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Chris Evans | 15:06 UK time, Monday, 4 August 2008

Why, I don't know, did I do this thing. How on earth did I agree to...

...riding a polo pony yesterday.

Now don't get me wrong. It's not that I didn't enjoy it, I did, a lot and yes I nearly fell off twenty or so times and was constantly passed by seven year old girls on far scarier and more substantial beasts than the poor nag I was on but...

BOY, DO I ACHE ?.... ACHE ACHE ACHE. Inside my thighs my calves and even on the backs of my shoulders. Wow, I am aching so much.

Will I do it again? Actually yes I will and soon but not today and probably not tomorrow.

They say the faster you go the easier it is.

Trotting produces an awkward gate, left right, left right, jiggle jiggle. Cantering, (which I did, this was where I nearly killed myself) involves a lot of bouncing but is easier than trotting. Galloping, they say is the easiest of all, with the flattest of rides. It's just the fear of going thirty miles an hour on something that knows you haven't got a clue what you're doing and that doesn't have any brakes that one has to overcome.

Thanks to big John at Fifield polo club and his gang for putting up with us and ours.

I just breathed in and felt another new ache. Why, how ?





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  • Comment number 1.

    sorry - not done polo and allergic to horses so cannot commen ton post - see you tomorrow :-)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    You dafty, Chris :)

    I used to go riding when I was much younger, maybe I will again, who knows! But yes I know the feeling - not of nearly falling off, I never got that fast - of aching so much the next day and feeling like there's no way it should hurt that much!

    And you say you're going to do it again, too.

    Dafty :)



  • Comment number 3.

    Chris: Join the bad back club. Hot baths with lavender oil may be the answer. Or keep away from polo ponies.

    Anne x

  • Comment number 4.

    ps - needf a wedding venue in bucks that can seat over 100 people for a buffet - anyone know anyone that can help? wedding next year but most venues are too small!

    CLP - will you dj my wedding? (well I can ask :-) )

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 5.

    I always wanted a horse when i was little but my parents wouldn't let me.

    Told them that we could keep it in the garden and it could eat all the grass.

    Anyways i had the chance to have a horse riding lesson when i was on my hols.

    Afterwards i couldn't walk without feeling all the aches and pains.

    Needed a good soak with the radox.

  • Comment number 6.


    Great show Chris and I love horses.

    I'm sure you had a good time despite the aches and pains.

  • Comment number 7.


    Pinewood Studios can seat a lot. Went to a very large wedding there.

  • Comment number 8.


    The closest I have ever come to a horse was when I went to the stables to visit a horse belonging to a friend. I got out the car, took one look at the horse, who was staring at me and eyeing me up for a good kicking. I got back in the car immediately and begged my friend to drive me home!

    They are really, really big! (don't know about polo ponies - don't fancy them either!). But glad you had a good time, even with the pain!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Chrissie I know the feeling - someone once put me on a race horse 10 miles high and nearly as wide - frightened the living daylights out of me!!

    Poor CLP no bath to soak the aches away though - or have you yet?

    Beesmum xxx

    PS Annie - how's your back? better yet or still suffering?

  • Comment number 10.

    Beesmum: Walking very carefully, cos still getting twinges. Getting better, though.


  • Comment number 11.

    Hmm I have a love hate relationship with horses having been bitten by one as a child. A bit wary of them, and never been on the back of one.

    Skimming through posts at moment, so many.

    Tinsel, love that rabbit joke by the way.

    MW'a thanks for the giant rabbit tips I will pass that on to my mum. He grunts and growls at her too! Anyone got any good ideas for a name?

    I'm off now to the pub that I used to work for now. First time since I left at the end of March. Let's go see how Mr Nasty is.

    Back later
    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 12.

    Evening each!

    Very funny posting today - loving the bunny jokes Errol - u were really on a roll! Glad you,MW`a and CtD had great weekend.

    As for the horse riding thing - used to do it regularly..you cant beat the feeling of flying along a beach or field flat out..i promise its not as scary as it sounds!I got myself a reputation for being fearless and riding the biggest, or meanest, or naughtiest horse or pony.... until i got thrown off and broke 5 ribs..v.v.v. painful!

    Still rode a fair bit afterwards - but life generally got in the way and i unfortunatley now dont have the time or funds.. but CLP has got me wanting to go again! Me thinks a phonecall to sis to see if she up for it is on the cards...although i would probably need a shire horse nowadays!

    Sorry for going on a bit but it really was a passion of mine!

    Leave u all in peace - hope everyone is keeping well..

    mSc x

    PS - tinsel - great posting as ever by the way... and hi to everyone else! x

  • Comment number 13.

    PPS - Annie and CtD - feet up with glass of wine, after a nice warm bath is my remedy for ur backs - hope u both feel brighter soon..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 14.

    Only time I ever road a horse was in the Forest of Dean when I went with my ex Parents in law and husband, and every horse they brought out was HUGE so I kept pushing others forward till the last horse which was the biggest of them all came out and I pointed at the "pony" in the next field and was told it was a kids horse lol.

    Took 2 of them and a step ladder to get me on it and the damn thing almost pulled me over his head every time we went passed anything green it could eat!!!

    The guide told me to pull him back but a grown man would have had trouble to do so....apparantly he was the star horse on an episode of Rumpole of the bailey so I should have been "honored" to ride him...pah!

    Also the horses were so used to the "walk" they took us on that they all had their gripes....the horse in front of me suffered from wind :P my mother in laws horse bit the bum of the horse in front, and my sister in laws kept trying to escape....guess their just like us ^^

    Sara xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Brilliant Sara - we`ve all ridden them!

    Its very quiet in here tonight...is it personal or does everyone else just have a life?!

    might have to go do the ironing...*walks away hanging head and sighing..*

    mSc x

  • Comment number 16.

    Hey mSc - I'm here!!! Just watching the second Corrie. (I have no life, it's official!!)

    Michmel, I always wanted a horse too - or at least riding lessons. My mum always said no, her excuse was that I'd get big hips lol!

    I still put a horse on my xmas list every year, I'm working on a really big stocking ;-)

    Thanks for all the name checks today guys, I feel very special :-)))

    Fighting for air here - the dog had some left over baked beans for her tea and I'm paying the price now ...!!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Ooh by the way Debbie - how about Harvey for the rabbit? There was a film with the lovely James Stewart once where he had an imaginary friend who was a giant rabbit called Harvey (I think!!!)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Hi I'm here too. Inbetween fighting with the three would be alpha males in this house.

    Back later though when calm is resumed.

    As long as I haven't run away.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 19.

    Loved all the bunny jokes earlier.
    I'm wary of horses, I never used to be but they really don't like me, on the few occasions I have been in close proximity they have either bitten me or run away to the furthest point they can. The only horses not to thus react were a couple of lovely shire horses at the Hop Farm who were big enough not to care.
    Judging from some of the comments above maybe a lucky escape.

    beansmum think you are brave venturing to that shop on a saturday. No wonder you leaked!
    Hi to all, love reading all your posts cos you are a great bunch.

    Scooby, is it dragons den night? thats where they will be.

    P.S one of the only advantages of being mostly housebound is I don't iron as no one sees me. lol

  • Comment number 20.

    Jules you're right, it is dragons den night. Darn, my daughter wants to watch to programme about people learning to read (which is also really good), so I'll have to catch up with the Den another time.

    Ironing - deffo a spectator sport.


  • Comment number 21.

    you beat me to it tinsel, yes it was harvey.

  • Comment number 22.

    It was Harvey, great movie. Have it somewhere will have to dig it out.

  • Comment number 23.

    Hey Tinsel I like Harvey. I'll run it by mum tomorrow.

    The rabbit is eventually going to be on show to the public with it's name outside the enclosure. And the names she was calling it earlier you certainly wouldn't want the kids to see on their visit to pets corner!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 24.

    ggrrrrrrr, won't let me blog!! Maybe I've had my quota for tonight!

  • Comment number 25.

    Maybe I'm being bingo'd.

    I love James Stewart.

    How about Bring Me Sunshine for the new D spot??

    Writing short sentences, see if that works...

  • Comment number 26.

    We had an oversized rabbit once, briefly, until we found it a new home (and a girlfriend as well). It was a rescue bunny - a friend found it, complete with hutch, in a park behind her house and brought it home.

    It lived in our front room and ate copious amounts of bunny food and carrots and could poo for England. It didn't like its toilet so it would poo at the top of the ramp to the mezzanine and watch the poos roll down.

    Yucky rabbit.

    It was called Bogart, as we thought Humphrey was too ordinary a name for a rabbit for some reason...

    Its favourite activity when presented with a human was to burrow into areas best left unborrowed into.

    I suspect it had been treated pretty badly, because it didn't really get on with humans... I think in its new home with a girlfriend it was a much happier bunny.

    Bunny memories over.



  • Comment number 27.

    Jumpingbean, that description of rabbit poo olympics made me laugh out loud!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    And it would probably be more entertaining to watch than the real olympics. i'm dreading it. It's going to be non-stop from now till it's over. YAWN.

  • Comment number 29.

    Oh bless Jumpy!

    MW'a did you say you have a house rabbit? So do I now. Mr Debbie says that it's cruel but I don't want to put her outside.

    Tinsel, Bring Me Sunshine is perfect! Love that tune.

    x x x

  • Comment number 30.

    Just watching DD. I really like the light up glasses. Shows what I know ha ha!!

  • Comment number 31.

    Right, am going now, but just one last thing. Instead of the D spot it could be the E spot (for Eric and Ernie!!)

    Go on Chris, you know you want to!!

    Sleep tight all; Debbie, hope the boys have calmed down now! Night night Jules, mSc, Jumpy, girlracer and anyone else lurking out there!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Me again!

    It is dragons - and the beauty of the laptop is i can ogle the shoes and still be here! And the glasses are fantastic - i want some for my summer bbq!

    mSc x

    PS - Debs,hope u survived the testosterone wars! x

  • Comment number 33.

    Night Tinsel - sweet dreams! x

  • Comment number 34.

    I love Dragons Den! Did you just see the shoes girls..the shoes,the shoes! and champagne glasses that glow.... brilliant!

    and Peter Jones and Theo both just fall into that category of you know you shouldnt but you would....!

    Oh, and i am stone cold sober by the way!

    Off to bed... need sleeeepppp!

    Sweet dreams to all...

    mSc x

  • Comment number 35.

    Can't stand dragons den - been watching New Tricks - love it. Back in a mo need to wash up!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Shoes scooby - now you're talking!!!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Scooby: Nothing personal. Just back in from yet another meeting. And I'm soooo tired I don't think i can wait up for BsMum - you know she always gets chatty about this time.

    Will try, but don't know how long I'll last.

    And thanks for the tip about treating the back - think a small glass of red might be calling.

    Anne xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Oh, and there she was!!!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    Bliss....the house is quiet. One in garage, one asleep the other revising for his theory test. He is 17 tomorrow, driving lessons to follow.

    Nite Tinsel, nite Scooby. Hello Bsmum!

    x x x

  • Comment number 40.

    And hello Anne!

    Here for a bit, catching up with some tv soon then bed.

    Early start tomorrow as me and little man are taking MiL to hospital for fracture check up.

    x x x

  • Comment number 41.

    Hi Debbie.

    I'd go for Harvey. He was real, you know. You saw him at the very end of the film. And what a great film.


  • Comment number 42.

    Im still here - have got to tell Beesmum bout the shoes! go and watch DD (dragons not dissing dave!) on iplayer - its the first one so u only have to watch a bit - its like a tupperware party but with lots of sparkly, colourful shoes... i sense a party coming on!

    AND we can have the glasses of champagne too... heaven!

    Hi Deb and Anne too!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 43.

    Anne, I don't know the film but I am going to speak to mum about it tomorrow. She is bound to have seen it.

    To anyone who mentioned Mamma Mia earlier, great film and I would definately see it again. I laughed and cried.... but that was before the film just getting MiL up the stairs to the building!

    x x x

  • Comment number 44.

    Debbie - what about Frank as in the giant bunny from Donnie Darko?

    Are you sure he is only 14 weeks if he is grunting and growling, and also is he also definitely a he? Sounds very territorial for such a young'un, which is more apparent with a doe.

    Max is my house bunny, but he does go outside daily for grass and exercise. His cage is inside as he was adopted and thats what he is used to. He is very spoilt and loves to destroy his carrot patch toy. He also seems to quite like watching tv.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 45.

    evening all

    did someone mention shoes?! where?! I am always getting told off for ogling shoes. Must be the girl in me.....!

    Taken me a while to catch up on all the posts over the last few days. Some things I could comment on but will leave it as I'm a bit behind.

    On the horse subject, since being bitten as a child always been terrified of horses. On a recent weekend away with the future Mr Dragon and his parents I was persuaded (against my will!!) to go on an hour long horse trek in the forest and actually really enjoyed it. So much so we have signed up to go again!!

    I'm sorry to hear of the poorly backs. I can sympathize - have been there. Sports injury. The only thing that fixed me was a few trips to see a very nice lady osteopath who didn't crunch and crack things, but manipulated muscles and really made me 100 time better. Don't need a referral from a doc, just a local complimentary health clinic. Hot water bottles can also help.

    On a slightly more personal note, am suffering horribly from jetlag - (back in the UK for some W**ding planning) so any suggestions to overcome it - I'll try anything once!!

    Hope everyone's well!


  • Comment number 46.

    D'washer loaded and on - will check out iplayer later thanks scoobs!!

    Love the harvey film but what about Thumper - loved him in bambi - c'mon its ok the water's stiff!!! bless

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Lo dragon how long to wedding or are you just here to plan?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Dragon - glad u made it safely.. my only jetlag tip is stick as closely to local food times,bed times etc as u can -try and avoid the afternoon snooze! EJR we need you for tips for Dragon please!!

    OK, promise i going this time...

    Sweet dreams of bunnys,shoes, weddings and Abba all..catch you tom!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 49.

    I need Nigel again as my blasted laptop only downloads a couple of seconds then stops!

    Shoes sound good though. Shoe parties sound good!!! Slightly more interesting than tupperware methinks.

    PurpleDragon: You've just reminded me I saw an osteopath last year for the same bit of back. Must look her up.


  • Comment number 50.

    Have to go to bed now. Speak tomorrow. Night, night all.


  • Comment number 51.

    hey Bsmum,

    8 weeks next weekend. And counting! The Future Mr Dragon is here for work, which coincided with my grandmothers 80th birthday party this weekend so we combined the trip with some wedding stuff and visiting folks. Went to the venue today and also to see the registrar. All getting real now!!!!

    Debbie- we used to have a lopear bunny, but he kept attacking the cat!!


  • Comment number 52.

    Thanks Mw'a.

    Mum got him from a breeder that told her that big bunny was 14 weeks old and also told her that he was a 'he'. Mum is used to sexing rabbits but given that it is so aggresive she hasn't had a chance to check.

    I was wondering that maybe he just hadn't been handled much since he was born and needs to get used to human contact?

    Is it ok to contact you off blog regarding my house rabbit? Causing a bit of bother at the moment.

    Debbie x

    PS. Hello Dragon!

  • Comment number 53.

    Lol Dragon, my cat sneaks up on the rabbit and smacks her around the head then runs off!

    x x x

  • Comment number 54.

    Nite Anne x x x

  • Comment number 55.


    Yep, thats fine. Email or FB - email is on FB.

    Hope I can help, and is you mum looking for any staff?

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 56.

    Deb thats really funny - 53 -can just imagine it!

    BM xx

    Gone to bed yet annie? - Mr beesmum watering and it's going to rain tomorrow but not enough for his beans/toms/lettuce ......

    Saying that we were sposed to have showers this weekend - not a spot up to now even!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Thanks MW,a.

    Will be in touch.

    Mum and dad do have paid employees but due to limited funds often have to rely on volunteers with the centre being a charity. Amimal charities don't qualify for national lottery funding I found out recently too.

    Debbie x x x

  • Comment number 58.

    mwa thought you had yr own shop?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Dragon you here for the 8 weeks?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Thanks scooby, am trying I guess the trouble is I'm just not disciplined enough not to have a little kip when I'm tired!

    Cats and bunnies are fun together, make a great comedy sketch!

    Nite all, will try and catch you tomorrow.

    Hope the poorly backs feel better soon.


  • Comment number 61.

    Bsmum it is very funny to watch, the cat is too old to bother with the birds in the garden so winding up the rabbit is a good as it gets for her.

    It's a love, hate thing. The rabbit chases the cat about when she gets the chance.

    x x x

  • Comment number 62.


    Yep, I did have my own shop - but had to close it and go work for the opposition. If you can't beat them eh! Am very pleased to announce that they are no where near as bad as the press they sometimes get. Very professional and animal welfare is top priority - at least it has been since I started there anyway. Enough sycophanting.....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 63.

    Love it deb - can't beat animals sometimes for a good laugh!! We've got a xmas snowman singing frosty the snowman and doggy stops in his tracks and howls along - only thing he ever or has ever howled at!! like a light switch!!

    BM xx

    Nite dragon

  • Comment number 64.

    Bsmum - unfortunately not. Only for a couple of weeks then back again end of Sept. being back and seeing everyone has made me realize how much I miss people. Sorry - having a tiredness induced "moment'!!

    Catch you tomorrow


  • Comment number 65.

    There is a certain pet shop, don't know if I'm allowed to mention it but it's Pets at Home. Little man loves it in there and I'm quite impressed by it. Shame that I can only by their own brand food though as my rabbit doesn't like it.

    x x x

  • Comment number 66.

    Nite Dragon, have your moment you are allowed bless you.

    Off to bed myself very soon, have a long morning at the hospital to look forward to. Not.

    x x x

  • Comment number 67.

    deb their puppybone biscuits are great for training treats.

    Behaviour - mwa move in for a month please! - stroppy male cocker spaniel needs telling here means here now not when it suits!!! etc etc

    Beesmum xx

    Nite all

  • Comment number 68.

    Late entry tonight - I've enjoyed reading all the giant bunny stories and fun.

    I agree your bunny sounds like Thumper - mind you there were loads of really good names in Watership Down so might be worth looking into for your name.

    As bloggers will know I do novice dressage and enjoy horses very much the bigger the better. I've done, cross country, show jumping, dressage and beach rides and all have merits. I have lessons approx every fortnight and dearly would love to own a horse - no problem in purchasing but time constraints on owning not fair to horse so it has to wait for a bit longer. I am on the lookout for a nice man who can either keep me or has horses I can ride in Dorset/Somerset.

    Worklife has changed my blogging patterns so now it is either early evening or late night before I can join in.

  • Comment number 69.

    Perhaps someone out there can help me.

    My cat had to go to the vets last week as vet and I suspected he had a bout of cystitus. However I have now caught him twice spraying in the house and have told him off. Is this a temporary thing or has something in his head made him start doing this - he is not usually so insecure and as a neutered cat shouldn't spray.

  • Comment number 70.

    Back again, hope your still there.
    Viz bunnies, had forgotten about Thumper, sounds a spot on name for bunny menace. We had a big male French lop, who was lovely. He came in the house but I used to be terrified he'd chew through a cable. How do you stop them Mariella or Debbie? We got a little dwarf lop for company for him, supposed to be male, was female and she was really vicious, hated us, hated him. We tried initially to ‘humanize’ her but she would have none of it. Separate hutches to stop her attacking him!

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi SP

  • Comment number 72.

    My first cat started doing that later in life. It was a symptom of kidney disease. He had to have an injection every 4 weeks for the rest of his days. He did live til 19 though and the spraying stopped once he started treatment.
    Worth getting him checked over by a vet just in case

  • Comment number 73.

    Night all

  • Comment number 74.

    Cheers Jules - he is only nearly a week into a two week injection for cystitus so keeping a general eye on him and he has only done it twice since last week to my knowledge.

    At present he is under a chair well hidden so I think he is still feeling under the weather a bit.

    Off now to climb the stairs to beddie byes. All the best to the night owls and the early morning Larks.

    To CLP - I would love to try polo and had the chance to see the beach polo in July which was fab. I can understand the aches and pains and twinges as you use muscles all over the body which you haven't used before or in a while which is why they ache.

  • Comment number 75.

    looks like everyone has gone, leaving me all on my own again. oh well see you all tomorrow i guess. off to check scrabs now

  • Comment number 76.

    Its late and fella is in bed, will get stroppy if I don't go up soon, so will impart advice tomorrow morning.
    Should be able to to help a tad, and the aforementioned pet store is where I work, so thanks for the nice comments.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 77.

    morning - lots of pet related comments last night!

    I love animals - even though I can be allergic to them - and would own a small holding if I had have a chance - pigs/cats/dogs and goats!!

    super bp x

    (queen of the cats)

  • Comment number 78.

    Morning each

    Just enjoying an egg roll before I get started.

    How's everyone?

    Anne x

  • Comment number 79.

    G'day playmates

    Well, there was certainly lots of bunnying going on in here last night!! Good catch up reading this morning - love the notion of Harvey - it can be shorted to Harv a la Cagney and Lacey in a NYPD accent!

    Happy to report that The Hammers beat Ipswich 5-3 last night. A real goal fest. Not sure the players on the pitch knew it was a friendly tho - quite fractious in places! Real good fun but have concluded that football seating is not conducive to bad backs :-(

    Gonna nip over to FB and catch up with scrabs now.

    Back in a bit.

    CtD xxxx

    I'm a wolf child baby Yeh!!

  • Comment number 80.

    How's it going dudes?

    Radio2 is a gas. We have some good radio stations in my country Nigeria. My bro works for Radio Palmwine DJ Mighty Mike.

    Hope to improve my english by reading comments but I don't understand everything I read.

    Stay cool

  • Comment number 81.

    Seems the blog does not want me to impart my wisdom!

    Pet related queries can be sent to me on FB.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 82.


    Have just had my Blue Peter moment for August ..... the dullard calendar now has a pic of Mr Darcy (colin firth incarnation) resplendent in his just-emerged-from-the-lake white pirate shirt.


    Think I might just be doing overtime this month!!!!

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 83.


    V Important question re Motivation

    Yesterday you were discussing your propensity to hit the gym around 3 - 5 times a week - how the heck do you gather the strenght/courage/commitment/gusto to keep this up . . ??

    I'm having severe mental difficulty getting back into the training mode - I so want to but its just getting started . . . help . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 84.

    Good one DtM. My problem is time. I'm up at half six every morning and don't really get to "relax" until 9ish every night - that's just doing the norm: work, housey stuff, shopping, cooking etc etc.

    I wish I had the time to exercise more


  • Comment number 85.

    Wish i could exercise sitting down - that would be good.

    DtM: Will be in Westport this weekend for the folk festival. May exercise the arm a bit as I believe a lot of the music is in the pubs!


  • Comment number 86.

    Morning lovelies, hope everyone is ok today? Bit wet and miserable here (the weather, not me haha) but hey, it's Tuesday not Monday so all is well :-))

    Re last night's D Den, the woman with the shoes, anyone else think she really fancied Peter Jones? Mind you, don't blame her - as mSc said - I would!!! I'd deffo give Theo a miss tho!!

    Another great prog on tonight - Secret Millionaire - love it, always makes me cry!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Morning all,

    At last a blog which I can actually relate to/comment on knowingly. I live in a cottage with 2 acres in Ayrshire, Scotland with my partner David, our 3 horses, 4 cats (2 bengals, 1 burmese and a moggy) and 3 dogs (2 border collies and a beardie/border cross). I used to do a lot of competing with the horses but unfortunately one of them is now 30 and retired for a number of years now, however due to work commitments and financial constraints I can no longer afford to compete, but am more then happy just to hack out and go to the park and beach occasionally. Horses are not just pets or hobbies but a way of life, they take over your life completely, but are wonderful animals. Anyway sorry for boring you all, have a lovely day.

    p.s. Really enjoy reading all your comments on a daily basis.


  • Comment number 88.

    Welcome Dozymac -not boring at all - can I come and live with you it sounds like heaven???

    T xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Morning all v v v wet here in the middle of the country!!!

    Give the blog another go mw,a - can't get on fb until evening! was looking forward to your words of wisdom.

    Phoenix - forgot you were good horse person - looks like another here welcome Dozy - I see Tinsel has beaten me to it - can we all move in?!!

    Rub the poorly backs Diva and Annie. too much gadding about!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    ps Dissing - can I gloat?


  • Comment number 91.

    Does gadding about count as exercise?

    BM: Did you beat him? Soundly I hope.


  • Comment number 92.

    I do enjoy a good ride,and even though I have not had a huge amount of experience I have been told on a few occassions that I have a natural talent.

    2 occassions stand out for me though, 1st one took place in Scotland many years ago. We were on holiday and decided to go trekking for a few hours. The horse given to me was huge, bigger than any of the others but I didn't mind. He was also quite feisty and eager to get off. As we were approaching the end of the trek the guy running the stables asked me to move to the back of the horses as once he sees the farm he goes hell for leather but too late. Horse set off at full pelt, I clung on for dear life, and then the horse jumped a hedge. I landed, still on the horse, but on landing I was flung forwards and hit my chin on the horses neck. Chin guard broke straight away and to this day I still have a bit of jaw bone floating around.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 93.

    2nd part of story, as still being picked on, took place in Borneo.

    We hired horses and had about 4 hours of riding in the sea, down the beach, through some wooded areas, across watermelon fields. It was lovely. There was myself, my chap at the time and my mum. Sun was shining and all was good. So good we decided to do it a few days later. As we turned on the beach to head back my mums horse took off, and I could see she was slipping. Eventually she fell off, way ahead of me, and I caught the view of her being trampled and bowled along the sand. The horse disappeared and my mum lay motionless on the sand. With my heart in my mouth I set off, dreading the worst, but as I approached she must have come round and began to stand. The horse had stood right on her elbow which was swollen like a balloon. battered and bruised she headed off to the hospital, where she was treated like a queen, seen straight away, private room, the works, and as the stables were part of the hotel we were in she didn't have to pay for another drink for the rest of the holiday. She won't go riding again though.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 94.

    B's Mum,
    Crack on, no shame in losing in style! and that was stylish! I did compliment you on your game prior to the coup de gras (?).

    Did Ashton play? What sort of reception did he get from the tractor boyz?

    DD out

  • Comment number 95.

    ooh MW,a, the Frankie Howerd in me comes out when you say things like "I do enjoy a good ride".

    Sorry, I'll go off and wash my dirty mind out now.

    T x

  • Comment number 96.

    No need to apologise tinsel, it was after all completely intentional!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 97.

    DD - yep. He scored a hatrick and got boo'd by the Tractor Boys but hero worshipped by the Hammerites. Echoes of Deano Deano Deano are still ringing round my head!!

    Richard Wright was in goal for ITFC. He got a cold reception to say the least, and after letting in 5 goals i think Jimmy Majilton may be asking for a refund .....

    Robert Green in goal for The Hammers - Green For England!!! Fab keeper!

    Sadly, although named on the squad sheet, Mr Frederick Ljungberg didn't play


    Tinsel - great minds think alik. Oooooh-eerrr missus! Titter ye not!!!

    Back in a bit

    x x x x

  • Comment number 98.


    Now I'm at it ....... xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Mwa - same mind as Tinsel there - great story and the picture of riding along the beach almost makes me want to ...... nah - no horseys for me!!!! Now how do I get doggy to do as he is told in my time and not his! Stood in door for 10 minutes last night after he had been out to do the necessary - he headed back then just sat on the patio surveying all around!! I had to drink another glass of red whilst I was waiting!

    Yo Dissing - I know --as I said, I was convinced you had won until that Q landed in my lap!!! Last ditch effort Yahoooo!!!

    Annie of course gadding about counts as exercise!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Phew, so glad I'm not the only one with mind like sewer!!!

    Gadding about - I put that on my CV as one of my hobbies!

    "Great minds think alik". We should have t-shirts made ;-)

    T x


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