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Wednesday And A Breakfast Buffet With A Question

Chris Evans | 13:17 UK time, Wednesday, 15 December 2010

One Show and Brekkie Show duty combined mean I end up staying in London overnight for a couple of days from time to time, and because I have a rare morning off, I have treated myself to some hotel breakfast room indulgence. It'll be the full English for me of course with a cappuccino of all things to accompany. Not my usual but there you are.

Now here's the thing. A lady, a German lady (at least she looked German - it was the helmet that swung it for me) finishes her brekkie and then returns to the buffet to stick three muffins in her knapsack for later. So - is that allowed, or is it technically theft? And karma wise, perhaps maybe one muffin for later, but three! I wonder if she also capitalises on the free bog roll in public loo's by slipping a few sheets down her tunic every time she takes a comfort break.

I ask you, what's with these people? (Not the Germans by the way, I've just heard her speak and she sound like she might be Icelandic)





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  • Comment number 1.

    Oh CLP, that old chestnut .....

    I've been to the MotoGP in Assen (Holland) a couple of times, and was HORRIFIED when in the breakfast room at the very nice hotel, people from all nations (but not the Brits!) were making up their packed lunches for the day ahead from the breakfast buffet. Honestly - ham and cheese rolls, hard boiled eggs, pastries .... all being carfully wrapped in napkins and put in rucksacks, clearly for trackside later in the day!

    It's wrong. Oh so wrong.


  • Comment number 2.


  • Comment number 3.

    Calm down Deb. What you so excited about?



  • Comment number 4.

    I too have a bit of hotel indulgence each week CLP - Just round the corner from the one show.

    The problem is - the breakfast buffet looks amazing - but I cant eat that early, I'm thinking of asking for a "grab and go" bag, but I think it would get a big soggy by the time I get to the office with a full fry up in! LOL

    Loved the one show last night - "more than the Xfactor" very funny

    And do you know, one of these days I'll pop my head in your building and say hello!

    Hello everyone else - boss lady out for xmas client lunch so indulging in a bit of interwebby time while I munch my ham and tom roll


  • Comment number 5.

    okay - I hear what you're saying but

    a) we normally take fruit for later, seeing as we would like it then but too full from the fried brekkie (an dbeing a veggie I don't get my money's worth anyway

    b) the very nice place we stayed in for our anniversary had fruit and drink stations everywhere - would have been very rood not to help ourselves to fruit and biccies and water.

    c) I also alwasys take the shampoo/ conditioner stuff as it comes in very handy when you have to go places where its not available

    yes, my names baggy and I like to count the pennies

  • Comment number 6.


    thought I was first!


  • Comment number 7.

    oh, I'm missing a ), do apologise, that drives me insane

  • Comment number 8.

    LOL Baggy - are you like Ross in that episode of friends when he raids the cleaning carts!


  • Comment number 9.

    no, I'm not that bad, just the stuff that's in the room, and iv'e never taken a towel!

  • Comment number 10.

    Pee ess

    Car news

    The news is that it is no longer a car - it is a square box of scrap metal - estimate was £3k to fix it :-(

    So anyone got a car they want to sell???


  • Comment number 11.

    As former hoteliers, we used to lose towels, plug in heaters and tvs too.

    I think some of them came with empty suitcases.

    A quick 'hello' from me to all of you.

    Will be back when I'm feeling more bloggish :)

    1200 miles to Christmas.


  • Comment number 12.

    Sorry, Debs, poor car :(

    Hope you find something soon.

    I'm up in Brizz tonight, but guess you aren't?

    I could have taken you out to get your tree.


  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon One and All,

    I hope you are all fine and dandy this Wednesday afternoon xx

    Chris, that is a very good question - is it allowed or is it theft? I reckon it depends on how much you are paying for the room! I, like Baggy, have been known to take the shampoo and bubble bath and I have also been known to take a wee snack with me for later from the breakfast bar. The last time I did this was in Victoria Falls in Zim, the fact that they charged me double for the room because I was white, made me want to get my money's worth and also it stopped the monkeys from stealing them!! 100% true.

    Sezza, Gald that you know what's wrong with your boss, sending positive vibes to him and his family xx

    Arh Bless - one of the Directors has just popped in with a box of After 8's for me xx


  • Comment number 14.

    Debs, Sorry to hear about your car - bad times :( xx

    mtf, I had missed you about xx hope you get your bloggyness back soon xx

    Hi Baggy & Deevs xx


  • Comment number 15.

    Thanks Ali, its too early for after 8s you know ;)


  • Comment number 16.

    Mtf, Mmmm but is it, afterall it is after 8 in the morning ;) At the moment they remain unopened as I've just had my lunch. I will take them home and perhaps indulge later.


  • Comment number 17.

    Hmmmm....well i suppose if you have paid for it - does it matter when you eat it? On the rate occasion we have stayed at a hotel My OH has ah'thin - cereals, toast, tea, orange juice, full English/Scottish, yoghurt you name it!; me on the other hand tend only to eat one meal a day (I know... I know.... save the lectures!) but do like to browse throughout if i can so I will admit to a few rolls, croissants, cheeses, & meat bits being wrapped up and snuck out the dining room!

    On a "Shed" update - we only have pint pots so loooonnnngg drinks only I'm afraid!

  • Comment number 18.

    Aww MTF - 2nd Bums of the blog! Yes I am in Londinium today - but it would have been fab to see you and muchly appreciated offer of getting my tree.

    And how lovely to see Dook popping in "yesterday" QUACK!

    Baggy, what were you doing at Tele centre - I could have come with! I go past it every night when in work on the spotty pudsey bus! 100% true!

    Right, might pop on again later
    if not catch you on Friday - excited to say tomorrow is our team xmas lunch - so hopefully that will get me in the groove - as I'm seriously struggling with the Christmas vibe at the moment - AND we are not required back in the office afterwards huzzah!


  • Comment number 19.

    debs - we went to see 'the big fat quiz of the year' - it was a long recording, left before the end as it was midnight - and afraid to say I went with mr bp!

  • Comment number 20.


    There are some cute photos of otters on the somerset levels playing on a frozen river on the daily wail website under the "big freeze returns" article


  • Comment number 21.

    Oh Baggy, I love that show, I'm sure it was well funny, all the bits we wont be allowed to see on the telebox!


  • Comment number 22.

    Hello Chris.

    I would have done the same thing Chris and gone for the full English breakfast. Is there any better meal in the world?

    Verflucht! or Upphropunarmerki! or Gosh!

    I've been thinking about this situation Chris. If the lady paid for a large breakfast which included muffins maybe she forget them and merely went back to get them. But if she stuffs everthing from toilet rolls to bathrobes down her jumper then she is obviously a kleptomaniac.

    Looking forward to tonight's One Show, love the waistcoats, good move there Chris, they say intelligence but also fun and laughter!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    it was very funny, but I don't want to say tooooo much about it as it might spoil it for people.

    we got given free booze/ doughnuts and red bull to keep us going ;-)

  • Comment number 24.

    Baggy, Are you allowed to say who was taking part?


  • Comment number 25.

    In Spain we were encouraged by our teachers do make a sandwich while at breakfast.

    In Amsterdam we did the same. I only had a bowl of cereal with strawberry yoghurt on it each day so I was still within my quota kinda thing lol.

  • Comment number 26.

    I can say if people don't mind me saying - I don't want to ruin the surpirse for anyone so look away now .......................

    Micheal McinTyre (feeling very rough)
    Alan Carr
    Jono Ross
    Ruth wasit from Gavin and Stacey
    Noel Fielding (yum yum)
    Richard Aycode (moss from It crowd)

  • Comment number 27.

    Ohh that sounds like fun, will have to watch that.

    Ta Baggy

  • Comment number 28.


    I think liberating the odd muffin is allowed as hotels generally charge an awful lot of money for what you actually get. However, taking items from rooms like towels is theft. FACT!
    How about not saying anything when you know you have been given too much change for instance? Where does that sit morally?


  • Comment number 29.

    Nic - we always say if we have too much change - and if we notice too late we put it in the charity box!

  • Comment number 30.


    Depends on the shop. If its the £1 shop, then speak up. If its a shop that over-charges immenseley for its products, take the excess and scarper.

    As I did in Brum on Saturday.

    All will be revealed on Christmas Day - so STOP fishing!!!!


  • Comment number 31.

    Hi Chris and all you lovely bloggers from a snowy upsate New York.

    I'm al for taking a little something for "Ron", an apple, water and maybe a sneaky muffin. I don't eat a lot for breakfast and I feel justified in taking something for later if I'm going to eat it. What I don't agree with (especially over here), is people piling high their plates with everything on offer and then leaving most of it. That's plain greedy and wasteful. Sorry that ended up as a bit of a rant - and breath.

    Baggy Jealous of you going to Cardiff, that's where my lovely Sons live. Number 2 son is visiting us at the mo and Number 2 Son is meeting up with us for Christmas in sunnier climes.

    I haven't kept up with the advent calendar, but if it hasn't gone yet can I have a blanket guess of mistletoe please?

    Deevs I hope you feel better soon, ni**t n***e always works for me.

    I hope everyone's getting into the Christmas spirit, I've made mincepies and am doing a ham before we go away, OH thinks I'm crazy but I have to do it - it's the rules.


  • Comment number 32.

    Afternoon Niceties From My Area To Yours CLP & ALL... (My Area Being A Don't Know As Am Lost (A Will Tell Why At The End Of Me Blog)(And 'ow Not Ter Get Lost If yer Meet The Person Who Gave Me Directions) And Your Area A Also Don't Know, As A Don't Know Where Exactly Yer Are Presently)...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Go easy on the foreign lady...
    1 - Maybe she was getting the extra muffins for a controlling 'usband who was too lazy ter get 'is own, plus they 'ave a child too... 'ence the three!!!!!!
    2 - Maybe she is from a muffin munufactuers is checking out the structure/ quality of the muffins!!!!!! (afterall CLP, a take it yer staying at a quality 'otel!!!)
    3 - Maybe she saw you, and lost 'er mind as she was COMPLETELY star struck!!!!!!!!
    4 - Maybe she read the article in The Sundee People... And is stocking up at EVERY opportunity ready ter get through Amargeddon!!!!!!!!!

    CLP, chill man... chill & go easy on 'er!!!!!!!!

    As for Karma.... if she eats all the muffins in one go... then she might 'ave ter go & the previous residents of 'er room may 'ave stolen all the toilet rolls... not a nice outcome.... literally - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!

    ALL - Terdee after being given directions by somebody who doesn't know their right from their left... A wanted ter leave me Bingo Star Thought Of The Day... Well 'Week'... No 'Month' as a try not ter think as often as a used ter.....

    The Bingo Star Thought Of The Month:

    If somebody gives you directions and gets their left mixed uo with their right... If yer bang yer vehicle in reverse & do the whole journey going backwards.... The directions will be spot on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 33.

    I was at a pub buffet following a funeral last year. Nobody ate very much and there was far too much food. We were all encouraged to take home doggy bags but no fresh meat i.e. chicken drumsticks. This was exactly what people wanted for their pets. But it was illegal in case of food poisening.

    Consequently, it was all thrown away!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    MaW - agree with you 100% about the greedy guts brigade who pile it up and then throw it in the bin. A few years back when I was on holiday in Mexico, it amazed me that even at an all inclusive resort where food was available 24/7, certain parties still piled about 4 or 5 burgers in buns (or hot dogs) on their plates at lunch time, ate a couple of them and then binned the rest. Just plain piggly.

    And the ones who at an all-inclusive bar insist on getting 2 or 3 drinks at a time ..... it's NOT going anywhere!



  • Comment number 35.

    nice to see everyone in a forgiving christmas spirit! How do you make an Eggnog? Trying to entice some clientelle into the newly re-opened Blog Boozer (thinking of changing the name to "Pink Frillies" but wonder if that may alienate the male aspect of the blog)

    Muffins anyone? - they are really good we share the same supplier as a fancy hotel in London....whoops said too much


  • Comment number 36.

    Afternoon each

    You know, I was just wondering when your family got to see you these days Chris. Have to say though, I agree with daughter, the One Show is so much better these days and it's all down to you.

    Came back today from a trip to the shops and saw 3 (yes, 3) delivery vans outside my house. Yes!! Result!! my long lost parcels I thought. Nope, 2 were the cavalry, come to rescue the third one which was stuck in the icy snow. Bums.

    Now, how is everyone? Off to have a look.

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi everyone:

    Sitting here in trepidation of what lies ahead on the weather front tomorrow. ´óÏó´«Ã½ TV is forecasting snow beyond belief for tomorrow and Friday - the ´óÏó´«Ã½ website is saying a couple of nice days lie ahead - Aaaargh!

    MaW: Lovely to see you - very appropriate guess for the Advent calendar!

    As for taking stuff from hotels: now, I must be completely honest. I always take the shampoo, conditioner, shoe buffer and sewing kit. Can't sew to save my life, but the wee sewing kit calls out to me, so I must take it! On the food front, I may take the odd banana with me - purely to keep up my potassium level, you understand.

    And, yes, taking towels is a no-no. A couple of years ago I was in a fantastic hotel in Spain with my sister. The ladies loo had the most incredible blue hand towels and I really was so tempted to take one. My sister told me that if I did, she would report me! So, needless to say I have survived quite happily without that blue towel ... but as you can see, I still think of it!

    C xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Debs, poor you on the car front.

    Chrissie, Have the same dilemma - do I go to my Christmas lunch tomorrow (over the rickety bridge and the evil M8) and deliver pressies to youngest and his family? Or do I stay at home? Will decide in the morning I think.

    I never take anything from hotels or B&Bs - just doesn't seem right.

  • Comment number 39.

    You never know when a sewing kit might come in handy Chrissie!

    I have to say it would be entirely pointless to take that tiny tablet of soap which most hotels provide. Has anybody ever tried to shower using one of those?

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Maddy - the ickle soaps are nice in your knicker drawer! Or in the guest loo ....


  • Comment number 41.

    Oh! Thanks Deevs, what a good idea!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    You're wee kleptomaniacs, the lot of you!!!

    Kirstie, my tour guide friend, has a box full of smellie stuff she's paukled from hotels - another kleptomaniac!


  • Comment number 43.

    Annie: yes, a problem to decide whether to venture out. Friday, we are due to go through to Edinburgh for our office Christmas lunch. Edinburgh should be ok, but Glasgow looking very bad. Annie, I can't take any more!!

    Maddy: yes, that's what I was thinking about the sewing kit. But on reflection, Annie might be right!

    C xx

  • Comment number 44.

    ´óÏó´«Ã½s doo is a dinner dance at a rural hotel on Friday night - over 100 coming. Snow due Thursday!

    Do salopets go with evening frock?


  • Comment number 45.

    Chrissie - Friday, I have yet another trip over the rickety bridge to hairdressers - yikes! Enjoy your Christmas lunch.

    Btw, Kirstie also has the sewing kit, plus copious amounts of sugar packets and shortbread.


  • Comment number 46.

    Dooks, you could start a trend.


  • Comment number 47.

    All you poor scottish lassies! What a nightmare but Dooks - defo go the salpette look and ear warmers (it wont let me put the M word!) finish it off nicely I think! Better than a tiara.

    I have to say, I have got over the taking of smellies from a hotel room unless they are premium brands - current hotel chain has Crab and Eve shower gel and I only use about a 1/4 of the tube each day - so I bring them home and when my hand washy squirty soap runs out - decant them all into pot - tada! thrify!!

    Right signing off now, meeting BBF for drinks and dinner tonight, work crimbo lunch tomorrow, will fill you in Friday

    Take care out on them there roads you lovely lot

  • Comment number 48.

    I'm off home aswell! May just look into the earwarmer, salopette styling......Oh! Oh! Oh! how about a snood just to finish it off?!

    Hopefully - snow permitting will be back tommorow!


  • Comment number 49.

    Oh bums, just seen the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Scotland weather. Don't think I'll be going anywhere soon.


  • Comment number 50.

    Hello everyone.

    Freezing cold and very wet here tonight.

    Still got a bad cough and cold at the moment.

    Hope you are all ok.

    Annie, take care and keep warm.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Advent Time ......

    It was a

    CHRISTMAS TREE (again!)

    No winners tonight.

    Next ....


  • Comment number 52.

    Evening All!

    Dookeggs sounds like lots of fun and the Blog Boozer DEFINITELY sounds like one of the greatest ideas of the 21st Century... Do they do a quiz night?! I like Dookeggs' style as well - don't forget to complete that look with vigorous application of green lipstick. This season's key trend... Quack.

    Debs - so sorry about your car; that's grim. Hope you find a good 'un very soon. xx (I nearly said that I hoped you had good car-ma very soon, but I managed to stop myself before I... - oh.) ;-)

    As to Chris's question re. being a sneaky tea-leaf at the breakfast buffet - I'm sort of in two minds these days. I used to work at a very famous and ancient educational establishment (other learning opportunities are available), and accompanied a Sixth Form Classics Trip to Naples and the Phlegrean Fields (which is where I visited Pompeii and Vesuvius, as mentioned yesterday) - I was the Matron! (And - yes - I can hear the Kenneth Williams impressions in your heads. "Thanks" for those). Interestingly, none of the boys but almost all of the teachers stuffed their rucksacks with booty from the buffet; yoghurts, hard-boiled-eggs, pastries, everything. I was MORTIFIED. It was a posh hotel (I was classy in them days) too, so all high-class swag.

    HOWEVER - now I have fallen on hard times, I rarely feel that I can turn down 'free' food, even if I'm saving it for later, plus it's essentially either been paid for or absorbed within the hotel's profit margin. My opinion, I think, would be that it's acceptable in a large (posh or otherwise) hotel, or one that's part of a chain - but definitely NOT in a small, independent hotel or family-run B&B. Same goes for mini-toiletries.

    Jasper, however, considers himself the ultimate room-raider, a veritable Raffles of the hospitality industry. I tell him that he ought to be ashamed of himself - but that is always his cue to start pretending to be deaf/asleep/blind/dead/all four combined. I wonder what it's like to have literally NO moral compass...? ;-) Terribly liberating, I would imagine.

    Wasn't this an interesting post?! Maybe we should have a weekly "Chris's Moral Dilemma" for us to pontificate on? A little bloggy bonus!

    Hope everyone's safe and well,

    Keep smiling!

    Roo xx (and Jasper) x

  • Comment number 53.

    Deevs - bah! Humbug to the tree! Dropping filth and pine-needles everywhere...grumble grumble mumble.

    I am sticking to my guess of a present. Jasper barks that he thinks it will be a "nice plate of devilled kidneys, piping hot and ready for Jazz's supper" - but I've told him that he's not having that. So a lovely gift it remains.

    Big hugs and love to you Deevs - and MANY congrats to NicDeevs on his barnstorming pub quiz victory. I trust he has already spent his winnings on a lavish gift for you?

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Roo - a very interesting post indeedy.

    Back after the One Show. Nice shirt Chris.


  • Comment number 55.

    LOL Roo - the team prize for winning the pub quiz is beer vouchers for next week - and the pub are also laying on a free 3 course Christmas meal!

    How good can it get .....!??


  • Comment number 56.

    Great show Chris.

    Deevs, hope you're feeling better. Remember to message me with addresses.


  • Comment number 57.

    Chris. Great show.

    Hi Annie, Roo and Deevs.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Hallo CSN

    Postie slipped and slid to my door today and delivered your card. Ta muchly.


  • Comment number 59.

    Hello ,

    Just nipping in to say hi before we all freeze over again. These weather forecasts are rather worrying, so take care folks.

    Am currently in the process of setting up my new phone, have printed the manual off today , just 188 pages to get my head round. So, if any of you get a random blank text or silent phone call, that'll be me , all fingers and thumbs .

    Hugs and high fives to all , got to dash, i think i have a text in my in box !

    Take care in this cold snap folks

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 60.


    Have you done all your christmas shopping yet.


  • Comment number 61.

    All done CSN. Have 9 (!) bags of pressies sitting in the living room waiting to go in the car tomorrow, weather permitting.

    Went to the Post Office HQ today to post my cards as every postbox round here was full to overflowing.

    Hopefully, am heading over the Forth Road Bridge tomorrow to get rid of all the bags of pressies. Wish me luck.


  • Comment number 62.

    Oops, forgot to mention that I'm still waiting for Kirstie's cashmere socks (don't worry - her computer is so slow she never gets on here).

    She might get them for Easter.


  • Comment number 63.

    Annie, good luck.

    Hope you get there before the snow comes again.


  • Comment number 64.

    Deevs - only thing better than that would be: pub quiz victory with ALL of US there! Go team ChrisBlog!!!

    AnnieG - GOOD LUCK! You take care on that bridge, honeybee. x

    MC - agreed. Heavy sleet for us down South tonight, even heavier snow over the weekend. PLEASE look after yourselves, everyone. And Jasper's WITH me on that one!!!

    Keep smiling.

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Here's the official definition of the Theft Act 1968

    A person is guilty of theft if he/she dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it


  • Comment number 66.


    Just sent the info required via the medium of Facecloth.

    Switching orf now .... love y'all!


    eye up KW!

  • Comment number 67.

    gingembre - you're right, of course. And, of course, one of the original top tenuous (sorry, couldn't help it) said "Thou shalt not steal". I stand (sit, actually) corrected.

    The only thing I've ever ACTUALLY stolen was a Milky Way (other fluffy, light, between-meals-suitable, chocolate-covered confectionery is available) when I was about 15. I couldn't live with the guilt, so I 'fessed up and paid for it after a week. I don't think I'd make a terribly good criminal. Now, JASPER, on the other paw...

    The trouble is, my parents are missionaries (yes, yes. I hear your snorts of disbelief and derisive laughter) and I was brought up in the firm belief of eternal damnation and endless torment in the fiery lake of burning sulphur. Oh yes - and that, wherever you go and whatever you do, GOD is ALWAYS watching you. Well. Suffice it to say that putting these thoughts into the mind of a tiny child is not MY idea of good sense. I think your conscience is your own.

    Stealing IS wrong, regardless of whether "other people get away with it" or not. But I would say, in justification, that the charges applied by certain corporations is, in and of itself, stealing. Think back to the last coffee you had in certain popular coffee-house chains. Know how much it costs the firm to produce that cup of coffee? Certainly no more than 12p. Hmmnmnn....

    Oooh! Get me!! I've gone all Wikileaks on myself! Sorry folks.

    One could also argue that anyone who has ever been late for work is also a thief. But I think it is the INTENT to deprive that counts - and that's where the breakfast buffet re-enters the fray.

    R x

  • Comment number 68.

    Bye Deevs - sleep snug honeybun. xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Got it Deevs. Ta muchly. xxxxx

    Howdedoody KW.


  • Comment number 70.

    Roo - don't think Gingembre will be coming round to yours - he's a lovely bloke with one boot.


  • Comment number 71.


    Has that advent calendar of yours got no imagination?

    Christmas tree, star, Christmas tree, bauble, Christmas tree, Christmas tree!

    I've given some excellent answers but all to no avail so I'm now going to play it boring and safe.

    Tomorrow's guess: a star!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    brightAnnie - my one boot is FIRMLY on the other foot... ;-) gingembre (or anyone on here) will ALWAYS be welcome here at Chateau Jasper (although the milk could potentially be a bit dodgy...) ;-)

    Roo xxxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Roo - that made me giggle. Will leave it to Gingembre to explain the one boot.


  • Comment number 74.

    Ahhie - haha! Have I put my foot in it?! LOL! ;-)

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Roo - what can I say??


  • Comment number 76.

    Oh no, Annie, you're not got foot-in-mouth disease have you?!?

    Oh lordy, the puns... I DO apologise; it's just been one of those days. Walking on tiptoe all the time... ;-0


  • Comment number 77.

    OK, I need some blog power....

    Please can you all hope I can get my new car tomorrow!!! I am so worried about the weather, the car, driving my own stoopid car...!!

    And I really DO need to get to my Mum's on Thurs/Christmas Eve, or I'll be here on my own with a pizza and the TV!

    Seza, so sorry to hear about your boss :(

    Debs, so sorry to hear about the car:( I have a Merc SLK350 for sale;) I don't recommend it though!! I've been filling it up daily waiting for the call from the garage, it's costing me £12 a day to drive it to work and back!!!! Mind you, the traffic is horrendous, and it take 1.5 hours to drive 18 miles! Plus the 24p toll!

    JG x

  • Comment number 78.

    Evening CLP and the bloggers,

    Well all I can say is that my Mum is of the people who takes bits from the breakfast buffet and stuffs them into her handbag. Think her reasoning is that as she's paid for breakfast then why not? I usually take the little bottles of shampoo etc as they're handy for when I'm travelling hand luggage only and you can only take a teeny tiny amount of liquid with you.

    Bracing myself for more arctic weather here in Edinburgh, and keeping fingers crossed that it's not as bad as the other week, as my Mum is due to come here for Christmas.

    Hope everyone is ok


  • Comment number 79.

    Roo - foot in mouth - I do it regularly!!

    JG - fingers crossed for car tomorrow.


  • Comment number 80.

    Evening Rosie

    Might be heading into Edinburgh on Saturday - keeping fingers crossed I'll get home.


  • Comment number 81.


    Will keep everything crossed that you get your new car tomorrow.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 82.

    I'm just praying that it doesn't hit here until I get my car...

    Oh, and I alway take things from the breakfast table for my lunch, and all the small soaps for our downstairs toilet, or one's we've opened, that they will just throw away! Plus all the sewing kits I can get! LOL

    I wouldn't take towels or bath-robes though!

    JG x

  • Comment number 83.


    I always take the sewing kits.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Abit late tonight have been quite busy ,more unexpected sewing but all done now and the sewing machine well and truly put away till after christmas .

    Chris ,have never taken anything and wouldn't even want to.If I did I'd have to go and fess up as him fromup stairs I feeldoesn't watch he sits on your shoulder .

    JG ,good luck hun for the car ,and if the weather is bad next week ,can't you take the train????

    Debs ,Have you thought about the car lease scheme ,just a thought .

    Annie ,got your message ,thank you .

    Sezza ,good luck for your boss ,I'm sure when he's had his stent in he'll be as good as new .
    Mr B has five stents in his heart ,had them 11 years now and he's doing quite well ,fingers ,and It's three years now since his Aortic aneurysm,now that is a night I'd rather not go through ever again .

    Hope that all the poorly coldy people are on the mend .

    Did I see the fairy pop her head around the door today ???


  • Comment number 85.

    Ace google home page today.


  • Comment number 86.


    While I'm having trouble sleeping tonight this thought has popped into my head:

    There's no such thing as theft from a hotel room (apart from towels, sheets, curtains and all fixtures and fittings).

    All bits and bobs have been included in the cost of the room. So if they are not used or taken then the hotel charges for them all over again.

    MM xxx

    (Back to the land of nod (hopefully)!

  • Comment number 87.

    Marj, they charge for the 'usage' of, not the 'ownership' of!

    And sleep.......


  • Comment number 88.

    Oops, missed your 'brackets' bits, sorry.


  • Comment number 89.

    Morning all, hope you're well?

    Roo - not for one second was I aiming my post at you, it was merely referring to CLP's link. I wouldn't ever judge someone's past as that would mean giving myself a good talking to ;)!!!!!!

    Actually it was a bit boring of me to be so official.
    For the record I don't think that's stealing (the buffet lady) just down right greedy.

    Aaaaah the boot. Well it's a long(ish)story but basically 2 Chrimbo's ago Chris sent me an Xmas pressie. It was one boot from a pair of custom made Doc Mart's in a TFI styleee. This meaning that we share the pair and are the only 2 peeps in the world with such a cool item. I was - still am - touched and grateful to the core for such a show of genorosity. It sits proudly on show in our book case here in ChezGingembre.
    Oh - and I have to look to the sky and tip beez a wink for her badgering of Chris too - cheers honey.

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 90.

    Morning all

    Just swtiched on to see what's going on in the studio. This is a bad idea as I could sit and watch it all and I have to be out at 8.30!!

    Isn't Bobby Pryor pretty? She looks just as nice as she sounds!

    Hope you're all ok

    Now, just off to raid the breakfast buffet!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Good morning ALL,

    Morning KW ,Sezza ,you're both up early today,early bird catches the worm .Nice to see you Gingembre,and the boot ,what a great keepsake ,I always wondered what the story was .

    Well I'm a happy bunny today as ,yes its my last day of work until Tuesday ,now what am I going to do with all this time on my hands .
    A busy day today preparing for my employers coming back from their holibob.

    Take care Folks when you're out and about,and hope it's not too bad for you .


  • Comment number 92.

    Re; Your discussion about blocked ears. What a great problem to have during the Chris Evans Show!

  • Comment number 93.

    Hello again

    Can't believe how dark it still is here

    Hope everyone's ok today, sounds like the weathers coming down again

    We have the children from the local school coming to sing carols and Christmas songs this morning so it will feel proper festive!

    We'll brighten up this dull old day for sure!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 94.


    Off topic for a mo, I have received a lovely email from The Applause Store telling me that CLP is hosting Famous And Fearless in the new year, and free tickets are available. Google them and try your luck, if you wanna.

    On topic, well the way I see it is if you've got the guts to be critisied by fellow diners then go for it. Whilst skiing Errol and I often load up a little lunch during brekkie. Its all good sense as if we were to get lost, break something or get buried in an avalanche then sustanence is vital. Most of the stuff they put out will get binned if its not eaten due to elf and safety regulations anyway. Although, soft boiled eggs and skiing often do not mix - leaving an icky, sticky and not to mention smelly residue when you crash and burn on the slopes. And don't get me started on the bowl of porridge!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 95.

    OMG - just had to say, met all the Apprenticies last night!!!

    photos on FB on friday


  • Comment number 96.

    Hi everyone:

    Debs: I did mean to say to you yesterday, what a bummer about your car. Thought Bids' suggestion about car leasing is a good one. Wow, sounds like an exciting time last night. More info, please!

    JG: my fingers are firmly crossed that you get your new car today. I can well understand your anxiety, especially re: the weather. I was back to whimpering this morning while leaving the house in a blizzard!

    Gingembre: wasn't it so exciting when Chris sent you the boot?! All the bloggers were so pleased for you, and of course the fabulous support from our lovely Beez helped tremendously! Happy, happy days.

    C xx

  • Comment number 97.

    me again. Have been meaning to say this for days: where's Rips?


  • Comment number 98.

    Tap tap.....

    Make the most of today, tomorrow will be 34 seconds shorter!


  • Comment number 99.

    Morning, (cough, splutter, choke)

    Carpet is down, more thanks to my Dad than to me, but today I'm suffering a little bit...poor me, I hear you say!

    Still the world goes on, so I'll keep it brief.

    1. If it's a large hotel, taking a bit of extra foodage is probably a better use of resources than leaving it to be thrown away come the end of serving time. There's starving people who'd be glad of that croissant or roll (usually me about eleven o'clock...).

    2. Today's Advent Calender Guess. Is it Junction 35 of the M6?

  • Comment number 100.

    Morning everyone

    Very wet and chilly here.

    Back to vets tonight with Holly.

    Mr CSN met and chatted to a lot of famous people last night, he didn't get home till 3 30 this morning.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx


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