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Chris Evans | 15:02 UK time, Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Alright, so admittedly I don't have much of a brain to be fried but did you see that programme ....

...last night.

How do they know that the whole of everything comes from something less than something less than we can see anyway ?

I was watching the edge of the black hole theory and it got me to thinking that if our galaxy is indeed just a speck of dust on a giant's big toe then what the hell are we all worried about every day of our lives, nothing matters.

We are, after all, pretty similar to the bubbles in a champagne glass, appearing to come from nowhere and then trying to sparkle in any direction for as much of our journey as we can until we pop into non existence.

I'm just gonna finish me lunch and then I'm off to sparkle again before it's too late. Yikes.

It's all gravy guys. All we can do is keep doing the right thing, for every time we fail to do so it's only really us that suffer.


  1. At 03:36 PM on 04 Mar 2008, Merson Tuffers wrote:

    When you live in a universe that is soooooo huge that your brain cells would explode before they could compute the size of it, it is always better to just concentrate on the small things in life instead.
    If everyone in the world gave their efforts to making sure the 'small things' were good then all the small things would come together to make a bigger thing and people would all be working to the same goal - which is that by concentrating on the little things in life the big things will look after themselves.

    We are bubbles in the champagne of life so enjoy, live happy and then go back to being dust in the end.

    Boy!! This cold remedy stuff is good!!!!

    I'm off for some more. Groovy man!!

    Keep smiling Chris.

    Merson the Cat

  2. At 03:43 PM on 04 Mar 2008, Terry Good wrote:

    It doesn`t take much to fry your brain then.

  3. At 04:04 PM on 04 Mar 2008, Dawnielass wrote:

    You see, that's why I avoid programmes that make you think. It just gets way too complicated.... and frightening. I thought that watching the Matrix all those years ago - I mean are we all really just plumbed into the system while lying in a bath? Another thing.... how do these people actually KNOW?? It's all speculation (well to me anyway - but I could just be a bit fick..). Mind you, they are all very convincing in their delivery. Oo-er.. going for a lie down now :-)

  4. At 04:14 PM on 04 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Hi Christophe

    I agree, the universe is so awesomely massive it literally goes beyond comprehension - well mine anyway!

    Compared to that we are rather insignificant, but we are all equally insignificant. We may well just be bubbles in a glass of champagne but we are able to make choices.

    What direction do we want to go in on our way; what other bubbles will we decide to join with on our journey; and how much of a splash do we want to make when we reach the top?

    Let's make a decision though not to get up too many people's noses!!

    Take care every1


  5. At 04:15 PM on 04 Mar 2008, Dawnielass wrote:

    You see, that's why I avoid programmes that make you think. It just gets way too complicated.... and frightening. I thought that watching the Matrix all those years ago - I mean are we all really just plumbed into the system while lying in a bath? Another thing.... how do these people actually KNOW?? It's all speculation (well to me anyway - but I could just be a bit fick..). Mind you, they are all very convincing in their delivery. Oo-er.. going for a lie down now :-)

  6. At 04:26 PM on 04 Mar 2008, wrote:

    i try not to think about it too much.

    if i think too hard i begin to loose focus.

    i used to of a night, lie on the beach and look at the stars and think....... .why,,,,, where......

    you can't do that now - some junkie would fall over you.

    in the same way I used to look out of the window on the 8th floor of Sighthill Campus and look over Edinburgh and think, all the people all over the place, don't know i'm watching them, and they are all down there, and i'm up here.

    the universe is huge


  7. At 05:10 PM on 04 Mar 2008, Biggles Mum wrote:

    Know what you mean - if you really think hard about how tiny we are it's scary!

    When I was a little one, it stuck in my mind when someone told me each snowflake was different - how the H*** do they know!

    I do like to stand outside at my "bolt hole" in Wales and look at the stars and just wonder what is out there - very theraputic and at least I can see the darn things compared to where I am stuck for most of the time - surrounded by light pollution.

    Bingo!! stamp (left foot)stamp(right foot) what's this F1 goss??!

  8. At 05:19 PM on 04 Mar 2008, m wrote:

    exactly! Its the never having tried that screws you up! To have only for a little while is better than never
    Afterall, Life is what we make it. One day our life will flash before us so make sure its worth watching.

    Steve rocking again!

    keep safe.

  9. At 05:35 PM on 04 Mar 2008, m wrote:

    exactly! Its the never having tried that screws you up! To have only for a little while is better than never
    Afterall, Life is what we make it. One day our life will flash before us so make sure its worth watching.

    Steve rocking again!' saw this on the end of a bumper sticker. made me chuckle!


    keep safe.

  10. At 07:00 PM on 04 Mar 2008, m wrote:

    "thought for the day"

    Life is short! Break the rules!
    Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly....
    Love truly! Laught uncontrollably!
    And never regret anything that made you smile"

    Ah! Feel all warm now!

  11. At 08:57 PM on 04 Mar 2008, MfR wrote:


    Where is blimmin' Hazel when you need her?

    As part of my 'Year of Rock!' (TM), I've got us going to Brighton to see Velvet Revolver in a few weeks (not quite sure that Mrs MfR knows what she is letting herself in for). I've got a room at The Grand and I need to know where to go in Fatboy's hood!

    God. Do I sound like a very sad 37 year accountant, or what?

    Haze. We miss you. Hope you're OK.

    Much love


    PS The fire in your eyes keeps me alive

    PPS Childhood living is easy to do

    PPPS You're dangerous 'cause you're honest

  12. At 06:50 AM on 05 Mar 2008, Mund wrote:

    Insightful? Or dull, you pick.

  13. At 10:16 AM on 05 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Hmmmm ... have to say, gave that one a miss, Christoff! I'm afraid the creation story makes far more sense to me than the whole big bang theory!

    I keep thinking this is Monday, having ben to a lovely wee hotel in Perthshire for our 7th anniversary - couldn't get the wee lass out of the swimming pool! And though we had brilliant sunshine ..... the wind went right through us!


    Huggles, Susan

  14. At 10:29 AM on 05 Mar 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Wow Christoff.

    You're in contemplative mood these days.

    I have to say that it's a measure of our human arrogance that we only believe what we think can be proven in a way our tiny brains can process.

    Whenever I hear someone state categorically that there is no God, Jesus never existed, no such thing as Karma, astrology is a load of old bollocks and nobody is telepathic, I see a person who has a closed mind and a blank spirit.

    I'm equally not saying that the above DO exist; I'm saying I don't know. And that's our human state on earth. We don't know, we're here to explore possibilities and to enrich our earthly experience whilst doing it.

    How can any of us know anything for certain, after all? Because we see and hear things? How do we know that what we're seeing and hearing isn't a mirage? Because in the end we have faith. Faith is what we all have to have because we're privileged to have intellectual brains. Faith is what religion should be, although sadly, Religion these days is really just about territory and power, and takes us back to our animal instincts.

    Personally, I hate the idea of the many charlatans these days masquerading as Mediums in order to prey on the vulnerable. And yet, many years ago I visited one- by mistake as it happens; I thought I was having my tarot cards read, just for fun. However, said medium picked up on certain things that absolutely blew my socks off, things I can't rationalise even years later when I think back. There was no way on earth that this woman could have known the details she picked up, things even my friends didn't know, it actually disturbed me greatly. I'd never, ever go again and would never encourage anyone else to, but it certainly made me think there are things going on that have no rational explanation; at least not for me. And that's fine.

    So you can be a little honey bee, spread your spiritual wings, fly off and taste the nectar or you can close your mind and be a drone. It's your choice.

    Ok I'm off for me porridge and honey.

    ChrissieS. You're too kind, sunshine, but no, I'm just a little speck in the Universe with a couple weeks' free time and a lap-top in between chasing around Ireland. But a big Thankyou anyway, we all love a bit of affirmation don't we.

    Prof.Plum. Yes indeed you probably are younger than me; everybody's younger than ME, sweetness, I'm as old as Methusalah. But not by that much I'd say, what with your fess-up to owning a Tressy, har har.


  15. At 11:07 AM on 05 Mar 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Morning all,

    Blimey it is freezing in this office today, I forgot to turn the heating back on when I left on Monday. Any typing errors are down to my frozen fingers!

    CLP, can't get my head around it all so I don't bother trying. It enough having to know where I have to be at any given time of the day let alone why I'm here at all!

    CtD, you are so lucky working in Colchester! It was great with the little, narrow side streets and wicked shops. Then get to the end of Queen Street and there's a castle! Parking was a bit of a nightmare though.

    Back later
    Debbie x x

    PS. Brrrrrrr!

  16. At 11:28 AM on 05 Mar 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Clodagh I meant to ask you, is Tressy the doll with the button in the back that you use to make the hair longer? If so I used to have one of those. And a lovely Tiny Tears doll which my sister decorated with a biro for me.

    x x

  17. At 12:48 PM on 05 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Sorry Chris I haven't read your post as just reading the words stephen Hawking fries my brain!!!!

    Gingembre- great to hear from you. I'm hardly in the city now as either in lowestoft or knitting. Try looking in the forum, i'm always in there!

    Day 2 in lowestoft libary! Just finished another baby hat. so thats 2 pink and 2 lavender i have. I've already sold one of each colour so its all good!

    Hopefully pics will be on my blog tomorrow or friday. Love to you all, missy (minogue-tennent!) xx

  18. At 12:55 PM on 05 Mar 2008, j wrote:

    And when I look at loads of people my head gets fried when I realise that every single one of them is a 'me'...

    Then all those mes around the world....

    aaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh... pop!

    jen ewan

  19. At 12:56 PM on 05 Mar 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Debbie my dearest.

    Yes indeed Tressy was the doll who had the biggest belly button in the world that you had to push and reef the hair out the top of her head, and a ruddy big keyhole at the back so you could wind it back in. Hence she also had a rather startled look on her face and no boyfriend. AND Sindy's clothes didn't fit so I myself was reduced to making clothes from old bits of fabric culled from the Bit Box in the alteration room of my auntie's dress shop, and on one occasion from the family tent to make her a raincoat. I got almost flayed alive for that misdemeanour, only discovered when the Dear Departed Father attempted to erect said tent upon our arrival at Camping Cala Gogo on the Costa Crappo, and spotted a Tressy shaped window where no window should be. What a pile of crap, that Tressy. Mind you I suppose I have her to thank for my subsequent career in Fashion.

    I read recently that you betrayed your personality somewhat by your choice of Sindy/Barbie. Well all I can say is that Sindy always got right on my nerves, all goody-goody and a boyfriend who looked like he needed a good rogering. When Barbie came along showin' 'er knickers and poutin', I was delighted. What a slapper. As I said, poor Ken. Y Fronts welded on bless 'im.

    Happy Days.


  20. At 01:12 PM on 05 Mar 2008, Elm wrote:

    third time lucky - i keep getting 502'd

    after 5 years and CLP mentioning my plight live on radio 2 - the b/f proposed to me in paris at the weekend.

    Wedding due for August next year as my b/f would rather get the windows done this year and we cannot afford both !?!

    but, as you can imnagine, I am over the moon and thought I would share my ray light with all of you :-)

    Elm x

  21. At 01:46 PM on 05 Mar 2008, j wrote:

    And when I look at loads of people my head gets fried when I realise that every single one of them is a 'me'...

    Then all those mes around the world....

    aaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh... pop!

    jen ewan

  22. At 02:15 PM on 05 Mar 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Oh Debbie - I can remember asking for Teeny Tiny Tears (was she Tiny Tears' sister?) and a cradle from Father Xmas - I remember practicing before I went to see him in his grotto!!!!

    I never had Barbie - I think my mum thought she was a bit too racy.

    T xxx

  23. At 02:53 PM on 05 Mar 2008, Em M wrote:

    Elm - fantastic news!! Congratulations to you both xx

    Gingembre - Thanks for your suggestions, it is for my 40th, I'm planning ahead xx

    Hope you're all OK, I'm fine but worn out, roll on the Easter holidays (I must stop wishing my life away!)

    Em xx

  24. At 03:29 PM on 05 Mar 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Elm, that's wonderful!!!

    Hmmmm, that old windows/wedding conundrum. and they say romance is dead!!!

    Seriously, congratulations, I wish it was me!!

    T xxxx

  25. At 03:32 PM on 05 Mar 2008, ChrissieS wrote:

    Elm #20: congratulations! How lovely for you both. I am the tiniest, tiniest, bit concerned that your beloved would rather have new windows this year, than get married. But .... it's only a tiny concern!!!!

    Re: Barbie: I was introduced to this particular babe in 1968 when I was 12 and was in the US of A. My sister (who had being living there for about five years) bought me everything - two dolls, dozens of outfits, and a huge travelling case which I am sure my parents must have had to pay extra for at customs!! What 12 year old in the world, is now playing with Barbie?! Innocent days, and I remember them with great affection.

    Incidentally, my best friend and I both had Tiny Tears dolls when we were eight. My friend told our Parish Priest that we were "committing adultery" when we played with them!!

    C xx

  26. At 03:37 PM on 06 Mar 2008, Sam Elliott wrote:

    Since you have lots of bucks, as you say, and you're a great celebrity --why not buy one of those Sat Navs and then blame your lack of direction on useless technology rather than on yourself? I think that's what most people do these days, isn't it?

  27. At 04:23 PM on 06 Mar 2008, thelibrarian wrote:

    I keep getting 502'd too!

    No Barbie or Sindy for me - I had the smaller Palitoy(?) version known as Pippa. She was cool.

    A colleague told me a story the other day. Millions of starfish were washed up on some beach or other and a woman started picking them up and putting them back in the sea. A passer-by told her she was wasting her time - that it would take forever to put them all back and there were plenty more in the sea already. Her response? It did make a difference - to each little starfish she managed to save.

    We might be insignificant in the cosmos but we are VERY significant to ourselves and everything/everyone around us. That is what is important.

    Come on Pippa - time for a fried brain sandwich

  28. At 08:12 PM on 06 Mar 2008, peter wrote:

    Exactly!Chris. Now you too can 'Imagine.'

    Your's, The Old-Gimmer

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