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Bring on Challenge No. 3

Chris Evans | 10:32 UK time, Thursday, 21 January 2010

Jonny vs Me - DARTS - Hallelujah.

Thank you Lord, s'all I'm sayin'.

Tune in tomorrow to find out more, or click on to our the video on our website from early tomorrow morning.

Today, the office already has that Thursday bounce going on, and there is a definite air of -"...Right this is what we do now, and let's bloomin' well enjoy it."

Think about it, research it, do it, re-do it, re-think about it, do it again and then ENJOY IT !!!

I have a friend who said to me just now - "I'm considering changing my laugh - what do you think ?"

"Why not ?" I replied.

Can't wait to hear her new one.

Happy Thursday Everyone !

CLP 2010



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  • Comment number 1.


    S'always good to have more than one laugh, I feel.

    The minxy laugh
    The dirty laugh
    The girly giggle
    The evil cackle

    To name but four.

    Is it Friday yet!?!?


  • Comment number 2.

    ooh, think I might have made it to No 1!!

    Enjoy it is right, CLP - we are!! and the more you do, the more we will!!

    Cornishgirlie xx

    (who is wondering if the above could count as "waffle"??!!

  • Comment number 3.

    Good idea - think I'm going to research living in an igloo in the North Pole, away from idiots who screw things up and then leave it to me to clear up the mess.

    Happy Thursday everyone!

  • Comment number 4.

    Cornishgirlie ..... you sayin' I waffle!?!?!

    mwahahahahaha, she cackled in an evil styleeeeeeee!


  • Comment number 5.

    mmmm changing laughs? Surely if you are really laughing, your natural laugh will come out???

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    Everything is everything....love it!

  • Comment number 7.

    Deev - wouldn't dare!! Even though you snuck in to first post when I wasn't looking!

    i have to say the top waffle ever in my view was the Alice/Vicar of Dibley bit about "I can't believe its not butter"!!

    Now I really AM going to get on with some work for a couple of hours!

    Back later!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 8.

    uncle-carl - I know what you mean - sometimes it would be lovely to live in splendid isolation but there are many other times when it is just wonderful to be around other people. Grin and bear it with a smile if you can ....


  • Comment number 9.

    Belgians. Now they are good at waffling. Speshly with choccy sauce!


  • Comment number 10.

    Morning All, dart and kids DO NOT MIX - new house is peppered with holes. The aim is not good is our 'ouse!

    As for the laffin - I have a very nervous laff - and when I REALLY laff, it's legs crossed tears streamin down the chops, what a state, but hey ho, you really do feel great after it. Speshly when the jaws HURT.

    Just had a drookin' been cleaning the shower and (with clothes on) turned the chuffin thing on - drowned and rat are a good look!

    Happy days to you all

    Hittin the bean scene now!!!! latte.chino anyone?


  • Comment number 11.

    CLP - good advice, think sometimes if we re-think something too much we talk ourselves out of it though?! Or is that just me...?

    mtd ffb - I agree, your laugh is your laugh, otherwise you're faking it!

    And Uncle Carl - I think it will be tough to build an igloo on the North Pole and live there as idiots in world governments have screwed things up and left our next generations to clear up the mess so that the North Pole is not very Pole like anymore!

    Happy Thursday everyone!


  • Comment number 12.

    The best laughs are the ones where you really can't stop yourself and end of snorting, which makes you laugh even more, or those giggles that make the back of your head hurt.


  • Comment number 13.

    end of snorting? Sorry, meant end up!

  • Comment number 14.

    Laura, Dreamer - my apologies. Due to the apparent lack of requirement for `waffle', I thought I'd give `diatribe' a go.

    Seeing as that's not too popular either, I might try `apathy' next. Actually, I don't think I can be bothered....

  • Comment number 15.

    :-D very good uncle-carl. Perhaps apathy can be followed by apoplexy!

  • Comment number 16.


    I mean, seriously, you cannot change a laugh on purpose. That's false. One should just let the natural laugh come out. It's a bit like the difference bewteen manufactured pop acts and ones which grow organically, IMO i.e. love the latter, detest the former.
    And, modified from previous blog, it's great you listen and read to constructive comments but please don't try to be all things to all people. That road leads to compromise and not harmony.


  • Comment number 17.



  • Comment number 18.

    Hi Chris,

    Beleve me, it is perfectly obvious that you are all enjoying yourselves - the fun and positivity coming through is totally infectious.

    I am trying to persaude my husband to sign-up for either/or. He has been right every single morning so far!

    Love you, Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Nic - sometimes compromise is necessary to achieve harmony ...


  • Comment number 20.

    Morning all

    Great gob smackers this morning......sing-along-a-Carly was fab, especially when another driver and I spotted each other doing exactly that!

    Actually got to listen for more than the usual 15 minutes this morning - it's getting better all the time (song title there me thinks). Talking of which, Macca Rules OK!

    Later .....

    Steffi (talking drivvle?)


  • Comment number 21.


    If you listened to Chris yesterday, he "explained" the difference between compromise and harmony and it was this to which I was referring.



  • Comment number 22.

    Laura/Carl - diatribe, apathy, apoplexy - anyone would think you were doing a crossword, or were you just exchanging cross words?

  • Comment number 23.

    Morning all,

    Don't quite get how you can change your laugh, but hey-ho, each to their own!

    Not many laughs for me yesterday unfortunately...an IT Training Day...bored? I don't think that quite sums it up! Anybody think of anything more dull than sitting in a room with a load of other people and having to go at the pace of the slowest person?? Yawwwwwn.....unless your the slowerst person of course!

    That, to me, was compromise...and there was a distinct lack of harmony in the room ;-)

  • Comment number 24.

    I miss everything in the mornings lol. I just about catch the travel and the last track before the news and thats about it lol.

    Whereas before I'd sit in my car especially to wait for the rest of the song - my friend asked me to sit in the car yesterday to see if she got a mention from Simon! How random is she!

    @cherylthediva friday is coming it's nearly under 12 hours away

  • Comment number 25.

    Dream - now that was a programme and a half, wasn't it? Crosswords, hosted by Tom O'Connor...'Until next time, never a cross word' Genius!!

  • Comment number 26.

    Ha ha Dorset! x

  • Comment number 27.

    Morning everyone . .

    HIP HAP HAPPY THURDSAY . . . . !!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 28.

    DAAANNNN welcome back - not seen you for a long time. On the subject of old game show programmes, what was the one where there were 2 teams of 2 (one of which was a celeb) where one of the contestants was given a subject or word and then the other one had to describe it without saying the actual word? It's the one that Joey was on in Friends and got it completely wrong...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Meant to mention this earlier - bizarre that there was goldfish chat this morning, as our goldfish which was added to our family on Hogmanay (31st Dec!) was found at the bottom of it's world this morning. 16 year old very intelligent (generally) daughter says - Mum!!! Come see!! Why is Vanessa (yes that was her name? ) lying on her side? Do goldfish sometimes swim like this?!!! Anyway, the real owner of the fish is out of the country, so do I tell him? Replace and not tell? Or not replace and just hope he doesn't notice?! And if I tell, do I tell now or when he returns?!


  • Comment number 30.

    MTD - think it was the Pyramid Game

  • Comment number 31.

    Thanks Carl - that was it

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Dreamer, Always tell the truth; it's the only way, golfish or anything.



  • Comment number 33.

    Golfish? Not in the swing of things yet today (see what I did there...) - meant goldfish obviously!



  • Comment number 34.

    Dreamer - Vanessa?!
    Never mind Vanessa mk2 - there are other issues to consider, you seem to have recovered from the demise of a much loved family pet awfully quickly.
    I hope you explained the tragic news to your daughter sensitively before you laughed at her and what about funeral arrangements?

    Have you no feelings?



  • Comment number 35.

    Morning All - pea soup fog and right murky here this morning but starting to brighten up a smidge now.

    How can you change your laugh??? Have to think about that one.

    Short and sweet - byeeeeeee - for know - soz now.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Rips - feelings? Are you serious? this is 2010 - it's a do or die(hahahaha in that evil laugh way!) world out there. You can't go around having feelings! Are you mad?! Clearly!


  • Comment number 37.

    Nic - thank you, I guess you're right! But think I'll wait until mrD's return. Too much work to do and don't want tears on the phone!!!! (HIM not me!)

  • Comment number 38.

    Rips - I completely agree, a little decorum is required here.

    Dreamer - something you might want to consider when you're making arrangements for poor Vanessa's funeral . Goldfishes don't flush.

  • Comment number 39.

    The best way to change your laugh is laughing more often x

  • Comment number 40.

    Dreamer - I agree that honesty is the best policy - after all, it's not as if you poisoned the water or forgot to feed it ...


  • Comment number 41.

    Blimey! We're having a new printer/copier gizmo installed here and "the man who does" has just utilised my PC for nearly an hour! An hour of fiddling and faffing.

    Whatever next!?!!

    Still, it gave me a bit of spare time to shred a load of documents I no longer need, make a couple of change of addy phone calls and empty the office bins.

    All rounder me, see!

    Hannah - thank you! Not that I am clock watching or wishing my time away ..... well yeh, I am actually! Only til Friday, of course.

    Having a right proper CBA day today - 2 weeks today will be my last day here - huzzah indeed!


  • Comment number 42.

    Dreamer - It is incredibly important to consider others feelings and to make sure you do all you can not to offend or upset.
    We are all fragile creatures and exist only moments away from tears.

    So shut up!



  • Comment number 43.

    When I was an ickle girl, my nan and grandads goldfish passed away. Grandad flushed it, and as you say Carl, they don't flush good. Subsequently I was scared to use the downstairs loo at their house in case the fish came back to life and bit me on the bum!


  • Comment number 44.

    Nic - thank you.

    They do with the help of a bog brush!


  • Comment number 45.


    Honestly, I can't tell you boys apart.....Imagine that said in a John Inman voice!


  • Comment number 46.

    Warning - drivel alert!

    Is it just me or is it really hard to type 2010 without concentrating hard? I've lost count of the number of times I've projected forward to 201st century by typing 20010.


  • Comment number 47.

    Somewhat off topic again people. Be careful, or the Blog Police will be on the case...

    Nic Nic

  • Comment number 48.

    Dreamer - Sorry to here of poor Vanessa's demise. Honesty is best when breaking the news.

    Back in the dim and sistant, GD had a bowl full of fishes named (wait for it!) Giggsy, Coley, Oli etc...yes, I know a bit sad! Each time we lost one, said player, sorry Goldfish was buried in the garden, complete with headstone! Bless her.

    Nearly Friday - Yippeee


  • Comment number 49.

    Vanessa is already well down the sewage system!!! First time too!! Alfie the dug was very interested in the goings on this morning!

    Rips - thank you, you're always just there with the a few well meant words to say - pity it's always unhelpful!!! :)

    And Laurs - I have no idea what you may be implying...???!!! But I thought bleach just made the water clearer, No?

    right off to work out my must have honesty chat for later today.....via the petshop!


  • Comment number 50.

    Re #47, I came over all Jim Davidson there...


  • Comment number 51.

    Laura, you're absolutely right.

    I think the problem stems from the years 2001 - 2009 being referred to as `twenty-o-one' `twenty-o-two'etc. As a result, your brain has been trained to refer to 2010 as `twenty-o-ten' rather than the correct `twenty-ten'.

    Top-quality drivel there. I used to work in the IT department, but was asked to leave as they found me `boring'.....

  • Comment number 52.

    I keep doing the opposite Laura, and going back in time - I'm making up new job files at the mo (highly skilled operation, y'seE) and I keep typing the file cover date as 21/01/01.



  • Comment number 53.

    Deev - what sort of fish was it? Not met a goldfish that bites!!!

    I had 2 goldfish - Janis and Jimi (after Joplin and Hendrix). Found Janis with her head buried in the gravel one morning and Jimi then jumped out of the tank. I did think about giving them both to the cat but decided on the royal flush, will all proper ceremony.

    Sorry......have added more drivel / waffle.

    Top show this morning, by the way - loved the music choices!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 54.

    _mrst_ Did you have a goldfish called Sheri that sat on a bench in the corner of the tank? :-)

  • Comment number 55.


    I was about 8 at the time and it was roughly when that ghastly fillum came out about piranahs, which may explain my fish bitey bum fear / paranoia!

    Nowaways the only thing I have to worry about biting me on the ........



  • Comment number 56.

    Laura - Sounds like an excuse for bad typing to me :O)
    Carl - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - boring you are not!
    I had a goldfish called Tom Jones once.



  • Comment number 57.

    BTW - one of our developers has just come back from the gents asking if anyone's lost a goldfish....

  • Comment number 58.

    Lol Unc. Sadly no, only the 'a' team! (Other 'a' teams available past and present).


  • Comment number 59.

    Had an angel fish called Alfonse once. Used to head butt the front of the tank if you went near. Strop.

    Dreamer - Alfie the dug - ? did he bury your fish for you?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 60.

    ahhh goldfish - both my sister and I had goldfish (in separate bowls), all went well until my sister changed the gravel/stones at the bottom of the bowl and killed my fish..... what is the sentence for pescicide??? It was probably flushed though - it certainly wasn't buried...

    I'm in the 20010 camp when it comes to dates (or mostly 2009 still).

    mtd ffb xxx

    ps has Bingo been in Aberdeen???

  • Comment number 61.

    Sorry, just have to join in! I can't stop laughing at this morning's posts, even if they are drivel or waffle - cheered up a very grey and cold East Yorks morning.
    Tortie x

  • Comment number 62.

    You should never lie to somebody about the death of a pet as I found out to my cost a few years ago
    My neighbour John and his family were going away on holiday and asked me to look after their pet rabbit while they are away.

    On the first day of the holiday I go around to feed the rabbit and I am greeted by the sight of a large dog with the rabbit in his mouth. I chased the dog off, but the rabbit was very, very dead.

    I spent the next two weeks going around every pet shop in the area looking for an identical rabbit.

    At last on the day before they were due back I found one "Not even it's mother could tell the difference" I thought to myself.
    I went home stuck bunny in his hutch and went home to have a glass or to celebrate.
    The next morning I casually saunter round to next door, there was John staring wordlessly at the rabbit sitting in the hutch while his wife was trying to console their two young children who were in floods of tears..
    鈥淲hat鈥檚 the matter鈥 I said, hoping the concern didn鈥檛 show in my voice.
    鈥淚t鈥檚 the rabbit鈥 said John, his voice quivering with emotion.
    鈥淟ooks OK to me鈥 I reply
    鈥淎ye, that鈥檚 the point. The bloody thing died the night before we went away so I buried it in the garden鈥

  • Comment number 63.

    Nic - dab pyting? Moi? Never!

    Uncle-Carl - IT people, boring? Not where I work. The are the life and soul. I can think of many more boring professions. For me anything to do with numbers is D U L L, dull.


  • Comment number 64.

    Laura - Eys uoy!

    Nic, the Accountant...


  • Comment number 65.

    Oops - better go and find a rock to crawl under until my last post is long forgotten.

  • Comment number 66.


    There is no room under that rock anymore, with all the bloggers who currently reside there, so you can't! I won't forget it, though ;^)
    I don't take it personally, as I know we don't have a good image (that's accountants, not bloggers!) and I know I'm not dull; I'm not an actuary or anything (or accurist as Chris referred to them as)



  • Comment number 67.

    Just dipping in to catch up with everyone!

    I've been painting for 2 days and missed my lurking.

    Catch up laters x

  • Comment number 68.

    Nic - Phew. Thought I might get black-balled. Actuary's sound really interesting ... Where does one find an actuary, actually?

    I know a few accountants and I'm afraid they seem to fit the stereotypical view very well. Good for you if you're blazing a trail to change the image of the number-crunchers out there.


  • Comment number 69.

    Afternoon Christoph, enjoyed the show particularly this morning.

    All, the manflu is thankfully abating, helped on this morning by getting my latest CIMA exam results...I passed woohoo...so then onto the next set :-/ oh well, i'll get there in the end.

    Noticed something strange in the sky today, it seems to be coloured blue and there's a big bright orange/yellow disc up there....help!


  • Comment number 70.

    ell done Chris for booing the voters not Paul Mccartney on Jukebox Jury.

    That was a lovely song! What rubbish about him not writing anything decent in years (they haven't listened!). And I know you love the Flaming Pie album, me too.

    Keep up the good work Macca
    AND Chris

  • Comment number 71.

    I'm a bean counter - today I am wearing a grey pinafore dress, black tights and sensible shoes

    stereotype me?

  • Comment number 72.

    Dya know what Rusty - it's spreading across the country, bluey stuff and yellow disc here as well ;-) Some people will think it's summer (sp)???

    Didn't hear the PM record but cannot believe that it would be anything but good (Ok the Frog Chorus was a bit off but otherwise....)

    There doesn't appear to be any Swedish inturruptions today nor those who have become old fogeys before their time.......

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Sentimentations Of 'I Like YOOOOUUUUUUUUUU' Very Alot Sent Your Way Christooooof Boy & ALL Blog Wreeters & INDEED Lurkers Lurking......

    Bingo Star ere.... coming to you from Six Mile Bottom... Cambridgeshire.....

    Am so busy, soz noot been able ter relpy ter all, but ave read all of yer blogs... and a like them very alot!!!!!!!!
    The reason why ave noot beena ble ter reply iz am mega busy at work, going ter the gym, being nice ter people who are rude ter me & also making music.... yes all ave noot even 'ad teem ter put FULL details of me new year revolvolutions but one of 'em iz ter make me music this year and so far am sticking ter all of me new year revovlvolutions!!!!!

    CLP - Your friend says she iz considering changing 'er laugh, a am ere if she needs me!!!!!!!!!
    A like making people laugh az it makes me 'appy ter make others 'appy!!!!!!!!
    The only problem it's noot good ter change yer laugh if it's false & yer noot laughing!!!!!!!!
    But lets start wreet know, sorry now, ter see if a can make a few laugh with some 'umourous commmentations!!!!!!!

    A did 'ave three jokes ter bang on the blog that popped inter me 'ead over the weekend.... and az usual ave forgoot ter wreet them down.... thus ave know, sorry now, forgotten them!!!!!!!
    They were fresh in the mind at the teem... but ave forgotten them... all except one!!!!!!!

    But a won't tell that joke terdee.... maybe termozza!!!!!!!

    What a will say know, sorry now, iz.... ave just been listening ter The Jerr Vine Shoe , sorry show, but without 'im.... the article waz about the economy and 'ow if the goverment 'ad noot bailed out the banks we could ave gone inter a depression!!!!!!!!!

    Well.... 1... In the boom... a didn't see many extra 'appy faces arooound... especially on the roads!!!!!!
    2... Why noot let uz all go inter a depression.... then instead of bailing out the banks.... just give uz all anti-depressants!!!!!!!!!
    Then we'd be the 'appiest country in Europe!!!!!!! NNYYAAAAA!!!!!!@!!!
    Plus it would also be excellent for the farmasuitacle.... sorry pharmasui..... soz.... ph..armaceutical industry!!!!!!!!!

    There would be no banks butta branch of Glaxowelcome or similar welcoming yer on every 'igh street corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS Ello Ter Nic, ter Chezza, ter Mistletoedipper, ter Annie G, ter Rips, ter Penny Forem, ter Super B..... ter name just a few!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 74.

    PS Mistletoedipper - Am noot in Aberdeen but Cambridgeshire & the town called 'Six Mile Bottom!!!!!!!'

  • Comment number 75.

    Ta Bingo - Thought you might be trying to get rid of that case again.... lol.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    I have never tried to change my laugh though I once came out with a strange evil laugh that made me sound like an evil villain in a cape and a black hat tying a lady to the railroad tracks so; maybe within all of us there is a subconscious laugh that emerges under certain circumstances. I do remember being very smugly pleased with myself about a piece of work I had completed. I shall make a note to monitor my future laughing episodes to see if the laugh types match up to my mood. Do we laugh in different accents? Does anybody know? Is anybody interested?

    Moving on:

    I did hear (cant remember from where) that Goldfish aren鈥檛 necessarily dead if they are found lying on their sides but don鈥檛 quote me on that, in fact, don鈥檛 quote me on anything as I mostly talk waffle, or is it drivel, whatever.

    Perhaps if the rabbit had been flushed instead of buried a lot of aggravation may have been saved.

    Happy Thursday everyone 鈥 Friday tomorrow - hurahhhhhhhhh

  • Comment number 77.

    Daughter No 2 (aged 8); 'Who's this on the Radio?'
    Me; 'It's Chris Evans. Why?'
    Daughter No 2; 'I like him'
    Me; 'Why do you like him?'
    Daughter No 2; 'Because he's like Terry Wogan'

    Remember CLP - you're unique, just like everyone else!!

  • Comment number 78.

    Misteltoedipper - They've confiscated it for forensic analysists!!!!!

    CLP - Did me above commentations make yer friend laugh & 'ence test 'er new laugh??????

    If noot... ave goot more......

    Trains again....

    A waz on a train the other dee at Liverpool Central station... when suddenly there waz an announcemtation... it went.... "will all passengers please 'ave their tickets ready for inspection!!!!!"

    Next thing the carriage that a waz in.... everyone goot off fast!!!!!!!!


    Gotta joke.....

    A recently 'ad a plasterer in ter smoooth over me cracks..... Only problem... 'e made more of a mess than before 'e starter az 'e waz an alchoholic..... 'e waz plasted!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 79.

    Rusty, Well done. I'm CIMA too, keep it up, it's worth it (I think!)
    Evenelpus - waffle and drivel - you'll fit in well here!
    Bingo - HELLO!

    That's 3 !!! in 1 post - no 6 now...



  • Comment number 80.


    For what it's worth, imho, there's nothing worse than a false laugh.

    Darce, did the builders turn up?

    'ello to yer Bingo.

    The local weather for these parts apologised for the cloudy day. Err, don't think so, we have the most beautiful sunny day, albeit cold!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Ello Nic & Pen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS Thanks for yer thanks about me thanks about yer thanks about me thanks!!!!!!!

    Am off.... gotta few thousand nappies ter deliver.... 100% TRUE!!!!!!

    Pampers to you!!!!!

  • Comment number 82.

    Bingo - Errrr - Thanks!! Diapers to you!!!


  • Comment number 83.

    Afternoon each

    Training a newbie so cant stop but sunny here!

    Keep catching up and laughing at bits..please keep it up!

    And the haulier needs extra special expensive insurance to haul nappies and ladies sanitary ware... almost as costly as gold! 100% true!


    mSc x

  • Comment number 84.

    PS..Debs, enjoy Shaun..AliB and i shall be happy to discuss the ins and outs of it anytime!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 85.

    PPS -loads more i want to comment on but really have not got time.. this work lark dont half get in the way!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 86.

    Question to CLP - did you and Jonny have 'walk on music' for your darts match and if so what were they??

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    Hi Pen

    Yes they turned up! Still not started anything again yet as they have given me a quote for all the plastering work and I've asked my brother for his advice. A bit nearer though!!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 88.

    Hi - question for the bean counters - anyone have any knowledge on Austria GAAP and Tax laws? is it similar to ours or US?


  • Comment number 89.

    Baggy, This might help, as I have no clue whatsoever on such things!!


  • Comment number 90.

    Thanks nic - I wonder if I buy a book on it the company will refund me - sounds like intresting reading on the train!

  • Comment number 91.

    Darce, as you say, it's a start. Always wise to get more than one quote, but then I imagine you know that.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 92.

    I think I have a few different laughs, though I definitely don't do girly. My laughs can be:

    Polite - the sort you do on a training day when the leader makes jokes

    Knowing - when you realise what someone's up to, sort of an "aah, aHA, ha ha ha"

    Real belly laughs are when you throw your head back and laugh it off.

    Unless you're at one of your child's concerts, or in church, or anywhere you're not supposed to laugh,which is when I am most likely to get a totally infantile but uncontrollable fit of the giggles. Then you cry. My dad was the worst for making me do this, he only had to look at me. Now I can do the same to my younger daughter, which is nice.

    You can't pretend to laugh though.

    I must admit Barney, I had a chuckle when I read your story, I chuckled all the way to my book "Copyright Laws - When Plaguarism Becomes A Crime". He he he, that was a winky laugh. But Diary of a Killer Cat was a big favourite chez Boleyn in the growing up years.

    Hi to Tinsel if she's lurking,

    Bye y'all

    A x


  • Comment number 93.


    You lot really are bonkers, I don't know how anyone can read this and not chuckle to themselves.

    I like to laugh, especially when it hurts your jaw. Normally when that happens you are laughing at something very silly and if you tried to explain it to anyone else they wouldn't find it in the least bit funny :0

    Debs, As Scoobs said we are more than happy to chat about the joy that is Shaun the Sheep.

    I am very excited today as it's the return of Grey's Anatomy tonight on Living. Got some girlie mates coming round for pizza, followed by WeightWatchers puddings (!) We are going to sit in scrubs and drool over McDreamy.

    Back to the grindstone, is that better than being under a rock ...Mmmm not sure.


  • Comment number 94.

    Nic - you better be listening to SW right now!!!


  • Comment number 95.

    Go Nic - sing-along-a-Johnny

  • Comment number 96.

    EvenElplus - good name! Goldfish? Still alive whislt lying on its side??? NOOOO!!!! Carl please ask that guy to send the goldfish back from whence it came immediately. So EvenEl, what are they doing anyway on their side? I can think of a number of suggestions but think I'd be moderated - can't do that twice in a week, I wouldn't sleep!

    Barney - I liked the rabbit story!


  • Comment number 97.

    No radios at work - not allowed and I don't approve anyway. Johnny Cash time then is it?



  • Comment number 98.

    Dear Barney,

    Very funny or as the Swedish might say - apokryfisk!

  • Comment number 99.

    Baggy - If ever you can't sleep, just get it out and have a read!
    I don't do girlie laughs but I can do a Mutley...
    Dreamer - Go on, you know you want to get modded again - 1st time foreign languages, 2nd time, lewd language!


  • Comment number 100.


    I agree that anyone who spreads plagues should be severely punished.

    In my defence I was not aware of the book in question; I was merely rehashing an old urban myth for my own 'comedic purposes'.

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