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Morning blog fans...

Chris Evans | 11:42 UK time, Thursday, 4 June 2009

... after yesterday's missive re Noah and his William Hague stage - following on from the obligatory baby Winston Churchill stage - several texters to the show last night suggested a couple of other baby look-e-like stages including the John Major sticky-out-curved-over top lip stage, and the Bobby Charlton comb over stage [by the way - do you think comb over should be hyphenated]?

I am loving these - may go big on them tonight. Also considering giving the Bob the Builder treatment to Dire Straits and perhaps having the first ever Noah News read by Noah himself.

Sun is shining here in sunny Berks for now at least. My daughter's birthday today so a big kiss to her. I'm out with the buyers from all the big book outlets tonight to discover how it all works ready for October.

So much more I could go on about at the mo, but brief is always best when it comes to Le Grand Blog.

My thoughts are merely the blue touch paper.



You rock.


PS: The All Request Friday Thing - you know the score. The bigger and brighter, the better.


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  • Comment number 1.


    SWF - i didnt know you are CLP's daughter?

  • Comment number 2.

    Christophe, comb-over - yes definitely hyphenated. Or even one word. Combover. I can't decide...

    Still 'cited about the new book - October did you say? Woo hoo!

    AF xx

    ps ARF to follow, I'm stumped this week!

  • Comment number 3.

    Ooooh, am I first - there's a stroke of luck!

    I think all toddlers with wavy hair go through the Emily Bishop stage when it looks like a good old shampoo and set.

    Aounds like a great show tonight Chris, looking forward to it!

    Hello to all bloggers!

    A x

  • Comment number 4.

    good luck for the buyer meeting tonight, anyone from WHS attending?
    I agree Flower, comb-over looks far better than comb over!

    ARF - Paperback Writer (even though it may be a hardback?)

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 5.


  • Comment number 6.

    No Tiggs, comb-over never looks good!!

    Boleyn, maybe next time eh? No taking out a contract on SBP now!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 7.

    AF - I wouldn't dare, she's a feisty one that Baggie!

    a x

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris,

    Yes, blue touch paper, for sure!

    Very exciting about your book - really looking forward to it.

    I absolutely agree with Tiggs for the ARF!

    BG: Super bp and AF were very quick off the mark!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi to you too AF (from last blog)

    My daughter looked scarily like her great-grandmother when she was about 8 weeks old - luckily it passed quite quickly! But as she gets older she looks more like her gran (on a different side of the family) every year.

    And I am definitely turning into my mother too! Oh yes, can't deny it. When I was little I looked nothing like her, but ever since I tuned 40 it's happened - slowly and stealthily, so even I can't help noticing it! The hands, feet, and now the face...........where will it end??!


  • Comment number 10.


    Firstly I would say hyphenated.

    I understand about offspring looking like other people but Winston? How many kids do you see in a bowler hat and smoking a cigar?

    Happy birthday to your daughter!

    It is cloudy and overcast here in Devon, which I am delighted with as it is just perfect golfing weather. Woodbury Park here I come!

    Keep smiling

    The NotSoBigUn

    P.S. Chrissie hi. Xx
    P.P.S. Hazel. I am on my way.

  • Comment number 11.

    Oops forgot - my first ARF request for weeks.

    Sugar Coated Iceberg by the Lightening Seeds, please Chris.

    Suitably uplifting and cheerful for a Friday night - it always gets me dancing round the kitchen with my spatula or wooden spoon in hand!

    df x

  • Comment number 12.

    Phew, I'm back.

    Hi all. Sorry for sudden departure last night.

    Internet crashed completely.

    So router no.3 is now on its way and am back temp. on router no.1 !

    So if I go again its not me honest .

    Happy Birthday SWF.x

    AF,I dont do a daily weigh in.Too tortuous and expectations can be dashed.

    Nope, I will hop on at the end of the month and that will be the result good or bad.

    If I havent lost much, then the muesli can go out for the birds, they are most welcome to it.

    It did work back in March so lets wait and see.

    Now,guess where I have to go today?

    Yes, the dentist, but this time for treatment,aaarrrggghhhh.

    Luckily got same day appt, otherwise would probably have bottled it!

    Not a good role model I am afraid,well yes, I am afraid !

    Pacing up and down just waiting to go but my appt isnt until until tooth hurty, groan!

    Will catch up with you all later.

    Debs/Ads explain or I will bend Beez's ear!!!


  • Comment number 13.

    ARF - Walking on Sunshine, Katrina and the Waves pliz.

    Keith. Good.

    Def comb over. Now I'm not sure. Comb-over. Nah, think it is two words.

    Noah's News. First the stock market. Nappies up.
    Babygros down.

    Anyhoo, have just seen three wimmin with painted faces and pixie hats, riding bicycles covered in balloons. They were shouting 'vote green'.

    I felt I had to share

  • Comment number 14.

    ah Chris - the 'who does the baby look like' stages.........

    the boy has never had celeb looky-e-likely stages, but he was the spit of his dad when he was born, but it's odd now, my friends say he looks like t'other, and t'others friends say he looks like me!!!!!

    But he is still a very pretty little boy, especially at the mo as I haven't got round to cutting his curls off!

    AF - re the job, all very boring and complicated - I work for a european funded project, which ran out in December, and the new bid hasn't been approved, and now we're not sure if it will be............and the Uni that's been supporting us can't carry on chucking money at us for no return obviously....

    Any Hoo, too nice a day to be thinking bout that....

    happy lunch time everyone

  • Comment number 15.

    Chris - definitely 'come-over' if writing it - but oh sooo wrong if wearing it - BTW - did you see that picture that Bingo dug out of Micheal Caine????

    MTF - I too am scaredy pants about the dentist - goes back to my childhood when I accidentally bit a particularly brutal one and he slapped me! Would be a big financial claim going on these days if that happened!

    Will not spill - Ads - see I told you I could keep a secret! LOL

    Right off to nip to TSN - anyone want anything - AF - some cream buns to go with your salad?


  • Comment number 16.

    TSN? wheres that then?

    WOuld love some bread - fresh and granary - with real butter d it my dreams it has no calories!

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 17.

    Sbp - 'try something new' - bread and butter on the list!

  • Comment number 18.

    Hazel - in that case I just might do that very thing!

    A x

  • Comment number 19.

    bolyngirl - hope you dont mean take a contract out on me???

  • Comment number 20.

    ARF - Everlasting Love by Love Affair.

    Right, you've made me hungry now. Have a good afternoon one and all - hope Bondy is feeling a bit better today.

    A x

  • Comment number 21.

    Baggie, no, no, never! Off for a dress sesh tonight and then an update at hotel - ooer.

    A x

  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon peeps - again apologies for absence lately. Have been reading but no chance to join in.

    Firstly SWF - Pen-blwydd Hapus

    Second - how can the weather for the next few days be shown as rain light or heavy depending on the day, when its so flippin hot and sunny at the mo??

    Got to get back to work now as need to finish early - off to see an old (as in known her for years!) friend to deliver birthday cards and pressies as she joins me in the 50's club on Saturday.

    Most def catch you all tomorrow - so have a good day y'all.

    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 23.

    bolyngirl - how exciting

    have to get a tiara (fb if you have any ideas) and are having meeting with golfclub on Sunday to firm figures etc

    I forget your big date - what is it again?

  • Comment number 24.

    hey bags - dashing oot - I've got a great website for jewellery and tiaras, bloody excellent, will fb tonight. It's July 25th.

    A x

  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon Big Chief CLP,

    Yep - sun is bilstering the tarmac here in South Belfast as well

    the old BBQ is getting a hammering at the minute in the evening . . . pork sausages, chicken chili kebabs and burgers were the order of the evening over the last two days . . .washed down with a green bottle . .or two.. Us Irish are not taken to the sun very much however eternal optimism and deep prayer sometimes do pay off.

    Hence . . .

    ARK: Walking on Sunshine - Katrina & the Waves !!

    Love to all . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 26.

    Ah, DtMB...you have such great taste!

    ...and ebbweth, am a tad concerned as I know for a fact that your 'very pretty little boy' is now 27 years old. Maybe time to let him out of the shed, I feel...

    Boly, go for it girlie!

    Re the parcel, I am now the proud possessor of a (not quite so) itsy bitsy teeny weeny blue polka dot bicknick, and a rather snazzy pink halterneck bicknick. For me olladee.

    as far as blue touch paper goes, I should stand well back

  • Comment number 27.

    MTF - me scaredy cat around dentists too.

    I have to go on Monday - I think a very old filling is starting to spring a leak and will need re-doing. Urrrgghhh!They couldn't fit me in today unless it was an emergency and it's not that bad yet, so fingers crossed that it stays much the same for the next 4 days!


  • Comment number 28.


    your parcel sounds tops

    I am too waiting for a parcel - 5 packs of paper lilac and cream rose petals - not quite the same I fear!

  • Comment number 29.

    Hazel: is your holiday imminent? And why I am being so posh?

    I finish today for a long weekend away with my sister - we are going to Oban. Even if by some miracle I could fit into a bikini, I certainly wouldn't be able to wear one in Oban - it's going to be a tad chilly and showery. Lovely. Well, I was complaining earlier this week about the heat, so that'll teach me!

    C xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Derby do you want my appt ?

    Mine is an old ish filling too, will ask my dentist if he can fit is both in you never know, might be able to get a BOGOF.!!!


  • Comment number 31.

    Hi all...and Haze/DTM..


  • Comment number 32.

    Hi all and Haze/DTM...

    ARF-agreed, WALKING ON SUNSHINE...even if it isn't.....let us pray!!

  • Comment number 33.

    Good Afternoon CLP Man And ALL Bloggers.......

    Bingo Star ere.......

    Firstly can a just say interesting ter 'ear Jerr Vine's second word terdee on air during 'is 11.30 pre show run down with The Bruce waz....... INDEED!!!!!!!!

    Looks like the word iz spreading!!!!!!!

    Secondly noot goot much ter say terdee az me mind iz in stress..... but.....

    A still think this photo of Micheal Caine, in 'is younger years, and family looooks very similar ter CLP........ 'Noot many people know that!!!!!@

    Tatty bye!!!!!!

    PS Me share tip thingy.... a will bang it on soon(nex tfew dees or so... that's if any are interested) just am trying ter juggle so much!!!!!!

  • Comment number 34.

    Hazel, parcel contents....just the perfect attire for our lunch time meeting next week woo hoo!!!!!

  • Comment number 35.

    #33 - I like this number very much so.... az it's VERY divideable by 3!!!!!
    And 'as two 3's in it aka 3 & 3 - 33!!!!!!

    Sorry don't know what am on about!!!!!!

  • Comment number 36.

    Actually wanted ter say something else but a can't remember what it waz........

  • Comment number 37.

    DtM / Hazel / Tango - I too concur to the brillant ARF suggestion........

    Sorry, don't know what came over me then........

    Hazel - LOL - and no, he's staying in there until he's 40!!

    Oo.....Ice cream!!

  • Comment number 38.


  • Comment number 39.

    Hiya Bingo,yes definitely seeing the photo thingy.


  • Comment number 40.

    Hiya Bingo, yep with you on the photo!


  • Comment number 41.

    Bingo why is you stressed ?


    (waiting to go to the dentist)

  • Comment number 42.

    BingoBongo....gr8 photo of the CLP!!! Spittin image I reakon.

  • Comment number 43.

    Hello again! Can't wait to hear the Noah news ...

    "There was a rather disturbing event in my nappy this morning, luckily Dad was on hand to sort it out. He said that he hadn't seen anything like it in all his months of nappy changing. I was rather proud of it if I'm honest.

    I'm still loving my milk, but think I may be tempted by the odd rusk now and then as I think I may have a few gnashers coming through and am quite excited to try something different.

    And Finally ... I DO NOT and will not look like Bobby Charlton - not now, not ever"

    T xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    LOL Sparkle...good Noah News!!

    I must admit, the Hague thing is totally right, don't they all look like that at some point? More than the Charlton look I think!

  • Comment number 45.

    Yeah if only they could talk????


  • Comment number 46.

    When we movin on to Suralan.....my darlin Katie got thru...actually I was disappointed Debs did not make the cut!!


  • Comment number 47.

    Tango, just been discussing sralan in the office........I'm gonna miss James, but the right choices have been made.....

    I'm stunned that no-one had actually slapped Debra, not sure I could have kept my temper with her for so long!


  • Comment number 48.

    Eb, true....Debs would be a 'mare to work with...sorry to see James go (I had a tear in my I too...), NICE BUT DIM with capital D I thought...some of the things he came out with, honestly...embarrassing at times!! Still...seems a nice guy, but that does not hack it in sural's world does it?


  • Comment number 49.

    Can I just re-declare my love for SrAlan? He has such a lovely twinkle (in his eye that is!!)

    Am I alone in finding him rather yummy????

    T xxx

  • Comment number 50.


    Sorry mate - but yes!

  • Comment number 51.

    HL I'm very intrigued about the cycling pixies for the greens.... "only in Brighton!"

    Outside our polling station were a couple of potential candidates and a lovely lady called Mary who was taking all the numbers. I stopped to say hello while Mum went in.

    For anyone hat's interested I've got boiled ham, jersey royals, minted peas and parsley sauce for my lunch then I'm going to make blueberry and rasberry muffins!

    Mange tout!


  • Comment number 52.

    S'alright Baggy, don't apologise - if it's just me then I can have him all to myself!!

    T x

  • Comment number 53.

    SBeep, parcel is bottoms too else I might get arrested...although you never know...

    ...baz, I SOOOOOOOO don't think so, but each to his own...although I might add, in honour of finding a 'blogmate' (doesn't sound twee at all that, does it...) in my very own locale, I am wearing a tango coloured blousey-tunicky thing today...

    ChrissieS, Sunday 14th June HOORAH!!! So yes, pretty imminent.

    ah...rusks...the best biscuit in the world...probably...

  • Comment number 54.

    Ick. Peas with mint. Please can I have mine wivvart?

  • Comment number 55.

    Yeah Tins, like the Gene Genie is all mine !


  • Comment number 56.

    ...lyndyloo...they had to go out on bikes as there wasn't mushroom inside...


  • Comment number 57.

    I love peas with mint but I'll pass on the parsley sauce ta. Is it serendipity? I had ham for my lunch too!

    and MTF, you can have the Gene ... I won't have time wot in between SrAlan, the new Capt Kirk and Jose!

    T xx

  • Comment number 58.

    guess youll be needing some spinach with that too Tins x

  • Comment number 59.

    he he he he he ...


    T x

  • Comment number 60.

    Ok that time has arrived, off to the dentist i go.

    If I sound a bit strange when I get back that'll be the injection wearing off :(((

    Bye for now,MTF.xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Hi yall - now I'm sorry - but has anyone seen the photis of micheal jacksons kids on Daily mail web site - they look NOTHING like him!

    Also - lets have a sweep how much the pap got for the photo!!!!


  • Comment number 62.

    Afternoon all!

    V exciting about your book, looking forward to reading it.. I recently finished Pies and Prejudice by Stuart Maconie, was a very good read, very funny. In fact I was reading it on a long bus journey to Stockholm (yes my inner Helga is coming out again!) and I bet the bus loads of SWedes must've thought I was daft whenever I laughed out loud!

    There were TV cameras outside my polling station when I went along this morning...successfully managed to dodge them but in the process nearly couldn't find my way in to vote! Managed to put my x in the box successfully though.

    Lyndy: I had smoked salmon and egg mayo sarnies today, and made chocolate brownies this morning... but I could always make room for one of your muffins...they sound yum!


    PS The sun appears to be coming out again here in Edinburgh... happy days!

  • Comment number 63.

    MTF re #30 - if you could get it done for me by proxy I'd be much obligated! Sorry for delayed reply tho' - got watching the tennis and my lunch break streeeeettttcccchhheed out a bit!!


  • Comment number 64.

    PPS Good luck at the dentist MTF!

  • Comment number 65.

    Bye df Im away now,will see what I can do.xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Ta Rosie.x

  • Comment number 67.

    Dash and bother............missed her!

    S'pose I'll have to go myself on Monday now.........

    df :(

  • Comment number 68.

    Haze, comment re bikini was just joshin...perhaps you could wear just the parcel?

    No offence..?

  • Comment number 69.

    Baz - brown paper packages tied up with string - are they are few of your favourite things???

    T x

  • Comment number 70.

    or maybe not............

    How come I write one short post and a load more appear in the meantime??!

    df :)

  • Comment number 71.

    Lyndyloo...am offended by the 'only in Brighton' gag....poor taste, we're not all totally freekie uniquie here ya know.....LOL


  • Comment number 72.

    Sparkle...go on...when the dog bites, when the bee stings......

  • Comment number 73.

    Whe I'm feeling saaaaaaad.......

    (and scared of the dentist)


  • Comment number 74.

    Hi CLP, and all blogeroonies,

    Great blog as always.

    Bond - big hugs coming across to you. At one time you mentioned coming back across the Pond? Perhaps this life challenge will allow you to go and do things that you have put to one side as not having the time etc.. to do before. Sorry if I don't sound very coherent.

    Haven't posted in ages as am also having to handle a huge challenge. Just wanted to say to all who post how great it is to read the blog and that you all help me keep smiling. Thank you.

    As an upbeat ARF - Hi Ho Silver Lining - Jeff Beck. It's great to sing along to and there is always a silver lining!


  • Comment number 75.

    Margot, nice to hear from you for first time.....not sure about your ARF, I just link it to a drunken party night, when everyone just sings the chorus as no one knows the words....get the picture???


  • Comment number 76.

    Happy birthday SWF....

    Thanks again for all your support yesterday.

    Just thought I would pop in briefly before I head out on my last trip to the old employer to hand in my laptop and mobile......

    Cool day here in Upstate NY, but it is sunny and temps are being to climb at last. Supposed to be in the upper 60s......

  • Comment number 77.

    Yes, we see. Leader of the Pack, brum brum!

    Sorry couldn't help myself TB!


  • Comment number 78.

    'Old' employer? Does that mean you have a 'new' employer? Fingers crossed for you.


  • Comment number 79.

    Hey Margot, sending you lots of positive vibes.

    ARF - Mr Blue Sky - just love that song!!

    And then I don't feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel sooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaad!!!

    AT xxx

  • Comment number 80.

    Hi Tango,
    Can definitely picture it - but its still upbeat.

    Loved the picture of Rosie as Helga surfing in Sweden that you painted!


  • Comment number 81.

    Who is AT??

  • Comment number 82.

    Thanks Tins

  • Comment number 83.

    Hi Margot

    Whether it's health, job or whatever related I hope you succeed in winning your challenge.

    Good luck Bondy too.

    df x

  • Comment number 84.

    Hi Derbyfi,

    Its health, but its a challenge I am focused on winning.

    Tata for now,

  • Comment number 85.

    All the best for that - and I'm sure that for once I speak for all the regular bloggers there.

    df x

  • Comment number 86.

    Just popping by quickly, has anyone seen this, funniest thing I've seen for a while!

    JG x

  • Comment number 87.

    JG - LOL! That was so funny, thank you.


  • Comment number 88.

    Lovely to see you stretching your vocal cords Tinsel. I'm nearly finished my reports, here's yours:

    Tinsel is a bubbly member of the class and throws herself into all tasks with vigour and enthusiasm. Her sense of rhythm and pulse is improving pleasingly; however she needs to work hard at listening to the pitch when she sings and try to make her voice blend with the rest of the group. She is polite and helpful at all times and a pleasure to teach.

    PS She has positively weird taste in men though.

    My last school of the day is closed for polling, yahoo, result,love elections!

    Positive thoughts to Margot.
    A x

  • Comment number 89.

    He he he! You gotta have a soft spot for ole' Boris doncha!

    Tango- no offence meant hon'

    Rosie- I'll let you know when they're done!

    The boiled ham was really jummy!! Now where'e that muffin recipe?......


  • Comment number 90.

    Ooh what a lovely report, thanks Miss!!

    Not sure what a sense of pulse is but I'm very proud I have one!!!

    Have an apple

    T xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Poor Boris luv im.

  • Comment number 92.

    JG - thats just gone round the office - very funny

    bolyngirl - can i have my report now - please miss??? Im up to hard level on guitar hero if that helps

  • Comment number 93.

    Ta Tins, but I'm hanging on for one of Lyndyloo's muffins.

    Yes, it's good to have a pulse. A good sense of pulse means you can clap in time - I'm assuming you can!

    A x

  • Comment number 94.

    Pip, Thanks. No not yet.... but I have to face the reality of being "between jobs"....... trying to stay positive......

  • Comment number 95.

    If clapping was an olympic sport, I'd have a gold medal!

    If skipping was an olympic sport I'd have a gold medal too - I was most upset when I found out they didn't do skipping at big school!


    T xxx

  • Comment number 96.

    Bondy OMG they've let you go??? Nightmare mate....I've got the T shirt so know how you are feeling...hang in there buddy!!!


  • Comment number 97.

    tins - we do skipping (with a rope) at curcuit training - not sure why but watching a grown man skip always makes me laugh

  • Comment number 98.

    Well it doesn't really Baggie because I only know about real guitars. How does it work? Is it like air guitar? Or do you use a contol panel or something? Sorry, am complete luddite. I'll try for a general comment though, like the bit you put at the end:

    Baggie is hard-working, reliable and conscientious. She works well independently and reacts positively to pressure. She has however been a little distracted of late and has developed a habit of absent-mindedly practising her soon-to-be new signature.

    Baggie has a sharp sense of humour and always speaks her mind. She's had a great year - well done Baggie and good luck!

    A x

  • Comment number 99.

    Right, absolutley must not stay here any longer, this house is a pigsty as my dear dad used to say.

    A x

  • Comment number 100.

    Hey Sparkle....ARF- Mr Blue Sky ELO....the best by far....I'll still be smiling in my coffin when they play that one at my funeral....LOL!!!



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