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Chris Evans | 16:13 UK time, Tuesday, 17 July 2007

I have a friend who...

... waits until they know the person who they're calling won't be available, so they can talk to their answer phone instead of having to confront them.

Now here's the question, are the people they're calling aware of the fact they're doing this /? I bet they are.

What about my pals who have decided to get married on New Years eve because it gives them the perfect excuse "FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES," never to have to attend a New Years eve bash as it's their "wedding anniversary."

Extreme but effective. I love extreme but effective.

Currently working on a theme bar idea with Anthony, "Lord Cherry of Balham." He sits near me in the office and the other day we stumbled upon what we think may well be ... oh there i go again spilling too many of the beans.

Went flying this morning with a big wind gusting even bigger, finally feels like I may have learnt how to land, always useful, ahem... anyhow off to read the latest posts now, must catch up with what you have to say... it's a two way street and all that...

James May's on the show tonight and on the telly later on with his new show.

Toodles and pips y'all.

CLP 2007



  1. At 04:33 PM on 17 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Dearest Christophe, since the 'prang' on Friday I have taken to any means available to me to travel anywhere.

    On Saturday it was Shanks's Pony, on Sunday it was the public charabanc, yesterday the vehicular transport supplied by my lovely friend, and this morning I blew in via my extreme but effective umbrella.

    This is not to be confused with that record,

    Me getting to work on time? Now that's a record.

    Mary Poppins

    Badgers Like James

  2. At 04:34 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    I have to confess to phoning people when I know they will not be there just to yack to their machine. Is that really such a bad thing? Sometimes, not talking to people is the right thing to do. Well, I know what I mean.

    I would also have to own up to making arrangements in order to avoid other arrangements. Very, very occasionally. In fact, only once I can genuinely remember.

    God, I must sound like a nightmare to know.

    We inadvertantly booked ourselves a free August Bank Holiday for life by getting married on August 28th. Oops, missed it this year!


    Still. Just hired someone this afternoon, so paperwork to sort out and then outtahere!



    PS Ladies Love Cool James.

  3. At 04:38 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Looking forward to hearing James May tonight quite enjoyed his show last week! and looking forward to listening to you as well you do make me laugh on the way home.


  4. At 04:38 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Christoph "Biggles" Evans

    Be careful of big winds.........they can catch you by surprise and leave others reeling in your wake!!!!!

    Mange Tout Mange Tout


  5. At 04:44 PM on 17 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Just back to work today after a lovely two week break - haven't done much, but it was great not having to go to work! Managed to hear a lot of your shows - you are going from strength to strength!

    I hope I'm not too late to add to the Poll regarding your wedding photographs. I really, really hope I am not speaking out of turn: I don't think you should let OK cover your wedding - not even for one page. Just take a look at the OK "casualties" over the years - that magazine and indeed Hello are the kiss of death to the start of any marriage. Just my opinion Chris, and I totally understand the wonderful idea of giving the money to charity, but there must be another way.

    As for the Press getting photographs of you both on your wedding day, yes they will. But have a think back to when Ant McPartlin got married. He refused to even consider one of the magazines covering the wedding and the photographs of him and his wife on the front pages of every newspaper the next day were gorgeous.

    Be brave my friend - do not succumb! Sometimes we can "con" ourselves that we'll be in control of something and that we're up to speed. But in the land of OK, the money they offer means not a jot and the wreckage that may follow means even less.

    I realise I am in the minority, but this is just how I see it.

    However, all the very best to you and your lovely lady, I'm just so pleased that you are happy.

    C xx

  6. At 05:11 PM on 17 Jul 2007, natter wrote:

    hello everybody

    Agree with ChrissieS but feel the reason most of 'celeb' couples ask OK to cover their weddings are completley different to Chris's. The reason they don't last is they were not marrying for the right reasons in the first place, unlike Chris and gots. Wishing both of you lots of love and happiness always.


  7. At 05:14 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Em M wrote:

    Chrissie - I completely agree with everything you say, well done, hope Chris listens to you.

    I must confess I sometimes ring people when I know they won't be there, I know its terrible but there you go. As I said in an earlier blog, it means you can tick them off your list, you know, "must ring X" without actually having to speak to them.

    Em xx

  8. At 05:30 PM on 17 Jul 2007, valerie wrote:

    Is the girl on the sofa going to wear THE wedding dress?

    Wish you both everything you wish yourselves and I agree with the OK deal, hospices do a fantastic job of caring and need every penny ( or pound!) that they can get.

    Hope you continue with the show for ages, I really love it.

    Good luck


  9. At 05:33 PM on 17 Jul 2007, wrote:


    I can't seem to keep up with your posts as soon as I read one, another appears!

    As you're already spoken for - can you ask James May if he's currently got a lady friend, 'cos if he hasn't I'm first in the queue to cook him a nice meal - and as we both drive Fiat Pandas we already have summat to chat about over dinner.

    Jan x

  10. At 05:36 PM on 17 Jul 2007, j wrote:

    Oh - so do the ansaphone thing and so don't answer the phone at home, then can do 1471 and find out who it was before ringing them back - if I feel like it!

    Life is too hectic and busy these days so 'me' time is really important. Besides why should the phone take precidence over everything else.

    I hate it when I'm in a shop and the phone goes and they get served before I do. Grrrr!

    OK rant over

    'Nair cast a cloot til May is oot'

  11. At 05:37 PM on 17 Jul 2007, j wrote:

    Meant to say: ChrissieS you put very succinctly what I was trying to say yesterday - and I got BP'd so I think I said it badly!


  12. At 05:56 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Scott McFarlane wrote:

    I phone friends but don't give them time to answer, so they pick up dial 1471 and call me back at their expense. He he

  13. At 06:14 PM on 17 Jul 2007, m wrote:

    i think the feel of a place sets its own theme. I'm sure it will be spot on, the world would be a better place if only there was more places to check into!
    Have to admit, been doing the phone thing the past week.......... feeling a bit guilty now so back to work tomorrow.
    Agree with the others. go for it just dont let the deal and there prescence detract from your day.they will want their pound of flesh, you know that but see that its on your tems not theirs.
    Wish the summer would come back. Stay safe and au revoir!

  14. At 10:39 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Gill Martin wrote:

    Chris, why do you sign your blogs CLP???

  15. At 10:54 PM on 17 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Chrissie S - I completly agree with you!

    Chris tell your friend not to bother phoning if he doesn't want to speak to them!So Today I took a pic of myself for Facebook and Myspace and I have had 2 comments from 2 men i once fancied saying i look stunning! Love it!!!! To see the my go to

    I hope i don't look like a tart, let me know if i do although compared to some photos i've seen i look very sophisticated!
    Well must go to bed, missy xxx

  16. At 11:39 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Gill - it's Christophe Lambie Pie

  17. At 12:38 AM on 18 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    - I could only see the one in the blue vest.....

    ....stunning x


  18. At 01:02 AM on 18 Jul 2007, John wrote:

    Just been to the debate on the congestion charge for manchester its on channel M repeated in the morning. I have not seen it yet and I did rip the leader of Macnester city council apart but you know what editors are like. lol

    Having listened carefully to the arguments for, I am now convinced that this is an even more stupid idea than I thought it was. As the COE of Peel holdings (Trafford Centre) said. " Sir Stephen if I went into a busness meeting to pitch for a piece of work and kept having to say "I dont know we are still working on that" I would be laughed out of the place". Thoroughly enjoyable experience I love making politicians cringe.

    JK Nonegreen

  19. At 07:18 AM on 18 Jul 2007, c wrote:

    missy u do look like a tart put them away!

  20. At 09:34 AM on 18 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Good Hump Day one and all...sun is just peeking, or should that be peaking...

    James May in the Centrifuge with a Blackout.

    Who needs Cluedo when you've got such superb telly! The brain thing was truly amazing, but I think it's a shame that we didn't get to see the printed out picture too...

    Good on yer James - fab. Didn't get to watch the war one though.

    ...and Valerie, LOVE the idea of the Girl on the Sofa wearing THE wedding dress...then she can donate what she was going to spend on her dress to the charidee too! Except she is probably wearing a beautiful antique family gown which has been handed down for the past xxx years, and look TOTALLY stunning, of course...aaaaaah, I DO love a lovely wedding...

    love Fusetta

    PS Missy, I can't currently look at any of them, so am not placed to comment, however, I do feel that the addition of a lovely photograph of you decked out in a pink taffetta Bo Peep outfit would probably not go amiss. That goes for all of us laydeez who would be Bridesmaids...'cept mine and CtD's ain't gonna be pink...awright Jillygoat!

  21. At 10:06 AM on 18 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Hazel Love-Whoo hoo I can be a bridesmaid thank you

    C- I am trying to take another photo as even I'm slightly concerned about it, suddenly a lot of people are wanting to be a myspace friend! No need to be so harsh though! hehe

    Right I must go I am currently trying to catch up on ER as its been years since I've watched it and now Abby and the dishy Dr are married with child!!

  22. At 11:06 AM on 18 Jul 2007, Em M wrote:

    No Missy, you don't look a tart at all - if you've got it flaunt it!

    Feeling really rough today, think i might have a chest infection, got leavers assembly after work but wish I could just go to bed!

    Off to Devon on saturday for a fortnight so won't be able to contribute for a while - look forward to catching up with you all when i get back.

    Em xx

  23. At 11:07 AM on 18 Jul 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Awight CLP & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    J - I'm glad you like me blog yesterday about Vijay Singh.
    I've 'ad a further look at the graph that 'e signed for me. And on closer inspection I think it could be a prescription.

    I thought it said VIJAY SINGH but actually I think, instead, it reads VALIUMN 500mg.
    Maybe 'e thought I looked in need of some - urgently!

    GINGEMBRE - I liked your wedding tune on yesterday's blog from Luther Vandross.
    By the second verse I was tuning me guitar. By the 3rd me amp was electrified and by the 4th I was WROCKIN'!!!!!
    Seriously though great blog!!!!!

    CLP & SALLY BOAZMAN - What a huge coincidence Magnum P.I. aka Tom Sellick actually phoning the Drivetime show yesterday. Do you think 'e rang 'as 'e's both read the Blog and 'as seen Sally's photo on the website.

    This blog is getting too international - am tellin' yer!!!

    Sally I didn't realise Tom Selleck was your man, if ever yer need me when i'm passing Broadcasting 'ouse ter drop some Magnum memorabilia in I can!!!! And I ain't talkin' Walls ice cream Magnum - know what am sayin' Sal!!!!....... Says Ello!!!!!!..... YO!!!

    CLP - I'm getting very alarmed ere. If you are going ter 'ave a black Magnum mistouche ter go with your Ferrari and blond hair 'ow will we tell you from Wrightie when 'e gets back off 'is 'olidays.

    From what i've 'eard from The Ratcliffe... richard, sorry Radcliffe & The Tarbuck aka Lisa.... Tarrr. Wrightie is on a bender with Peter Stringfellows somewhere in Europe. I believe Wrightie too now 'as a black moustache and blond 'air.

    I think Wrightie's beginning ter look upto you Christoof as a role model!!!!!!!

    PS Chris - Any chance of playing Storm Large and My Brilliant Blond. Hair-raisingly structured song - am tellin' yer!!!

  24. At 11:24 AM on 18 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    Chris, hope you are still speaking to me! I am very heartened to see that I am not alone (natter, Em M, j and missy see where I'm coming from) but whatever happens, I'll still love you!

    I have only just managed to read the original blog re: The Poll and it is incredible to see how many replies there were. As Hazel said, it just proves how many people actually read the blog, but don't always want to contribute. No worries, it would seem that Chris is happy whether he gets 20 replies or 200.

    Hope everyone is o.k. (geddit?) on this fairly dull Wednesday. Missy, I had a wee look on your page and you are certainly not a tart, but the guys in our office would say "hey doll, you are STACKED"!!! (They are not exactly pc in here!)

    C xx

  25. At 11:38 AM on 18 Jul 2007, SammyM wrote:

    I think its always fetching to have a bridesmaid 'up the duff' - so classy eh???

    Do they do pink taffetta for us preggers ladies, I'll stand at the back for the photos, chomping on a curly-wurly!!

    I think we'll look gr8 :-)


  26. At 11:40 AM on 18 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning all.

    Hey Em M, get yourself off to the docs in case you need anti-b's. Nothing worse than being ill on hols!

    Have a fab time - hope the sun shines for you - it MUST be shining somewhere!


  27. At 11:53 AM on 18 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Honey, don't thank me! We're all just making it up as we go along! The only thing that I am absolutely INSISTING on, is that we all carry a hoop. I think that's fair. As well as the Crook you understand...and possibly a basket as well.

    ...and just had a thought, the 15th is a Hump Day, so we can have Hump Hoops! Or Hula Humps. Or something.

    SOOOOOOO looking forward to seeing all the boys in their kilts...and Tickle, is that Ickle Tickle? Your brother I mean, not what's under your kilt! Ahem excuse me! Definitely not for here...

    Ding dong the bells etc

    Em M, you've had it a bit rough lately too haven't you? Hope you sleep well tonight. Can't be spoiling your holiday! xx

  28. At 11:56 AM on 18 Jul 2007, elmlea wrote:

    hiya everyone

    I spent the evening last night at the ´óÏó´«Ã½ TV studios, one of my gav places - was watching Mock the week being filmed (Thursday night 9pm ´óÏó´«Ã½2) and am in second row in a pink t-shirt - fame at last!

    that really is a great way to spend a night and what with the early start to get to the gym before work (too little to late I fear but not going to give up just yet) I'm a bit tired today, still never mind - that is what coffee is for!

    Hope all okay on this happy hump day - friday is in sight!

    ps - i always answer the phone when it rings as the answer machine doesn't work and it could be important - got told by a cold caller last night that I was very polite when I tried to get of the phone - spread a bit of sunshine and all that.

    have a good one you all.

    Elm x

    ps can I come to the wedding, I will invite you both to mine if it ever happens! (flying pigs etc)

  29. At 12:13 PM on 18 Jul 2007, D wrote:


    yes ...tarty


  30. At 01:09 PM on 18 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Em M Thank you but i have changed the photo as I got lets say a very open messsage from someone on Myspace about how he feels about the photo!! so we have gone back to a curly hair photo!
    Thank you for the thoughts!

  31. At 01:14 PM on 18 Jul 2007, wrote:

    missy - you look fab dahling! also glad to see you've got the AMAZING Russell Brand as one of your friends - have I found a fellow Rusty-head on this blog? Up til now I've been very much in the minority - have I now got to share him with you???


    PS: bagsy the top half!

  32. At 01:17 PM on 18 Jul 2007, Sue wrote:

    Good grief missy - tried your link but our firewall sent a message saying "unsafe content" and threw me off the internet! What on earth have you got on?! (or not)

    Will have to try the link at home.

    Still haven't changed my mind Chris....

    perhaps us bloggers and listeners could buy wedding photos from you and you could donate that money to the hospice we wouldn't be able to match OK but at least the money would be honest and I bet your guests would take some lovely candid ones

  33. At 01:28 PM on 18 Jul 2007, Sally Ann wrote:

    Hey Missy - think you already know the answer.

    My boss had a go at someone in a meeting yesterday, then when they left said, was I too hard? YES! Then got annoyed, but if you don't like the answer, don't ask leading questions.

    Spoke to the boy about moving in, he said next year (that's what he said last year)! So not going to go in a huff and leave him but am quietly making plans which don't necessary include him - life is too short to wait around for someone else to make up their mind. I want to go and see big monkeys in Borneo...

  34. At 01:48 PM on 18 Jul 2007, wrote:

    SammyM, you could have a Hump Bump Hoop...

  35. At 02:07 PM on 18 Jul 2007, j wrote:

    Sally Ann - you go girl. Good for you! Once he feels/sees your increasing independence that may well be the little nudge he needs anyway and if not, then you are open to new relationships with a chap who is more able to commit. Best of luck...

    And just as a by-the-by, the big monkeys in Borneo are actually primates. I think there are five groups of primates - gorillas, humans, orang utangs, gibbons and chimps. Monkeys cover the rest! And if they've got a prehensile tail (ie can grab like a hand) then they are from South America.


  36. At 02:29 PM on 18 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Sally Ann,

    I have read your comments over the last couple of days and want to say - you go for it, I really mean it! I know you love your boyfriend but if he won't commit, what is left for you?

    We are of course at opposite ends of the spectrum - you are young, I am 50 and have been married since I was 19. When I was young, if you wanted to live with your boyfriend, you had to marry him. (Especially if you had my mother!). But I think it's great you don't have to do that now.

    What I will say about "living together" - both girls in my office lived with their boyfriends, in the boyfriends' flats. In the last year, both relationships have broken up and these lovely girls have been left with nowhere to live - literally given 24 hours to pack up and ship out! Now, in my opinion there's a lot to be said for making sure if you live with a guy both names are registered to pay the rent/mortgage - that way you have some rights.

    It could be that by making your own plans for the future, your boyfriend will realise that he can't be without you. That will be for you to then decide if that's what you want, or to ask - why did you have to make your own plans before he realised what you mean to him?

    I wish you luck - don't do anything hasty - but follow your gut instinct!

    C xx

  37. At 04:08 PM on 18 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Cheryl the diva- thank you!
    Sue thats not very good is it, I can assure you that there is nothing rude on my sight, I'm a lady after all!

    So the photo has gone and only myspace friends can see it. I've taken another photo black white close up so see what you think! I've also put it as my blog photo so you can see it on there!

    I think I just conducted my first radio 2 blog pole! hehe! right must go and have rest, after all that i'm knackered!

  38. At 04:38 PM on 21 Jul 2007, Jess wrote:

    ....And I thought I was a freak! Glad to know I'm not the only person out there with 'phone phobia'. I rely on texting and receiving texts as I struggle to ever make a call or pick up a call. Answering machines are scary, but at least you don't have to speak to a REAL LIVE person.

  39. At 06:30 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Carla wrote:

    Does Chris still have his sheep and chickens? I havent heard him mention them for a while. Dont know why I am concerned but I am!

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