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Chris Evans | 15:35 UK time, Tuesday, 21 August 2007

one where the sky is grey and thoughts are even greyer, you must match it for boredom, for example...

...no one ever wants to do the let's get rid of things on a nice day, it's a dull job, so do it on a dull day. That's what we decided to do today and then the dull days have a purpose...

Oh oh it's shitty weather, so what ? Let's get some shitty jobs out of the way.

I was secretly pleased today when I saw the cloud and the rain and the wind outside my bedroom window this morning and here we are half way through the day with the kitchen finally sorted and another five boxes of duplicate "everything" on their way to OXFAM.

Now a quick word about the following questions....and the problems with a good clear out..




It's not about the locations or ownership of any of these items, it's the fact that they're in the house in the first place. We must cease to collect things to future sort.

We like cookinjg, reading, drinking wine, watching telly (films and cooking progrannes to be precise) and listening to music. All our other hobbies are outdoors, oh and there's the dog but everything else has no place in our hearts or minds so GET IT OUT...

WHERE ? WHO CARES ..... Ha ha and we've earned a good drink tonight to boot... RESULT,.

clp. 2007.



  1. At 03:54 PM on 21 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris and Natasha!

    Sorry guys I didn't comment yesterday, I don't even have an excuse!I hate days like today where it feels like November and its grey and miserable!
    So guys whats the news. I'm flirting with my fella. Chris called Natasha the Girl on the Sofa, mine is my fella. I'm hoping he will ask me out soon! It such a complex story about how we know each other it would take ages to read. If I go on a date with him I will tell you!

    Love to you all, missy xx

  2. At 03:54 PM on 21 Aug 2007, elm wrote:

    When me and the boy wonder moved in I made sure we got rid of all the duplicate items (CD's/ videos and kitchenware (how many frying pans do you need - we ended up with three)) but my bessie mate had kept all her duplicate DVD's etc in case one goes wrong hmmmmmmm.

    It took moving house to convince 'im indoors to mix up our DVD's as before they were kept seperate and a year later we still have boxes to unpack and have given up on ever seeing our passports again oh well!

    5 years since we started going out - and still no sign of a ring - any ideas what I can do to chivvy him up a bit?

    Elm x

  3. At 03:58 PM on 21 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Aha. We did the same on Saturday while the torrents of rain came down. We made 3 trips to the local "Community Amenity Centre" to dispose of said accumulated waste, and would have had 4, but the bad men from the council had p*&^d off early. Still My DH finished off for me on Sunday.

    However, I did spend a load of time sitting on floor in attic, re-reading letters I had wrote my DH while he was in the Navy ---- a whole 21 years ago. It was lovely to delve back in to those warm and fuzzy moments and remember a time when all I had to think about was how many days and hours I Had til he came home.

    Rest assured those collectables went back in a box and went to the very far edge of the attic, where in another 15 years I'll maybe have another wee read thru.

    DWNB. XX

  4. At 03:58 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Ian wrote:

    Hello CLP et al

    It becomes self-fulfilling - you de-clutter and send to Oxfam. I wander past Oxfam and say "wow - look at that, I always wanted one of those..." buy it and add to the clutter in my house. I then declutter and hand it all in to Oxfam and so it goes on.

    A never ending cycle of clutter and de-clutter.

    Also - anyone know why latin words are normally in italics?


  5. At 04:02 PM on 21 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Gingembre- did you get called out to Yarmouth for that Rave. Oh my goodness that sounded dramatic.

    Ok everyone who lives in the Norfolk Suffolk area must put a message on here today so we can work out who lives here! I'm thinking there is a few of us!
    Cheryl you DIVA- how are you, and have you recovered from V?

  6. At 04:02 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Jainie wrote:

    Good evening all! I missed yesterday's blog so extra congrats from the here in the Middle East too, or "Mabrook!", as the locals say!

    What a great way to turn a dull day into a way to spread love and cheer to all the people that will benefit from your duplications and decluttering.

    Another great way to tackle that is to move lock, stock to a foreign country. Now there's a reminder of how much blah-blah-blah you can accumulate!

    I spent today organising a carnival/party day for 2000 colleagues and starting to spread the word thereof. More love and cheer for all! Hurrah!

    Dubai Jainie

  7. At 04:22 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    CLP - there's nothing more rewarding than a good clear out - and what a great time to do it, when you and Natasha are starting your lives together!

    When I moved house last year, I only packed the stuff I'd used in the last 12 months (unless it had sentimental value - e.g. kids first shoes, that sort of thing).

    I still have lots of stuff though! I am trying really really hard not to buy anything new, without getting rid of something else first. E.g. I want new curtains for my kids rooms, so I'll send the old ones to a Charity shop - that sort of thing.

    The grey stuff outside is generally a good excuse for me to have a bath and put my PJ's on as soon as I get home from work, drink wine, eat something hearty and watch my fave movies on the TV! Guess what I'm doing tonight??? I know my car needs cleaning inside, but....

    On a brighter note - the sunshine is only a few clouds away!

    Keep smiling everyone,

    S xx.

  8. At 04:28 PM on 21 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Hi Christophe, seems like blimmin AGES since you read my text out about getting hot and sweaty (because I was packing to move house...during the vile heat/stormy/muggy/thundery/wet summer earlier in June) and the man from Age Concern has only just been now to pick up all our stuff wot we have no room for...Now, apparently we have space for our dining table, but I'm poggered if I can see it!

    I just have to ask though, did you both have copies of Bat out of Hell? We didn't, but it seems that everyone else we know did! Neither of us own it, but the badger does have some music which he is only allowed to play when I'm not in. And he doesn't like some of mine, so that's all ok...

    Anyhoo, it's been polar bear weather here. Am wearing trousers, a jumper and a heater.

    Brass, as they say, monkeys

  9. At 04:33 PM on 21 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Afternoon, CLP, GITB, schloggers and lurkers,

    Am trying to minimalise my life too as am hopefully shrinking down to a tiny one bed flat. I still have boxes that have never been unpacked during the last seventeen or more moves.... Madness. Ex and I are still in the process of dividing everything up - it's a year down the road, surely we could have done it by now!

    Where does the urge to clutter and hoard come from anyway? Most bizarre.

    Ian - I think any foreign words are supposed to be in italics, as are titles of books, periodicals, etc.


  10. At 04:38 PM on 21 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Grey weather. Looks like it's gonna be nice over the Bank Hols though...which'll be nice...

    But...Sammie! You've just made me laugh! My friend recently gave me some lovely fleecy pejermarmas, which I'd never have bought myself...(other nightwear available)...and said 'You probably won't need those for a while...'

    Immortal words.

    Badger said just last eve, 'Isn't it time you gave those a rinse through babe...'

    To which I replied in my best Panto Baddie laugh...

    Woo ha ha ha

  11. At 04:48 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Probably infact more than likely the last post one and all because I'm about to be barred for ever.

    I can't stand all this lovey dovey stuff and I have to say in all honesty I don't think marriage with wide age gaps every works out in the end.

    Sorry but there you go

  12. At 05:00 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    PS Missy have no interest in your flirting whatsoever get a job!

  13. At 05:13 PM on 21 Aug 2007, elm wrote:

    two posts in one day!

    Prof plum - leave Missy alone - some of us like to hear that she is keeping up the old traditins and flirtling - you go girl!

    As my mum used to say - if you can't say something nice - don't say anything at all!

    Elm x

  14. At 05:17 PM on 21 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    It's a great feeling to de-clutter. We are getting better at it. The secret is not to buy anything we don't need - but that, unfortunately is next to impossible!

    As for you and Natasha liking the great outdoors, listening to music and drinking wine - because this summer has been non-existent, we have now taken to sitting in the kitchen on the breakfast bar stools, looking out the window and listening to our favourite CD's. It almost the same as being outside! We are incredibly lucky in Scotland that we have had the most amazing sunsets this year - dark and stormy and gloomy - goes perfectly with a nice glass of red!

    C xx

  15. At 05:20 PM on 21 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog personnel,

    Bingo Star ere.

    It's nice at last ter see a picture of the girl on the sofa aka Natasha.
    You both look very 'appy in the picture on yesterdays blog and CLP i'd say you've got a very, very nice wife - know what am sayin!!!!

    I'm just so damn glad that Natasha isn't the female golf pro that I once nearly knocked unconcious at the golf range.

    What 'appened is I miss 'it it with me 60 degree lob wedge...... well actually I didn't miss 'it it I miss judged the roof overhang at the range.
    I 'it it so 'ard the ball went up so fast it 'it the inside of the roof and bounced inter the female golf pro giving a lesson in the next bay!!!!!

    Mind you Natasha might look a little different with a 'at and shades on the 'at..........
    A closer look at the photo..... na thank goodness.... na... she's not the same pro.... as the one in me incident of turning a 60 degree wedge inter a 92 degree wedge.

    WOW... CLOSE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP Any chance of playing The Tin Roof by the Minutemen or Revenge Wedge by Buckethead.

    I think i'll take up tennis intead!!!!!


  16. At 05:34 PM on 21 Aug 2007, D wrote:

    Prof plum,

    cheer up an stop moaning at , & about people,


  17. At 05:37 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:


    If you took the time to read missy's entries you'd know why she cannot work.

    Leave her alone, she's young and having fun...

    ...remember that?

    MrsW and I are 10 years apart and we're blissfully happy


  18. At 05:49 PM on 21 Aug 2007, mwk wrote:

    There is a saying "one bad apple spoils the applecart" in the case of the blog it appears to be a "plum"!

    I find it distrubing you single out bloggers who suffer ill health!

    Mary - BIG fan of Missy xx

  19. At 05:53 PM on 21 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Just getting ready to go home - had a quick look at the blog and have found Prof Plum in a right huff! Plum, as you well know, there is no ideal age or time for marriage. It either works or it doesn't. But I will always believe in love. There's no greater truth than love - I know that's slushy, but that's how I see it.

    And Plum - are you seriously saying you haven't had your days of flirting? Nothing to beat it!

    You might just be having an "off day" and no way will you be barred from this blog. Onward and upwards Plum, tomorrow is another day!

    C xx

  20. At 06:00 PM on 21 Aug 2007, D wrote:

    Prof pl

    fifteen years between me and mine....lovely.

    couple i know...over ten years between...married

    for over thirty years....

    Love doesn t count years ..

    try, you might like it..

    not moaning i mean...

  21. At 06:26 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Well that got you going one and all!

    No offence intended.

    Chris S thanks for your kind comments.

  22. At 06:29 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Prof Plum - stop being so grumpy x

    Chris - have you seen the cartoon of you in the Radio Times? Really cute i think xx

    Gotta go, got a client coming round in a min, haha, didn't mean it like that, childminding mum coming to sign a contract!!

    Em xx

  23. At 06:40 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Prof Plum


    In the Blog Room


    The full force of the blog contributors!

    DD out!

    PS Prof! You said it best, when you said nothing at all!!!

  24. At 07:02 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Oh dear Prof Plum, everybody is entitled to their opinion and the world would be a dull place if everybody agreed with each other all of the time. Personally, I think in matters of the heart, age doesn't matter. As long as you both want the same things out of life, love each other and all that 'lovey dovey' stuff, then why would age matter? That's just my opinion.

    I don't agree with personally picking anyone out for criticism though especially when they aren't actually doing anything wrong. Flirting is healthy and I am so jealous Missy!

    Phew, glad I decided to come and catch up with a glass of red now and not that cup of tea! It's our anniversary so why not!

    I wrote my little speach for my Nan today. Thanks for your advice, it definately helped to make up my mind. Then me and my cousin went shopping for something for Nan to wear. Bought her a lovely outfit. Then took mum to the care home to see the special people that looked after Nan for the last 11 years.

    We found a picture of someone hidden under Nan's bed when we cleared room out but nobody knows who it is! We will never know and I am so intrigued!

    Well, I'm not cooking tonight so off now to work out which take-away to go for. Fancy a chinese I think .......

    Love Deb x

  25. At 07:29 PM on 21 Aug 2007, wrote:

    WOW Number 1!

    Elm- did you hear Chris mention you today! well done you

    Prof Plum- well well, i don't know what to say. Maybe you should know that I have been off work for 2.5 years with m.e and have been quite down with it so excuse me for once I'm happy about having a little flirt (its been a while) with a bloke who is actually nice and understands my m.e and also I have some great friends on here and would like to share some news with them! If you don't like it, don't read it!

    Ok I have said my piece, now i shall move, I have had worse things said to me. xx

  26. At 07:32 PM on 21 Aug 2007, wrote:

    And PS! Marriages with big age gaps don't work. Well I'll tell that to my friend who's about to get married to her boyfriend who is 12 years older. They have been going out for 10 years and are still madly in love!

    OK will do some deep breathing and calm down now!

  27. At 07:46 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Im going Im going

  28. At 07:57 PM on 21 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:

    Prof. Four and a half years between Mrs MfR and I. Nine years married this weekend and blissfully happy.

    On the bad news front, no developments, other than a philosophical day spent by all assessing what it all means. Sorry to be cryptic, but while I have always been happy to spill all here, I can't do that on behalf of others who may not wish to.

    Ran my usual route tonight and got held up crossing the A281. Result? 3 seconds off my PB. I suppose that given my recent history of getting stressed and letting things get to me, it is quite refreshing that such a trivial thing should wind me up.

    Anyway. Jamie on this evening. Seems 'my dad' (Brian) doesn't feature tonight, but I'm sure that things will be 'delish' anyway.

    Much peace & love


    PS Animals strike curious poses

    PPS Two lovers missing the tranquility of solitude

    PPPS Leonard Bernstein, Leonid Breshnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs

  29. At 08:20 PM on 21 Aug 2007, lazykev wrote:

    minimilized its the new 40....missed the show tonight sorry was busy with the dog walking thing

  30. At 09:18 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Hmmm, prof is that a bluff or a double bluff?

    See you tomorrrow, hope you're in a better mood?


  31. At 09:32 PM on 21 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:

    Oh blimey.

    It's 'herbage' now.

    And did you catch 'saltage'?

    Jamie. Get a grip mate.

    All the best


  32. At 09:34 PM on 21 Aug 2007, mulbartonboy wrote:

    arrrgh ! I cant take any more ! I just got to tell what i've found out about DD - that ex norfolk boy with the kilt and travelling lap dancing pole. i have been to Attleborough to discover that when he lived there he was known as "the Tripod" or DDT for short.
    Local legend says that he once went to Whipsnade Zoo to see the animals and being ever so slightly inebriated decided to "flash" at the largest Bull Elephant there. The Elephant took one look and said..............................
    ..................................."Poor sod. How can you breathe out of one nostril?"
    Any room for a poor traveller in NC1 ?
    ps.Have you ever ever seen a turkey egg ?
    No ? Seen one in a recipe or menu?

  33. At 09:49 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Prof Plum, just to back up what has already been said, hope that you are in a better mood tomorrow. It would be a shame if you didn't post again but it's obviously not a good day for you.

    Debbie x

    PS. I'm 5 years younger than my husband. I don't suppose that counts for a big age gap though does it? I feel as though I'm older than him most of the time anyway x

  34. At 08:18 AM on 22 Aug 2007, amanda townsend wrote:

    morning Chris,
    I am a radio presenter for hospital radio and if you are ever in the lancashire area can i interview you for my show please? you would make a fantastic interview and i hope that one day we can meet up and record one,
    thanks, take care

  35. At 08:37 AM on 22 Aug 2007, Anna wrote:

    havent posted for ages - but felt i had to say: Plum, i never expected that from you. took me quite by surpise. not altogether necessary i thought.

    Must dash, got to saltage my herbage before putting it in the slow cookerage.


  36. At 08:50 AM on 22 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    I feel an aplogy is required for my rather dark sense of humour one and all.
    I really had a good day I managed to make pork chops without them tasting like shoe leather. I won a pound on a stratch card and the wart on my nose fell off.
    Now one of those statements is true honest!

    Sorry again.

  37. At 08:51 AM on 22 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    mulbarton boy, you have been conspicuous by your absence young man? Do you have a note?

    ...and me, I've only been gone since 5pm, and all sorts has been let loose. It seems to me that a few pigtails have been pulled...grayshus me, if we aren't all entitled to our own opinions, wot a fine kettle of fish we'd be in and no mistake Mr 'udson...me and the boy are only 3 1/2 years apart, still going strong, but that's only because I'm not in prison from giving him a right ding with a heavy based frying pan...and well he knows it...

    Anyhoo, Debbie, glad you've got it together. I'm sure your Nan is appreciating everything you're doing for her...and MfR, I do hope there is going to be some more reassuring news for you both.

    On another note, my personal best was beaten this weekend. Mainly because I chose trainers over the aforementioned boots...but that's not for here...


    Clodagh - still here xx

  38. At 09:23 AM on 22 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Dear Prof Plum

    I like that you felt able to say what was on your mind - it may have been a little negative and not agreed with by most of the bloggers (or is that schloggers) but I feel it is really important that you are able to express yourself here and say what you want.

    Dear all,

    I think some of the replies have been great and show that some peeps disagree with PP but still allowing PP to have her/his say. However, some of the other replies are just as negative as PP's first one but the comments shroud themselves in a glowing light - you know who you are... well, maybe!

    Surely this space is for all, whatever anyone's views, beliefs, thoughts, etc. And if anyone doesn't like a comment, they don't have to read it - including in this case, the original negative one! You don't like it, don't read it and don't comment on it, maybe!

    I don't think I made that point terrible well, but I hope you catch the drift.

    On age gaps, what is a success anyway? I have recently split up from my ex - he is 7 years younger than me. We were together just shy of 13 years - was that a success or a failure? In my mind, it was what it was. I'm not sure things have to last for a long time to qualify as successful. And perhaps conversely, sometimes relationships go on for years and years, but they really should have ended a long time ago.

    Everything has a time as the old proverbs say!

    And I said above - we recently split up - it was over a year ago now! When exactly does it stop being recent!

    Have a great hump day all, and I look forward to the next heated debate on here and to your next comment, Prof Plum....


  39. At 09:49 AM on 22 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning all, fully recovered from my Stansted disaster and just back form the physio.

    After intense treatment it now has to be left for 14 days to see if the swelling (ooh err) and the internal bruising disappears, he will then decide on what's nest. There are probably 3 options-
    1. More physio
    2. Ultrasound to see what's going on (as marvin once asked!)
    3. Surgery to find out once and for all why it's 'just not right'

    Off to Wembley later to watch England play Germany, can't wait. Loved the Brazil game and the stadium. There's quite a few of us going too so should be a good 'un.

    Prof, still not sure if it was a bluff or a double bluff. Despite my initial "leave her alone" you are entitled to your opinion and that's why I enjoy reading and contributing on here. Don't go though.

    missy, how did you flirt before you gave him your mobile??? I'm easily confused and this is one of those moments!

    Wemberlee Wemberlee I'm a happy old ginger and I'm going to Wemberlee


  40. At 10:13 AM on 22 Aug 2007, SammyM wrote:

    Morning all, long time no blog....

    I have a very good excuse, company I work for is merging with another said financial provider and we are in the middle of 'merger training' - How Rude, don't they know I have blogs to read?????

    Any how, have temporarily moved offices to a massive office building where most people are being given the big heave-ho on Friday so the atmosphere is a little peaky.

    I infact have been give a promotion, and hav'ent told them yet I'm preggers (although when I actually meet my new boss he's SO going to guess by the big bump up my jumper) I know it should'nt make a difference but I think I've done the right thing not telling them yet, you never know do you???

    Have not welcomed you back Mr Chrsi, you both look radiant on your photo. Is it just me as whenever Chris has a stand in I already make up my mind that I'm not going to like like them before the show even starts - suppose thats what a creature of habit I am. Really should be embrassing change what with work etc!!!

    Anyway must get on and try and think of imaginative ways to discover baby bump.

    See you all soon

    Sam xx

  41. At 10:25 AM on 22 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Oh dear Plum. Yous is in the doghouse good and proper.

    I'm not going to add anything except what my Granny always said. Straighten yer face before it creases.

    Now then Tinsel. Look here. There's no way my raspberry Mivvi is goin' anywhere near the Genius daughter's mush. If you could see the carnage wreaked when I'm attemptin' to eat me bacon butty and she turns up, she's like one of them baby birds you see in the late spring, beak wide open, flappin' its wings and roarin' at the poor mummy bird as she forages for worms to stuff in its gob.

    The most spectacular fist-fight usually ensues, ending only with my being sat on, the daughter employing the famous Half-Nelson used so effectively by her Great-Granddad in his bouts with Mick McManus, and the said butty extracted from down me bra.

    Happy Days.

    And EmM. Ah tanks yous is too kind. Yes I have actually, several times, maybe I should.....

    Well now I'm off to have a Sort. Starting with The Daughter. Hahaha no, not really, she's a little sweetie and I'd lay down me miserable life for her in a heartbeat. Don't tell her I said that though. She's far happier with her Lucrezia Borgia persona.

    Yakky Da.


  42. At 10:54 AM on 22 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Good morning bloggers and lurkers,

    Oh well after leaving work at 5 on Monday and not getting home until 6.30 all because a piece of a space project decided to decamp in the middle of the lifting bridge the saga in the local news (which I read online) is still ongoing.

    Plummy you really stirred everyone up yesterday - was it an off day or had someone at work wound you up and you needed to let off steam - shame on you indeed.

    I'm still catching up with blog from yesterday so will continue my reading and will blog again later once I've done it.


  43. At 11:04 AM on 22 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Ok I think we should all make a deal to put yesterday behind us! This is a place for fun and chat and having a laugh.
    Prof Plum you are indeed entitiled to your opinion and thats fine, maybe you should start your own blog, thats what I did when I had stuff to say!
    Mulbarton Boy- where have you been? I know tracking down Dissing Dave has kept you busy but I have missed you on here!

    Elm- If you didn't hear yesterdays show you must listen again as loads of people text on for you! Your a star!

    Another rubbish day here, its dull and windy, so I'm gonna put on my funky tights and get knitting. I've had some interest about my 'Carrie' Bag so gonna knit some more! Maybe coming to a store near you! xx

  44. At 11:16 AM on 22 Aug 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Morning bloggers and schloggers,

    Missy what a great attitude you have shown to Prof Plum’s indiscretion.

    Prof plum good to see the apology, keep contributing as this blog need all sorts, that is what makes it such a great place!

    Missy, keep flirting and smiling!

    Keith the BigUn

  45. At 11:36 AM on 22 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    OMG what did I miss!!!!

    What was Elm on the radio for and why so many texts - pleeeeese someone tell me.

    I have now finished reading the blog inbetween work - so many nice thoughts on it indeed.

    confused Phoenix

  46. At 12:30 PM on 22 Aug 2007, Miss chaos wrote:

    Hi there everyone!!!!


    Have to say you look really great together and sooooo happy!! I do love a happy ending...or happy beginning as it really is!

    Haven't been on here since last Autumn....my god how times flies!! (too much work....not enough time.....same ol....same ol)

    did the 'Blogfest' ever happen??

    Met a lovely new Fella since was last on here and looking to go on our first holiday together to Western France.....want to stay In a secluded romantic Chateau......have seen plenty on the net but just wondered if anyone maybe had any places they could recommend (what better place to ask than here with so many in luuuuurve.......apart from "plum") (well if you will stick your head over the parapit....not sure if spelt that corectly??)

    (funny that "plum" rhymes with "Glum" ;-) sorry....only joking!!!

    Bye for now

    Miss chaos x

    PS There must be something in the air.....I've just spent two days having a de-clutter and how therapeutic it is

    PPS Clear blue sunny skies here in shropshire.....hope it reaches you all soon

  47. At 12:55 PM on 22 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Missy, Gingembre, and the East Anglian Possé!

    DDT will be heading for the Broads (oo-er) this weekend, but only for a day as we attend the launch of the outlaws cruiser! Brekkie in Horning on Saturday Morning at 9ish! Lunch somewhere around Wroxham, possibly the Bridge! then homeward bound!

    DD out

    PS Watch out for that Boy, I mean Buoy!

  48. At 12:58 PM on 22 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Wahay Sam! You could get one of those magicians bunches of flowers, stash them oop yer jumper, and at the vital moment, whip them out (as it were) with a flourish (or a fanfare, delete as applicable) and say something along the lines of 'I heard you're alllergic to apples so I got you these!' and he will be so amazed at your generosity that the bump will go undetected for at least a short time yet.

    Failing that, you do just indeed never know. How ever pc a company, sometimes they've got ways...however pc a Gingembre come to that... Keep schtumm(sp?) and you may even get a special chair like Jo :o).

    Now then, Clodagh, I'd be very choosy indeed what you do with your rasberry mivvi...

    Funny face

    Phoenix, guess what, that bit of thing on that bridge was on the news yesterday - you are getting terribly cosmopolitan! Apparently it may be closed for some time. They said that about Roswell...

  49. At 01:09 PM on 22 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alroot... Y..I MAN.....Christoof & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    A see it's all been 'apenin' on the blog in the last 24 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Munch two.... munch...... damn two!!!!!!!!!!!


  50. At 01:22 PM on 22 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hello everyone!

    Sorry - been absent for a couple of days as there was lots to be done. Back now, and caught up with the blog.

    missy: V was fantastic. I did post a list of who we saw when I got to work on Monday morning. I was really, really tired all day Monday but now I feel much better. So much so, I'm desperately trying to get tickets for V 2008 (early bird limited release) but would you believe - all seem to be sold out for Chelmsford already! I'll keep trying - the festival falls on my birthday weekend and those of you good at numbers will remember that I'm 40 next year, so 40 and festival sounds too good to miss! Wish me luck!

    And missy - you go girl with the flirting!!

    And missy again - south suffolk. I won't post the town as when I kept doing that on Monday the BP deleted me into the ether. The swines!

    It's good to have CLP back, innit???!!

    Right, short and sweet as sarnie awaits. Back laters amigos.

    CtD x x x

  51. At 02:25 PM on 22 Aug 2007, Red wrote:

    Hi CLP and everyone!

    I've never posted before as I've been far too busy reading....
    Anyway, just had to post today as I'm currently going through the life-dedupe thing too - my lovely, lovely other half moved in a week and a half ago along with child, cats etc.... One day we might actually get to spend some time together rather than sorting stuff out. My house is for sale too so hopefully it won't be too long before we have to do it all again!

    The sun is shining - keep smiling!!


  52. At 02:27 PM on 22 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Hiya HL - nah I came over the bridge the next morning and all was well.

    Here's the latest on the investigation courtesy of the local daily paper online

    I still don't know about Elm's appearance on drivetime was - can anyone enlighten me - have to admit some evenings this week I've not got into the car much before 5.30 with the exception of Monday of course and look what happened then.

    Cosmopolitan indeed we've got lots of marinas, the channel port, brownsea island and Sandbanks what more could I need???

    Seriously I quite like living down here, its a lovely pace of life. Mind you some weeks I get so much to do there's no space for gardening and the little unwanted plants go completely OTT - had to be out there last night hacking down some passionflower which was strangling the rose and the wiegela not to mention the camelia.

    Back to sanity - work is calling must dash

    Until tomorrow.


  53. At 02:28 PM on 22 Aug 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Afternoon each

    Gawjus weather in the Lothians for a change.
    Bingo: Will be in a pub in Gateshead on Friday night where everyone will be saying Y I Man!!

    Anne x

  54. At 02:53 PM on 22 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hey SammyM - congrats on both bump and promotion. I love Hazel's idea of producing the flowers with a flourish. Failing that, if anyone does say anything you could just look down in horror like you hadn't noticed anything before???

    (((Prof Plum))).

    Missy - fingers crossed you get that date!!!

    Gingembre - have a lurrrrrrrrvely time at the footie tonight - I will be on the look out for the man with the swollen bruised appendage in the crowd ... ooo errrrr!!!

  55. At 03:09 PM on 22 Aug 2007, A wrote:

    I am very new to this and just wanted to say that I did not realise that it was THE Chris Evans on Radio 2 - nice one Radio 2!

  56. At 03:16 PM on 22 Aug 2007, Jill wrote:

    Hi there CLP and fellow blog friends

    I so agree with your clear-outs and am inspired to do the same. I actually wrote down one of your conclusions in an earlier blog, in the hopes that I would keep it in the front of my mind:

    "Simple gives you room, room gives you a point of view, a point of view gives you ideas, ideas give you a purpose, purpose gives you a life"

    Trouble is I slip into procrastination mode, e.g. I'll just get this work done and then I'll start sorting out the wheat from the chaff etc etc. Will get there in the end, though, and know I'll feel better for it.

    Reckon I have plenty of points of view though, no matter what!

    LOL - Jill xxx

  57. At 03:26 PM on 22 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:


    Bingo Star ere.

    Anne G. oh I yeah me blog comment waz coming to all in the spirit of one of my all time heros - JIMMY NAIL aka SPENDER!!!!!!!!!!

    aka Geordie TOP COP!!!!!!!!

    I only used ter watch Spender cos 'e drove a Sierra Sapphire Cosworth..... sad I know but there yer go.


  58. At 03:48 PM on 22 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Phoenix - Elm's comment (read out by Chris) was something along the lines of how do I get my boyfriend to propose and then people sent in suggestions.

    Cheryl - I saw James Morrison earlier in the summer and I thought his singing was very good but I didn't think he had much charisma, unlike a certain Mr Michael who i raved about a couple of months ago. I would love to see Paolo Nutini, has anyone been to one of his concerts?
    Glad you enjoyed V, hope the loos were a bit nicer than at Latitude!

    Re big age gaps, my husband is only 2 years older than me and I suppose the good thing about that is that we remember the same things from when we were teenagers etc, but I would say if you are in love then that's all that matters. I think someone like Chris is going to be attractive to younger women because he is so young at heart. I'm only 3 years younger than him and I think he'd think I was a bit of an old fogey! For example I've been baking all day today, chocolate squares, shortbread and flapjacks - sound a right granny don't I?!

    Did anyone see Undercover Mum last night?

    Em xx

  59. At 03:59 PM on 22 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Wheeeesht, Phoenix - is all massive government hush up to not reveal the troll that lives under the bridge needs to get back to his home planet to save it from the dreaded someone or other. 'strue. Honest.

    ...and Tinsel...a flourish can hide a multitude of sins. Banish that blemish with a flourish. And before I dig myself a hole, I am categorically NOT stating that being pregnant is a blemish.

    Any resemblance to anyone alive or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional.

    ps What an interesting reason to watch a football match...

  60. At 04:06 PM on 22 Aug 2007, John Boland wrote:

    Continuing the theme of funny names for businesses, my Mum thought up a good name for a garden centre: Weed it and reap!

    Great show, cheers Chris,

    John Boland

  61. At 03:00 PM on 23 Aug 2007, Mandy wrote:

    Hi peeps
    Prof plum clearly has issues! Chris and Billie were a great example of how to make a break turn good. Mrs E looks like a lovely woman and we should all wish them good luck. As I said before you need to be 40 till you find your love.
    kisses CLP

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