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Chris Evans | 11:40 UK time, Monday, 20 August 2007

Morning all, married and...

...just had my first warning light on whilst flying. Carbon monoxide an all. Now no fault with the machine reported after technical inspection, so can only assume it's the fumes coming off've me from the past weeks activities.

What a blast we had, Mrs. Evans looked radiant, girls love getting married, I'd never seen her smile like it.


It was the best feeling I've had for a long time, like all ma' Christmasses coming down the chimney at once.

Now it's on with a life less ordinary and plans for the next forty years (fingers crossed).

Warning light still of, so engine restart and I'll see you on the radio.

P.S. Anyone got a wart ? thinking of talking about the mysterious blemish tonight.

See you on the radio.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 01:21 PM on 20 Aug 2007, bodminbabe wrote:

    Yay! Welcome back...you were missed.

    Warning lights...generally there for a reason...careful!

    Warts: nope, wart-free....lucky me!

  2. At 01:22 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Wilkommen back Christophe!

    Trust you had a fantastic moon made of honey!

    Belated congrats to you and Mrs Evans ....... no not ma, although I'm sure she deserves her own congrats, but ex GOTS!

    I'm told by those that know, i.e. the moosewomen (that's a descriptive not a description) Natasha looked GAWJUS!

    Anyway oop Bring back the rock at 5:05!

    DD out

  3. At 01:28 PM on 20 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Oh, Christophe, how lovely to have you both home safely. You'll be pleased to hear that we kept the Bride and Groom from the top of the cake for you, and I think Tinsel may even have some of the cake in little boxes in case you need to send any anywhere...however the table centres fell to pieces round about Thursday...I think the florist must've used inferior oasis.

    The pic in the Currant Bun looked fab..."girls love getting married" - looked like you woz luvvin it too you big ol' softie!

    Welcome back

    ...and just once...



  4. At 01:41 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Hello CLP - welcome back to the blog and R2 after your honeymoon - you both sure looked fabulous in the one picture that HL put up the link for us and I look forward to seeing more.

    Congrats and your message is so upbeat why spoil it with talk of warts!!


  5. At 01:44 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Keeley B of Shotesham wrote:

    Hi Married Christophe of the Evans,

    Hope you are enjoying married life, saw a sneaky pic in the paper and you both looked lovely.

    I have some strange spotlike blemishes on my neck at the mo, not a spot, not quite a boil....thought it was damn mossies but alas no!

    Thought the other half had got hungry but no big enough for teeth marks.

    So any advice is gratefully received from anyone reading!


  6. At 01:47 PM on 20 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Welcome back - and good luck for the future.

    Re warts - used to have a wart on my nose!!! Not many people noticed but I knew it was there. Eventually went vain and got the doctor to cut it off.

    Born on Friday 13th, thunder and lightening storm in a converted castle in Scotland - had to get a warty nose really! So watch it....


  7. At 01:52 PM on 20 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello Christoof,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I'd just like ter say i'm DAMN glad yer back.

    I find sometimes when your away the blog is a little like a wedding reception were the guests 'ave all arrived but the bride and groom 'ave failed ter show for the gig!!!!!!!!!

    It's like all us bloggers are waiting for a something/ someone - know what am sayin!!!

    I'm just damn glad yer back man and glad all went well on your special day and I 'ope you a spiffing honeymoon in all areas!

    In case you didn't get any of me previous wishes of wellness tones i'd just like ter say.....


    PS CLP Any chance of playin' Fingers Cut Mega Machine and their tune Did I Hear A Wedding or even better, what about opening yer shoe, sorry show with the tune by Billy Idol..... forgotten what it's called...... errrr....... oh I yeah.... Rebel Yell!!!!

    Only Joking...... what else but White Wedding!!!

    Adios dudes!

  8. At 01:52 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    YAY, Welcome back new Mr & Mrs!! You both looked fabby!!

    No Hazel ... it should have been MEEEE!!!

    Sorry, but there's no cake left. Was feeling slightly peckish over the weekend and just couldn't resist.

    Now, warts - apparently, the inside of banana peel has some magical properties that will make your wart disappear. The idea is to tape it over the wart every night till the wart has gone. Now depending on where the wart is, this may hinder your movements somewhat ... my mind is boggling as I speak ...


  9. At 01:57 PM on 20 Aug 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Afternoon bloggers and schloggers!

    Christopher, welcome back and just for good measure another congratulations to you and yours!

    I have missed your tones on the wireless on the way home. Tonight I will be glued to the as I expect you to be even more upbeat than normal, if that is possible.

    I agree with bodminbabe when she says warning lights are there for a reason! Take care and get it fully checked out before the next trip. Better safe than sorry!

    As for warts, I do have one on my left hand (3rd finger) gives me no trouble and has been there for ages. Not contagious as far as I know and I have more things to worry about than that so I say let it be! I will be interested to hear what your show has to say this evening.

    Later one and all.

    Keith the BigUn

  10. At 01:59 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Welcome Back Mr and Mrs CLP!
    Congrats on the wedding and for all the days ahead...may they be happy and carefree with no warning lights flashing!

    No warts here though - upon inspection of the work colleagues (prior to security escorting me out of the building again) we are blemish free....nearly....

    Office News for today: Ruth is back from France with chocolate for us. No blemishes today, but probably tomorrow now.

    Bonne de douche...
    Tickle :)

  11. At 02:03 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:


    CLP is back - with a WIFEY!

    I missed you and the gang!

    The world's gone mad today, but at least I'll have you at 5 tonight! You have no idea how that thought is keeping me going!

    Busy weekend, Special Friend met my mum yesterday. Haven't spoken to her since, but she'll be on the phone later to give me her verdict, I'm sure.

    Had a great surprise planned for him tonight, but unfortunately, have to postpone - just one of those things really :-(

    Hope you've all had great weekends.

    S xx.

  12. At 02:06 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Welcome back CLP & Mrs. Looking forward to tonight's show.

    J: Was the converted castle Haddow House, nr Aberdeen?


  13. At 02:08 PM on 20 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Yay!!! You're back and happy happy happy - missed ya fella and congrats on the wedding bells.

    Big Hugs to the Happy Evans'

    CtD x x

  14. At 02:27 PM on 20 Aug 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hello Chris

    Welcome back to you and Natasha - I can feel your happiness oozing through the blog waves

    I can't wait for the show tonight!

    Had a wart check - none to be found!

    My first day back at work after my op, had a really nice welcome back which made me feel a tad special, then I realised they had run out of tea, coffee sugar etc etc cupboards were bare :o)

    Mary xx

  15. At 02:29 PM on 20 Aug 2007, JDB wrote:

    Welcome back Chris, glad all went well. Take care in that flying machine!

    My son had warts on his hands when he was very young. We lived in Ireland for a few years and one day on the bus an old Irish lady told me to "buy" them off him for 10p each. I did and within 6 months they had all gone! I was and still am amazed, don't know quite what happened, but it certainly seemed to work!

  16. At 02:31 PM on 20 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Welcome back!

    Yes Chris, now you are looking to the future with Natasha - I am sure you will find every day brings something new. And if you are planning, what I think you are planning, your life is going to change beyond description!

    I won't hear the show tonight but for the record, I don't have any warts, but apparently I have a cracking birthmark on my b*m! Ahem! As Hazel would say ..... that's not for here!

    C xx

  17. At 02:36 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Lovely to have you back. You're always missed when you're away.


  18. At 02:40 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Rusty wrote:

    Hiya Chris,

    Hope Capt Y took you through the whole warning light process successfully. I'm sooo happy for you and Natasha, sounds like you had an excellent time out there.....esp with an impromptu extra day away.

    Exceeded all expectations apparently, nice one.


  19. At 02:46 PM on 20 Aug 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Woo hoo - you're back!! Welcome home CLP - it's not been the same without you. Many congratulations again to you and Natasha, ex-GOTS!

    I thought you both looked radiant and very happy in the photo in t'paper and hope you had a wonderful honeymoon.

    Looking forward to hearing you at 5.05!

    jillygoat xx

  20. At 02:47 PM on 20 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    ...and if you REALLY must...

    Warts are a viral infection of the skin. If you scratch them, they will spread, as the virus is highly transmittable. If you ignore it and try not to fret about it, then it will probably go away of it's own accord, but they are the sort of thing, like cold sores, that will probably reappear whenever you are run down, or under a lot of pressure.

    Put a couple of drops of tea tree and one drop of lavender oil on a little bit of cotton wool, and stick this over the wart with a plaster. Every day for about a week and all should hopefully be ok.

    ...and R-E-L-A-X...

    Please read the label

  21. At 02:47 PM on 20 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Annie G (#12) - no, not Aberdeen, but just north of Glasgow...

  22. At 02:48 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Welcome back honey, use teatree oil for warts xx

  23. At 02:48 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Welcome back CLP!

    It's lovely to hear from you again, we missed you. Looking forward to the show later.

    Deb x

    PS. Never had a wart, thankfully, but had a friend that cut hers off with a pair of scissors once. Not recommended.

  24. At 02:58 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    J - Ah well, then we're not twins separated at birth (although I have to say I've never had a wart on my nose!!).

    Anne x

  25. At 03:16 PM on 20 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Welcome home CLP and many congrats to you and the ex GOTS!

    Warts... hmmmm my Granny always used to say you should rub them with a piece of bacon then bury the bacon in the garden and as the bacon rotted the wart would dissapear. Now I have no idea if this works as I've never had a wart but it sounds like such an ace old wives remedy that it really should!


    + the bears

  26. At 03:17 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    J: I've got a little book of spells and a voodoo doll from Alabama but I'm too scared to use the black pin (there's a white pin for good things and a black pin for very bad things!!), so we're halfway there.

    Lottery - oh yes, if only I'd been a postie in East Kilbride.

    Anne x

  27. At 03:18 PM on 20 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Gosh - Anne - we could be spiritual twins though

    Maybe we're the three witches of Scotland - we just need to find the third one and then we can do 'hubble, bubble, toil and trouble' all of our own!

    Fancy winning the lottery?


  28. At 03:24 PM on 20 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Congrats and Welcome back.

    I did have a wart on my elbow, just before my sisters wedding 21 years ago. I met my husband to be the week after and after three weeks were discussing all the bad things about ourselves, and I said, "oh oh Oh - I have one very bad thing, this wart..." and when I looked. Was gone.

    However. Last week. 21 years to the day (and the wart was there on Wedding day, because I wore an "invisible" plaster to hide it, flipping thing was back. I think it is on the other arm, but same place. But no worries. I ripped it off. Now I just have a bit scab.


    ps - Weddings are so cool! I'd do mine ALL over again in a flash. Muriel / Mariel had her grin JUST right.

  29. At 03:55 PM on 20 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Wonderful to have you back, did miss you, but dead chuffed for you of course! Well done on doing the deed and all that. As for warts, you get them if your clothes are too tight I heard...

  30. At 04:13 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    A timely reminder to us all

    A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband was not in their bed. She puts on her robe and goes downstairs to look for him.

    She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup of coffee in front of him. He appears to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall. She watches as he wiped a tear from his eye and takes a sip of his coffee. "What's the matter, dear?" she whispers as she steps into the room, "Why are you down here at this time of night?"

    The husband looks up from is coffee, "Do you remember 20 years ago when we were dating, and you were only 16?" he asks solemnly. The wife is touched to tears thinking that her husband is so caring and sensitive. "Yes I do," she replies.

    The husband paused. The words were not coming easily. "Do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car making love?" "Yes,I remember," said the wife, lowering herself into a chair beside him. The husband continued. "Do you remember when he shoved the shotgun in my face and said, 'Either you marry my daughter, or I will send you to jail for 20 years?'" "I remember that too" she replied softly.

    He wiped another tear from his cheek and said......"I would have gotten out today."

    DD out

  31. At 04:29 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Ali wrote:

    Post #30 - excellent! I liked that.

    Welcome back Christophe & huge congrats to you and the new Mrs E.

    The pics in the paper were fab.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the wee interview you have on around 5.15 - very informative.

    You HAVE to have someone on to explain why women get such mushy heads after having a baby. My 3rd is 9 months old now and I'm back at work but feel like a right thicky. Why is that? Please put me out of my misery.... You need to know too!

  32. At 04:34 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Rosalinda wrote:

    Many many congratulations. You both look so happy. Did Natasha wear the Drivetime Dress?!

  33. At 04:43 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Jill wrote:

    Great to have you back CLP, and even greater to know you are a happily married couple! Won't be crossed fingers, though, that keeps it that way - as I'm sure you'd be the first to say. It's all about living for the good, as indeed you HAVE said

    Love ya!

    Jill XX

  34. At 04:45 PM on 20 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:


    Cracking picture, Gromit!

    You both look as though you should have flip-top heads with those massive smiles!


    Bless you both

  35. At 05:06 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Andy wrote:

    Congrats, your wife looks a babe.
    Has she got any sisters ?

    You were missed BIG TIME.

    But glad you are back

  36. At 05:06 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Louise wrote:

    Welcome back!!!!!

    Love the picture and am looking forward to seeing more..... did you do the mag thing?

    Glad you had a lovely day, you both look radiant!

    have a great show..

    Leb x

  37. At 05:23 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Merson the Cat wrote:

    Hey Chris,

    SO glad you're back. Driving home just ain't been the same!!!

    Wonderful picture - you both look so happy. I hope you make the next forty years plus together.

    Off now to get in the car and hear your happy tones again.


    Merson the Cat.

  38. At 05:28 PM on 20 Aug 2007, vera wrote:

    I had approx 20 warts on my hands and had them 'hypnotised off 26 years ago, no sign of them since.

  39. At 05:31 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Andrew from Northampton wrote:

    Fireworks......congrats on the wedding last week, surprised you're back at work already.

    Anyway, I was at the four seasons in Quinta last week, close to your villa I understand?

    Were they your fireworks going off at 1am on Sunday or Monday night (can't remember) waking up my little daughter Phoebe Annabella (12 weeks old)....you owe me a beer Mr Evans with all your bloomin partying!!!

    Anyway, congrats

    Andrew, still catching up on my sleep from Npton (already back at work too!! bah) zzzzzzzzzzz

  40. At 05:38 PM on 20 Aug 2007, mwk wrote:

    aaaaahhhhh great pic xx

    Mary xx

  41. At 05:47 PM on 20 Aug 2007, cate D wrote:

    Welcome Back - contragtulations to you and Mrs Evans.

  42. At 06:09 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Caroline wrote:

    congratulations - wishing you both loads and loads of joy

  43. At 06:49 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Matt Purcell wrote:

    To Chris and the radiant Mrs Evans

    I would just like to say how pleased I am for the pair of you, and I wish you a long and happy marriage.

    It's good to have you back, it's like listening to a mate on the radio, keep up the good work, and say Hi to the team for me.

    Cheers buddy.

  44. At 07:38 PM on 20 Aug 2007, FLIRT wrote:




  45. At 07:53 PM on 20 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:


    Welcome back old chap. So glad to hear that all went well.

    We have just received bad news about Mrs MfR's dad. It is at times like these that you really get to put life into perspective. I have had times where I have felt sorry for myself over the past year or so (stress, insomnia etc), but in the grand scheme of things none of it is that important and I shouldn't get so worked up about it.

    No, life is for living. Squeeze every moment you can out of it because you never know what is hiding round the corner. I don't mean that to sound negative, just if you want to do something, go somewhere or tell someone something, do it. Now.

    Short week this week. We'll have ARF on while we slap some paint on the walls of the hallway. Personally I hate DIY of any description, but needs must.

    Be very happy everyone.

    Peace & love


    PS Loafing oafs in all-night chemists

    PPS Magick

    PPPS With my crossbow I shot the albatross

  46. At 08:00 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    MfR - whatever it is I hope you get a positive outcome mate. Love and best wishes to you all.

    CLP, welcome back, it was tough being the main gingembre on here whilst you were away, glad to play second fiddle now you've returned.
    Love the pic, she's a stunner.

    Em M - I went to Thorpe St Andrew High School, how about you?

    The weather's awful isn't it?


  47. At 08:01 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Pam wrote:

    Congratulations to you both! You look so happy!

    Long may it last

    P x x x :)

  48. At 09:03 PM on 20 Aug 2007, wrote:


    I'm good at spreadsheets, if you need a hand, give me a shout. Pleased to help.


  49. At 09:06 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Garry fraser wrote:

    Welcome back Mr(and Mrs) Evans,

    Can't imagine properly what marriage is like but have done a bit of flying, microlights, come to Scotland and try it, its braw!

    Any hoo, marriage, oh aye, well like I said can only try to imagine what its like but that's for you to know and me to find oot! Good luck for the future, both of you!

    PS. do you think Sally would be interested in a lumberjock with a deep brogue?

    Cheers, Gazfraz!

  50. At 11:05 PM on 20 Aug 2007, PJ wrote:

    Good to have you back and many congratulations Taking a keen interest ever since having been in the bar for one episode of TGIF many moons ago & see you around Quinta from time to time & having been born at the Celtic Manor where I read you met your wife(when it was a nursing home obviously!!) & now am I correct from reading your blog that you have a PPL & fly yourself down to Portugal? Maybe see you next time you are logging your flight plan. Essential to pay heed to the warning lights!

  51. At 04:24 AM on 21 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Good to have you back, Chris. You both look gorgeous in the piccie!

    I had a wart on my hand when I was in primary school and I had to get it frozen off. Normally I'm absolutely petrified of pain of any kind, but for some reason I loved it! I was gutted when the wart went away.

  52. At 07:29 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Mela Fernandez wrote:

    Dear Chris, Warmest congratulations on your marriage - may it be a long and happy one. I got married as a 19 year old student - everyone said it wouldn't last - we stayed deeply in love until March of this year - thirty years later, when he had a heart attack and died in my arms.

    My advice to you both is never be too proud to say I'm sorry, too busy to listen or too tired to say I love you. Every day is precious and may you laugh much and cry little!

    Huge hugs to you both,


  53. At 07:53 AM on 21 Aug 2007, wrote:

    I am so happy for you Chris, you both look so happy and I hope it continues for you both. You deserve it. You give an excellent show, really brighten my day, keep up the good work, many many happy wishes, Karen.

  54. At 08:04 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Morning all

    Tennis (not squash or salsa) was rained off yesterday, probably for the best as knee not really ready.

    Off to Stansted in a mo' giving the folks a lift - "I aint paying them carpark fees" was the cry from my lovely old dad. Hence me taking them and picking them up again in a fortnight.

    Just a quick Q, and sorry to bang on about good ol' Norfolk, but I'm guessing there's a few more of us on here than we realise.

    Apart from myself, Em M and missy, who else is from the carrot crunchin' capital of the world?

    Phoenix - for the first time in ages in was ok, aprt from the siege at Yarmouth which I couldn't go to as I'd been on all night - thanks for asking x

    Keeley B - lovebites?????

    Mange tout petit pois


  55. At 08:48 AM on 21 Aug 2007, jonno - cyprus wrote:

    i know a day too late, but i see you talking about warts, went to see someone in cyprus and she said best thing is a cream we can buy over the counter here called Efudix. it is an anti skin cancer cream but totally clears warts and verucas in a week - not cheap about £30 a tube here, but that is the cost of a specialists treatment.
    Good luck to you both following your wedding.

    Regards jonathan hart

  56. At 08:55 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Em M wrote:

    Chris, enjoyed the show yesterday, its good to have you back (nice pic too).

    Gingembre - I went to North Walsham High, but I live in South Norfolk now.

    Em xx

  57. At 09:02 AM on 21 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Hazel - heard on the Arches last night that the landlady of The Bull, Joleen, was in Borchester hospital visiting her friend, Badger. Nothing too serious I hope....

    Can Mrs Evans now be GITB?


  58. At 09:08 AM on 21 Aug 2007, lazykev wrote:

    welcome back ....try honey or milk for the warts it use to work in the olden days

  59. At 09:22 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Maggie Sullivan wrote:

    Congrats Chris & Mrs Chris...!!
    You both look so happy - long may it continue. Will you be sharing photos of your wonderful day with us...????
    I love your Radio 2 show - funny thing tho, I used to hate your Radio 1 show...!! You have matured beautifully ...!!
    Good luck and much happiness to you and your beautiful wife.


  60. At 09:29 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Christopher Plumb wrote:

    From one aviator (Kemble) to another. Glad the lights went out!

    I haven't any warts at the moment but I have had them in some strange places. Gone now! lol


    (flying club Kemble)

  61. At 09:39 AM on 21 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    MfR #45,

    So sorry to hear about your dad-in-law. Hopefully his situation can be helped.

    You are so right about something like this putting life into perspective. I have learned over the years, losing people you love makes you see what's really important. There is only today, so we have to make it count.

    Mela Fernandez #52: your comment to Chris was very wise and lovely. It touched me because I have also had a long marriage. I try not to think about losing my husband, but realistically neither of us can live for ever. And I really now do regret all the wasted time arguing over doing the dishes and how come he never washes his own clothes?! It's all so stupid, but complaining about stupid things is part of life, I guess.

    On a happier note - hope everyone has a good Tuesday!

    C xx

  62. At 09:56 AM on 21 Aug 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Happy nearly Hump Day!

    Not wishing it away, but all the time Badger is in hospital, none of the washing up is getting done. J, thank you for your concern. It isn't anything major, he's just having his stripes adjusted.

    Gingembre, I lay awake at night thinking about your knees. But that obviously isn't for here. You do make me worry though...you have a long time left to play tennis, so why don't you wait until the docs have decided what they are gonna do with you...until it is really, really better...PLEASE!

    ...and Mela Fernandez, that is one of the most beautiful and sad posts I have ever read...angels can't be here all the time...more is the pity...

    Martes feliz

  63. At 10:06 AM on 21 Aug 2007, rob evans wrote:

    is that the golfpunk magazine nurse with chris?

  64. At 10:10 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    Morning all

    Mela # 52 - condolences to you, that must have been a very hard time, your word to Chris are lovely, and something we should all take heed of.

    MfR - sorry to hear about your father in law, it does somehow put life into perspective doesn't it, when you receive unexpected news.

    Well only 4 days left at work for me (after today) and to be honest I can't bloody wait. My MUST DO list has 7 things on which are all fairly mind numbingly boring but hey ho, needs must and all that!

    Then approx 5 weeks at home before the baby is born - I can't wait!!

    To anyone needing a slight pick me up


    Have yourself a cup of tea - it solves everything you know!

    CATS tonight at Brum Hippodrome - should be fun although not sure I'll fit in the seat!

    :o) Jo

  65. At 10:12 AM on 21 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Aw bless their ickle chuchie faces. Mr. and Mrs.E. Hurrah and welcome back.

    All this talk of the warts though. Eeee. Let me tell you I'm currently in Llandudno, me mother and Aunty Dot's answer to Bondi Beach, and this must be the wart capital of the world.

    I love old biddies. My old granny used to say "Eee it's grand bein' old. Kids and old folk can get away with murder you know." And she did. Regularly.

    Somebody mentioned honey as a wart remedy, which reminds me; did anybody hear Wogan this morning read out a tale from some eejit who stayed in a b&b in Dublin. When the landlady presented him with one of those ickle jars of honey with his breakfast toast, he declared, "Why, Mrs. Murphy, I didn't know you kept a bee."

    Hahahaha marvellous.

    Thanks to yous all for your kind thoughts re. Aunty. So sweet and kind. In particular Debbie, you're in the middle of your own similar trauma; but can I say that you may be feeling apprehensive but you'll be glad when you've made your little eulogy. You can do it.

    When my dearly loved and greatly missed ickle daddy died, some 16 years ago now, it was put to me that my sister and I should do the readings. At the time I was horrified but soon stepped up to the plate when I thought of dad saying, "Go on, Valerie Bombshell, you can do it.." (mind you that was usually when he wanted a cup of tea bless him..).

    The church was packed to the rafters and in retrospect I don't know how I did it, but up I stepped to the rostrum I could only just see over, in me best black hat that he used to take the mickey out of, and did the reading, and it empowered me in some strange way. I'd always drawn strength from him and now was no exception.

    The best part, though, was afterwards, when one of the rugger buggers in attendance said to me, "That was excellent, well done. And don't worry what you looked like. All we could see was an eagle in a hat."

    Bloody bless him. Hahaha.

    And Cheryl. I can understand your anger at being put on the spot like that. That was a mistake; I'd had time to make a decision but that must have been awful for you. But please forgive the perpetrator of the deed, stored anger is never a good thing, it rots the soul.

    As the Genius daughter always says to me, "Build a bridge, mum, and get over it."

    Must go now, there's a couple of seagulls eyein' up me raspberry Mivvi.

    A Bientot.


  66. At 10:26 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Fiona Shanley wrote:

    Just wanted to say a huge congrats on the wedding to you and the new Mrs Evans. I just got married a few weeks ago and my cheeks still hurt.

    Looking forward to hearing on the radio again...you were missed on my journeys home.

    As for warts...had some burnt off as a child but non since...

    Take care.

    FS xxx

  67. At 10:49 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good Morning,

    Just popped in ever so quickly as I have sooo much to do today my head is spinning!

    Mela, lovely words so sad for your loss x

    MFR, hoping that all turns out well for your father-in-law, thinking of you x

    Haven't had time to catch up on posts properly, so when I get back I will make myself a well earned cup of tea and have a read.

    Must go now,

    Love Deb x

    PS. It's my 8th Wedding Anniversay today, must try to have nice evening, been neglecting poor husband lately!

  68. At 10:49 AM on 21 Aug 2007, SteveDJM wrote:

    Congratulations Chris and welcome back!

    I hope you got the Cricket TMS Ashes disc awhile back which i sent to you via radio 2.

    All the best for the future and i hope married life is treating you both well.

    All the best,


  69. At 11:07 AM on 21 Aug 2007, kate wrote:

    Sorry I forgot to finish my message.

    Congratulations on the big day.

    Welcome back Mr. & Mrs. Evans, lovely to have you back onboard Chris..great show.

  70. At 11:08 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Kate wrote:

    This would only apply if the wart was in an accessible place!!

    But if you lick a wart 1st thing every morning, it will eventually disappear. The very first spit from your mouth is acidic and will then "burn" the wart eventually.

  71. At 11:20 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Welcome back Christoph!!!!

    Just a thought - I hope now you are married you have commissioned a special double sofa!!??

    Happy Days Everyone


  72. At 11:32 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Mela - that was a beautiful post. I hope that the happiness you had together is giving you comfort now.

    Kate ... LICK warts??? No thanks mate!!

    Debbie - happy anniversary, have a great day.

    Hazel - you keep thinking about G's knees? hmmmm, while the badger's away eh????

    Clodagh - 'build a bridge and get over it' - wise words indeed. Must admit though if I'd been feeling cross and my girl had said that to me I'd have been tempted to shove my mivvi in her mush!

    Happy Tuesday xxxxxxx

  73. At 11:49 AM on 21 Aug 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Mela - your post was very moving and I'm so sorry about your husband xx

    Debbie - happy anniversary!!! Have a lovely evening and make a fuss of each other !!

    jillygoat xx

  74. At 01:22 PM on 21 Aug 2007, alan bush wrote:

    Welcome back Chris and congratulations.

    You two look like a match made in heaven so always keep smiling. And keep us smiling too!

    Warts I have a plenty but not where you would see them usually, in the armpits, or as the ad people would suggest my underarms, I ask you what's wrong with armpits for pete's sake!!!!

  75. At 01:43 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Hello everyone!

    Well, where to start today???

    MfR - sorry you've had bad news, my thoughts are with you and Mrs MfR.

    DWNB - awwww - thanks honey!

    Mela - a truly lovely post. I am sorry for your loss and I wish you well.

    Mary - missed you yesterday - glad you're back at work - but how typical they didn't stock up on supplies before your return!

    Special Friend was disappointed, but never mind, he'll get the surprise when he's least expecting it!

    Jo - four days left??? YAY!! have you arranged transport for your very, very special chair yet?

    HL - hi chick!!!

    CLP's nuptials have made me go all gooey and silly! Must arrange that wedding dress party soon, because otherwise I will start thinking that re-marrying mightn't be such a bad idea after all! "Oh yes it is!" "Oh no it isn't!"....

    Sorry - have bought tickets to Panto in Jan!!!

    KW - watch that knee! Tennis won't do it any good at all - all that chopping and changing direction for goodness sake!

    Righty, back to it. D-day for my project is very close now, which means that everyone around me is going bonkers mad. Fruit loops!

    However, I did say the 'F' word this morning - very loud in the office! Not sure who was more surprised, me or my colleagues!

    Love to you all,

    S xx.

  76. At 01:45 PM on 21 Aug 2007, flo wrote:


  77. At 01:47 PM on 21 Aug 2007, scareypilot wrote:

    who cares about the warning light (and most of the dials for that matter) its when it all goes quiet you need to be aware of - look for the nearest field !!

  78. At 02:16 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Mandy wrote:

    Congrats Chris and many happy years to come! Thought you looked well dapper in the whistle ..very different from the last time we met when your pants didn't fit! The new Mrs E looks delightful and radiant. Having found the love of my life on my 41st birthday I can say with conviction it's a good age to wed, knowing what you want, knowing your faults and knowing how to concede gracefully when needed. I sm truly happy for you Chris and wish you every happiness from hereon in. Any baby Lambie pies planned??
    Mandy x

  79. At 02:54 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Juan Vi wrote:

    Been missing yuo loads and Congratulations mate, i never write comments or logs whats so ever. However, this is a special occation. May yuo all the happiness!

  80. At 03:04 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Helen Ganly wrote:

    Congratulation Mr & Mrs C Evans
    You look blissfully happy.
    Welcome back Chris, you have been missed, my drive home just isnt the same without you & the rest of the team.
    Sorry no warts, but birth mark on side of my face. When I was a child my mom thought was mood & scrubbed my face until sore.
    I love the show, cant wait for 5.05 to hear your bell.
    Have a fab week guys

  81. At 03:14 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Hmmm, wonder why I came thro as Anon this morning???

    Thank you all for your concerns over my thoughts of playing tennis and you're all right so I've called off and will await further medical clearance. It's just soooo frustrating.

    So, Stansted this morning....

    ...got there in excellent time, jumped out of the car at the drop off zone, as did the parents, heard this locking noise and the car had locked itself with the engine running and the keys (and my phone) inside it!!!! Thanks to a man in a yellow van who called himself the 4th emergency service for breaking into my car after I'd stood for an hour in the rain wearing shorts and a tshirt. Me mum & dad got off on time and I'm safely back in the arms of the gorgeous MrsW.

    Ho hum


  82. At 03:27 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Charlotte wrote:

    Welcome back Chris!

    Sorry we missed you at Alambique! We were there the night before your festivities LOL! Great place for a wedding :-)

    Many congratulations to you both.... wishing you every happiness, always.

    No warts, sorry ;-)

  83. At 04:25 PM on 21 Aug 2007, EILEEN COFFEY wrote:

    Hi Chris congratulations to you both.
    Before you went off to get married you were talking one evening about a crossword clue which was van van van, can you tell me what the answer was.
    Love the show it is superb.x

  84. At 06:55 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Shirley Allison wrote:

    Hello Christof

    Congratulations on your wedding!

    Can you please wish good luck to our Greyhound Puppy - Bomber Blue - who should be having his first race on Saturday (25th August) at Hall Green in Birmingham. I'm as nervous for him as Johnny was for his son's race - us parents really go through hell!!

    Love the show.

    Shirley and Steve Allison

  85. At 08:10 PM on 21 Aug 2007, mulbartonboy wrote:

    arrrgh ! I cant take any more ! I just got to tell what i've found out about DD - that ex norfolk boy with the kilt and travelling lap dancing pole. i have been to Attleborough to discover that when he lived there he was known as "the Tripod" or DDT for short.

    Local legend says that he once went to Whipsnade Zoo to see the animals and being ever so slightly inebriated decided to "flash" at the largest Bull Elephant there. The Elephant took one look and said..............................
    ..................................."Poor sod. How can you breathe out of one nostril?"

    Any room for a poor traveller in NC1 ?

    ps.Have you ever ever seen a turkey egg ?
    No ? Seen one in a recipe or menu?
    I didnt think so. isnt that just a bit spooky or what?

  86. At 10:55 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Linda B wrote:

    Hello chris, I have to say that you and the new MRS EVANS look so happy and at peace with each other, I have been a big fan of yours for some time now and hope that you will find marriage as wonderful as I do....you look like you will, so all the very ,very best.

    From Linda B

    PS: do you know anyone that would be able to organize an regency style party? I am am trying to plan our tenth wedding annivversary......HELP

    PPS : some one told me that a gold wedding ring rubbed on it should help.

  87. At 05:32 PM on 24 Aug 2007, Angie Warby wrote:

    Hi Christof. Love the photo, you both look great, so happy for you, have a wonderful life together. Glad you back, missed you love love the show. angie.x

  88. At 05:38 PM on 24 Aug 2007, Angie Warby wrote:

    Hi Christof. Love the photo, you both look great, so happy for you, have a wonderful life together. Glad you back, missed you love love the show. angie.x

  89. At 11:17 PM on 25 Aug 2007, andrea suddards wrote:

    Dear Chris,

    After watching another boring evening of television,I got to thinking about TFI Friday. Don't you think it's time you brought it back again.? When it first came out it was fantastic,unmissable! Great music,great guests,great interviews. Unfortunately,it lost it's way towards the end,in my view.Too many "pals" on and childish humour.However,your radio show is just right,interesting features,great conversation and top tunes. Surely,you can bring this back to the T.V???
    Just a thought!
    Finally,congratulations on your marriage.Nice to see you so happy and finally grown into yourself!
    Andrea x

  90. At 11:19 PM on 25 Aug 2007, andrea suddards wrote:

    Dear Chris,

    After watching another boring evening of television,I got to thinking about TFI Friday. Don't you think it's time you brought it back again.? When it first came out it was fantastic,unmissable! Great music,great guests,great interviews. Unfortunately,it lost it's way towards the end,in my view.Too many "pals" on and childish humour.However,your radio show is just right,interesting features,great conversation and top tunes. Surely,you can bring this back to the T.V???
    Just a thought!
    Finally,congratulations on your marriage.Nice to see you so happy and finally grown into yourself!
    Andrea x

  91. At 05:14 PM on 26 Aug 2007, Angie Warby wrote:

    Hi Christof you both look great, have a wonderful life together, glad your back love the show. love Angie.

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