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Mr Blue You Did It Right.

Chris Evans | 10:16 UK time, Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Wow, weather like this is off the scale ain't it? Sun is one thing, but blue sky like this kills me, it's so beautiful.

And all whilst the grass is still a delicious lush green, yet to become thirsty at the mercy of another summer.

This is Britain at its very best - enjoy my little chicklets, enjoy.




ps. Take a look at some of the lovely pics that you listeners sent in during yesterday's show in our blue sky gallery


  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Chris.

    Beautiful sunny day here.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP, Savour and enjoy your weather, the fog is starting to lift here and looks like it's going to be a beautiful day.

    David taking me out for dinner tonight, nothing fancy, just a bar supper but it will be lovely anyway, then meeting Mum and Dad tomorrow after work for a sandwich/coffee so that should be nice too.



  • Comment number 3.


    Yes, it's a gawjus day, but I still have me cardi on. Office windows open, Simple Minds on the poddypod and all is actually right on Planet Deevs!

    Loved your Bluuueeeeee pic on Twitter earlier - made me quite envious of being stuck inside til 5 o'clock.

    From previous blog . PJ: there was a cocktail moment, but they weren't Garvey Wallbangers last night. Still on Cloud 9 - I really didn't know what to expect (I've seen them once before, supporting U2 at Wembley in 2009) but I was truly blown away by the whole night. Although the "hi viz brigade" in Brum really need to re-think the car parking policy - getting out took far too long.


  • Comment number 4.

    ** Repeat from before **

    Hiya all

    I will be repeating this on today's new blog, I make no apologises as I need the maximum amount of people to see it

    If you kindly said you will do my hubby's survey please can you find out my email address and send me an email (or message me through fb) and I will send you the link



    PS - blue sky here as well, shame I'm stuck inside!

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning all

    Baggy I must have missed this what's the survey for?

  • Comment number 6.


    My hansome, sexy and very clever husband is doing a masters in health psycology, and the survey is looking at the relationship between sleep patterns and your mood (or something like that). He needs a broad range of people to do the survey so he can get some meaningful data, hence the appeal on the blog :-)

  • Comment number 7.

    Cheers Baggy - that sounds intereresting I'll send you a message on fb.


  • Comment number 8.

    lovely day in west sussex to .we must all enjoy it while it lasts

  • Comment number 9.

    Baggy, I have messaged you on FB about the survey.

    Deevs - Don't know if I've already said this, but one of the guys in work went to see Elbow and he absolutely loved it.

    Also the parking at the SECC is awful, I don't really mind paying £3 to park but why dont they take the money on the way in, that would surely east congestion when the shows finish, we usually park on a street at the other side of the River Clyde, along with hundreds of other people and walk accross, but when I went to Strictly in February, they had painted the whole road with double yellow lines!!



  • Comment number 10.

    Gail/ sezza, I can see your messages in my email but I won't have fb access until i get home, sorry ;-)

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning CLP lovely lovely weather and so mild too really lifts the spirits up

    Been doing a dab of spring cleaning this morning so not yet caught up with whats been occurring in blogland

    back soon, hope everyone is well



  • Comment number 12.

    Gail (sorry - I feel bad addressing you as "Dozy"!)

    I've never been to the NIA in Birmingham before but there's a MAHOOOOOSIVE car park right next door to it. The problem last night was that two thirds of it was closed off, making everyone park in the "south" wing of the car park. We ended up on Level 15 (yikes) and subsequently, all of the cars trying to squeeze out of the same exit at the same time resulted in absolutely chaos. As for charging, they've got it sussed in Brum (to their favour, naturally!). Upto 3 hours was something like £3.20 and then the next banding was about £8. We arrived at 7.30ish and guessed the show would go on until 11ish so were stung for the £8 parking charge. Ouch - but still a lot cheaper than London prices - I think a friend payed £15 to park at Wembley once!

    I much prefer using public transport to go to gigs but sadly the train times never seem to tie in with the end of the concert so you invariably pay a fortune for a gig ticket and have to miss the end if you travel by train.


  • Comment number 13.

    Gail enjoy your eat outs
    Deevs sounds like you had a great night
    Baggy whats the survey about?? Seen the answer now I don't mind doing that

  • Comment number 14.

    Deevs why was the car park closed off that doesn't seem to make a lot of sense!!!! Are you without prying eyes at work today?


  • Comment number 15.

    We didn't know why the car park was closed off KandKs - I'm guessing Birmingham CIty Counci have their reasons but it just seemed daft, with such a bit event taking place at the NIA.

    Yes, office to self today. Just getting some car insurance quotes - you gotta love those price comparison sites .......


  • Comment number 16.


    watch out because once you have filled your details out on one the emails will keep flying at you.

    Right I am going to continue with my spring cleaning as rude not to.

    Just a slight wheeze and cough but lots of PMA will see me through, going to aim for back to work on Monday.

    Being as we are all airing today can I please have a go. I know that over the past few days both myself and a partner in crime have spent a lot of time on the blog and maybe have hogged the blog a tad. All I would like to say is a huge thank you as during my time on my sick bed it has really lifted my spirit and kept me going. Without the blog I feel I would be in a low place after three weeks being poorly. Thanks to everyone for their wishes daily and support.

    You will be pleased to know that normal blogging activity will resume once I return back to work.

    Hope everyone enjoys the wonderful sun and we are at the midway point of the week already or humpday as some people refer to it.

    Big group hug and don't stand still or I may spring clean you.

    Have a good day all


  • Comment number 17.

    KKs - good to hear you sounding more positive. Go easy with the Spring cleaning - we don't want those pesky dust mites irritating your chesticles!


  • Comment number 18.

    Hi Chris: no blue sky here unfortunately, but my day is always sunny when I listen to you in the mornings! (gushy? moi?!) xx

    Hi everyone: hope everyone is ok.

    kks: good to see that you are feeling much better.

    CSN: hope you continue to get better too.

    Nothing to report from ChezS - well, nothing of any interest!

    Have a good day everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 19.


    Off the scale indeed Chris, wall to wall, 17c. Set to drop, apparently, at the weekend.

    Just seen a low flying 4 engined jet pass over the house, wouldn't like to be up there, but might like to be where its going though!

    Hope everyone is ok.

    Typed this once, only for it to disappear. On that jet I presume!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 20.

    I know, missing apostrophe, hey ho!


  • Comment number 21.


    Gorgeous day here, said 17 degrees on temp thingy in car when i nipped out .

    Seen the first swift or swallow here this morning, i will need to look up the differences between them and try to judge what they are, but anyway, its good to see them back.

    We seem to have loads of blackbirds in our neighbourhood, and the song is just wonderful. Last summer, there was one inparticular, who's song stood out from all the rest. This morning, i heard that same song , and i just wondered if the same liddle birdie had returned, I do hope so.

    Right, having probably bored you all to death, I am going to get back on with nothing inparticluar.

    Oh, todays buttie was Coronation Chicken , zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 22.

    MC, today's soup was eat smart carrot and corriander, not a great flavor but filled a gap ;-)

  • Comment number 23.

    RIP Elizabeth Taylor!


  • Comment number 24.

    Good afternoon all,

    I hope we are all well on this lovely sunny day - 15c in my neck of the woods - fabulous!

    Enjoy your afternoon with Mr Blue Chris - once again you were in fine fettle this morning.

    Have to agree with the others re the blogging nice to see it getting back to normal.

    For everyone's info - the reason the blog slowed down and the number of posts reduced to 100 per page was due to the frequent posts over a short period of time. Sorry if that offends anyone but just stating the facts from Mr Technical of the Blog.

    MtD - How are you doing? I've been thinking about you these past couple of days, hope you don't have to wait much longer for your exam results.

    Seza - did you find a suitable poem/verse for your newsletter?

    Gail - I agree re the SECC they should have those machines where you pay before you get in the car and then just put a ticket in the machine to exit.

    Chrissie - have you recovered from your Westlife fix at the weekend?

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Just had a spot of lunch and then day is still in its glory and according to phone app it is 16 degrees here so nice and mild, in fact didn't wear a coat on the school run and didn't need to either.

    Pen I wonder where that plane was off to. Is anyone off on a plane anytime soon?
    MC I must confess that I do not know the difference between a swift or a swallow but hope you will enlighten us later, nothing beats a songbirds song. You should name your lil bird. We have one here whom seems to wait until the chickens have settled and gone to sleep and then has a good ol songburst it is so lovely as it is a sunset before darkness sets in

    Anyway off cleaning I go

    Enjoy the sun one and all.


  • Comment number 26.

    #23 when????

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi MC - how are you doing?

    Penny just heard the news - RIP Dame Elizabeth Taylor.

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 28.

    ahhh how sad RIP Dame Elizabeth Taylor


  • Comment number 29.

    Mary - thank you for clarifying why the blog has undergone a wee facelift, and also great to hear you sounding so positive and upbeat - lovely and sunny here in Cannockshire still.

    Hi Pen!

    MC - I can only dream of Coronation Chicken sarnie. Almost dribbling just thinking about it ...... today's luncheon was 2 x Ryvita carpet tiles, 1 x Extra Light (Lite?) Cheese triangle with the "love it or hate it" stuff, a packet of low fat "crisps", a cup a soup (slimming, of course!) and soon to be eaten - a yogurt.

    Baggy - have you tried the spicy lentil muggle soups - I was unsure if I'd like them, but now they're my faves.

    I'm enjoying the results from the scales but I have to be honest - I'm proper missing some things: cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese (even the half fat stuff is considered a treat), bacon butties and fresh crusty bread/baguettes being top of my "wish" list. Still, have now lost 12.5lbs so not giving up now, no way!

    Very sad about Elizabeth Taylor, but having just read her Obit over on ´óÏó´«Ã½ News, I can't help but think it was her time, given all of her health problems over the years. Being rich and famous is one thing, but if your quality of life is confinement to a hosptial bed and reliance on others ......


  • Comment number 30.

    deev, trust me , if its a cup a soup type thing and is veggie, I've tried them all

  • Comment number 31.

    Thanks Cheryl, bit sleep deprived at the moment but feeling much better thanks. Well done on the weightloss, I really need to get into the right frame of mind to get back on to my eating plan. The things I really miss are crusty bread, cheese and crisps. I follow the plan where you can save up sins but I tend to keep them for my wine - no surprise there then!

  • Comment number 32.

    Mary, how are the eyes? Settled down nicely, I would imagine!

    Oh Deevs, you’ve put me to shame, I have just devoured a fried egg sarnie, followed by a caramel cream egg, whoops!! And for the record, I don’t think I could ever give up cheese! Got fish tonight, does that balance it out? :-))

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 33.

    LOL Mary! A lady after my own heart! We only drink on Friday and Sunday nights now - the wine intake at ChezNic was getting a bit worrying, not to mention the amount of empty beer cans in the recycling bin. I've also cut out diet fizzy drinks after reading what went into them in terms of chemicals to make the "diet". Mainly drink water now but have some sugar free squash in the cupboard for when I@m feeling flighty!

    I think the key is planning meals, shopping to a list and exercising.

    It's not easy, given that we both work full time but we're getting there. This morning I prepped tonight's tea (ginger lamb stir fry) so when I eventually get home (about 8pm) I just have to fire up the wok and it'll be ready in about 10 minutes.

    I've just been into the communal kitchen here to retrieve my yogurt from the fridge and some so-and-so has done toast for their lunch - it smells divine!!


  • Comment number 34.

    Pen - fish tonight will make all the difference! V. jealous of the caramel egg thing ..... I've got some WW choc bars in my drawer for emergencies though!


  • Comment number 35.

    Hi everyone, hope you're all well on this lovely sunny day (sorry to those whose weather is not as kind!)

    Deevs - 12.5lb is nearly a goddam stone - wahooo ..... well done you! I bow down to your willpower!

    KK's - great to hear you sounding more positive & normal (well, I say normal ......... :-) )

    CSN - hope you're on the mend too.

    Has anyone heard from Roo & Jasper recently?

    I'm not in my office this week, so not able to join in very much, sooo........

    Happy Hump day to all you lovely Bloggeroonies out there.

    Laters taters

    CG xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Having computer problems today, no idea why I couldn't connect before and no idea why it has suddenly connected now but I'll do my post before I go again.

    I love the spring Chris, in fact yesterday morning I opened the windows to a lovely smell of cut grass, I just love the smell of freshly cut grass. Unfortunately it doesn't agree with my COPD thingy and I don't know how people with hayfever cope. I'm now going to turn into Mrs Grumpy and complain about the council. When they mow the green here they leave the loose grass cuttings, in the past they used to put them into neat piles and then someone would come along to collect them. It's the same in the parks and all council places.

    Now that I've started I'll carry over. Why every spring do workmen arrive and start digging up the roads? There's always the sound of the drill going on outside here, they keep on digging up the road outside in the same place, what for? Then down the road at the shops it's almost impossible to move past all the workmen digging up the roads and blocking the pavements.

    Where are all these workmen during the winter months?

    Anyway, apart from all that it's lovely to watch all the signs of summer approaching.

    MM xxx

    PS I hope the blog will remain 'normal' today!

  • Comment number 37.


    May I join you .....?

    On leaving Birmingham after the concert last night, Nic took us home via the M6. Given that it was 11.30 at night, it was fairly quiet but there are miles and miles and miles and miles of cones for the constant roadworks (J8 - 10, I think). The cones quite literally go on for miles. And what did we see? 2 men hunched over one piece of road, taking up less than a meter space between them.


    Shall we have a Ranty Pants afternoon!?!


  • Comment number 38.


    Deevs-I typed a reply only for my computer to fail again.

    Repeat-Don't I know and why do they step up the roadworks during bank holidays? They must be getting prepared for Easter (and of course W & K's big day)

    GGGGrrrrrrr to roadworks and ggggggrrrrrrrr to computer problems!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Deev, best not to get me started - I may never stop!!!!!

  • Comment number 40.

    Baggy - consider the blue touch paper well and truly lit.

    I shall return when I have learned a bit more about how we digest our food.



  • Comment number 41.

    Good afternoon blogettes

    Ranty pants time ?

    Last time we went to LG Arena @ Birmingham it wasn't too bad getting out but the powers that be had decided to close the M6. You'd thnk by now they would have realised that this would cause chaos. The roads were gridlocked. A journey back to Chester which should have taken just over an hour ended up nearly 3 hours.

    Not good after a full day at work and having to get up @ 6am for work the following day. I do wonder how many more accidents are caused because people are tired either on the drive home or the next morning.

    Rant over.

    To take the biscuit I've just had an email form the NIA asking if I'd like tickets for Paul Simon - I think that'll be a no then.

    Deevs .......

    Glad to hear you had cocktail hour too at the Elbow concert but that they weren't called Garvey Wallbangers .................... that proves his comment @ Liverpool was as spontaneous as it seemed.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 42.

    Afternoon All,

    Gorgeous here too, 14 degrees and clear blue sky and long may it continue. Spring really is starting to sprung!!

    I've been out this morning organising a conference and I feel everso important! When I arrived at the hotel there was a reserved parking space for me...LOL. Made me smile, it's the little things. Fab free lunch too, well obviously not to my company as we were paying, but the volunteers who turned up appreciated it. All in all a good mornings work.

    Now for a quick catch up and then I might bunk off early! Ssshhh don't tell the boss.

    MM, The councils are very busy at this time of year as they are trying to spend their budget before year end at the end of March. You see them doing all sorts of daft things!! Hope you enjoyed your prom outing yesterday xx

    Hi to Mary, how are the peepers doing? xx

    And a big hi to everyone else xx



  • Comment number 43.

    It is a beautiful day here too and my teeth are now all shiney and lovely! Yippee!

    I have decided I need a nice chair in the sunny bit of the garden just for days like this

    Mary, i did find a short verse for my newsletter. I'll stick it on here tomorrow when I go into the office. I think it's what I wanted

    the old soup in a cup is extra nice if you add some noodles to it - there are some that come as a round that is just one portion and not to many of those nasty old calories!

    Boy2 was making a cous cous salad at school today and I was looking forward to having it for my tea but he's left it at school! :-(

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Right, time to go get this grey banished from my moptop and have a bit cut off whilst they're at it.

    Thank you for your company today - it's been a blast!

    Enjoy your evenings, one and all, and I look forward to catching up with shennanigans in the morning.

    Zut alore!


  • Comment number 45.


    have just returned from glorious Oxford learning all things reptilian. Quite an interesting day, and sitting an exam with a bearded dragon on your arm is fairly unusual even for me. Thoroughly enjoyed the drive home in the sun. The drive this morning was not so much fun as I set off at 5.00am, worked in store for 4 hours then battled the rush hour traffic to get to the course for 10am.

    Day off tomorrow is now not. Gotta be in to open after new colleagues rang in sick - so far they have managed 1 day with us and called in every other day to say they wouldn't be in. Is it me, or does that smack of no commitment?

    Mw, a!

  • Comment number 46.

    Mw'a, That's one heck of a good luck charm!!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi Ali, Hi Pen - eyes are healing nicely. Thanks for asking.

    Hope things are a bit better for you Ali.

    Seza - glad you found something.

    Maddy it's the same here with roadworks - the main road I go onto from my road is a dual carriageway and one lane has been coned off for the last week but absolutely no work has been started yet!

    Have a nice evening all xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi all

    What a lovely day it's been. Shame I have been at work all day and then visiting the AP.

    Thank you for thinking of me Mary. The earliest I'll hear about the exam is the end of this week although they did say allow 3 weeks, they do try to get the results out in 2.

    At the moment the only traffic I get caught in is on the way to work - all of 2 minutes delay at one roundabout where there is a school nearby - and on Wednesday evenings when I go to the other side of MK to visit the AP, I get caught at several roundabouts where traffic is coming out of the centre (what makes you think there are a lot of roundabouts here......)

    Hope the poorly people are feeling better - the lack of frequent posting seems to indicate that some of them are.....

    Not long now till Chester. I am sooooo looking forward to seeing the people who are going.

    Back later.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Eve Bloggies

    Just catching up to see how everybody is.

    Deevs - hope the barnet cut went well
    Sezza - oh no at boy 2 leaving your salad at school, bless him
    Pen - loving the balanced diet he he he
    AliB - sound like you have had a fab work today, well done you
    Mw, a - bearded dragon on your arm, why is that?? hope it wasn't on the arm you use for writing
    Mary - glad your eyes are healing nicely
    mtd - there is only just a couple of roundabouts in MK

    Have a good eve all


  • Comment number 50.

    Evening CLP and the rest, from a not as sunny as yesterday Edinburgh. But still it felt spring like (ie I didn't need to put on about 17 layers to go out).

    Roadworks: here in Edinburgh the council have spent the last few years building a tram network which was supposed to have been finished this year (or even last year?). Roads have been dug up in the centre but the work seems to have ground to a halt, because the council are in dispute with the company building the tram network. So after 4 ish years of roadworks there are still no trams!!!

    Rant over.

    Hope everyone has had a good day.


  • Comment number 51.

    Evening each

    Yes, been rather warm up here today, not a lot of sun though but I have noticed the daisies are growing on the lawn - lovely.

    Just home from youngest's, had a great afternoon with cuddly, squashy 8month old, then a runaround with 5yr old after school. Was listening to Mike Harding on the way home and he played a couple of tracks from Julie Fowlis's new cd, recorded at Perthshire Amber last year. Friends - I was there! My claim to fame is that I was one of the audience cheering on the cd.

    Haven't caught up yet but I hope the poorly people are on the mend and everyone else is enjoying the Spring weather.


  • Comment number 52.

    Just seen your post Rosie

    Those blasted trams are never going to be finished, are they? 2013 was the deadline, but heaven knows whether it'll be in our lifetime.


  • Comment number 53.

    No, I don't think they'll ever be finished Annie! It's been such a waste of money


  • Comment number 54.

    Evening all

    Many thanks for the feel better soon wishes. I have opted for an evening in rather than go out and spread my germs about tonight. Am feeling a tad better than yesterday, the blocked up head feeling has gone and I can actually blow my nose and occasionally remove some gunk now. My grindstone mates have spent the day laughing at me and the odd noises I've made during this struggle (and it's most off putting that my right ear has occasionally squeaked when blowing my nose). Still, as they helpfully pointed out, the gunk is on the move and therefore should soon be out of my system (here's hoping).

    I could just do with a better night's kip than the past two. Last night I went to bed about midnight (bit late I know, but I was awake, and didn't see the point of going to bed until I was tired) and slept quite well, woke feeling like I'd had a good night's kip although my mouth was dry as a bone and it was only on looking at the clock I registered it was 2:10am. The rest of the night was downhill from there, waking every hour or so needing a drink. This was despite (or maybe because of) having the bright idea of sleeping half sat up, aided by a good selection of cushions with my pillows balanced on top. I was working on the theory that lying down was bad as my nose seemed to block more easily, and that perhaps being more upright would have gravity on my side... Not sure I have proof this theory worked, but will give it another whiz tonight, with a good pint or two of water lined up by the bed along with the box of tissues.

    In the meantime I don't want to go to bed too early tonight, as another night of broken sleep doesn't really appeal. But how best to pass the time? Perhaps ought to make myself another hot blackcurrant for steaming purposes ;)

    Hugs (they will be infection free soon... )

  • Comment number 55.

    Mr Rips

    You should be posting on here rather than tweeting Matt Dawson on R5 Live.

  • Comment number 56.

    Hello everyone.

    Thank you Chrissie, CG and KandKs for your kind wishes.

    Felt a bit better today, so had a great day in the real world.

    I could say a lot more but I am sure no one would care or be that interested.

    Wish you all well in this virtual world you all live in.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Haha! Evening Barney.
    How are you mate?

    Chris - completely crap day today, only made bearable by the knowledge that wherever I was, I'd have to be out of there in about five minutes in order to get out in the sunshine and charge to the next pile of poop.

    Hello fellow Bloglidites. Thanks for the heads up about the above post.



  • Comment number 58.

    Evening all,

    A bit late getting here tonight ,had best friend to supper and a catch up on things ,It's nice to talk.

    chris ,Yes isn't it lovely to see the sun shining and the blue skies .Puts a real spring in your step.
    all the budsare just about to burst open all around and the birds are on the chimney tops singing their little hearts out .
    And hopefully by this w/end three quarters of my spring cleaning will be done .

    Hope everyone is well and enjoying this lovely weather ,getting cooler by the weekend so they say ,but hey the clocks move on so we're going to get lighter
    nights coming in ,yeh !!!! cant be bad eh!!!
    Take care Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 59.

    Mr Rips

    Now that's what I call class.

    A group of acolytes to inform you when your name is mentioned on the blog.

    I now picture you in a hot tub sipping Dom Pérignon, 1921 naturally, while listening to the dulcet tones of Phil Vickery and awaiting the next tip off from your bloglets

  • Comment number 60.


    Who are you?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 61.

  • Comment number 62.

    Also I am getting a very strong feeling coming through to me that someone here has a chest infection and just want to say you will get better very soon.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 63.


    Loved it, great song.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 64.

    I prefer to think of it this way....

    My friends let me know what's going on here, whilst my acolyte alerts my friends to what I'm doing away from here....

    Semantics I guess....

    Nice to see your acerbic wit back on here either way.

    Fourth place in the six nations though?!?!?!




  • Comment number 65.

    Rips, glad to see you hear, any chance of breakfast soon? would be great to catch up but i know you'e busy ;-)

    Mwa - love the idea of you sat with a dragon on your arm trying to write

    Me, well it muct be spring, I'm come to work with no socks on - yep - I have naked feet under my shoes ;-)


  • Comment number 66.

    PS - I'm not in work tomorrow, have built up so many hours I can have a free day off - woohoo

    PPS - we are in the play this weekend - wish us luck

  • Comment number 67.

    Good morning all,

    Another loveley sunny day here on the south coastand wall to wall blue.

    Morning Baggy ,hope your OK I'm also up for the sllep thing if you want ,I'm on tother side.

    Gail, Just want to wish you a Happy Birthday for today and hope you have a good one .And hope that you enjoyed your evening out and I believe there is another outing today .

    Morning to all others and may your day be bright ,Too many post to reply to but do read them all .

    Take care ......Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 68.

    Good morning everyone, and thank you for the Birthday wishes,

    Absolutely beautiful this morning here in Ayrshire, only 6 degrees but looking at the blue sky, it will definately heat up as the day goes on.

    Took Glaid a walk on Irvine beach last night, we didn't get there till about 6.30 so it was lovely and quiet, I was really annoyed I didn't take my camera as the sky was absolutely beautiful as the sun set behind Arran, then we had a bar supper on the way home, lovely.

    Today, meeting Mum and Dad at a really nice coffee shop at Irvine Harbour for lunch, so that should be lovely too.

    Incase anyone is wondering why Irvine, it is only a 20 minute drive from home, and 15 minutes from work, so really easy to get to for us.

    Hope everyone has a good day.



    p.s. Survey completed Baggy.

  • Comment number 69.

    Morning all

    Lovely here today, puts a spring in your step

    Baggy, What a good day to have off and break a leg for the weekend - enjoy it!

    Corncerned, think you'll find that anyone can post, tweet or call whomever they like - have said before I don't remember signing any contract to say when I must or mustn't post!

    Mary (and anyone else who was interested) this is the poem i found to use in my newsletter, short and sweet but i think it says what I want it to


    Tolerance is the frosting on the cake of life,
    It is very important if you want to be tasteful.
    People want to be accepted for who they are,
    And to have a purpose in life.
    That is the fitting piece to life,
    To be loved for your originality

    Mizz Midnight Fire


    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Chris, Chris Chris... please listen: you select some really good oldies for the playlist but please, please STOP talking over the ends of the songs. For heavens sake, Wipeout is a short enough song already. You are turning off listeners by doing this; it is really annoying and I would appreciate it you would stop doing it. I heard your standard excuse that you have to get to the news- next song, etc. BUT IT'S NOT OK and NOT WORTH IT -SLOW DOWN, PLAY ONE SONG LESS, IT WILL MAKE YOURS A MUCH MORE AGREEABLE PROGRAM AND STOP CAUSING ME AGGRO AND HEARTBURN.

  • Comment number 71.

    Morning All,

    Another lovely day - hooray.


    Sezza, nice poem I did have a look at home for you, but didn't find anything suitable. The music exams have started with a 17 year old Grade 8 violinist - WOW. I wanted to give her a clap, but that might not have been appropriate. When they are this good, I feel like I am having my own mini concert.

    I am glad the poorly peeps are on the mend, there is nothing like a bit of sunshine to warm the cockles of your heart.

    cmp, I have to agree with you. I complained on here a few weeks ago about the very same thing. I also wish he would speak a lot slower when chatting to the kiddies. The poor things must be really nervous and then they can't understand what he is saying. Apart from that the show is BRILL.

    Onwards and upwards


  • Comment number 72.

    Morning all

    Just popping in to wish Gail a very happy birthday, your walk last night sounds lovely. I hope you enjoy meeting your Mum and Dad too.

    Ali, I would probably would have wanted clap as well!

    Mary, I'm pleased to hear your eyes are better.

    Baggy, I'll message you on the other side re the survey, unless you still have my email address?

    Sezza, that's a lovely poem, I hope it has the effect you want ;)

    Hi to everyone else!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    Morning all, hugs & warm thoughts to all those in need.

    Happy Birthday Gail, hope you have a lovely day.

    The sun has got it's hat in (hip, hip, hip hurraaaay) in Norfolk - just makes the whole world seem a better place, doesn't it.

    Really busy this week, so no time to play........ nearly Friday - yaaay!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 74.

    errr - * hat "On" even ............. oops x


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