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So here it is. A world exclusive for you bloggers.

Chris Evans | 13:57 UK time, Thursday, 13 August 2009

The first copy of my book - done and dusted. Off today for typesetting - no more changes !!!


Alright now here's the thing.

There's an old boss of mine, his name is Mike Hibbert and he was one of the best bosses I've ever had. He was the manager of the newsagents I used to work in.

Does anyone know of his whereabouts ? If so I would love to get back in touch with him.

Also one of my long term girlfriends is a lady called Sara who moved to France. She called me last year but my phone cracked up and I haven't heard from her again.

Help help help - here come the bears. Let's split.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning afternoon everyone from another sunny day in upstate NY. Congrats on getting the book done Chris, any idea when it will be in the shops?

  • Comment number 2.

    Afternoon Christoph, let's hope they read your blog.............you never know!!!!!!!!

    'citing news re book!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hello James, good timing. #1 spot all the way from the states!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Bondy - first on the new blog, well done.

    Sunny here too, so a lovely day to walk the dog which is exactly what I am going to do.

    Back soon xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Whoop Whoop CLP is officially an author. Cant wait to read it and hope you find your friends, I just found a load of mine on Facebook, you might want to give it a try you might them.

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Penny and Crumpy, having a good day?

  • Comment number 7.

    Can't wait to read it Chris!

    Hello James - well done on being No 1. Is it Monday you start your new job? Its sunny here in Surrey today as well.

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Bondy...cripes you're quick off the mark today.....

    CLP good luck....hope Sara and Mike read the blog ay??????

    ARF** NIRVANASells like Teen Spirit!!!!!!!!

    Adios for now...


  • Comment number 9.

    When can we start ARF?

    I've got one and am excited - can even hear CLP playing it (in my imaginations)

    Apparently, it was a 'feem toon' - any ideas??

    Please Mr Evans, would you please play 'Avenues and Alleyways' by Tony Christie?? Please?

    Thank you

    Beany x

  • Comment number 10.

    ***SMELLS*** Like teen spirit of course DOH!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Are you allowed back in this week Tango?

    That'll blow my chances then.....!!

  • Comment number 12.

    CLP - you look sooooooooooooooooooo serious in that pic!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Darce and Baz,

    Darce, Monday is the plan but I am still waiting for confirmation...... it's been a torturous week..........

  • Comment number 14.

    Don't be so pesimistic Beany.....Shirley I stand less of a chance than anyone....

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Deev, it's probably relief..... that the book is finally done.....

  • Comment number 16.


    Vertigo - U2

    Because .....

    1. I hit the heady heights of 41 on Monday
    2. I'm off to see Bono and the chaps at Wembley tomorrow
    3. I will probably get Vertigo when we take to our seats at the stadium!!

    Thanks Christophe!

    Desirable Dancing Deevski
    x x x x

  • Comment number 17.

    Beany - do you think we are in with a chance if we post our Arf near to Baz's post?!!

    ARF - Legs - ZZ Top

    Good luck James, the wait will soon be over.

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Ah, Christophe, that's a very stern face if ever I saw one! I think the nerves start now then...have to say, I don't think much of the cover...or is that not what I should think???

    Anyhoo, regarding your Mike and Sarah, I'm sure there is a six degrees of separation around somewhere...probably on this 'ere schlog...so you never know, they may be just around the next corner. Possibly even in a corner shop. Or similar. It translates the same in French...

    In the meantime, it is SO difficult to balance petty cash when the b*ggers don't give me receipts OR write anything down, and they ain't even here for me to arst wot they spent the money on. No Wagon Wheels for them then.

    all the more for me

    ARF Sugar Baby Love by the Rubettes

  • Comment number 19.

    Thanks Darce.....

  • Comment number 20.

    James, I'm good thanks. Blimey they're cutting it fine aren't they. Have you had the urge to call them?

    Now all this WHAM talk earlier in the week my ARF is, wait for it...............



    You put the boom-boom into my heart............

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Thanks Scoobs and Pen (for previous blog!)

    ARF - Beatles, Paperback Writer

    in honour of the completion of the eagerly awaited book. Chris, maybe you could somehow have a couple of extra special unique editions printed and auction them off for children in need? Just a thought.


  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon all from a sunny berks/hants border!! How nice it is to look out to a beautiful blue sky instead of the grey old sky we're so used to.
    Because of the weather i've cancelled the hoovering and i'm going to sit in me garden and make the most of it!! Naughty or what!! lol
    Clp you look a little worried in your pic - bless.
    Must run while the sun is still shining!!

    TTW. xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Eek. Out of curiosity I looked up the lyrics to paperback writer, and now hastily retract my ARF for this week!!! *Dumbass dragon puts foot in it again*

    No offense meant Chris, honest! It was all lyrical ignorance on my part...

    I hereby change my ARF to...

    ARF - Under pressure, Queen.

    Off to hide in a hole for a bit..


  • Comment number 24.

    Penny, they have a very formal background check process that can take a week....... If it's not done by Friday, the next start date will be in two weeks....... oh well.......

    Hi dragon, good choice of ARF.....

  • Comment number 25.

    hello all, hope you're well?

    Chris - you could search for them on facebook via the drivetime mascot account? I can't help I'm afraid other than that poor suggestion!
    Can't wait for the book, I've got a bookstore page saved and ready to order. Keep us informed on any signings you might do, would be good to get your scribble in my copy "from one gingembre to another, how's the boot?"

    Hope you're all having a groovy week. Weren't England good last night in the second half? JD to the rescue, CoyS

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 26.

    Hi Chris, You do look a little like "eek what have I done" but we your doting public can't wait.

    My choice please is - ARF: Rob Base and EZ Rock - It Takes Two - please

    I too reach the dizzy heights of 41 next week and have never had a request played on the radio....honest.


  • Comment number 27.

    Hi guys. Just a quickie from me - ARF for my lovely dog - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds please

    Well done Bondy on No 1 spot. Book is out here in October I think ...

    T xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Afternoon everyone! Apologies for my absence - had a few days away from the office and couldn't get 'ternet at home to work grr!

    Had a good fews days off - ate too and drank too much with some good friends, had an enjoyable day out with my mum in Cambridge and was run ragged yesterady looking after niece & nephews! in fact, feel as is if I've come back to work for a rest!

    Hope all you fellow bloggers are fine & dandy on this thirsty Thursday afternoon.


  • Comment number 29.

    Thanks sparkle, how are things?

  • Comment number 30.

    Soz....what was I thinkin'....

    Tango weather report for Brighton...clear blue skys, highs of 22c, light SE breeze...low tonight of around 14c.

    But....sad to say...aren't the evenings starting to draw in now...boooooo???


  • Comment number 31.

    Feeling a bit blue still James tbh - and wanting to be on my own to feel sad is not going down well with new man who has taken it as a personal slight.

    ho hum.

    Off home now

  • Comment number 32.

    Hugs Tins (())xx We all have our own way with dealing with things and its hard for others if that is not their way. I'm like you on the being on your own to let your sadness out xx

    Darce x

  • Comment number 33.

    sorry you feel so blue sparkle, wish there was a way to help cheer you up. Your new man will get over it, he probably just wants to help, but can't........ we're here for you any time.....

  • Comment number 34.

    Sparkle - I was sorry to hear about the poochie :(

    Chin up, chuck xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Afternoon each

    Chris, you look scared!! Don't be, it'll be a sell-out if this lot have anything to do with it. Hope you find your long-lost friends.


  • Comment number 36.

    Well done CLP!!!!

    We can't wait to get our beady eyes on the real thing and inwardly digest all you have to say!

    Sorry can't help on Mike or Sara but wish you all the best with trying to find them. BLOG POWER!!!!

    Booboo (basking in the sunshine) & the bump

  • Comment number 37.

    Tins...I'm with Bondy....we r here 4 u....bit like phones 4 u...but better!!!! LOL

  • Comment number 38.

    ARF for tomorrow

    IN MY LIFE ~ The Beatles

    Seeing as your book is finished Chris!

    SylviaB x

  • Comment number 39.

    Sparkle, my ARF suggestion for you: Love me love my dog.... Peter Shelley.....

  • Comment number 40.

    Ah, Tins, he just wants to be with you at a sad time...and obviously doesn't know you well enuff yet to understand...maybe he needs people around him when he's sad, so that's just what he's trying to do with you...it'll be fine in the end...you see...bless you hon!

    Bondy, good luck with the news for tomorrow...x


  • Comment number 41.

    thanks hazel....

  • Comment number 42.

    ARF - drift away - Dobie Gray.
    Crumps xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Alwight CLP Boy And Every Blog Writer... Writing On The Blog....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - Yer loook abit angry in the photo there....well noot angry angry..... more cathartic angry - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    Is that what wreeting a book does to yer????

    If so a might stoooop wreeting mine know, sorry now!!!!!!

    Am finding a keep getting writers block.... then when a start it again... it all clicks inter place until me mind ends up in pain!!!!!!

    So a ve writted pages 86 ter 91.... the others either side a aven't even started or gotta clue what am gonna wreet..... although a did ave a good idea for a chapter the other dee..... all a can say iz it invloves Jezza Vine and the strangest show 'e's EVER presented.... all thanks ter a Bingo Star misdemeanour!!!!!!!!

    PS A waz wondering.... can aput real people's names inter me boook aka The Vine dude... or ave a gotta make up a name.... or do a ave ter get their permission?????????????

    PPS CLP - Az the book gotta cover or iz it white so it stands out more on the shelf?????
    Yer gotta think about these thinks - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    PPPS - 'ow's Marion's finger/ ring????????????????


    PS ARF - 'old on.............................

    'old on.................................

    Nealy there............... just loooooking it up.... forgotten.....

    GOT IT..... Journey and Don't Stop Believing!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS Thought of an idea for another book.... but noot a comedy... actually a very good film idea actually..... abit dark but noot too dark.... more of a drama/ love story..... with a 'appy ending of course!!!!!


  • Comment number 44.

    Hallo Bond, hope you hear tomorrow.

    Tins, No-one understood how I felt about Bonnie, my springer spaniel, either. Big hug. xxxxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Thanks Annie, how are things with you today? Good I hope.....

    My golden, that I had to put down about a year and a half ago, was called winston. Great dog.... er friend. The daphster, even though she's less than a quarter of his size, plays with some of his toys.......

  • Comment number 46.

    Lovely and sunny up here in Fife Bond, although it's not forecast to last. Shopaholic friend's daughter's wedding on Saturday and it promises to piddle down! Oh joy, as Beez would say.


  • Comment number 47.

    Tins. Went to see John Barrowman at RAH in June - He was really good (and very lovely too). He is a dog lover (and a patron of a well known dog charity) and sang Linda Ronstadt's (SP?) "Goodbye my friend' for a dog he lost last year. In the background there were loads of photos of him and his partner and their lovely dogs. I don't think there was a dry eye, and those of us with our own doggies were still wiping tears 10 minutes later - it was really moving. I lost one of mine in November and another one is getting really quite tottery. Really feel for you, take all the time you need and it will get easier for you eventually.

    Hope this isn't too gloomy, sorry.

    Beany x

  • Comment number 48.

    Ah, Bingo (nearly typed Bigno he he!!) what a FAB choice for ARF. I reckon I'm a-gonna be a-singin' it all the way home.

    Which is where I'm going now

    ...and now it's all gone grey again...pfff.

  • Comment number 49.

    beany, will have to look up that song and see if anyone has posted the John Barrowman version....... I did a little video with still to the Love me Love my Dog song for poor old winston. Putting it together helped, if you know what I mean.....

  • Comment number 50.

    Bondy...sorry...goes without saying of course, hope you hear tomorrow mate...it'll be fine I'm sure...


  • Comment number 51.

    Thanks Baz, I hope so. No other nibbles......

  • Comment number 52.

    Bondy - I had a look at the time and couldn't find it - so downloaded LR's version so that I would remember it - I hope he does release it - if you find it, please let me know.

    Funnily enough, I made a DVD with photos of our dogs as a (shhhh) Christmas present and put Peter Shelley's song to it - I loved it as a kid and still do!!

    Hope you hear tomorrow too.

    Beany x

  • Comment number 53.

    Tinsel - it takes a while, I think most of us here have lost a pet at some time or other and it's not easy. For a long time after we've lost our cats you somehow still think you catch them in the corner of your eye, then you realise of course it's not them! 'tis very hard xx

    Hi Annie - Not long now till the new arrival?

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Thanks Beany....

    My winston was really scared of thunder storms so I especially think of him when we have one.... sigh!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi chris my I wish you good luck with the book & the seach for missing freinds sorry I hav nt been in touch of late it was great to meet you. love to the family all the very best Stewart the Chauffer

  • Comment number 56.

    Oh No!!! not that love my dog one - in tears just thinking about it !!! Soft 'aporth. Whenever that comes on the radio - the off switch is used!

    Christoph you look scared to death !! I'm sure it will be fine!!!!

    Need to dash off to take post and empty a few cash points - be back later.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Beany, I found this:

  • Comment number 58.

    Hello CLP and Bloggers

    Lurking for ages again but had to post to try and get ARF Altered Images - Happy Birthday for the one and only Diva for her birthday next Monday - failing that Christoph I think Deev would like a U2 track.

    All the best to one and all xx

  • Comment number 59.

    welcome SusanB.......

    well I'm off to the gym for a bit, be back on later.....

  • Comment number 60.

    Can one say 'enjoy the gym' Bondy. Lost off with your job situation - has it improved??

  • Comment number 61.

    Hiya All,

    Chris, you look a tad worried......it'll be fine you know, but you need to work on the front cover............

    We survived the camping trip - the boy barely slept as there were just too many things to see - including a goat tethered just outside the tent! He(and we)had a grand time tho with my folks and nephew, just sitting around reading or playing swingball! Although my back could do with another holiday to get over sleeping on the ground!! (We forgot the airbad, DOH!!)

    My nephew lives abroad and it's been 2 years since I've seen him. He has turned into a delightful, thoughtful young man, who has a wicked sense of humour. And once he found out t'other was a dr who fan (geek) he was in seventh heaven - think we could have left them talking for days!!!

    Tins - I haven't caught u with everything but did see you sad news......thoughts are with you. I still carry a picture of my first dog, and she died 15 years ago!

    Bondy - hope you get a start date sorted, now't worse than waiting for the phone to ring huh!?

    Suppose I'd better do the washing up......
    back later

  • Comment number 62.

    Evening all.

    Hope it is as nice where you are as it is now, a lovely summer evening

    CLP looks v worried in that pic. I'm so looking forward to this book. I was going to ask for it for Christmas but i don't think I can wait that long

    Seza x

  • Comment number 63.

    Well just got back from the gym and it's now official, I start Monday.....YIP-PEEEEEEEE

  • Comment number 64.

    Great news Bond. xxxxx

  • Comment number 65.

    BTW: Beez, your FB page has gone AWOL so can't leave you a message to say ignore my earlier message. Found what I was looking for.


  • Comment number 66.

    Hey Bondy, that's great news!


  • Comment number 67.

    Phew James, what a relief, jolly good news.

    Have you sold your house or is it a four hour round trip?

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Have survived the trip around ELH and made it home!

    But at least I got home with the top down and didn't get wet!! Had an issue at ELH though, forgot the stupid roof in the boot thingy, so had to put the roof up to put the shopping in, and put it down again! Doh!!

    Aww, and have seen two little yellow MX5's today, and felt a bit sorry for my old car, hope she's OK!

    Also saw a gorgeous Ferrari, with a reg W333 HEE, how cool is that?

    Well sraterd typing this 30 mins ago, but had Mum on the phone for ages, she's feeling good, I'm in a happy mood!

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    Annie, had a notification that you'd posted on mine too, but never saw it, did you delete it?

    Hope you're OK anyway, Mum had a great time at the Tattoo, and a stop-over in Durham, which she loved too!

    But she won't be doing any coach trips again in a hurry, she's like me would rather drive on and get there!

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    No JG, didn't delete it, bums!!

    Glad you Mum enjoyed the Tattoo, it's a real spectacle, eh? Hope it didn't rain on her.

    Haven't been to Durham since I was little - with the school.


  • Comment number 71.


    Hey Bond, great news, glad sorted for you

    JG sounds like a nice drive home today. Has been dry here as well so think we got this sunshine shared out better today.

    seza x

  • Comment number 72.

    I've never been to Durham, but have passed by it a couple of times and felt guilty for not stopping!

    Ouch, have banged my index finger nail last week, and it's now going nasty and is realy sore!

    I think I went to it when I was about 3 or something, I remember, and it is one of my earliest memories, guys in kilts dancing over swords etc in a courtyard, but my Mum can't remember it :(

    I also remember, the same holiday going up the Cairngorms, and the last chair-lift was closed, and my Dad deciding to walk up and disappearing into the mist, and then coming back again....1970-ish!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    They have a funicular on Cairngorm now JG, didn't see any scary chairlifts last time I was there.


  • Comment number 74.

    Thanks everyone.....

    Penny, house is up for sale but not sold.....yet..... and yes it is a 4 hour round trip unless I stay up there during the week, I will have to see if that is financially viable

  • Comment number 75.

    Annie, I am talking about 37-38 years ago!

    And for all those approaching 41 - don't worry about it, it only gets better lol!

    JG x

  • Comment number 76.

    I'll second that JG. 41? Pshaw!!!!!! Babies.


  • Comment number 77.

    Christhophe, heard you mention Les Paul amidst the noise of the kitchen and the dreadful cacophony of Layla only to discover that you were obviously paying tribute to him having now found out he's just died. What beter way to start ARF than with LP and Mary Ford "How High The Moon"

  • Comment number 78.

    Great news Bondy, I left work and went to gym, then got bak and saw the link! Thank you for that - I think I was there! But it wasn't me squealing - honest! I was the one sniffing a lot though!

    Gotta run - food calls

    Beany x

  • Comment number 79.

    LOL My names Sara and I did live in France....Can I be your long lost Ex Girlfriend please...pweety please :P

  • Comment number 80.

    LOL Beany.......... and Thanks I just loved the Torchwood Mini series. We just had it here in the US. We've even, at last, had the two xmas specials from last year. I really lived the "other" doctor.......

  • Comment number 81.

    Bondy good news....told you it would be OK..Monday start ay...enjoy the rest of your time off!!

    JG...top down then up then back down again...I say, can't keep up with you girl..lol

    Can't believe its just gone 8-30 and I cant see the keyboard as its sooo dark...and its NOT coz of cloud cover....

    Tired tonight...gotta make up daughters bed as sheets washed today and Mrs TB struggles as lucky daughter has a king size bed to herself...spoilt or what?? So will sign off, do bed, make horlicks and have an early one ready to hit gym tomorrow at 7.15...4th day running...see halo glowing in dark!!!!!


  • Comment number 82.

    Thanks Baz......

  • Comment number 83.

    Excellent news Bondy!! I hope it works out well for you! Hope you can move soon and cut out the travelling!

    Baz, my top went down, up, down and then up again! Sorry if you missed it!

    Right, I'm trying to watch the golf and a bit miffed with Sky for not showing the earlier rounds!

    JG x

  • Comment number 84.

    Big news. Big day.

    But first things first.

    I haven't been keeping up with the blog or the show over the past few days, so if anything mindblowing has happened, apologies for not mentioning it. I'm not being rude, honest. Just busy.

    So, the big thing.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to announce that today I lost my virginity.

    Yep, deflowered, became a man. Aged 38.

    Oh, hang on. I'd better explain. This isn't rumpy pumpy we're talking about.

    No. Today I let a little bit of latino into my life for the first time ever. I drove a Ferrari. In fact, it was the brand spanking new California. In the sunshine, top down. Awesome.

    And just to spice things up a little, I drove a Bentley to the place where I picked the Ferrari up. Sometimes, just sometimes, my job hands me a perk or two.

    On a completely different subject, a was delving around my collection of Q magazines the other day - perhaps I ought to explain; when Q first came out it was the easily the best music mag in the world, thanks to the editors and writers, notably our mate, Mr Maconie, and I bought it religiously and kept every copy, to the point that I had my mother mailing me copies to New Zealand when I was there. It has tailed off a little in terms of quality over the past couple of years, but I still buy it - and I came across the January 1998 issue which featured an interview with our very own CLP.

    And rather interesting it was too. Remember that one Chris?

    No, thought not.

    But we all love you.

    Peace + love


    PS Midnight is where the day begins

    PPS Follow me, don't follow me

    PPS The kind U find in a second hand store

  • Comment number 85.

    Heyy Chris !!

    great to see that the book finished!!!!!!

    are you comming to Milton Keynes ?????


    Love Billie xxxxx

  • Comment number 86.


    What a day. I am absolutely cream crackered, done in, fit for me bed and nowt else!

    Managed to get most of the stuff done, but a wee bit to go back to on Monday.

    Then when I got home Mr Deev wanted me to try and "do something" about our slow broadband, so several waves of the magic wand, an hour on the phone to our provider (in mumbai!), half hour on the phone to BT and some terse words between me and him, we've still got really slow broadband and are now going to change providers.

    Frankly, I've had enuff ..... it's all for his PS3 online gaming thingy ...... SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!

    Oh - and there's a train strike tomorrow so our journey to london should be fun, to say the least!

    But hey ho!!! I'm still smiling!!

    Thanks SusanB !!

    Tins {hugs}

    Hi Ho to everyone else - gonna miss you lot tomorrow!!

    Much love and happy hugs

    x x x

  • Comment number 87.

    Hi Cheryl

    Can't help with the broadband or the PS3 gaming ( have to fight to get MY laptop some days!) but did hear good old nick Duncalf say tonight that train strike is off!! Do double check but we are having a weekend sans kids in london soon so was paying attention.

    Have a fab time & see you soon

    Seza x

  • Comment number 88.



    Later chaps, much later.



  • Comment number 89.


    Just checked ´óÏó´«Ã½ News for Essex and yay! the train drivers go back to work at midnight so no strikes!!! yippeeeeeeeeee!!

    biggest dilema now ..... will U2 prefer me in my Fat Face trendy purple cowboy hat, or my flashing devil horns?!?!?!

    And it gonna be hot hot hot or soggy soggy soggy?


  • Comment number 90.

    James - excellent news - how will you deal with Daphers out for hours on end? Or will you find somewhere if you stay locally who will be happy for her to stay?

    Nice one Matt not driven a ferrari but have a roller - well it drove me actually!!!

    Beez xx

    JG stop teasing Baz with your top up top down and Baz - wot you doing you fool? gym - running !! Trying to keep up with Deev?

  • Comment number 91.

    Deev - my laptop links in to wifi system here in seconds. Until this week !!! Have to switch off - switch on now - every night.

    By chance - our puter guy called round and as one of my freezers is in lounge instead of porch - (deccys) when I said about the on off stuff - he pointed to freezer. Apparently freezers wifi and Vista don't mix!!!!!!!!!Can that be right?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 92.

    How odd Beez - deep frozen wi-fi??

    I'm happy with my internet speed. It's him and his bloody on line gaming that's the "problem".


  • Comment number 93.

    Hi everyone sorry I have been absent for a while but do not fear i am always here lurking.

    ARF.....Every Picture Tells a Story....Rodders of the Stewart variety ...PLEASE

    Does anyone know how to clean a tin opener by the way... they get quite gungy or is it just me?

    Loli x

  • Comment number 94.

    Deffo purple cowboy hat. Will keep sun off if hot hot hot or rain if not not not. Saw the U2 set on ´óÏó´«Ã½ website today. really hope you haven't got any phobias about War of the Worlds or that old sci fi thing, Tripods. Not sure I'd want to stand under it all night.

    Beez - Freezer? Wifi? Really? Maybe you should offer wifi choc ice from freezer, then they might be friends and play nice. lol

    Seza x

  • Comment number 95.

    'Puter man a bit weird but strange I've had no trouble until freezer got plonked in the lounge!!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 96.

    #93 help I've lost my identity ..

    being pointed at...hiding now


  • Comment number 97.

    Loli - I don't like the YOU thing either !!
    and throw away the tin opener and buy a new one!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 98.

    doh...serves me right for not blogging for a while i remember you lot sayig about being called "you" sorry panic over i can come out of hiding now.


  • Comment number 99.

    Nite Nite all

    Seza x

  • Comment number 100.

    Have apparently missed the best of the golf, as they sent Tiger and Paddy out at the crack of dawn!

    So, off to bed, and hoping Mr JG doesn't get called out!

    Night all!

    JG x


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