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Does Time Pass Around Us, Or Do We Pass Through Time ?

Chris Evans | 12:31 UK time, Monday, 1 February 2010

If it is the former, then like the shores of our own island, we can only let the tides of time come and go and see what happens. However if it is the latter, which I suspect it may be, then it is up to us how fast we choose to go.

This means that we can effectively slow time down. To slow time down - make time, break it up. I have to stay in London all day today, where the day could easily run away with me but I have created a window for a coffee and a think - that's what I'm doing now.

Later on this afternoon - Tash is coming to see me with Noah for an hour. After she's popped off home again, I'm gonna write a bit more before getting ready for The Folk Awards tonight.

Blocks are just that, blocks - inseparable volumes of matter - impossible to get in between. Blocks will steal your day away from you. Break them down and enjoy the space !

Have a nice day everyone.

I'm back to me cappo' for another ten minutes and then back to get flirty with me qwerty.





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  • Comment number 1.

    am i first?

  • Comment number 2.

    still loving the show Chris, But my head is hurting thinking about this time continuum problem!!>?

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning all!

    CLP - it is amazing how slow time is when there is nothing to fill it and how fast it moves when you are busy. I like the idea of controlling it yourself and will try it.

    Haven't been able to read any of the postings over the weekend - blocked due to "explicit content". What have you naughty peeps been up to?


  • Comment number 4.

    Miss P, we have been here and behaving ourselves, we have the watchful eye of the modders to make sure of that.

    Chris, love the flirty qwerty bit.

    Now, about one of your spare cars ....


  • Comment number 5.

    Chris - That's deep for a Monday...I know what you mean about the blocks though. Divide things in to manageable chunks.
    I believe that there is a theory about time management, relating to when people think that, in the future, they will have more time than they do now, but, inevitably, when it actually gets to that time, they don't. Therefore, always believe you have less time than you think you have at first and then plan accordingly.


  • Comment number 6.

    ok - work experience lad been sorting out expenses all morning for me - good job very well done - now have some other paperwork for him to do - 100 to 1 he already hates me although he did ask if I was 24 - hes a good lad :-)

    time - its all to do with how much you have to do and is flexible to fit around how you need it to work

  • Comment number 7.

    "flirty with me qwerty"

    Love it - lol

    You always make me smile CLP

    Kip x

    "Seek first to understand, then to be understood" Stephen Covey

  • Comment number 8.

    Not sure I subscribe to this time-management theory. Time only slows when you're unhappy, for example when that bloody Fireflies song is playing. It's listed as being 3 minutes, 14 seconds in length, however whenever I hear it, I swear it's longer than Wagner's Ring.

  • Comment number 9.

    We have all the time in the world
    Time enough for life
    To unfold
    All the precious things
    Love has in store

    Gotta love a bit of Louis :-)

    Welcome to what will hopefully be a fun February x

  • Comment number 10.


    - dont talk to me about time!!!

    my GD is 17 this week - how did that happen!?! Can remember like yesterday her first steps and words - so make the most of your time with the lovely Noah - he will be a grumpy teen before you know it!

    looking forward to a mini blog meet later with the lovely Deevs, Seza and AliB! We're also out on a Monday!!!


  • Comment number 11.

    Hi Chris,

    What I don't understand about time is, how come the four hours at work after the lunch break d-r-a-g, but the four hours you have at home in the evening, before bedtime, vanish in a flash! I do not manage my time well, but will try to do better!

    MTF: sorry to hear about your car - what a real bummer!

    Rips: you must have had tears of pride in your eyes watching Max.

    Clodagh: hope you had a lovely birthday yesterday.

    Kip: that is an excellent quotation.

    Debs: hope you and the girls have a lovely time this evening.

    And, just to say a wee word about Andy Murray. Could not watch much of the match, because I always think I jinx these things! Andy's day is coming, but not for a while yet it would seem! Roger's tennis is just on another level.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon Chris,

    I am going to have to think on that one - my head hurts ;)

    Enjoy your night in London Town. As the lovely Debs said we are off out tonight, which is something I never do on a Monday, but who can resist a mini blog meet.

    Been enjoying reading the weekend posts, you lot really are a bit bonkers.

    Nothing wild or exciting to report from me, so I'll get back to my work with the coldest hands ever. In fact I am surprised this makes sense, my hands are soooooooo cold.

    HAPPY BRITHDAY TO CLODAGH for yesterday xxxxxxxxxx

    And well done to Max, I shall look forward to seeing him running out in an England Rugby shirt very soon xx


    P.S. Richard if you are reading this - you've found me xx

  • Comment number 13.

    * surfaces for air *


    We're out tonight - although I have to look up train times before I leave work .....

    Time. Drags and drags when there's nowt doing, which means the next 4 days will WHIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ by in a flash!

    As previously mentioned on t'other blog, I am wearing the training trainers today and showing the "new me" the ropes before she takes solo control of the flight deck on Friday (whilst I shall be enjoying a lay-in with my phone switched off!!) All going well but I am absolutely drained.

    Really looking forward to this evening and meeting up with Debs, Seza and Ali - I just hope I don't nod off in the hickory chicken wings!

    Love, love, love .... love is all you need.



  • Comment number 14.

    Deevs - I think you meant lie in, not lay in. You do do that alot you know...
    Carl - I tried to get in to Wagner's Ring once but I found it impenetrable...



  • Comment number 15.

    Oi PedantNic! Only when I am coming off of Essex speak, innit!!?!




  • Comment number 16.

    #15 - no foreign languages allowed!

  • Comment number 17.

    AliB - I didn't know that I was looking for you ;-)

    CLP - Much better mix of music in the first 30 today - not sure about 2 Beatles tracks though! Great to hear Keane this morning, probably not a nod to my note last week, but thanks anyway!

    Eldest was delighted that today was named National ET Day, given that her initials are ET. She let out a 'Woop', swiftly followed by a 'Go me!' Bless!

  • Comment number 18.

    Ahhh...time, that thing that seems to be in very short supply around here! Have been trying to break things into blocks for a few months, but it's not that easy when you have about 10 things to be worked on at once....and loads of people asking you questions about stuff.

    Back to it, with head down, phone on no calls, and chair lowered, so no-one can see me in the corner!

    JG x

  • Comment number 19.

    And I will walk 500 miles and I will walk 500 more.

    Have a good afternoon all.


  • Comment number 20.

    Afternoon Big Chief CLP,

    Glad to hear you are all well.
    I've been hurtling down an Austrian ski slope at a tenth the speed of sound over the last 9 days, so am needing my Breakfast Radio fix . . .
    DtM x

    PS youre so right about the UU's . . .get rid of the whole lot . .

  • Comment number 21.

    Chris, If you can get flirty with your qwerty, then I am going to get happy with my lappy and please the keys...

    Tara a bit..


  • Comment number 22.

    why didnae aunybudy telt me tha Steve Wright wisnae on ra wirless, ah've just missed oot on hawf 'oors listenin' ? Och well...

  • Comment number 23.

    Good grief Christoph - had to read that twice!
    What it boils down to - the older you get the quicker the days go by - 100% true!
    Enjoy your flirty qwerty.

    End of month now in balance - it was the date - no not 2000, but 2010 - well, there you go, wonder if anyone else had 'puter problems.

    Have fun tonight girlies - more a midi blog meet than a mini.

    Back later

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Ello Ter CLP & ALL....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - Like yer commentations above... very interesting & thought provoking!!!!!!
    A find teem seems ter get faster & faster az a get older!!!!!
    Even though am still doing things at me own pace!!!!!
    A find modern life... everything seems ter get faster & faster!!!!!
    There's a very interesting poster ave noticed on Underground of a quote by Ghandi... it reads 'there's more ter life than simply speeding it up!!!!!'
    MOST TRUE!!!!!!!
    In fact when a drive a just go in a calm way.... surrounded by stressed out lunatics who seem ter be trying ter go everywhere az fast az possible... yet they don't in a very un efficient way!!!!!!!

    Me meself... one of the things that disturbs my teem the most... iz other people!!!!!!!
    There's so much un-stability in me life.... caused by others... me job, me family, me friends!!!!!
    A try ter make everything good in me life aka stable.... but for some reason.... others bring me down so often!!!!!!!!
    Strange thing iz am one of the most calm, level 'eaded stable people arooound.... god knows why with all that goes on aroound me!!!!!!

    'ad a very mixed weekend!!!!!!

    Went for me first singing lesson on Sundee in London!!!!
    Went very well a thought.... noot perfect.... but notta disaster either.... but a enjoyed it & the woman teaching me... a very talented & interesting person!!!!!! VERY musical!!!!!!
    Yer never know az a meet/ mix with people it can open doors lead ter things... what things a don't know!!!!!
    But if yer just sit at 'ome & do nowt, nowt will 'appen!!!!!!!!
    So a waz feeling 'appy after me singing lesson going well!!!!!!

    Then a went across ter the otherside of London ter meet me cousin.
    Not met 'er for..... 32 years!!!!!!!!!!
    A waz 5 when we last met!!!!!
    Am really trying ter make an effort this year ter try & get me small family back tergether!!!!!
    And a think it's a shame specially since me cousin lives not far from me father... and the fact she's aving a very difficult life!!!
    A don't wanter go inter detail but lets say am not proud when a find out the family a come from... but am the one in the family who always looks at everything with positivity... and the one one member who 'olds down a job & doesn't get inter trouble with the ploice etc!!!!!!Despite coming from a council estate & disfunctional family!!!!!
    Anyway waz meant ter meet 'er a few weeks ago but she failed ter show for the meeting!!!!!
    So after speaking to 'er on the phone for the first teem... all went well & we arranged ter meet up yesterdee!!!!!!!
    A travelled all the way ter 'er flat ter see 'er... awkward part of London ter get too!!!! 3 bus changes!!!!
    Got there last neet feeling nervous but full of optomism.... rang the bell...... and no answer!!!!!!!!
    Standing there in the freeezing cold.... and no answer!!!!!!!
    So a tried ter phone 'er & again ignoring 'er phone!!!!!!!
    So came away.... and returned back ter me fathers feeling somewhat sad!!!!!!
    A can never work out people & why we make this beautiful world.... such a diffiicult place ter be!!!!!!!!
    A understand me cousin would be very nervous of meeting me... but... well a don't know.... feeling abit confused... all abit too much for me mind!!!!!!!

    Just wonder what ave got ter do just to get abit of stablilty in me life.... maybe it's just noty meant ter 'appen!!!!!!!!

    In fact az am wreeting this blog.... feeling more confused az a write it!!!!!!

    Makes yer wonder what it's all about & why we're all... ere!!!!!???!

    Which sort of brings me back ter the teem thing CLP man!!!
    The one thing we're all governed by no matter who yer are from a president ter the poorest person... we are all governed by teem!!!!!
    But the more stable things are in yer life... the less complicated yer make yer life.... the more a think teem becomes more managable!!!!!!!!!

    A waz feeling low & confused on the way back from me cousins.... wonder 'ow 'ard a 'ave ter try ter fill me life with good friends & family.... and 'ad more bad news that brought me down in the form of a text.... but i'll keep that ter meself!!!!!!
    All a will say it seems no body cares at all about me.... even though a care so much about others!!!!!!!

    BUT... in the words of Sir Tel.... "musn't grumble.... musn't grumble!!!!!!!"

    Termozza.... back ter the real Bingo of 'umour & fun... the personality ave 'ad since a waz 2... that people seem ter do the 'ardest stop coming out!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 25.


    Methinks you'd be better orf trying to tease the keys!

    I am now going to try and douse me mouse ...!



  • Comment number 26.

    My oh my.

    If I wasn't outta here in 4 days' time, I would seriously be in danger of getting myself fired!

    Can somebody please ban the word "now" from the dictionary.





  • Comment number 27.

    We care about you Bingo xx You can't choose your family but you can choose your friends.

    Belated Happy Birthday to Clodagh for yesterday - hope you had a great day.

    Just about caught up with all the blogs and thanks Beez for the nice comments - you are a lovely lady x

    Darce x

  • Comment number 28.

    Afternoon each

    Bingo my dear - you now, sorry know, we all love you on here.

    Now, time. I'm getting better at not rushing around doing fifty million things. In fact, put off working today till 1.30 - read a book, ironed (yes Beez!), had lunch, then thought 'better do an hour or two'. It's great - my blocks of time suit me nicely.

    Hope you had a great day yesterday Clodagh.

    Enjoy the mini-meet youse lot. Raise a glass to the rest of us.


  • Comment number 29.

    Ticketyboo - It takes all my concentration to read Bingo's posts - don't you start as well, or it will take me all day :O)
    Bingo - I come from a small family too (not in the vertically challenged sense...). I am doing my family tree at the moment. It's addictive but exceptionally interesting.
    Cheryl - Now now, be careful, that may be the key to shufting you to your new home. Pause and stay in control or it will be the end...



  • Comment number 30.

    shufting ? that's my word and you've just told me to stop using mine

  • Comment number 31.

    Ticketyboo: You got that Parliamo Glesga book?

  • Comment number 32.

    Can I just control alt delete the lot of 'em!?!?!


  • Comment number 33.

    I had no idea that we had a world class downhill skier on the blog!

  • Comment number 34.

    seezusooradoadotha...oh yeah !!

  • Comment number 35.

    Deevs, just think that your work there is just 3 and a bit blocks of time to go. (see what I did there?)

    Then you have the rest of your life to look forward to.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Thank you mtd ffb - that has really made me smile from within. But it doesn't stop me wanting to ping my boss on the nose with a hot teaspoon .....

    x x x x

  • Comment number 37.

    Deevs - as my dad always says, where there's no sense there's no feeling. Save your teaspoon for another day :-)

  • Comment number 38.

    Hahahaha ...... Nic: Beware!!!


  • Comment number 39.

    Long time lurker, first time blogger!

    I am loving the new show although I do agree with others on here re the music. I was happy to hear more tunes from the last few years this morning. I think the mix was just about right (for me anyway!).

    I totally agree about chopping your day into manageable chunks although sometimes it's easier said than done! Is it a start that my lunch was in manageable chunks today?!


  • Comment number 40.

    Afternoon each

    Well CLP..very deep for a Monday indeed!

    As for my blocks of time.. they seem to be disappearing far too quickly at the moment..Monday has never gone so quick. Not that i`m complaining mind!

    Hope the mini/midi meeters have a lovely time tonight.. thats all i popped on to say cos another block is about to disappear..

    laters..or maybe friday at this rate..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 41.

    Christoff, talking of time, how quickly has the past year flashed by, with your little man about to celebrate his first birthday. It seems like yesterday we were waiting with baited/bated breath for his arrival.

    Request for a birthday photo of Noah, please.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Afternoon Chris,

    I often wonder how you manage to find time to do everything you do. Now I know...I think. Felt for Andy yesterday, but I reckon his time will come, just needs to get his first serve in more if he is going to stand any chance of beating Federer in a Grand Slam.

    Have just read your post Bingo- would love to give you a big virtual hug. What a kind, thoughtful guy you sound and as Darce says, you can't choose your family. Not many guys would make the effort you have.

    Lovely late afternoon sunshine here, so may take the JR out for a stroll through the fields.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 43.

    Good to see Nic and Carl are still wearing their 'muffs of mischief!'

  • Comment number 44.

    Before I forget - have a lovely time tonight Deevs, Seza, Debs and Ali.

    CLP - I second Pen, a birthday pic (on the blog pleeeese for the non FB/Twitterers).

    Mcw - Bingo's personality really shines out in his comments doesn't it, warning though he is quite tall so hugs generally end up around his knees.... Well if you're as short as me they do.

    Welcome Sara. Stick around.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Deev - just wear a gracious smile on the outside and on the inside remember you only have 3 days to go!

    Bingo - big hug to you

    Welcome Snowball

    Debs, Seza, Ali and Deev - have a good time tonight

    Right, back to the murky world of writing a compliance procedure - now THERE is a block of time I could do with having back!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 46.

    Please help - I registered my username as Snow_Ball but I see my comment posted under my real name. How do I get into my account to check I haven't done something stupid?

    Not that I mind you knowing my real name of course!


  • Comment number 47.

    Snowball by the time I type this half a dozen will have replied but if you look at the very top right hand side of this page there is something called Settings - go in to that and you will see where you can change it to Snowball.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Snowball - I think that when you sign in there is a sign in name in the top right hand corner - if you click that I think you can correct it there.

    Not sure tough!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 49.

    Sorry meant though not tough!!!

  • Comment number 50.

    Now then Bingo me lad. As all have said here, you are one of the best and a smashing guy - totally agree with Darce, you can choose your friends... Big 'ugs from me (as usual)xx

    btw Welcome Snowball !!

    Just off to catch up - been one of those days. Hey ho

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Hiya Shiney Happy People!!

    Thanks to Miss P & Mtd, we will indeed endeavour to enjoy ourselves tonight - invite to join us still open if you can get darn Essex!

    (Nearly M, we hope) TF Am loving the idea of a Flab-u-less February, much better than being good. :-(

    (But please can I start after dinner tonight)

    Chris, That was a very thought provoking blog and I am doing my best with those blocks. Hope you had a nice afternoon with Tash & Noah and enjoy the awards tonight. We'll see how you sound in the morning!!

    Flab-u-less Darlings!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Chris ,Liked your post today your getting quite philosophical.Qite like your time clock theory,if only it was that easy .

    Enjoy your time with Tash and Noah and have a good time tonight .


  • Comment number 53.

    I am Snow_Ball and I knew I was stoopid!
    Thanks for the help.
    Snowball x

  • Comment number 54.

    Welcome Snow_Ball !!

  • Comment number 55.

    Must admit I am hopeless with time and invariably late for stuff - hopefully including my own funeral.

    Annie - I think altogether over the week-end - did about 4 hours ironing - didn't even make a dent in it! Oooops. Did find a couple of sweaters handy for this weather though.

    Hiya Tickety - been upsetting you with the bagpipes again A? Oh dear and no, yes, I mean, whatever, wright not on this afternoon.

    Can I second Pens/MTD's request for a birthday pic of Noah please?

    Poor you Miss P - compliance - yuk ! Someone once told me if our compliance manual was printed it would be the size of a block of flats !btw - tried to add you as friend on fb but there is no friend link.

    Onwards and upwards - and the day started so well... sigh.....

    Beez xx

    Wotcha Scoobs and MCW.

  • Comment number 56.

    Welcome Snow_Ball, think you're going to fit right in!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 57.

    and Seza and Bridge !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 58.

    'Lo Beez

    Can't believe how bright it still is here

    Sky has been clear blue all day but blinky cold!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Right I'm off very soon to cross two Rivers to meet up with the Girls xx I've got my £1.50 ready for the toll and a map of where I am going, although I expect to get lost at least once. It says it should take an hour, but I'm giving myself an hour and a half!

    AliB (who is excited and feeling a little peckish!)

  • Comment number 60.

    Beez,You know when you said that time flies when you get older !!!!

    Well Merry christmas ,ho Ho ho.


    Ps.comes round quick you know .

  • Comment number 61.

    Hi Beez!

    Will check out FB when I get home and see if I can fix the problem. How lovely - a new friend!!!

    Back to Training & Competence..........

    Miss P

  • Comment number 62.

    Enjoy yourselves tonight girls .xxx.

  • Comment number 63.

    Bids, you are sure chancing your luck there, lol

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Following on from your comments about Jan Leeming this morning I thought it worth sending you this link to an article in The Guardian which claims she should have her own Reality Show.

    I think this is a campaign that the R2 Breakfast crew should put their weight behind....

  • Comment number 65.

    Miss P - left you a message on CLP bloggers - one or two others want to add you as well.

    Smacked bum Bids - wait until I see you again.......
    Perfectly correct Pen - she's in for it !

    Sez - I hate winter but at this time of year keep watching the sky to see how much later it gets dark. First yippee is when it gets to 5 and there is light in the sky - like now !!! Yahoooo... easily pleased me.

    Have a good time tonight the fab 4 and ignore the Flabuless - start tomorrow. Saying that, got on scales this morning and for some reason - I'm another 3 lbs down ?? must be love :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Hickory smoked wings, cheesey garlic bread, BBQ spare ribs ......


    x x x

  • Comment number 67.

    Doing well Beez ;-)

    Catch up when I get home.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Evening Everyone,

    Why does time go so quick when your having fun,and so slow when you want it to go quick?

    Welcome Snowball.

    Annie, Hope you had a nice time with your friend.


  • Comment number 69.

    Right, off to dinner!!

    See you soon

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Very true Beez, Time seems to fly by, the older you get.

    Its freezing cold here. Time for me to cook spaghetti bolognese.


  • Comment number 71.

    Well blimey Charlie, that was a day and a half, only made more surreal by a colleague of 6 years standing, who types my name regularly on reports, asking me how to spell my surname!

    Anyhow, have made it to ELH and dragged the shopping in through the snowfield that is our drive (Thanks Mr JG!)

    Off to catch up and pour a glass off wine.....

    JG x

  • Comment number 72.

    Too late, missed the girls on their meet!

    Right caught up, Miss P, think you might work in the same sort of field as me, and by that I don't mean potato picking, although that might me easier. Beez is in a similar but not quite one... Cryptic!!

    However for the last two weeks I've been Jack of all trades, and mastering only a few of them!

    Can someone please give me my day job back....pleaseeeeee!!

    Bingo, as has been said, you can chose your friends. . I have tried desperately to keep up with cousins/old friends, gave up on a few, but correspond with a few on Facebook. I come from a twice broken up family, and lost touch with my Dad's side for ages, but gradually making head-way now a bit. Trouble is after a while there's not a lot in common, just the family link....maybe try that route?

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.


    I think you have passed your 3lb on to me. I can't stop putting weight on at the moment! It's that Deevs, she keeps feeding me...



  • Comment number 74.

    Nic, How's cheznica? Your in love, enjoy it. Don't worry about your weight.


  • Comment number 75.

    Ha ha Nic - tis mere winter podge. It will go once she gets you power walking at 5 o'clock in the morning! Oh sorry - didn't she tell you that was the regime? !!

    CSN - used to clean house from top to bottom on a Saturday - washing in between - iron for an hour or so Sunday then free to do whatever! Now! OMG--- Had a card pushed through door today - do you fancy someone spring cleaning for you? Erm - Yes!!!

    Miss P - Gotcha - we're away!!! woo hoo.

    JG - spag bol on the go - Cheers buddy - first glass of red now in hand.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Thanks csn. Well I am about a stone and a half overweight, which is bad for me but I am rather enjoying it...lol...



  • Comment number 77.


    Well if Chez is power walking at 5.00 a.m. then Nic will be in the gym at 6 p.m. It cuts both ways...lol...



  • Comment number 78.

    Btw Chris, loved the comment this morning about Terry's trailer for his new show being a bit loud...I did genuinely lol...lol...



  • Comment number 79.

    3 in a row? A bit like yesterday's football..oops now I am in trouble...outta her...



  • Comment number 80.

    Oops, that I dared to pour a glass of wine on a Monday when he's on call has not gone down well, especially as he was only back in for 10 minutes...:(

    I have long given up on getting on scales, ever since I got on carrying the dog and it put up an error message!

    Dog is too fat and needs to go on a diet, obviously!

    JG x

  • Comment number 81.

    Beez, Please,please, give me the number of this person, so your cooking same as me.


  • Comment number 82.

    Nic it's a good job she's out with the girls but she will read at some stage! Dicing with.... springs to mind!! Just feed her choc when Arsenal losing!!! Drop over the back of the sofa cos that's where she is usually.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Nic, I was laughing so much at the thought of you two watching the match together, like with me and Mr JG watching Utd play Spurs, although TBH, I never get my hopes up!

    JG x

  • Comment number 84.

    LOL - JG - Mr B did that!!! picked up dog and broke the scales - load of eeeee's came up!!!! Just ignore the gruff looks - cheers!!

    CSN - Monday night is pasta night!! Looks like one of these national cleaning firms if interested - 9 squid an hour?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Just had left over lasagne with a fresh crisp salad...tres delish...well it's kind of pasta...
    Beez - She will forgive me...I think! Do we have enough maltesers in the house for which to feed said Deevs if Arsenal are losing...?
    JG - Yes I was laughing too but maybe for a slightly different reason :O)



  • Comment number 86.

    Of course it's pasta Nic!! - do you know a good removal firm to stock up with malteser boxes???

    Right - off to put pasta on and watch spooks - back later happy peeps.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Nic, as my OH is a massive Utd fan, it was a really funny match to watch, although I must admit I do support his team in Europe, cos I have to!

    Beez, sorry to disappoint, but my figures were spot on!

    JG x

  • Comment number 88.

    Beez, not allowed to watch Spooks, have to record... :(

    Bloody shifts!

    Hey CLP, can you devote a show to shift workers?

    JG x

  • Comment number 89.

    JG - Have to admit to leaping off the sofa, with accompanying fist punch when Rooney scored, which went down well, as you can imagine!
    Beez - Deevs is the pastamasta or shoud that be mistress...anyway it was lovely.



  • Comment number 90.

    Clealy that should have been should!

  • Comment number 91.

    Clealy? LOL

    I'm always correcting with worse spelling, so have given up!

    Watching Panorama, so moving...

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    Nic, lovely, but a bit too much information.


  • Comment number 93.

    csn - for once no pun intended! Clearly the clealy was a deliberate mis-spelling! Honest!



  • Comment number 94.

    Just popped over to the Mayo blog...I think it's asleep...or maybe in a coma...not sure...



  • Comment number 95.

    Evening all!! blimey its cold tonight!! sitting here taking up the hem of some trousers for GD for school trip ice skating at Eden tomorrow and my hands are freezing!! might need to put the heating back on in a minute - but the kids moan then cos their rooms get too hot!! so i will keep the laptop on my lap to warm me up!!

    Hope everyone enjoyed their pasta tonight!!

    Cornishgirlie xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursay,Friday Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursay,Friday
    Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursay,Friday the Chris Evans Breakfast Showwww
    Goodmorning!...the build up...the excitment...you have my undivided attention..radio turned up singing along waiting with baited breath for the "just after eight" song and ...flop...feel deflated.. Lional Ritchie...?! singing a balad?! please Chris keep the momentum and lets ROCK AT EIGHT O'CLOCK!

    Of course it's just my opinion..love the show otherwise.

    Loli x

  • Comment number 97.

    Nic, Don't worry, been married 37 years on wednesday. nothing shocks me anymore!


  • Comment number 98.

    Thursay?...oops you know i meant Thursday obviously

  • Comment number 99.

    Hi gang,

    Hope you're all ok, and enjoyed your pasta... me I was on the curry tonight!

    Re the enquiries about the househunting from the previous blog, have viewed 3 places so far, all have been nice but not the one for me. The first one just needed too much work done, more than I could realistically take on myself. The second two I liked a lot but they were both a little on the small side. Have got another viewing lined up fro tomorrow, for a place which on paper looks very promising so we'll see....

    A philosophical blog today CLP, personally I think time is a huge conspiracy... there are never enough hours in the day when you need them!


    PS no sign of the terrible bagpiper today....but I have taken the cork suggestion on board!

  • Comment number 100.

    Oh, good news, we have narrowed the car search down....

    We will get an Audi A4 Avant (Estate) 2.0L TSI Petrol DSG - there's one in Stockport, in a Cherry red colour, 28k miles on the clock, and if it's still around at the weekend, we'll take a look...

    Otherwise, we'll keep a look out, and when it gets to Spring, will sell Mr JG's privately, so we can act fast!

    JG x


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