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Met an old friend of mine last night...

Chris Evans | 07:54 UK time, Thursday, 25 June 2009

...He features heavily in one particular chapter of my book.

He is by far the cleverest man I know. He is now the MD of a company that go around the world advising other companies on cultural differences and how though two different parties may be speaking the same language, they are often saying different things.

He says that if you try and sell to an American and mention anything negative or speak for too long they will lose interest almost entirely, whereas if you don't do that when dealing with Germans they will mistrust you from the start. Misunderstandings of such simplicity caused Walmart to pull out of Germany at the cost of a billion dollars a year.

He now lives in Finland where he once asked a colleague "How are you?" The colleague gave a five minute answer. He very quickly realised a much safer greeting of just "Hello" was a far better way to get on with his day.

He can assess people to cultures, and says when he assesses British journalists most of them show a tendency to being Belgian - I always suspected as much.

What a funny old world we live in and here we go again.

Does anybody know why ?

I think the answer is toast. My Mum has always started off every day with two slices of over buttered toast. I am beginning to realise why.

Have a nice day and pleeeeease someone pick a fab tune to start tomorrow's show off with.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP!

    Up with the lark this morning... and probably the larks mates Tash & Noah I suspect.

    No idea why different nations react differetly to information. I suspect it's the way that they're taught.

    Another fine day to look forward to.

    & the bump

  • Comment number 2.

    ARF- Mr Blue Sky- ELO

  • Comment number 3.

    morning all, hope you're well?

    It's amazing how different sayings/words can be totally misconstrued (sp?) from country to country, or even county to county come to think of it!
    I'm seeing an old mate tonight. One of my bessie pals is home from over the pond to renew the visas and stuff so tonight we're having a biere and gonna reminisce loads - oh and I haven't told the rest of the boys he's back so there's gonna be a few surprised faces when we walk in the boozer tonight - can't wait.
    Chris - I think we're all assuming your book is an autobiography?

    Have a great day my virtual pals

    bonnet de douche


    ps, might be on the tv tomorrow

    ARF - The Sounds of Blackness - Optimistic

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning CLP!
    first time on the blog aftr reading for ages!!

    please ARF - Sweet Home Alabama - Lynnard Skynard, to send me off on my holiday to the Lake District with a skip in my step!


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning CLP and all my loverly bloggers

    ARF - Walk this way - Run DMC and Aerosmith so that we can all do the 'air scratching'


  • Comment number 6.

    Earlier starter indeed.
    How's about ......

    Satisfaction - The Stones.

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Chris,

    I think gingembre #3 sums it up perfectly - even just in Glasgow itself, the cultural differences are evident from the north to the south - and don't even get me started on east to west!!

    gingembre: I hope you have a fabulous night with your mates - what a surprise this will be for some of them! Can you give us a little more information regarding you being on tv?!

    Welcome to the blog golfcaddie - you will love it here!

    dyoungone: love that song - reminds me of my lovely brother who used to did a brilliant Mick Jagger impression!

    Hope everyone else has a great day .... I'm in holiday mode!

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.



    Baby I Love You - The Ramones

    Thank you velly much Mr Evans, you is a diamond geez!

    Deevski Spice
    x x x

  • Comment number 9.

    Very true Christoff. Its horses for courses in the sales game.

    I regularly observe my little gang of salespeople; the ones who can keep it short and snappy are invariably the ones who sell the most.

    However. The Irish, now. They love a chat those guys. Many a time one of them will hang around, asking every question under the sun until, eventually, the big guns, aka. meself, have to be drafted in. I say Big Guns; I mean the one who can talk a glass eye to sleep, the one who can talk underwater. I simply keep eye contact, keep 'em chatting, and once they've lost the will to live, bushack. Sale made.

    It also helps to make them laugh. Wink at them and pull their legs, and you'll sell an eskimo a fridge.

    And I LOVE my little aul ladies. Every time I engage with a little aul wan, he or she will tell me something else I didn't know.

    Talking of which, Renee now. Until the age of 83 she was still working in a friend's dress shop. And she was merciless. My friends used to refuse to go in when she was there because she'd sell 'em something or die in the attempt. I well remember picking her up at the end of the day from said shop, holding the door for two ladies on their way out, laden like a couple of pack-horses with bags of purchases.

    "Crikey, mum," says I. "Looks like you did a good couple a sales there."

    Looking up from the till, Renee hitched up her glasses and replied,

    "I know. And they only came in to ask for directions to Lawns Farm."

    Good girrdl!


    PS. If anyone wants to see Craig in action, I'm not sure if you can get it but try googling RTE Naked Camera series 1. You'll know him when you see him.


  • Comment number 10.

    On the language thing, you've reminded me of our holiday in Cuba in 2007.

    Round the pool in the hotel, every day, they played REALLY REALLY LOUDLY I guess what they thought was "cool dude, hip and happening toons" - a lot of rap basically (personally I always think rap should be preceded with a C).

    What the Spanish speaking Cubans dind't get was that the lyrics of the rap tunes they were blasting out were full of swearing, racial hatred, violence etc etc.


    Deevski Spice
    x x x x

  • Comment number 11.

    From the gorgeous weather we've been having I'd like Mr Blue Sky especially as tomorrow I'm driving to Butlins for the weekend.

    And when I get home on Monday we will have moved house - a case of everything clashing at once lol.

  • Comment number 12.

    Greetings Christoof Man And Also Greetings Blog Men/ Man's And INDEED Women/ Woman's........

    Bingo Star ere..........

    CLP - 'ad a feeling there waz gonna be an early blog.... so a glanced at it early mesen and INDEED a early one iz ere and most interesting thoughts again!!!!!!!!
    Strange people...... complicated..... my theory in a down ter earth kind of attitude iz always give people the time of dee and don't ave silly preduces/ lines of thought whatever background/ country yer from but sadly/ complicatedly most people do!!!!!!!!
    It's abit like the old posh/ educated against the poor/ uneducated errrrr northeners/ sountherners........ the world iz a beautiful place/ paradise..... but people although some create amazing things on tihs world aka enhance it..... a mean look at all the beautiful buildings, structures etc but why do people make such a mess of just being together and INDEED of running the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway gotta go..... running me mother ter 'ospital again!!!!!
    Getting abit worried about 'er 'ealth.... noot getting any better if am 'onest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll blog later with some thing interesting ave discovered!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS For this weeks ARF BIG Opener..... my choice would be.................

    Red 'ot Chilli Peppers and 'Zephyr!!!!!!!!!!!!'

    Love this tune.... AWESOME...... 'flllllllyyyyy away on ma Zepyher............................ in the beautiful weatttttthhhhhherrrrrrr.............. always togetttttttthhhhhherrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well actually the words don't go like that but similar..... tune!!!!!!!
    Tunnnnnnnneee!!!!! And a
    great driving tune!!!!!!
    Love it one of me all time favs and so easy ter sing along too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA ARF CHOICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    #12 - Reminds me of a dozen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 14.

    Morning all

    As you rightly say, Christoph, what a funny old world we live in, but it wouldn't do for us all to be the same now would it?


    I Don't like Mondays

    The Boomtown Rats

    Sunny Surrey, again. All down hill tomoz, apparently!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Morning all......apologies for being absent without a note.....rec'd nasty bites on ankle Sat night at BBQ which then became infected some how, so on antibio's with said foot in air watching wimbledon last 2 days....actually was not too bad as the tennis has been great so far....except of course for Sharapova being knocked out yesterday...so no more ladies matches for me to watch now...haha


  • Comment number 16.

    CLP- isn't it great we're all so different....that's what makes the world such an interesting place.

    ARF- Dire Straits..Money For Nothing (chics for free...!)


  • Comment number 17.

    CLP-re cultural differences, I used to work for a Multinational Corp, and do the conference call thing between UK, USA and India quite often.....the differences are quite staggering...USA- they think they are the world, so unaware that other countries actually exist (when we did the Euro conversion, they used to call it the Euro Dollar!!! Quite astonishing)..Indians-so willing to please authority, subservient almost, they would never tell a boss anything bad at all...no matter how bad things actually were....

    Mind you, god knows what they used to say about us the BRITS?

  • Comment number 18.

    How up meself am I. Can I apologise for my previous missive, I nearly moderated it meself when I read it back.

    Of course I'm not the Big Gun. I'm just the one with the highest boredom threshold.

    Just wanted to say that. Thankyou so kindly.

    The fact is, though, that any career in sales (not that mine is a career, exactly, more of an enjoyable distraction) can be horribly cut-throat. But my little team are a little cluster of diamonds, gorgeous young ladies, a couple of madwomen and of course, eejits like Craig. And Damian is unclassified, naturally. There are plenty of ruthless sales girls and boys out there who earn big money; but I won't work with them. I simply can't stomach the greed and the ruthlessness which manifests itself in spite and sheer nastiness. Life is simply too short.


  • Comment number 19.

    D'ya reckon our Bagpuss has indeed run off with Blur .....

    Where is she??

    x x x x

  • Comment number 20.

    Deevski.....have you done TT yet (if you know what I mean)?

  • Comment number 21.

    Morning Tangles.

    Nope - Sunday 5th July is TT day. The tickets arrived in the post on Chewsday, so getting excited now!

    July is gonna be good!

    x x

  • Comment number 22.

    Gingembre....what's all this about being on TV then?????

  • Comment number 23.

    Deevs...as if June wasn't???

    Damen will be hurt ya know!!!


  • Comment number 24.

    Morning Big Chief LP,

    I reckon the old faithful for tomorrow afternoon . .

    Brian Adams - Summer of 69

    I know its cliche, I know its worn, we've grown up with it, but when all around you is turning to wreck and ruin, its the comfort blanket that makes us feel like home . . .

    + its summer
    + its a good rousing start-up tune
    + its the dancefloor pleaser that made me hit the dance-floor with an air-guitar when I was 17 (18 yrs ago ) OMG . . .

    So, please pretty DJ, put a record on . . .

    Lot of love



    (dedicate to Claire, if it is your want - ta v much!)

  • Comment number 25.


    June was fun, but July has Take That, the blog meet, and the MOtoGP weekend at Donington at the end of it!

    Then it's August ..... Bono at Wembley and my birthday.

    Might get tix for The Emirates Cup too.

    Wooooooooo Hooooooooooo!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 26.


    Ain't language differences fun, even here in Wales, as an Englishperson, sometimes I'm still flumoxed!!

    Back later, must try do some work........or make a cup of tea!!


  • Comment number 27.

    Bingo - All the best to your Mother and hope her health improves {{{}}}

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Morning Dear Chris and Bloggers,

    Lovely sunny day in Kent and long may it continue to shine.

    Language is a funny thing, having just spent a week with my friends in the States who are American, I find myself using their words, especially with three small children who often look at me wondering what on earth I've just said to them. I spend the week talking like what they do and they just take the mickey out of me - happy days.

    I also used to work for an American Company and that was a laugh a minute. The look on someone's face when they suddenly realised that the Wimbledon Fortnight meant two weeks - priceless.

    Can't wait for home time as I am off to see my friend for chat, food, tea and the final two episodes of Grey's Anatomy.

    AliB - Sneezy Spice

  • Comment number 29.

    Eb, T please, white no sugar!

  • Comment number 30.

    On it's way Baz, and there's some choccy biscuits as well......


  • Comment number 31.

    Double choc please Eb x

  • Comment number 32.

    Morning peeps, well have finally 'cooked the books' Acountant getting VERY soon (once i've been for a very large caffiene intake)

    Next thing on the menu is the horse gettin' new shoes, quick whizz out on him and then back and start cooking for real.

    Kids are on hols tonight for EIGHT weeks - feeling the stress already!!!!!

    ARF Amazed by Lonestar, only coz I'm amazed that the books are finished.

    Love to all,


  • Comment number 33.

    Baz: sorry to hear about your poorly ankle - I did wonder where you were! Am I wrong, or is the ladies tennis just dire? I haven't seen much, I will confess, but what I have seen is really awful. But, then, my memories are of Chris and Martina, et al, so there is no comparison!

    Clodagh: you certainly don't have to explain yourself. If there's one thing you are not, is up yourself. You are one of the stars of this blog - official!

    Got home last night to find a couple of guys cutting trees in the garden next to ours. These trees do seem to touch the sky - frighten the life out of me. They must be 50ft at least. Anyway the "lumberjacks" cut down about 15ft and I reckon they will be back today to finish off the job. However .... and I know I'm going on a bit .... but the poor birds who were having their homes destroyed were absolutely distraught. Our garden was full of them, flapping about, not knowing what to do. When I got up this morning, there was one wee wood pigeon sitting beside the garage, completely traumatised! I am no lover of wildlife, but I do feel for those wee birds!

    Just had to share!

    C xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Baz - Double choc it is - I find Chocolate always helps with poorly ankles!!


  • Comment number 35.

    Ah tanks Chrissie. But I know when I'm gettin', as Renee would say, Peas Above Sticks.

    So me peas are back on Ground Zero, no worries.

    Funny enough, Renee's just called me in to see Alan Carr on I think it's This morning, talking about when he used to work in a call centre dealing with complaints, and the already irate people on the other end would become even more inflamed at the sound of his voice, thinking he was extracting the urine. Hahaha bless him.

    And that, in turn, has me thinking of the GBF Damian when he used to work the sex lines in Dublin. I swear to anyone who has never heard his Derek the Fireman, you've never laughed.

    He and Alan Carr were obviously separated at birth. Identical. Mind you, poor Damian musta spent puberty on the rack, big long streak of whatsit that he is.

    Oo here he is again. Doin' summer puddin'. Ah no, don't get me goin' about Damian and the strawberry.


  • Comment number 36.

    Chrissie thanks for the sympathy...

    I hate to see any animal in distress (apart from what ever bit me Saturday)...that sounds terrible about the wee birds....my 14 yr old would have refused to go to school and rounded them all up like a surrogate mother...

    Take it some cannot fly in which case Mr Fox will have fun tonight...unless you fancy being the said surrogate mother??


  • Comment number 37.

    ARF - Echo Beach, Martha & the Muffins please!

    Clodagh, Alan Carr's book is brill if you haven't read it yet. I love him - he'd be a great dinner party guest I think!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 38.


    As twas Wed' yesterday, was that not PPP night?

  • Comment number 39.

    ARF - Let Me Entertain You - Robbie the Williams.

  • Comment number 40.

    Sparkle.........what a TUUUNE!! That brings back fond memories of my youth...'I know I'm outta fashion, and I trifle uncool....'

    You can have that IMHO.....you win.


  • Comment number 41.

    Baz: could you please arrange for your daughter to get herself up here pronto?! Ooohhh, I hadn't even thought of Mr Fox - swine that he is! I wish I could be Kate what's-her-name from Springwatch, but I don't do birds.

    Now, the RSPB would tell me that I must let nature take it's course - I did once try to save a family of ducklings, but had to let them fend for themselves. Honest, guv, it's the birds that are driving me to drink!

    C x

  • Comment number 42.

    OOH Baz, thanks my friend! Reminds me of student days, just have a hankering to hear it again!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Tins, yes indeed, Alan Carr's book is hilarious, I've read it and passed it over to Renee so I get it re-gurgitated down me ear as well. Hurrah.

    Anyway, am off to take Renee for her 20,000 miles service. Wish me luck. Or more pertinently, wish the doctor luck. She's here now, spreadin' lipstick liberally round 'er nose. I wish she'd put 'er specs on, she looks like Robert Smith.

    OH YES. Get this. Renee bless her is still chortlin' after the near tragedy that befell me yesterday as I went out into the garden to retrieve me smalls and Renee's Sloggi tarpaulin. En route back up the garden path, I clocked meself in the garage window in me new strapless maxi-dress, bloody gorgeous I thought. So, poutin' like that bird on the Pantene advert, tossin' me hair back, you know the script, I glided back indoors and SPLAT.

    Right into the patio door. Renee had shut it after me. Now as if that wasn't bad enough, she spent the whole of last night laffin' and chortlin' at the lovely snotty face-print on said window.

    Never mind my broken cheekbone.

    Huh. The woman is a dangerous guerilla masqueradin' as a harmless old trout.


  • Comment number 44.

    Morning all - another sunny one.
    Tis a funny old world CLP - I agree.

    Chrissie my tree men left two trees cos birds were in them and came back later to trim. Always checks first to see if any nests. Nasty tree men - go kick them in the shins.

    BLY that was my ARF last week. Love that toon.

    Bless you Ali Sneezy keep windows shut today pollen count high!!!

    Back later smiley folks

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 45.


    2 pairs of absolutely gawk killer heels waiting for me in work this morn .... what a good week!!

    Not sure I'll be able to walk in 'em tho ....

    Will text pics later.

    x x x

  • Comment number 46.

    Clodagh - first Tea Screen of the day !!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    ooops! 'cited!

    Gawk = gawj, naturally!
    x x x x

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Beez: that's what I thought, too. Surely if there were nests in the trees, they should have left them alone. May I borrow your killer heels to kick them with?!


  • Comment number 49.

    Killer heels on their way Chrissie - any particular colour - probably red if you are going to do serious damage to the nasty tree persons!!

    Woopeee dooo Deev - my fuschia pink flip flops arrived yesterday - you are going higher I am going lower !!! See if you can wear them in the office for three steps - if you can - no probs for champagne bar to eaterie!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Sorry Clodagh but that is funny! I remember once doing the same thing to my ex. He came home from jogging trying to look all cool and macho, and ran straight into the conservatory doors.

    I'm still laughing!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    I just showed the postman my killer heels. He kinda went a bit red, asked for a demo and backed out the office sharpish!


    x x x x

  • Comment number 52.

    Cruel Deevsta.....poor Posty.

  • Comment number 53.

    First post on the blog! Have been reading it for months now, but just found a spare 5 mins to register.

    Would love to hear "I won't let the sun go down on me" by Nick Kershaw. Perfect for Glasto weekend and wishful thinking for me whose wellies will remain pink and shiny this weekend :-(

  • Comment number 54.

    Morning all,hello JP1966.

    ARF...These boots are made for walking in !

    Certainly fiitting for yesterdays experience of Glasto goers.

    I was headed away from Glastonbury and the traffic was solid all the way to the motorway and a long way up the motorway too.

    Lots of the coach passengers were getting out and walking.

    Got to do the same trip again today so will probably experience much of the same.

  • Comment number 55.

    Hello JP1966. Nik Kershaw takes me back to my 6th Form days!

    MFT - sorry - meant to say yesterday about Gene Genie - I would've sent you the video tape with it on, but as soon as we watched it, we taped Dexter over it. So sorry! Not sure if its out to buy on DVD, but might be worth checking with your local library to see if you can borrow it from there .....

    And Tango - at least he knew I wouldn't be able to run after him!


    Deevster Spice
    x x x x

  • Comment number 56.

    Ta Deevs, they will probably repeat it at some point...and I did see some of it,especially the classic battered sausage scene..so not totally hard done by.

    Hey, brave postie asking for a demo !


  • Comment number 57.

    Our postie here is a sweetie - he blushes sooooo easily, so he's a bit like a sport to me when I'm feeling minxy.

    Which I am today!

    Deevster Spice
    x x x x

  • Comment number 58.

    See what I mean....CRUELLA DEEEEVIL!!!

  • Comment number 59.

    Even so I say so myself that was CLASS!

  • Comment number 60.

    Ha! Love that Baz!

  • Comment number 61.

    That and Ripster's Deeviant ....

    you lot know me so well!

    Or maybe not .... !!


    Deevster Spice
    x x x x

  • Comment number 62.

    Mwah indeed .......Devilish Goth God that is the Devvsta!!!



  • Comment number 63.

    Welcome JP1966.....to insanity gone mad!!


  • Comment number 64.


    Will you peel my grapes for me please hon?


  • Comment number 65.

    greetings all! my last day of the week again so hooray for the weekend!

    ARF - Club Tropicana by Wham!

    just cos it's been a summery week and I am hoping for lots of fun and sunshine this weekend!

    off to a concert in the park tomorrow night - looking forward to that, but NOT quite as much as next Friday - TT here I come!!

    cornish x

  • Comment number 66.

    oh, and -

    JP1966 - welcome

    Tangobaz #58 - *tick* VG :-)

    CG xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Hello fellow drivetime lovers,

    First time on here although I have been wanting to comment for months now, so please be gentle with me.

    How about Funky Town by Lipps Inc? It will get my bottom grooving in my car whilst driving home from work!

    Roll on Friday!!

    Leanne x

  • Comment number 68.

    Cultural Differences - Same applies to sound... I used to work for a PA system manufacturer, they tailored the speaker's response curves depending upon where in the world they were going, Europe - dead flat, USA - a smile (more treble & bass) Far East - more treble & less bass.

    Anyway - real reason for responding - "Stepford Tunes".
    I was driving along yesterday, as usual listening to the last 1/2 hour of Steve Wright (before listening to the first half hour of you) Sunny day, sun roof open, windows open, feeling happy, familiar strains of my all-time (in spite of being an old rocker) favourite pop song's intro come on the radio "YES!..." I shouted, and reached for the volume control, "...NO!!!!!" I shouted, and reached for it again.

    Wishy washy gutless PAP! It's not just a sample, they've cut the head off a very dear friend and replaced it with a clone - of someone I don't like.

    So can I please request "Echo Beach" by Martha and the Muffins as the starting tune (or at least in the first 20 mins of the show.)

  • Comment number 69.

    Don those wellies everyone here comes the rain.

    Slinging it down here in Somerset.


  • Comment number 70.


    Interesting post today.

    I guess the real skill is not to fall into the trap of over generalisation, as it is unlikely that all the people in a country of 100's of millions all think and act in the same way all the time.

    Another danger is that of racial stereotyping ie all people from country A are lazy, all people from country B are loud and brash etc, everyone should be taken on their merits.

    On the whole differences are cultural and what is acceptable in country can be highly objectionable in another, this applies to non verbal communication as well, a purely innocent hand gesture in one country can be extremely insulting in another.

    It is all this though that makes the world go round. It would be a very boring place indeed if we were all the same.

  • Comment number 71.

    Dear Chris,

    I have started and deleted many posts in response to yesterday's blog. I'm going to keep my trap shut, except to say that if you haven't read it already, read The Second Plane by Martin Amis, together with just about anything written by Christopher Hitchens on this subject.

    Over and out.

    Love ya.


  • Comment number 72.

    Hmmmmm, Christophe...cultural differences eh? Does your man do body language as well? It was fairly difficult on recent hols to remember which bit of my body I wasn't supposed to cross or point at the various nationalities staying in the same resort...or which bits to cover up either...

    Unforchunettly I'm one of those people who quite often speaks before they think...which has got me into a bit of bovver on the odd (other types of occasion available) occasion...and I know I have prev menched that my lovely mummy reckons I can waffle for England...but I usually manage to get my point across.


    Although apparently if you bank with the aitchessbeecee they do all that for you.

    ARF - Fun Lovin' Criminal...Fun Lovin' Criminals...YEEEEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAAR!!!

    ...and although I have little or no interest in sport, I just happen to have had a quick squz at the and apparently 'Andymonium' is due to break out again later today. Good grief.

    stick 'em up punk

    pees I started writing this at about 9.30 this very am, so muchos apologicos and I don't have a note.

  • Comment number 73.

    Afternoon all,

    Bingo, hope your mum is ok.

    Deev, lol ! funny about your postie !

    Clodagh, thanks for the stories ;-))))

    Tango, get well soon, its nearly FNWC

    MTF - hey we got sunshine today , a few wispy clouds but not bad.

    Beez hiya , dont work too hard

    Cant think of an ARF yet.

    On the subject of cultural differences, ......oooh ...i love the diversity of the world, but its sooo complicated . Mr MC comes from a town 30 miles away from where i hail, and we struggle to understand each other !! My motto is to take people as i find em, it works for me ;-))xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Great motto MC.x

    My ARF..in case CLP missed the earlier one is..

    These boots are made for walking in.

    Dedicated to all the Glasto goers...

    Wonder what colour Sally traffics are ????


  • Comment number 75.

    HI MTF,

    I live quite near to the Creamfields venue, so we will be besieged by welly wearers at the end of August.

    We get to hear it for free , but it wears a bit thin at 4am in the morning , just where do these youngsters get their energy from .!!!

    MC x

  • Comment number 76.

    By staying in bed until luchtime MC !


  • Comment number 77.

    Ahem, that'll be lunchtime!

  • Comment number 78.

    MTF ......... LOL !!! might get some wellies and join them !!
    Have to book a week off work to recover tho .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Wonder who our youngest blogger is?


  • Comment number 80.



  • Comment number 81.

    Not me ......... am near you , less 3 or 4

    XX MC

  • Comment number 82.


    ARF -

    54 46 Was My Number by Toots and the Maytalls please. If that doesn't get you jigging within the confines of your seat belt, nothing will!

  • Comment number 83.

    Do you stay in bed till lunchtime Haze??

    Do you?


  • Comment number 84.

    Hows about The Boys are Back in Town by Thin Lizzy to kick of Fridays show

    Love the show missing Sal already




  • Comment number 85.

    Hi all

    I'm feeling a bit better today, mainly cos I've finally persuaded my colleagues to use the office A/C instead of letting all the pollen in through the window!

    Chrissie, such a shame about the birds. I hate hearing that nests have been disturbed.

    Baz, feel for you with the foot, I'm badly allergic to horsefly bites, and have to get treated asap.

    As to cultural differences, I've lived in the S East, W Mids, S Wales, and N West, and yes, I'd say we're all pretty different!!!

    Bye for now

    JG x

  • Comment number 86.

    I thought Tom was our youngest - uni age?

    x x x

  • Comment number 87.

    Colin,dont worry about Sal,she'll be getting down and dirty right now.
    Raining cats and dogs yer in Zummerzet!!


  • Comment number 88.

    hehe, just remembered when me & Mr JG first got together, and he rang me in the supermarket to ask me to pick up some barm cakes...

    I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about!! He just thought I was being thick....

    JG x

  • Comment number 89.

    Oh, and not me, Deev's younger than me!

    JG x

  • Comment number 90.

    JG...what are barm cakes...? I'm being serious.


  • Comment number 91.

    Only ever blogged once before but read it most days..


    Surely got to be The Boss tomorrow as he's headlining at Glastonbury on Sunday.


    I saw him at Wembley in 1985 and my son is at Glasto this weekend.


  • Comment number 92.

    And Deev is exactly one day older than me!!

    I am such a young thing....heehee xx


  • Comment number 93.

    Can I start my birthday countdown yet???

    41 in August.

    A woman of substance, me!

    xx x xx

  • Comment number 94.

    And shoes, of course!

    x x x

  • Comment number 95.


    I'm telling everyone that I am 40 one-derful this year! xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Baz - if I remember correctly, Barm cakes are Bread rolls.......

    JG - I had that coverstion with an ex of mine......I'm from mid Cheshire and he's from Stockport, what's that? 20 miles and a completely different language!!!

    All gone slightly mad here, will have to go keep order!!


  • Comment number 97.

    Next year you will be able to honestly say I'm 21 again.


  • Comment number 98.

    Liking that Ali!!

    I used to be really sceptical about the "life begins at 40" thing, but I can honestly say, hand on heart, that since turning 40 last August, I have had simply the best time of my life ever.

    Can it get any better?

    x x x x

  • Comment number 99.

    Heading off now to face the masses.

    Have a good day all.


  • Comment number 100.

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK!!!! Deevs - Have you put those shoes on and walked in them. Just got the pics through on phone ! Good grief woman!!!! You will break your neck!!

    Kirsty McColl - Not in these Shoes !!!!!!

    Beezer xxx

    pee esss Tomgriff is the youngest blogger I think. That right Tom?? what are you now 19, 20 ???


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