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Sometimes Splitting Up Is The Only Way To Stay Together

Chris Evans | 11:06 UK time, Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Poor Lenny and Dawn - having decided to go their separate ways...

But then again I always say - the next ten years can be the best ten years - and they are better doing something about their situation now, rather than letting it "fester" as my Mum used to say.

So, even though it is sad on the one hand, it can only lead to good on the other. And of course it can always be much worse.

Just today I received a message from Billie, wishing me a good morning and letting me know she was listening to the show on the way to work.

Once together but now friends forever. In no way can that be a bad thing.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP,

    Wise words indeed.

    Have a good day and I hope the ski-ing goes well, have you got your thermals on?


  • Comment number 2.

    Very wise word from you again CLP and you can tell you know what they are going through.

    Hope you enjoy the challenge xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Good morning everyone,

    Very wise words indeed, myself and my ex, although pretty acramonious (sp) at the time, we are now friendly whenever we bump into each other, which is definately the way to go.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.



  • Comment number 4.


    What an incredible blog from you today. What you have said is so true about the next 10 years (and beyond) - it would be a crime for any of us to waste the rest of our lives being unhappy.

    And, yes, it is wonderful the friendship you and Billie have - quite incredible really - just goes to show what special people you must both be.

    Right, I'm all soppy now!

    Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Very good blog - you always say the right words. Hope the skiing goes off ok.

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning all

    Wise words Chris. Good luck in the challenge.

    Best wishes to both Lenny & Dawn.

    {{{{hugs}}}} to anyone who is in need.


  • Comment number 7.


    I could sense the empathy when you mentioned their split this morning.
    Onward and upward (or perhaps downward in your case today, if you're ski-ing!)


  • Comment number 8.

    Hi all

    I too am sorry to hear about Dawn & Lenny, I am sure that you are right CLP.

    What was that about Rose Tyler this morning? Is Billie going back into Dr Who????

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon gang!

    I was saddened to hear about Dawn and Lenny, especially after reading (at CLP's recommendation) Dawn's Dear Fatty book. The bit where she describes Lenny as her RSJ had me in tears.

    Staying friends is the way forward for sure. Most of you know of my recent life-changing move and how happy I am in my new situation (thank you CLP, and Nic!). Divorce proceedings are now going through and the ex and I are still on good terms and are determined to remain friends after it's all signed on the dotted line, so to speak.

    As for today, a bit bettererer than yesterday - which was a complete mare - as I am actually busy (for now, any road!)

    And thank you everyone for all the messages on here, FaceCloth and Twitter re the job situ. I'm trying so hard not to let it get me down but it's getting to the stage now where I'm dreading the next interview because of the rejection its aftermath may bring.

    Hope everyone is having a fine and dandy day.


  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon All

    Not been around much, this weekend as two family do's as well as Easter! Not caught up with the goings on, but hope you're OK Bees and CTD I'm sure there's something with your name on just round the corner! (And not the no47 bus!)

    Have to agree about DF & LH very sad and you are right Chris, pity my ex doesn't hold the same view as I am still regarded as devil incarnate and its over 5 years since we split up.



  • Comment number 11.

    I think about my ex's with feelings of revenge and "How dare you have wasted some of my precious years"

    Only joking I too was very sad to hear about Dawn and Lenny and hope they can be good friends and still share good times, sometimes this is much better. I can be quite civilised when speaking to my ex husband now!

    I forgot to say Hello CLP and all bloggers.


  • Comment number 12.

    hello all

    just browsing and saw your message Deev.

    I applied for 40 plus positions working for a ban counter practice during my final year of uni - and I got accepted by none
    So - I re thought and trained to work in industry and now I'm EMEA finance manager

    So - maybe if you can't get something where you are looking is there something else you can apply for? After all need is the mother of invention - try applying for the jobs you like the look off but not sure what its about.

    A very sleepy bagpuss

  • Comment number 13.

    Right, off out into the great wild yonder, camera fully charged.

    Have a good afternoon all.


  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Baggy

    Good to see you drop in!

    At the mo, I'm applying for jobs from PA to team sec, to admin bod, to receptionist ...... so a fair wide scope there. Also not industry specific - from manufacturing firms to accountants, NHS, Local Government and anything in between. Geographically, I'm saying within 15-20 miles (or a 45 minute drive at worse) from home, and also Birmingham City Centre as I can commute into New Street from home.

    The issues seem to be other candidates with experience within the industry of the firm doing the interviewing or post-grads snaffling the roles despite NO experience.

    I know something will turn up soon - I'm just not the world's most patient person!!

    How's the Moonwalk training going anyway?



  • Comment number 15.

    Maybe at 41 I'm just toooooooo old!?!?!

  • Comment number 16.

    if my ma in law can get a new job at 61 - no one is too old!

  • Comment number 17.

    'Lo Gang

    5 mins before someone comes to look round the house so time to say quick hello

    Chris, such a kind blog today. I was sad to hear about Dawn and Lenny.

    Baggy, good to see you, hope you're well.

    Deevs, feel about this viewing a bit how you must about these interviews! Why bother! Am trying to cling to the "it'll all come right in the end!" but not sure I'm believing it for myself at the moment!

    Hopefully now you've "proved" yourself to the agency, there'll be enough temping to keep you going until you find the right thing

    Is piddling down here today, am glad we went to the zoo yesterday. Was lovely there with lots of baby animals including a baby Rhino (ahh) They also have an Orangutan that I hadn't seen before, old Rajang has been there for about 40 years but this is a new friend for him. I still haven't seen him properly though, he was walking around their beautiful new outdoor enclosure with a sack over his head!!

    There was loads more I wanted to comment on but have got wooly head disease today!



  • Comment number 18.

    Afternoon all,
    Haven't had to chance to catch up with all the weekends posts, hope everyone had a good one and birthday wishes and hugs to whoever may need them.
    Deev 41 in certainly not too old!!!! I have just got a new job (n I wasn't really looking) and I am rapidly nudging 50!!!
    Having a bit of a CBA day today, its housework/washing day for me but did most of it at the weekend ;) so have been pottering about in the garden and am tempted to venture down to the docks to see the new cruise liner that arrived in Southampton this morning ... decisions, decisions lol
    Was sad to read about Dawn n Lenny but am sure they will work it all out eventually.
    GM xx

  • Comment number 19.


    Coooooolchester Zoo? I love the rangutangs there - and yes, I remember seeing the grand old one when I was a wee lass! I'm hoping to get taken to Twycross Zoo at some point in the near future ...... hopefully, they'll let me out again!!


    GM - grats on the new job - go you!!!

    And it's official: I Am The Queen Of Shredding!!



  • Comment number 20.

    GM - go to the docks and report back - I heard that that ship is magnificent. I am a bit of a cruise addict so have an interest in new ships.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    peeeeeeeeeeeeeees: Seza - good luck with the viewing. I assume you have fresh coffee on the go, and a loaf in the oven (so to speak!)


  • Comment number 22.

    Thanks Deevs, it's nothing really exciting but I am hoping (if i pass the induction) to be an Escort ............. now before you all faint lol it's a school escort for disabled children!!! although hubby thinks it's hilarious as he will be able to tell people that I am a Escort!!
    MTD she is in for a few days and I will get some pics of her and put them on faceache. We got married on the Oceana 18 months ago so at the moment she has a special place in our hearts and have been on her since and are booked to go again next March but we are tempted to do a trip on the Azura later in the year but we can't book anything at the mo as its dependent on how my mum gets on over the next few months! and I am really jealous of your impending trip.
    GM xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Deevs, It was indeed Cooooolchester Zoo, They've changed things around a bit since I was last there, is very good and lots of babies!

    And I managed to get both boys out so result ...................I think!

    BTW Was it wrong of me to encourage my child to spend his pocket money on the latest Twilight - New Moon DVD?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 24.

    ps Good luck on the viewing Seza

  • Comment number 25.

    Hi everyone:

    I managed to have a wee quick look through yesterday's blog at lunchtime! Couple of things:

    Beez: thinking of you.

    Susan: just a real nightmare for your daughter with her iPhone being stolen. Some people are the absolute pits - it is such a violation to have something stolen. Hope she gets sorted with something new today.

    Cheryl: I really do sympathise with your job situation. As I said to you before, you have been SO pro-active, and it doesn't seem fair. Just hang in, "the" job is out there - and of course the inevitable is bound to happen - you will be offered two jobs at the same time!

    CG: Happy 20th Anniversary to you and Mr CG! Hope you are both having a lovely day with your family.

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Great blog, Christoff, and very true. Although acrimonious in my case, something very good came out of it.

    Good luck with, and enjoy the baby making!

    Hello to everyone else.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Baby making!?!?!

  • Comment number 28.

    Baby making indeed, Deevs. Admitted it to Zoe Ball at 9.30 this morning, Listen again, the whole handover was very funny! Made me laugh anyway.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Ooooooooooooooooh OK! I can only listen up to 8.50 now I'm Ickle Miss Super Temp.

    'citin' innit!?!?


  • Comment number 30.

    So, people came to look at house, looked at house, went away again!

    Your guess is as good as mine!

    Pen, I heard the handover today too, made me smile. Anyone else thinking Zoe for Saturday when JR hangs up his headphones?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hang on in there Deevs, your time will come, of that I'm sure. BTW, when I first saw your login, I read it as DeevsTheTramp! LOL

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Seza, or Liza Tarbuck!

    Good luck with the house sale.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 33.

    I'm hoping for Ms Tarbuck as a replacement for SW in the afternoon, as he just irritates the life out of me!

  • Comment number 34.

    Is SW hanging up his boots then Andy?

  • Comment number 35.

    One can only hope!

  • Comment number 36.

    Andy-I have to disagree with you regarding Steve Wright and feel the need to defend him.

    His humour, many funny characters and music lifted my spirits when I was going through very difficult times (divorce,bereavements,etc.)

    I love him as much as our very own Chrissy boy!


  • Comment number 37.

    Sorry Sorry Sorry!

    Did not mean to start a " who should be R2 DJ and who should not" discussion

    I know we've done that to death here before!

    Boys all gone out now, hours peace and quiet! Bliss

    Anyone know if Debs is still on a beach somewhere?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 38.


    If he helped you through difficult times. I'm glad, but for me I still find him irritating.

    Wouldn't do for us all to like the same would it!


  • Comment number 39.

    No need to apologise Seza, at least it got a few comments on here, it's been v quiet otherwise ;)

  • Comment number 40.

    Afternoon peeps, long time no blog. Hope you are all keeping well.

    What a glorious day it has been today, sunshine and blue skies, if a tad windy.

    Firstly, Beez, yes! I heard 'my' song this morning just as I was pulling into the car park at work. So I sat in the car and sang along, much to the amusement of the security guard who must have thought I was bonkers! Just as well he couldn't hear me - lol!
    On a related note, for those - like Jovial who love Matt Monro there is a documentary called 'the man with the golden voice' on ´óÏó´«Ã½4 tonight at 7.30.

    Today, I was given 6 duck eggs by a workmate and so I have just been down the lane to pick my first wild garlic and will be making a fritatta/tortilla to take into the office for our lunch tomorrow.

    May catch you later, as I am home alone tonight.

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Crumpy, Mr Seza just brought home 6 hens eggs from colleague's chickens. Would be lovely but he brought 6 more yesterday!

    Baking tomorrow I think!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Andy-sorry I went to make the tea after taking the stand in defence of SW

    Indeed it would be a very boring world if we all had the same likes and dislikes, we are all entitled to our opinions.

    Anyway thanks for getting me blogging, I'm usually just lurking.


  • Comment number 43.

    Hello everyone,

    Aunties and Uncles of the Blog.

    I have Great News.

    Daughter has given birth this afternoon.

    Little Girl. weighing 8lb 7ozs.

    I am over the moon!

    Lots of Love to everyone from a very happy Nanny and Grandad. xxxxxxx.

    Beez, already knows, have just spoken to her.

    Chris, I know my husband has already told you how gutted I was at not being able to meet you, Tash and little Noah this morning but as he told you, daughter was in labour then and I was waiting for news from the hospital and also looking after little grandson.

    Sorry I missed you and your family.

    Must say lovely photos of you all.xx

    Lots of Love, csn.xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Greetings CLP Boy & ALL Bloggies….

    Bingo Star ere….

    CLP - A most interesting blog terdee & WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!
    A waz watching the Piers Morgan thingy the other neet with Geri ‘aliwell, she mentioned when she went through a very difficult period in ’er life that you CLP ’ad ’elped ’er get through it & it goot me thinking about my situation!!!!!
    I’ve ‘eard similar from other celebs about ‘ow they’ve been ‘elped by a former partner in bad periods in their lives!!!!
    For example when Gwineth Paltrow went through a breakdown & 'er ex Brad Pitt 'elped 'er!!!
    A don't want sympathy but it makes me stop & realise just ‘ow bad I’ve ‘ad it the past few years when everything ‘as gone wrong for me… and my so called partners when I need abit of love/ support the most… they dump me!!!!!
    I 'ave blanked the recent mini breakdown out of me 'ead & a start ter think what wazx that all about... az am quiet strong & a repair fast... but it make sme relaise it’s no wonder I’ve ‘ad serious thoughts about why I’m ‘ere when my ex's ave treated me so badly!!!!!
    It's alomst like they use me ter give themselves a boost a my expense... it's 'appened four time snow over the past four years!!!!

    But thankfully now all ‘as totally turned arooound for me!!!!
    My job iz going well, I’m making all of my savings that I lost back that are my future.. (I've made nearly 20k dabbling in shares/ Dow Jones trading in the past 3 weeks!!!!!)
    For me ter get a ‘ouse etc… my job ‘as improved… and I’ve found a wonderful woman who iz so different ter all the rest!!!! (well ‘hopefully, early dees at present, I am aware thing scould go wrong... BUT... there iz something extra nice & special about ‘er... she's just nicer.. sort of different!!!!)

    Getting back ter the subject of ex’s…. I’ve always tried ter stay in touch with my ex’s…. but none are interested sadly!!!!!
    Don’t know why az I’ve always been so nice to them all!!!!!
    Your very lucky CLP that you must ave been involved with extra special women!!!!!!

    Must admit the sad break up of Dawn French & Lenny ‘enry does remind me abit of my break up from my long term partner!!!
    We took about 3 years of breaking up & getting back together az we thought so much of each other & ’ad done so much together over our 8 year relationship!!!!!
    But eventually we realised we couldn’t live together!!!!!!

    I’ve always tried ter stay in touch with ’er az I care about 'er... more like a sister now than a partner... But she always 'as kept ’er distance!!!!
    But the one nice thing…. After 4 years of me being persistant like at Christmas & ‘er birthdee sending 'er greetings via text… she ’as agreed ter meet for lunch sometime soon!!!!!!
    That would nice… we’d never get back together az a know it wouldn’t work… I don't want ter get back with 'er... But I do ‘ope we will meet & can stay life long friends. Az a ‘ope Len & Dawn will… And yersen & Billie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS A wanted ter wreet about other things terdee but changed ter fit in with CLP’s commentations!!!!
    But one thing about whatta did wanter wreet & that sort of adds ter the above……
    Sometimes a wonder iz it partly all terdo with astrology. Suddenly out of my control after being through one of the most terrible periods in me life… All iz going well… and wreet now az I wreet this I am on me way ter London ter spend 5 dees with me new girlfriend & ter meet 'er 5 year old daughter!!!!!!
    And this weekend we are going away together for a rmoantic weekend for the first teem!!!!!!
    Coincidence that this weekend iz going ter be a new start for fellow Capricorn Tiger Woods… and ‘is wife also Capricorn… They’ve been through a terrible 6 months!!!!!
    And INDEED Giancarlo Fisichella, who a share me exact age/ date of birth with… makes a new start, after a trying 6 months & losing 'is F1 drive, in the opening round of the LeMans Series in a works Ferrari GT2 car!!!!!
    All a coincidence?????? Maybe!!!! Maybe noot!!!!
    Just a coincidence this weekend seems ter be a new beginning for alotta Capricorns!!!!!

    'ope you all 'ave a most nice Wednesdee evening!!!!!!


  • Comment number 45.

    #44.... double 22.... A good omen a 'ope!!!!!!

    And by chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 46.

    BIG Congrats CSN

    Best wishes to all the family

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 47.



    Deevs x x

  • Comment number 48.

    Congratulations CSN, hope everyone is doing well.

    Hello everyone else


  • Comment number 49.


  • Comment number 50.

    CSN, congratulations to you and your family, Great news xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Oh, Congratulations to you CSN, what lovely news to log in to!

    I hope everyone is doing well xxx

    Love to all the family

    JG x

  • Comment number 52.

    Congratulations on your new addition to the family CSN, not long till the next one now!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 53.

    CSN what wonderful news and assuming all ok with both of them. Oh what an excuse to raise a glass xxxx

  • Comment number 54.

    That is wonderful news CSN xx Any names decided on, yet?
    Auntie Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 55.

    YAHOO csn!!! so that's one done, safe and sound!! one more to go?? so what names?? and have you all been out and bought tons of pink frilly things?!

    had a lovely lunch today at our newest "posh" local restaurant - great food but not posh enough to frown on taking the children! even had a special menu just for them!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Happy Anniversary CG, I'm glad you had a lovely time

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    PS A forgooot ter say a think Tiger Woods will rip those fairways ter little pieces of dead grass this weekend…. Tiger ter win…. Yer ‘eard it ere first!!!!!!

    PPS A also told me new GF when she was saying ter me on the phone on Fridee… what’s appened ter the weather… it’s gone so cold again!!!!
    A said… a will bring the sunshine ter London with me & the end of this week/ the weekend will be of excellent weather attire… and thatta ALWAYS keep me promises…. Yer ‘eard this ere first too!!!!!

    Bye again!!!!!

  • Comment number 58.

    CleverSuperNanny - Just read yer good news.... congrates on being a CleverSuperNana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 59.


    Gotta go before me wi'fi does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 60.

    CSN... many, many congratulations to you and your growing family, I am sure you will be as wonderful a Nanny to your existing and new grandchildren as my wonderful Mum has been to mine. New life is a real blessing isn't it!

    Suzie xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Hi guys, hope you've had a great day... and congratulations Csn on the arrival of your granddaughter!!! That's really lovely news.

    Yeah I was sad to hear about Dawn French and Lenny Henry splitting up. I always thought they were really genuine, nice people. I hope they continue to be good friends.

    Hmmm nothing else to report really, apart from a less busy day at work. One more day left and them I'm off!


  • Comment number 62.

    CLP... You do bless us with wise words - don't you. My ex husband and I spent many years at war, but do you know what? I think we eventualy got tired of it all - and have become very good, loyal friends. We respect and love each other in a familial way and given that we have two children, the four of us are all the better for that!

    S xx

  • Comment number 63.

    CG so glad you had a lovely celebration meal with the family xx

  • Comment number 64.

    many congrats CSN!
    loads of love 'Auntie' Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Actually, going back to CLP's sentiments, I was sad too at the news, but they have to do their own thing I guess!

    Me and my ex (My ex and I) are on really good terms now, and Mr JG actually likes him - not that we'd go to the pub etc, cos we live 200 miles apart, but we meet at my Mum's and all is well...plus he got me the job I'm in now, 9 years ago now!!

    Right, am now chuffed at finding ITV HD on Cloud, so will sit and watch this match unfold...

    JG x

  • Comment number 66.

    Hello and good evening,

    Heard your little chat with Zoe this morning ,it all takes time ;).

    Cns ,congratulations on the safe arrival of your grand daughter .xxx.

    Crumpy ,nice to see you .

    Seza ,Hope the viewing went well for you ,It's only a matter of time my love ,you'll get there .

    Deevs,Hey not like you ,pick your self up and dust your self off .xxxx.

    MTD,thank you for your wishes ,but dont worry about me being spoilt as I already am having the lovely family that I have .
    And it was mother hen looking after her brood as one of her chicks had just come out of hospital and that wasn't for you to know.

    Hope everyone is well


  • Comment number 67.

    Hi again

    Just caught up - Congratulations on the new arrival CSN. Hope the new family are well.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Evening each

    Chris, a very grown-up comment from you. Would be nice if all ex-couples felt the same way.

    Just seen MTD's post about CSN's new arrival. Congratulations CSN, off to catch up.

  • Comment number 69.

    Wonderful news CSN ... bet you are soooo proud xx Huge congrats to all xx
    MTD have just been to the docks ... new ship is HUGE but quite pretty, she has a bow like a dolphins nose (well that was my impression) have put some pics on faceache (am sure Beez, MTF or Bids will point you to me lol) looked like workmen were still on board and we might venture back down there on Saturday when she in named.
    GM xx

  • Comment number 70.

    CSN - a granddaughter - lucky you - lots of pink things waiting to be bought. Congratulations and hope both babe and mum are well.

    I love my 3 little grandsons (another due in May) but it's so nice to buy girly pink stuff for my one and only little granddaughter. Enjoy.


  • Comment number 71.

    CSN, Congratulations to you all, glad that your granddaughter has arrived safely.
    Looking forward to your updates.

    We have had wall to wall sunshine here today, been out doing site audits , what a day to be out of the office. Looking forward to the weekend as it is forecast to be 16 degrees .

    Susan, from previous blog , sorry to hear about your daughters phone being stolen.
    We noticed tonight that our doorbell has been stolen , why oh why oh why ???

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Thanks MC and that is just plain daft stealing your doorbell?

    Daughter seems ok - has an appt to see Amsterdam station police at lunchtime tomorrow to report crime officially and to get a crime report no. (awkward tho as in Amsterdam for work and will have to negotiate a long lunch to do this) You have inspired us to book a weekend break in London in June as we can get the train cheaper if we book that far ahead - haven't been in ages!
    Grey at times here today but getting warmer x

  • Comment number 73.

    Aw MC, that's just ridiculous!!

    We didn't have much sun until about 3-ish, was just grey and dull, plus the usual shower at noon, just to annoy the peeps walking to ELH!

    Had a nice lunch out, at 12.45, after the rain, and fish finger sarnies for tea!

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    Will be going a bit quiet now, as have to keep Finlay in order whilst this edgy match completes....

    JG x

  • Comment number 75.


    MC. Can you send a little bit of sunshine down here for tomorrow please? Just if you can spare some, we'd love to see it

    JG, Good luck! btw I really fancy fish finger sarnie now!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Actually Seza I could fancy one too with tomato sauce on it - yum

  • Comment number 77.

    Cor yeah Susan, in nice thick white bread!


  • Comment number 78.

    Sounds a lot better than some of the things they're cooking on Masterchef!!

  • Comment number 79.

    #76 Shame all I have from that combination is the sauce!!

    Just have to go to bed hungry dreaming of fish fingers - roll on brekkie

    Night all - hope tomorrow is an even better day all round - maybe even another baby in the CSN family?


  • Comment number 80.

    Sorry about the fish fingers!

    Oh dear, Mr JG not happy, and I had to disappear as Finlay is not bothered about whose goals he celebrates, so after Robben scored, me and dog had to keep a low profile....

    Anyhow, I'm off now too, night all! xx

    JG xxx (cos I know some need extra xxx's)

  • Comment number 81.

    Biggest priority is...

    How wonderful CSN. I can only imagine how thrilled you are. Thats a nice weight too, the same as my daughter was.

    This might trigger off your other daughter now. It works out like that sometimes.

    Please send our congrats on, to the proud new Mum and Dad wont you.

    Back later with some more tails from the riverbank!

    Yes tails!!


  • Comment number 82.

    Have had to eat my easter egg to stop me thinking about fish finger sarnies!

    Whose tails MTF? Loved the Egrets by the way

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 83.

    I have fish fingers in the freezer and Easter egg centre choccies left but I'm off to toast the last of the hot cross buns (I've developed a craving for them and must buy more ordinary buns tomorrow).

    Then returning to listen to MTF's waterside tales (tails).


  • Comment number 84.

    Nature Tales for me tomorrow!

    Night All

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Nite all.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Dear UC

    Sorry you are not here any more or in the other place. But if you are lurking - hope you're ok and... thanks for the memories.

    Love from me. Xx

  • Comment number 87.

    It seems my days at work are getting longer and longer.

    This isn't due to excessive workloads. More to do with what I am seeing every day on my rounds.

    So, today started off fairly low key. I was pleased to see about half a dozen red admirals on the heather in the front garden.

    Then, just as I was setting off for work, I spotted the familiar sound of the Green woodpecker and within minutes it landed on the grass strip opposite. So I am assuming that the ants eggs are now hatching, easy pickings for the clever, almost parrot like birds, got to be less of a headache too!

    I was then lucky enough, once I was out on the Levels, to see quite a few munkjack/munjac deer.

    These are extraordinary the first time you see them. About the same size as a medium to large dog. They are known to bark too! I haven't actually witnessed this, but have been told that if they are startled, then this is their reaction.

    Further along the levels, near Burtle, I found a lone roe deer. It looked, from where I was observing, like its antlers were in velvet. I took several pics but am not that hopeful about how good they may turn out due to the distance.

    Then came the highlight of the day OR not.

    Waddling along was a mink. Now this wont come as good news to those trying to preserve the environment that the Somerset Levels provides for the more natural of our species.

    I think that on recollection that the mink poses a threat to the water vole, which they are trying to re-introduce in bigger numbers.

    I know that when I used to live in Lynmouth, that the mink were proper scavengers and were raiding the mallards nests for their eggs and ducklings too.

    Finally having finished my round, I came across a huge herd of red deer, just about to cross the busy A39 on the edge of the Quantocks, just before dark.

    As I drive this way home every night, I tend to be on the look out for them.

    They have introduced posts, with light reflectors on them, that let out a high pitched screech. I think they are used in the Alps. The deer just simply find another route a bit further down the road, to cross.

    So all in all, a good days nature watch. Finally made complete by the last minute sighting as I pulled up on the driveway, of ....

    Will let you guess.


    I've got to keep something to talk about tomorrow havent I?

  • Comment number 88.


    Just here to say love you guys!! Not caught up here - been on fb - but hopefully CSN has been on here tonight and I am not breaking news.

    What a lovely phone call we had - new life as I was saying goodbye to one. New beginnings and a flippin good innings for FIL - 90 for goodness sake!

    Will catch up - honest - and stuff being sorted here - Yay at last.

    Beez xx

    saw the last post however - Suz - agree UC

  • Comment number 89.

    MTF - a hedgehog coming out of hibernation?

    Night night and thanks you lovely lot xx

    shattered Beez xx

  • Comment number 90.

    No Lin, more of a high flier than that.

    Did anyone hear about the fat hedgehogs on the news?


  • Comment number 91.

    Can someone send my new specs back!

    Night Beez.

    MTF, away with the fairies!

  • Comment number 92.


  • Comment number 93.

    Are you sure that wasn't FLAT hedgehogs MTF?

  • Comment number 94.

    Pippistrelles to you Lin!


  • Comment number 95.

    No Lin, hedgehogs on the weightwatchers plan.

    They are rescue hedgehogs that would have normally hibernated and because of the long winter, have had to spend longer than normal, inside.

    So, because they are too fat too roll into a ball, hence protecting themselves, they have got to lose some flab before they can be released back into the wild.

    Funny old world isn't it!


  • Comment number 96.

    morning peeps!
    A bit nippy here again this morning, hope the sun melts all that ice real soon!

    Beez, glad yesterday went ok {{{{}}}}
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    My sentiments exactly Chris.

    For my part, I couldn't be happier with my fantastic relationship with the ex-hubby, despite a time in our lives we would have happily garotted each other, the affection and the bond we always shared has survived unbroken and intact. Just I no longer have to wash 'is kit and tolerate tantrums over Cabbage Root-Fly, and he doesn't have to have his head pecked from dawn till dusk and listen to me eatin' lettuce noisily. BUT we both had to get a grip, swallow a lot of pride and get over our individual problems in order to get to this point. Now what we have is an HONEST relationship, and I wouldn't change a thing.

    Now then, to the reason I'm here, there is one separation I'd like you all to send huge vibes out for if you could indulge me here. Am not sure what's been in the press at home but please say a prayer, or whatever is your way, for the conjoined twins from County Cork, undergoing surgery yesterday at Great Ormond St. I met the family briefly recently whilst in Cork, what a fantastic couple and what lovely little babies. It's a heartbreaking and yet uplifting story and it gives me pause, yet again, to realise how blessed I am, so all my thoughts, love and huge good wishes to them today.

    Thanks. I know you will, you're all stars. Oh, and by the way, HUGE congratulations to CSN.


  • Comment number 98.

    Morning All

    Clodagh, I saw those babies on the news, so sweet. Wish them all the best for today and the future

    Beautiful day up darn Essex today. Might take the boys underground!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Good Morning All,

    Lovely sunny morning here on the south coast.

    MTF ,lovely nature watch last night ,and am looking forward to sampling it myself next week .

    Chris ,have you not got a slot for MTFs nature watch on the programme as it's proving popular on the blog .

    Right must get myself moving .

    Have a good day all .


  • Comment number 100.

    Morning All,

    Wise words indeed Chris - I have so much admiration for how you and Billie handled your situation.

    CG - Happy Anniversary!

    CSN - Congratulations on the safe arrival of your Grand Daughter, congratulations to Mum and Dad xx

    Bees - My thoughts were with you yesterday xx

    Cheryl - I do sympathise with you on the job front. You are doing all the right things and it will pay off, I know we all keep saying it, but hang in there xx

    MC - Doorbell?!?!?

    Susan - Sorry to hear about your daughter's situation - wrotten swines!

    Clodagh - I read about the babies yesterday. Will send lots of love and special thoughts their way.

    I feel as though someone has set fire to my throat and ear! Have also lost my voice, not a bad thing some will say! Feel awful - going back to bed, is it too early for a hot tody?

    Take care all
    Mary xx


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