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42 Degrees In Delhi And I've Just Seen A Monkey Through The Window...

Chris Evans | 10:23 UK time, Tuesday, 27 April 2010

...That's a tweet I just received... Made me chuckle. I love the fact that people bother to write things down and draw things that make us chuckle.

How simple is that ?

Life is generally very good don't you think? There's very little to get worked up about really and so much more to enjoy.

I have this new thing where I absolutely put off all treats until I have done all my work, no exceptions. It makes having cups of tea and biscuits feel like winning the world cup.

I'm working till 11. P.M. tonight - so watch out fridge when I do finally return. In the gym now, had an apple! Am I crazy or what ?





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  • Comment number 1.


  • Comment number 2.

    The temperature hit 42 degrees when we were in the mountains near Millau back in 2004.

    It was very uncomfortable. We spent most of the time just trying to find some shade.

    It actually melted the interior of our car. The roads were like slush too as the tar was runny. The roads on the sides of the mountain were crumbling and breaking away and I honesly thought we might go with them at one point.

    The one thing I did enjoy though was the constant chirping of the crickets. That was really magical.

    Didn't see any monkeys though!

    Well thats me away.


  • Comment number 3.

    Definitely crazy Christph. Get out of the gym - it's bad for your knees. Haven't you read the front page of the t'graph today - laughing is better for you than "gymcercise" I know which I would prefer.

    Chin up Deevs - go for a walk in the sunshine and smile at everyone.

    All on the go then AliB ? definite plans yet?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 4.

    What sunshine!

  • Comment number 5.

    Good Morning Christoph and all bloggers.

    You're right Chris, life is more good than bad but,for some reason, we seem to dwell on the bad. We must try and do the opposite.

    I make a point of never eating chocolate until after 7pm, usually when I start watching TV.

    Yes! You are crazy eating an apple in the gym, should have been an energy boosting banana.


  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris: A great blog today, as usual - your optimism for life is very contagious. Yes, life in general is very good - being alive is a great bonus! However, one of my lovely friends is having a terrible time just now - bad news over the last few days, and in that respect I have to say that sometimes there are things to get worked up about. But, I totally get what you are saying, so I don't want to appear "down"!

    I agree with Beez: get out of the gym! She's right about your knees - believe me, you'll miss them when they're gone!

    Hi everyone else: hope all is well. Will try to catch up a bit over my lunch break.

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.



  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris, beautiful day here,life is so good - don't overdo exercise in gym. Hope things go ok for you today. How is little Noah.

    Deevs, things will go your way soon so enjoy the lovely weather till then. Bingo, hope you don't get police blog today.

    All, have good day.

  • Comment number 9.

    LOL indeed Marjie, I had a vision of you and me racing for it, hence the four letter entry for speed!!


  • Comment number 10.

    Morning All,

    Life is good generally.

    A complete weekend of rubgy with Max and some of the best blokes you could hope to share a beer with completed.
    Work busier than ever.
    Start digging the footings for the extension tomorrow.

    What's not to like? Well loads actually, but I'm ignoring that stuff!

    I have also started putting things off until my work is done hence the lack of blogging.
    Today I failed. I think I am up to about last Friday on the lurking/catching up front.

    So hope you are all well and playing nicely......

    Lots of love



  • Comment number 11.

    I can confirm Rips, that all are playing very nicely.


    (nice innit.)

  • Comment number 12.

    Morning All,

    Life seems so much better when the sun's out doesn't it?
    I know what you mean by leaving treats until later. I always leave the favourite item on my plate at meal times until last, so that I can enjoy it more.
    Happy Sunny Tuesday.


  • Comment number 13.

    Morning CLP

    Eating an apple. In the gym? You crazy dude - get yosen some chocolit and enjoy that on the stepper. Personally, I prefer a good hard swim but it does tend to play havoc eating choclit whilst swimming.

    MTF/Suz - thanks for the messages. And Beez - what sunshine?

    Ali - glad the plans are coming together nicely for your autumnal adventure.

    I thought I'd try and do something useful whilst sans employment so last week I emailed the local Cats Protection to see if they can use a volunteer - doing whatever - admin, feeding, ferrying puddytats to the vets etc - as yet, no reply. Hey ho.

    Going to do something nice for a fellow blogger instead tho.

    Oh, and I've just been to ELH where I was horrified and shocked to see lemon jammy dodgers. That is just so so wrong on so many levels. Don't mess with jammy dodgers, ever.


  • Comment number 14.

    Still waiting for the sun here Nic.


  • Comment number 15.

    Now come on Nic and Deevs sun or no sun??



  • Comment number 16.

    peeeeeees: Rips - need any admin help? I can be your virtual assistant!

    peeeeeee peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees: Nic's taking me to football tonight - the Mighty Chasetown are in the playoffs, which means Bovril at half time - huzzah!!


  • Comment number 17.

    Doh, peanut butter kit kats!!

    Will look today.

    MTF, who really ought to make a shopping list! xx.

  • Comment number 18.

    lol MTF - I just said to Nic we've given differing weather reports. Right, the car temperature thingy said 14 Degrees, it's bright but there's white cloud coverage up there, and a breeze. Might join Nic in the garden in a bit for a spot of weeding. x

  • Comment number 19.

    This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain.

  • Comment number 20.

    I hope you haven't got the dreaded bindweed.

    I have, it goes down for miles. You think you have got rid of it and up it pops somewhere else!

    That and ants!! Luckily I have the green woodpeckers to help me out there.


  • Comment number 21.

    Morning Bingo.

    I will be back in an hour to see what you have posted.x


  • Comment number 22.


    You've reminded me of something that I get worked up about.

    I too like to save the best bit til last on my plate, i.e. the last bit of yolk and then what happens! The phone rings! Aaaarrrgggghhhh!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 23.


    Deev - of you are looking for a chairty to help - there is one called the cinnamon (SP) trust. They are based in Cornwall but have helpers all over the country that help the eldery or ill with their animals. While I worked local to my house I walked a few peoples dogs for them on a constant basis and I loved it. They also need cat minders and foster homes for when people go into hospital - just a thought?

    Feeling better - new phone (too scared to use it) and new glasses (one that change to sunnies in the sun)turned up so feeling good, but need to stop shopping!


  • Comment number 24.

    MTF - had that on the allotments in my former life - nasty stuff, but haven't seen any here. I used to think it was cabling - impossible to get out and regrows before you've got rid of it all.

  • Comment number 25.

    PS - not sure on weather in city as I work in a box but it was very nice at 8 this morning - might treat myself by popping out at lubnch for some fresh air!

  • Comment number 26.

    Thanks Baggy - will goog 'em! Although I can't do any fostering as Nic's allergic to cat hair. x

  • Comment number 27.

    MTF - I have bindweed dispite me and the ma in law both trying to dig it out!

  • Comment number 28.

    Deev - thats not good enough - dump him and become a mad old cat women like me!

  • Comment number 29.

    Its a thankless task Baggy, but if you dont keep on top of it, it takes over completely.

    They do have very pretty big white trumpet flowers though, but are highly poisonous.

    Enjoy your fresh air .


  • Comment number 30.

    PS CLP - A 'eard in the papers rumours that yer 'ad a 'blazing' row with The Chiles.... All a can say iz one never believe what yer read in the papers & two.... If it's true a 'ope it's nothing ter do with me getting Christine Bleakley's star sign wrong!!!!!!!!!!

    A also thought she waz Northern Scottish.... just realised she's Northern Irish too!!!!!!!!

    Must admit.... ave always followed The Chiles from dee one... a used ter watch Working Lunch that 'e presented with the dark 'aired bald bloke.... ter get the share/ stockmarket latest news!!!!!!!!

    Wish a waz in a 'igh enough position of authority ter ave 'blazing' rows with TOP TV presenters!!!!!


  • Comment number 31.

    Nic/Deevs just how big is your garden? One with sunshine one without?? :) Now got a bit of that high white cloud here but sun is still shining.
    Lemon jammy dodgers - sounds good to me - picked up some lemon bakewell tarts the other day - most strange....

    Chemicals - only way to go with bindweed - evil stuff - and spray when it is just starting to shoot and keep spraying. Roots go for miles.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Ok mildly poisonous as google says.

    Have also noticed that anyone expecting, should avoid them.

    Thats a new one but pass it on if you know anyone that is.


  • Comment number 33.

    Mr Kipling does tutti frutti pies now!


  • Comment number 34.

    Beez, wabbits!


  • Comment number 35.

    MTF the stuff I use is harmless once it has dried - dog!!

    Beez xx
    not here - busy busy busy....

  • Comment number 36.

    This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain.

  • Comment number 37.

    I'm not here either now.


  • Comment number 38.

    PPPS ALL - Yer amy ask why did a start with a lingerie market stall.....

    Well yerv gotta start at the bottom when it comes ter lingerie.... but me business failed all.... it failed all!!!!!!!

    A couldn't keep a breast of the situation..... me over'eads OUTSTRIPPED me profits!!!!!!!


    ALL totally 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Me ex, who a waz with for 8 years, can confirm it az it waz 'er idea!!!!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    And neither is Bingo.


  • Comment number 40.

    Just want to say, i'm not happy at my posts being referred to the moderators!

    Yesterday's blog was not in any way nasty, malicious or meant to offend in any way!

    I was commenting on CLP's comments meant in a nice way about Father Brian, I had a rant about my wages short at work & a nice blog about my mother who got a mention on CLP's show a week ago today!
    And even a silly but fun joke added in - so why is it removed?

    Ok it was written in the style of Bingo Star but i've been writing in this style since the blog started, for over four years!
    It's part of my blogs & meant to be fun & entertaining to CLP & CLP's bloggers!

    Today I also see at least two of my blogs ave been removed again!

    Todays blogs are about how happy I was that my car passed it's MOT toady, light hearted banter about CLP's blog/ tweeter - not meant to offend at all!

    Plus my second removed blog #36 funny comments about my failed lingerie stall business - all true & meant ter make people laugh!

    The blog that does show up iz perhaps the most risky one about CLP having an arguement with The Chiles - but in no way meant ter be offensive - just light hearted & fun & not meant to upset anyone... including CLP & The Chiles!

    Also wondering why my blogs keep being pre-moderated?
    I've taken it in good spirit & just let it run it's course but surely since i've been blgging nice since my mini breakdown: isn't it about time my blogs were not pre-moderated anymore!

    Just trying to spread abit of fun in the world but maybe that is not allowed or i'm not welcome here anymore!

    I was happy this morning that my car had unexpectedly for the first time ever passed it's MOT but my blogs being moderated have upset me!


  • Comment number 41.


    Never mind jammy dodgers. What about jaffa cakes?

    I've seen,wait for it, lemon and lime, and even worse blackberry.

    I was totally shocked. How can they call these jaffa cakes?


  • Comment number 42.


    I'm with Beez, I quite like the sound of a lemon jammy dodger. Defo agree with you and MK about Jaffa Cakes though - Mmmmm I could just eat one right now (or make that a whole packet!)


  • Comment number 43.

    Haha, me and Deevs were having the very same jaffa cake discussion a couple of hours ago.

    Nice to see you finally got through Bingo. Not sure what the answer is to the modding!

    I were right about the weather. Off to work now and cue Sunshine.

    Its going to be another worzel gummidge look!

    Do I care?

    Not a lot.

    Be good to yourselves.



  • Comment number 44.

    Howaya fellas.

    Righto, Baggy; job done and will post your ..um.. costume first thing tomorrow; you sould receive it by the end of the week. Just one little finishin' touch to add then it's on its way.


  • Comment number 45.

    Clodagh - thanks for the ummmmm costume :-)

    Mr baggy has suggested I wear it with my kittie ears and tail :-)

    I do not like jaffa cakes in any shape or form, also don't like baked beans or mint - anyone else out there who doesnt like soemthing really popular?

  • Comment number 46.

    Don't really like chocolate Baggy.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Porridge / rice pudding / cauliflower cheese / macaroni cheese - all "cat yak" food in my book.

    And Baggy - think comfort, not style. You'll get my drift my about 5 miles in ....


  • Comment number 48.

    Deev - i pretty much have my outfit in mind, bra, comfy joggers, socks, comfy trainers, and string back pack as I cannot walk with a bumbag.

    What did you take with you for the walk? I have phone, inhaler, snack bars, vaseline, plasters - anything else?

  • Comment number 49.

    PS - have booked myself in for an expensive haircut fri morning as we have a wedding fri afternoon and another one on sunday! Is this a mistake?

  • Comment number 50.

    Deevs who said comfort can't be stylish?



  • Comment number 51.

    I've got a long overdue appointment at the hairdressers tomorrow - thinking of having it all chopped off - short! Only thinking mind....

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Baggy - are the weddings the Fri/Sun of the Moonwalk? If so, big mistake - you will need the Sunday to sleep, sleep and sleep even more. If it's this weekend, enjoy your hair-do!

    I took with me water - make sure you have a bottle at the start line, although there are water stations every few miles.

    Food: I made some nutty flapjacks - the oats are a good source of slow release energy (also eat pasta/rice in the run-up to the event). I took some of those energy sweets made by the people who make the bright orange drink beginning with L and ending in zade too.

    Also take a little bit of money, not a lot, but have say £10 on you. And be sure to leave space in your back-pack for your foil blanket which you will receive on the night - it can get pretty cold at around 3am, and again, when you finish on Sunday morning you may need it as your muscles cool down.

    Remember to keep scrunching your fingers up so you don't get sausage fingers as you walk. (very painful!)

    There's an area in the Village where you will be able to leave your main bag - you might want to invest in some of that cool foot stuff (peppermint usually) as something for Sunday morning - be warned: once you finish the event and sit down, it's blimmin' hard to get up again!

    Sending you something in the post in the next couple of days and will sponsor you £25 when you cross the finish line, regardless of my state of employ or bank balance!

    Go Baggy!!

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 53.


    I remember seeing all these women in amazing costumes before the Moonwalk - Minnie Mouse ears/tails, feather boas and the like, all raring to go. At around 5 miles you begin to see discarded fairy wings / bunny ears, then at 10 miles there's the odd feather boa and so on and so forth.

    Some of the boulder holders were amazing though! Can't wait to see your creation for Baggy.

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 54.

    Bingo, sorry you keep getting moderated. You'll just have to go up to televison centre and have a word with them. You sound so fed up - we all think you're ok. That should help I hope.

  • Comment number 55.

    Ah don't fret Deev, am well versed in the practicalities of the design of the Bustenhalter. Plus am mindful of what my aul Granny always had to say about sacrificin' comfort in the name of style:

    "Tight shoes show on your face."


  • Comment number 56.


    If there's one thing less comfortable than rubbin' sand into sunburn, it's a sweaty feather boa.


  • Comment number 57.

    An' wearin' sequin knickers in front of the fire of course.


  • Comment number 58.

    sorry - weddings are this weekend!

  • Comment number 59.

    Don't forget the 'fetti! x

  • Comment number 60.

    fetti - i havent got anything to wear yet!

  • Comment number 61.

    You'll have a lovely boulder holder by the weekend!! x

  • Comment number 62.

    By the crin Baggy if yous is goin' in the nip to said weddin', I doubt anybody'll spot your lack of 'fetti....

    Or the hair, comne to that....


  • Comment number 63.

    well i do have one dress, white, long, only worn once and have all the accsorries, just have a feeling it may not be appreciated!

  • Comment number 64.

    My first posting!! But I have been reading the blog for a number of weeks now and trying to decide whether to jump in or not.

    Anyway I took the plunge.

    I've tried to read the Bingo contributions, but gave up quite a while ago. However, the latest one today is much better - actually makes sense.

    I was a TOG for many years and followed Terry. It took me a while to get used to Chris, but now I really enjoy his show. He seems to have calmed down a little - maybe that's the reason!

  • Comment number 65.

    Hiya Troops:

    Trying to catch up, but not doing a very good job of it!

    mtd: welcome home - you must be so relieved!

    JG: nice to see you enjoyed your wee holiday.

    AliB: that's great that things are moving along with your plans for later in the year. I am sure this will be a fabulous experience for you.

    Cheryl: I saw that you were feeling a bit "ropey" this morning. It's very understandable, and it's ok for us to keep saying "something will turn up". But it will, it will.

    Clodagh: As always, great to see you here.

    Mona: love your name! Welcome to the blog - if you have been lurking, you will have some idea of what it's all about! Just a great place to be - sometimes just general chit-chat, but very often a real source of support.

    Just to say, I have been in touch with Hazel, and she is hanging in there. What a tough time she has been having, but she is always so lovely, and in great form. We both agree we love Gene Hunt!

    Bids: I did leave a message for you on FB - I sincerely hope it went to the right place! xx

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 66.

    When I said the sun makes everything seem better I didn't actually say it was sunny where we are, though it has been intermittently...confused yet...?
    #64 - great name...am sure I have a certain type of dvd somewhere with an "artiste" of a similar if not exact name...(no offence intended, just my SOH!)
    Deevs and I have done some weeding but more still do do, so later dudes...


  • Comment number 67.

    Not seen that DVD yet Nic!

    Gardening gloves at the ready .....


  • Comment number 68.

    talking of DVD's - my wedding DVD should be ready with the final version in the post to me ............

    what do you mean I was married 7 months ago?

  • Comment number 69.

    'Lo everybody

    have had a really frustrating day trolling boy1 up to Whitechapel to see the dentist who said he wasn't sure why we were there!

    The day wasn't helped by the fact we just got in and there was a fire alarm so we all trooped out again - never seen so many white coats as when a hospital evacuates. then we trooped back in and the nice dental nurse couldn't find "The Prof" Apperently he has a habit of wandering off!

    As i said he didn't seem to know why we were there but decided to take a mold of boy1's teeth anyway. Bottom mold went ok, top mold broke as he took it out so he had to do another one but the Prof gave boy1 a cup of water to wash his mouth out and managed to tip it all over his top!

    Complete waste of a days leave!


    Will be back later to catch up with you all

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 70.

    So glad to hear that Hazel is hanging in there. She is sorely missed on this ere blog.
    If you are lurking Hazel, get well soon and get back on here.

    Hello all, hope you are well. Up to me neck in work and Americans


  • Comment number 71.

    Hi CLP and the rest of the gang,

    Well CLP you and me are on the same wavelength today, I've finally sat down after a really busy day of doing chores, and am enjoying a nice cup of coffee and some choc buttons (of the white variety, other chocolate buttons are available).

    Flippin' heck days off are hard work sometimes!!!

    (who can't see a monkey through her window, just cars and trees and buildings)

  • Comment number 72.

    Rosie - seeing as my office has glass panals, through these I can see other colleagues - monkeys or not it up to you :-)

    Thunder - nice to see you - do you want my americans?

  • Comment number 73.

    I was in touch with Hazel last Thursday Chrissie - could have sworn I put it on here but will all this mad work stuff probably not !!! She was enjoying the new home and the sun!! Hoping to make both Portsmouth and Leeds meets too.

    That's not nice Thunder - up to your neck in Americans - must be a lot bearing in mind how tall you are ..... :)

    Love the name Mona - you used to email Sir Tel didn't you?

    Beez xx
    Not here - working........... scoot.......

  • Comment number 74.

    Hiya Beez: I do tend to miss some stuff on the blog - I am sure you would have mentioned about Hazel. Just thought I would to do the same, while I remember!

    Hiya Thunder: those ruddy Americans, eh?!

    Rosie: hope you are enjoying your wee treat. I know what you mean about days off - they can be hectic!

    Seza: some days are sent to try us! ..... and breathe!

    C xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Any closer to the move yet Rosie?

    Seza - how frustrating was that - hope you have something chilling in the fridge and no taxi run tonight?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Thanks Chrissie and Beez - there is something chilling in the fridge but first I have to negociate boy1s parents evening - version where we just see his form teacher, should be quick I hope, some one to view the house and feeding everyone before boy1 & Mr Seza have to go out!

    Should be pouring at about 8pm!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Tee hee Baggy, re #72

    No news as yet Beez, I think my solicitor is still waiting for the documents he needs from my lender. I'm still hoping that I'll be moving at the end of May so I'll drop him a line int he next day or so to see if I can safely give notice to my landlord (who is going to probably have a coronary seeing as I have been renting for yonks!)

    (who is also flagging)

  • Comment number 78.

    #73 How clever of you to remember. Yes I did. Not very often.

    #66 No offence taken. Far too old to do that - unfortunately!!

  • Comment number 79.

    Fingers crossed Rosie.

    Mona - don't worry - I'm a tog too. If you are on faceache you can put faces to the guys here. I've got loads of pics.

    Think I am going to give up and leave this 'ere office right now and stick my nose in the freezer to see if anything inspires in the way of eats.

    Got to do my round of holes in the wall tonight - could do with a minder with me by the time I've finished!

    See y'arl later

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 80.

    hi and bye from me - just had a realllllllllllllllll quick scan read - not on line later - Seza and Ali - off to Back in Time for tea!

    See you all tomorrow!!!

    miss you

  • Comment number 81.

    Lovely sentiments CLP, I must admit life always seems better when the weather is brighter!

    Not had time to blog today, as it's been one of those mad busy days and I'm still catching up after last week!

    Will be back later, need to sort out something to eat, as we're both feeling hungry!

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    And breathe..............

    Think my very long day is nearly at an end.

    Getting very close to that something chilled, well, if Debs is at Back inn Time, best i have a wee chards to keep up

    Boy1's teacher seen, mostly all going ok

    Viewers viewed house, now we wait and see again.

    Hi to Mona, nice to see you and hi to everyone else, hope you're all well and tickety boo!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Hi Seza, hope it went well and these are the folks for your house! We were lucky with selling our last one, but that was about 8 odd years ago, and it was a different market then!

    Hope you can have a well deserved quiet evening after all you've been through today!

    Oh, and Chrissie, I keep missing you, but, yes, we had a great time!

    Have made the mistake of looking at the weather forecast for the weekend and really wished I hadn't! :((

    JG x

  • Comment number 84.

    Doesn't look very good does it JG. Our picnic with our friends might have to be an indoor one!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Hi all, just a reminder to check fb for details of Portmouth blogmeet on June 12th. We need numbers and dining preferences a.s.a.p. please. Ta muchly.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi lin

    I'd love to come but it's Mr Seza's birthday - don't think I'd better sneak away then.

    You ok?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Evening all,

    Seza, hope you manage to get an offer on your house soon, I bet you are fed up now.

    Deev , sorry to hear you were feeling down, hope tomorrow is the start of something good for you.

    Baggy, good luck on the moonwalk, would love to see what Clodagh has designed for you.

    Well, i went for a bit of a run tonight and found a new friend, An elderly gentleman was having a walk to excercise his knee replacement. So i walked with him for a while and we had a giggle about aches and pains. I told him that as soon as he was fitter , to look out for me and he can be my pacemaker !

    Hope everyone is ok,

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Hi MC, am getting fed up with the house thing sometimes but tryong not to dwell on it too much. It will happen at the right time (I keep telling myself!)

    I'm ooking forward to seeing Clodagh's creation too (or should that be two!)

    Baggy, if you pass this way can you message me your donations link on t'other side and can i still suggest a tune for you?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 89.

    CLP - working till 11 tonight - crazy - no - just a guy who loves his job and what it's rewarding him with right now... good on you mate...

    Everyone else, Delhi, monkey, 42 degree heat... wonderful place, India... gave me some very special memories, albeit of a trip taken 24 years ago... ohhhhhhhhhh!

    Anyway - have booked trips to Croatia and Morocco this year - these are my treats after work...

    And soooo glad I live in a flat now... no garden = no bind weed, which was the bane of my life when I had a garden!!!!

    Suz xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    Hello CLP and all

    I have abs no chance of catching up, have popped by a few times for the odd lurk, but not much time to get into posting. Anyhow hope you are all good and know there are a few difficulties for some out there, so sending you some of the blog love that goes around. An interesting choice of title on today's blog from Chris - as my other half flew out to Delhi today for work and arrived about 2 hours ago and can confirm it is around 42 degrees, but no sign of any monkeys outside his window!

    I agree that there is loads in life to enjoy although so many people get worked up about things that really aren't that important in the great scheme of life. Small inconsequential things that are not going to be remembered in detail probably a week or so later seem like giant problems to face and deal with at the time for many. (eg. traffic jams - often referred to by many as 'horrendous' or 'nightmare' and as I think was mentioned the other week, I have never had a nightmare about a traffic jam!) As my grandfather used to say to me - deal with the small fry well and the big fry will take care of itself....I had no idea what he was talking about when he used to say this to me, but I think I finally got it about a year ago!!!

    Have a good evening all and MTF and Beez - get to bed early!!!! How on earth do you two keep going.....???


    Ps no more fish have been brought into the household.....

  • Comment number 91.

    Pps - in other news - I had a problem with my car and took it to the wee local garage this afternoon and got involved in dog chat (I had Alfie with me!) with the receptionist who was a typical Glasgow wifey with a great sense of humour who proceeded to tell me when she went to London for the weekend she felt so guilty at being away from her 'dug' that she had to take it back something so she went to Harrods and bought it a burberry coat!!! The best money she ever spent!!!! ChrissieS - you know exactly the type of 'wuman' I'm talking about....what a laugh!!!


  • Comment number 92.

    Night all, sleep well

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Evening Sentiments Of Niceness Ter ALL Bloggies......

    Still wondering why me blog posts are being moderated alot lately!!!!!

    Maybe ave offended the blog mods by me joking a would be more than willing ter meet them for a drink.... only meant in light hearted terms!!!!
    Maybe ave been misunderstood and come across as being too cheeky!!!!!
    Maybe the blog mods ave misunderstood me & think 'who do a think a am!!!!' Aka am getting too big for me boots???

    Me comments are meant only in fun, jokey & in 'umourous terms & not meant ter be egotistical, rude or ter offend anyone!!!!!!!!!!

    Sometimes people can misunderstand a BIG perosnality for ego when it's not meant ter be like that!

    Ok a admit a did go through a really bad patch recently & wrote too many negative things on the blog - Am sorry for this, but a waz only turning ter me blog friends ter try & seek 'elp from them with me problems!
    Yer know the well known saying - They say a problem shared is a problem.... made less thna it was before it was shared!
    But a realise CLP's blog is not the place ter write such negatives - should ave been more privately on FB!

    As ave written before on the blog 'pologies ter all if a offended any!

    Just trying ter let the BIG fun crazy personality that's deep inside me but ave learned ter keep supressed in real life come out on the blog & trying ter make a few laugh/ entertain abit!

    But again sorry if me blogs ave been taken the wrong way as too cheeky or egotistical!

    Any way ave 'ad really good news tonight ter add ter me car passing the MOT today for the first time!
    That's never ever 'appened ter me before! :)


  • Comment number 94.

    PS ALL - Ave put a copy of me first moderated blog today on me notes page at FB!

    If any can point me where am going wrong - please tell me az a only want to be nice 'ere!


  • Comment number 95.

    Just got home, had a long run about today.

    I didn't think that I would be getting back in the dark again until September.

    Never mind, we all have those sort of days dont we.

    However, I did stop off to check up on the swans. She is still sitting patiently on the nest.

    I also stopped off at the heronry aand am pleased to report that there are now 77 heron nests and (this bit is the most exciting of all) 3 egret nests. I cant believe it. There nests are the nearest to the hide too, and as the egrets are white are very easy to spot.

    Without really top of the range photography equipmnet, I will never be able to take good enough photos to put on fb, but have taken a pic of one of the photos they have on their informtion board.

    Lovely moon again tonight.


  • Comment number 96.

    Evening all. Dreamer - I do try and get to bed before my new curfew time - but being a night owl lie in bed with my i-pod touch still messaging on fb! You know who you are!!! Mad I know!. Give Alfie a big hug - latest pics are lovely. Seems 2 mins since you got him!

    Seza - about to join you on the house getting rid of - checked another of "those" companies today and still no problems. Checked mine - Yikes!! and all wrong - blinkin postcode areas is all I will say!!!!

    Wow Suzie ?can I come? tis all I will say on that subject! oh no - how about Please? !!! xx

    MC what a lovely story. Bet you felt better after that. Nasty stressful day - hope you are feeling a bit more chipper after that. Big hugs hon - I'm fighting a losing battle on the work side too........

    JG - pain about the week-end weather but not been to bolt hole for ages - got to be done - may go on my own. You visiting Mum?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Dear all I apologise for this but...

    Bingo... as far as I remember you didn't apologise publicly to the main focus of your comments on this here public site during your "mini breakdown"...

    ... and that may make all the difference...

  • Comment number 98.

    Blinkin blimey MTF - was just about to see if you were back on the dark side. We need an early night!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Yes Beez, we are getting somewhat of a reputation!!


  • Comment number 100.



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