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Need to chillax but don't have the time

Chris Evans | 14:25 UK time, Wednesday, 19 August 2009

What are deadlines for, if not stealing your days. Whose law is it again that says...

Tasks will always take as long as the time allotted for them to take? Was it Johnson or Brown or Parkinson - by the way what is he up to nowadays ?

My car is a mess, my car is never a mess. It's book photo time. W-iiiiii-llllll from TFI popped in last night with a whole folder of absolute belters. Thanks pal.

So I deliver 'em to the publishers today - print deadline Friday and ask.....

" Is that it ?" Like Bob Geldof - only not as saintly - more like a schoolboy having proudly finished his homework, and they say:

"No, now we need to come up with all the captions for each one, and then there's the dedication at the start, and la la la la..." And off we go again.

I am sitting in the car outside the publishers now. I am looking at an energy drink on the seat next to me. Either that or it's looking at me.



Clp 2009



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  • Comment number 1.

    Big Cheif CLP

    Sure, look on the Bright side, and it is a bright side - the weather youre having over there looks beautiful . . .

    Just returned from a brief 4-day sojourn & chillax in Eastern Mallorca with LovesYoungDream, back to the rain of Belfast City (where the girls are so pretty . . . )

    I'm really surprised at your need to "wings" by the way - I thought you were better than that . . . !!!!!!!

    DtM x

  • Comment number 2.

    Don't drink it CLP, you know you'll crash 'n' burn!


  • Comment number 3.

    Hey CLP and bloggers

    Just returned from our now annual (only second time!) camping sojourn. Up on west coast highlands, and it was fantastic. Weather very very mixed, some days on the beach and in the sea, one day constant rain, so dinner under canvas and lots of card games, and one night severe weather warning given out! all new arrivals at campsite turned away and we were on survival tactics, baton all the hatches - or at least the tent pegs - and felt like we were about to blow away. Teenanger daughter said it was like Wizard of Oz...we thought more like arctic circle camping, just like you see on documentaries on TV, noise was fantastic! But a fabulous week. And now back to the year of 2009....

    Looking forward to the book Chris.

    Hope all bloggers well and happy, not got time to catch up.


  • Comment number 4.

    My advice?

    Save it til after the show when you get home and stick a double vodka in it! And ice. Lots and lots of ice!


    See you at 17.05 Hrs.

    x x x x

  • Comment number 5.

    Ah Christoff step away from the Red Bull. Keep yer hands where we can see 'em...

    If yous saw what Red Bull does to suede shoes, you'd wonder what it does to your stomach.

    And if yous saw what 3 of 'em plus a Slimfast every morning does to my dear mad friend Maggie, yous'd KNOW what it does to your brain.

    Last time Maggie fuelled up with the Red Bull she had the place in uproar with her spectacular impression of a stampede in a farmyard and I had to stun 'er with the tent mallet and feed her triple Americanos.

    Yous can laff. This is the woman with the caffeine-impregnated slimmin' tights and the P.Diddy pants with no drawstring. It's not funny.


  • Comment number 6.

    Aww, don't talk to me about deadlines CLP, have been stressing all week!

    Just taking a quick break, cos I'm absolutely sweltering here - the air-con is still not fixed, and our windows only open a fraction (bloody health n safety)!

    Thanks for all the info and good wishes for my hols, I'll definately give you a wave KW! I read that awful story too, just so sad. You do an excellent job!

    Darce, what a scare, glad everything is OK now for you all and the little one.

    Clodagh, hope you have a great disaster-free time.

    Back soon, have an unexpected visitor...grrr!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 7.

    And I know what you mean re. deadlines.

    No matter how long I have to prepare for a trip, I'll be beltin' round like a wildebeest at the last minute. With Renee thrustin' prescriptions or the Parish Magazine or a fork-full a spam fritter under me nose.

    I can't really concentrate unless I'm under a certain amount of pressure. It's the same when I have an occasion to go to. I take my hat off to all you girls who buy your wedding outfit a year in advance. I'd be bored rigid with the thought of it if I ha it hangin' there for longer than a week. Ergo I usually give myself plenty time to get ready and then decide what to throw on at the last minute. By which time I've clocked meself, thought "Ew, you look like a bag a s***e in that," thrown something else on, and so on until the contents of me wardrobe are on me bed and I finish up in the outfit I put on first. Only now I'm all sweaty and me hair is like Phyllis Diller.

    Familiar, anyone?


  • Comment number 8.

    ...and I still look like a bag a s***e.



  • Comment number 9.


    Stop mumblin' baloney ...... you is gawjuss, you sexy beast!!


  • Comment number 10.

    No, No, No, Clodagh...can't believe that for a moment. Does sound familiar though. I' ve never got a single thing to wear!!! Well, not new this minute anyhow.

    As for 'wings' Don't do it Chris - you will live to regret it. Grab yourself a 'narner (other long yellow fruits available - I think) for an energy boost. Much better for you.

    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Dearest CLP

    I have suddenly been struck down with a bout of severe yawning. Can you please email me your can of high caffeine energy drink as not even a blast of The Cure is reviving me!

    Cheers sweetie!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 12.

    Put the can Down CLP - do Not do it !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Aw Deev. Sweet.

    Mad. But sweet bless yous. Trust me after changin' the clobber 15 times in a mad rage I look like Robert Smith in a frock.

    And as for the Wings. Was it Jo Brand who said, after watchin' that advert for Always pads, that she had incontravenable proof that women are stronger than men. Says she, "I've yet to meet the man who will put anything with wings down his pants."

    Top bird. LOVE Jo Brand. Have a bit of a girl-crush on her in fact. Oh yes.


  • Comment number 14.

    AH JAYSUS Deev that's SPOOKY.

    There's me likenin' meself to Robert Smith....

    Ah. We is separated at birth, you and me hun. Psychotic.


  • Comment number 15.

    Spooky indeedy Clodagh!

    Me and Robert were meant to be married, you know. Sadly nobody thought to tell him .....

    Pass the lippy and back-comb me baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!

    Wednesday I'm In Love!


  • Comment number 16.

    Ah Deev. Now THERE's a thing.

    You an' Robert, me an' Jo, all 4 of us with a raspberry ripple an' a stick a rock up the Front at Morecambe.

    What d'yous reckon. Hurrah.


  • Comment number 17.

    Hurrah!! Sounds like a plan Clodagh ..... count me in!!


  • Comment number 18.

    Mind you. I'd stick out a bit between the 3 of yous.

    3 Robert Smiths and Phyllis Diller.


  • Comment number 19.

    A scaldy little tit between the blackbirds. Hurrah!


  • Comment number 20.

    LOL!!! Stop it woman - I is trying to werk!! Trying being the exact description ..... and failing dismally!!!

    He's still singing to me ..... he loves me, loves me not, he loves me ....

    Can't beat a bit of Mint Car in the afternoon!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 21.

    Never done 'energy' drinks so can't comment - altho' me thinks you should step away from it CLP!

    Purple Dragon have a fab honeymoon, are you jetting of somewhere exotic?

    Tango - yes please to the Pimms, make mine a double!

    Clodagh & Diva - just downloaded the Cure to my ipod.

    Train tickets brought & paid for - Aberdeen here I come! Can you believe it though you have to pay to book a seat on the train - blooming cheek!
    Off out for pizza & the cinema to catch a chick flick this evening x

  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon Bloggers,

    Sorry for my lateness in blogging, been on a work trip to St Reatham today. I know you are all so jealous and wish for just one second that you were me!!

    Just want to say: Clodagh, JG and Rips - have a smashing holiday, enjoy and come back safe xxx

    sbp - Sending big love and hugs to you and Mr BP for Saturday, I shall offer up one or two for you before and on the big day xxx

    Darce - Big hug to you and your family, glad all is OK though xxx

    I am sure there are important things I have forgotten, so I apologise please don't take it personally.


  • Comment number 23.

    It must be quite exciting though. I know it's work and more work, but how proud are you going to be when you have the finshed book in your hand.
    Are you going to do book signings????

    Hells x

  • Comment number 24.

    Oh Hells, have a blast at the TOGs convention this weekend; if I wasn't wrestlin' with the Basque Separatists or helpin' the Spanish Fire Services extract my accident-prone companion's digit from some hole in Barcelona this weekend, I'd have bin' there.

    Give 'em all one from me won't yous.

    I know yous'll do that anyway you little minx, hurrah!!!


  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon bloggers, well, summer is here at last!! lol I've been stuck in a wheat field following the dusty old combine waiting to fill up my trailer all day long :0( not a good day for the tractor air conditioning to fail or for the baler break down. Feel like giving up and not going back in an hours time for the night shift. Should be sat outside somewhere sipping pimms!! :0) Hey ho, farming goes on!! lol
    Enjoy the summers evening all, and have a pimms for me.

    TTW. xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Hi Chris,I second that yes save it till you get home, with a double vodka.Looking forward to the book.love to all.xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Alloooooooo everyone, not had time to blog for yonks but love keep up wiv Chez etc on FB.

    Yippee, pre-ordered Christoff's book today!!! Anyone else yet???

    Love to you all xxxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Sentimentations Of Yo Directly To You..... You Being You Which Includes You.... AKA CLP And Every Blogger.... And Every Lurker.......

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - A like a blog with a photo or INDEED two az in this case!!!!!
    So yuv discovered the energy kick!!! Ave been on the lucozade az an aid for years!!!
    A recognise that can.... it's the lighter blue version which iz lower calorie than the darker blue version of The Red!!!!
    A rarely drink the red butta tried some the other dee in the Big Smoke.... maybe this iz anooother influence CLP iz 'aving on me az there's been alotta The Red on yer shoe, sorry show, lately!!!!
    And a INDEED went for the VERY same low calorie light blue version!!!!
    A tell yer a waz on 'eat all that night.... stronger than the lucozade if yer as me!!!!!

    PS For once a can proudly say a own one of those, exactly the same that's in CLP's photo!!!! Normally it's a damn it Ferrari that i'd like ter but can't afford!!!! NNYYYAAAA!!!!!

    ALL - (This includes you) Mind you so does CLP above... for any ter read!!!! Noot just CLP... but a 'ope CLP does read the blog!!!
    Terdee ave been busy fitting me mother's toilet seat that a bought on a dee out with 'er ter Southport a few weeks back!!!!
    Basically she wanted ter go ter Blackpool but 'er free pass doesn't go that far... so we settled for Southport.... RIGHT at the limits of 'er OAP pass area!!!!
    Sometimes it's good ter live dangerously!!!!!
    Any way whilst there a spotted a Dunelm Mill that ave been so impressed with ave bought shares in the company!!! It's going places... and we were.... where yer may ask..... ave just damn said... Dunelm Mill Southport!!!!
    A wanter ter show 'er what it's all about The Mill store and that am part owner of.... be it VERY small!!!! So a toook 'er in, 'er first time in one!!!!
    Any way whilst loooking around we spotted a pine toilet seat on special offer.... only 8 sheets and then able ter do az many sh...... shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Az we want!!!!! BARGAIN!!!!!
    So we went 'ome on the train noot with a sticka rock az a souvenier..... but a toilet seat!!!!!!
    Finally terdee ave fitted it for 'er..... VERY easy all!!!!!
    First a 'ad ter adjust me screws so that they're on the correeect setting, so all drops cleanly inter the abiss of lifes unwanted assets!!!!
    Then me screws dropped inter the 'ole of the pan, very easily, very...... easily and then a tightened up me nuts until all waz fully secure for operational useage!!!!!!
    Last thing iz a want when am on a liason in London with The 'S' iz a phone call from me mum that 'er pine seat 'as slipped and she's wedged in the Armitage Shank and INDEED too embarressed ter call the Fire Brigade!!!!!
    I'd ave ter rush back north with me WD40, rubber gloves and toilet duck - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    JakeyGirl - Don't worry about long blogs..... let yer mind flow... with the keyboard, let........ it go.... let it go!!!! (abit like CLP's Mondee Mince!!)

    B's Mum - Yer make me feel yound az yer called me a child.... i'll take it!!!! Sounds good ter me!!!!! A thought being called lad waz good but child..... TARRR!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PS Soz about wasting yer wine!!!!

    Clodagh - Saw yer photo on the FB the other week!!!!! Gooodneeeesss gracious!!!!!!!
    A tell yer no wonder the Sir Tezza Logan keeps giving yer on air mentions!!!!!

    ManchesterCalling - Thanks for the sentimetation of nuttyness!!!! Tarrr!!! Az for the pain.... am used ter pain.... ave become immune to it!!!!

    Margot221 - Very true all that yer wreet!!!! A didn't even know what creative mean't when a waz at school let alone realise a am that way!!!! (a went ter a terrible school... that's why a couldn't wait ter get out and let with no qualifications!!!) A thought if yer a creative person yer a person who likes ter make pots outta clay or good at art!!!!! Art being painting/ drawing!!! A didn't realise it means stuff like performing or comedy too!!!!
    And all yer writted did 'elp.... BIG TARRRR!!!!!
    PS A think it's great if occasionly we can all open up ter each other on the blog.... share problems az we can learn from each other and realise the grass isn't always greener on the other side!!!!

    Reminds me of a bloke a once knew who went crayzee az 'iz neighbour 'ad beautiful grass... very green and perfectly cut... no weeds at all!!!!!!!!
    A case of 'e really did think the grass waz greemer on the otherside!!!!!!
    Any way 'e went mad trying get greener grass from the otherside!!!!!
    It's only after 'e 'ad a nervous break down..... 'is wife found out from the neighbours wife..... it wasn't real grass but astro turf!!!!!
    Yer see a case the grass ISN'T greener on the otherside!!!!!!!!!!!

    Untalentedmrripley - Again BIG TARRR!!!!! A wish you worked in Virgin Trains aych R with that kind of attitude ter others!!!!!!

    SezaGirl - AHHHHH FREAK OUT!!!!!! 'ow did yer now, sorry know, a didn't get the job??????
    The closing date of me latest one waz only Sundee!!!! Do you work in railway 'aych R?????
    A don't now, sorry know, if ave goot the latest railway job ave sent off for or if noot!!!!! Fingers crossed!!!!

    iirvjrjjb48t4w8uturt9ug25ggd 9gifj3edijdeif jgjcrivojriocejxiowjI Fddjdjer didiididi - soz trying ter blog.... with me fingers crossed!!!!!!! NNNYYYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

    MizzDarcey - Yer ask 'what am a on????' Answer.... same az CLP.... The Red light blue.... lucozade, bananas and the BIG secret that ave occasionly told on the blog before..... raison only Revels!!!!!! 'ope this 'elps!!!!!!

    Angieblogger - Just wondered..... do a now, sorry know, you..... or did a now, sorry know you??????? Just wondering!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA Aych R Employees!!!!! (especially railway ones!!!.... noot that a mean ter be selfish!!)

    PS A ave goot some very news..... i'll tell all termozza!!!!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon All......

    Chris, put that drink down.....Steffi is right the 'nana is lot better!

    The boy is intent on taking all the books off the shelves - I think he may preempting my declutter!!!!


  • Comment number 30.

    Have tried to cut the lawn, but the mower won't start!! Have pulled something in my back between my shoulder blades trying, have even kicked it and sworn at it, but it still won't start! So it's back in the shed!!

    Need to do my online ELH shop for holibobs, but not sure what to get! Mr JG no help whatsoever (fussy eater and won't say what he wants cos it depends on the day - how helpful)!! Oh, and not even here, still working, and on call tonight!

    Ebb, I hate 'nanas, dunno why, used to eat them, but can't now.

    Better get that shopping done!

    JG x

  • Comment number 31.


    Strike action at Liverpool Airport...

    Now look. If my bag goes on a round-the-world trip while I sit playin I Spy with Norman Wisdom here and starin' at John Lennon there'll be BIG trouble.

    Bingo. Get yourself over to t' airport, quick. Sort 'em out would yous, bless you. Them baggage handlers won't stand a chance with our Bingo.

    What was I sayin'.....


  • Comment number 32.

    Oh dear Clodagh, hope you get there!!

    Have been trying to track down my errant Step-Uncle who lives in Norwich for a meet up, celebrated music teacher and Morris dancer apparently!

    Got an email back, and then nothing when I replied...hmmmphh

    Have done the food order, cost a small fortune, and will get moaned at, but, never mind!

    JG x

  • Comment number 33.

    Clodagh, I'm sure that being as you're at John Lennon Airport it will all "Come Together" so to speak! Ay didya see what I did there La!

    DD out

  • Comment number 34.

    Well done DD!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 35.

    Oh Bingo, no powers here , just a muddled up memory. I thought i read that you hadn't got the job. I'm sure reverse persycology will work & if I say you didn't you will. Very sorry.

    JG think the idea of getting shopping delivered to holibobs is brill but if it was me, I would order a load of stuff then decide I wanted something I hadn't got each day. Maybe you could just order essentials like tea coffee milk cereal (unless you're like my lot & like a lazy breakfast on holibobs) doggy food. I bet you'll find nice places to pick stuff up when you're out & about & don't forget the chance of being taken out for the odd meal or tow.

    Clodagh - have fun, whereever you end up! Is this all a ruse & you're really off to AUSTRALIA?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 36.

    Seza, have ordered all but the bare essentials, cos not being delivered until Sun 11 - 1pm! Will need to take them down with us, but have ordered some BBQ stuff, dog food, will only take 6 tins with us, and he has one a day, well once he's settled he will, won't eat at first!

    Mr JG's b/day too, so will have to cart down food/drink for a nice evening when we get there!

    And only 50yds from a pub serving food, but will have to leave going there til Finlay knows we are stopping for a while! He gets insecure very easily!

    We put it down to him being from a rescue home, and he still looks for his old family (kids), and gets worried if we leave him in a strange place!

    Shopping again tomorrow for some clothes and something for Mr JG to open, looking like choccies at the moment, unless he spots something tomorrow!

    Have you got your laptop sorted?

    JG x

  • Comment number 37.


    Laptop all fixed. Was apparently all bunged up with dust so now vacuumed out & working fine.

    How about something like a game for Mr JG. We got a card vrsion of Monopoly recently. Just a small thing but might be nice while you are away

    Seza x

  • Comment number 38.

    Evening gang!


  • Comment number 39.

    I might look in M n S, they do travel games...

    We're thinking about not taking any laptops away with us, can still read you all, but probably not post, the last one from the phone disappeared!

    Have had major Mum in Law issues about the festive season, so much so that she's not speaking to us....Apparently she'd planned to have a family meal at ours, even though she'd not actually told us!! Or knew what Mr JG's shifts were!!

    Can't be doing with it so early, but needed to share that he was off!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    Awww JG - families, eh? They can be a pain when you all live close knit, or like my lot, a pain when spread far and wide!

    Chin up hon.

    Deevs xxxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Ey DD hahahaha, if it doesn't it'll be Instant ruddy Karma for somebody.

    Anyway. Plan B is in action. Norman Wisdom's plan was to re-book the tickets and go from Manchester; but me gander's up now and I'm not to be trifled with. Ergo am takin' a smaller, scaldier bag and not takin' anything I'll be distraught to be parted from. And am tellin' meself it's goin' on its Gap Year round the world via Bangkok. Meanwhile I shall have mad hair and a sort of crushed look, and will smell like a pound a turbot come Sunday.

    And you know what. I feel liberated. At last I have an excuse to look like Swampy and not give a rat's whatsit. Anyway get me. Who in their right mind do I think is lookin' at ME. Nobody, that's who. Hurrah.

    So. Bring it on. Next.

    Mind you I have to say I think this is a personal best that a calamity has befallen' 'imself before 'e's even left the house...

    Ey. DD. I wonder if we'll Get Back.... Ha.


  • Comment number 42.

    Tell me about it.

    Am in the midst of a bit of a family thing about a party next month but am not sure whether to say anything & let loose a load of trouble or just let it go & rise above it.

    As with you, it is us being expected to fall in with everyone else's plans even tho we didn't know what they were!

    Seza x

  • Comment number 43.

    oh yet again I am sleepy of essex - met a couple of work colleagueeees after work for a cheeky chardonnay - then had sausage and mash - WELL tasty - now feel full as a full thing and ready for bed!

    Well wots a girl to do when she gets dumped by a Diva hey?

    Deevs - joshing!!!!!!

    we are on for next choosday!

    Got to go dears - I love and miss you all

    back to normality at the weekend!


  • Comment number 44.

    Well at last Mr JG has stood up for me, I don't get to see my family much, and his lot all live 6 miles down the road and only want us they need us, if you get what I mean!

    Have told him we'd go with his Mum's plans, but he's put his foot down in favour of me!! For all we know, he might be working it for the next three years!

    Clodagh, hope you get there eventually, and enjoy it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 45.

    Should've been a when in there somewhere!

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Debs, glad you are OK!

    Catch you whenever!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 47.


    JG not sure where to out the when but glad you feeling happier about your festive plans. Isn't it a pain that it should just be a happy time yet we end up stressing about it?

    Debs Have a safe journey home. See you back in Essex soon

    Seza x

  • Comment number 48.

    Right, Mr JG home, however briefly, and trying to get a shower, so am on phone duty!

    Be back later!

    JG x

  • Comment number 49.


    Thanks Darce and AuntieSandy for the nice honeymoon wishes - we're going on a mammoth road trip, not your conventional honeymoon (well it is almost a year late!). Starting in Vegas, doing a tour of some of the national parks, and then to Washington DC via Santa Fe, New Orleans and all sorts. 4000 miles is the rough estimate. Eek!


  • Comment number 50.

    Evening all, Hope everyone is ok.

    Margot, a special hello to you , hope you are doing ok xx

    Bingo, just love the toilet seat story ..... LOL x

    Clodagh, sooo, a new pb set already hey , why am i not surprised. My suitcase got lost last year and it was the most miserable time i have ever had . Stuck in Miami on a saturday in a grubby t shirt and jeans, and Mr Mc's flip flops, that were waytoo big. 90 degrees and sweating like a dont know what , everyone else dressed in skimpys and me lugging around like an overdressed tramp. had to go and buy some stuff but was so fed up couldnt even muster the will to shop.My suitcase eventually landed from NYC on the Monday morning , as i opened it, i kept hugging all my stuff , never been so pleased to see me toothbrush and knickers in me life .
    So now i go wearing everything i own, ger a few funny looks but not taking any chances. !!

    JG, Crimbo family crisis hey , been there done that and got struck out the will !
    Families hey , we love em so much we leave the country !!

    Mc , xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Howdedoodee Neighbouroonees!

    At Gatwick....check
    Kids asleep....check
    Alarm set for 3:30....check

    Early flight (which is fine by us, can't be doing with late flights. No way! Hose A..) and then a week in Zakynthos.
    Hope our travel plans run slightly smoother than Mz Rubbish'!!!

    JG - Great news regarding the festive season which dare not speak its name. We are totally selfish...strictly the four of us on the big day (we see little enough of each other during the year) and then a big family do at Ripley towers the following day....well, until one of my very many siblings offers to host it, anyhoo.

    So - Three cheers to Mr JG...Good man!

    Bingers, old boy! Good news I hope....fingers crossed, as ever!

    Okalee dokalee...a beach side apartment and a large quantity of Greece's finest larger await me...so I bid you all adieu (sp?)

    Oh yeah....

    Hi Tango - keep missing you buddy
    Deev - behave!!!

    Luv ew


  • Comment number 52.


    Enjoy Zakynthos , have a methos for me please , yammas


  • Comment number 53.

    Cheers MC,

    Nice to bump into you...I will indeed 'suck it in', 'take one for the team' and get drunk for you!



  • Comment number 54.

    Have a great time Rips!!

    Just have so say...and very sorry!! But, we're TOP of the Prem League!!!! I mean TOP!!!

    OMG, never been there for ages!!

    JG x

    PS Mr JG in a BIG sulk about Burnley winning! HAHAHAHA About time!! LOL

    PPS Not gloating, really...lol

  • Comment number 55.

    Rips, do your very bestest !

    Safe trip


  • Comment number 56.

    Evening each

    Chris, I need to chillax too. Have been chasing my tail all week and can't wait for Friday!

    Hope everyone is well. xxxxx

  • Comment number 57.


    When I am good, I am very very good
    But when I am bad I am better!


    Tell the pilot to drive safe - I want ewe back in one peace (ha!) in a week's time for a goss on the dog.

    And Debs2 - hell yeh!

    Deevs, with a twinkle in her eye
    x x x x

  • Comment number 58.

    I thought they'd gone. All paid up and thanks for brilliant job - thanks for being nice customers.
    Kitchen all sparky clean (well it is now I've cleaned the smeary, supposed to have been washed off sugar soap off everything!!!!) New clean wallpaper (bit spensive but I liked it!!)
    BUT NO - just a couple of things they need to come back and check on Friday! Told you they'd moved in didn't I????

    Clodagh - giss your case - by the time you get there I will have safely driven it to spanner - swiftly followed by a long drive/boat trip to greece to baby sit for Rips!!!!

    JG good for Mr JG bless 'im- I've had to suffer the outlaws since I got married - go there - I cook - come here - I cook !!! May just shock them all this year and flit off somewhere - on my own!!!

    That would be me out of the will too MC!!!!

    Wow Dragon - that's some honeymoon drive! Hope you both enjoy.

    Beez xx

    Need to hear from Bagpuss - how's the last minute stuff going?

  • Comment number 59.

    Done it again Deevs !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 60.

    hehehehe!! xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Trouble is, they all know where my Mum lives! So if I go, and that is where I'd go, they would all follow me!

    But no, Mr JG has done me proud, and I'm actually very impressed, as his mum is a formidable woman, not in Renee's league though, although I think they might be related!

    She's no match for me though, which is why I've been banned from calling her now!

    JG x

  • Comment number 62.

    I hasten to add, only from Mr JG, not the courts or anything!!!

  • Comment number 63.

    Well, that's me. Thanks for all your good vibes chaps and chapesses.

    And Rips. Have a blast. Am certain you will; we can trade holiday snaps if I ever get back. you can show us your white bits and I'll show yous me ankle-tag and lash marks.

    And to a certain young lady with a big day this weekend; have a fabulous day won't you, we'll all be doin' our sun-dance for you, I'm sure.

    Have just had a text pic from the GD, a big close-up of her big pouty lips sayin "Mwah". Now that reminds me, I need to unblock that U-bend before I go.

    Ok comin' ready or not.


  • Comment number 64.

    Yahoo - look out Spanner - Clodagh and the accident waiting to happen on their way!!

    Have a brilliant time my pansy hat wearing twin!!! (fake tan on the ankle tag should sort it)

    Love Beez xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Hahaha Tanks Beez.

    I may be some time...

    Now really am off, the scratcher beckons.


  • Comment number 66.

    Evening all - just had to jump in on the festive season catering debate.
    My in-laws have come to me every Christmas since 1982. Bearing in mind that I have been divorced from their son since 1989 ...... I reckon that's a bit unusual!

    What is weirder is that he lives in the same village, about three streets from me, and they still come to me for lunch then go round to his for half an hour before they go home. They also come to me on their birthdays, mothers and fathers day, easter .....

    Should I be flattered?
    Crumps xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Off to bed now ..... long day tomorrow!!



  • Comment number 68.

    Crumps, definately flattered! x

  • Comment number 69.

    Hell fire Crumps - remember you telling me that at one of the meets and felt a groan coming from me big time! I presume you like them and not just tolerate like I have to? They obviously love you!!!

    Night Deevs - sweet dreams - reduce the e-mails tomorrow - we both need to get work done!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Crumps.says a lot about you.

    Set me a place too please.


  • Comment number 71.

    Hi All,

    I log in and out of the blog at funny times of day, so am more of a reader than a post-er...however...
    AkaCrumpy, post #66 has got to be the best post I've ever read! It just sums up all of you regular bloggers, such lovely, funny peeps.
    CLP, if AkaCrumpy requests an ARF this week, serve it up to her pleeease, surely she deserves it.
    Got a smile on my dial for the rest of the day now.
    Laters, Tiger x

  • Comment number 72.

    Just popped back from the dark side afore beddy byes and Tiger - if you are lucky enough to meet Crumpy one day - she is a diamond!!

    Beez xx

    Nightall - sweet dreams - and most of all - keep smiling - and of course - grinning like an eejit :) xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Night Beez!

    Crumpy, if you ever fancy Christmas lunch in Melbourne we'll set you a place...and your in laws of course ;)


  • Comment number 74.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 75.

    All above is totally innocent banter.

    Night Mods.xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Ok I said well done Crumps.

    I would love to spend Christmas with you.

    Everyone loves you,do you like coffee...hence rhyming Hoffi coffee.

    And then went on to blah di blah di blah combining Welsh n French.

    Apoligising for mixing up both languages as we had to take both at the same time.

    Darn it Mods..thought you had taken a seat on the back burner!

    For once..I would like to INSIST that the mods put this Tribute to Crumps back on.

    Make contact with me and I will explain it word for word and hpoefully see it returned to its rightful place.


  • Comment number 77.

    Do you ever reinstate moderated comments???


  • Comment number 78.

    Ok Have read the rules.Welsh or Gaelic may be used where marked!

    Bring back my post and I will mark it.

    Was just a tribute to one of our lovely bloggers.

    Nos da..Marked!

    MTF.Tres Disgruntled,,also marked!

  • Comment number 79.

    And breathe.:)

  • Comment number 80.

    ummm...sorry if I upset you MTF. Didn't mean too. T.

  • Comment number 81.

    # 24 Hi Clodagh, I shall pass on your regards to Sir Terry and the plethera of clery.

    Oh Chris how about the first record on Friday being "We all stand Together" as we will be recording the very first bit in A.U.S.T.R.A.L.I.A this weekend and then the big recording down at Longleat in September.

    Hells x

    Hopefully the Togs and the Bloggs will all stand Together at Longleat.

  • Comment number 82.

    Good morning Bloggsville,

    Yes I'm back for a couple of days, just got back from Japan, been working round the middle east / far east for a while so not been able to get to you guys.

    Great to be back home for the weekend - Looks like I'm heading of to Abu Dhabi next week though !!!!!!


  • Comment number 83.

    Hi Ads - we all wondered where you had been! Welcome home!

    I too have been doing a LOT of travelling - up in essex every week all the way from brizzle LOL! Not quite as glam as the middle/far east - sorry Essex!

    So quick hi and bye - just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a great day - I know someone will be having a fandabydozy time - you know who you are dontya!


  • Comment number 84.

    Tiger,you didnt upset me.I was merely agreeing with yours and Beez posts 71 and 72.

    Just happened to put in some of it in Welsh cos our Crumps is from Wales dont you know.

    Wont do it again,off to the modders mat I go :(


  • Comment number 85.


    Y'know sometimes you wake up smiling, and as the day progresses so does your smile .....

    Well that's me today, that is!

    Happy Bunny and then some.

    The sun is out, a gentle breeze is blowing and I am happy to be alive!

    New blog nice and early today Lambie Pies???

    Deevs, she's so lovely!
    x x x x

  • Comment number 86.

    Morning all - It's raining but I'm still smiling!! Spose it will wash some of the builders dust off my car.

    Woo hoo - new kitchen light arrived today - right on time. (I'm easily pleased!!!)

    Hope all else feeling hunky dory and raring to go like happy me? This will wear off, I just know it will.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Hunky bloomin' dory Beez.

    As ever!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 88.


    I was feeling raring to go at 6.30 when I woke up

    Sadly, I then fell back asleep & didn't wake up properly until quarter to eight, then had to get boys up, dressed, breakfasted & over to Grandma's 20mins away before getting to work on time as today is only day of month I see boss and there's a coffee morning going on too!

    Have just about managed to catch up with myself. Boss has gone out of office to make a few visits so breathe.......................

    Day has got to get better?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 89.

    Hiya all

    Not really here if my mum asks - I'm busy tidying my house and doing wedding stuff.

    Thanks for all the good luck messages - far to many to namecheck but apprecaite them all

    Dragon - have a great honeymoon

    Everyone else - enjoy your weekend - should be back in a week or so

    Super bp x

    PS - CLP - really excited bout your book x

  • Comment number 90.

    and we're off.......

    (at the Oval)


  • Comment number 91.

    Bagpuss - Yay - how's it all going? Smoothly of course !!

    Hope you both really enjoy your day - and the honeymoon of course.

    Love Beez xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Good morning everyone,

    Lurking as usual and just popped in to wish Baggy all the best, hope you have a fantastic day and honeymoon!!

    Hi to everyone else from the monsoon season in the west of Scotland, at this rate we will need Noah with his ark again.

    X Gail

  • Comment number 93.

    Bagpuss, just wanted to wish you and your man every happiness - have a brilliant time and enjoy every minute.

    We'll expect a (not quite!) full report when you get back obviously!!

    Hi everyone else!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Morning all.

    Have positioned me modders mat in the very sunny back garden,so dont care how long I spend on it!

    Good luck Baggy.

    Ciao for now.


  • Comment number 95.

    I wanna see Mr Baggy in his wedding suit - can't beat a fella in full morning suits, in my opinion!


  • Comment number 96.

    Morning all......

    Baggy-what you doin here...go and do some weddin stuff!!!!! Best of luck for the BIG DAY and HONEYMOOOOON.

    Grey day in Brighton today....hope it's better at the Oval...

    C'mon England.

  • Comment number 97.

    how many goals do we need to win?

  • Comment number 98.

    Crumpy, strange yes but as long as you enjoy their visits then why the heck not!?

    Feel a tad emotionally drained already this morning - have had to lend a sympatheic ear to a friend & colleague who following the recent death of her moth has had to endure nothing short of bullying from her siblings - how sad :(


  • Comment number 99.

    Morning all!

    Deev - A few more that the toffees got on Saturday!

    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 100.


    Boy was up early - running roung giggling chasing his ball......all too much for me before my first cuppa!!

    He's now fast asleep, so I'm trying to re-write my CV to start the job search in earnest.......blah!

    Was goona take the boy to the in-laws today so I could have a couple of quiet me hours, but have a strange feeling they've gone on holiday, how very dare they!!! Oh well....

    Baggy, hope saturday goes well, and enjoy it whatever happens with the weather!!

    Tea anyone??


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