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Well I really don't know what to tell you.

Chris Evans | 15:44 UK time, Friday, 6 February 2009

It's a no show after...

...the show.

There is no baby d.j. yet and not only that Tash has been in to town and has now gone back out again. I have been shopping with a friend all day for his new apartment although I ended up buying almost as much as him as we still need stuff for the new house which happened to be his before it was ours. All terribly incestuous I know but there you are.

So the doc has now said there is a deadline and that yes it could and should happen any time soon but if it does not by next Thursday 6 p.m. the there will be a mighty inducement.

I'm really sorry to have raised everyone's expectations yesterday but we honestly thought it was housey housey time.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Maybe this weekend eh Lambie Pie?

    Dr Deev prescribes loads of mange tout chez maison Evans!!

    Chezza of Divaville
    x x x x

  • Comment number 2.

    Here's hoping things set off over the weekend for you all!

    Take care!

    A x

  • Comment number 3.

    You big tease Christophe Lambie Pie!! Getting us all going like that! But at least you have a final deadline to work towards now.

    Cheryl's idea isn't a bad one - if the curry approach doesn't work!

    Hope Tash can cope with all the uncertainty - and your excitement! Best of luck..........


  • Comment number 4.

    oh, you poor things!! talk about rollercoaster!! i know what it's like - let's hope no need for induction (been there - twice - got the T-shirt!!).

    why not try the other tactic of just ignoring the baby altogether - he or she will get so desperate for attention they will make a bid for freedom!!

    has Tash started cleaning the house or sorting out all the cupboards? that is also a good sign!!

    best of luck over the weekend!!


  • Comment number 5.

    Oh well never mind..... Just think, this time next week it will all be over......

  • Comment number 6.

    Never mind us Chris we will have to just wait a bit longer. At least you will be able to get a bit more sleep before the big day, and you will need it.

    Enjoy your last weekend of freedom, but expect it Sunday(my guess).

    Have a great weekend everyone


  • Comment number 7.

    All good things come to those who wait - so they say. Enjoy your weekend and make the most of your quiet times together.


  • Comment number 8.

    Bummer, baby DJ is not baked yet. Probably best s/he stay in where it is warm until ready for a grand appearance. Was all excited waiting for an announcement. Not to worry, all good things and all that :)

    Keep your spirits up this weekend :)

    ARF: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing by Jack Johnson

  • Comment number 9.


    A word that conjures up images of the first few days at a new job, being spoken to by lots of strangers with clipboards, whilst all the while, all you want to know is where is the loo and how do I get a coffee round here.

    Chezza x x

  • Comment number 10.

    Who knows CLP it could be anytime... these babas make their own minds up ya know! I was a few days late but when I decided the time was right I was out within 20 minutes!!!


  • Comment number 11.

    lyndy.....I think there's a joke there someone... :)

  • Comment number 12.

    Bond- I'll leave it with the blog... xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Oh Christophe, how disappointing for you both!

    Still, at least you know the littlest DJ is safe! Bet Tash is fed up though - bless her! I remember what it's like...

    Right then - ARF - erm... Patience - Take That!!

    S xx.

  • Comment number 14.

    Nothing to apologise for CLP, I love that you share all this with us, the whole rollercoaster of it all.

    ARF: If I'm not too late.....Groove is in the Heart by Deee-Lite please!


    x x x

  • Comment number 15.

    Right I'm off to Sheffield! ............... "cause when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven even oooooooowwwwoooo!" xx

  • Comment number 16.

    #5 - bondy - hahahaha!! could still take 3 days from next Thursday!! (trust me!)

    #9 - Diva - actually the experience is much the same!!!

    but strangely still worth it every time!!



  • Comment number 17.

    Ah well, I wouldn't want to make an appearance while it's THIS cold.... :-)

    Any plans for an `emergency weekend blog', just in case?

  • Comment number 18.

    ARF: Let's get it started by the black eyed peas..

  • Comment number 19.

    Hello all

    CLP - phew, good you're both carrying on as normal!! Yeah right! Guessing it's a sunday girl......

    I am absolutely overwhelmed by all your support and kindness. Thank you all so so much. It has really helped and like I said earlier I’m not quite clear yet about my future but feel I have settled a bit. MW’a your words keep going round my head. I think that I have so wanted this to work seeing just how good it CAN be that actually I stopped seeing how it actually is most of the time. And 5 years on perhaps time to recognise that the changes are never coming. Well as you said time will tell and right now just feeling lighter is good and the rest will happen, the sun WILL rise tomorrow. So thank you MW’a, Clodagh, CtD, Debs, Md, Gingembre, Bsmum, SBP, Sparkly, Jovial TT, SomersetP, Annie , Lyndyloo, 007, DD, PF, Chrissie, cornishgirlie, sammie1170, carl, durbangirl, hazel. Sorry if I’ve missed anyone. AK – Claire Raynor would be proud to be mentioned on here. Thinking perhaps your blog name suggests you’d like to be an agony aunt yourself???!!! ?

    Debbie – hope you are feeling lighter. Sending you much of the love and good karma I’ve been given. (but keeping some for myself!)
    Off to get ready for arrival of the folks for a nice relaxing evening and will be on later for FNWC.



  • Comment number 20.

    I'm new to the blog but have been with the show from the start!
    I hope you don't have to wait too much longer for the baby to put in an appearance! In my experience they normally arrive when you lose all hope of them actually coming and resign yourself to the fact that the dreaded induction will have to happen!
    Fingers crossed for an easy time for Tash! xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Not so much an Agony Aunt as an Aunt in Agony.

  • Comment number 22.

    ....... and breathe .........


    Just realised I have been holding my breath for the last 30 hours - some sort of record, I would think!

    Methinks Baby Evans is enjoying keeping us all on our toes!

    Will be thinking of the three of you over the weekend ..... could be!

    C xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Baby DJ obviously too warm and comfy where he/she is, sensible I say, waiting for a let up in the weather no doubt.

    Enjoy a cosy weekend together with lots of conversation as my husband and I find it nearly impossible to finish a conversation these days with our 3!!

    Going to stick to last weeks request for ARF Rock (baby) DJ, Robbie Williams.

    Have been reading yesterdays blogs and think Clodagh and co are so lovely and full of great advice, I could do with some friends like you lot.

    Dreamer hope you are comforted by their wise words, be strong and keep your chin up!! I often worry about writing on here too incase I get caught! who by I don't know and why I worry I don't know but I do. My husband knows I read the blog but don't think he knows that I have taken the plunge to join in.

    Good luck Chris and Tash.

    Still thinking boy, 7lb 70z, over the weekend sometime.

  • Comment number 24.

    Look forward to blogging with you later dreamur. Glad you're feeling a bit better today...

  • Comment number 25.

    Clodagh - just listened to Terry's pause for thought from today! Think that was meant to be! So thank you for pointing me in that direction. For anyone going through any tough times at all, take a listen.



  • Comment number 26.

    ooh, marvellouscornishmum - whereabouts are you? maybe we can do a local meet??!!

  • Comment number 27.

    welcome marvellouscornishmum........

  • Comment number 28.

    LOL shortie!! Know exactly what you mean. and speak to you later James!


  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon each...

    well will stop holding my breath now then cos going a bit blue in the face and thats not pretty at the best of time... but will still be waiting next wk along with this lovely lot and hoping for a `splash and dash` blog at the weekend!

    Everyone having relationship issues... cant add to what everyone else has said apart from sometimes the hardest thing to do is to walk away but the best thing to do is walk away...MW`a list was excellent as usual..hope you all make the right decisions for you soon..

    and having lived with someone with depression... tablets can help..even if only a short `help` so to speak... positive vibes and best wishes to all... (oh and CLodagh your post was inspirational as ever..)

    Right..must be off..work to finish before leaving the rest of it for tomorrow... I WANNA MON_FRI job..anyone offer to employ me?! No, thought not!

    Hugs to all!

    mSc x

    PS - Carlindonny.... are you on FB?

  • Comment number 30.

    obv that was meant to be


  • Comment number 31.

    Thank you for the update CLP...could you tell we've all been on tenterhooks? And poor lovely Tash!

    Anyhoo, my prediction...if you care...

    Sunday afternoon. About tea time.

    There are worse things than Aquarians.

    And better places to keep fish.

    On that note, I'm going for another lie down.

    all my

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Scoobs...... how are things? It would be a long commute from there to here...LOL

  • Comment number 33.

    ARF - the brilliant gingembre choice.

  • Comment number 34.

    Or Sunday girl?!!!


  • Comment number 35.

    Shortiepants, my husband came in here and read what I had been posting think it was the year before last.

    I was horrified! Don't know if anybody remembers.

    We kind of have an agreement now that he goes into his car forums etc and I have the blog and we don't dip into each others domains.

    Dreamer, glad that you are going to have a nice evening, enjoy!

    x x x

  • Comment number 36.

    Ah NO Lambie Pie bless yous both.

    Look. It'll be well worth the wait. I'm guessin Baby Ev has to be a girly to be keepin' you on your toes like this. Hurrah!

    It's horrible I know, my little sweetie pie was just over a week late, everybody pestering us to death, I well remember wanting to murder the DDF for mitherin' on the hour, every hour, thought I'd never sit up straight or fasten me own shoes again, got totally frustrated and worried, but when she was finally introduced to her mummy with a look on her little cross face that said, "Oh boy are YOUS in trouble..." none of it mattered at all. And she's given us both the right run-around and had us dancin' to attention ever since.

    And I wouldn't change a damn thing.

    Mind you, I'm thinkin' of goin' on that Jeremy Kyle Show for a DNA test to find out who her mother is. Just to check.

    Chin up, bless.


  • Comment number 37.

    hi cornishgirlie I'm Falmouth area, thanks for the welcome JLFB007!

  • Comment number 38.

    No Bingo yet then Mr Chris.

    Good things come to those that wait.

    Aunt in Agony,,,,,,,,,

    Well what's on the menu tonight at Plumsterville, as a vegatarian on the cusp looks like those dried up mushrooms and rice.

    Have a good weekend my lovies.

    Buenos Noches.

  • Comment number 39.

    Hey Just signed into your blogs, so we are all still waiting for the arrival, hope it comes soon and is all over and done with quickly. Well you say that "you can't Fox the fox" and you certainly can't "bring on the baby" well not till he/she is ready.
    Just remember Chris that the gas and air is for your poor wife whilst giving birth.....not for you !!!!!! good luck !!!!!!!

  • Comment number 40.

    marvellouscornish - sorry, didn't actually say hello and welcome to the madness i was so excited to have a fellow local sign in!! but - belatedly - hello! i have only recently taken the plunge but everyone is great and so friendly (mostly!).

    CG xx

    ps - me - St Austell ish

  • Comment number 41.

    The best things come to those that wait...............

    Liz xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Welcome sweetjandys...

    Nice to have some new names on the blog today....... I hope you enjoy your blogging.

  • Comment number 43.

    Right then lovelies,

    I'm signing out - wanna be in the car for 5.05 (Crackerjack!!!) so that I don't miss a thing!

    Have safe and peaceful weekends all,

    S xx.

  • Comment number 44.



  • Comment number 45.

    Thanks cornishgirlie, so did you get much snow in St Austell? I was so pleased that we actually got it this time!

  • Comment number 46.

    Phhhhhhhewwwwww .......... sorry, that's me breathing out after holding me breath since yesterday morning!!!

    Chris, I don't blame baby d.j one iota for not wanting to arrive in this dreadful weather. The minute the sun comes out s/he'll make an appearance, you'll see!

    Debbie - has it really been a year? Crikey - and what a difference a year makes xx

    Am off to dodge the big fat raindrops that are falling around the place and I'm then going to grab the weekend by its lugholes and give it a great big smackeroo on the lips. I've a hot date with a cheeky Merlot in about 2 hours' time after stocking up on supplies in Sainsbug's so bring it on - yes siree!

    Have a good weekend one and all.

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Aww. Don't worry about us - I'm sorry you're disappointed. We should be greatful you're choosing to share any of this with us.

    At least it's going to happen soon!

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Chris,

    It will happen tonight or early hours tomorrow - definitely! If it doesn't you can sue me. Really hope you all have a happy landing.

  • Comment number 49.

    Hello new people, lovely to meet you - but can't say that to little baby DJ (yet!!!!) ARGH! But as others have said, thanks a zillion Christophe, for sharing the excitement with us - we are all with you in spirit (but at the head end obviously!!!)

    Off to catch up on the end of yesterday's blog

    T xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    MCM - yes, Monday night and tuesday was FAB!! made a nice change from always hearing about it but never seeing it! the kids were thrilled!!

    all gone now, nice and sunny here!

    just doing some lovely plasticine modelling with small boy before FNWC later!! (might be safest to put plasticine away before starting on the latter!!)

    CG x

  • Comment number 51.

    Hopefully things will happen very soon Chris and Natasha but babies have a habit of keeping us waiting, it's what they do. My first was bang on the day and her sister was 10 days late. You just never can tell.

    It'll be soooon of that I'm sure!!

    pf x

  • Comment number 52.

    Hi Bondy....you never know..change of scenery and all that! Hope all is well over t`other side of pond!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 53.

    Being induced isn't so terrible by the way. LM was two weeks late and was induced. It's a slighty more painful delivery, so they told me, but a quicker one.

    Now I am a total wimp and managed on just gas, and that injection whatever it is. No epidural. So if I coped with it anyone can. Good luck Tash!

    x x x

  • Comment number 54.

    Oh poor Natasha......

    Thank you for letting us know though. It's been so exciting, and it's been great making new friends on here.

    Hells x

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi Scoobs....... I don't know.... we have already had 85 plus inches of snow this season which is 20 inches more that we normally have at this point. We normally get over a 100 inches of snow each winter. I expect we'll be close to 120 inches this season.......

  • Comment number 56.

    Hello all,

    Have missed the last few days of blogs as I was away at Mum's house down in scouseland for a few days, so internet access was sporadic. Thought there might have been news about Evans junior by now!!! Hope the little one doesn't keep you waiting too much longer.

    Anyhow had a nice few days down in Liverpool, doing a few touristy things and checking out the snazzy new shopping area Liverpool One, all v impressive. Had lunch in a winebar owned by Steven Gerrard on Tuesday, very nice food but unfortunately no sign of Stevie G himself...

    One more day of work to go then 3 days off hurray! Scooby I share your plea for a regular Mon-Fri job, expecially when i have to get up and trudge to work on a Sunday morning. Planning on hitting the gym on Sunday for the first time in an absolute age so I think by Monday you'll be able to hear my screams of pain from Cornwall...

    Happy Friday one and all, and hope everyone has a good weekend.


  • Comment number 57.

    Just caught up on yesterday's blog = Clodagh, will you please adopt me? i bet you give great hugs.

    Lots of love

    xxxxx :-)

  • Comment number 58.

    Evening each

    Awww bums, poor Tash. Next Thursday??? Don't think some of our bloggers could stand the suspenders.

    Right, off to check my vegetable soup, pour a small glass of red, then check everyone's posts.

    Debbie/Dreamer: Hope you're both ok, been thinking of you today.


  • Comment number 59.

    welcome back rosieposie......

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi Annie-G.....

  • Comment number 61.

    Oh Anne sorry I forgot to reply to your text! I was driving to the pet shop at the time.

    Thank you for thinking of me.

    x x x

  • Comment number 62.

    I think BabyDJ is very considerate.

    Waiting until the weekend before he/she arrives so we dont miss CLP on the radio!

    Must be a girl!!

    (I can't believe I just said that)

  • Comment number 63.

    Oh!! Chris i really thought Tash was having the baby today.Never mind, this time next week your be three!!!
    Have a good weekend get lots of sleep
    Will be waitng for the news.

  • Comment number 64.

    LOL thunder.........

  • Comment number 65.


    Thank you Chris

    Only second time of asking!



  • Comment number 66.

    Well done Penny, great choice!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 67.

    Oh poor Tash ... I was late with all of mine ... but the threat of an induction usually did the trick . Hope to hear the good news over the weekend ... talking of weekend time for a drink .

  • Comment number 68.

    Greetings Ter CLP And ALL,

    Bingo Star ere,

    CLP - DAMN IT..... still no baby..... it's all too much stress!!!!!!!
    But a told yer a keep getting a Thursdee.... ok maybe am looooking like psychic fraud.... but a did wreet on the blog the othe rdee a keep getting a Thur!!!!!
    Put it this way, if Tash does drop before, next Thur aka 'inducements dee' then that in itself iz a BIG coincidence that a said a Thur and this thur... the first signs of..... the signs..... showed signs - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    Az there's still no baby then i'll tell all about me neet out in London on Wed........

    So all Wednesdee night turned inter a typical Bingo stylee type night out on the town, the town being a city, the city being.... The BIG Smoke aka London!!!
    I was off out on me date with a russian lady by the name of Zhanna. So az we arranged ter meet VERY close ter BC 'ouse and close ter the time when The Jones aka Sir Tom waz in town there waz only one thing for it all..... off ter meet The Jones!!!!!
    So a quick pint in the Horse And Groom, opp R2 HQ, then a turned up at R2 HQ!!!!
    A waited at reception, and goot talking ter two other Sir Tom fans. A bloke from Finland, and a nice lady, Margaret, from London who 'as met many a celeb!!!
    Anyway when Sir Tom came out after 'is Drivetime gig.... a managed ter get 'im ter sign 'is 'graph!!!!
    Only problem a didn't 'ave anything for 'im ter sign.... except one thing.... what iz the thing yer may ask.... the thing waz me London A ter Z internal London Underground Tube Map.... yes all a goot Sir Tom Jones ter sign me London A ter Z!!!!!!!!! 100% true all!!!!!!!
    Then after Sir Tom 'ad gone it waz a quick chat with Marky Mark.... minding CLP's new Ferrari 430 baby.... and wow 'WHATTA BABY'..... V8 complete with sports exhausts that growl... loud 'n VERY proud!!!!!!!!!
    PS CLP - Love yer personalised number plate.... FABULOUS.... know what am sayin'!!!!!!!
    Then it waz a quick chat with Jono S again.... VERY nice man Jono... a like Jono!!!!
    Then out comes Foxy..... Foxy a liked yer woolie 'at.... nice 'at!!!!!! Suits 'er!!!!
    A quick ello and thumbs up ter Foxy and then Sally B.... a tell yer it waz all 'appening... again VERY friendly Sally B!!!!!
    By now a 'ad swapped numbers with me celeb fan Margaret, noot telling 'er exactly why everyone waz calling me 'Bingo'!!!
    By now Marky Mark waz warming up CLP's 430 growler.... It waz getting a little close ter the time for me date. But a thought can't go until ave said... ello ter The Christoof!!!!!!
    Then out comes CLP... a quick chat and wish of forward facing congrates sentimentations on the approaching baby dj.... and then off for me date.... 'oping a wouldn't be late.... for me date!!!!!
    A met Zhanna by Bond Street station and off we went!
    A tell yer iz stunning... 5' 11", long dark 'air and very attractive. She 'az a lovely personality, very friendly, smiley!
    A very nice evening we 'ad, goot on very well and we're planing ter meet again - always a good sign!!!!!
    Daren't tell 'er i'd just met Tom Jones and CLP.... thought she might think am a nutter!!!!!!

    Das veedanya..... GOURANGA ter all!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 69.

    Congrats Penny......... good tune!!!

  • Comment number 70.



  • Comment number 71.

    Am back, veggie soup doing well.

    Cornish people: my train from Edinburgh gets into St. Austell when I'm visiting my friend in Newquay. Looks like a lovely place. And Cornwall has such lovely beaches.

    Penny: Congrats - good one.

    Welcome to all the new people - glad you all stopped lurking and joined in.

    Clodagh: What can I say? You're a one-off diamond. xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Oh, and there's Susan's fave tooon: Are we human.

    Hope she's listening.


  • Comment number 73.

    Baby will arrive when he's good and ready. The initial excitement might have scared him off, just as you're relaxing again after the excitement of the last couple of days, he'll decide it's show time.

    3 days in a row my little boy had me thinking he was about to arrive only for the labour pains to fade away. By the 4th day I took no notice and carried on doing what I was going to do and lo and behold that was THE real event. Little tike!

    Enjoy what's probably your last weekend of peace and quiet! This time next week the focus of your world will suddenly have changed forever :) It's wonderful!!

  • Comment number 74.

    Annie-G..... but are we human.....LOL

  • Comment number 75.

    wouldn't live anywhere else! done it, tried it for a while (deepest Essex, Surrey) - had to get back!

    beaches R us!!

    even in the snow!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 76.



    I was in the bath.

    But consolation, was listening to Foooooooooooos

    MW, a

  • Comment number 77.

    Blimey. I disappear for an hour and you lot go bezerk!

    Well done Penny! All set for the weekend now!

    Pix of tats on FB if anyone wants to see.

    Chezza x x x

  • Comment number 78.


    Dave Grohl in the bath. Now you is talkin'!!!!


  • Comment number 79.

    Hi all

    Just got round to catching up on the news: poor Tash, hope you don't have to wait much longer. The beloved juts got home with lappy as I couldn't face another walk to work.

    Gorgeous daughter should have left for Taunton today for field trip - now postponed till Sunday. Any updates on local conditions would be good. Ta!


  • Comment number 80.

    PS Don't believe about the THUR prediction a writted on the blog.... see commentation #153 3rd of Feb blog for the proof!!!!!

    PS ALL - A 'ad a nice dee terdee.... been inside The 'ouse Of Commons and saw a live debate in The 'ouse Of Lords about the Gazza situation!
    Very interesting seeing the very spot where the Prime Minister does 'is business. (a notice the carpet iz abit worn on the spot where Gordon Brown stands in The 'ous eOf Commons)
    Seeing live Lords.... noot a leaping but debating.... it's 'istory right in front of yer eyes..... a mean normally yer only see the 'ighrarkee in as statues in cathderals, noot live ones in the 'ighest court of the land - know what am sayin'!!!!!


    PS 'ope all ave a good weekend!!!!!!

  • Comment number 81.

    PS Penny - Congrates on the ARF choice being the one!!!!!

  • Comment number 82.

    Christoph - good luck with the great baby DJ birth, but let nature take it's course don't interfere how ever horrid Tash feels that baby will come out eventually, lots of walking - then watch out for the tears and emotions. It's great. Have a fantastic weekend - but no more pies.

  • Comment number 83.

    Still in shock - can't tell bloke as he doesn't know I do this, although he knows I lurk. Well a girl has to have some secrets!!

    Anyhow, welcome all new bloggers - although I consider myself still new.


  • Comment number 84.

    ohh...well, what a life! you can get over it sooner or later...

  • Comment number 85.

    Penny - don't think you're a newbie now!! Many have joined the madness since you took the wonderful plunge!

    Man, I'm gonna miss FNWC - raise one for me!


  • Comment number 86.

    Ah Tins bless you.

    But listen. If you've got a Mulberry Mabel bag, the Genius daughter will happily swap.

    Actually no, that's not right is it.

    A packet a Jelly Tots and the bus fare home'll do it.


    xxxxxxs to all. You're too kind.x

  • Comment number 87.

    So Steffie: Another gorgeous daughter. That's you, Clodagh and me, and I think CtD is her mother's GD too. Didn't we do well?


  • Comment number 88.

    We certainly did, couldn't agree more. Very lucky to have them.

  • Comment number 89.

    I am indeed my mummy's GD AnnieG!!

    Absolutely flippin drop-dead gawjus!


    (and just a tiny bit modest too!!!) xx

  • Comment number 90.

    So, the beloved has spent the last hour digging the car out of the drive. Now he's gone off to see how far he can go (I assume). Of course gone without moby! So no idea where he is now or how long he's been gone! Bless....it's a boy ego thing I think!


  • Comment number 91.


    Great to hear that the government is at last taking an interest in the troubled life of one the finest footballers of our generation.

  • Comment number 92.

    Wow the tats on CtD are pretty dam awesome and I know what you mean about not hurting on the top of arm but ouchy to the wrist, my tats going on FB tonight.

    cornish, I used to live in Bude, 3 years and it was awesome down there. Not quite a beach where i live now but next to a river so still water lol

    My bet is Sunday for CLP an Tash to have their babby, 9.35pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyone else wanna guess?

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    MW,a so did Errol miss it as well? ;-o

  • Comment number 94.

    Errol - you can keep tabs of the "when" guesses - I did the weights!!

    And thanx for the tat feedback. Mr Diva not impressed. Sadly.


    Gotta go get ready now. Booooooo.

    Catch you all later or tomorrow.

    Chezza x x x x

    PS: Chewsday 10th Feb @ 14.10 Hrs. And our man Evans will be on air at 17.05

  • Comment number 95.

    I totally agree cornishgirlie I don't ever want to live anywhere else! Cornwall has its problems but you can't beat the scenary! Chris we're loving the show!

  • Comment number 96.

    Yup DD I did, dammit, too busy working boooooooooooooooooooooo


    PS how was the dentist, did it ruin ur B'day?

  • Comment number 97.


    Of course!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 98.

    Ok so had FNWC started yet and can I join in?

    Have a good night Cheryl.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 99.

    Err, ok - so if it wasn't Errol in the bath. and disappointingly it wasn't Dave Grohl then I'm confussed.

    Anyone gonna fess up?

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 100.

    Debbie: Have you got your glass? What's in it?



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