - what a great word. I've tried changing it to the full title but that didn't work either. Any techies out there - or whoever you bp's are can you go and tell someone it ain't working!

    Yes I think we are having April now - wet and missy in Northland.

    Mange tout xx

  42. At 02:34 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Johnny's had the horn for two days now.

    Painful. But a beautiful mental image nonetheless!

    CtD x x

  43. At 03:03 PM on 17 May 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Hallo. One of those boring days, isn't it? Can't open blog either. Weather north of the border warm but no sun to be seen. Off to a fiddle concert tonight so maybe that will cheer me up.

    Have to negotiate the roadwork hell of the Forth Bridge at the weekend (1 other bridge available - miles away and with roadworks too!!). If anyone is thinking of heading north at the weekend, I suggest crossing the bridge in the middle of the night.

    Tomorrow must be better. How about Jools Holland "I like rythm & blues"? Great drums.

    A. x

  44. At 01:52 PM on 29 May 2007, wrote:

    Cornwall for the weekend & a late night wine hazed conversation about who played Poldark? Googled it to see this question perplexs quite a few people.

    The answer to my surprise is Robin Ellis. Robin who?????? I was convinced it was Oliver Tobias. Lost a tenner now!

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