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The Grab Bags And The Saddle Bags.

Chris Evans | 12:10 UK time, Thursday, 16 December 2010

They're back, the bags of crisps that are slightly bigger every day that make you much bigger over the years.

Grab bag 282 calories, normal bag 182 calories. A Grab bag a day Monday to Friday, opposed to a normal bag works out at 20,000 calories a year more.

I have tried to leave what I approximate to be 80 calories-worth of crisps in the bag to balance things out, I did it an hour ago again but then I did what I also always do afterwards, which was go back and polish them off.

If I keep doing this for the next thirty years I will have consumed 600,000 extra calories than with the normal bags.

Grab Bags suck but they don't half taste good.





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  • Comment number 1.


    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Ah but they are good for trips to the city because you eat half with lunch and save half for the train home - then again my trip last week I had an egg sandwich and the trip before that I had fruit cake (yes bloggers appart from my 3 accomplices lol you all missed out *sad face*)

    I am getting a bit better but I think I pushed it at band practice too much last night and now I'm snotted up to the eyeballs again - well was till about an hour ago I think the cold relief kicked in. Either that or the cranberry and sanguiello orange fruit tea is actually doing something good lol.

  • Comment number 3.

    Chris, I don't eat crisps!

    Already done a post on the previous blog if anyone would like to read it. Yah!

    Hope you all have a good day and keep warm.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Marj, you make sure you stay in the warm as much as you can.


  • Comment number 5.


    I am eating crisps now. As I type. W@lker5 ready salted, quite simply the best. A wee pack from a multipack, 25g and 132 calories.

    This morning was the longest morning on record but man in office gone out now so I'm on my own for the rest of the day. My main objective is to win the battle of wills betwixt me and the photocopier. It was jogging along nicely printing labels for me and then it just decided, in its infinite printer wisdom, "no more". I guess I could sit here and write out a sheet of address labels but that would only mean the printer winning ..... Grrrrrr!

    I'm feeling brighter today but still coughing and still very very snotty (as in the nasal department, not stuck up snotty, if you get me drift ...)

    Off out tonight with my man for a romantic meal to celebrate our first year together ... 'cited!


  • Comment number 6.

    I don't eat many crisps either, I love them with dips but that is just so fattening so I just steer clear of them most of the time.

    Here's a joke for you:

    A man has a racehorse, never won a race. Man in disgust says," Horse, you win today or you pull a milk wagon tomorrow morning." The starting gate opens, the horses take-off, they move the gate away and there lays his horse asleep on the track. He kicks the horse and asks, "WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING. The horse, half asleep says, "I have to get up at three in the morning."

  • Comment number 7.

    Big Chief CLP

    Very, very, simple solution . .

    1 bag of crisps a fortnight for a treat - stay away from the crisps, keep clear of the area (unless its coming up to Christmas, or its your birthday tomorrow, or you're getting married next month and you just want to continue that feel good feeling in the form of a savoury snack . . .D'oh . . )

    DtM x

    Crimble '10

  • Comment number 8.

    Chris, Marj and myself were having the great crisp debate the other night. I love a packet of unsalted crisps crunched up into a mug of the 'leading' brand tomato soup.

    But, they have to be consumed before they lose their crunch. A bit of a dilemma if you have got the soup too hot. Dont you just hate the scalded tongue?

    Also I discovered a fb site dedicated to the half empty packet. Whats that all about. LOL.


  • Comment number 9.

    Dan - how long til the nuptials now?

    Nervous? Excited? Both?


  • Comment number 10.


    Sleety snowy stuff coming out of the sky .....


  • Comment number 11.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 12.

    A bit of a catchphrase moment there!


  • Comment number 13.

    As part of the "new" plan for dealing with snow in the future here's a good idea - PUT FENCES EQUI-DISTANT FROM EITHER SIDE OF THE ROAD!

    Crisps - My favourite has to be Smiffs that come with the little sachet of salt (a sort of opt-in/opt-out mechanism)

    What flavours should we stock in the Blog Boozer?


  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Chris Grab bags? I haven't heard of them, don't tell the Americans it could be ugly.

    Liz Don't be shy say what you mean lol.

    Deevs Have a fantastic meal with your fella. Re: previous blog Love Actually is one of my fav films and although I've seen it a million times I still shout expletives to Mia and Alan Rickman. Also The Holiday is a close second with the Gorgeous Jude Law and Jack Black.

    Keep warm everyone

    MaW xxx

  • Comment number 15.


    Deevs 1 - 0 Copier

    MaW - I loved The Holiday too - a real girly fillum, and yes, Jude Law is delish! I think Mr Rickman was just a daft auld fool where Mia was concerned. He was flattered. She was climbing the career ladder. It's Emma Thompson I felt sorry for ....! The Joni Mitchell CD bit still makes me blart!

    Dook - pork scratchings please!


  • Comment number 16.

    Chris: I eat far too many crisps! I am a crisp fanatic, and I do know they are so, so bad for us! The calories statistics you provided are frightening!

    CSN: I read your post on the previous blog. What an exciting evening for Mr CSN, eh? Just as well I wasn't there - I would have made such a fool of myself!

    Maddy: look after yourself, ok?

    Just switching off now - drinks party in the office this afternoon - people arriving to pick up their calendars, and have a festive glass of something!

    Take care everyone - it's not looking terribly good.

    C xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Oh B*gg*r! Just heard that they have closed the road to home due to ice! Might have a 15+mile diversion on less important roads (joy!) - might just start to head off now!

    Us dooks don't do well on ice you know! Knew I should have flown south with the others.

    If I can get home & back here tommorow i shall bring the pork scratchings - does any one want any Twi*lets (those strange shaped marmite tasting things not the Vampire variety! Oh no that twilights!!!)


  • Comment number 18.

    Haha Dook - I LOVE Twig*ets! Although Nic likens the experience to chewing tree bark ....

    Safe journey home - take care.


  • Comment number 19.


    Christmas lunch day today which involved a trip to the local Chinese buffet, all you can eat for a fiver! We know how to live ;)

    Crisps - love 'em, in fact may I be so bold as to say that I probably would prefer a bag of crisps over a bar of chocolate!!! I'm with Dan the Man, a bag every so often is good for me. I can't have a bag daily, I'd be the size of a house!

    Deev, Have a lovely time tonight xx that first year has flown by xx

    All those Up North, Please be careful in the snow xx you are all in my thoughts and prayer for safe journeys to wherever you are going to and back again xx

    MM, Hope you feel better soon xx I went to the Docs this morning and there was a lady in front of me saying she had COPD and I thought of you xx

    CSN, Sorry to hear about Holly xx

    Coooo eeeee Dooks xx Good to see you back on 'tut blog.


  • Comment number 20.

    Oh AliB, all the Chinese food you can eat for a fiver!


    Sounds like my ideal eaterie! I could then go for all of the appetisers I could muster (probably the lot!) and a plate of Singapore Noodles. Hmmmm ..... sesame prawn toasts, mini spare ribs, seaweed, more prawn toasts, some wontons ... hmmmmmmmmm!

    I will make sure we have a jolly good time tonight, thank you!

    And yes, where has that first year gone? Hard to believe that next week will be a year since that amazing night at the o2 with CLP and the rest of you lovely bloggers!


  • Comment number 21.

    Actually Deev,

    I may have lied I think it's all you can eat for £8 still a bargin though. I had three plate fulls and a pudding!! I ate all of what you mention above bar the spare ribs (too messy for me). It was packed out for a lunchtime, there seemed to be quite a few Christmas do's going on, it looks like times are hard!


  • Comment number 22.

    Hello Chris & Everyone.

    As MTF has already stated Chris, we were having a debate just the other night about this very subject. When I was a child my primary school was opposite a crisp factory and I would walk over a bombed site to buy a 1p bag of broken crisps soaked in fat. Those were the days! Today there are far less crisps than what there used to be in a regular packet. So the extra in the grab bag will not contain as many calories as in the good old days. So go for it Chris!

    Well, as you can see I'm back from the shops and what a time I've had. I was standing in a long queue with a heavy basket of things. When I reached the till the top came off the washing up liquid all over my coat and other things. I went to get a replacement (completely out of breath btw) and when I returned the queue was longer and people would not let me get to my place. (what's the matter with them?) Anyway the lad on the till was very helpful and cleaned all the other items and all was well.

    Now I'm wondering if next time I go out wearing the coat in the rain will I be foaming? I'll be foaming at the mouth if I have another day like this!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Hey Cheryl!!
    Sorry for the delay in coming back to you! The big day is tomorrow 3 weeks - not long, then 3 weeks off - not back to work till Jan 25 - whoo, hoo . . .Both nervous and excited (and skint!) in spades!!!!
    Hope you're keeping well, pet??

  • Comment number 24.

    evening all, hope you're well?

    Can't beat a grab bag, esp the ones made by a kettle in the dark blue bag - lush. Just go far a run 3 times a week to counter-balance the cals!

    Weird morning, had to sit in a classroom for 2 hours in relation to an exam I'll be sitting in March. Just found it all a bit surreal sitting there being advised on how to revise and what 'tools' I could use to assist in my learinig. I'm going to Birmingham on a crammer weeked t which will bean eye-opener Ibet. Oh well, only 11 or so weeks then it'll be done. Man I hate revising.

    Snow not yet upon Norfolk, hope none of you are suffering/struggling with the white stuff.

    My run went ok on Sunday, wasn't as quick as I'd hoped but I was extremely hungover and onlt had about 5 hours sleep - work's night out the night before!!!! Oh well, I still have a new time to beat next outing. Norfolk did look beautiful Sunday mornng though which helped.

    Is it really a year since we all met at the o2??? Wow, time flies doesn't it?

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 25.

    Evening all

    We had some snow earlier, but it didn't settle, so I'm home safely.

    Still no new car :( My boss has agreed that I can take tomorrow off if it's too dangerous/scary trying to drive in - I still have a day's leave left, so at least I'll get paid.

    Bids, saw your comment about the train, there isn't one unfortunately :( Well, I suppose there is a route somehow, but it would involve going into Manchester, across town to the other station, and back out again, and would probably take all day!

    Hope everyone else is OK, and home safely?

    JG x

  • Comment number 26.

    hiya all

    had a great time at war of the worlds last night - justin hayward, jason donovan and rydian (from some show called x factor??) all conducted by jeff wayne, amazing, if you get a chance go and see it

    ginge - great to see you about - good luck for the exam

    having pants week at work, kinda glad now i'm not staying past march


  • Comment number 27.

    Evening CLP and the rest,

    I do enjoy a crisp or two, especially dunked in dip. My favourite has to be taramasalata, can eat a whole tub of it in one sitting!

    No more snow as yet in Edinburgh, but it's absolutely freezing! It was so dark this morning while heading to work that I thought I had done something to my alarm clock and got up an hour earlier. At least the shortest day is quite soon, and then the days will start getting longer!

    Hopee everyone is ok


  • Comment number 28.

    Greetings Of The Season Ter CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Be VERY careful if yer in Birkenhead Shopping Centre & yer talk about 'grab bag'!!!!!!!
    It can mean yer about ter do a mugging & yer very likely will be jumped by some uncover police - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    As for crisps, a personally go for Quavers... only 88 calories per bag!!!!!!!!
    My advice CLP, if yer don't wanter end up on the 2017 Celebrity Weight Watchers programme.... go for the 88 bags!!!!!!!


    PS 100% TRUE.. A got out of bed this morning... And the very first thought that popped inter me 'ead was this which accidently turned inter a joke:

    A need a new pair of trousers.... as they are on their last legs!!!!!!!

    Get it... 'last legs!!!!!'

    It brought a smile to my face anyway!!!!!!


  • Comment number 29.

    Hello everyone! The weather has just gone nuts down here! I couldn't work out why Jasper was having a 'wobbly moment', so I opened the front door and half a ton of white stuff flew from the sky into my face. Just had to chase all my empty flowerpots around the garden too - AND my bird-table has fallen over!

    Christoffee was very nearly inadvertently responsible for my premature demise this morning - having spurned Jasper's repeated attempts to wake me up, the next thing I was conscious of was our lad's voice saying "Johnny, you good to go with the top tenuous in a bit?" Arrrrgh!!!! I haven't moved that quickly since toddlerhood! Only 20 mins late to work in the end... and I can't even blame Jasper, bah!

    Baggy - I LOVE the musical War of the Worlds! Not seen the live show though - sounds amazing. I had nightmares for ages when someone loaned me the LP when I was about 13 (some time in the late 80s), though, hehehe...! I still get a bit teary at Forever Autumn. SO sorry your work is pants-tastic, hope it picks up just a little bit for you. x

    Deevs - have a FAB evening with your NicDeevs! And many, many congratulations on your anniversary. xxx

    I'm a total crisp-fiend. I'd actually choose a packet of crips over a bar of chocolate (although if you're offering BOTH...). Any flavour, or even tortilla chips sprinked with grated cheese and heated in the oven.... mmmmmnnnn... I wouldn't weep if I never tasted a Tw*glet ever again though. Has anyone tried the Worcestershire Sauce Tw*glets? Mighty kick to 'em! Dan the Man has the plan though - every so often, for a treat. Or so I like to kid myself.

    Dookeggs - can I put in a word for Scampi Fries, please? I love them, but most places 'round here only seem to sell their evil twin, "Cheese Moments". Might we also be allowed some outside tables with those big patio heaters, d'you think? Quack.

    Keep smiling!

    Roo and Jasper xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Shame on you, Bingo Star! Examine your conscience! Hehehee... top joke! ;-)

    Did you hear about the guy who went on a blind date to a seafood restaurant? He pulled a mussel.

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Oh wow - Paloma Faith Rocks!!

    Evening all

    Bingo, did you think your trousers were looking a bit down at heel? ;-)

    Roo, are you breathing again now?

    I fell asleep after Mr Sezza left yesterday and was in the middle of a weird dream where our house alarm was going off and a strange lady from down the road burst into the house to try and reset it for me!

    Was most surprised when Moyra started to talk about the weather!!

    Sezza xxx

    Spelbound - double wow!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Sezza,

    Thanks, yes, Jasper managed to drag the ol' defibrillator and get me started again. Sorry if I randomly appeared in your dream... ;-)

    I really like Paloma Faith - genuinely talented and lots of fun. Did you see her ages ago on Never Mind the Buzzc*cks, pretending to flirt with Noel Fielding? At least, HE was pretending... ;-)


    Roo x

    (I think Deevs forgot about the Advent Calendar in all her romantic excitement. Never mind - we'll forgive her, eh?! But only 'cos she's so lovely...) x

  • Comment number 33.

    It would totally confuse us all if they decided to mix up the running order of the breakfast show!

    Or is that just me?

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 34.

    No, Sez - not just you. I'm confused MOST mornings - mixed-up running order or not... ;-)

    I'm not a morning person. In fact, I'm SO not a morning person that Jasper suspects I might be part-vampire. Of course, it goes without saying that Jasper's customary bouncy, vibrant, chirpiness is ALWAYS higher or lower in direct proportion to my own tardy crotchetiness (i.e. the more tired and fed-up I am, the more lively and chipper he seems to be). I think he does it deliberately.

    Secret Santa at work tomorrow! Yayy! Think I've come up trumps with my gift-buying this year. They definitely won't have pre-empted me THIS Christmas, hehehe ;-)

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Roo, why do I worry a little for the person you've bought for? ;-)


  • Comment number 36.

    Bugger, I've missed Spellbound!

    Mr JG decided he wanted too tell me about his day, like I care? When I tried to tell him about mine, he went to bed...

    Oh well!

    Sezza, hope your boss will be OK x

    Love Daniel Whiston!

    JG x

  • Comment number 37.

    PS Have tried to give up crisps, but allow myself a bag of S&V French Fries once a week!

    Actually the weight has been falling off of me recently, but I don't recommend going through what I'm doing as a diet tip! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 38.

    JG, bit drastic lovey! Think you deserve those crisps!

    At least he's given you a bit of peace now!

    Should I ask if there's any news about your car?

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 39.

    No, nothing from the garage, need to ring them tomorrow, as the Merc insurance runs out on Saturday!

    Gone right off crisps and food in general....Not a bad thing! Am trying to get some healthy stuff down me, but really have no appetite at all!

    Could do without all the added stress re the car, but hopefully will have the car and get to my Mum's next week, otherwise I'll be sat here like billy no mates on my own!

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    Ah JG Really hope it gets sorted for you. Will send some of those good blog vibes for you

    And thanks for the good wishes for my Boss. Am sending good vibes there too

    Sleep well all, sweet dreams

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Just a thought, can the garage provide you with a loan car if yours isn't ready?


  • Comment number 42.

    JakeyG... French Fries... mmmmnnnn... How are you doing, anyway? Had a good day today? Hope so. My mum has had the Big C not once, but twice - so I know a little of what it's like to be going through illness for the long-haul. BIIIIIG hugs to you.

    Sezza... you are right to fear for my colleague. Although your tremblings might be a little assuaged if I told you that he has tormented me all year by throwing plastic fruit in my direction... Witness in wonder:

    (don't click if of a nervous disposition)

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    JG - you're never on your own. We're here for you 100%

    Goodnight Sezza - sleep sound hunny - sweet dreams (hopefully without alarms and random madwomen) x

    xx Roo xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Roo, no illness in my family, that I know of! Think you are confusing me with CG?

    Thanks Sezza and Roo! I will feel much better when I get that damn car! I never wanted to get rid of a car so much in my life!

    Right, I need my bed to tackle what tomorrow throws at me!

    Night all x

    G x

  • Comment number 45.

    PS, am loving my ongoing Twitter interaction with the very lovely Tanni Grey-Thompson, such a lovely lady!

    JG x

  • Comment number 46.

    JG - Tanni G-T is an inspiration to us all. NOT because of her disability, but because of her triumphant ability, grace, humility and charm. She's fantastic. I wish there were more people with a spirit like hers.

    JG - so glad there's no illness in your genes! No confusion - what I meant to convey was that I know what it's like to be in an ongoing sh*t-storm. Hey - at least you have your health, right?! ;-) Whatever the problem - we're here and holding your hand every step of the way, sweetie.

    Goodnight petal. Keep smiling - one day, all this will be just history.

    With love,

    Roo and Jasper xxxxxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Just got 'ome after another two days of long shifts... am knackered but glad ter be 'aving Friday aka Demolision DDerby Day on the roads off....

    Just a quick catch up....

    DozyMac - A liked yer 'orse joke... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!@!

    SezzaGirl - Yes me trousers are very down at 'eel... and they aswell as the 'eel bit... a keep splitting them in the central area without going inter too much detail!!!!!
    Ave forgotten 'ow many times they've been sewed up again!!!!!!!

    Am off ter watch one of me favourite tv programmes/ events of the whole year... The Royal Variety Gig!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 48.

    Evening bloggers! Long time no speak in fact not even had chance of a lurk lately until I discover the wonders that are to be found on my iPhone (am I allowed to name it I wonder?). It's been a very different year for me what with babyman and all. Am now writing this while I lay on bed marvelling at modern technology. Do hope you're all safe and well and looking forward to the next dump of snow... I'm so excited it might be a White Christmas

  • Comment number 49.

    hi all

    Roo - think you and I are about the same age, my dad introduced me to war of the worlds when i was little, so going with him to see the live event was pretty special (he's only 51, but we like to do father/daughter stuff together).

    JG - I know the diet you're on, done it myself a couple of times and although it's short term effective I also don't recommend it - how you can continue living in that hosue makes you a bigger man then me (if you know what I mean), continued hugs to you xxxxx

    Bingo - loved your trouser joke

    Lyndy - give babyman a hug from me and him for Christmas xxxx


  • Comment number 50.

    well looks like its just me - my guess for today in reindeer

  • Comment number 51.

    all by myself, don't wnat to be all by myself anymore

    promise i had a shower this morning and everything :-)

  • Comment number 52.

    morning Baggy
    just got back in from docs appt, hope others appear soon too!
    My advent guess is holly wreath

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    morning tiggs - thought maybe I'd done something to upset everyone

  • Comment number 54.

    Morning Baggy and Tiggs

    Freezing cold here.

    Deevs, advent calendar. A snowball!

    Keep warm everyone.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 55.

    What about singing some christmas carols?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Morning Baggy, Tiggs and CSN xx

    Flippin freezing in Kent, -3 and for some reason my windscreen was frozen inside, which took ages to defrost!

    Is it wrong to have eaten a mince pie already??

    Advent guess - Christmas present - thanks.


  • Comment number 57.


    Hot mince pies, lovely.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 58.


    It was lovely, a puff pastry one from Sarks & Mpencer - yum yum.


  • Comment number 59.

    Ali - no problem, I've already had an M&S choc biccie today

  • Comment number 60.

    Afternoon each

    Well, have been nowhere today. Went out this morning to get in car to go to hairdresser and black ice all over our cul-de-sac. If this lasts much longer, I'll need a paper bag over my head.


  • Comment number 61.

    Annie, poor you.

    Snowing here now.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Afternoon all!
    Off for Crimble do with Ruthy in a bit to a snowy Market Bosworth. Hope you're all doing well in this wintry weather.
    Lyndyloo & babyman & boo

  • Comment number 63.

    Ps babyman appreciated his cuddles baggie xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Careful how you go Lyndy and have a good time.

    I'm just going to coorie in with my laptop and R2. I do have bottles of wine - presents for friends - but, as I'm not going anywhere soon I may have to confiscate one of them. One little problem though, they're in the boot of the car and there's a river of black ice between me and it. Bums.


  • Comment number 65.

    Hi everyone,

    No snow here yet but very very cold.

    Works Christmas party night tonight, David managed to get someone to cover his grit tonight/tomorrow morning. He was telling me that he will probably miss his Christmas dinner next week as he will be gritting, I of course just laughed at him, but that soon changed when he reminded me that I would have to drive if he wasn't going. We normally go to my Mum and Dad's to exchange presents with them and my brother and his partner, then we go to the hotel for dinner and at night go back to either Mum and Dad's or my aunt and uncle's house, so unless we have a major thaw between now and then, it will be a dry Christmas day for me!

    Have a good day everyone, and a great weekend.



  • Comment number 66.


    Hope everyone is ok, thank goodness it's Friday, been a funny old week.

    We had a very light snow shower this morning, more like polystyrene than snow . It is bright and light now, so keeping fingers crossed it passes us by. Great invention the Pennines, really protect us from severe weather.

    Right , off to do stuff . I am being consumed by paper and have lost my password to the Inland Revenue website, so not the best of days.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 67.


    Can't stop, office crimbo luncheon awaits!

    Advent Calendar guess for today. Is it the snack bar caravan in the lay-by just before Junction 4A of the M5?

  • Comment number 68.


    Well it's just snowed for an hour and now the sun is out and clear blue skies - phew. Let's hope it melts as quickly as it came!

    It's very quite on here today, where is everybody??


  • Comment number 69.

    Hallo Ali

    I've been cleaning - back now.

    Good guess Uncle Carl

    Mine is - a christmas bell (decoration thingy)


  • Comment number 70.

    Afternoon all

    I managed to skirt around the edge of a snow shower on the way to work this morning (probably the one you caught MC) and there's been no more snow since. Hope it stays that way until I get home!

    Still no car news :(

    Have heard from my Mum, who is well and truly snow and iced in, and likely to stay that way until at least early next week!

    Thanks for the support Sezza, Baggy & Roo :) x

    Nice to see you popping in Lyndy, love to you and babyman x

    JG x

    JG x

  • Comment number 71.

    Hummph! Just had to cancel bootition :-( would be so bad if it was due to snow but alas lack of time! OH needed minor surgery this morning to remove lump of rust from cornea, then couldn't drive - in steps dooks taxis which equals being late for work in turn can't leave early to get dolled up for works do tonight. Why do i bother arranging these things!?!!!! And....Breathe!

    have topped up the blog boozer with pork scratchings, tw*glets, french fries, Scamp fries and Kettles (would have thought the element was a bit tough but hey - gingembre what ever floats your boat!). I have looked into patio heaters but unfortunately the suppliers are running out of LPG so have found some braziers instead.


  • Comment number 72.

    Just thought of something funny that happened on the way into work this morning, well it made be really laugh at the time and I have chuckled since!

    I was driving down the road and a pigeon was flying straight towards my car, so I ducked! Fortunately it didn't hit the car it must have just pulled up in time. But I did laugh thinking what was the point of me ducking as it wasn't going to hit me!


    P.S. JG, Sorry about the car situation - Bums as Annie would say xx (Hi Annie)

  • Comment number 73.

    Have been sewing up the little jacket I knitted for our littlest one and just noticed I've sewn two sleeves together - bums again Ali.

    Talking of bums - switched over to the royal variety show last night to see Take That. Did anyone else watch? If so, you'll know what I'm talking about. Entirely too many bums.

    JG - make them give you a courtesy car, you deserve it.


  • Comment number 74.

    Annie - don't see any headlines about the number of complaints about too many bums on the Variety show....perhaps it was the Beeb doing its non biased bit ;-) It was good to see Prince Charles and Camilla having such a laugh with the comedians - I really liked the Geordie Lass.


  • Comment number 75.

    Dooks, I did wonder if he was muttering about the nearly naked men!!

    Didn't see her, sorry. She's beautiful but don't think she's much of a singer.


  • Comment number 76.

    Hi all What's happening to your weather? It sound horrific, stay safe everyone.

    I'm panicking now because number 2 Son is meant to be flying out of Heathrow on Sunday. We're hoping to meet up for Christmas but it doesn't sound good for us either as we have to fly into Chicago for our connecting flight and it's bad there too.

    I think I'll have to cach up on the RVP, sounds fun!

    MaW xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Afternooooooon allllll.

    Very Christmassy out there today and snow is falling here in Kent.

    CLP - great show this morning and even better that I got to listen to the whole thing for I think, the first time ever. The joys of a young boy who wakes up at 6.25am

    8 sleeps peeps till the fat jolly man descends the chimney

  • Comment number 78.

    Annie - Nooo! not her ..... t'other one. Blonde.

    Anyone fancy a tea - I feel an unproductive few minutes are due in leiu of missed Bootition appt!


  • Comment number 79.

    Dooks, haven't a scooby who you're talking about.

    Wine has been liberated from the boot by daughter with her muckle great boots on. Yippee.


  • Comment number 80.

    Is she a comedian? The one who's been on HIGNFY?


  • Comment number 81.

    Annie - I have looked her up -it's taken a while but her name is Sarah Millican!


  • Comment number 82.

    Dooks, just had a look - she's on FB. Yes, I've seen her and she's really funny. Much better than that other Geordie woman. She has a personality!


  • Comment number 83.

    Evening all. Hope everyone gets home safe tonight - it's coooooold!

    Dookeggs - Cheers for the braziers, there were some at our works drinks last week ; VERY lovely - could also chuck a few foil-wrapped jakki-spuds in there for post-scampi-fries supper!!! Quack.

    Secret Santa at work was fun. I got some Sugar-Puffs and choc-chip cookies (because Santa thinks I'm sweet) and a large cucumber (because Santa thinks I... umm... like salad). Much laughter. And MY Secret Santa recipient 'phoned in sick today, so didn't get to see little plastic Jasper in action... :-( Never mind - all entirely worth it to see alpha-male Sites Manager (aka "The Great Silverback" or "Sasquatch") in a pair of comedy-antlers.

    Heavy snow foretold for tmoz. VERY cold now. So kettle is on. Who wants what?

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Hi Roo, glass of wine would be nice.

    Freezing cold and lots of snow here today.

    I've still got really bad cold.

    Had to take Holly back to vets last night, she is now on a months course of antibiotics and a special diet. Poor little dog.

    Hope everyone is ok and keeping warm.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 85.

    CSN, hope little doggy is ok. I've got friend's wine present of red wine warming in the kitchen - about to be opened soon!!!!

    Hallo Roo.

  • Comment number 86.

    Annie, thank you.

    What a good idea. Think we both need a glass of wine tonight, after the awful day we have both had due to the weather.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Bottoms up CSN. Opening John's Christmas present now.


  • Comment number 88.

    Cheers Annie.

    You naughty girl. LOL!


  • Comment number 89.

    Its like a ghost town here!


  • Comment number 90.

    Evening all

    Quick pop in with my note for FNWC, have got girly friends coming round for pasta and garlic bread and wine and chat and giggles tonight

    And it looks like the snow has held off for us although it is freezing

    Take care if you're going out

    Anyone up for a cheeky SNWC tomorrow? To accompany the Strictly Final?

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi Sezza

    Have a lovely evening.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 92.


    Sorry I'm a bit late, the snow has found the North West, so had to take it very steady on the way home in that stupid car! Unless I get a call from the garage, it is staying firmly parked on the drive until the roads are clear again!

    I think I'll join you in a glass of wine, Mr JG has been called out to Blackpool, so should be out some time, and I'll have some peace and quiet!

    CSN, sorry to hear that Holly is poorly again, Finlay had gastroenteritis once, and ended up in the doggy hospital for 4 days, so hopefully they will sort her out this time!

    JG x

  • Comment number 93.

    JG, glad you got home safely.

    CSN - yep, very naughty but I'll replace the bottle once the snow has gone!! Promise.

    Sezza - Strictly tomorrow night!!!!! Can't wait.


  • Comment number 94.

    JG, thank you.

    Been a bit of a nightmare with Holly and I feel really sorry for her because she now hates going to the vets.

    Any news on when you might get new car?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Annie, I really enjoy watching Strictly too.


  • Comment number 96.

    Hello CSN, Sezza, b-Annie and Jakey. OK - kettle-juice will go towards heating a bottle o' red with some mulled wine spices. Smoooooth sippin'

    CSN - Jasper and I are dreadfully sorry to hear of Holly's setback - we are sending you BOTH lots of love. On the plus side, the vets wouldn't have given Anti-bees if they thought she wouldn't recover. When Jasper's crook, he likes warm blanket (possibly with gently-warm hot-water-bottle within other blanket), isolation and the sountrack CD to the film "Emma" (the Gwyneth Paltrow one). Don't know why, but he LOVES it. It was also the favourite of the dog I lost to cancer, Tess. She adored the music on it! Bizarre but true.

    I'm going to bring shame upon myself now by asking "what does 'SNWC' mean?" Saturday Night Wine Club? Super-Naughty Witchy Coven? Sloppy Neeps With Cheddar?

    Hope that car stuff gets sorted soon, JG - sounds like a REAL pain.

    Just lit my last four candles... fingers are crossed they'll last for the evening (they're SUPPOSED to burn for 4 hours, ha-ha!) - they are Sainsbury's Value tea-lights, so my hopes aren't high...

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Thank you Roo and Jasper.

    She has got a lovely cosy bed with lots of blankets which she loves, especially when she is not well.

    Saturday Night Wine Club. LOL!

    Hope your candles last the evening.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Roo, hope your fork handles last the night. I've got rose oil in a diffuser thingy.

    You joining Friday night wine club??


  • Comment number 99.

    PS, loving Chris's Christmas jumpers.


  • Comment number 100.

    Roo, don't like Neeps but any of the others will do!!

    Have you tried keeping your candles in the freezer until you use them?

    CSN, Hugs for poorly doggy, must be so worrying for you

    Annie, see you tomorrow

    JG, Take care

    Sezza xxx really gone now!


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