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confession time.

Chris Evans | 15:52 UK time, Wednesday, 8 August 2007

So, please forgive me for...

...even though you voted I should go to the beer festival last night, I now must confess, did not.

With three days to go to, "you know what," I called the little lady to tell her of your verdict, although she'd already heard it on the radio, whereupon she said that she was only too happy for me to go out with the boys but that it would be ashame as she'd organised a little "surprise" for me back at the farm.

Now I know when I'm on to a good thing and so called the lads, told them of my no show urging them to have one for me and then hot tailed it home to the missus.

Was it worth t ?

Bloody right it was, you now when you just know it's all going to be alright !

Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !





  1. At 04:02 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Nev wrote:

    What - surprises before the wedding............surely not!

  2. At 04:13 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Merson Tuffers wrote:

    Hey Chris,

    Well done you!! There are some 'surprises' that beer will never be able to beat!

    Cheers lad and all the best for the forth-coming nuptials. I've got another 120 days to wait for mine.

    All the best

    Merson the Cat

  3. At 04:13 PM on 08 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog Operatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP yer did the right thing man not going. If 'er in doors 'as organised something special then of course yer can't let 'er down man.
    Anyway isn't the Beer Festival on all week so yer could always drop in ternight or termoz - know what am sayin'!!!

    Chris you wrote on Thursday that the blog of late iz getting abit CATHARTIC.
    Dis iz too big a word for me it's causing me great tension still trying ter find what it means.
    I've looked it up in a dictionary and apparently it means Bingo Star iz writing on a blog.
    I thought it mean't Cathy iz in the artic, sorry these jokes are seriously getting worse!

    PS Any chance of playing the Liquid Tension Experiment tune Acid Rain. Nearly az good a sounding tune as The Darkness's Knockers tune!


  4. At 04:13 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hello Chris,

    Well done!

    You see!! That was so much better than getting totally shedded with your mates then waking up with a headache and a sore bottom, not to mention, the grass stains on your hands and knees. ;)

    How would that have looked on the front page of the Daily Star the day before you get married?

    Seriously though ..the one last blow out idea is a bad one ... all of that commitment and fidelity stuff, starts when you decide to get married, not when you get around to doing the paperwork......

    So what did ya get yup to, go on, tell us, tell us, tell us...


  5. At 04:14 PM on 08 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:


    I am sitting at my desk ploughing through endless spreadsheets and generally descending into mind-numbing boredom.

    And then a friend of mine phones up and says

    Hello mate, guess what, I'm at Earls Court at the beer festival! Just about to launch into a 5.9% organic ale!

    Boy, he knows how to cheer someone up.

    Hope he chokes on it. Well, perhaps not, but maybe spills it, at least.

    Have a good show.

    Peace & love


    PS Any thoughts on the sponsorship?

  6. At 04:16 PM on 08 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Good for you CLP! I love surprising Mr Diva - it makes it all worthwhile to see that smile spread across his chops!

    See you at the Chappel Beer Festival in September then (see yesterdays blog for web link).

    Love n stuff

    CtD x x

    PS: Amy Whinehouse - noooooooooooooooo!

  7. At 04:17 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    CLP, aint love grand!

    I've been married for 8 years this month and I think if my husband told me he had a 'surprise' for me after work I would want it to be the washing on the clothes line, dishwasher emptied etc and dinner on the table. Now that really would be a surprise!

    Deb x

  8. At 04:18 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:


    Mange Tout Mange Tout, Petite Pois and Chaise Lounge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luv and Hugs

  9. At 04:19 PM on 08 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hurrah! I'm glad you didn't go :0) glad the little suprise was worth it........


  10. At 04:19 PM on 08 Aug 2007, wrote:

    You're forgiven.

  11. At 04:21 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Janeywaney wrote:

    Ah Chris ............. the old "I've got something special for you" trick worked then.

    Take note girls - it usually does !! ha

  12. At 04:21 PM on 08 Aug 2007, elmlea wrote:


    well done Chris, sometimes it pays to listen to the (future) misses!

    why oh why is the air conditioning so cold, I guess we would complain if it was warm in the office but my feet are freezing, back to the boots tomorrow!

    happy hump day one and all!

    Elm x

  13. At 04:29 PM on 08 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Oh, Christophe, glad it was worth it!

    Home, home, on the range...where the Girl on the Sofa does play...where seldom is heard...a discouraging word...and the Christophe is happy all day!

    ...and I've just been told I can b9gger orf for the day!

    love is in the air

    ...not me that is, I mean LURVE...xxxxxxxxxxx

  14. At 04:31 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Louise wrote:

    Good for you!!!!!!!

    Sounds like a very wise choice!

    Have a good one

    Leb x

    PS. what shall we do without you whilst you are honeymooning? Am seriously worried!

  15. At 04:32 PM on 08 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Really disappointed - not taking the poll's outcome when you promised you would - just because you're on a promise! Well, poor show if you ask me!!!!


  16. At 04:35 PM on 08 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hmmmm. All this talk of ale. Think I'll go home and sink a nice bottle of Summer Lightening this eve!

    Well, once I get home the sun will be over the yard arm, so why not, indeedy!?!?

    CtD x x x

  17. At 04:36 PM on 08 Aug 2007, martin james wrote:

    You live on a farm... Wow!
    She in doors had a little `surprise`... Wow!

    Does it get much better?

    No wonder you skipped the beer fest!

    m xxx

  18. At 04:41 PM on 08 Aug 2007, martin james wrote:

    Gaby, Debbie, Gingembre, Hazel Love, Ms Mayehm, j and Sammie et al


    m xxx

  19. At 04:47 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Yo Christophe, happy humpers! mange tout!

    As told to me by a newly single mate!

    She told me we couldn’t afford beer anymore and that I would have to quit

    Then I caught her spending £65 on makeup

    I asked her how come I had to give up stuff and she didn’t

    She said she needed the makeup to look pretty for me.

    I told her that was what the beer was for

    I don’t think she’s coming back…..

    DD out!

    PS Another bullet you dodged last night Christoff!

  20. At 04:48 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    A night out with the boys...

    ...or a night in with a "surprise" from MrsW

    I go home everytime, she's so gorgeous


  21. At 04:58 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Well done chris, I knew you'd do the right thing.

    Have fun tonight missy whatever you get up to. Are you meeting up with one of the men you've been flirting with?!

    I need some inspiration, its my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary in two weeks time and I haven't got a clue what to get them. Anyone got any ideas?

    Em xx

  22. At 06:03 PM on 08 Aug 2007, billy boulton wrote:

    cant fault you chris!! I`d have done exactly the same, there will always be another time for beer, you have to take the moment!
    great show, billy boy

  23. At 06:10 PM on 08 Aug 2007, billy boulton wrote:

    cant fault you chris!! I`d have done exactly the same, there will always be another time for beer, you have to take the moment!
    great show, billy boy

  24. At 06:34 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    "A surprise"

    That reminds me of a wee story and a wee
    joke :

    Story : When I turned 30-10 and out visiting,
    a pal's three-and-a-half year old handed me
    a wrapped prezzie. "What is THIS ?", I
    enquired of him. "It's a box of CDs for
    your computer", he answered and followed it
    with "but it's a surprise"

    Joke : (change 'humping' for your own word -
    cough cough) - and apologies if I maybe
    put this up ages ago under a "Friday
    frivolity", age dampens the recall :

    Wee Andy is a "townie" and goes to spend the
    weekend with his uncle Billy and auntie Flo
    who live in the country. He rushes in on the
    Saturday morning shouting "Uncle Billy,
    Uncle Billy, the bull is humping the cow!!!!"
    "Andy!!!!!", uncle Billy remonstrates, "we don't
    use such langage here, we say the bull is
    SURPRISING the cow". That night uncle and
    auntie are entertaining when Andy rushes in
    again "Uncle Billy, Uncle Billy the bull is
    surprising the COWS". The adults pass a
    knowing look but one says "Cow, son. The
    bull is surprising the cow, not cows".
    "No no", Andy insists, "he's surprising ALL
    the cows because he's humping the horse!"

  25. At 06:56 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Kate wrote:

    surprises....before the wedding?! hee hee....well there are some things which will never fail to beat a couple a beers...clearly! :)

    I notice there is a balloon in the studio...can see it on the webcam! may i ask what this is for....my apologies if you have said on the radio...i must have missed it! :(


  26. At 07:12 PM on 08 Aug 2007, martin james wrote:

    I went outside last night and just stared up at the night sky. So many stars, despite the odd light polution. Out there in our galaxy are around 200-400 billion stars, and with hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe, that`s a lora lora stars.

    I almost had to pinch myself, to convince me that this wasn`t some giant painted canvas I was looking at.

    There`s wonder in them there night

    m xxx

  27. At 07:29 PM on 08 Aug 2007, wrote:

    I just hope she had a cold one ready for you when you'd finished !

  28. At 09:18 PM on 08 Aug 2007, BigBump wrote:

    Well done Christy, bet your surprise was a lot more satisfying than a beer too!! Best of Luck on the big day, xxxx

  29. At 09:47 PM on 08 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Martin James, the last time that I saw a truly, beautiful, stary sky was about 11 years ago when I was on holiday in the Lake District.

    As you say, the light pollution spoils it around the cities and towns but this particular night I have to say that it was breathtaking and, yes, it makes you feel so small doesn't it? Until you have been somewhere like that you really can't appreciate how amazing a clear, star filled sky is.

    I have never seen a 'falling star' though and I can never make out those constellations matter what. I remember my dad trying to point out The Plough to me once and I just didn't get it.

    Deb x

    P.S. Didn't want to depress everyone so very briefly, today went ok and Milly is home with a candle lit for her tonight. Worst (I hope) is over going to get on with loving the other old girl now x

  30. At 10:47 PM on 08 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi everyone

    It's a little quiet here these days - where are you all?


    CLP getting married!! 'Citing

    Best of luck

    C x x x

  31. At 05:51 AM on 09 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Christoffe. Bless you.

    I hope it was a lovely surprise. Because as I have spent me life tryin' to tell my mum, who insists upon surprising you with presents such as a chain-saw or a subscription to Trout Fishing Monthly for your birthday, a surprise you don't want is called a Shock.

    Anyway. The reason I'm here at this ungodly hour is that I'm just after tracking my gorgeous friend Holly's little surprise from Aer Lingus, namely that upon her arrival in Dublin, her worldly goods have taken a little Round-The-World trip via Beijing. Feeling guilty and responsible for said loss I can't sleep so I've just sent Aer Lingus a missive that I hope some eejit from Aer Fungus will get his eyebrows singed by and will therefore make some effort to retrieve it.

    Apparently there's an auction house somewhere in London that specialises in auctioning off lost bags. Makes fortunes evidently.

    Well all I can say to that is as my Dear Departed Father once said, when visiting the widow of one of his rugger-bugger friends a couple of days after his death. He was mortified when she said, "Would you like to see him? He's just next door." Whereupon she led the reluctant Eric through to the dining room to see him laid out in his coffin. Returning home traumatised (jessie), relayed the story to mum, adding, "And you know what, I'm not happy. They're buryin' 'im in 'is Jubilee tie."

    Fighting to control the fit of laughter and unable to resist winding him up, mum replied, "Eee well, you know what I've heard don't you. The undertakers whip anything valuable off 'em before they close the lid."

    Eric looked livid for a moment then pointed the famous Fickle Finger Of Fate at no-one in particular and boomed, "Ere well. If I see Billy Bankes wearin' a club Jubilee tie I'll 'ave summat to say."


    And Hazel. Your pome. Hahahaha excellent!! Yous is a GENIUS.

    Hurrah well now I'm off back to bed.

    Night night.


  32. At 06:56 AM on 09 Aug 2007, Maria millman wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Since adopting my two little ones I don't get a chance to listen to your show as much (real shame as it definitely is the best show to drive home to!!)

    I just by chnace happened upon your blog and noticed that you are getting married on Saturday.

    Just wanted to say Good luck!! and enjoy your big day.

    Still love the show - when I get the chance to listen;o)


  33. At 07:54 AM on 09 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    good morning, an overcast day to greet Gotham City today but there's sun on the horizon (or so the forecast tells me!)

    How are you all today? I'm assuming missy is feeling rough after her birthday shenanigans last night? The past few days blogging (especially from the regular's) has been top notch, I've laughed out loud a few times - good stuff.

    Off for a cycle ride this morning (physio's orders) which is slightly worrying as I haven't been on a bike since....

    ....actually I don't know when?

    Apparently there are cycle paths to use all around where I live to make it easier - I hope that means that they're only built on flat land???

    Now, where did I put those stablilisers?


  34. At 08:21 AM on 09 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Christophe and bloggettes

    I think she's starting the taming process myself or am I being a big old cynic?

    Good luck on Saturday but do remind the girl on the sofa there's still time to cut and run - which would be my advice.

    Mange tout xx

  35. At 09:13 AM on 09 Aug 2007, lazykev wrote:

    oh well never mind theres always the next 40 years to get hammered......hope everything goes well with the big day and dont let jonny sport have to many whiskeys....he might end up on the dance floor.......

  36. At 09:21 AM on 09 Aug 2007, Rob wrote:

    That's all very interesting and I'm sure we can expect a very up-beat show tonight because of it.
    But, I missed the answer to the Van Van Van question!

    Google is no help.

    What was the answer !!!!!

  37. At 09:24 AM on 09 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Thirsty Thursday folks and the badger already started on the cherry brandy last night. That's how little alcohol we have in our house at the moment...

    Anyhoo, Christophe, I've just checked the weather for Portugal, and all they show is a BIG row of smiley faced suns! Fantastic...27 / 28 degrees...lovely stuff...Goldilocks weather...not too hot, not too cold...but JUST right...

    In my position of one of the 600 Bridesmaids, and because I shouldn't think that your best man would've thought of it, I've packed the factor 40 for you, but I would've thought that GOTS will probably get away with some good ol' Hawaiian Tr0pic zero. Actually, thinking about it, you may be better off under a parasol whilst wrapped in a full ski suit...as long as you wear a tie you should be all right...

    Tinsel, did you manage to get the silk stockings ok? I think Missy has organised the basques, and CtD borrowed some crooks from her local shepherd. The only things left now are the hoops. If anyone is going near a toy shop at lunch time, could they pick a couple up? Thanks.

    ...and all that remains to be said (for the moment anyway) is...because she starts her new job today...


    p-esses all in one fell swoop...

    mj - pleasure mate.

    Clodagh, you just gave me the inspiration! Glad you liked...

    Debbie xx big hug for you all

    Mayhem and Cathmel - Good to see you too - you do get missed you know!

    ...and lastly, Gingembre, when a nasty person in a big car cuts you up, make sure you remember your hand signals...


  38. At 10:03 AM on 09 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Cathnel - good to see you on the other side!

    Love the'citin' reference.

    Hows about during CLP's honeymoon we all have a meeting over at Russell's blog - Russell, Matt, Gee etc just won't know what's hit 'em!

    All invited! You swines!!

    CtD x x x

  39. At 10:07 AM on 09 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Happy Hump Day indeedy.

    Just heard that my application for the tiny bit of the one bedroom flat has been APPROVED!!!!

    Going to be a h-owner after all. Maybe I can buy the o next year and become a ho-owner...

    SO EXCITED....

    SO HAPPY....



  40. At 10:33 AM on 09 Aug 2007, pete wrote:

    Hi CLP

    Big fan first time blogger, I think you should have gone and got your surprise later, have cake and eat it lol

    What was the answer to the crossword van van van

    Really bugging me only thing i could come up with is movingvan

    good luck for nuptuals

  41. At 10:33 AM on 09 Aug 2007, wrote:

    j, I think you'll find that's a pimp...but hey!

  42. At 10:41 AM on 09 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Goodmorning everyone

    Glad CLP had a very very nice surprise from Natasha.

    I had a nice surprise this morning enroute to work in the far distance sort of Wimborne area there was a hot air balloon - now being on the coast we don't see many of these and as I am going to the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta on Saturday - getting the alarm call for 4am to reach site for launch at 6am! it was a very pleasant start to my thirst thursday indeed.

    How come big events like the fiesta aren't featured much on the news only local ´óÏó´«Ã½/ITV which I don't get being out of the somerset area. If 500,000 visitors aren't big enough to get a mention why does Notting Hill get main news item?
    Whilst I'm on the soapbox how come the Bridgwater Carnival with over 110 illuminated floats never makes it into national news either??

    Ho hum - getting off soapbox right now.

    There down and back to the work desk


  43. At 10:49 AM on 09 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Dearest j, I ALSO meant to say congratulations!

  44. At 11:14 AM on 09 Aug 2007, wrote:

    OOOOOOOOOO la la!!!! you kids in love

  45. At 11:22 AM on 09 Aug 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Hazel-Love - Thank you very much. I'm really looking forward to pimping my flat!


    Pheonix - they don't get any air time because the events you mention don't happen in the South East!!!! I went to the balloon festival a few years ago and it is such a great time isn't it. A fantastic show. Have a fine ole time.

    Happy days all,

  46. At 12:14 PM on 09 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Och, you were probably right not to go, but in Glasgow we have a name for guys like you! Only joking ......love is more important than anything. It's wonderful that you are both so in love. You must be getting so excited about Saturday - this week is vanishing before your very eyes!

    Missy - hope you have recovered from the festivities!

    Debbie - thanks for letting us know how yesterday went. At least Milly is home with you and that's lovely.

    j #39 - great news!

    BonnieLad #27 - what an old romantic you are, eh?!

    Happy Thirsty Thursday everyone!

    C xx

  47. At 12:41 PM on 09 Aug 2007, wrote:

    So, is it Saturday then?

    Who is doing the show next week? Where's the honeymoon? Eh? eh? eh? I seem to be lacking in information.

    O M Goodness. there must be fantastic air currents outside right now as there are literally hundreds of birds all floating around in the sky outside the office. Amazing thing the sky eh? I love it. Clouds Especially.

    No 1 Son came home last night after the jamboree. Heavens I'm so proud of them. 40,000 young people having an absolute ball with no drugs or alcohol. And doing things to help the world too. We could learn a lesson from them all! See my link on my name to see a photo of my daughter welcoming my son home!.. >This is the closest they've been in about 5 years.


  48. At 01:15 PM on 09 Aug 2007, Nicnak wrote:

    Just a quickie CLP to wish you and the little lady all the best. Have now been married for seven glorious weeks myself and can honestly say it's the best thing we ever did.


  49. At 01:57 PM on 09 Aug 2007, Gaby wrote:


    I'm not sure when your last show is before the wedding? Methinks that it may be tonight...only guessing.

    I want to wish you and your lady a beautiful day on saturday and good health and happiness in your future together.

    Mange tout et vive le drivetime show et le blog


    ps we sure are gonna miss you while you're away

  50. At 02:09 PM on 09 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Hi J yes I attend it every year and see at least one launch - weather permitting.

    The special shapes are fantastic and this year they are going to do a special display of model hot air balloons - I hear the current other half say can we get one - it's only 30ft!

    The one I saw this morning was a real treat as we don't get them - far too close to the English Channel.

    So CLP the day is looming nearer and nearer and all the bestest wishes go to you and Natasha and I hope you both have an absolutely fab time on the day and on your honeymoon.


  51. At 02:16 PM on 09 Aug 2007, Gina wrote:

    Hey Man,Man, Man what was the answer to van,van,van? Was it 'truckload'?
    Hope all goes well on your 'big day'
    From all at Honda Supply Desk

  52. At 02:23 PM on 09 Aug 2007, wrote:

    My horoscope says I'm in for a lovely surprise today.

    Hasn't happened yet.

    Hope it's as good as yours.

    Jan x

  53. At 02:42 PM on 09 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Dear All...

    May I tentatively make a small suggestion?

    We all love dear Christophe, and wish him the very best that life can offer, and that his marriage to Natasha is the best a man could ever want or need...

    Sooooooo...we know the Wedding is on Saturday. As (I am reliably informed) is the first day of the new season of Foot Ball...the games of which all kick off at 3?

    Then, why don't we all raise a glass of something, at about 2.45pm in toast to the new Mr and Mrs Evans.


    Whaddya reckon?

  54. At 02:44 PM on 09 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hey cathmel: let's start a campaign to get La Brand to sit in for CLP when he's on mooneyhun That'd be amazing chaos to drivetime!

    CtD x x x

  55. At 04:46 PM on 09 Aug 2007, wrote:

    C the D,

    Brilliant ideas - vive la russolution

    I think that russell would change drive time forever - even funnier if he had zippy as a guest

    C x x x

  56. At 09:12 PM on 09 Aug 2007, Richard Wherlock wrote:

    Hello Mr Evans,
    just had a thought is your furture wife happy wearing the drive home wedding dress.
    good luck and hope it all goes ok.
    will you last the night or do you do the"im just off to the loo.
    straight in a cab and home all cozy.
    while your friends are on the dance floor singing.
    new york new york on there knees.


  57. At 05:34 AM on 10 Aug 2007, MikeJ wrote:

    please, please - I was picking the kids up so I may have missed the answer - re your crossword clue and answer. The clue was van, van, van; the answer is forefront. Now I can see the answer I still don't understand why - am I being particularly dim. I can normally do most of the crossword and I can pretty much always understand the clue when I've got the answer...

  58. At 04:01 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Rick Mason wrote:


    Congrats on gettng hitched. Enjoy yourself even more. Secondly...I'm sure the Camra oys posted a pic of you at the beer festival. Couldn't have been last year because the glass you were holding was current. So did you go or not? Sorry but I'm confused.



    PS. I went for a couple hours on the Friday and it was brilliant. Best lunch of the week!

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