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Chris Evans | 15:19 UK time, Monday, 18 February 2008

So as I told you the team have given up chocolate for lent, this presented me with a motivational problem...

....you see I always bring them a big sack of sweeties every afternoon, always have done. It cheers them up and takes them away to a funfilled candyland all of their very own.

What was I to do ? And then I remembered there is an ace chippy around the corner. So now, right now, the whole of the third floor of Radio 2 is awash with the smell of freshly fried fish and chips and cod roe balls. It's tjhe kind of smell that is orgasmic one moment and then when you've had your fill...sick making. We are somewhere in between as I type.

Had a very interesting week off, didn't win the Euro millions or I may still have been away. Went to Portugal, had my first game of golf for ages (and won the money)/ Over the weekend flew down to Cornwall in formation with four other bods. Wife did the flying, didn't put a wing wrong, SHE'S A NATURAL. Came back, went out last night and ended up in a Karaoke bar till one o'clock this morning. Love it, love it all, love you all.

Rock and roll my friends.






  1. At 03:35 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Yay you're back. but Cod Roe Balls??? BLEURGH!!!!!!!

  2. At 03:36 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Welcome back CLP!

    Fish and chips and onion vinegar.......proper comfort food, lovely. Chuck in a pickled egg and then it's perfect!

    Not too sure about cod roe balls though, what are they?

    Debbie x x

  3. At 03:44 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Elm wrote:


    love chip shop chips myself and have to limit myself to once every couple of weeks!

    Have not given up anything for lent as my resolve to give up alcohol was broken when my grandad died and it was all very bady timing!

    hope all okay on the blog!

    Elm x

  4. At 03:46 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Dawnielass wrote:

    Mmmmm fish and chips schluuurp!! I only ever have fish shop chips on a Good Friday! Seems like more of a treat and I fool myself in believing that I'm healthier by doing so.... Ha! Great to have you back Chris - missed you dreadfully - can't even bear to listen when it's not you (especially when it Macoroni sitting in - I know he can't help it, but his accent is awfoool!) Countdown to the show - I can leave me I-pod at home now!

  5. At 03:54 PM on 18 Feb 2008, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Really good to see you back with us! We did miss you, but it was a very quick week!

    Fish & Chips - my favourite food, but it can be a hit or a miss. If the chippy has been quiet before you go in, you get the stuff that's been lying for ages - horrible.

    Glad you enjoyed your week off - it all sounds great.

    C xx

  6. At 03:56 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    Afternoon, big chief CLP,

    Great to have you back on-line . .

    All good here in Belfast - nose to the grindstone . . contract time in the energy markets (yawn . .)

    Cylinders are fired up, track has been cleaned up, driving seat warmed up, chequered flag about to be raised . . its all go from here on in . .

    Have a great show tonight . .

    DtM x

  7. At 04:03 PM on 18 Feb 2008, jillygoat wrote:

    Welcome back CLP!!

    Fish & chips - best eaten out of the paper by the seaside - lovely!

    Roll on 5 o'clock.

    jillygoat xx

  8. At 04:20 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Louise wrote:

    Glad you had a great week off.... we missed you!

    hurrah for CLP & team

    leb x

  9. At 04:24 PM on 18 Feb 2008, damos maximos wrote:

    It`s good you are back at the helm tonight Chris.

    I too had my first game of golf for a while at the weekend only to lose the money and be sick as a parrot.

    I consoled myself on the way home by purchasing some fish and chips for my lunch, again felt sick.

    Then later on went out for a few beers and guess what,

    Felt bloody great.

    Enjoy the week.

  10. At 04:27 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Oh no I can feel an urge for fish and chips coming on. That's not good as we had ham, egg and chips for lunch yesterday!

    I really must go on a diet but I wish I didn't love food so much, or at least the wrong food anyway.

    Hi Jillygoat by the way. I haven't seen you on here for ages.

    Debbie x x

  11. At 04:47 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Wibs wrote:

    Chris - you are back. agree with Dawnielass, cant listen to other person/people as they are not you and trying tooo hard and you are just a natural! I am sooo pleased to hear you and yours tonight - missed you all madly. Sad arent we - your listening fans? Anyway I dont care....cant wait until I hear your voice saying hi and thanks - oohh

    Fish & Chips? nice idea. am off tomorrow as worked on sunday at a wedding fayre so will spend time with daughter Janine and do all mummy things you need to do. Great to hear you had a good hol and wife flew you home cant be bad!

  12. At 04:49 PM on 18 Feb 2008, jeni wrote:

    Good to have you back Chris!
    But really, it's not going to be fish and chips every day is it?! They team might as well have not given up chocolate! Don't think I'd go so far as to recommend the raw cauliflower that the dentist was chewing on the other week but....
    Not sure what to wear these days. This morning I had 4 layers on and was still shivering, but now I've just got me little t-shirt on and I'm baking. Sun's just going down over the hill though now so I might have to put a cardi on again.
    Looking forward to the field not being frozen in the morning again!
    Roll on 5 o'clock - then it's only half an hour til the hubby's home again :)

  13. At 04:55 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Terry wrote:

    The Ginger Prince is back, long live the Ginger Prince

    Great to have you back, can’t wait for the show

  14. At 05:08 PM on 18 Feb 2008, A Viewer wrote:

    This is all very good stuff Chris, but, do you know when you have done something wrong? Your persona on the radio comes across as a person who would never do anyone harm or wrong! Let alone someone with mental health problems. Your a disappointment to me.


  15. At 05:27 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Mary Hutchinson wrote:

    Tell Sally she is absolutely right to complain to that store - if you never complain things will never improve!

  16. At 05:31 PM on 18 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - It's great ter ave you back on the radio of..... errrrr 2! Aka the #1 station!

    So CLP I read yuv been on the potatos terdee too!!!!

    Okay all i'm gonna open up ere over me divorce... it's an embarressing story but me shrink sid, sorry said... well me shrink is actually called Sid, Sid said, it's best get it out in the open - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Basically me marriage was abit going..... errrr not in the right direction.
    So I rang the Samaritans ter get some advice. They put me in the direction of a marriage guidance charity.
    The 'elpful operatative suggested I go off on one of their away weeks & mix with some people in a similar predictamentation & ter ave a week apart from yer partner.

    It worked... me & me wife were very close after the week apart.

    That's until Charity contacted Steve Wright Sundee Love Songs.
    Charity... I met 'er on the course & it was all innocent, just friends as with all the other guidance dudes. NOWT 'APPENED, just friends, nowt 'appened.... 'onest!
    Only probs she sent a letter ter Wrightie's Love Songs, the one nearest ter Valentines day, ter try & track down a Mr Star, aka Bingo, who she met on the course, stateing she's tryin ter find my wereabouts as she's been thinking about our week tergether.

    I didn't 'ear Wrightie's BIG request but me wife did!!!!!
    That was it blog friends... the final straw for 'er.... the solicitors divorce papers arrived the next week.
    She wouldn't even let me explain that NOWT 'APPENED!!!!! She waz just another on the marriage guidance course!

    I don't 'old it against Wrightie though.... 'e was only tryin ter 'elp!!!!
    Ter me Wrightie will always be a friend on the radio!

    So now every time I listen ter Wrightie's Love Songs especially the one near ter Valentine's Day I get a little emotional!!!!!

    Sorry i'm gonna..... gonna... ave ter go & getta mmmm..... man size tissue!


  17. At 05:38 PM on 18 Feb 2008, gingembre wrote:

    poisson, frites, vinaigre, sel, tomate sauce....

    ...just the best meal.

    Would have it every Friday if I could. I've been ill for 4 days now with a stomach upset but each night I have commented to MrsW that I could just eat fish n chips (although for obvious reasons I haven't!!)

    Hope that you are all well out there in blogworld, thank you all agan for your birthday wishes last week. A friend of ours had a new baby this morning which has MrsW all broody today!!!!!

    Bonnet de douche


  18. At 06:08 PM on 18 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Hi y'all lovely to have you back. Know that you have been missed. I actually cheered when your show came on the air, makes the traveling soooooooo much more pleasurable.

    So enjoying the nights drawing out, somehow seems as if theres more time for living.

    Lisping like a loony - new dentures and i'm only 4....!

    Just chair danced through Mercy ace song! \hub handsome chap with camera.

    Stay safe.
    M xx

  19. At 06:32 PM on 18 Feb 2008, MfR wrote:


    Good to have you back. Hope you had a great holiday.

    I don't suppose you stumbled across a 'plot' and a 'will to live' on your travels?

    I seem to have lost mine.

    Still. Got back earlier than usual today, so took advantage of the beautiful late afternoon sun and went for a lovely long run. That, and swimming, are the best things for clearing your head. No music, just fresh air, your thoughts and the ever-increasing pain in your legs.

    By the way. got stuck on H in my 'food and drink' A-Z. Went for my run, and bingo. Inspiration.

    Haysi Fantayzee. Three blimmin' nights I've wrestled with that one.


    In fact, Chris, add 'a life' to the list. I clearly need to get one of those too.

    Peace & love


  20. At 06:33 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Evening each

    Chris, great to have you back. Like lots of others I don't listen when you're away.

    Bingo: Are you my brother in Newcastle? You sound daft enough.

    Anne x

  21. At 06:36 PM on 18 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Sally is right, they do fall out of the sky. We live close to the downs and theres not been a year gone by without at least one "landing" on the road, honest!
    M x

  22. At 06:38 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Robstattoo wrote:

    Glad to see you back Christoff
    Leave off Marconi guys, I like him and think he's the best alternative to our beloved CLP. Remember, before CLP took the drive time slot we had the likes of Noel Edmonds back. Is that what you want? I'm quivering at the very thought. It's enough to put you off your fish and chips. talking of which......
    Fish and chips mmmmmm. There's a little backstreet shop in Middlesbrough that does the crispiest batter and the tastiest chips and the sad thing is that I now live in Bucks and can't have them any more. Boo Hoo.

  23. At 09:01 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Debbie wrote:

    MfR - How about Hall and Oates, or Hot Chocolate? Chin up, hope things seem better for you soon I really do x

    I too thought it was brilliant leaving work today and it was still light out. Starting to look forward to going out into the garden after work with the kids, the smell of freshly cut grass and putting away the clothes horse and getting washing out on the line!

    Gingembre, with anklebitters don't you just seem to catch everything! Little man had the same thing last week and we just waited to see who was next. So far so good.

    Getting ready to watch the David Attenborough programe soon. Absolutely fascinating stuff.

    Love to all
    Debbie x x

  24. At 10:39 PM on 18 Feb 2008, gary g wrote:

    Chris "Chocalate, Lent"!!!!
    Sfunny how people wiv no religious conviction have faith enuf to av a go at Christ-mass, Weddinns n all v nice bits, dont ya fink? WOA! Wot about Easter! vats a good one 4 choc'ys

    Keep The Faith

    Brill show wiv Da bes team, keep me appy o me way ohm.

  25. At 11:19 PM on 18 Feb 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hello one an all

    Well, please do be careful in those flying machines Chris.

    Bingo sorry ter hear about your divorce and all.
    Still can't blame Steve Wright can yer. Sid the manager or Mr Angry maybe.

    Has anyone been to Comet recently? I went in for a new pair of headphones today. The type that don't leak sound and get you in trouble with fellow train passengers. Anyway what's up with them? They dive in on you as soon as you walk in the door... can I help you ever so humble, ever so humble have a nice day...... leave me alone I'm just looking!

    Anyway if anyone is feeling down have a trip to Comet!

    Toodle oo pp

  26. At 08:32 AM on 19 Feb 2008, Anonymous wrote:

    Ello everyone.

    Man, it was good to hear you back on air last night Mr CLP. I was cooking the salad dancing around the kitchen, singing complete with high kicks. Mr Diva had to shut the living room door coz I was too distracting and he w as trying his best to be a solider on his PS3.

    I'm doing fish and chips tonight but at home. Try to keep it healthy as its weigh-in tomorrow morning. Boo!!

    Not having a job is playing havoc with my diet, but hopefully it won't be for much longer ... I've got a 2nd interview today and as a "safety net" another interview this pm for a temp placement. Routine. I need routine!!! BUT having said that, the house is spotless, there's no ironing waiting to be done and we've never eaten so many nice meals!!

    MFR - Human League, Hoosiers ....... I? That could be a toughie!

    Gingembre - sorry to hear you've not been well. Hope you feel better soon and can then enjoy a pukka plate of fish and chips!

    Debbie - how's things in your job world? Hope Mr Nasty isn't living up to his name in 2008.

    Big hugs and cuddles to everyone else - keep smiling!

    CtD x x x x

    PS: Icicle Works?

  27. At 08:37 AM on 19 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings Of Nice.... eties Ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Prof Plum - Thank you for your concern & most kind words. I blame it not on Sid The Manager but partly on Sid me shrink!!!

    As for a trip ter Comet.... already done it but it didn't cheer me up. It's along story but the trip started as I walked in.... I caught a wire ter a large tv... ended up face down on the floor!!!!!!!


  28. At 08:38 AM on 19 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    PS Blog seems ter be fixed & workin' HOT!!!!!

  29. At 09:19 AM on 19 Feb 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Chris - you sound like such an a amazing boss!! I want to work at Radio 2 - Glad you enjoyed your holibobs - we all missed you.

    Bingo - why not get in touch with Charity and see what happens?

    A broody Mrs W eh? Any more sprogs on the horizon then, Gingembre?

    M - only 4? Wow, you're a bloody good typist for one so young ;)

    Robstattoo - I completely agree with you - I like the Maconie too - he's far better than Pete Mitchell.

    See y'all,

    Rosie x

  30. At 09:49 AM on 19 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Did anyone see David Attenborough last night? Long live the Lizzard King - what an amazing programme!

    Not sure about snakes next week tho ....

    CtD x x x

  31. At 09:55 AM on 19 Feb 2008, wrote:

    MfR - I feel for you. Don't know what else to say apart from hang in there. Life and plot and will to live will come back to you.

    I wondered about getting a life but I suspect one will arrive all too soon, and I don't need to go out looking just yet. I forced myself up into my studio yesterday though when I realised that my day had so far been spent entirely online.

    Then I realised that far too quickly it was 5pm and the butchers was closed and that was it - I'd failed to be my usual Domestic Goddess self and hadn't organised dinner :(

    CtD that's the best thing about being home all day - best meals you'll ever have! Just need to balance them with regular walks and gym visits :) Hope your interviews go well!

    Off to the gym myself today. Haven't been for a few days because the last visit did some mischief to my joints and I've been in nasty pain over the weekend but today I'm determined to go and do something at least.

    Hurrah for CLP back on the air - Maconi's alright and I do enjoy listening to him, but he's just not you :)

    Love to all xxJeni

  32. At 11:37 AM on 19 Feb 2008, ChrissieS wrote:

    Just want to ask Dan the Man a wee question - do you ever go into The Crown pub? - directly opposite the Europa Hotel. We were there just before Christmas and I thought it was such a beautiful pub - the food was terrific and I just loved the wee individual rooms!

    The evening we were there, they had to close the pub to the public as there was a private party to celebrate the pub becoming part of the National Trust.

    Just wondered, Dan!

    C xx

  33. At 01:34 PM on 19 Feb 2008, jillygoat wrote:

    Hi Debbie - it's good to be back! Hope you and yours are all well xx

    Spent the first 3 weeks of 2008 in New Zealand, staying with my brother and his family for two weeks and for the week in the middle, me and 'im indoors hired a campervan and went drive about in the North Island. It was wonderful and trying to get back into the swing of things hasn't been easy! I don't think I've warmed up yet either!!!!

    We took my mum with us who's 75 and who has never flown before but she was brilliant and I'm so proud of her.

    Hope it's sunny where you are.

    jillygoat xx

  34. At 01:57 PM on 19 Feb 2008, wrote:

    clp is back it's like getting home after being away - familar and comfortable!

    Bingo star - i so enjoy your posts!! can't wait to hear your big 2008 predictions

    I love fish and chips but when you are not in the mood they do make you feel sick!!

    Have a great day everyone

    Ctd good luck with the job hunting

    cathmel x x

  35. At 03:37 PM on 19 Feb 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Well I was going to be controversional today about airport security.

    But then my connection failed just as well maybe. But you know most of them can't even get a job in Tesco.

    Bingo were you a day tripper in Comet?

    Toodle oo

  36. At 12:01 AM on 20 Feb 2008, Sarah Carter wrote:

    Faaaaantaaastic to have you back! .......But wasn't there a secret coded musical message from you in today's show??!
    Didn't you sneak the Parky theme tune in just after the first track? I'd love to see you as the new Parky. What do the other listeners think? Can we start a campaign?!
    The Sizzler

  37. At 12:02 AM on 20 Feb 2008, Sarah Carter wrote:

    Faaaaantaaastic to have you back! .......But wasn't there a secret coded musical message from you in today's show??!
    Didn't you sneak the Parky theme tune in just after the first track? I'd love to see you as the new Parky. What do the other listeners think? Can we start a campaign?!
    The Sizzler

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