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Chris Evans | 16:27 UK time, Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Monet, eighteen million quid for a....

.... painting of WATERLOO BRIDGE, is it worth it ?

Well if that's the price and that's what it sold for, then yes i suppose it is. Have you seen it ? it is rather good. I once tried to buy a Hockney, didn't come to anything but then again I didn't try that hard.

A few months back however I did read a story that his SPLASH painting had recently been sold for a few mill. That's one of my fave paintings ever. I would have had a bash at that one. It's all relative innit, I remember when I had enough cash in me bank to buy a Bailey photograph, I did just that. It was the famous Michael Caine image from the sixties, or was it the seventies, whatever it was I liked it a lot. At the time I had just over five grand in the bank and this photo was just over four. I loved it so I went for it. I still have it and it honestly still gives me joy every time i look at it. I have no idea whether it's gone up in value or down and frankly I don't care I bought it because I liked it and i think that's always the best way.

I went to one of Lloyd Webber's houses once and you should see the gear he's got on the walls there ! I looked at another house to buy and there was a painting in the living room that was worth twice the price of the house, crazy paving !

Art is hilarious isn't it and what must it be like to see through an artists eyes. What do they see that we don't, what do they feel that we can't and were there any fat decent painters. They all seem to be sexily skinny, if you know what I mean. I find the more I eat, the less I feel. Maybe I'll get hungry for a week buy some paints and canvas and see what happens.

Anyway hopes yous are doing ok., and if you're not I'm sure you soon will be, if you want to that is. For it's rarely what we see but how we see it. Ahhhh now that sounds like a good title form tomorrow's show.


  1. At 05:54 PM on 20 Jun 2007, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good Morning from Vancouver and a good day to all back in Blighty,

    Just a quick contribution to say what a delight it is to see the blog continuing apace. The last three months have been the most traumatic , moving and emotionally charged of my life but as the days roll on, the pain becomes less and the memories shine more brightly.

    My parents visited from London, my friends rallied round and I am once again starting to enjoy the sunshine and appreciate that life must continue without hesitation and with a renewed sense of honour. Memories sustain me and I am also looking forward to a trip back to Blighty in August and a few days in Paris too.

    To all the contributors, it is a joy to read your words and I continue to wish you all the happiness, contentment and pleasures that life can hold.

    To Mr Evans and his honourable team, thank you for providing me with a daily smile through the tough times...it means more than one sometimes may realise.

    Anyway, somewhere a lunchtime pint awaits...

    Good day to you all...

    Dr. T.

  2. At 06:26 PM on 20 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Well the only things adorning my walls at the moment are my little boys paintings which are worth millions to me.

    2 weeks to the wedding and survived my hen weekend which was fantastic. Day out shopping with my best friend on the friday, day at the Armna Spa in Haslemere on Saturday and then big meal with all my great friends in my local (Chris's pub) in the evening and then staggered back down the road to my house for a strong coffee. Quick thank you to all the staff and Camilla for supervising everything. Lazy day sunday and back to routine on Monday. If only all my weekends could be that relaxing.

    Sam x

  3. At 07:25 PM on 20 Jun 2007, carolyn Prichard wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I love your show and really keeps me company driving home from work I work in the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport and we are having major renovations to the area and the traffic is terrible and without listening to you I would scream I think
    Anyway You were talking the other day about sightings of Steve Wright and it made me think of the time I met you
    Do you remember you were sat in Saundersfoot in Wales having a drink outside a pub by the beach and somebody got the wheels of the pushchair caught up with a coat and your bouncer came and gave us something to cut it with and my daft husband said to you oh were not standing here because your here and you said Im sure your not We still laugh about that he was mortified about that
    I was just thinking of it when you were talking about it and only now have I had time to email you
    Well anyway just a thought if you rememered it you were very kind
    Thanks for reading this

  4. At 08:25 PM on 20 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Christoffe Lambie Pie.

    Yes absolutely deffo you should get yourself some canvas and paint. Hell, grab a hold of the wax crayons or Play Doh or Fuzzy Felt or what about a potter's wheel? What a laugh that is. And the worse you are at it, the better the results if you get me drift.

    I well remember the day many moons ago when, as a young art student in Manchester, I embarked upon my first life class. The tutor was a fantastically barking madwoman called Jean Gordon, who was obviously up with the fairies and when I asked if we could change media from charcoal to pastel, she promptly regaled us all with a story about how she onced dropped a punnet of strawberries down the steps of a public convenience in Wigan, and was so inspired she created a whole series of installations from it.

    At the time I reached the conclusion that everybody in the place was bonkers and finished my drawing, in charcoal, bemused and none the wiser. But years later I realise that what she was trying to say was whatever inspires you, just go with the flow. Art is about knowing the rules and the boundaries, and then breaking them.

    You know the old adage about not making an omelette without breaking eggs. That's Art for you. Rule-breaking. Provoking thought. Often it's hostile thought, because people are often hostile to what they don't understand.

    When you hear someone booming, "What rubbish. I could have done that..", give them the reply that I do, namely, "But you DIDN'T, did you?"

    You don't have to like all Art, any more than you have to like all food or all fashion or all music. Or all points of view, come to that. Who was it who said "I may not agree with what he just said, but I defend to the death his right to say it"? So it is with Art.

    Meanwhile, my lovely, sweet, beautiful oldest friend who shall at this point be nameless is on the brink of much deserved greatness and is currently being exhibited and sold in galleries in Europe and New York. She will one day be a great name in the Art world. Her work is edgy and quite shocking and to meet the little sweetie I know and love, and relate her to her work is most amusing.

    So go, Christoffe, get that easel out. Let rip. Just remember to wear the flyin' helmet and stay off the Absinthe. Van Gogh never won any prizes for designin' earrings.


  5. At 10:04 PM on 20 Jun 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Not a sight of any original art works on my walls - unless of course you count that artwork done by my 2-year old nephew! An original - and he did it for free.....bless....

    I once went out with an art student, who let me keep one of her pieces of work. I thought it was brilliant, but then again, I thought she was brilliant as well! But, the whole thing went down the drain...and so did the art work....! So that's my brush with that world over...

    Next time I handle a paintbrush, it'll be for the living room!

    Tickle :)

    PS - Hazel, congrats on the moving dates, packing etc! I got the impression from your blog posts earlier that you are tres excited! And so you should be!

    PPS - No sign of the IIS tonight - but new neighbours have moved in next door, so I've been busy sussing them out!!

  6. At 10:52 PM on 20 Jun 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Dear oh Dear

    Third time lucky perhaps. I must be barred as my posts don't seem to reach the light of day.
    I don't have a computer of my own either at the mo. Just a borrowed few mins on a highly secure connection with little action. Could rob a bank on it though.

    Art for arts sake costs money for gods sake.
    Just to hang on a wall and gather dust......

  7. At 12:20 AM on 21 Jun 2007, John wrote:

    The more you eat the less you feel. Wow, what an idea. I have put on weight fairly rapidly and I am now in the business of getting rid of it. I did not notice a decline in my emotions as the weight went on but I will certainly be looking for an increase as it comes off.

    I just got back from the worlds greatest motor race, the 24 hrs of le Mans. It was not as good as it has been in recent years. I have vivid memories watching this drama unfold and being genuinely overcome with emotions about it. It seems to be a little reflection of how our society works. The "ah but it is very important" French types have introduced all kinds of stuff over the years. These ammount to fencing around the already fenced circuit and introducing two chicanes on the famous mulsanne straight. Both Mr Schumaker and Mr Derek Bell are on record as having said these things add nothing to the event yet still yet more of their kind are added year on year. The gypsy style fair is gone and rplaced by a band or two and a more modern style fun fair. Its not as French as it was and its not better for it.

    Less is more and thats a new universal rule for me. I am gonna train down my upper body bulk and get rid of the muscles as well as the fat, skinny guys rule OK

    JK nonegreen

  8. At 08:16 AM on 21 Jun 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Hello y'all.

    technology??? Still no broadband, couldn't wait for the dial up to load so hence no me for a few days. (still on cumpooter I shouldn't be on!!!)

    seems I've missed loads of great topics -

    EmM - be positive, tell your kiddies everyday how brill they are.
    You must be ok to be a childminder in the first place so be positive - bet you're great at it. Which side of the city do you cover? MrsW is back to work soon and we may need childcare for the KW anklebiters.

    Sammie - thanks for noticing my absence but as I have explained, I'm broadbandless in new abode until next week!!!

    HL - I quite enjoy moving, just look forward to the moment you have alcohol in hand and all 'appears' to be unpacked.

    Elmlea - Funeral songs, Hmmm, I'd quite like 'A fifth of Beethoven' from Sat Night Fever as I'm carried in, or maybe even the theme from Shaft? For a soppy one I'll leave that to my nearest and dearest to play what they deem appropriate at that time. I'm going to play 'If I aint got you' by Alicia Keys at my lovely wifes... not that I ever really wish to attend it.

    Chris, glad to see you safely back, hope the hol was great.

    missy - you ok? you seem down?

    bravo zulu echo foxtrot golf whisky sierra


  9. At 08:56 AM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Good morning Christophe and anyone up for a Thirsty Thursday!

    CLP, I think you may find that most of your 'sexily skinny' painters lived in garrets and suffered from consumption. That is to say the disease of the lungs rather than too much of anything...composers. authors, almost anyone of an artistic bent (he he) never made any money while they were alive so couldn't afford food as well as rent...or were so excited by the ideas in their head, they didn't bother with meals. I'll bet even Banksy doesn't eat sometimes. When his time comes, his paintings will probably be sold for even more money...either that, or the councils will just re-spray everything...

    Akshully, may I just voice an opinion on Mr Banks' 'art' at Glastonbury? I think it is a massive desecration of a holy place akin to someone planting a dog poo in the aisle of St. Pauls. I reckon the Arch Bishop would have been out there with a dustpan and brush before anyone had a chance to tell the newspapers. I'm sure I could get shot down in flames with this, but it's how I feel.

    I am the proud owner of a picture I bought with some cash my Gran'ma left me, and I see her every time I look at it. A couple of friends of ours can see other things in the picture too which I find fascinating. A fitting tribute to a wonderful lady.

    I think it's a shame that so-called collectors buy art as investment opportunities. It should be available to be enjoyed by all...like the Mona Lisa...not locked in a safe or hidden away until the next sale.

    I reckon if you want it, can afford it, then buy it and love it, share it with others, but don't just keep it so that the only time anyone else ever gets a look in is on the television, when an auction house has sold it for a gazillion stupid money...I'm glad Lord Lloyd-Webber has his art displayed for his guests to see, and good for you Christophe, buying that photo, I'm glad you enjoy it!

    My oh my, that's worn me right out now. What with me shoulders aching from packing 'n all...and being expected to work as well...too much for a body to bear...but it'll be over before I know it...HOORAH!

    tea on (gotta take it slow)

    Tickle, excited, apprehensive, stressed, hot, dusty, all the above and more! The flat is actually smaller than my current abode, but is a tad TARDIS like with space. No doubt I shall fill it before long...

    Littlest Hobo, have missed you, have thought about you x the sun is past the yard arm somewhere...cheers x

  10. At 10:23 AM on 21 Jun 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning all.

    Did you see that Richard Attenbrough (I think, one of the many anyway) has donated his huge collection of Picassos to a museum in memory of his daughter and granddaughter who died in the Tsunami? I thought that was lovely - especially as he had memories of the children playing on the sculptures etc ...

    I have no problem with people collecting stuff if they love it (my mum collects some terrible tat but it makes her happy so hey, what the heck) - it's when they buy it for 'an investment' - what a waste of money. That's why I'm always shouting "sell it" at the TV when I watch Antiques Roadshow!

    Chris - the more you eat the less you feel - sounds like one of the lines in the 'baked beans are good for your heart' ditty!!!!!!!!

    (((((Littlest Hobo))))) hoping you are travelling onwards and upwards now.


  11. At 10:27 AM on 21 Jun 2007, lyn lintott wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    stopped at The Mullberry last night for a quick drink!!!!
    We were so sad to see that your petunias were in dire need of water.

    You quench the publics thist so how about giving the same service to your flowers.



  12. At 10:29 AM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Morning chaps and chapesses everywhere!

    Fersty Fursday already. Whatever next .... ARF that's what!!

    I agree that modern art is at best intriguing but mostly bizarre. Having said that, I think the turbine hall at the Tate Modern is one hell of a space. Beautiful by its sheer vastness, dizzying accoustics .... awesome

    My little mind has trouble getting round things like unmade beds, urinals and concrete sheds as art. And video art. How does that work? Will archive editions of You've Been Framed become masterpeices of the future .....? Cripes - I hope not!

    My favourite painting of ALL TIME EVER is The Bathers by Seurat. It's in the National Gallery in London and is massive. Such a calming painting. Could sit and look at it for hours (have done in the past!)

    Some of Andy Warhol's stuff was pretty cool too.

    When I was in the sixth form (too many moons ago to count!) I did A/S level History of Art. All was going well, the 1 year of hard study was enjoyable until the fateful day we sat the exam, only to learn that the "teacher" had taught us the wrong year's syllabus. We all got "U" marks and the teacher .. well, let's just say she didn't teach for much longer after that. Shocking! I'll mention no names but if you're reading this, you know who you are!

    Still busy arranging the summer works "bash" - actually getting somewhere now, which feels good.

    Will nip back in later for a chat!

    CtD x x

    PS: Any good gooseberry recipes/ideas out there? The allotment is running away with the little green devils ......

  13. At 10:35 AM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:

    sorry, was just taking a quick work break there...

    I'd just like to say (not only but also) that I appreciate all your good wishes with my house move.

    I'm completely aware that I am neither the first nor the last person to move house, but this is the fifth or sixth time in two years, so it's all getting extremely wearing! Although the amount of stuff to pack does seem to be getting less...a silver lining...hoorah!

    I don't owe money on library books, nor am I part of any witness protection scheme (although I did see Clodagh's Barry without his balaclava once, but didn't know it was him at the time) it's just all because of circumstances beyond our control. If you privately rent, you'll know.

    We are REALLY hoping that this is going to be the last time for at least a couple of years...unless we come into some HUGE money, in which case you will all be invited to our yacht warming party aboard our new Gin Palace, and new headquarters of the Sett and International Badger Rescue. We may also purchase a small island that has retractable palm trees.

    Anyhoo, gonna shaddup abartit nar coz I'm boring myself. I have parcel tape stuck where it shouldn't be, and an impossible candlestick to be shoved somewhere it probably couldn't be...


    ...and Gingembre...an open, sippable bottle of tequila in your hand while you are packing BEFORE the removal wouldn't count then?

  14. At 10:40 AM on 21 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:



    (It's been a while.)

    S xx.

  15. At 10:43 AM on 21 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:

    CtD - how strange...

    S xx.

  16. At 10:45 AM on 21 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Good Morning!

    "To whom it may concern,

    Sammie has been absent from the schlog, due to having a migraine, which was exacerbated by a lack of sleep, due to some chancer (read alternative, in not very polite terms...) attempting to break into her house.

    Yours Faithfully,

    PC A.N. Other"

    The little so and so got a bit of a shock when I chased him up the road. Don't think he expected it - but I managed to get a photo (mobiles are GREAT!) to share with the local Constabulary - thanks to them for their rapid response....

    Littlest Hobo - good to hear from you - as tough as things may seem at times, the sun will continue to rise and although you can't always see it - it's always there. x x x

    HL - I missed your txt fame! Which night and approx what time? I'll listen again...

    Clodagh - such sense - I bet you pretend that you're a little dippy and then take everyone by surprise with your wise words. Thanks for them x x x

    Now then - ART! There's a word. What is art? I love that debate. I remember having it with my Ex a number of years ago, whilst at Tate Modern. He was completely ignorant and dismissive of anythign that didn't fit into his idea of art - whereas I was blown away by it all. That's not to say I liked everything I saw, but I could appreciate each work for what it was. On the other hand - what a fantastic use of space they made with that building!

    I have wanted to create some art for my house for a while now and am going to bite the bullet and create some canvasses this weekend. If they don't work out - I will have enjoyed doing something different, if they do, then wah hey - I will have some completely unique art in my home and there's not many that can say that!

    Right, best get off now that I've taken up lots and lots of your time - I'll catch up with you all later,

    S xx.

    P.S. Sierra Alpha Mike Mike Indigo Echo

  17. At 10:55 AM on 21 Jun 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings Christoff & ALL Blog Friends.

    Bingo Star ere.

    It's all 'appenin'- am tellin' yer!!!!

    CtD I read yesterday that despite all the rain were you live there is a hose pipe ban. Are your water board crayzeeee!!!
    Britain is goin' down, goin' down i'm afraid. This sounds like a case for Vicktor Meldrew!!

    You can 'ave some of my water anytime CtD. I've got too damn much ere.
    It's so damn deep it was upto me big toe the other day.
    You might say that is no big deal but I was 50foot up a tree trying to offer me nuts ter the resident squirrels at the time.
    I could run a hose from my abode ter yours.

    Mind you for using a hose we would probally get find by some community officers helping the community by fining us for helping each other.
    Plus if anyone tripped over the 'ose we would probally be sued by the sewer solicitors.
    Nearly as bad as the gutter press- know what am sayin'!!!
    I'd love to help but maybe my offer of help is a bad idea- too damn riskay!!!! Sorry CtD!

    Aye CLP man I was listening ter the Wrightie show, aswell as yours of course yesterday, and heard 'im sayin' he had ter get the Tim Smith off the golf course in the middle of the thunder the other day. Is the Smith crayzee? He could get struck off. That would be no good for The Big Show - am tellin' yer.

    Talkin' of dangerous incidents on the fairways of happiness. I nearly wrote off one of me playing partners once.
    Me ball landed just short of a couple of trees with a small gap through them. The only way forth friend was a Tiger special fade between the trees- know what am sayin'
    I 'it it as hard as I could and it 'it the tree. Then bounced back full speed right through me partners legs and took out 'is golf trolley.
    He nearly 'ad an 'art attack.
    I said don't be drawing now were in the middle of golf ere.
    I believe Art Attack, the childrens tv programme is one of 'is favourites. Oh yes friend!

    CLP Talkin' of art. Your blog above. £18m for a pic of the bridge thati s Waterloo. A few years back yer could 'ave bought the damn bridge for that money!!!
    The worlds a crayzeee place friend!!!


    PS Any chance of playing Crash Test Dummies - When I Go Out With Artists- spiffingly beautiful tune friend!!!!

  18. At 11:16 AM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:

    HL - how very DARE you take a work break ... what do you think this is medear?!?

    Bingo: you're 'avin a bubble, mate! Community Officers in this little corner of sunny suffolk? if we had such a luxury then there wouldn't be hairy lairy teenagers doing donuts on the country park with their boy-racemobils. Nor would we have any vandalism on the allotments. The dog poo bins would be emptied at least once a fortnight .... heck, why do I pay my council tax????

    Cheers anyway! Nice to know the thought was there!

    CtD x x

  19. At 12:56 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:

    My posts are all the wrong way round - they should be: 16, 14, 15.


    S xx.

  20. At 01:43 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Phoenix wrote:


    CtD : Gooseberry wine, Gooseberry tart, Gooseberry Fool - those should use up most of your glut of fruit.

    For me it would be the wine...... less said.

    I have a glut of cherries but not for long as they are being eaten fast and not only by me but the ones at the top of the unpruned tree (12ft) I know I should have done it last year but forgot. anyway the birds are getting the ones I can't get to and once finished yes the tree is scheduled for a prune.

    The teenager who comes to help out in the garden decided to strim the lawn and cut the tops off:
    1 baby rose, 1 broom (apricot) bush and a new rosemary bush copped a footprint..... needless to say he has been reminded on strimmer use near the flower beds.

    Work progresses and I was lucky this week to be in an area that has seen very little rain this week - oh yes there were parts of this country that didn't get rained on.

    All the best to everyone

  21. At 02:26 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    HA HA Sammie - glad you explained = I did think your posts were a bit weird!

    CLP - couldn't I come and be the moderator? I'd be great, I'd get the posts on in good time, in the right order and everything!!!!!!!

    Oh it's Thirsty Thursday - hurrah! Thursday is of course the new Friday and I will be down the pub (other places of refreshment are available) this evening to partake of a few bevvies, woo hoo!

  22. At 03:36 PM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:


    sierra alpha mike mike india echo

    tango uniform echo sierra delta alpha yankee approx 1825-1835hrs (just after Madonna I think)

    Whilst proceeding in an Easterly direction across my current bedroom and papa alpha charlie kilo india november golf, and only just heard it m'self yer onner...

  23. At 03:38 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Em M wrote:

    Crikey, one of my fellow judges just told me you read out my contribution to the blog yesterday about our school X factor, thank gawd I didn't say anything embarassing! Think I might have to think of a pseudonym, or things could get a little sticky!

    Em xx

  24. At 03:48 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Prof Victor Meldrew, Plum wrote:

    Hello one and all.

    Thisty wosit day, is everyone gonna dance tonight?

    HL Good luck with the move. Thanks also for the scooter link.... 0-60 in 10 seconds mine does.

    Bingo. Recyling is todays gripe, no need for all that nonsense I am getting a coal fire to burn it all...

    Pheonix. Cherries so you are a Sou supporter are you?

    CTD Marlene, the stick insect says thanks.


  25. At 04:00 PM on 21 Jun 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Thirsty Thursday greetings all,
    Painting..... I have difficulty just drawing breath sometimes - in the dim and distant days of dark satanic mills I attended a night school art class and had hours of fun - the only thing I remember painting was the alphabet and the figures 0-9 and turning them into animals/ statues. I was absolutely useless but the tutor didn't worry how good the finished item was as long as "your best" was produced. Swapped the oil paints for swarfiga - other skin cleaning treatments available - when I learnt to drive and went to car maintenance classes. Oh happy days of youth!
    HL - F.A.B. idea for the retractable palm trees on your private island - hope the move goes well next weekend.
    Penguin - you were right about posting time(s)
    Bingo - will you get them in - I'll pay, and can I have a half of what you're on. I need an injection of something - but not in the derriere thanks.

  26. At 04:02 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:

    .... ._..

    _ .... ._ _. _._ ...

    ... xx

  27. At 04:02 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Or... (note, the following are comma separated)

    dit dit dit dit, dit dah dit dit

    dah, dit dit dit dit, dit dah, dah dit, dah dit dah, dit dit dit

    dit dit dit xx

  28. At 04:23 PM on 21 Jun 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    I have to be honest, if I had money I would buy some serious paintings. I adore art (obviously not all of it). There is a fabulous wee gallery in Dublin - Apollo Gallery: to anyone who will ever be in Dublin - get yourself in there! Every price range! However, yer girl is Marie Carroll - all her paintings are of Dublin - Grafton Street, St Stephen's Green, the Ha'penny Bridge - breathtaking. When my ship comes in, I will be sailing to Dawson Street!

    In the meantime, I am the proud owner of a chalk drawing of Van Gogh's Sunflowers, drawn by my daughter when she was 7 years old (she's now 16 and can't believe she actually did this!). It's brilliant!

    Littlest Hobo - so good to hear from you. When times are difficult, we can't believe that life goes on, but it does - and that's the way it's meant to be.

    Sammie - did you wake up and there was someone ACTUALLY in your house?! My worst nightmare! I lay awake the other night in terror at a strange noise downstairs. I finally realised it was the bins outside - the lids falling up and down in the wind! You are soooo brave and I hope the boys in blue get the numpty!

    Re: chosen songs for one's funeral - for me, it has to be Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley and my husband is going for Let Me Try Again by Frank Sinatra - rather apt, try to get a listen to this!

    C xx

  29. At 04:29 PM on 21 Jun 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Sammie are you the dipstick - car maintenance ref - that's been trying to send a fax down my phone all afternoon. I hope you noticed how polite I have been when I answered the (numerous) calls.

  30. At 06:38 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Christine Ware wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I'm 54 and I've never watched the Sound of Music either.

    Love the show.


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