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Chris Evans | 15:14 UK time, Thursday, 13 March 2008

Yes indeed, how do we discuss...

... the fact that he's just bashed into my car ?

I wasn't even in it at the time, I was in the gym sweating like a good 'un.

He's come from Turkey today in his hideously large artic. And he's going back there again tonight. Let's face it, I'm never going to see him again am I ?

Nice guy though, at least he stopped to find out who's car it was he just hit.

You got to feel sorry for the guy but what was he doing trying to navigate a residential road in NW 3 ?


So what have I been doing for the last hour ? Trying to figure out where the karma may have come from. I haven't done anything bad on purpose for ages, in fact I've been making a conscious effort to be extra good. So here's a question, if I'm not due any bad karma, does that mean I now have some in the bank in case I do something wrong ?
Shall I just go out tonight and use it up straighht away ?

I truly believe in karma so this is a real dilemma for me.





  1. At 03:49 PM on 13 Mar 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - Oh dear, very, very sorry ter 'ear about the damaged car.
    At least 'e didn't drive off like sadly alot of people would in this country.

    If it's any consolation sounds like you might be too 'appy in life. The missery karma ploice ave 'ad ter come & bring you down a little..... 'appens ter me all the time, alllll the damn time Chris man!

    PS If it's any consolation too, if I were gonna accidently 'it a car in my rig, i'd want it ter be yours, or Wrightie's, more than anyone elses, just too meet yer & while exchanging details, get yer 'graph.... and maybe a photo of you & your car - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Do you drive an exotic piece of machinery???

    Well actually, what am mean, is I wouldn't want ter cause any damamge ter yer car, yours would be the least car i'd wanter 'it accidently...... Sorry am gettin' totally confused ere..... am just off ter think about this situation ere..... no I wouldn't wanter accidently 'it CLP's or Wrightie's car!!!

    PS While talkin' about Wrightie boy - whatta coincinence 'ow when I came ter London last week, & ter BC 'ouse, Wrightie & Sally do a runner & are both off work.
    Now that ave written on the blog am too busy ter come ter BC 'ouse... there both back in work!!!!!


  2. At 03:50 PM on 13 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Was the Turkey Drivers Karma.

    He was having good karma, bumping into you, for repayment for the awfulness of driving all the way from Turkey.

    Your karma, was the fact that you liked the guy, despite the fact, he was the cause of a bump on your car.

    Keep doing Good things, and Good things happen to you.

    Karma does work. I know of two really scarey stories .... and they aren't urban myths. they happened to ME. and it was most definitely Karma befalling people who had crossed me badly.


  3. At 04:10 PM on 13 Mar 2008, Wibs wrote:

    Oh Chris sorry to hear about your prang. I also had some bad news today - my sister has been diagonised with tinitus - she is 44 for goodness sake. Oh these things are sent to try us - she has had such a bad time recently - i will look into this karma thing and see if we can move her on to a better time! Much love X

  4. At 04:13 PM on 13 Mar 2008, Adam Webster wrote:

    Where do comments Like "The whole Nine yards come from?".

  5. At 04:15 PM on 13 Mar 2008, wilsmar wrote:

    Seeing as how you've had a Culture "shock" and you believe in Karma. Is tomorrow's opening song likely to be Karma Chameleon?
    No.... didn't think so.

  6. At 04:40 PM on 13 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Hello Chris et al

    The problem with believing in Karma is that sooner or later you will be disappointed. I can guarantee that, and unfortunately there is no way around the problem. You can be as saintly as possible, but - unless you live in a bubble, there's no escaping things that are going to make you miserable. We might like to think that good deeds are reciprocated (ie, rewarded), but how do we know that anything nice is good Karma, or someone else doing something to boost their own Karma rating (in which case it doesn't count as a reward). If it is the case that people with good Karma congregate then you would expect that good things only happen to nice people. Not true - just look at the list of lottery winners for example.

    Hope this helps


  7. At 05:27 PM on 13 Mar 2008, Ferg wrote:

    Karma isn't just this life. It is carried over from life to life.
    So, of course, you may be entirely b*ggered from the last life, but in the next..way hay!

  8. At 08:12 PM on 13 Mar 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Just another ordinary day in my kitchen one and all

    Must be fabulous to be filthy rich. All I have is a cat flap.

    The only tax demand I have written out was for 50p. Which I claimed back on expenses. Accountants are wonderful and can save you a fortune.

    JMC Will you be providing the limb less cat with bionic replacements?

    Bingo Don't worry mate, I nearly got in one of those cars outside Channel 4. But I did not like the look of the driver. Looked Turkish to me.


  9. At 08:43 PM on 13 Mar 2008, josie wrote:

    maybe you were an evil turkish overlord in a previous life and it's karma catching up with you...

  10. At 08:45 PM on 13 Mar 2008, cate D wrote:

    Hi CLP

    poor you. Its a karma drama! So for ARF this week it has to be Karma Chameleon.


  11. At 08:52 PM on 13 Mar 2008, MfR wrote:


    Please could you do me a massive favour and play Eleanor Rigby at the top of ARF for the lovely Mrs MfR's birthday? As you know, we had the Beatles played at our wedding, but I'll give you three better reasons;

    1. It is a bloomin' great song.

    2. It is a bloomin' great way to kick of ARF.

    3. I'll buy you the pint back, and raise you a pint.

    Now, I can't say fairer than that.

    Great weekend all

    Peace & love


  12. At 08:55 PM on 13 Mar 2008, lazykev wrote:

    the bad karma only works on he truck driver he was the one doing the bad deed,you my freind are just unlucky......still you was banging on how rich you once was last night....karma indeed.

  13. At 09:54 PM on 13 Mar 2008, wrote:

    ARF- As you were talking about rubber ducks on today's show can we have 'Rubber Duckie' by Bert and Ernie?! I love that song xx

  14. At 11:04 PM on 13 Mar 2008, Eastcoastbonzo wrote:

    I saw a crash today - a lady in a huge MPV got wedges in between the kerb and a lorry, very nasty scraping and scratching. It looked like her fault be she got out and tried to beat up the lorry driver saying her kids were nearly killed (it happened at 5 MPH) and then clobbered him. The Police attended and it entertained me for 5 minutes.

  15. At 09:51 AM on 14 Mar 2008, Elm wrote:

    My choice for ARF - Mr Blue Sky by ELO - as well as being my best song of all time its a hope and prayer for the weekend.

    Nothing much planned but would like to attack the triffads in my garden and visit the brand new shopping centre in town - Eden -

    In Feb this year my grandad died, then my niece was born and then TLOML proposed to me agter 5 1/2 years - where is the karma in all that? Sometimes bad things happen thats all I can say

    Have a good weekend one and all

    Elm x

  16. At 10:21 AM on 14 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    What a delight, Turkish of course that he sought you out. Did you get his address to visit for a nice free holiday? That would be good karma.

    Better than when folks come out of their houses holding their necks, claiming to have been in the vee-hickle just been bumped. Amazing how many folk can fit in to these cars.

    ARF with a bang - I will keep trying - Sylvia by Focus.

    Biggles Mum

  17. At 10:28 AM on 14 Mar 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Ah Christoffe bless you.

    I, too, am a believer in karma. Which is why I believe that you were in the gym at the time and not, in fact, in your car and travelling at 90mph in the opposite direction when you met your Turkish friend.

    Because if you were, there would be plenty of us eejits out here in the ether who also have no bad karma waiting to hit us round the mazzard, who would be mourning our Great Ginga leader today.

    So go give the lovely Nat and the fabulous Minnie a big kiss and be thankful, my friend.

    And with this in mind, can I pretty please request for Not Paddy's Day ARF, Van the Man's Brown Eyed Girl for my own little brown-eyed girl, the Genius daughter, the light and soul of my life, and for whom I thank God or the Universe every day of my life.


    (Forgot how you spell that...)

    Anyway, bottoms up.


  18. At 11:21 AM on 14 Mar 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Don't worry too much CLP.

    A few years ago a car smashed into me from behind. The guys in the other car couldn't speak english and they ran off leaving me with two very broken cars on a dual carriageway in rush hour. No how's about that for karma?! They weren't insured, surprised?

    Very busy at work today must dash. But just wanted to say to Em, no you didn't sound self pitying at all. Sometimes we worry too much about upsetting people and we ourselves come off worse for it!

    Back later
    Debbie x x

    PS. Chris can I request 'Lust for Life' by Iggy Pop for the first song tonight please? No reason, just like the song x

  19. At 11:33 AM on 14 Mar 2008, gingembre wrote:

    I've always believed that you reap what you sow...

    ...not sure about getting 'one in salt' though??

    So, today's the funeral, the sun is streaming through the windows this morning which is great after the week we've had.
    I spent yesterday shopping with my daughter as she wanted a new dress in mummy's 3 favourite colours - a feat we managed to achieve too!
    She's still very quiet, I'm aware this is 'text-book' behaviour and she knows how much I love her and will always be here for her.

    Thank you again for all your lovely messages on here/via facebook/by text etc

    You are lovely people


  20. At 11:40 AM on 14 Mar 2008, Anna Wickham wrote:

    Not sure about this Karma thing, bad things happen to good people, or perhaps its good karma, because after all you weren't sat in the car at the time.... could have been a hole heap worse!
    My brother has the worst luck in the world (Currently in bed with a craked pelvis, shoulder and smashed ankle) he is not a bad person, kind to old ladies and children, works for a living, pays taxes etc etc.
    It's just that stuff happens to him! However the other thing is, the half ton sheet of metal could have killed him instead of just battering him, so..... good karma? I dont know! Guess we just have to get on with it and see what life throws at us. deal with it, and enjoy what we can.
    Sorry...bit deep for a friday... but you did ask!
    Thanks for great show! Looking for ward to all request friday already!

    Best Love

  21. At 12:55 PM on 14 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris et al

    With reference to Plum's comments about the cat, my services are not required. I offered to get Ravel to make a trolley so the poor pussy could at least be pushed around, but the cat's owner refused point blank and said she was going to sue me for every penny. I had to laugh at this point - for every penny I had was in my pocket. Perhaps I shouldn't have told her to put her hand in my pocket whilst proffering it in her direction. She misconstrued my intentions and unleashed a series of insults that makes me think I might just have to lie low for a while


  22. At 01:38 PM on 14 Mar 2008, phaepenn wrote:

    Chris, honey!!! If karma is that critical, I think I must have been an axe murderer in a previous life!!!

    Keep on with being so happy and healthy and good things will keep on happening!!!

    Sadly living in the smoke you're going to come across numpties trying to fit a quart into a pint pot!!!!!

    Looking forward to driving home tonight and smiling all the way!! Thank crunchy it's Friday!

  23. At 02:24 PM on 14 Mar 2008, Paul wrote:

    Hi Chris and all your cohorts,

    Newbie to the blog and haven't quite "tuned in" to it - if you get me drift.

    How's about an opener for ARF the splendid Prefab Sprout and Cars & Girls - at least it's associated to the blog in a roundabout way!

    Adios have a great weekend

  24. At 02:32 PM on 14 Mar 2008, Gaby wrote:


    Thinking of you all, and today especially.

    I haven't known how to respond to your kind words of thanks (not that I have felt pressurised so to do, I just chose to).

    I just want to say that I wish that you and your daughter weren't in a situation where my story was germane, and thank you for your words; much love xx


  25. At 02:43 PM on 14 Mar 2008, Phil Blackman wrote:

    Hi Christof

    Yes a bit of bad Karma but its only a car. As long as you are safe and well and no one was hurt. This sort of thing happens all the time here in Dover, cars being squashed on roundabouts. Just to say our Karma must be good as last week whilst in New hampshire USA on a skiing holiday a truck shed its load of hay bales just as it passed us. Saw it all in the mirror. Last night my wife had a narrow miss on her way home and the car behind failed to break in time hitting the oncoming vehicle. She's ok and hopefully everyone else was.
    We asked for a request last week from the USA but for some reason we can't play back last Fridays show, did you give us a mention/

    All the best to you all
    Phil from Dover

  26. At 02:48 PM on 14 Mar 2008, Liz wrote:

    The whole of the moon - The Waterboys please

    Liz x

  27. At 02:50 PM on 14 Mar 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Ola one and all

    Just to say What's worse than divorce? Answer not getting divorced.
    Could not sleep last night so ended up watching Jeremy Kyle. Where do those people come from? Day parole from the local prison?

    Anyway if I could choose ARF. It would be Wide Eyed and Legless by Andy Fairweather Lowe.

    This is for the unfortunate cat JMC. Also wondering what ya got in your pocket.


    ps Elenor Rigby fab too

  28. At 04:02 PM on 14 Mar 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Could i have Dario G's Sunchymes as first record ARf. Will cheer everyone up.

    To Gingembre - good luck with the funeral today my thoughts are with you and your daughter who I hope is wearing the 3 coloured dress.


  29. At 04:07 PM on 14 Mar 2008, Em M wrote:

    Debbie - Thankyou Debbie, you sound such a thoughtful person. The trouble with Karma is people like me (and i think probably Debbie!) always blame ourselves for everything and then when things go wrong we think we deserve them, not a very productive way to live your life i can tell you! I do believe that bad people will eventually be found out, however convincing their acting is!

    gingembre - hope today went well and you gave her a great send-off, what a beautiful spring- like day it has been here in Norfolk. Hope your little girl coped OK, she's lucky to have such a lovely dad looking out for her.

    Love to everyone else,

    Em xx

  30. At 04:39 PM on 14 Mar 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    Oh, baby, here we go, oh baby . . . .

    ARF tonight – King of the Kerb - Echobelly

    1. yes, you do remember it, or at least you will on the fist few bars,
    2. a stunning intro that gets everyone going
    3. perfect for a Friday 9 the get-up-and-go- vibe for those that have not got-up-and-gone-already
    4. it’s the one song I rememeber from my last student days that I used to play every night as we were getting ready to go to the pub, on a fiver, back in 1995 and it put the whole lot of us in a good mood . .

    Cheers Big Chief, have a good weekend in Dub – might see you there . .

    DtM x x

    Happy Paddys . . .

    Com’on the Irish . . .

  31. At 05:12 PM on 14 Mar 2008, A Viewer wrote:

    ARF: Australia by the Manic Street Preachers


  32. At 05:37 PM on 14 Mar 2008, Anne G. wrote:


    Karma Chemaleon!! Great.

    Anne x

  33. At 09:42 AM on 17 Mar 2008, Massive wrote:

    Don't worry matey. I had car nicked off ramp in garage where it was being MOT'd. Garage said their insurance would sort it out "trust me". Two months later his insurance won't pay out, so he offers me money - 55% now, 45% in a month. So I get the 55% and another "trust me". A week before the month's up he goes on holiday AND the car is found. I get hassled by plod for having no MOT or TAX (which is why it was in garage when it was serviced). The clock is ticking on the car pound where it was taken to (it all costs mopney), so I call the garage who pick it up and keep it for the boss to return. On his return things have changed. It's three months since the car was gone, I've got a new one by then and the 45% isn't turning up. Some of you may be thinking "mug", the wife and me were thinking Karma. Give the bloke the car, he can give us the 45% and get a little back from selling the car. It was his fault is was nicked. He's got different thoughts. Now I'm not a tough East End mechanic like him and his brother so can't go in all fists blazing. I get another "trust me" so the wife and I think well we've tried to do the best (we could've got car pound to scrap it without him knowing then we'd have got 45%) but we thought karma, what's the best thing to do, so we tell him about car, he's now got all the best cards. Time to do what the late Mike Reid said - "Wipe your mouth and turn your back on it". Life's too short to worry about it. Now Karma is I believe passed onto him. What he does with it is his decision.

    Good Karma to all.


  34. At 05:01 PM on 19 Mar 2008, ann wrote:

    Its funny you should say that about your karma, i have a good one normally but i have been a bit fed up this last week, things comming to a head, and other people i have spoken to have been the same , spooky

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