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Chris Evans | 14:56 UK time, Thursday, 23 October 2008

It's not what you think alright...

... I'm gonna see this guy tonight, who twenty years ago looked thirty years older than he was. I used to think, "poor fella."

The thing is, now he doesn't look any older where as the rest of us all look terrible by comparison.

So, go old early, that's today's message. This theory can be applied to other aspects of life but that's for another blog.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Greetings CLP And ALL Blog Friendly Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere.......

    Terdee am sorry but a wanter share with you one of me many songs ave writted.
    I wrote this song one night when I awoke at 3am while left alone in an apartment in Ukraine after falling out with my fiancee, Inna.
    I couldn't get back ter sleep and suddenly all the lyrics started ter flow inter me 'ead. That's 'ead without an aych... Bye, sorry by now regular readers of this very nice blog will now, sorry know, it means as much if noot slightly more than 'ead with an aych.
    So I jumped outta bed and started ter write for 45 minutes.... and this is what a writted......

    My heart is so lonely inside,
    My heart is so lonely inside,
    My heart is so lonelyyyyyyyyy.. inside……

    My heart is so lonely inside…
    As I lock myself inside,
    And from the cruel world… outside….. I hide,
    I’M so lonely I can’t even motivate myself….. to play my guitar, to play my guitarrrrr.

    (NO CHORUS HERE - Instrumental Bridge/ middle 8 (but not in the exact middle))

    But I tell myself…. It’ not to late… to find herrrrr,
    Just be patient and wait…. she’s out therrrrrre,
    So I travel the world…. to find… herrrrr,
    Travel so far, travel so farrrrrr.

    (CHORUS #1)
    She will see… how much… she’ll mean to me,
    She will see… how much… she’ll mean to me,
    She will see… how much… she’ll mean to meeeeeee.

    Then I do…. I found you.....
    As I look into her beautiful big blue eyes…..
    And at her long dark hair….. I feel her become my world,
    And my lonely heart starts to…. Repairrrrr.

    (CHORUS #2)
    Can she see… how much… she means to me,
    Can she see… how much… she means to me,
    Can she see… how much… she means to meeeeeee.

    I start to realise how much… I need you,
    Then just as I start… to fall for you,
    Then she leaves me and my world, and my heart,
    And my heart…. falls..... in twwwooooo.
    And my heart…. falls….. appartttttttttttt.

    (CHORUS #3)
    Can’t she see… how much… she means to me,
    Can’t she see… how much… she means to me,
    Can’t she see… how much… she means to meeeeeee.

    Can’t she see, what it’s like to beee, in my shoes,
    Always looking….. for lovvvvveee.... always looking.
    Can’t she see, our hearts were just awakin‘,
    Now they’re only breakin’,
    Can’t she see, our hearts were just awakin’,
    Now they’re only breakin’,
    Can’t she see, our hearts were just awakin’,
    Now…… only breakinnnnnnnn’.

    Anyone gotta a tissue... a need one!!!! PS This line ain't part of the song!! Although it could be - do what ever yer want wit musical interludes - know what am sayin'!!

    Now a know it might sound like a depressing tune. But I 'aven't put it to music yet. But when a do I think it could be a song that the first two verses start off in minor key. A bit sad but then it builds into something uplifting/ positive. Then the final verse, although sad, more of a philosphical sound... middle of the road sound... In fact I could imagine the final verse fitting in perfectly with Chris Martin singing it to the music of their latest single 'Lost'. That kind of feel - know what am sayin'!!! Check out 'Lost' from their latest album Livin' La Vida Loca and you'll see whatta mean all !!!!.
    As for me singing it... am not sure all if am that good a singer... but when a do try ter stretch the lungs.. ave nooticed a sound similar ter the Snow Patrol singer Gary Lightbody!!!! A quietly spoken, slightly depressive but dulcet pleasant tone! Perfect for friendly but sad, emotive, passionate songs!

    Tatty bye... snuffle, snuffle!

  • Comment number 2.

    PS CLP - Yer only as old as yer feel!!!!!

    I feel 92!!!!!!

    Tatty bye again all, tatty bye again!!!

  • Comment number 3.

    Bingo - perhaps you should give your lyrics to Sir Andrew the Lord Lloyd Webber - I'm sure he could put some suitable music to it and then it could be our eurovision entry!!

    T xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Big Chief CLP, wise words indeed . . .hmmmm

    So here we go on another dreary dozy drizzly day in the North’s capital city . . . At least its thirsty-Thursday and boy am I tempted by the golden glass tonight.
    In these dark wintry times, thoughts turn to the warmth of the hearth, the glow of the coals and the hubbub of good conversation in a stupendously cosy pub – and so, ‘tis with gusto and a hearty smile that we muster the energy, pull on the jackets and scarves - and make the tortuous journey, across fields, through evening traffic and to THE PUB QUIZ . .
    Your starter question for 10: What are the chances of me, lowly old me, getting my ARF on tomorrow???

    ARF Alice Cooper: Poison

    (One look - could kill my brain, your thrill . . . )

    DtM x

  • Comment number 5.

    Bingo - u are a genius! Loving your work!

    As for the old thing - have always looked older than i am...in fact have never ever been id`d for alcohol....must to my disgust when i was only 16 (oh the youth!)

    Have hit my perfect age now though i reckon...out with sis and got asked the other week who was the elder sister ... me having 3 yrs on her guess who was the one grinning like a cheshire cat all afternoon?!

    Oh, and the advantage of being a larger type lady as you get older...no wrinkles! my Mum, size 10 and loads of em bless her soul...my Aunty, size 18 and not one in sight..and only a yr younger!

    Now...where did i put that chocolate...

    mSc x

  • Comment number 6.

    CLP - it's weird y'know, but having just turned 40 I see some of my peers and think "Blimey, they look old - do I look that old?" or "ooh she hasn't worn well .... do I look like that?"

    I think men have it harder than us gals for ageing. Many friends of the male variety have started to lose their hair in their 20s, or go grey earlier than their female counterparts.

    I say just embrace whatever life chucks your way, chuck! Fat, thin, bald, hairy, curvy .. whatever. Just embrace it. If you can't love yourself then nobody else will love you either ;-)

    DtM - as much as I love Alice (tattoo coming in Feb!!!) I have another ARF request which I shall post seperately as it may get lost in this diatribe.

    Bingo - are you alright sweetie??? I think Tinsel's got a point .... Sir Andrew: are you out there????

  • Comment number 7.


    Rock n Roll Star - Oasis

    I've felt cruddy all week and this will take me back to Wembley last Friday night.

    Thank you in anticipation.

    Cheryl The Diva xxxxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Interesting blog. My philosophy is "age is no excuse"..... meaning as we get older saying we're too old to do something is not acceptable (in my opinion), you either want to do it or don't want to.......

  • Comment number 9.

    sort of age related .... I can't believe how LOUD my cat is snoring right now. Even with Countdown on, and me sitting here tippy-tapping away at the keyboard, it's like being in a room full of sherry-filled nans on Christmas afternoon!

    ark at her go ......

  • Comment number 10.

    That's a strange post CLP, trying to think if I know anyone like that and I don't to be honest.

    I've had people tell me that I look younger than 35 before, I was asked for ID three years ago which was hilarious.

    Bless you Bingo matey, hope that you are alright.

    ......LM's first wobbly tooth ever has just come out into his cheese sandwich!

    It's not exciting for anyone else I know LOL.

    My little boy is growing up. *sigh*

    'Allotment of the Year' love that idea, good luck Cheryl.

    x x x

  • Comment number 11.

    Crumbs - I come out to play and you are on to the next blog!

    Go Bingo - mop up your tears and go in search of Andrew Lloyd!! Presume you are back with Inna now?

    Mr B always looked older than he was so he is like guy you are seeing tonight clp -looked thirty something for ages - and as I am older got really cross when folk thought I was younger!!

    Like you Scoob - exactly - could always get in to the pics/aclofrilly/cigs etc when I was too young for any of that stuff - prob cos I was tall for my age. Now skinny sis 3 years younger - me - how did you put it - larger type - she's got the wrinkles and looks older! gets really miffed about it too!! hehe.

    Diva did you email clp about Jeni and her bean jumping out?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Diva - I was on blog last night and Mr B was snoring in chair - doggy on my foot snoring - had to turn tv up to hear what was being said! stereo snoring!!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Go Old early?

    We seem to live in a world these days obsessed with age looks etc.
    You can't possibly win the X factor for example unless you look like a million dollars!
    Don't worry about the musical talent etc etc.

    The X factor is great early on with the funny auditions but it really is becoming very dull.
    Wouldn't it be great to have a real talent show which musicans and not manaquins took part.

    Bingo some great lines in your song, thanks I enjoyed reading.


  • Comment number 14.

    B-sMum - sure did! about lunch time.

    If someone asked me for ID to prove I was old enough to buy plonk I think I would quite literally kiss their face!

    Oh and another thing - did anyone see Trinny and Tranny on The One Show last night? The pretty one (Triny?) looks like she's had lip plumpers injected. Too much. Over plumped. Not nice.

    CtD xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Bingo - do you want me to try and write some music for it? I think you need at least 2 key changes towards the end to make it even more emotional! Love it!

    I think I know one or two folks like CLP's mates who have grown into their looks. And I agree, in some ways it's harder for blokes who can't do anything about the baldy bits and the gunmetal grey. Please don't dye though! I thought Ricky Gervaise looked ridiculous on Jonathan Ross last week with his auburn barnet. And as for Paul McCartney... don't get me started!

    CtD, love the idea of being on sofa with fire on with a snoring cat and watching countdown! A nice sherry wouldn't go amiss either!

    A x

  • Comment number 16.

    Cheryl the funniest thing is that a few years ago, some people with leaflets knocked at the door and said 'hello we spoke to your father a few weeks ago'

    Ermm no that would be my husband.

    I agree that X Factor isn't as good this year, I'm enjoying Strictly more to be honest.

    x x x

  • Comment number 17.

    Yay!! John Sargeant to win Strictly? Maybe not, but hey he is soooo entertaining!

    I reckon that Martin Clunes is the love-child of John Sargeant and Jo Brand.

    Oh and Aleesha Dixon's new single ..... Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

  • Comment number 18.


    Sham69 - Sunday Morning Nightmare

    Cheers Chris :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 19.


    I look older than i am. I'm 32 but i look atleast 9yrs older :(

    Who gives a stuff about age anyway tis only a number at the end of the day :-D

    Steve :-D

    My birth cert lies when it says born in '65 :(

  • Comment number 20.

    Debbie I think it's run it's course really of producing fabricated five minute wonders and a stash of dosh.
    I think Leona Lewis has done well though and good for her. Not my sort of music but obviously popular with many a deaf ear!!!!

    Not really into Strictley not sure why that woman what's her name shouts all the time.


  • Comment number 21.

    I didn't like Aleesha's new single either. Very forgetable.

    I have no idea who I want to win right now really.

    Now Leona isn't really my 'cup of tea' either. And what happened to Shayne Ward, now he was luverly!

    x x x

  • Comment number 22.


    Yes, I can see what you mean. There's nothing worse than seeing someone who, once upon a time looked fantastic, and now "old father time" has caught up with them.

    I know this sounds highly unlikely, but I have a photograph of myself aged 3 and I have exactly the same face! Certainly, a little (!) larger and I'm not quite the same dress size, but you can tell from a hundred yards it's me!

    So .... it's a dilemma, do you really want to look 51, when you are 3?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Good for you ChrissieS What's your secret .. Palmolive soap?

    I hope I don't look like my old school photo with no front teeth and a ribbon in my hair... then again........

  • Comment number 24.

    Prof: it must have been my stressful childhood!

    C xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Ello ALL.... Tarr for everyone's nice commentations about me song.
    Don't know were all the question marks appeared from??????@? A pasted it onter the blog from me original on me computer and a think the blog spam intercepter 'as turned all me , and . inter ?

    As for puttin' it ter music... only probs a can't get me midi keyboard controller ter work and neither can 4 music shops and three so called computer experts.... wonder if Pete Waterman as this trouble??


  • Comment number 26.

    PS Boleyngirl - 2 key changes... i'll phone me locksmith termoz... thanks for the advice!!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Age is relative..............When you're 18 you get irrated that you have to show your ID to prove your age and when you're over 30 you're flattered :o) xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi Folks,

    Just popped in to say that I have been here lurking but unable to get on to post people in ;-{

    Congrats to Jumpingbean!!!!

    I suppose a good example of Chris' friend is Philip Scofield. He went grey v.young, dyed if for a while then said sod it let nature be and doesn't he look good for it? (YES!)

    Hope all who were ill are getting better and all those who are well stay that way!

    Catch up with you all tommorow


  • Comment number 29.


    ARF:- Alaska - Tiny Spark

    Quack ;o}

  • Comment number 30.

    Just had a text from my husband informing me that he doesn't feel well enough for dinner tonight. The dinner that will be ready in approximately 1 hour.

    Not allowed to use naughty words on here am I.

    Ho hum.
    x x x

  • Comment number 31.

    WOO HOOO Jeni and little one mentioned

    BM xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Deb - don't worry but him. There's you, the teen and LM. Enjoy!

    B-sMum - woooo hooooo indeed!

    x x x

  • Comment number 33.

    Deb - I would be inclined to put on plate and leave on table - for a few days! (only joking - that would wind him up).

    BM xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Punnily enough, back to: Go old early

    If beauty is in the eye of the beholder

    Is age in the lie of the being older?

    Ry Ter

  • Comment number 35.

    I always looked older than I was... when I was 14 I looked 18 and as I got older I seemed to look older than I was but Chris is quite right and now I look pretty good for my age (aparrently:)


  • Comment number 36.

    Heard Jumpy's mention and your namecheck, CtD, I was in the car, how exciting!

    A x

  • Comment number 37.

    I heard Jumpy's mention but missed Cheryl's namecheck :(


    Where ya live . . . . i'll leave shortly for tea :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 38.

    i missed it too .... will have to listen again tomorrow. has anyone sent a mesg to jumpy to tell her to listen again when she's home from the hozzi?

  • Comment number 39.

    He said "That's from CtD - thanks Cheryl!" So actually a double name check! Get yoooou!

    A x

  • Comment number 40.

    Someone thought I was my niece's grandma the other day. No wonder I'm depressed. Maybe I'll be like that chap Chris and in 20 years time I'll still look 80!

    Exciting baby news AND LM's lost his first tooth, how much is the tooth fairy going to bring I wonder?

    Am loving Strictly too and have always thought John S and Jo B look and sound like twins. Am loving Tom Chambers - gorgeous!! Think X Factor is boring but kids love it unfortunately....

    My son does a brilliant impression of Aleesha singing her new song, I actually quite like it, saw her with Mis-Teeq once at UEA!

    Take care xxx

  • Comment number 41.


    I used to see The Men They Couldn't Hang at UEA mostly in Colchester but a few times in Chelmsford. Good place for a gig i seem to remember (pushing 25yrs ago now though)

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 42.

    Would that be the Wivenhoe campus Steve? I think the Chelmsford one's gone all posh now - it's the Anglia Ruskin Uni or something like that. Still looks like the pits tho!

    If I got a double namecheck, does that mean I have to listen again again???


  • Comment number 43.

    Hello All
    Does anyone remember me? I used to be FriendoftheGrape (still am!!) but haven't contributed for so long, the ´óÏó´«Ã½ no longer recognised me... All sorts of problems getting it to like a new identity for me, hence the new name!
    I have been lurking of course and liked the way a new blogger (get me!!) summed it up - you do find yourself wondering how certain people are getting on with the things that are worrying them and the good bits too, of course! I've also tried to get on Facebook as I would like to see the photos from the recent meet at Docklands because I "recognise" so many of the names who were going. Kept getting tantilisingly close with groups - Chris Evans drivetime/friday requests etc - so if someone could help, I'd be grateful. So enough of me... To contribute, but don't you just love it when you meet someone you haven't seen for ages and you KNOW you haven't got as many wrinkles as her!! (OK I'm fatter, but lets just stick to the face for now!) I've also noticed that the girls who were the prettiest at school end up fairly ordinary in their maturer years, don't you think?? Off for a saucer of milk now... miaoww!!

  • Comment number 44.

    Hi, long time lurker here and i got as excited as the rest of you about CtD's mention.
    As far as the age thing goes my sister is 8 years older than me and we look alike. We were asked the who's the oldest question...I was gutted!!

    Life is a Minestrone - 10cc for All Request Friday please

  • Comment number 45.

    hey all,


    REM - shiny happy people



  • Comment number 46.

    Hello FriendoftheGrape, welcome back.

    Find the CLP Bloggers page and there's alot of us on there.

    Mr D still not home and given the way he exited earlier I'm getting slightly nervous at his arrival.

    Steve his tea is on the table, be my guest ;-)

    x x x

  • Comment number 47.

    Helloooooooo "old" friendofthegrape and new MizzDonDee!

    Grapey (and anyone else interested) the FB group to search for is CLP bloggers. There's approx 67 of us on there - if you join that group and then either look us out and put in friend requests, or post your ID on the CLP bloggers wall thing, then we'll know who you are!

    The Docklands pix are under my profile.

    Hope that helps.

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 48.

    ARF: I wish I Was James Bond - Scouting for girls - A fitting end to the Who's your fav Bond week......

  • Comment number 49.

    Righteo my beautiful cyber-buds

    I am now orf to tellyboxland, as follows:-

    8pm The Restaurant .. come on Michele and Russell!!!!

    9pm River Cottage Autumn with the delightful Hugh Fearnley-Toadstool. Any man who can come out with the phrase "I'm never happier than when munching on a radish" is good to go in my books!

    Sweet dreams, you wonderfully talented, gregarious bunch of souls.

    Cheryl The Diva x x x x

  • Comment number 50.

    Holby City for me..we get it on a different day north of the border.


  • Comment number 51.

    Nite Cheryl. And thanks for everything.

    x x x

  • Comment number 52.

    TTFN CtD

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi FOTG, which do you prefer, FOTG or needinspiration? Welcome back, I certainly remember your name but think that was in my lurking days. And hello too to MizzDonDee.

    Just swooped in because have 5 minutes with no-one around (apart from coughing teen upstairs, watching back to back episodes of Heroes series 1.)

    Just realised I don't really have anything much to say! Throat raw now, wine the only answer.

    Bingo, I loved your key change joke, actually really did laugh out loud!

    Emma, I am sure you don't look 80!

    Bondman - you ARE James Bond as far as the blog's concerned!

    Nighty night

  • Comment number 54.

    So much happening in such a short timescale people and so much enjoyable reading for me.

    Welcome back Grapey you've been missed. Welcome to all new bloggers.

    I have a note for my missing posts honest.

    It was lovely to see Clodagh and Hazel logging in and contributing.

    I've got Restaurant on whilst catching up.

  • Comment number 55.

    LOL.....Thanks Boleyngirl......you just made my day. Hope you have GOOD night.

  • Comment number 56.

    OOer get you friend of the grape.

    You won't find any pics of me on facebook as CTD decided I was far too beautiful to compete with her Diva status quo...lol

    Thing is am I bothered......... not at all actually.

    Sally Traffic has got good taste in music.. know what I mean.


  • Comment number 57.

    Miss Don Dee or whatever your other names are.

    If you get excited about somebody else getting a mention on a radio station then suggest you need help dear.

  • Comment number 58.

    I caught some of their choices in the car but off the top of my head I can't remember any of them - memory recall is not one of my strong points.

    It was lovely typetalking with some of the bloggers this evening.

    The Restaurant was very good this evening and glad to see it for a change as my evening plans changed when my delivery didn't turn up at its destination so will be chasing it tomorrow.

    I've booked my flu jab and looking forward to a couple of days off work to do some retail therapy - yes I'm going into Bournemouth - not castlepoint (still not been in that place as yet).

    The workpeople are busy trying to think of team names for our CiN volleyball teams x 2 the themes will be school and I think prisoners (or should that be The Prisoner methinks) it was originally hawaiian.

    any other night owls around tonight - no wine or chocolate

  • Comment number 59.

    Come on PP miaow put the claws away on a new blogger it's not fair.

  • Comment number 60.

    New blogger my ar...se

  • Comment number 61.

    Welcome back grapey - long time no blog. Ill never remember your new name so sign off grapey to remind me!

    Phoenix the old volley ball really taking off then? Suggestions for names will no doubt be forthcoming from here on!

    Going to twit on boleyn here! sorry A - wouldn't get them back there otherwise! check out end of last blog and you will also see Dave's lovely blog. I'm with Diva and not a mumsy sort but daves comments were cracking!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Phoenix would a new blogger know who the heck was CTD.

    It's funny how some people liked to be mentioned on the radio for me my worst nightmare.
    Now I did put forth my gobsmackers for Christmas last year and yes nice to hear them but I never thought my real name would be mentioned and in full.

    When people asked me was that me I said no it's Christine Hamiltons secretary that has the same name .


  • Comment number 63.


    The Piranhas - Tom Hark

    Had awful week at work. But, at 5.05 Friday, I'll be driving for a weekend away with the family; on Sunday, I'm off to Wembley for the NFL game. And best of all, I'm off work all next week. Get in!

    This song would be the best way to start the weekend!

  • Comment number 64.

    Prof Plum I'm flattered that you think i'm someone else..i wish i was sometimes!!

    I said in my first post that i was a long time lurker so i feel that i know everyone even though i don't !

    Who do you think i'm pretending be?

  • Comment number 65.

    James - are you still in your meetings? Any road up as they say not far from me - agree with Boleyn - pah! womans minute with their votings - we have our own 007 here on the blog xx

    MizzDonDee - you will see my comment woohoo about mention tonight - I was excited too! Don't worry about your sis - your time will come!

    Grapey have you found clp bloggers group yet in the groups? If you do Debs and Cheryl use their own names so if you request as friends they can point you in other (our) direction!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Ah good dizzydee you are still there!
    I am going to ask the famous question are you on fb?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Seymour - have a good week-end wemberleee and presume a teacher - good week off next week!


  • Comment number 68.

    No beesmum i'm not on fb..not yet anyway...it's taken me long enough to make my presence known on this blog!

  • Comment number 69.

    Ah well if you would like to pop over feel free - not nterested in school mates etc myself but occasionally like an expanded chat with folks here so joined so not to bore blog too much. It's good fun - have a go!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    and also - you can add just a few or all and sundry! most of us are newbies to fb and hilarious when we ask - how do you ...? add a pic - chat between 2 only - etc etc! As I said - good fun - loads like me can check blog in day but only do fb at night cos of security but we all get there eventually.
    Playing scrabble with several as I type! - other games are available!
    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    your move!

  • Comment number 72.

    See what I mean Dizz? playing scrabble with gr53!!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Must investigate FB..sounds like fun...really really must go to bed - work starts at 8.30!

  • Comment number 74.

    Oh and sweet dreams prof p...

  • Comment number 75.

    Nite Mizz d

  • Comment number 76.


    Morrissey - First of the gang to die

    As a wise man once said

    You don't stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing.


  • Comment number 77.

    i fink everyone should post using at least free names coz that iz wot i do and it iz a gud laff and nobody noz who u really iz an stuff.

  • Comment number 78.

    Nite Prof!


  • Comment number 79.

    Running commentary available re above on fb

    BM xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Chris- I'm 20 and got told by someone I just met that I looked 12, and a guy I kind of like thought I was 14.

    What does that mean?! I'll still look twelve when I'm forty?!

    VaughnJess from Down Under

  • Comment number 81.

    Hi BeesMum, I got done with my meetings a little earlier, just got home from a football game. I appreciate your kind comments.

    Speak to you in the morning.

  • Comment number 82.

    morning all

    welcome grapey and any other newbies, good to see you all

    According to daughter#1 I don't look any different now to pics of me 10yrs ago.....school trip looming, cheque needed me thinks?
    No comment from me then re age, looking forward to a few grey hairs sprouting through the gingerness, quite distinguised I reckon? Big 40 looming, party booked, can't wait.

    ARF - Marvin Gaye - Got to Give it up

    bonnet de douche


    CLP - any news on that unpacking?????

  • Comment number 83.

    PS....insert Spurs jokes here!

    can we get any worse?
    I totally agree with Mr Bentley

  • Comment number 84.

    morning all
    It's FRIDAY!!!!!!
    Don't forget to put clocks back tomorrow
    The Restaurant, great final looming, still now feel that 'divvy boys' will win, Michele and Russell are too nice!

    Later taters!


  • Comment number 85.

    Good morning

    I just caught up on some comments here from late last night.
    Very strange indeed.
    If anyone was to check the ´óÏó´«Ã½ data it would be discovered that I only have one log in.
    Just so I don't get the finger pointed at me!

    MizzDon Dee I can only imagine what your unspelt word in my name was.

    For ARF Could I request Right Here Right Now-Fat Boy Slim.
    For any ladies working hard to lose weight


  • Comment number 86.

    ARF - how about something silly?
    Chicken Song - Spitting Image
    The Stonk - Hale & Pace
    Help - Bananarama/LaNaNeeNeeNoo
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 87.

    hiya all

    I'm feelig better and back at the desk - well its friday and I have three meeting to attend :-)

    ARF: a song thats going round in my head all weel - hermans hermots - its the end of the world? to misreable for a Friday? okay

    ARF: again: superman by black lace - will put a smile on everyones face

    people find it hard to age me - I have a young face (thanks liz earle) and old eyes (thanks life) and so i get ID'd quite a lot (last time when I was with my dad earlier this year - I'm 27!) but I hope to grow old gracefully

    super bp x

  • Comment number 88.

    I don't look my age(I'm 4 wks short of 41) as someone else put it I am of a larger size!
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 89.

    is blog broke or is no-one there today?

  • Comment number 90.

    I'm here - but I have nothing more to say at the moment other then my friends cat is called tiggy - are you my friends cat?

  • Comment number 91.

    or Johnnie Walker's wife!
    Would love to be a cat though, what a life!!!

  • Comment number 92.

    First song request-

    Ring of fire by Johnny Cash

    Spurs joke.

    A man walks into a pub with a small dog on a lead. He buys a drink and sits down with dog in front of the TV.

    It is saturday and the football scores are being given out.

    Soke City 2 Tottenham Hotspurs 1.

    "Oh no, not another defeat" says the dog.

    "Blimey" says the barman "your dog can talk".

    "Oh yes" says the man.

    "And he's a Spurs supporter".

    "Thats right".

    "And what does he say when they win?"

    "I've no idea" says the man, "I've only had him for six months"

  • Comment number 93.

    Morning groovsters

    I have to say, I find it incredibly flattering to be the topic of conversation on here - even in the wee small hours when I'm tuked up sound asleep in fluffy bunny land and unable to join in the fun.

    Cheryl the Diva xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    PS: Kyle - that joke is FANTASTIC!!!!

  • Comment number 95.

    LOL - Morning All and especially Kyle - great joke!!!

    Tiggs, I now WANT divvy boys to win. There's something strangely cute about them!!

    Am so glad it's Friday. Feel like I've been fighting this cold all week and the cold is winning. Can't wait for a couple of lovely sleeps-in (or is that sleep-ins?)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 96.

    Morning all - we've had the rain and its just dry and dreary now.

    Just watched the courier push post through box one by one - pulled through by doggy one by one and flung over on to the mat! Makes you smile doesn't it?!

    Beesmum xxx

    ARF Gloria Gaynor - I will survive!!

  • Comment number 97.

    that could be my new mantra BM!!
    x x x

  • Comment number 98.

    Doncha just know it Diva!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Hello all from self-induced headache land.

    Black Kids were fabulous on Wednesday - Birmingham Carling Academy is a wicked venue if you ever get the chance to go.

    I think men age much better than women; a distinguished sprinkling of grey hairs and laughter lines look much better on them. Boo.

    Missed the news about jumpingbean - what did she have? How big? What's it called? I apologise for posting a baby-related theme but I'm dying to know the details.

    My ARF request this week: I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dace With You by Black Kids.


    Rosie x

  • Comment number 100.

    ARF - Daydream Believers - Monkees

    I'm not going to be able to listen to ARF tonight for the first time in months... stupid university timetables.


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