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Chris Evans | 15:05 UK time, Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Why do people, so many of them, insist on going to something brilliant and then proceeding to...

...watch it all through the camera of their mobile phone ? Presumably they do this so they can then show it to all their friends as proof that they were there.

I swear when we went to see Led Zep, literally thousands of the crowd watched the whole gig through their mobile phone. How sad is that ? Can you imagine when they got home.

"Look, look what I saw at the Led Zep gig the other night."

What that crappy quality footage of three dots running around on a massive stage making a really weak weird tinny sound when you could have watched the Gods for real with your own eyes, a memory that would have been etched in your consciousness until death.

I saw a story on the news of a footballer returning home, to his own house, his kitchen in fact and there were all three of his brothers filming the entire event via their mobiles, so engrossed were they, all of them forgot to shake his hand or in fact welcome him in any way, the poor wretch was left stood there waiting for a brotherly hug that looked like it was never going to come.

I have to admit I did take a photo of a gig via my phone once upon a time but only the once, I promise. It wasa Meat Loaf concert two days before which I'd had rather more magic mushrooms than maybe I should have. I thought I was chronicling The Albert Hall moving sideways on the back of a giant rock and roll crab, something I didn't think the world should miss.





  1. At 03:52 PM on 25 Mar 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Hurrah well said Christoff. I don't understand that one either.

    It's like other people's holiday snaps or baby photos. Nobody in their right mind wants to sit and trawl through somebody else's photies, BORING.

    Although I do somewhat regret that I never had access to a video camera when the daughter was small in the early 80s, it's probably just as well as she was definitely the funniest child that ever lived.

    And see; that's my point. Only I would think this. Along with her daddy of course. And the memories are etched indelibly on our memories forever. We don't need the physical evidence. To this day, if she is at her Control-Freak best over some life-threatening issue which only she can resolve, he will whisper in my ear, "Meee do it..", whereupon we both splutter with laughter, remembering her on the business end of a spoon or whatever, fiercely demanding her modicum of independence.

    And when I'm in the furthest North-Western reaches of Ireland, transfixed by the most spectacular rainbows you can ever imagine, I don't reach for my phone. I just drink it in. That kind of colour can't be captured in a photo or even a painting.

    So leave the phones at home, chaps. Open your eyes and absorb it properly, the memory will stay indelibly forever and enrich the imagination.

    And safely where your mother won't turn up and stick a hot coffee cup on top of it.


  2. At 04:46 PM on 25 Mar 2008, j wrote:

    Hear, hear, CLP

    And well echoed Clodagh

    I wonder that we are scared to live life anymore. Are we real unless we can quantify it, science gone crazy - we must be able to prove all the time.

    Started watching programme last night about reflexology but the scientists would not believe anything unless there was physical evidence. Boy are they missing out on a whole dose of stuff.

    Focus more on the here and now, accepting it without having to have it all explained or analysed to the nth degree, and let all else go hang.

    Rah rah
    jen ewan

  3. At 04:56 PM on 25 Mar 2008, j wrote:

    Hear, hear, CLP

    And well echoed Clodagh

    I wonder that we are scared to live life anymore. Are we real unless we can quantify it, science gone crazy - we must be able to prove all the time.

    Started watching programme last night about reflexology but the scientists would not believe anything unless there was physical evidence. Boy are they missing out on a whole dose of stuff.

    Focus more on the here and now, accepting it without having to have it all explained or analysed to the nth degree, and let all else go hang.

    Rah rah
    jen ewan

  4. At 05:52 PM on 25 Mar 2008, Samantha Pearson wrote:

    Oh! I agree ... people don't seem to what to exist in the here and now without the mediating influence of a piece of technology. Hmm, a bit like this computer, I guess, but hey, that's different. I've found that I even use my camera less and less now, as I work at actually "remembering" things I see and hear.

    Different, but related -- we have DVR (PVR) now, and didn't realize til it broke down the other week, the extent to which we used the darn thing. It was horrible having to watch anything at the time it was actually on ... and the commercials? Yuck! Downside is that since we've had it, I probably don't pay as much attention as I should, and have found myself listening to the radio and wanting to "play that bit back again." Oh well.

    ttfn - Sam

  5. At 06:48 PM on 25 Mar 2008, youmissedabit wrote:

    Couldn't agree more, Chris!
    I went whale-watching when I was in Australia. I managed to take 3 photos before my camera jammed. Didn't get any photos of the most spectacular bits, and now I'm really pleased I didn't, as I was able to just stand and look and be amazed.

  6. At 08:15 PM on 25 Mar 2008, Lusty Lindy wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Love the show, makes driving home after a long day at the office a great pleasure.I dont even mind being held up in traffic.
    You recommended a book that you to read on your show today,25/03.I thought it was Surgeon Claypole but I must have got it wrong.Can you let me know what it was.
    Love a good read on holiday !

  7. At 08:56 PM on 25 Mar 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings CLP & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - Glad yer in this week, weren't sure if yer 'ad the whole week off!!

    I totally agree on this phones thingy. Just another modern damn nuisance gadget that people ave ter...... be a nuisance with.
    One good thing about mobiles though - the yuppie/ class thing 'as gone with them. Yer can use a mobile without feeling like an okay yarr look at me p@@tt - know what am tryin' ter say ere CLP man!!!

    Aye & remember the Bingo mobile moto : Small phones for small minds!!!!!!

    I 'ope everybody 'ad a good easter weekend.

    The Malaysian GP waz interesting. In a way am glad Lewis 'amilton doesn't keep winning races (Came 5th) 'cos it would become boringly predictable like the Schuey days!
    As long as Lewis wins the title by the end of the season.. that's good enough for me!
    Aye & Fisi came 'ome in 12th - not bad but not good either!!!

    I 'ad a good time at the F3/GT at Oulton Park. Only problem, due ter climate change, I waz gonna turn up in me 'awaiian shirt, 'ugo Boss shorts & me notted 'ankerchief - lucky I checked the damn weather forecast as I ended up surviving the snow showers & driving 'ail by dipping me sandwiches in me Tesco value soup.... from an earlier 'eated flask!!!!
    I've never watched a motor race in snow before - so much for damn global warming!!!!!!

    There was some great racing going on. Watching the Formula Fords reminded me of the first time I drove a Formula Ford racing car at Oulton Park,.
    It waz one of these race school days were yer pay £125 for the privillage of being patronised by a failed racing driver who thinks 'e's the next F1 World Champion (I suppose though some could liken me ter that but that's another story blog friends, another story) & yer get ter drive about ten laps that seem ter go way too fast - it's over before yerv started.
    I did ok though - as it was me first ever time they only let yer go upto 4,000rpm & yer get a target lap time ter reach.
    I ended up beating the time by 11 seconds & was told off & accussed of breaking the rev limit - which I didn't.... 'onest!!!!!
    What they didn't realise is I was takin' the damn corners without braking - knew it's the sport for me - typical I choose a rich man's sport & am from a poor background! That's life, it's all strrrreeess!!!
    Never know might win the lottery or end up with a spice girl sister like Paul O'Neil!!!! (Mel C's brother who's proved 'imself as a very good racing driver)

    Aye & some exotic cars there on display - Lambos, Ferraris, Ford GT40 & they even 'ad a Buggatti Veyron - £1m a new one of those & worlds fastest roadcar at 260mph top speed - first time ave seen one in the flesh, bit ugly though I thought.
    The Ferrari 360 on display waz far more charismatic in my opinion!!!!!
    If I 'ad a million ter spend on cars i'd rather buy a Ferrari F355, 360, TVR Cerbera, Lotus Esprit V8 & a Fiat Panda 1.3i turbo diesel & still ave 841k left over ter fund a 3+ year drive as an independant in the British Touring Car Championship - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Sorry am I going on abit about cars????

    Okay am outta ere!!!


  8. At 09:48 PM on 25 Mar 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Evening each

    Well, sorry CLP, Bingo, et al. I go to my favourite place in the world as often as possible and just sit quietly and enjoy. But, I also have a photo on my mobile phone to enjoy when I'm not there.

    So there.

    Anne x

  9. At 03:49 AM on 26 Mar 2008, wrote:

    I have to admit that I have taken the odd photo at a gig. It's because I'm so hyper seeing my fave bands that it doesn't sink in. Watching videos later let me absorb it all, and to remember bits I may have forgotten.

    VaughnJess from Down Under

  10. At 06:06 AM on 26 Mar 2008, gingembre wrote:

    sorry but I'm guilty of doing just that!

    Not throughout a whole gig, but at a favourite song or moment which is normally deleted within 24hrs due to the terrible quality!!!!!!!!!
    Well will I learn?

    Hope you're all fine this morning?

    Bonnet de douche


  11. At 06:11 AM on 26 Mar 2008, LadyP wrote:

    Led Who????

    Only kiddin'

    Hi All

    I have to admit that although I have a camera thingy on my phone for those "spontaneous moments you want to capture" by the time I have remebered how to get it working the moment has passed. Is it an age thing? Am I a TOG and I didn't know it.

    Hey ho - off to work I go


  12. At 09:26 AM on 26 Mar 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Completely agree - what's even worse is when someone at a gig calls you at home during your fave song or whatever and all you can hear is a strange, caterwauling noise...so annoying.

    I love my mobile but I say keep it in your pocket during gigs. Seeing hundreds of swinging Nokias (other mobile phones are available) is the 21st century equivalent of waving lighters - sad, sad, sad.

    Rosie x

  13. At 10:07 AM on 26 Mar 2008, j wrote:

    Bingo - sorry to be dull and/or nerdy, but one of the greatest threats our little island faces from global warming is that we will knock the air currents about and the gateway up north closes and the labrador stream misses us. Then we will be plunged into temperatures like wot the norwegians et al all have to face...

    Snow, cold, wet... could be the shape of things to come for us, my friend. Pack up your hawian shirts and bring out the hair shirts!

    jen ewan

  14. At 10:29 AM on 26 Mar 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello CLP & ALL Blog.... Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Karrrm duown.... karrrm duown, liyke... kiddas!!!!!!

    Look I think CLP only mean't the numpties who spend the whole of a gig filming it on a mobile. There's nowt wrong with a few pictures!
    These people if they want ter be a cameraman/ woman they should join the ´óÏó´«Ã½!! (Abit like CLP did but that's another story & 'e ain't a camera operatative - more a microphone caresser - know what am sayin'!!!!)

    Aye & i'll let yer inter a secret ere - I took 3 pics on my mobile of the above (Commentation #7)mentioned Buggatti just ter remind me that I wouldn't buy one. (but that's another story. PS The another story is in commentation # 7 - see 'ow 'elpful I am!)

    I'm also talkin' about the same people who spend the whole time shouting on a train "AM ON THE TRAINNNN!!!!!!!!!!!" & who don't turn it off in the theatre. I think the only reason why they stick it up in the air at a damn gig iz 'cos the music is so load, no one would 'ear them shouting "AM AT THE GIIIGGGG!!!!!!!!" so ter be a nuisance & be noticed they stick it up so eveybody behind can see their phone & not the damn performer on stage!!!!!!!!

    PS While am on ere - CLP I forgot ter mention about the commentation yer read out last week that someone 'as converted to you but their friend/ sister won't as they think yer too load, sorry loud!
    CLP - The louder, the better, the crazier, the better, more 'yper, the better!!!!!
    I think yer should keep up what yer doing as we all enjoy your show very much & your lively uplifting delivery ter the nation. I'd say more 'yper.... MORRRRE 'YPER CLP!!!!!!

    CLP your just a misunderstood man, abit like Wrightie.
    I once 'ad an argument with someone at work who said 'e didn't like Wrightie. I thought 'ow can yer not like Wrightie's show???????@?- it's all about 'umour, light 'eartedness & informative entertainment. The bloke said no 'e's too full of 'imself, biggin up 'is shoe, sorry show. It's then that I realised the bloke am talkin' too 'as an IQ of about 32.1. THE BIG SHOW, GREAT SHOW format is all a 'umour thing NOT an ego thing, it's the 'umourous style of the show!!!!!!

    It's like me, am a misunderstood man too - everytime I tell a joke at a speed dating event & no one laughs & when I try ter get past security at BC 'ouse.... but can't!!!!!

    So CLP & Wrightie we are ALL misunderstood men!!!!!

    Just keep the faith & keep doin' what yer keep doin' best!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!


    PS I've got some Nostradamus News - i'll bang it on the later blog (BP allowing of course)!

  15. At 11:11 AM on 26 Mar 2008, Em M wrote:

    Went to see Bjorn Again last night, absolutely brilliant, and you'll be pleased to know I didn't take any pics with my phone! Mind you that's probably cos I got told off by a mean old lady last time I was at the Theatre Royal in our wonderful city seeing Danny Champion of the World for taking a photo of my son!! She tapped me on the shoulder and shouted "Put that away!" and everyone stared at me like I was a criminal! How embarassing!

    Hope you're all well and enjoying the Easter hols,

    Em xx

  16. At 01:00 PM on 26 Mar 2008, MfR wrote:

    Panic not.

    All is well in Rudgwick.

    Time has simply been flying by.

    Off to see Slash and the boys tomorrow night, followed by a night in 'The B' and, get this,

    A three day weekend!

    I could get used to this.......

    Peace & love


    PS I won't be taking too many pictures of 'The Velvets'.

  17. At 01:31 PM on 26 Mar 2008, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    CLP - what great timing of your blog subject. After a gig last night (MRF - I'll get to it in a mo) I said to Mr Diva on the train home that if I was to get on this weeks' Woman's Minute (the BIG question being what do you hope to do one day?) my answer would be "I hope to go to a gig and not have my view restricted by muppets filming the whole thing on their mobbies".

    MFR - I went to Brixton last night to see Mr Slash, Duff, Scott and chums. It was VERY LOUD indeed and very very brilliant. I won't spoil it for you, but I'm sure you'll have an ear-shattering fantastic time.

    Oh - and I only got 4 hours sleep due to the railway probs on the London - Norwich line and not getting home til 2.30 am and up again at 6.30 am for work. Ugh!!!

    My best bit of Easter was last Thursday night at Wembley, and The Cure concert. They played for 3 and a half hours and were absolutely brilliant. (despite being blinded by some numpty peeps with their mobile phones at the ready!!)

    And please don't even get me started on the scum ticket touts. You're hardly out of the underground station and they're onto you ... buy, sell etc etc. GO AWAY.

    OK, I'm calm. Deep breaths ...

    So, the Apprectice kicks off tonight - yippeeee!! I love old Nooky Bear features and his trust side-kicks: they remind me of Riff raff and Magenta fro The Rocky Horror Show!

    Finally, my "real" answer to this week's Woman's Minute question would be ... "to stay at The Raffles Hotel in Singapore, sit at the bar and enjoy a Singapore Sling cocktail".

    Cheryl the Diva over and out .... for now!

    CtD x x x

  18. At 01:58 PM on 26 Mar 2008, big (ish) bump wrote:

    God be with the days when you had to smuggle in a camera down yer keks or down the front of yer top.........

  19. At 02:18 PM on 26 Mar 2008, emma wrote:

    I wanna marry a lighthouse keeper!

  20. At 03:06 PM on 26 Mar 2008, dogsy wrote:

    hi ,can anyone tell me the name of the book that chris reccomended on tuesdays show ? it was during the interview with the bloke from the oed, its driving me mad trying to think of it ,thanks,dogsy

  21. At 03:33 PM on 26 Mar 2008, clodagh wrote:


    Yippee indeed, The Apprentice, hurrah.

    But you're missing nowt at Raffles, the daughter and I did the Singapore Sling at the bar last autumn and it wasn't all that exciting. Bit snotty and very expensive; we had much better ones in the little bars on the quayside, along with the soft-shell crabs, yummy yum yum.

    Instead, get yourself over to McSorley's bar in downtown Manhattan for a pint of Guinness and admire the cobwebs with the preservation order on 'em. Now there's a larf.


  22. At 03:47 PM on 26 Mar 2008, John wrote:

    I totally agree, but one can take things a little too far in the other direction - like me - and make it a point of principle never to allow the use of photography as a surrogate memory. That's all very well at the time, but when the years creep/ flash by and those vaunted memories are all sepia faded in the mind, then some form of back up to restore the neural connections would be most welcome. Like most things in life, its a quetion of moderation...but you know about all that I'm sure!

  23. At 05:24 PM on 26 Mar 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Guten Haban one and all

    Photographs can sometimes tell a story can't they? But anybody remember slides show's. You know the screen would come out of it's roll and then the slide show would begin of the Holiday in Greece..... I once fell asleep during one of these showings. Woke up with a start and said something completely nothing to do with what was going on.

    Bingo you are dead right re Wrightie.

    Toodle oo pp

  24. At 07:59 PM on 26 Mar 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Can I just add something a propos the photographs.

    A couple of years ago and being a fully card-carrying technophobe, I used to carry with me a zip-round filofax containing diary, all sorts of information and numbers of friends nd acquaintances going back years.

    And it got nicked.

    I can't tell you what a nightmare this was. No back-up, numbers and addresses lost forever, not to mention the fact me passport was in there, 2 days before I was due to fly to Egypt.

    But the thing I was-and still am- devastated about was the loss of a few photos, one in particular of the daughter and myself, taken in December 2000 in New York's Union Square with the World Trade Centre towers in the background against a bright blue sky.

    I don't know why; I just have this picture of the image of our happy selves in this photo, taken so symbolically before the world changed forever, being discarded so brutally once presumably the passport and driving licence had been removed, probably dumped in some rubbish bin somewhere, still feels like a brutalisation, an assault on something precious to me as powerful as if I'd been attacked.

    Yes I know I'm a bit bonkers but hey, the person who nicked it, who would never realise or give a hoot to the trauma that caused me, is far poorer in spirit and therefore far less lucky than I am. So I hope it did them some good.

    And I'll get 'im in me next incarnation.


  25. At 08:48 PM on 26 Mar 2008, LadyP wrote:

    Hi All

    Back from the daily grind and see things have moved on a bit since this am.

    Bingo, Prof

    Wrightie is OK but I am more of a demented dawn patroller myself. Sarah K usually manages to cheer me up on the drive in to work by fluffing her lines, if Iget to hear Terry I know I'm running late.

    The master of the airwaves (CLP in case you weren't sure)escorts me home between 5 and 7 'n' I sometimes frighten the truckers on the M6 by singing along.

    Re mobile phone camera's

    One strange thing or should I say two - twice now strange guys have taken pictures of me 'n' my car on their phones whilst overtaking?? Is this sinister or just another craze?? It's downright daft if you ask me. Has it happened to anyone else?

    I wouldn't mind but I left the pink rolls and Parker behind on those days!!

    See ya


  26. At 11:57 PM on 26 Mar 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Lady P

    I get photographed all the time when I am driving. I think it is because I am a naturist, but then again could be my winning smile.

  27. At 06:01 AM on 27 Mar 2008, LadyP wrote:


    Old pal of mine tried that naturist stuff, you might have heard of her........ Lady Godiva (LadyG to you 'n' me). It was down Coventry way I think? Anyway she said she got saddlesores and some cheeky little so 'n' so called Tom snitched a peek. (That's where peeping tom comes from!) Put me right off I can tell you. But hey, whatever floats your boat!

    Off to frighten the truckers on the M6 - will practise the "winning smile" bit and see what happens!



  28. At 09:13 AM on 27 Mar 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Just a quickie - Clodagh, love that about the cobwebs having a preservation order. I keep cobwebs in my house because I think they go well with the 400 year old beams (plus, I always feel like Ken Dodd when I'm wielding a feather dust and that's never a good look).

    P.S. What, no Wednesday blog??

    Rosie x

  29. At 10:25 AM on 27 Mar 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Tryed ter put me Nostradamus News on yesterdee but me computer crashed just as ad nearly finished..... I 'ATE TECHNOLOGY!!!!!!!!
    Must ave been accidently tuned inter the other side or MI5 are 'acking inter me computer - know what am sayin'!!!!

    J - Your not being dull or nerdy. I totally agree with you.
    Did you 'ear about the iceberg the size of the Isle Of Man breaking off Antarctica?
    I wonder if it 'as an east side called Peel, a tram going up the damn middle & a West side called.... Douglas??
    Seriously though, this melting of the icecaps is speedin' up & at a most alarming magnitude/ velocity. Perhaps it will only be twenty years & London will be the new Venice.
    Now could be the time ter invest in some gondolas ready ter start up a London taxi service - CLP it could be the business way ter go!!!!!

    Prof Plum - On the Wrightie thingy... tarrrrr!!!!!
    PS Must be abit chilly this time of year being a naturist?

    Clodagh - Very sorry ter 'ear about your terrible time in the Big Apple. It must be awful if you lose something a precious as that. These thieves around, they just don't realise the upset, 'arm & 'urt they can cause. Sad people!

    PS Clo... whatta coincidence, I waz 'in Car Nation' the other day, yeah looking for a new Rover diesel!!!!!


    PS I'll put me very interesting Nostradamus News/ findings on later or termoz!!!
    If me computer will behave itself!

  30. At 11:24 AM on 27 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Just caught up with all the blogs! As my mobile phone is the size of a brick and I have no idea how to text, I totally agree - what a waste of time! When I think of all the old concerts I went to and we were all trying to get as close as we could - I am talking way back - Stones, Jimi Hendrix etc.!!! Why on earth look at them through a postage stamp!

    Managed to reinstate the carers for the old gits and off we went on my birthday, so champagne was evening not breakfast. Sorry folks, but apart from a couple of hail showers, we had all the sunshine!! Bit nippy though. The other half also cooked most of the meals!!

    Feet up - log fire - watching F1. Agree Bingo, pleased Lewis didn't win like the old Shumie days. Hopefully will be a better season this year.

    Oh well, back to the grind.

    Biggles Mumxx

  31. At 11:58 AM on 27 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Each time I blog I forget to thank Prof Plum for the youtube link to Focus. Thanks Prof - took me back and without a photo phone too!! Weird!

    Biggles Mumxxx

    PS By the way, my week-end away, the old gits tried blackmail to keep us here - Yes girlies - I refused a rather large band of diamonds and the other half money!!

  32. At 12:45 PM on 27 Mar 2008, Debbie wrote:

    I take terrible pictures at gigs so I don't usually bother trying to be honest.

    Tomorrow I'm telling my boss that I'm leaving and I feel sick already. Don't know what to expect! I hope that I'm doing the right thing.

    Off to take little man to school, back later.

    Debbie x

  33. At 12:57 PM on 27 Mar 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Ooh no, Bingo, thanks chuck but I didn't have a terrible time in the Big Apple, it was just me photo taken there that got nicked along with me filofax..in Peckham.

    And Rosie. Ah bless you and your cobwebs, marvellous. But I'm not kidding, actually; MacSorley's Irish bar in New York does indeed have preservation orders on its humungous cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, there are barrels for tables and sawdust on the floor; and as I once read when the infamous Pemp's nightclub in Wigan was reviewed in Loaded magazine, the scene in the beer garden is remeniscent of the birthplace of Christ, and charged with equal jubilation. They used to travel for miles to visit there, too.

    As to Lady P and Prof. Plum. Yous brazen hussies, excellent. Try that one with the velcro rollers in. The bigger the better. I don't know what it is that causes such hilarity when one has said velcro rollers in the head whilst driving or at the petrol station, can't work it out, but it certainly turns heads.

    They do come in very handy, mind, if you have to get out the car to tear a strip off some young rookie traffic cop whilst wearin' 'em, along with the vest and tracky bottoms. I got hastily waved on by one on the North Wales Road once. To be fair I think it was nearly his dinner time and he thought I might have a knife.

    Oh yes. Emma. I'll fight you for that lighthouse keeper. Hurrah!


  34. At 01:33 PM on 27 Mar 2008, Martin Reed wrote:

    ALL-REQUEST FRIDAY: last week you asked us to come up with a suggestion for the first disc on the Unique All-Request Thursday which reflected the joy and expectation of the forthcoming holiday weekend - and what was the choice? "Werewolves of London" - eh? How did that fit the bill??

    So this week, make amends by playing what is indisputably a happy, up-tempo joyful tune which will dispel the national misery over the current disagreeable weather - give us the glorious full 5 minutes of BEACH BABY by First Class - many thanks!

  35. At 01:34 PM on 27 Mar 2008, Rowland Hill wrote:

    Two people walking down a street not talking to each other but both texting like mad on their mobiles, how sad a society. Also it seems nobody has time to stand and stare at the world, they have to appear so busy- so they get out the phone again and thumb away. Modern life eh?

  36. At 01:38 PM on 27 Mar 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Clodagh,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Sounded bad ter me.... losing yer passport, all yer friends numbers & sentimental photas.... at tell yer, that would send me well over the edge.... never mind sentimental - i'd be sent mental!!!!!!


  37. At 01:49 PM on 27 Mar 2008, Martin Reed wrote:

    ALL-REQUEST FRIDAY: last week you asked us to come up with a suggestion for the first disc on the Unique All-Request Thursday which reflected the joy and expectation of the forthcoming holiday weekend - and what was the choice? "Werewolves of London" - eh? How did that fit the bill??

    So this week, make amends by playing what is indisputably a happy, up-tempo joyful tune which will dispel the national misery over the current disagreeable weather - give us the glorious full 5 minutes of BEACH BABY by First Class - many thanks!

  38. At 01:54 PM on 27 Mar 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Clodagh,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Sounded bad ter me.... losing yer passport, all yer friends numbers & sentimental photas.... at tell yer, that would send me well over the edge.... never mind sentimental - i'd be sent mental!!!!!!


  39. At 02:02 PM on 27 Mar 2008, Sue Pyle wrote:

    So agree with you Clodagh, nothing compares with the real thing.
    Recently been to a number of gigs where the whole evening was distracted by miniature blue screems around the place. Its just 'orrid!

  40. At 03:51 PM on 27 Mar 2008, Andy Tharp wrote:

    Dear Chris,

    I cannot agree more. I went to the Eagles on Sunday and the couple in front of me both watched the concert whist videoing it via their mobile phones!!

    I am sure that they didn't enjoy it as much as the rest of us who witnessed an unforgetable performance. The memories I have of the concert will be 100 times better than the crappy images they got on their phones.

    All the best


  41. At 04:39 PM on 27 Mar 2008, Philip Jones wrote:

    Hmm, some moments will never leave you.

    'Do you love me? she asked while I drove the car.

    'I do actually' was my reply.

    'Say it again, tell me you love me'

    'Why, what are you........'

    She was recording me saying it.

    God that smile of hers.

    'I just like to hear you say it' she said.

    'Yes I love you very much and I want to live with you and marry you and have a thousand kids but YOU might use that and blackmail me somehow.'

    'What a good idea!!' says she.

    'I LOVE YOU OK!!!'

    and she laughs like a fool.

    She sent the entire recording to me that evening and got herself killed a week later.

    That was a year ago.....and that memory stays on my phone. (and my pc) ......not that I could forget

  42. At 04:52 PM on 27 Mar 2008, Paul Smith wrote:

    Thanks Chris, I quite agree. My wife drives me mad by constantly taking photos or videoing whenever we are on holiday, so we have to stand there one pose after another instead of actually enjoying the place and seeing the site and having a good time. You see it with all the tourists - too many people spend their time trying to record the event rather than actually experience the event. Well done for saying it.

    And she constantly wants to show the pictures (masses of them since we got an electronic camera) to people who aren't honestly interested.

  43. At 04:56 PM on 27 Mar 2008, Daniel wrote:

    Well said Chris,

    I went to watch the New years fireworks at the london eye last year. My wife and I turned up very early to get a good spot , as did a lot of other people. After waiting 5 hours for the 10 min show I'm pleased to say we were not disappointed; the fireworks were fantastic, and much better in real life than watching on tv, or so you would think.

    The number of people who waited 5 hours for the 10 min show, only to watch it through their phones, which could not have given a complete view and would have been poor quality, was unbelievable. Literally hundreds of people missing the point. They could have watched them at home and recorded a much better quality version from tv!

  44. At 06:58 PM on 27 Mar 2008, M wrote:

    Hi Y'all, hope lifes being kind. So know what you mean about recording the event. Life's for living not viewing through a lens. School events have got to be the worst offenders....

    Jeremy Clarkeson brill bloke, he should run for parliment as far as i'm concerned, tells it like it is. Theres nothing wrong with that. The motley crew from the apprentice could take a leaf out of his book. I've never heard anyone speak for soooooooooo long yet not say anything of sense. crazy and this is the generation that will be looking after me in my dotage..... God help us!

    Presently preparing to move, having a good old sort out and unearthing some fab memories on the way - did we really go out looking like that!!!!!!!

    good to be tuned in again, great to be home.


    PS looked at Russells advert, sorry Chris his much funnier. Stay safe and well.

  45. At 02:32 PM on 28 Mar 2008, Sylvia Beaumont wrote:

    All the recent concerts I have attended including Take That have been spoiled by the thousands of folk with their phones up in the air and when you look at their clips on YouTube they are terrible with an awful sound quality too.

    Maybe it's time phones were banned from concerts - we managed without them in the old days of concert going!!!

  46. At 04:59 PM on 28 Mar 2008, Juliet Gill wrote:


    For a blast from the past would you please play Darts "The boy from New York City"

    Love the show x

  47. At 05:00 PM on 28 Mar 2008, Juliet Gill wrote:


    For a blast from the past would you please play Darts "The boy from New York City"

    Love the show x

  48. At 10:23 AM on 05 Apr 2008, Nick wrote:

    Pointless drivel. Why not just stop now?

  49. At 05:18 PM on 07 Apr 2008, david stewart wrote:

    Saw the Rolling Stones/scorcese film at harbour lights, made me feel like I was still back with Caroline/radio one. Absolutely great, young and in love with the music

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