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Chris Evans | 11:39 UK time, Tuesday, 28 August 2007

So worked all day yesterday, garden, wife etc., and was really looking forward to a slap up hungry, hungry din dins. However here's what happened next...

... Pulled the onions from the veg patch put them in an old wine box to dry out. Shouted Tash out of her weeding frenzy and told her if we were going to nip and see my mum for a cuppa we better do it now, otherwise the evening was going to disappear.

So, no time to wash, caked in fast drying mud from the gardenia, in the car "fast" but legal to me ma's.

"Oh, lovely to see you both, now how are you ?"

Great perfect, the girls were happy, the kettle was on, Crown Court had just finished, Emmerdale was about to start and then.... disaster...

"Now, would you both lie some chicken sandwiches ?"

Of course we said yes, it's a crime to turn down your old mum's hospitality, it's one of the things that keep her going but it was now getting on for eight o'clock we were starving and we'd been looking forward to the hard earned rare treat of a bank holiday Chinese take away.

So guess what we did ?

Yep, we had the sarnies, the chipsticks, the plumb pudding ! And then.... and then.... AND THENNNNNNNNNNN.

We went for a Chinese as well !

Well you have to don't you ?

Belly back big time along with a n even fatter smile.

Ain't life grand ?





  1. At 12:00 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Sounds yummy Chris, and also what a lovely son you are to not hurt your mum's feeling and turn down her sarnies. We had roast chicken yesterday so we've got chicken sandwiches for lunch, my favourite.

    Didn't have a very good weekend, think I need to get back to normal (ie work etc) now. I felt I just upset everyone this weekend, I just talk too much and do stupid annoying things, I need to grow up and learn when to keep my mouth shut and listen. I think my main problem is I just don't know where I fit in the world. I was a clever little girl who never really achieved anything and that has carried on through my life. Sorry, I'm starting to go on a bit, shut up Em!

    Your life sounds blissful Chris but you've made it like that, well done.

    Em xx

  2. At 12:03 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    YAY for early morning Blog (well, it seems early to me!).

    I'm sure all of the gardening you did counteracted at least some of the 'mum food' so I would have an empty conscience (apologies to the pedantry about the speliing) about the whole thing.

    We bought my Grandma home from London way yesterday to stay with us for a night before she got her train back home to Llandudno this morning. I love having her to stay, she makes me larf and larf and larf! When I'm older I want to be just like her, but less wobbly on my feet!

    Hope you all have a fabby Tuesday - only 8 hours for me to work (over today and tomorrow) till I'm out of here FOREVER and counting down the days till the baby arrives!! YAY !!

    :o) Jo
    PS Forgive me, I am slightly excitable!

  3. At 12:21 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Howdy CLP and bloggers
    Long time no blog, work keeps getting in the way!
    Sounds like you've really landed on your feet with Natasha, really glad you're happy again.

    Love the show, you're just getting better and better. I was one of the sceptics who thought no-one could replace Johnnie but how wrong was I?
    Apologies for ever doubting you!
    Tiggy xxxx

  4. At 12:31 PM on 28 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    'ope everybody 'ad a spiffa of a weekend!!!!!!

    Chris it sounds ter me like the tv diet as gone ape for now.
    Strangely I too couldn't stop eating at the weekend.
    I ain't know what was wrong with me.
    Sat I 'ad a whole tub of cherry cartor de door or what ever it's called, in one go.
    It's playin 'aveck with me 'avecks!!!!!!!!!
    Me accupunturist told me diary products ain't guten for my type of genetic make up!!!

    I said look acc, I ain't wear make up - these good looks came from me mother - know what am sayin!!!!

    PS Blog friends - BIG NEWS - It was Wrightie's birthday on Sunday 26th - 52 I read!!!
    I was watching TOTP2 and I swear 'e waz 32 AND with a Lionel Ritchie perm!!!
    Yer see, dat is what music does ter yer. It keeps one's crudentials looking alot younger than the actual birth cert says.

    Me meself i'm 34. Not on Sunday 26th, na me birthday is in Jan, but what am tryin ter say iz. I'm 34 but people often say...... Bingo.... you only look 12!!!!
    Der yer know what I say back ter them?
    It's music friend..... the geetarr and The Darkness keep me young.... very much like god of the airwaves - Wrightie!!!!!!!!


  5. At 12:33 PM on 28 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    I LOVE EATING - when I move to the new flat will no longer be living in the middle of dip-shoe nowhere and can have the occasional takeaway - HALLELLOUYA.

    Em, I understand exactly where you're coming from - try reading 'The Five People You Meet in Heaven' by Mitch Albom. A sweet, lovely little book which may help. And it's never too late to look into your heart and find something that will make you feel good for yourself - it doesn't have to be earth shattering. Good luck.

    Transposing a bit from last post on yesterday's as really could do with some input on this one and don't think anyone will see it as today's already posted!

    so from yesterday's blog:

    "I'd like people's advices please.

    I work with a chap who is really useless, he takes credit for all the work that everyone else does and he's my boss. Deep joy.

    He also lies. I've caught him out three times now - the latest is in trying to introduce conflict between myself and the new girl, who's my assistant. I know he does it because he feels very threatened by me but I really don't know how to deal with it.

    He is the apple of the big boss's eye too!!!
    Any words of advice out there most gratefully received."

  6. At 12:35 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Athame wrote:

    Ahh..there's nothing wrong with a bit of binging once in a while ;). Not hurting your mothers' feelings is very important and is also a good excuse for OTT eating. Well, it is in my opinion, anyway XD


  7. At 12:35 PM on 28 Aug 2007, elm wrote:


    had a great weekend laying m,y new floor and then found out we hadn't bought enought planks! Doh!

    Em M - you sound like me (we even have similar names) I wonder how old you are (not that I could ask a ladies age) as I went though that stage myself and now I'm doing ok!

    I tend to talk to much and sometimes you do need to listen to what you are saying and check these three things
    1) is anyone listening or am i talking to myself (result shut up!)
    2) Could what i say potentially upset someone without realising it (result - shut up)
    3) would I be offended if someone said that in my presence (result shut up)

    You need to find your own place in the world, somewhere you are happy and remember, you cannot please all of the people all of the time)

    Elm xx

    ps I'm only in my twenties but I've had a hard life :-)

  8. At 01:06 PM on 28 Aug 2007, wrote:

    How nice to hear from you soo early CLP! It's good to know that everyone falls off the food wagon now and again and indulges in more than the one treat. Personally I had my fair share of treats over the bank holiday as I was in the Isle of Islay at my friends wedding, lots of cooked breakfasts, home made wedding buffets and booze! All in a good cause you understand, couldn't have the Bride & Groom thinking I was ungrateful of the hospitality on offer... mind you I don't think that could be blamed for the fish & chips on the ferry or the sweeties in the car on the way home... Ho hum! not to worry...


  9. At 01:10 PM on 28 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Gawd bless you both, and Mummy Evans! Am liking the sentence "So worked all day yesterday, garden, wife etc.," very much. Am wondering what sort of work was carried out on 'wife'...possibly not for here...

    The badger and I had a very disappointing Chinese meal just last Thursday akshully...still getting used to the available takeaway facilities in our new neighbourhood...so we won't go back there...and the badger didn't get a message in his fortune cookie...which considering his general demeanour at the moment, wasn't that surprising. Mine said 'Someone you know may be awaiting news...' so I told him that I'd got a message in mine...

    And, not only but also, as you may have already seen, I spent the whole of yesterday on the sofa, but I danced my size fives off most of the night on Sunday! Me and my friend went on a short foraging expedition (in the extREMEly bright sun...well it is, if you haven't been out all day) as there was no food apart from w33tabix in the house...and we bought chicken!

    There's a lot of it about

  10. At 01:28 PM on 28 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi CLP and everyone else!

    Good on you and Tash for not worrying about being covered in mud and realising that making your Mum happy is far more important. I dropped in on the in laws yesterday after 3 days of showerless camping - they didn't seem to mind too much and were polite enough not to mention the smell..... And were delighted to see the (great) grandchildren.....

    Em M: I know exactly where you're coming from! I've always seemed to have loads of potential and not really achieved much, in my career particularly. Probably because I've had different priorities. I've just taken the plunge into a completely new career which fits in better with what I thinks important. Perhaps a total rethink is what you need? No holds barred, everything is possible kind of rethink?? I'll have no money for a few years and will need lots of hard work and dedication but I'm so excited about the future.

    Jo: Counting along with you! I hope Jr has the decency to be born nice and on time! I had to stop my son's pocket money for pretty much ever as punishment for being sooooo late ;-) Then again I was taller lying down that I am standing up at the time. Hope you're still feeling good.


  11. At 01:39 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hazel, I was thinking exactly the same thing, "Garden, wife ..."???????

    Wasn't the weather lovely?? :-) Finished off bank hol with a very pleasant trip to the local followed by a meal of chicken and home-grown leeks - there's nowt like em!!

    Sadly, my remaining leeks have been over-run by "the invasion of the giant slugs". I hate them, hate them, hate them! Still, as long as they enjoy them as much as we did ... little g*ts!


  12. At 01:56 PM on 28 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Chris! I looked at the heading of your blog today and for a moment, I thought you were referring to me! But, thinking it through, how would you know about my years of eating two dinners - every Christmas Day that is. We couldn't let down either set of parents, so for years we had two Christmas dinners - challenging to say the least.

    How lovely that you both put your mum first, but I bet you really enjoyed your Chinese meal! Chris, Natasha sounds like a real star - no wonder you consider yourself a lucky boy!

    C xx

  13. At 01:56 PM on 28 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    J, the only thing I can think of to suggest is to keep a diary, (kept at home not at work) of ALL the things that happen - with dates and times - then once you have a concrete case against this person, you need to take it to HR, or to their boss. It has to be something tangible, and not appear as you just having a moan (if you see what I mean). This person does what they do because they want to live someone else's life - something definitely not right in their world, and that isn't your problem...but because you are aware of what they do, you're best placed to deal with it properly.

    In the meantime, focus on your lovely new flat, and the first meal you're going to REALLY enjoy there! In fact, go for an explore, and getchorself some menus...chicken korma sounds like a good first bet...

    ...and Elm, I put a wee message to you on my post (this morning) yesterday...

    Em M, I thought you had it sussed. It's such a shame to read that you are feeling the way you are. Maybe you should treat yourself to some love and book yourself in for some massage or some nice treatments to get a bit of what you had before, back.

    As for Lyndyloo, I hope they were proper fish and chips...I'll never forget my meal of fish and chips in Scotland. Roasted, very lightly battered salmon, and big, chunky, crunchy, soft homemade chips. Divine...absolutely divine, dahling...

    We have fresh mackerel, just caught by our friend, for our dinner this evening.

    Suitably badgered of course

  14. At 02:14 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Hey Chrissie Boy

    Happy Short week Syndrome - its great aint it, tomorrow is humpday already - all downhill from there

    Back in Blog land, sometime ago, you had the inspiration of a four-day week - a really good call, given our technological advances and our shortcuts these days - who can we call about this one - I definately think it should be brought to a forum for debate . .

    A pity the weather is so crap - where was the summer? Whats going on, for the love of sweet Mary!! Having a dry day though today in Belfast; makes a change; - no sun - on fun. We have to get a handle on this weather thingamajig - its just not cricket!

  15. At 02:26 PM on 28 Aug 2007, elm wrote:


    hazel - thanks for the message, as soon as we get the passports we are going, although with the speed of the passport office - which has moved - we could be seeing Paris in the rain - cue Gary Moore and Parisinne walkways!

    Never mind, a holiday is a holiday and I am so looking forward to travelling on the train to Paris - who hoo (or should that be whoo whoo a la thomas the tank engines - other train companies are available)

    Elm x

    ps, my mister is not impressed I referred to him as boy wonder as he felt it made him sound like a sidekick - so from now on he will be the light of my life or TLOML for short!

  16. At 02:46 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    It sounds to me, Christoff, that the boy is in a serious mode of contentment!

    Happy at home, Happy at work, Happy in the Garden, Happy at the Ma's, He's Glad all over (yes, he's glad all over)

    Confucius say "Man who is content with his lot, will require bigger size of trousers!"

    Couldn't be happier for you Chris!

    Keep up the good work!

    DD out

    PS Don't worry, be happy!

  17. At 02:54 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Louise wrote:

    well..... you did do the wedding diet successfully, so why not! It's not like you do it everyday!!!

    Glad that you have blogged early, it's better and completes the day nicely for us!

    Have a great show

    Leb x

  18. At 03:01 PM on 28 Aug 2007, wrote:

    They were most definitely real fish & chips with the most crisp and light batter ever! Can highly reccommend them to anyone taking the ferry to or from Islay!


  19. At 03:02 PM on 28 Aug 2007, wrote:

    The chicken sarnies sound good Chris, but I don't often have a Chinese - I key myself up for one, then I'm always bitterly disappointed when I get it.

    They used to be sooo much nicer when I was a kid.

    Perhaps we just have naff take-aways, or I've got pickier. Hmmmmm....I wonder which.

    Jan x

  20. At 03:09 PM on 28 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:


    Mrs MfR and I are nine today.

    So, having gotten totally out of shape with only ten or so weeks till the 10k across Loseley Park, we are off down the local tonight to celebrate.

    Then. From tomorrow, it is back into training proper.

    HL. Thanks for the DIY congrats. I have vowed never to pick up a paint brush again. Nope, it is strictly 'get-someone-in-who-knows-what-they-are-doing-and-enjoys-it' from now on!

    Blimey. It's Hump Day already tomorrow!

    Happy Days

    Peace & love


    PS Where you been?

    PPS Bug

  21. At 03:15 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    What a fabulous weekend one and all

    The sun finally decided to shine.

    Talking of two meals, I did that myself yesterday. I went out to lunch to an Italian which is next to the beach. Now I hate cheese but I don't mind a pizza.
    When my ordered pizza arrived however it was swimming in cheese. The manager noticed me struggling away and came over to see what was wrong "I'm sorry it's a bit too cheesey". Without further ado he wisked it away and brought me yet another pizza swimming in cheese. I felt like Mr Bean in the Steak tartare episode!

    Tare tare

  22. At 03:20 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi again,

    thanks for all your kind comments, Elm, i think I'm a bit older than you so I'm glad you've sorted things out before you get to my age!

    What I actually did was, I had too much to drink and did something thoughtless and mean (not horrendous just not necessary). I think the person is now not speaking to me (understandably) and I feel completely ashamed and full of regret. As you say Hazel I have been feeling much better and i think the reason for this latest hiccup is - alcohol. I think I'm one of those people who just shouldn't indulge, it doesn't turn me into a very nice person. My husband thinks I'm over-reacting, but i really think the only thing to do is give up drinking, I act like a prat when I do it, and then I feel depressed for days afterwards. i have some nice people around me and I need to behave like an adult.

    em xx

  23. At 03:47 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    (((EmM))) - I'm sure there are loads of us here who can empathise with you on the doing of dumb things whilst under the influence. Can you call the person up, apologise and just say you feel like a complete ar*e???

    Must have been the w/end for it. On Friday night, my man and I got so drunk when we were out that he doesn't remember dancing with me (he did, he really did, and he hates dancing, whereas I love it!), I don't remember how I got home (luckily it was just a walk away), I thought I'd lost my shoes (!) so had to go back to the bar the following morning and ask if they'd found them - which they hadn't - only to then find them at the end of the bed where I'd obviously fallen out of them the night before ... My only saving grace is that we were away for the weekend, so not with anyone who we have to bump into on a regular basis.

    Anyway I know that's prob nothing compared to how you're feeling, but I just wanted you to know that alcohol makes us all do some very silly things sometimes. Hope you feel better soon


  24. At 04:02 PM on 28 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Em M, I don't want to make a sweeping statement, but I think it's fair to say that just about everyone on this blog has, at some time, made a complete eejit of themselves through alcohol. It's not an excuse, it's certainly not nice, but we've all done it. All you can do is apologise - you could phone or write, but I would say don't just ignore it. After that, what else can you do?

    Try not to beat yourself up about it, sometimes these things happen.

    C xx

  25. At 04:06 PM on 28 Aug 2007, wrote:

    I to craved a Chinese last night but resisted! Yum Sweet and sour chicken balls! so yummy

    Em M- thanks for the message about my bag on my blog! I would love to sell some bags, then I could get the yarn etc at wholsale so it would be a damn sight cheaper! You never know you might see me in the craft tent at the Norfolk Show next year!

    Now Prof I know you don't want to hear about my flirting but tough (just scoll over this bit!). So have been texting my fella over the weekend and things are going well. Hopefully meeting for a casual coffee soon! YIPPEE!!

    Managed to hobble round the Alyshum Show yesterday so very exhausted today! So chilling and knitting my Giles Deacon inspired scarf, its coming on really well, but uses so much wool. just had to order some more!

    On thursday I am meeting my friend Emily for a coffee at Cafe 91 on Upper St Giles. Have any of you been there, its so yummy.

    And I was reading in The Times yesterday that Brits have voted Southwold the top seaside attraction!!!! Well ofcourse we all knew it was!

  26. At 04:18 PM on 28 Aug 2007, martin james wrote:

    Chris, do you hang your unions up, like they do in French kitchens? I remember French men on bicycles cycling around with onions hanging over thier handle bars. I remember a green Morris Minor van comming around selling vegies to my mum. I`ve had a good weekend, but wish it hadn`t of been a bank hol as around Chichester everywhere was full, went to a museum, sorry full, thought we`d pop into Goodwood flying club for a cuppa, sorry can`t come in, passed an open air museum, jam packed! Went on to West Dean Gardens, arrr at last sanity, some serenity, peace and a quite cuppa and slice of cake. I think sensible people stay off the roads and away from public places on a bank hol. Oh by the way the tomatoe plants I was growing in doors, tom, dick and harry. They didn`t last long - not long enough for a single tommy. Ain`t life funny!

    m xxx

  27. At 04:24 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    AWWW Missy

    Please don't take me serious ... nobody else does!!!

    You flirt if you want too. I myself have recently answered a newspaper ad in lonely hearts.

    I left a phone message and looking forward replies.

  28. At 04:58 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Kate wrote:

    Sounds greatly greedy Chris, like a usual fill up in our house.....get your racing spoons at the ready!!!!

    Spent last nite eating a crappy microwave meal while watching 'Britains Strongest Man' on TV. There's something wrong about eating when someones screaming with agony lifting a mini, my food never does seem to settle!

  29. At 05:26 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Two dinners - who remebers The Vicar Of Dibley and The Christmas luch?

    Has anyone grown tomatoes indoors successfully?

    Little House on the Prarie, nice tune. I`ve been humming lately, `Don`t Fence Me In`.

    m xxx

  30. At 05:33 PM on 28 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Crikey blimey Christoff. You're talkin' my language now, the To Feed Is To Love little old mum.

    But listen. I'd swap places with you. If you had to do battle with my mother Renee you'd be 19 stone and shoutin' Uncle.

    I swear. Renee was, in a previous incarnation, in Pentonville jail in charge of force-feedin' the Suffragettes. I haven't got both feet over the doorstep, my bottom barely on the settee before I'm facin' a plate of ham sandwiches, a pork and egg pie and a muffin that would sink the QE2.

    I could write a thesis. And it's not just me. Anyone remember Reginald Perrin when he thought of his mother-in-law and envisioned a hippopotamus?

    That's Renee. When the daughter's name is mentioned, she thinks, Lamb Chops. I wouldn't mind but she hates lamb chops. But her protests fall on deaf ears, and it's lamb chops she gets whether it's Sunday afternoon or she's just popped in to drop off her lottery ticket.

    I well remember the ex-husband, who had what bordered on a fetish for the plain white vanilla ice-cream that was manufactured in these parts by a firm called De Romas. It looked like a lump of lard but it tasted delicious, and bless him, he used to finish every meal with a big slab of it.

    However. Renee had other ideas. Out shopping one day, she spied Rum And Raisin Jumbo Choc Ices, made by what looked like Cammell Laird's. "Oooo, says she. Look at them. Eee, I know a young chap'd love them."

    "No, mum," says I. "He wouldn't. Put them back."

    "Look." she snorted. "I know that lad. He'd LOVE rum and raisin ice cream."

    And despite my protests on his behalf, the said ice cream was purchased. So it was that en route to Sunday lunch, I forewarned him. "If you don't want it, just say so. She won't mind." I advised.

    The moment arrived. "Now then. Wait till you see what I've got for YOU," She boomed, with a glint in her eye remeniscent of Jaws when it spots that pool full of legs.

    The ex sat there and valiantly yet ill-advisedly forced the stuff down his gullet, turning a most peculiar colour, searching for places to hide it, eg. under the plate, inside a cushion, etc., and trying desperately but unsuccessfully to catch my eye so I could rescue him; and when he had finally finished, mum triumphantly asked, "Now then. Did you enjoy that?"

    "Ah yes, Renee. Delicious." Says he, somewhat strangulated, to my disdain.

    "Hurrah!" Sang Renee triumphantly, looking at me smugly. "Well that's marvellous. Because I've got you a box of 6."

    And you wonder why I'm divorced.

    Family life in the Village of the Damned.


  31. At 05:38 PM on 28 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Just listening to Chris talk about sweets. I would so love to open a tea shop with a shop selling sweets and fudge etc with it!On Upper St Giles where all those little cool shops are! Must start laying the lottery!!

  32. At 05:40 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Sorry everyone and thanks, I know in the scheme of things my "problem" is nothing but i feel a bit silly that's all! Thanks though, you've all made me feel better xx

  33. At 05:46 PM on 28 Aug 2007, De Sm wrote:


    Get new girl/assistant on side. Talk to her about

    the situation, a problem shared is problem

    halved, also he may 'pick' on her sooner or

    later, you wouldn t

    want some one else to feel like this...

    Also shows 'him' a united front, He might back


    Good Luck

    De x

  34. At 08:17 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    hmph - bloomin' blog police...

    ....wrote in this morning and it's not appeared?

    I did add a link to a site re: fair pay for police - how ironic is that?

    Anyhoo, I'll check in tomorrow morning as usual.

    Em M - big hugs x


  35. At 08:27 PM on 28 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:


    For what it's worth, I'll throw my four penny's worth in to you.

    I don't know what your job is, but it sounds like the one I had for a very short while that was within a large company structure with Team Leaders, Line Managers, etc. It was truly horrendous.

    I adored the job; it was the dream job for me and though I do say it myself, I did it admirably and to the benefit of all. But I simply could not stand to be brown-nosing up to people I'd really rather aim a custard pie at, and nor was I prepared to stand on other people's heads in order to get on.

    If I dropped a clanger I owned up to it. If somebody was worthy of praise I praised them. Loudly. And if a junior member of staff was being victimised they knew I'd stand up for them. Therefore I made many friends. Just not with the Big Bosses.

    In hindsight I simply wasn't manipulative enough with the system, I just wanted to do a good job and enjoy it. My naive view was (and still is) that if people are happy in their work, they do it to their best of their ability.

    And so that's why I jumped ship. Ditched the lot. And changed my life. Now I'm in charge of my own destiny and in my little team there are no bosses. Yes, I take the burden of responsibility and make most of the decisions but when we're working it's all hands on deck and it's non-stop laughter. And if things go belly-up we're all in the whatsiname together, too.

    If you can do likewise, I urge you to do so. Otherwise you'll be eaten up with feelings of inadequacy and lose your confidence.

    You know, there are always sharks out there. Don't worry about it. Keep your integrity and don't join the feeding frenzy. Life's too short.

    And if I can quote my lovely, mad as a box of wasps, friend and co-worker, Maggie, when one of the girls was being treated badly by her boyfriend, she turned around and said, "Listen, sweetheart. Bide your time and get your own back. You know what they say.

    When a weasel's asleep, pee in its ear."

    Hahahaha hohoho.


  36. At 08:37 PM on 28 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:

    Having some strange experiences today.

    As I mentioned earlier, we are 9 today, and I was chatting about this to the new girl in the office, who has just had her 20th. Not only am I old enough to be her father (I swear - I've never met her mother), but we've been married almost half her life.


    Then. We head off to the local for a swifty and the fella behind the bar was still wearing his Reading Festival wristband. Now, I'm a kind of trendy thinking bloke, so I chipped in how I enjoyed watching The Chilis and Dinosaur Jr on TV this weekend.

    Blank face.

    So, I told my story of how I brushed with tragedy at the 1988 Monsters of Rock festival at Donington, where I got caught up in the crush during Guns 'n' Roses and three people sadly lost their lives.

    Guns 'n' who?

    I feel old.

    So, to cheer myself up I have just bought a Dinosaur Jr album that I remember asking a friend of mine to get me on CD, when CDs were 'dirt cheap' in the US, when he was on holiday. I had no idea who they were in 1993, but they were 'cool'.

    I've just paid £4.99 for it.

    And it sounds bloody great.

    Off to see if 'my dad' is at home with Jamie now. (I'll be 4+1ing).

    Peace & love


    PS Start Choppin

  37. At 09:23 PM on 28 Aug 2007, Anna wrote:

    Chinese - oh, i can feel a weekend treat coming on.

    MfR - hello.


  38. At 09:41 PM on 28 Aug 2007, zee laa wrote:

    ooooooooooy evans your a star..................................... top man.love your show.............................

  39. At 10:30 PM on 28 Aug 2007, BigBump wrote:

    Good man Christy! Nothing in the world beats the mammys hospitality. Being 31 weeks preggers Im eating loads and dont feel a bit guilty! I think nothing of eating a takeaway and then having a couple of toasties later on, Ill probably think about it a lot after shim is born!!
    Jo when are you due?, nice to see a fellow pg blogger!

  40. At 07:26 AM on 29 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Goooooood morning one and all.

    Hope you are all okay and enjoyed the BH weekend? They tell me it was a scorcher? I was unable to enjoy the re-emergence of the the big yellow circle as I was on nights but it made the wee small hours a tad more bearable.

    Don't think there's a restaurant in the world that can substitute for a bit of 'mum' cooking. Always room for one more meal if it comes from that kitchen.

    Em M - don't you worry about a thing, your hubby is probably right. We've all said and done stuff when drunk (or sober), You could call them to straighten it out I guess. Don't beat yourself up, I love reading your blogs. I bet you're twice the person you really think you are. {{}}

    J - as easy as it is for me to say, you hang in there - the cream always rises to the top. Liars ALWAYS get found out. Or, you could just start pulling him up each time in front of everyone, nothing like a bit of humiliation to sort someone out! If not, what HL said sounds good.

    Tinsel - check out Green Gardener, they're excellent for slug issues I believe - and it's the web page of my ex-inlaws!

    DD - how were the broads? The Norfolk type, not the New York ones!!!

    MfR - happy 9th......and I am with you on the whole decorating thing.

    missy - is there such thing as a formal coffee? good luck with your rendezvous. Love the bag, might order one for MrsW when you're up and running your bag empire.

    Off to book an appointment for a new tattoo later today, I know they're not everyone's cup o' tea - I'm having the lovely MrsW's name with our wedding date underneath done - it's our anniversary next week. It'll be quite small and not on public show (as long as I'm fully dressed!) I already have my 3 childrens names on my back. Like I say, not everyone's thing but I love the fact I have them and they're very much for me not for public show.

    Have a lovely Wednesday my friends

    Bonnet de douche


  41. At 07:41 AM on 29 Aug 2007, SammyM wrote:

    Good Morning all!!

    Am VERY excited today, going to find out if its a B or G, keep all your blogging fingers crossed for a little lady for me. Already have a beautiful boy who is 3 next week, so along with him, Mr SammyM, Oscar the Westie & Sully & Mike the fish, its a very MALE household. 'Bout time things were evened up eh????

    On the other hand 2 boys would be lovely......

    Will keep you posted, my secret friends xxxx

  42. At 08:54 AM on 29 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    The pregnant massive is in da hood!!!

    Sorry - just got a bit excited there!

    BigBump (bet mine is bigger!) - I'm 35 and a bit weeks and in OFFICE NEWS, today I will be mostly clearing my desk...YAY

    SammyM - We didn't find out and I too am hoping for pink but am prepared for a boy...mostly I'll be pleased it's a baby!

    Ginge - Somehow I didn't peg you as a tat person, is it allowed in the force??

    MfR - I know you said you'd never dooo decorating again but I have a kitchen, hall stairs and landing, lounge and dining room that needs doing (before the baby is born?)....any offers?

    :o) Jo

  43. At 09:11 AM on 29 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Thank you HL (diary started), De Sm, Clodagh and Gingembre for your words of wisdom. I'm gonna pursue all of them and see which comes to fruition first! He's on holiday this week so I'll have to wait until next week before peeing in his ear! But I can't wait!!

    Good luck Prof Plum with your dating - I would like to know how you get on because I might be ready to try it myself one day...

    Good luck all the fertile ones - may all your bairns be bonny!

    And I think the first meal may be chinese....

    or indian.....

    or fish and chips.....


    thanks, jxx

  44. At 09:34 AM on 29 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Jo - Hmmm, theyre are a few tatts on show at work, I think it depends on where and what they are. They're not meant to be on show or be inappropriate.

    I took nearly 10 years to finally have mine. My dad has a few and said to me "decide exactly what you want and where you want it, then wait a year and if you feel the same, go for it", so I did. I don't live with my eldest daughter, she lives with MrsW #1, and I wanted her to be with me at all times.

    I decided when my son was born to do it and had them both put onto my lower back (original hey?). Then when daughter no.2 arrived this January, I couldn't leave her out so had her added.

    MrsW has been a tremendous support to me since we met and subsequently got married and I want to now have her on me too! When I told her she filled up and smiled like I'd never seen before which sealed the deal for me.

    It's a very personal thing and I have them for me, not for public show. To be honest, it's quite addictive....

    ...and painful.

    Good luck with your impending arrival, and to all other bloggers expecting.

    I love being a parent.


  45. At 09:53 AM on 29 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    I'm so excited one and all

    I have had a reply from my Lonely Hearts Ad in the local newspaper. I left a phone message and the reply was "You have a very sexy voice and I am looking forward to having some fun in the afternoons". I am so excited they seem just my type. I imagine by fun they mean a spot of kite surfing, Bingo and romantic walks in the park.
    Anyway a date is set on my afternoon off tomorrow.

    Isn't love wonderful .

  46. At 10:40 AM on 29 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Yo yo, go girl, PP - have fun kiting!


  47. At 01:30 PM on 29 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Had a Fantastic weekend myself and it went like this.


    Down at the Valeey support Charlton with my Son Jamie (17). Saw Charlton come back from a 2-0 defecit to win 3-2 Horrah!


    The annual Johnnyclan meet where all the members of our virtual world meet up for real at a war theme and finish up at the pub. Got absolutely stonked and went for a curry too. pictures here


    Recovery day chilling with the missus and kids


    Went fishing to chill and caught a personal best Carp weighing 11LB, scared the life out of me!

    Fantastic weekedn topped today with my elder Son Danny Getting a job after 9 months.

    There is a god of Weekends!


    PS love the show, cheers me up on the 17:32 from charing cross!

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