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Chris Evans | 15:03 UK time, Tuesday, 5 August 2008

...not for me but more for my beautiful expectant wife and my ...

...assistant the glorious Hiten.

You don't know him but that doesn't really matter.

They are moving us you see. For today is the day we finally move into the new house. It's been almost two years of planning and building and four years if you count the time we had to wait for planning.

Actually we're not moving in at all but our furniture is along with one very robust Marky Mark, he of the hottest curry in the world fame. He is to house sit and to dog sit and all that palava whilst we move out of our mates, Big Scottish John's and go to the States for our summer holiday.

Tash is v. excited and has been organising everything to do with the building, decoration and interiors for months now. In fact I have only been back to the site once or twice in the last few months. She's good at it all and loves it, I am not and don't. Stick to the bits that float your boat and leave the rest to others eh ?

Celebration rib eyes tonight. I marinaded them this morning before I left around nineish, they should be falling apart by the time I get home.

One ice cold beer as soon as I get in and then...

Aghhhhhhhhhhhh I shouldn't have started thinking about that.





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  • Comment number 1.

    New house, Chris? And new baby. How lovely.

    Just left my chicken joke on the wrong blog.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 2.


    I do believe you are a chap, and therefore never stop thinking about it.

    The beer that is, honest!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 3.

    the heat is on here - we are beginning to melt - something wrong with the air con in the office

    super bp x

  • Comment number 4.

    Oh how exciting CLP! Have you given Marky Mark strict instructions not to give anything (not house, not dogs, not ANYTHING) away while you're on hols???

    (Can't believe you're leaving us again by the way, you're not supposed to have this many holidays!!!)

    Is Enzo home now??

    T xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Oh crumbs spare ribs - was just thinking what to do tonight! In freezer - marinated to bits all ready to cook YUM!

    At last - house ready - and you off on hols - not for too long we hope? aaaargh! Much better for Tash and little one though - is Enzo back home then?

    That means you will be unpacking all manner of items? at long last will we know what our gingembre has in store?

    Beesmum xxx

    I have a visitor in the office - one very large frog sitting by my foot looking at me! Frog the Blog!

  • Comment number 6.

    Tins are we on the same wavelength today or what?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 7.

    That'd be spare ribbits then BM!!


  • Comment number 8.

    LOL!! I think so BM!!

    I'm off home now, will pop on later if I get a chance.

    Have a great evening everyone!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Veeery funny Tins - just jumped - think it wants to sit on my lap!

    BM x

  • Comment number 10.

    See you later Tins

  • Comment number 11.


    I do hope you have kissed it.

    Ya never know!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 12.

    Good afternoon Lovelies!!!

    Chris - I bet you can't wait to snuggle up in your own bed in your new house with your lovely wife!!! May you have many, many happy years there!

    Well all, sorry I haven't been here for aaaaages, I had the last couple of weeks off work, doing, well nothing at all really!

    Me and the kids hung out, spent time with friends, had BBQs and went to loads of BBQs - just a thoroughly great time AND we're tanned, well me and the boy wonder are, my poor daughter is still very pale and interesting!

    So today is day number 2 in the office, but really I shouldn't count yesterday, as I had to leave early with a dreadful streaming cold - much better today though!

    Dinner tonight - hmmm, my lad is staying with Nanny for a few days, so I think I'll take the pale one out for dinner!!!

    Catch you all later!!

    S xx.

  • Comment number 13.

    My dinner tonight is roast chicken with hasselback spuds, yorkies, stuffing and plenty of veg.

    That is if the chicken defrosts. If not, beans on toast - or maybe I'll partake in a takeaway....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 14.

    Ello CLP - Damn fine ter 'ear yer outta the caravan at last!!!!!

    'ope you enjoy the 'oliday but knowing you there must be a reason other than just an 'oliday for going ter the west coast of the US of A!!!
    Are you going ter check out the California sand ready ter ave some delivered ter yer new abode???..... Following in the footsteps per'aps of The Beach Boy aka The Wilson dude who filled 'is 'ous with california sand - just wondering!!!!!?!

    Okay all onto me joke that I thought of while in the jewellers. This gives you an slight insight of what iz going on in the psyche of the Bingo brain, the mind when am in a shop........

    JOKE #1:

    A trainee 'eart surgeon turned up at the operating theatre for 'is very first 'eart operation ter be performed on a woman.

    On opening up 'is surgeons kit of utensils, the senior surgeon said "what on eaaarrrrrrrrth 'ave you got there"?

    The trainee said "diamonds, 'ave 'eard they are the best way to a womans 'eart"!!!!!!@!!@!!!!


    PS JOKE #2 (worse than the first):

    The N.Aych.S. are trying ter reduce the cost of surgeons wages.

    Theyy've goot locksmiths performing some of the operations......

    It's called key 'ole surgery!!!@!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Mariella - I'm thinking Carvery tonight... wet, damp weather - just the right food to go with it!

    Bingo - OMG! You're still as nuts as ever! Don't EVER change!!!

    S xx.

  • Comment number 16.

    How exciting for you both CLP.

    Our house was new one when we moved in 8 years ago. Not that we built it of course!

    We had to wait outside on the day of the move to wait for the carpet fitter to finish.

    I loved the luxury of not worrying about what the previous owners had left behind, or cleaning everything when you moved in. Being able to come in at weekends and paint the walls before the move.

    At the same time, I appreciate the charm of the old houses with character and corners. Oddly enough, this house doesn't have many corners for furniture.

    Now dinner tonight here is to be an indian take-away. The preffered option from birthday boy.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 17.

    dinner tonight - frozen veggie lasange and salad for one

    mr bp is away all night working - does mean I can curl up in bed with man (on DVD) of my choice - johnny/ewan or DT?

    answers please :-)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 18.

    Debbie: I've always wanted a totally new house - no other bum on the toilet.


  • Comment number 19.

    Bagpuss: Go for Ewan. Scrummy.


  • Comment number 20.

    annie - g - might be cheaper to buy a new loo seat?

  • Comment number 21.

    Annie G - I once bought an 'ouse.... nyyyaaa!!!!

    It wasn't a new 'ouse but a did buy a new toilet!!!@!!!!


  • Comment number 22.

    Right - but what about the bath (and the pubic hairs?)


  • Comment number 23.

    Anne, very true. And not having to worry about other peoples hair in the plugholes. I have a bit of a problem with that lol!

    Bagpus, go for DT. I would.

    x x x

  • Comment number 24.

    Lol Anne, great minds eh? Or fools never differ, you choose!

  • Comment number 25.

    Choose? Choose? Fools, obviously Debbie.


  • Comment number 26.

    when we moved into our new to us house the previous guy had put in brand new bathroom and kitchen - never been used - result!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 27.

    Debbie: Other peoples' hair in plughole - yukkie. That's why man in cupboard is only invited now and then. He's got a ponytail and never thinks of cleaning the shower.

    Men are disgusting, aren't they? Apart from Mr. Bsmum obviously.


  • Comment number 28.

    my fella has long hair that gets everywhere - and wet hair is one of my bug bears

    supe bp x

  • Comment number 29.

    On the hair thing, can anyone tell me how on earth my daughter (5' 1") manages to get her hair on the tiles, above my headheight??? I hate it - yuck!!!

    S xx.

  • Comment number 30.

    Just to confuse things, I would go with Johnny. Thats one each now I believe!

    Are we back on the hair subject?

    Dangerous ground girls, very dangerous!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 31.

    Well, MW,a: obviously Johnny is exempt.


  • Comment number 32.

    johnny can make a mess of my bath anyday - he just isn't allowed to smoke in my house

    hemm hemm

  • Comment number 33.

    Congrats on the new house but did I miss something...I thought you were still in the caravan!

    Debbie #16 - how do you have a house with no corners? - unless it is a windmill or a lighthouse perhaps!

    As to new properties being free of other peoples hair etc..... would you really trust a builder that much?


  • Comment number 34.

    Awww NRF: Gross.


  • Comment number 35.

    Sorry Annie just a thought - not intended to offend.


  • Comment number 36.


    The doors seem to be very close to the ends of the walls, particularly in my hall. And fitted wardrobes upstairs too, leave little space.

    Not really explaining it very well but I know what I mean lol!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 37.


    That's a shame I had this funny image of you and yours having to duck under the sail of a windmill as you went out of the door - a la Windy Miller!


  • Comment number 38.

    Nev: No offence. Just an image in my mind!!!


  • Comment number 39.

    Now peeps. Ola will be having a hissy fit. How did we get from new houses to windmills?


  • Comment number 40.

    Sorry Annie - he's muckier than most - the only person I know who can make a sink look like it hasn't been cleaned for a week, five minutes after I've done it - can't pour tea in to a cup - never cleans the spills - forgets to wipe feet, chucks food down clean white shirts, pipe tobacco everywhere (and burns) - restricted follicles on bonce but hair still everywhere how long have you got! Yuk Yuk!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Well, BM, I love him.


  • Comment number 42.

    I'd duck if I were you Annie!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Once I take my contacts out Annie - don't notice - but still clean bath before I get in!!!

    te he


  • Comment number 44.

    CLP is playing Sidesaddle again Russ Conway - would you believe we played that in school "orchestra" when I was little - on --- my recorder!!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Hair. Men. Russell Brand. Johnny Depp. Mr Diva.


    Half asleep - who's the DT person? That's Mr Diva's initials - he's not mentioned and filums to me .... !

    What about an old Patrick Swayzeeeee movie. Or Hugh Grant. I love posh accents. Ideal fella in an identikit:

    Long hair
    Rock star arms
    Posh voice
    Leather trousers
    Knows how to treat a laydeeee!


    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 46.

    I know Bsmum. My dad played that on our piano. Just can't get into it. Was made to learn piano for years because I got my grandad's piano when he died. And I hated it. Used to spend my piano lesson money at Dragones ice cream parlour looking at the boys with their motorbikes. And still can't stand listening to it.


  • Comment number 47.

    And another thing Nev.

    Almost one whole wall of my lounge is taken up by a patio door. See where I'm coming from? There are corners, but wasted ones.

    Didn't Chris once talk about a converted lighthouse? I seem to recall a picture of one on the home page.

    Guys personally I really like the way the blog diverts to different subjects. A natural progression of thoughts.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 48.

    CtD: David Tennant possibly?


  • Comment number 49.

    David 'ten inch' Tennant Cheryl.

  • Comment number 50.

    Debbie - I love that about the blog too. If the subject matter never changed it would be dull dull dull.

    Dullards. Not good.

  • Comment number 51.

    DT - david tennant

    Ctd = I like your choice in men (although having not met Mr ctd - I wouldn't like to comment)

    bright annie g - would love to play the piano but mr bp will not let me buy one - he says they take up too much room!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 52.

    Debbie - I am actually blushing at your comment #49. And that's after an afternoon chatting to a rather lovely hottie on FB !!!

  • Comment number 53.

    Super BP - his pic can be viewed on FB. Feel free!!!!

  • Comment number 54.

    Debbie: On FB you look so sweet and virginal. How do you do that????


  • Comment number 55.

    LOL!! Do I really Anne, that is so funny. Mr Debbie next door will want to know what I'm laughing at now!

    And Cheryl what on earth have you been talking about to blush, please share ;-)

    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 56.

    there are no decent piccys of me and my fella on fb - so I can assure you he is gawjus - long thick black hair, johnny depp cheek bones and russels brands swelt figure

    yum yum

  • Comment number 57.

    Deb: firemans outfits and generally pulling things off.

    *** still blushing ***

  • Comment number 58.

    So Big C, do you want your Stone henge Building now.
    We've just been back to Jonny R's in NW11. (pool house walls), and done a shed in Manchester. (youtube :stucco my shed). see the Oblisk next to it.... think mini henge ,simple, removable (planning police it's not pemanent Guv'nor),
    Good luck and watch out for that biker.......
    Fri or Mon

  • Comment number 59.

    hengeman - did you do the stonehenge in Spinal Tap?

  • Comment number 60.

    Cheryl I am more curious than ever now!

    How come I don't get to have conversations like that.

    See I must be quite sweet and virginal really ;-)

    Debbie x

    PS. Off to take the eldest for a 'fizzy pop' as it's his birthday. Back later.

  • Comment number 61.

    good luck - could always celebrate at the Mulberry - but they never answer the email - so ring !!

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi all,

    Happy birthday to the 17 year old Debbie, wish I was still that age!! Went out with my niece and her mates the other week to celebrate her 18th, guess who got the rowdiest??!! Told them all I'm growing old disgracefully, it's the only way!

    Been a bit of a domestic goddess today, made a lovely pizza with number 1 son with yummy homemade wholemeal base and then a huge sponge cake with pink icing with number 2 son! I love cooking with my boys but sadly I always end up doing the dishes.

    Good luck with the move Chris hope it all goes well xx

    Did anyone watch Phil Beadle Can't Read Can't Write last night? He is so attractive I think, and I love his clothes - anyone else agree with my weird crush?

    Em xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Em - not sure who he is. Will goog him later and let you know!

    I'm still not over "10 inch Tennant".

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 64.

    So Christoph, heading west, young man?

    One of our favourite parts of the world.

    We've done pretty much the whole coast, albeit in sections. Last year we headed down through Washington, joined the coast in Oregon and ended up in San Francisco.

    But. The best bit is south from San Francisco to LA. Once you pass Carmel, there is the Monterey peninsula and then Big Sur. I may have waxed lyrical once or twice about Ragged Point and Hearst Castle, and I do apologize, but it is stunning.

    Down to Santa Barbara, and then to Malibu and LA proper. But then you lived there, so you'll all about that.

    South of LA is pretty cool too with all the beaches and then the fabulous city of San Diego, just be a little careful heading any further south. You may end up in Mexico.

    By accident. But that is another story.

    Whatever you're up to, enjoy.

    By the time you get back, we'll be getting ready to pack for Abu Dhabi. A pile of books, silly sunhats and oodles of lotion.

    I'm an accountant. Get me out of here.

    Peace chaps.


  • Comment number 65.

    Blimey, where is everyone for the past two hours?!

    CLP, hurrah for finally moving in to the long-awaited newness!!! Hope Marky Mark doesn't try feeding any of that hot hot curry to Enzo or Beth... Is Enzo home now then, or his he staying at the doggie hospital until you're back off your holibobs?

    And I think I must have missed something somewhere as well, I thought you were still in the big shiny tin house thing, barbecueing away!

    Ribs sound mighty nice I have to say. It's been cereal and cheese toasties in our house, we are too shattered still to cope with real cooking - hopefully normal service will resume tomorrow

    10-inch Tennant. Cheryl, Ms Diva, I can hardly believe you've not heard that one before!



  • Comment number 66.

    Hi Matt. Wish that I could comment but I have never been 'across the pond'.

    Very quite here tonight. I've just popped in while the two older boys play in the garage and the other one sleeps.

    I have a curry to order when they have finished and I really don't fancy it now. Probably going to settle for a chicken tikka korai. Then some birthday cake (!).

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 67.

    Em, thanks for the birthday wishes for the biggest boy by the way.

    x x

  • Comment number 68.

    where is everyone tonight, not watching boneheads/boneshakers/bonebreakers surely!

  • Comment number 69.

    Have only ever lived in new houses since I got married, don't think I could live in someone elses, especially after seeing ( and helping to clean) my brothers recent purchase. The bathroom floor was sticky all over, but that's too much information. The carpet wouldn't lay flat after vacuuming because the rotten underlay had been sucked up and moved! I could go on but I'm feeling queasy now!

  • Comment number 70.

    omg I can't believe I got tickets to the coldplay gig at the end of August!!! Sooo xcited, thanks Chris as if I wasn't addicted to your show I wouldn't have heard about the giveaway. Enjoy your hols but be back soon. xxxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Evening each - and that would just be girlracer and me it seems!Hello!

    Houses, have had 2 brand new and one not so new - currently living in the not so new and had to replace all the carpets when i moved in cos just had this `thing` that they werent clean enough although im sure they were! Its this thing about other peoples muck being urgh but your own being ok i suppose!

    anyway, had friends round for tea, best part of a bottle each and think its bed time..although everyone prob just coming out to play!

    glad everyone been in good spirits again today.... i know i`m a blog late but my joke to add, in the vein of another one...

    what do you call a man without a spade in his head..... Douglas!

    well i laughed anyway... :P

    night all!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 72.

    Hi guys, just a real quickie. Did anyone see secret millionaire?? Such a moving programme, I cried buckets! That's where I was between 9 and 10!

    mSc, mglad I'm no the only one who can down the best part of a bottle myself!!!

    I'm out at meetings tomorrow - yes I actually do have to work sometimes ha ha! = so I'll be back tomorrow night to see where the day has taken you all. Happy hump day in advance!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Tinsel - yes I saw it and cried like a baby x

  • Comment number 74.

    Em, didn't you just love that old couple? How amazing were they?????

  • Comment number 75.

    morning all

    hope that you're all well, sun is trying to fend off the clouds...wonder who'll win?

    I love moving house, the excitement of a new home, buying new things etc.....but Chris - you've got someone else doing pretty much all the work.....brilliant! Just reap the benefits of your 4 year wait, such a longtime too....bet you can't wait?

    Have a lovely day, we're off on hols next week too...not over the pond though. Daughter #1 is there at the mo', she's back on Sunday night then off with us on Tues morn, such an alan whicker.

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 76.

    Morning each

    A grey day north of the border - lots of wet stuff falling.

    Hope its better where you are.

    Anne x

  • Comment number 77.

    good morning

    didn't watch any eye candy last night - decided to watch stuck on you as it was on telly - a great portrayal of bortherly love -

    cats wouldn't come in last night so when they were bedraggled at the back door this morning I laughed and sent them on there way - they have to learn (should be easier when we get a cat flap)

    well done to the person who got coldplay tickets - couldn't enter mysekf as already busy but i am still jealous

    super bp x

  • Comment number 78.

    Good morning CLP and all here today.

    So you are moving today Chris, will you have time to blog? How did your darling wife Tash enjoy the place to herself for the ONE night before you and the dogs move in? All I need to say is enjoy your new home and everything that comes and goes with it.

    Paper boy again today and it feels muggy and like the rains are about to pour down, I do hope not.

    Thanks for the comments on FB , you know who you are!


    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Morning one and all.

    Strange we were talking about messy men and Tash wanted the place to herself for just one night just how she wanted it clean, manless and dogless!!

    Hope she thoroughly enjoyed it! Well deserved after the caravan/scooter/goodness knows what else! With all these good wishes it sure is going to be a happy home.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 80.

    How exciting Chris!!!!!!!! I love moving in to a new house. Belongings were in storage - after being shipped over - for about 6 months! Managed to buy a house - it was so empty, depressing - soul-less and me-less. Then, one day I went to work - husband called to tell me to go to the new house after work instead of in-laws where we were lodging. Walked in the door ----- all my tatty furniture about --------- almost cried to see it. Wouldn't leave to collect my meagre belongings from lodgings. Me and my tat - together again at last. Felt like home. Bittersweet - wanted to go back home across the sea and yet felt so grounded sitting on MY couch. Finally I was coming home after work.

    Have a great holiday and take care of Tash and littlest DJ.

  • Comment number 81.

    Hope you have a good hol gingembre - off anywhere nice?

    Morning bagpuss/annie - rain finally stopped here about 6 last night - pipe to water butt still not fixed!

    MW,a thanks m'dear it worked! in a Laurel and Hardy sort of way! Purchased new toy - rugby ball from your shop - (made everyone jump out of skin at check-out - very loud squeak!!!) In to wet garden with new toy - oooeer bit loud for this time of night - toy back in house - towel out to dry off doggy - oh goodee playtime but this time with towel! 5 mins - settled down Oh Joy! This morning - shredded towel!! Hey ho! Do I get a C for effort?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Morning cats!

    It's grey and muggy here in Coolchester, but it's august, so to be expected I guess.

    Houses: when I was younger I worked for a succession of house builders (the big guys, corporate boxes - you know the ones). My one and only dream was to own a brand new house. Never before lived in by another.

    Fast forward 20 years and my dream house now would be a wonky auld cottage, thatched roof, tin bath in the front garden and roses round the door.

    One day ....

    Watched Ferris Bueller last night - still brill after all those years. Don't think Mr Diva was that impressed but hey ho! I loved it!

    Lots to do today but will dip in and out for the usual batch off fun, frivolity and flippancy.

    Happy Hump Day - swing ya pants!

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Main holiday is obviously on the West Coast Chris (nice!!) but are you going to head inland or East Coast to catch a Broooooce show!!? (be rude not to really don't you think!?).

    Have a great time!

  • Comment number 84.

    Morning, morning!

    Just caught up on entries and want to say - CtD - 10" Tennant? I'm blushing!!!

    Mind you - it doesn't seem to take much to make me blush these days - must be my nun-like status - honestly, I could be a Mother Superior if things carry on like this!

    Come on - give me some tips on how I can attract a nice man!!!!

    S xx.

  • Comment number 85.

    sammie - cannot help you with that one - I kissed a lot of frogs before I found my man - although he was dating my friend first (they split up first - nothing dodgy happened) so I caould see what a gentleman he was!

  • Comment number 86.

    Sammie - it wasn't me!! I was blushing too!

  • Comment number 87.

    PS: Sammie - had it been invented when I was young, free and single I would have loved to have tried speed dating. It looks real good fun and manic.

    go on ..... and let us know how you get on!


  • Comment number 88.

    I've kissed lots of frogs too and married three of them. The frist two turned out to be just frogs after all but the third is my prince charming. Thirteen years so far and I reckon I'm in for the long haul this time.

    Good luck!

    MV x

  • Comment number 89.

    CtD - Speed dating huh?

    Hmm - may give that a go, but wouldn't it be like a cattle market?

    Mind you, I have been into a few sweetie shops (online dating sites), which are great to have a look at with friends whilst sharing a bottle of wine, but not sure I'd have the front to speed date...

    Problem is, whilst I'm being picky, all my single friends have found themselves a nice fella!!! NOT going on my own!!!

    Right, gonna search for speed dating in my area....

    S xx.

  • Comment number 90.

    Speed dating sounds like a hoot but wouldn't it be dreadful if nobody ticked your box?! I'm sure that won't happen to you.

    MV x

  • Comment number 91.

    Aww Sammie - wish i could come with you - for moral support, not dating you understand!!!

    I'm a believer in knowing fairly quickly if there's a spark. Face to face and in the written word - you can usually tell if you will click when you meet someone.

    Good luck!! xxx

  • Comment number 92.

    #91 sounds a bit garbled, but i know what i mean. honest! xxxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Alwight Christoof and ALL Blog Ops,

    Bingo Star ere,

    So wot can I write about terdee.......

    Firstly - Sammie1170 - Thanks for your commentations yesterdee!!!!!

    Secondly - Bruno Senna on the show yesterdee - great guest ter ave on Jono S!!! BUT I saw 'im last year racing at Oulton Park in F3 but 'e's not as good as Ayrton Senna - Ayrton waz a one off who dominated everything 'e ever raced in.
    Talkin' of rrrrrrrrrrrracing relatives I waz at Oulton Park nearly two weeks ago and whatta a beautiful day, day of beauty it waz all. Summer waz ere just for a day, just for a day.
    I waz around the paddock looking at the Ginetta cars getting ready ter go out not realising I waz standing right by Josh 'ill's car aka son of Damon 'ill. I only realised when I looked across ter the otherside of the fencing and who's standing there.... one of me all time 'eros aka Damon 'ill!!!!!!
    A mean I feel abit for Damon, 'e doesn't get the credit 'e deserves (although if it's ter do with the credit crunch 'e probally wouldn't want it - know what am sayin'!!!)
    Why doesn't 'e get the credit 'e deserves - al tell yer..... Damon took on the mighty Schumacher and beat 'im many a time becoming the 1996 F1 World Champ. And don't forget Schumachers dirty move in Australia (Adalaide 1994), where 'e purposely, in my opinion, crashed inter 'ill, that in my robbed Damon of another 'onest World Champioship!!!!
    'ill waz always 'onest!!!!!! A clean racer!!
    And Damon waz Ayrton's team mate when Ayrton waz killed. I mean imagine being under that pressure - promoted ter team leader, in front of the world stage, when the greatest ever racing driver 'as just been killed.
    Yeah I couldn't believe it a god of motorsport standing near me, just looking ordinary.
    A mean if that waz Schumacher there'd be a crowd around 'im but 'ill waz there on 'is own with just the odd 'graph 'unter coming upto to 'im!!
    A tell yer, I feel angry for 'ill, DAMN 'angry!!!@!
    'e doesn't get the recognition 'e deserves!!!!!
    Mind you 'e waz 1994 and 1996 ´óÏó´«Ã½ Sports operatative of the year and is president of the BRDC aswell!
    So maybe 'e does get some of the recognition 'e deserves!!!
    Mind you I waz unable ter get 'is graph meself. I 'ad nothing ter get signed and 'e disappeared before I could get around ter the other side of the fencing in question where Damon waz. Ave never met Damon ever - I know, I damn know, I feel disrespectful to 'im!!
    Anyway what am tryin' ter say 'ere iz the 'ill family are one of those very rare families were the talent 'as been proved ter pass to different generations. Graham 'ill, Damon's father, waz F1 World Champ twice - 1962 and 1968!!!!!
    Now Damon's son Josh iz racing in the junior Ginetta chamionship. Some might say what a strange championship ter go into if yer tryin' ter reach the top but I can see Damon's thinking. The Ginettas are all identicle and all for youngesters ter learn race craft (aged 14 terrrr 17).
    Yer can learn more about race craft in one of those totally equal cars then, sorry than, bombing it around in F3 or GP2 and winning, ok yes partly 'cos of yer talent, but also just 'cos yer 'appen ter be in the best teams damn it car!!!!!>!
    Damon knows what 'e's doing with 'is son Josh.
    I waz watching the Ginetta race and I was very impressed by Damon's son. 'e started second and dropped ter third but showed an immense maturity for a young man by being patient and eventually getting second back, overtaking right at the spot that I waz watching the race - I think we're gonna see alot more of Josh 'ill in the future, alot more!!!


  • Comment number 94.

    EASYJOBROB - WAKE UP!!! from your drunken stupor there is a little girlie here who wouldn't mind a date! Sorry virtual wife!!!

    My advice - Sammie? just love em and leave em and make the most of being single!! (Would have loved to have tried speed dating though - my big problem is laughing, when someone comes across as "big I am" and I dare say there would be a few of those)

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Morning bloggers and bloggettes.

    How's Hump Day treating you so far?

    I don't really have much to ocntribute today so will stay short and sweet. Like me, really...

    Got friends coming round tonight and my housework elf has been as tired as I have recently so the house is still awaiting tidying.

    And there's always something more interesting to do than tidying up... like baking chocolate cake or treacle tart or biscuits.....



  • Comment number 96.

    Just remember when speed dating that the guys are every bit as nervous as the girls.

    MV x

  • Comment number 97.

    Housework elf? I work on Quentin Crisp's theory that the dust doesn't get any worse after four years.............

    MV x

  • Comment number 98.

    B-sMum ... i am now blushing even more than the thought of 10" Tennant.



  • Comment number 99.

    I need a house-elf this weekend. Diva Towers will be scrubbed from top to bottom in readiness for the family descending the following weekend to help celebrate and drink my champers!


  • Comment number 100.

    ngngnggn nnggngngn nngngngng wha where am I? fridge, telly, DVD Player, Spiders!!


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