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My goodness me what's that I can see...

Chris Evans | 10:35 UK time, Friday, 31 July 2009

... stone me - it's only the blinkin' sunshine up there in the sky 'innit.

As my wife and son rumble out of the drive in her trusty Landy, I am left waving them goodbye in me dressing gown and slippers tempted to go back in the house for another cuppa and slice of Sky News - the weather and sport mostly - but instead I turn dutifully in the direction of the path that leads to the garage, which has come to double up as me quiet writing hut.

I look at me cars down there in between the toil and they inspire me to keep going.

I've discovered plodding is the way forward....

... plod on people, but in between how about a hot tune suggestion from you guys to get All Request Friday off to a flying start.

The weekend is nigh...I can already smell the freshly cut grass of the golf course tomorrow afternoon, not to mention the colossal Indian take away that's bound to follow.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Chris,
    In tribute to the great Sir Bobby Robson, I'd suggest New Order's - World in Motion to get All Request Friday started.
    Sir Bobby is a legend and the World Cup Semi Final of 1990 was certainly among the high points of his wonderful career. I imagine that many of us have great memories.
    RIP Sir Bobby.

  • Comment number 2.


    either the above, well suggested New Order.

    or in reference to the weather forecasters getting it wrong again, "Waiting for a sunny day" by springsteen

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Chris,

    Ever onward and upward eh? But it will all be worth it in the end. Enjoy the golf and the take away. I was off to the seaside for the day tomorrow but my friends mum is poorly so she's had to cry off, so not sure what to do now!?!?

    Any suggestions would be most welcome.


  • Comment number 4.

    Upon my word Christoff, this has gotta be a first. A 10.30 blog on a Friday morning!! Thank you.

    Must be a lovely feeling to get your inspiration from a fleet of cars. That would be in my dreams! But you so deserve it.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 5.

    HI CLP

    The sun is indeed shining....but then again it has been shining all week here:)

    How about Katrina and the Waves - Walking on sunshine to celebrate a nice day for everyone!!


  • Comment number 6.

    Hello CLP

    I just can't imagine you "plodding". You do not strike me as one of life's "plodders" in any way, shape or form whatsoever.

    Now, for ARF, I reiterate:-

    Wonderful World - Joey Ramone

    I see skies of blue
    Red roses too
    I see them bloom
    For me and you
    And I think to myself
    What a Wonderful World

    Says it all really!

    Dippy Happy Deevster
    x x x

  • Comment number 7.

    This is my shout out

  • Comment number 8.


    In keeping with this week's theme, my suggestion for the first song on the show tonight -

    Supertramp - Dreamer

  • Comment number 9.

    ARF Mr Christophe

    Outkast- Hey Yah


  • Comment number 10.

    CLP....keep plodding, nothing wrong with that as long as you maintain momentum my friend.

    Sad about poor old Bobby...poor soul.


  • Comment number 11.

    From yesterdays blog!


    Hold on Tight to your Dreams


    Pen xx

  • Comment number 12.

    PLOD? Policeman plod more like.

    Nah, mate, yous isn't a plodder.

    Mind you. Am likin' the sounda that writin' shed. I'm off without delay to build me a shed in Renee's back garden with a ruddy big padlock on it. Every time I get installed on me laptop she starts peckin' me head. I tell you it's like bein' in a parralel universe; I've perfected the art of replying to e-mails whilst noddin' and mutterin' "Oo yes I know," and lookin' interested in Missus Middlehurst's granddaughter and the plumber's son, you know, him who used to own that dog that used to dig up the rugby pitch and yer dad threatened with the corner flag, goin' to Skegness for a dirty weekend and bein' pulled over by the police in a car park.

    Are you listening? No, me neither.

    It's grim up North.

    Well, am off. She's back. Ah jaysus she's got the leopard-print pants on and the lipstick smeared halfway up 'er nose. A ringer for Robert Smith. Where's them tissues.

    See yous later.

    Did I ask for me ARF or was I distracted?

    Roll Over Beethoven, The Beatles.

    And Roll on 5pm.


  • Comment number 13.

    Parallel. S. See me.

    Ah no.


  • Comment number 14.

    Have just had a large specimen thrust under me nose.

    Right that's IT. I resign.

    Anybody want a mad aul biddy, free to a good home? Well, free to ANY home?

    Or just fancy takin' 'er for her hozzy appointment?


  • Comment number 15.

    'tis truly sad about Sir Bobby and yes, fond memories of 1990 for sure (good ARF with New Order Jonnie), BUT, he did have a good innings...which, you guessed it, brings me to the cricket. ONIONS 2 wickets in the first over today....a bloody mazing....hope they can capitalise on this break through now????


  • Comment number 16.

    okay - going back to early convesations and not telling people we love them - just mentioned that I love a close friend (in a purely platonic way) and got a love you back.

    It does make you feel special :-)

  • Comment number 17.

    Spread the LLLOOOOOOOVVVEEE baggy..xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Good morning Big Chief

    Weekend stag doo in Connemara is calling - we're all heading down this afternoon to sample many pints of Stout in a wee town tonight by the name of Leenane ("The Quiet Man" with John Wayne was filmed here) - Saturdays activites will include ropes and guns! - should be fun.

    Weather wise, not looking good for the West of Ireland tomorrow- in which case a pub may provide a lrge extent of the activity for 20 mad eejits from the Northern counties.

    ARF Whiskey in the Jar - Thin Lizzy

    If you & Hells Bells are both graciuos enough to agree on this tune, please dedicate it to the lucky man Sean and his BTB, Carmel - a Tuscan wedding at the end of next month beckons,

    Thanks a million

    DtM x

  • Comment number 19.

    not normally - I'm a cold hearted old so and so really - thats why i thought i would share

  • Comment number 20.

    Awww Baggly - that's errrmmm ... lovely!

    I've wasted half the morning looking for a hotel, costing next to nowt, in central london, with parking .... got there in the end but my oh my!

    Sad about Sir Bobby. I should imagine the statue of him outside Portman Road (Ipswich Town FC home ground) is getting decked out with scarves and flowers as we speak.

    Back inabit!

    x x x

  • Comment number 21.

    Great start in the cricket - funny old game though - how the balance changes.

    Farewell Sir Bobby - a true Gentleman. So glad he was able to make the match last weekend for his charity.

    ARF - All Together Now - The Farm



  • Comment number 22.

    DtM, is that as in Sally MacLenane?

    Which would be a damn good ARF (by the Pogues as opposed to a folk band with their fingers in their ears)

    Hiya Christophe, I've just popped by for my statutory 30secs of computer viewing...and I'm feeling plodding too...albeit I'm not writing a book...sometimes the best way to get on is to just put one foot in front of the other...in a slightly more measured way...baby steps...

    See My Baby Jive - Wizzard

    I'm sorry I can't catch up to everything yet, I hope everyone is ok and looking forward to a fab weekend!
    Badger has hopes of getting me out of the house this afternoon for a 'walk' or similar. Can't see that happening m'self...maybe baby steps...

  • Comment number 23.

    Greetings Ter The Christoof Boy And ALL Bloggie Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.....

    Ave noot blogged for a while, the reasons.... good reasons but a can't tell all know, sorry now, the reason.......

    Well az ave noot blogged for a while and know, sorry now, a blog terdee aka just before the 'All Request Fridee' Opener iz opened via a request from the blog.... it will loook like am only blogging terdee just ter request a request for the 'All Request Fridee' Opener....

    So for that reason am gonna 'ave ter noot tell yer me reasons for noot blogging the last week until next week.... 'ope yer don't think am being unreasonable!!!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye!!!!!


  • Comment number 24.

    ...have just heard about Bobby Robson...I just hope they don't show the penalty shoot out as part of any of his tributes...but I expect they will...

    Rest in Peace

  • Comment number 25.

    Yes you are being unreasonable Bingo - get back here and tell !!!!

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    DAMN IT..... DAMN IT...... DAMN IT..... 'azel Love yuv stolen me lucky #22 by..... seconds!!!!!!!

    This would ave been such a good omen if a goot the 22 by chance.... but 'azel.... yuv ruined me good karma.... ruined me!!!!!!!!!

    And a wasn't even on the blog just ter get 22.... a just 'appened ter be in the right area at the right time but......

    At this rate a might noot be able ter blog for anoother couple of weeks just ter get me karma back in line!!!!!!!

    No offence mean't though 'azel Love.... a still like you even though yuv ruined me coamic, sorry cosmic karma influences!!!!!

    A can't breath all...... a can't breath..... it's all too much for me mind!!!!


  • Comment number 27.

    A can't B's Mum.... all i'll say it involves me losing a tooths, me mother, Spain and a canal, and noot necccesssarily in that order!!!!!!!

    C u next week!!!!!!

    PS 'ope all ave a nice weekend!!!!!!

  • Comment number 28.

  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon everyone,

    Started off sunny, now on the slide back down to light grey.
    But, who cares, it's Friday and i have a fabby weekend ahead.

    ARF , Summer Holiday - by Cliff , or Crazy Horses- Osmonds

    Debz, if you are out there, have you got the rota approved by Bondy yet ??

    Bondy - did you make the call back ?? LOL - hope Daphne didnt hear you .

    Hope to catch you all at FNWC , but i really just have to have an early night tonight.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 30.

    See I said it Bingo had trubbs with his toothy pegs!

    Hi, everyone.x

    Bright and breezy here today.

    Mind a bit too breezy as its bringing the apples down from the trees before they are ripe.

    Really looking forward to FNWC tonight,hope its a full house.

    Been a very dry old week in the Fairy house, so looking forward to my first very loud slurp of the week.

    That takes me back.

    When we were little and used to spend all our family hols in Tenby,Mum and Dad would always take us to the Forte Milk bar for a doughnut and a fizzy drink,yes,a treat back then!

    Well these fizzy drinks were consumed through a straw and we would always get told off when we hit the bottom of the glass and made that loud gurgling noise!

    What silly things did you get told off for when you were kids?

    Oh and when we left the Forte bar, we always nicked some sugar lumps to give to the donkeys on the beach.Seems THAT was ok!!!!!


  • Comment number 31.

    MC...Wishing you a really lovely time at the Ritz,x.

    Dont forget the piiccies tho.

    Think you'd better see if they do meringues as you are going to miss out on mine this weekend.

    I am going to do coffee and hazelnut ones!

    Have fun.


  • Comment number 32.

    MTF - We were told off for putting rubbish in the rubbish bins in the lounge and dining room - we were told that we should take it and put it in the kitchen bin, otherwise, these bins would have to be emptied too?!?! Still not sure I really get the logic on that!

    We were also told off for leaning back on our chairs so that we balanced on two legs.

    And numerous other things that I'm sure made perfect sense then....


  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Chris,

    I'm sure by now you would have heard the sad news regarding the passing of the great legend Sir Bobby Robson ,i was wondering if there would be any chance if you could start your show with a tribute to his passing. (something from Lindisfarne would be more than suitable)

    I know not only the people of Tyneside but world wide will be mourning the loss of this great Ambassador to football and the amazing charity work he carried out right to his final days.

    He will be sadly missed by all and feel the world will be a little darker without his smile.

    Many thanks Chris & god bless.

    Kind Regards
    Jonathan Barkes

  • Comment number 34.

    Hi MTF,

    Nice to see you , hope you are fully recovered now.

    Thanks for your good wishes, and yes, I will certainly take lots of piccies.

    Doubt their meringues will be up to your standard though ! Could you just pop one of yours in the post so i can judge.

    Will certainly see you at FNWC. Your story about slurping made me smile. We used to get one of "those looks" if we did that. But as you say, we could nick the sugar without so much as a glance !! No wonder i grew up all confooosed .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Jonathan - can I just say how professional your message looks - puts the rest of us to shame. (well me anyway)

  • Comment number 36.

    Beany,I can so relate to both of those.

    Speshally the bin thing.

    Hence ..No bins in my lounge!


  • Comment number 37.


    oooh, did we have the same parents? that has really triggered a distant memory and made me smile , thanks !
    Yes, we had bin rules too !! LOL

    MC xx chuckling !!

  • Comment number 38.

    ARF...Meet me on the corner-Lindisfarne,nice one J.

    MC..If the Ritz meingues arent up to my standard then I am off right now to get meself a job there.

    Got to be better pay than I'm on here.LOL.


  • Comment number 39.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 40.

    MTF, am not sure if they have meringues on the menu ?? if they do , they wont last long !

    Will have a word and see if they have any vacancies !!

    I could be chief taster ....... ooh but i am supposed to be dog sitting for Bondy too, ....... decisions , decisions ..... well you will just have to come with Debz and I , and bake whilst we dog sit .

    MC x

  • Comment number 41.

    Zummerzet to Bolton commute?

    Not for me Ta.


  • Comment number 42.

    Mr Chris Evans.....hope you are paying attention to the Test match???

    This morning's session was nothing less that spectaculary....this kinda thing don't happen that often....history book stuff.....

    Comment/post from you (I know it's a rarity) would be most welcome...I've seen you at previous test matches so know that you are a fan, unless you went along just to be polite????

    Go ahead punk....'make my day'.


  • Comment number 43.

    I am soooooo sleepy this afternoon, I really need a nap. Good job I am going home at 2:30.

    I hope everyone has got a bit more get up and go than I have 0)


  • Comment number 44.

    Afternoon all!! Just wanted to say YAYAYAY to Bondy for getting the job! It it another top secret assignment????

    Seriously, congrats mate, you deserve it, hope you manage to negotiate lots of lovely extras including a trip over here sometime all paid for so we can all meet you!!

    Hope everyone has great weekends. My daughter's poorly - praying it's not swine flu type symptoms as am off to Cambridge Folk Festival tomorrow!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Hi Ali, wish I had your sleepy head on last night!

    I just couldnt get to sleep.It was well past 4am by the time I nodded off.

    Bet you come to life when you get to 2.30.Hopeso.


  • Comment number 46.

    #39 post....?????? Missed it. Someone fill me in perlease..


  • Comment number 47.

    Jobs R us!


  • Comment number 48.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 49.

    MTF - I think it was the late night and early morning that is making me so sleepy. Sorry that you had a bad night, here's hoping tonight is full of ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's


  • Comment number 50.

    Ta Ali..I think maybe several slurps at the FNWC may well just bring on some very loud ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ,s


  • Comment number 51.

    I might be joining in FNWC with a nice cup of camomile tea later, if I can stay awake too that is!

    Just called LM and he asked me if I could come home from work when I feel like it, so I told him that like school, I have to stay here until home-time.

    Then he asked me when I had playtime!

    Bless him.

    Is it possible to love a little boy too much? :-)

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 52.

    Nope Deb..its unconditional!

    Mine is off to cadet camp for 2weeks on sunday.

    Its gonna be very strange!

    Gotta fly now.



  • Comment number 53.

    DebsC- how cute....make the most of it, coz they do turn into little monsters at some point.


  • Comment number 54.

    Hmm tell me about it Tb....the eldest is going to be 18 next Wednesday and he's a little monster that thinks he's a big monster!

  • Comment number 55.

    Morning, afternoon everyone from an overcast upstate NY. Lots to do today. New employer to call (now that just sound grand), estate agent coming over and daphne-sitting auditions to hold (LOL)..... hope you're all having a great day....... cricket seems to be going well, but sad news about Sir Bobby Robson......

  • Comment number 56.

    Just caught up on the other blog, thanks again for all the support over the last month and all your good wishes.....

  • Comment number 57.

    Wo DebC, big age gap there then.....at least you know what to expect....I've been working blind with mine...lost the handbook....lol

  • Comment number 58.

    Yep, big age gap but the 5 year old acts like a teenager and the teenager acts like a 5 year old lol.

    I once heard somewhere that bringing up children is like trying to nail jelly to a tree.


  • Comment number 59.

    Bondy....I must be dreaming.....?


  • Comment number 60.

    DebC...nahhhh, that would be easier, surely?


  • Comment number 61.

    MTF 48....tut tut....gotta play by the rules ya now, sorry know!! x

  • Comment number 62.

    oops spoke too soon about the cricket.......

  • Comment number 63.

    Hiya CLP - plodder...you? I don't think so.

    RIP Bobby, a great man who will be missed by many.

    ARF - World in Motion would be great.

    Bondy - fantastic news, well done you. Hope all goes well with Daphne sitters and agents.

    Hi to everyone else.....just to many to mention these days!

    Sunny intervals here but thank goodness no rain in south Norfamps. Hope everyone is fit, well and happy with life. Hus to to those who need them. Am off in a mo to paint a wall, make a burpday cake and other puds for a party tomorrow night.

    Steffi XX

  • Comment number 64.

    'HUGS' of course!

  • Comment number 65.

    Hiya troops:

    First: Chris - loved your blog today. Yes, I will just keep plodding on - there is nothing else for it. It's not plodding in a bad way, it's fine - but plodding all the same!

    Have to say to 007: I am so pleased for you, what great news! You must be so over the moon, and isn't the support here just great?!

    MC #29: I hope we get to meet up someday. You ARF suggestions are terrific and I would absolutely love to meet you for tea at the Ritz! Enjoy!

    MTF #30: loved your post. So many memories of rules and regulations when I was a child!

    Uncannyjon #33: I thought your tribute to Bobby Robson was beautiful, I really did hold my breath while reading it.

    And .... what is this with the moderators?! Interesting!

    C xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Chrissie, thanks and yes the support from this group is just F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 67.

    Bonjour Bloggers

    How are we all this afternoon? Good I hope, Really busy this last few weeks and today but I thought i would pop in and chuck my 2 penneth worth in for all request friday, Please accept my apologies if there is a birthday or a reason as to why we are all backing another bloggers sone this week, like i say megga busy and sorry I have not had chance to read many bloggs (*hangs head in shame*)

    However after playing a not so good prefab sprout song on Wednesday, how about you make up for it tonight, my ARF this week is
    Prefab Sprout - The King of Rock and Roll

  • Comment number 68.

    Bondy....dodgy start 4 sure, but feel confident, famous last words, Struass and Bopara can hold firm and put together a decent partnership...fingers crossed once again, this time, not 4 you my friend.


  • Comment number 69.

    I hope you're right baz.....

  • Comment number 70.

    Blood circulation returning to fingers Bondy. They have been crossed for a while. So pleased for you.
    Is there anyone else waiting on important news. I have lost track :-)

    Daren't look at the cricket :-0

  • Comment number 71.

    Yeah Thunder, awaiting news on the lotto numbers.....what do ya fink, that's important isn't it? lol


  • Comment number 72.

    Afternoon All,

    CLP - I've always been a plodder.....it saves hassle and you always get there in the end!.........

    Apart from today......started out with three clear tasks in me head, and are any of them done.....er...no!

    All semi-complete but with a toddler who wouldn't go to sleep even tho he couldn't stand up cos he was so tired I do have a valid excuse!!!!

    Debs / Tango.......so it doesn't get better then?????? (see above)
    And just as I type this he starts snoring....aaawww bless his heart......

    I saw the cricket scores earlier......and I can't profess to any love or knowledge of the sport..... is it me, or have we done well???


  • Comment number 73.

    eb, it doesn't get better or worse as they get older....it just different! :-)

  • Comment number 74.

    Oh well Debs - they are funny tho!!!! Mine's decided that making himself dizzy and falling over is the best thing in the world!!


  • Comment number 75.

    Here here DebC, I have always said, you still get grief no matter what age, just different kinda grief! As one type of annoyance disappears, it's immediately replaced by another...such is life.


  • Comment number 76.

    Lol eb....the teen does that too, usually on a Friday or Saturday night.

    Yep, they're funny !

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 77.

    Afternoon each

    Really cant stop but just wanted to say WELL DONE to Bondy..we all now have blood returning to bits that have been crossed...fantastic news!

    And a big hi to everyone else..

    right..back to work...!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 78.

    Eb....sounds like a FNWC activity...lol

  • Comment number 79.

    He he he Baz - I'll give it a try if I manage to make it tonight!


  • Comment number 80.

    Totally agree with loads of other posters Chris, please please play World in Motion for Sir Bobby - there are millions of football supporters from hundreds of teams who loved him and think football is a poorer sport without him. Cheers!

  • Comment number 81.

    World in Motion it is then!!! Can't argue with that...sorry Bondy, blame Sir Bobby for weeing on your fireworks.


  • Comment number 82.

    Baz, I agree, World in Motion for Sir Bobby..... fantastic player,great manager and a wonderful man.... he will be missed.......

  • Comment number 83.

    Aw Bobby Robson.

    Another little twinklin' star in the firmament.



  • Comment number 84.

    Play what you like for ARF, CLP, but please dedicate it to Sir Bobby of the Twinkle.


  • Comment number 85.

    Well said Clodag.........

  • Comment number 86.


    If you must play World in Motion, could you please at least edit out the part where John Barnes 'raps'.

  • Comment number 87.

    Phew back to normality, GD#1 and two of the grandkids just left. Had brilliant time, been to the park on this gawjus sunny day. What could be better! Now whats been going on here, s'pose I'd better check!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Time to Vamos kids......have a FAB w/e y'all.

    Go England!!!!

    Luv TBx

  • Comment number 89.

    Not been able to blog much as have been mega busy at work but just wanted to say congratulations and well done to Bondy - that's fantastic news!! So pleased for you.

    Hi to everyone else and hope all have a great weekend x

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 90.

    You've done it again Bazza!! well done on your ARF!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 91.

    well done baz.......

  • Comment number 92.

    Bubble - Our Song - Yay !!!!!!

    Well done AGAIN Baz

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Good choice Baz - a dance around the kitchen song ... heeey yah!
    Crumps xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Beez - you singing along to Mikey?

  • Comment number 95.

    I love this tune too, Beez, I've gone all funny!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Sure am Crumpy - You're Everything !!!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    Another chirpy song on now, the fratellis. A 50 yr old woman shouldn't be sing along and waving her arms ... looks way too odd!

    La la la....

  • Comment number 98.

    I am beginning to think that Baz has an inside track!

  • Comment number 99.

    Flippin good tunes tonight, bloody good exercise, glad I'm on me own!!!

  • Comment number 100.

    But have you had Everything sung to you Pen ???? Melt !!!!!(twasn't Bubble)

    Beez xxx


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