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Chris Evans | 15:20 UK time, Friday, 19 October 2007

Back a day early because....

... we are ready for blast off.

There was no way I was missing an ALL REQUEST FRIDAY like tonight. The eve of two potential WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, where do I want to be ? Right in the thick of it please - thank you.

Come on JONNY, come on LEWIS. One'll do but let's make it two !




  1. At 03:35 PM on 19 Oct 2007, tim baker wrote:


    In the words of Mr Kipling.....

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    ' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
    if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
    If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
    Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
    And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

    Come on Boys!


  2. At 03:35 PM on 19 Oct 2007, hazel love wrote:



    Now, Christophe, where's my present?

    bien venue and c'mon in

  3. At 03:39 PM on 19 Oct 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Welcome back - hope you and Natasha had a wonderful holiday! We have missed you sweetie!

    Just want to say I really do wish England well. You know, there are some of us in Scotland who do love our English cousins!

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    C xx

  4. At 03:49 PM on 19 Oct 2007, Grant wrote:

    Welcome back Mr Evans!

    What a weekend ahead!!


  5. At 03:55 PM on 19 Oct 2007, Adrian wrote:

    Good to have you back. I love Fridays, love it, love it love it. i love driving home from work listening to the requests...and Chris and the guys (and girls) always make me laugh!

    Keep up the good work.

  6. At 04:00 PM on 19 Oct 2007, wrote:

    YIPPEE!!!! He's back! And may I say Chris, that is dedication!

    I'm soooooo cold! I was somewhere a lot warmer this week, check out the blog for more details!

    Come on England! The fellas gig is being pushed back at the pub so they can watch the game. That means if we loose there won't be the best atmostphere! But if we win.... brilliant!

    Happy weekend everyone, missy xxxx

  7. At 04:01 PM on 19 Oct 2007, Kathryn wrote:

    Fabulous, you're back - and I was only saying to my useless minion earlier how it didn't matter that his car radio was broken because you were on hols and All Request Friday isn't the same without you. I'm looking forward to singing all the way home again,

    Kathryn x

  8. At 04:05 PM on 19 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Welcome back CLP - missed you loads and the blog wasn't working properly - Doh!

    Can't wait til 5 for ARF - bring it on baby!!

    My lovely boss is letting us all go at 4.30 tonight instead of the usual 5.30 - I LOVE THIS JOB!!

    Take care - it's a jungle out there!


  9. At 04:30 PM on 19 Oct 2007, flo wrote:


  10. At 04:35 PM on 19 Oct 2007, mwk wrote:

    Welcome back Chris, hope you and Natasha had a lovely holiday xx

    Good Luck to the England Rugby team and Lewis xx

    Good luck to Celtic for the old firm clash tomorrow! :0)

    I will be in the big smoke next week Chris - it would make my holiday if I happen to see you when I'm out and about :o)

    Can't wait for 5 O'clock..............

    Mary xx

  11. At 04:37 PM on 19 Oct 2007, clodagh wrote:

    In the words of Mr. Kipling....

    If you can eat 4 jammy doughnuts whilst standing on your head,

    If you can eat 3 dry cream crackers in 2 minutes,

    If you can run 3 laps of the garden whilst suckin' a French Fancy on the end of a drinking straw,

    If you can drop your trousers, have a pint in each hand and still keep hold of your Battenburg,

    If you can do all this on top of 15 pints of Tetley's and a vindaloo,

    You'll be a Rugger Bugger my friend.

    Bless 'em.


  12. At 04:37 PM on 19 Oct 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Very very quickly, thanks CtD (if you haven't gone already)...that was very sweet of you to send that email. I have not had a chance to reply in full but I will. The boss is on his way, hear his feet crunching on the gravel, eeekkk..... bye for now!!!


    Oh and welcome back CLP, got any jobs? xxxx

  13. At 04:39 PM on 19 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Welcome back Chris

    Lets hope the chaps do it and do it in style.

    Bon chance les Anglais!

  14. At 05:11 PM on 19 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Just heard Johnno on the show, what a legend and what a team he led.

    A total legend and role model.

    Go out there tomorrow boys and have a blast, one more game on one more pitch and win it.

  15. At 05:25 PM on 19 Oct 2007, Mark Rogers wrote:

    Mr Evans,

    I am desperate to watch the match tommorrow but don't have a telly (havn't for 8 years now) thought about going to the pub, but I live in Swansea and everybody here wants England to lose and will be cheering the springbks!
    I'll have to sit in the corner quietly supping a pint trying not to get too excited every time England score!!!! I also reckon the Sringbks will be out to nobble "johnie -we're not worthy- Wilkinson" Be careful out there!
    Strange no ones talking about the big game here bet they would be if Wales hadn't crashed out.

    Mr Rogers

  16. At 05:43 PM on 19 Oct 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hey everyone. Welcome back CLP, great to see/hear you!

    Just wanted to say thanks for the hugs. Think it's the end of the road for this relationship. Four and a half years. Hmmm.

    Took the day off work today and went for a long walk - found out that there are woods at the end of my road (i've only been here 2 years!). felt better for being outside on such a lovely day. I am ready for the rugby tomorrow - battle of the titans, fantastic.

    Take care and have lovely weekends all, and thanks again. Anyone think 46 is too old to start again????

    T xx

  17. At 05:43 PM on 19 Oct 2007, Barbara Hall wrote:

    The Bridlington - Millau Twinning Association are setting off tonight to vist Millau, our twin town. We arrive tomorrow afternoon, in time for the Rugby Final. We are all hosted in French families, hope they will support us, like we will support them tonight.
    Love the programme, COME ON ENGLAND!!!!

  18. At 06:22 PM on 19 Oct 2007, wrote:

    I wondered! I truely did.

    I went to take DH down to Scout Hall - he is away caming this weekend, and there you were in all your glory. What a nice surprise! Don't get me wrong, Stuartie boys fine and dandy, but boy I do miss my CLP of an evening. Specially now since they've started to draw in. Makes me all warm and cosy to hear you coming at me thru the speakers.

    Hope you had a lovely holiday.

    I've just had a couple of days off, and another one on Monday. I'm Scottish, but with an English Husband and Son .... I'll be Cheering on Jonny and the Boys tomorrow!

    Loved Johnny (in the Lockers') interview with Matt - how good was he coming from the Metro in France. Wish I was him.

    Anyways. Lovely to have you back.

    Have a Grand Weekend.

    Come on Les Blancs!


  19. At 06:26 PM on 19 Oct 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Phew one and all

    IS IT ME! well I suppose it could be a sound alikey.


    So relieved it's not Jim from Watford taken over the show who likes to sing in a club style and has a request show for people on the dole.

    I don't get Rugby watching a load of guys in a huddle.... still hope they win.

  20. At 06:30 PM on 19 Oct 2007, M wrote:

    Lovely to hear you! Had a few days at home, been good. Tuned into show tonight soooooo good to have you bak a day early. Theres certainly magic in the air tonight Come on England!!!!!!!!!

  21. At 08:11 PM on 19 Oct 2007, lazykev wrote:

    good to see you back

  22. At 09:01 PM on 19 Oct 2007, Tina wrote:

    Christoff, tonights show was rockin'. Well done!
    Teena in Thetford..well someone has to live here!

  23. At 09:45 PM on 19 Oct 2007, paddy wrote:

    Welcome back Chris! noone can step into ur shoes when ya away.. Good to hear ya back.

  24. At 10:39 PM on 19 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Have really missed you for 2 weeks.
    Brill to have you back at such a magical time.
    I love friday nights Drive time, we pack our meat on Friday nights for the Farmers market every saturday.
    You help the job along.

  25. At 06:06 AM on 20 Oct 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Didn't know you were gonna be back??? Cool.


    My surgeon has finally looked at the scan - woohoo!
    His secretary called to say that more surgery shouldn't be necessary but he wishes to see me on Monday 29th to discuss things? Still non-the-wiser but at least it's not a cyst in the bone which was one of his thoughts!

    Thank you all for your kind/supportive words, it's been a long week waiting for the phone to ring.

    Tinsel - have another {{{x}}}


  26. At 12:56 PM on 20 Oct 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Hey gang!!

    I got through to ARF last night and had a lovely conversation with Craig. He took my particulars in the nicest possible way and we had a chat about the rugby and I told him what I wanted to hear and why ... and that I wanted to dedicate it to al the fantastic bloggers on the drivetime blog. Sadly I never got a call back, but hey - making way for the likes of Matt Dawson, Damon Hill and Johnnie's auntie .. mustn't grumble!!

    The one thing Craig DID clear up for me is that Naughty Nic The Vicar's Son is in actual fact the very same Son Of A Preacher Man Nic who produced Russell Brand's Saturday night show on R2.

    So ..... how comes on Drivetime Nic is "just" one of the team, yet on Saturday night's he's let loose to push buttons and control ole Rusty??

    And does he really look like an albino kitten curled up asleep under the desk, as per Noel Fieldings description of him last Saturday??

    Nic - we love you!!

    Good luck to England for tonight, and for The Gunners this pm against Bolton.

    Big love, hugs and other stuff

    CtD xxxxx

  27. At 06:15 PM on 20 Oct 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello Ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I've at last managed ter get near me computer.

    Only a few 'ours til the big kick off for the Rugby World Cup Final. Fingers crossed for England, 'opefully they will do it big again!!!

    But my biggest attention is on F1 & i'm sure Lewis Hamilton will do the bizz Sunday.

    I can't bellieve how stupid the incident at the last GP was, leaving Lewis out until his tyres were like jelly - no wonder he couldn't stop in time coming inter the pits. Then bad luck finding the only gravel trap on the circuit.

    Even if Lewis doesn't win the World Championship this year it doesn't really matter because he WILL go on to win at least 6 World Championships in opinion - He's got that much talent - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    So i'm chilled about it, but if anyone is reading this on Mon i'm sure we will 'ave The first ever rookie F1 Champ & 'opefully England as first ever double Rugby World Champions.

    I thought things were mean't ter come in 3's?

    So what's gonna be the third first for England?

    Maybe 5 times tiddly winks World Champions!!!!!!!!!


  28. At 08:01 PM on 21 Oct 2007, MfR wrote:

    And so,

    England complete the triple crown.

    Of defeats.

    I missed the footy, due to being horizontal on the beach, in Dubai. It was 40+, and I was engrossed in Eric Clapton's autobiography. Bloody good it was too.

    Last night, I was at a wedding. Caught the first twenty, or so, and then Mrs MfR whizzed us back to Rudgwick in time to catch the last twenty.

    Bad luck, lads.

    And, then, Lewis went for broke and blew it on the first lap.

    Why are we so damn good at losing?

    I reckon that it is payback for our globalisation during the empirical times.

    We puffed our chest out and reckoned we could own the lot. And, for a while, we did.

    Then, the rest of the world woke up, had a stretch, and gave us the spanking we deserved.

    And so it goes on.

    Serves us blimmin' right.

    Anyway, hope you had a good holiday Chris. Was it you I saw in Bramley in a sparkling gold Merc yesterday?

    Best wishes all.


    PS Lays me down with my mind she runs

    PPS These are my salad days

    PPPS 79

  29. At 11:52 PM on 21 Oct 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    What an exciting weekend one and all

    I watched a Rugby match all the way through for the first time. Gosh it's so dangerous by the end it looked liked a war scene with bandaged heads and blooded faces. Makes footballers look like nancy boys! Didn't they do well though even without a win.

    I have a new pet it's a fox who comes into the garden to steal the bread I put out for birds. It digs little holes and buries it for later. Poor thing tomorrow I am going to treat it to a bacon sandwich.

    greetings to everyone toodle oo

  30. At 11:53 PM on 21 Oct 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Tinsel- I had to start again when I was fifty...

    It's ok tho'.....!

    Head up, shoulders back, move on.....

    onward an upward...

    x x x

  31. At 08:13 AM on 22 Oct 2007, hazel love wrote:

    What a sad weekend. Still, I s'pose there's loads more games and things that we can play later...it's the limpicks next year after all...

    Anyhoo, Monday now. The start of a brand new whole just for you week. The sunrise artside the ossif is GAWJUS as are all of us...speshully YOU Christophe...turtley fab to have you home!

    Gingembre, fab news about your little blue knees...you obviously need longer socks my friend...

    Tinsel, babe, definitely start again! Good luck x

    I have a scan tomorrow for gallstones. I amd kinda hoping they find some else they are gonna have to start digging to find out what the matter be.

    Four old ladies locked in a lavatory etc

  32. At 08:18 AM on 22 Oct 2007, hazel love wrote:

    What a sad weekend. Still, I s'pose there's loads more games and things that we can play later...it's the limpicks next year after all...

    Anyhoo, Monday now. The start of a brand new whole just for you week. The sunrise artside the ossif is GAWJUS as are all of us...speshully YOU Christophe...turtley fab to have you home!

    Gingembre, fab news about your little blue knees...you obviously need longer socks my friend...

    Tinsel, babe, definitely start again! Good luck x

    I have a scan tomorrow for gallstones. I amd kinda hoping they find some else they are gonna have to start digging to find out what the matter be.

    Four old ladies locked in a lavatory etc

  33. At 10:12 AM on 22 Oct 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    morning lovelies. Thank you for the words of support - Anonymous and Hazel - I am going to start again. It is definitely all over. I'm so shocked - anyone else been dumped by text and e-mail???? It's horrendous, please don't do it!!

    Glad it's Monday (never thought I'd say that!), looking forward to a bit of a giggle with CLP tonight hopefully.

    Gingembre, great news about your knobblies ...

    T xxxxx

  34. At 10:37 AM on 22 Oct 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello Ter Each & Every Blog Operataive & Anyone Else who iz world wide webin,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Oooooh dear, oooooh dear blog friends it's all 'appened or NOT as the case might be.

    It did come in 3's blog friends (Comment 27), 3 the situations gone ape, 3 none wins, 3 DNF's, 3 it ain't appening, 3 lots a bad luck, 3 they forgot their Lucozade n bananas, 3 they should ave sought Steve Wrights advice, 3 aye? What day is it, 3, sorry Free, It AIN'T alright Now!!!!!

    Yeah I didn't think when I commented Sat (#27)but England losing against Russia was the first, then the Rugby, then Lewis 'amilton.

    BUT as for Lewis it's damn ok.

    The dude 'as shown what talent 'e 'as got, 'e'll be far more experienced next year and 'e 'as shown 'e is way the fastest driver in F1 at present so we can look forward ter next year.
    It's just the last two races were abit of a blur. I can't believe the mistake of the team in China & the Brazil race Lewis did nothing wrong. The start of the race was jus terrible bad luck - 'e got blocked out everybody. As for the loss of gears - very strange situation? Was Lewis flusterred at one poiint and just lost it or was the a genuine gearbox hydralic fault?
    It's this that ultimately cost 'im the championship!

    I'm so glad Kimi Raikonen got the championship & not Fernando Alonso.

    Very well deserved for the chilled out Finnish dude!!!

    PS Appropriate end for Fisichella - out on the first lap, just sums up 'is bad but ok aswell kind of year.... bit like mine really!!!!
    The dream for next year would be Fisi ter do a straight swop with Alonso. Alonso ter Renault and Fisi ter McLaren.
    I know Fisi & Lewis would get on well - same birth signs... yer see it's all in the stars blog friends - I know these things.... Russell Brand, sorry Grant told me!

    PPS Prof Plum - I was reading yer comments on Wrightie being on me left. Hull is ter me left.... is BC 'ouse in Hull?
    Can't be, it 'as just been voted one of the worst places ter live... or ave they just sent Wrightie there ter cheer them up and give the property prices abit of an extra lift!!

    PPPS Debbie - Thanks the move 'as gone ok but still abit up in the air at pres.

    PPPPS Hazel Love - Glad yer liked me Central Reservation joke.

    PPPPPS - I'll bang Thursdee & Fridee's jokes on later - sorry couldn't as just up ter it with me 'ouse move.

    PPPPPPS - When does CLP return? Terdee or next week?

    Chow from a slightly mad n' confused Bingo Star!!!!

    PPPPPPPS - Terdee iz Mondee????

  35. At 12:59 PM on 22 Oct 2007, j wrote:

    Bing, CLP came back unexpected like on Friday to do a special World Championship ARF with Johnny-the-boy-wonder. It was lovely to have them back unexpected like but sad for you English folk out there with the results over the weekend. Absolutely right about Young Hamilton - who is such a star in the making and unbelievably gracious and delightful when he lost. Good luck to him for next year. I'm not into F1 at all (too noisy!) but even I watched it on Sunday.

    HL - hope the stones check out... Very painful if you have to pass them apparently.

    GingMbr, good luck with the spindly bits.

    Tinsel, you and me both. I'm mid 40s and starting again. Actually, I'm not starting again with the chaps, but just in the process of building my own new life. It's taking time but definitely worth it. Flat might complete today (boss witnessed my signatures all wrong so mad dash to Solicitors to right that - keep fingers and toes crossed please peeps). However, I can't believe how cowardly he chose to end it though - not the act of a big man, so maybe you're better of without him. Very best of luck for the future xx.

    All else, have a good week.

    PS CLP SO lovely to have you and the team back. It's just not the same without you guys...

  36. At 01:09 PM on 22 Oct 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Bingo, you've run out of Ps mate.

    Our much-belov'd CLP woz back on FRIDEEEEE!

    But then you were moving house, so I reckon you have a suitable excuse...

  37. At 02:02 PM on 22 Oct 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Bingo, you've run out of Ps mate.

    Our much-belov'd CLP woz back on FRIDEEEEE!

    But then you were moving house, so I reckon you have a suitable excuse...

  38. At 06:22 PM on 24 Oct 2007, Sid wrote:

    could not txt the shop - even though vodaphone- one for buzby.. I bought a bike £500 it did not come with mud guards! none of them in the shop did... I had to buy them as an extra.. when did that happen .. ripin of ba****
    Love the show and when will the bbc give you your own chriss'l fix it show as your a naturel and all the kids love you - though you might have to start running marathons like sir jim.

  39. At 07:52 PM on 24 Oct 2007, bruce allan wrote:

    Chris - faaantastic idea to get the rugby world cup finalists on the show.

    Why not do the

    Front row on Monday
    Second row on Tuesday
    Back Row on Wednesday
    Backs (centres, wings and full back) (girls) on Thursday
    Half backs on Friday - Johnny day

    Ask them to turn up this week at 6.00 - no formal invite just turn up - bet they all come.

    Not like ponsy footballers.

  40. At 12:12 PM on 26 Oct 2007, ann smith wrote:

    where was Chris Evens born and raised?

  41. At 02:32 AM on 11 Nov 2007, MARY GIRAN wrote:





  42. At 04:15 PM on 21 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Please can you tell me the name and artist of the last song played mon, tues, wed night on the Chris Evans show, i seem to remeber it something like "it just gets better" by Tom somebody!!!! please help me i loved the song and want to track it down, many thanks

    Celia x

  43. At 03:09 PM on 06 Mar 2008, Julie wrote:

    Can I place a request for "all request Friday" please? Any Friday will do.

    Its a bit of a strange one, but hearing "Junior Choice" over Christmas reminded me of this song, that I have probably not heard for about 40 years. Hence I can't remember the name of it.

    I think it was sang by Burnard Chribbins, it was a song about 2 builders. They ended up almost demotishing the house they were working on.

    A recurring line in the song was "right said Fred, lets have a cup of tea" or something to that effect.

    Any chance you could find it? I'd be well chuffed if you could.

    I listen to you when I'm cooking the tea, so I can't even phone in for the womens only bit. Shame! Is there any chance of Women's Minute coming back? I loved joining in. It's great listening to you Chris, you really cheer me up after a hard day working at school.

    Thanks to you and your team for all your hard work. All the best, Julie (from the Bonny Black Isle, just north of Inverness, in the Scottish Highlands.)

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