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Britain's Lost Son

Chris Evans | 11:48 UK time, Friday, 6 May 2011

Well Hugh Laurie didn't disappoint did he? As charming as ever and not changed a bit, even though he's now King of the world. Frighteningly clever and totally intense, almost distracted with his fascination of everything, every second of the day, another thoroughly enjoyable Friday guest for us all to get our teeth stuck into.

Currently sat in the park with Noah, very pleased at having unwrapped his biccie "all by myself". We're off to the car wash next, he likes it when "the man" sprays us with water. Then chips and beans at The One Show before Mummy picks up, and Daddy gets down to a bit more "talkie work."

Have a sizzler of a weekend and you'll hear from me Monday (God willing)





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  • Comment number 1.

    Afternoon Chris,

    Another great show and Hugh is a legend. Enjoy your father/son time with Noah and see you on the TV at 7.


  • Comment number 2.

    Lambie Pies!

    How lovely, sitting in the park with the Weeny One putting the world to rights. Sounds perfick!

    Looking forward to 7pm and The One Show - my favourite night of the week at ChezNic: there's you and your shirts to kick off proceedings, something spicy atop the hob, something full-bodied and fruity decanted on a regular basis and an evening with My Fella, with no other distractions except each other.

    Is it home time yet!?!?


  • Comment number 3.

    Hi CLP!

    Hugh was indeed fab this morning! And your sojourn to the park with young Noah sounds equally as wonderful. Baby-man isn't quite sure what to make of the car wash just yet but he does delight in telling me that the wheels are "dartee" whenever he gets near them.

    Have a triffic weekend everyone!

    & Boo

  • Comment number 4.

    afternoon peeps
    Trying to decide if I can last out without lunch for another hour or so and then make an early break for it or if I should go home for something on toast (working locally today so can be home in less than 5 mins) but then won't want to come back and stay longer!

    A terrible dilemma as I am really hungry - no breakfast and only another apple to sustain me and somehow apples always make me feel more hungry and empty-tummy'ish!
    P'raps a cuppa will make me feel fuller?

    Looking forward to a nice evening and weekend and wish the same to all blog peeps, CLP and the family and the rest of the show's crew.

    PS - I too thought Huge Lorry was fab this morning but one of the funniest bits for me was when Chris asked Lynn for her 'hugh moment' and she sort of turned the tables and accused him of stalking her!! She could only have done that if he really was the lovely normal bloke he came across as.

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 5.

    HI everyone,

    So sorry I missed Hugh Laurie this morning, sounds as though he was great.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.



  • Comment number 6.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    Chris, can you please send little Noah to me to open my packs of biccies, snacks, drinks, etc. And to open and pour drinks without it going out of control. I'm feeling quite exhausted with all this.

    Sounds lovely being in the park and going to the car wash with Noah, everything is fun with the company of a little one.

    Looking forward to The One Show.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 7.


    That made me chuckle as well, Lynn is very good with the one liners xx

    Can I just say Happy Birthday to George Clooney, 50 today - I so would ;)


  • Comment number 8.


    Missed Hugh but he is an immensely talented but seemingly top bloke too.
    Thanks for playing James' She's A Star this morning, even if you did talk over rather too much of it for my liking! More James please! Tim Booth - check him out - very interesting, spiritual, intelligent and another top bloke.


  • Comment number 9.

    Afternoon, long time no type...

    I used to be terrified, nay petrified of the car wash when I was ickle. So much so that my dad used to trick me by saying we were going to somewhere really nice and exciting, bundle me in the car and then drive straight to the big evil monster at the petrol station. I would wriggle out of my seat and curl up, a quivering wreck, in the footwell, tears pouring down my face and nothing more than a little whimper emitting from my mouth - the trust in my father being removed far quicker that the blob of bird poo on the bonnet of the car. I got over this fear when my eldest brother said I should watch the dancing wombles. He managed to combine my two most favourite things in the world (at the time..) and immediatley I was cured. Thanks bro. x

    On another note - I am now a non smoker, and very happy about it too.

    And on a last note, AliB, me too!

    Love and such,

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 10.

    me three!
    C x

  • Comment number 11.

    Me four - in his ER days especially!


  • Comment number 12.

    have good weekend Chris - hope you enjoyed your tlme in park with Noah - also your chips and beans.

  • Comment number 13.

    Sorry ladies, but he's never done it for me ....

    I saw Colin Firth as I came out of ELH tho. Sadly, upon closer inspection it was only a cardboard cutout but for a moment there .....! ;-)

    I'm feeling very virtuous now, having done the weekly shop at lunchtime so I can go straight home at 5 on the nose, and get something bubbling for MrRolastic up there.

    I toyed with the idea of going to see Arthur tomorrow during the day when Nic's out with his lad. I've checked out the 3 cinemas I know of in this area and they're all evening screenings ... grrrrrrr!! Look's like I'll have to wait for the DVD release ..... Lordy! If they put a cardboard cutout of Russell Brand outside ELH it'll cause chaos!

    Crumpy - no breakfast?!? Long periods of no foodery? Tut tut! I can see I will need to take you under my nutritional wing when I've qualified young lady ....


  • Comment number 14.

    Have a great weekend one and all, I am of up to the big smoke for a jar or two!

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 15.

    Hello CLP and everyone

    It’s been a while!

    Christoff, if I had to choose the best day for your show it would have to be Fridays. Having a different guest each week is magic and today you didn’t disappoint. Music was great including of course the Candyman.

    Your time with little man is precious, enjoy it, blink, and he’ll be all ‘growed’ up!

    Sunny and 24 degrees today, with a warmer wind than of late. Will we pay for this later!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 16.

    How remiss of me. Lovely to have you back Maddy, so glad you're feeling better xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Afternoon all

    Have to agree I thought Hugh Laurie was excellent this morning, very nice to have a very unceleb but very talented person on.

    The bit about being the opposite of Bazza Manilow made me laugh, as HL was sat not wanting to hear his record, unlike BM!

    Had a trying day, computer problems covering my colleagues absence, be glad to get home.

    MM - glad to see you back and hope you're taking it steady.

    Nic / Deev's read a review in Yorkshire Post of Mr Booth's Leeds gig which sounded interesting, esp as it nearly all kicked off in the crowd, shame they didn't want to hear the music it seems.



  • Comment number 18.

    Hi all ,

    I didn't get the show this morning either ,as it's been a strange day for me
    A friend of ours lost his15 year old daughter on Easter Saturday quite suddenly wich was a terrible shock for him and left everyone feeling a bit
    shell shocked .
    She was the bravest of the brave and had to rely on lots of support from all of those people that loved her and cared for her.

    So on rising today I found myself in a sad mood ,feeling quite melancholy and basically not looking forward to this day that we were having to say goodbye.

    But now looking back on my day I can say it's been a happy one .the sun was glistening and the sky was blue .
    It was a humanistic service and that in itself was a celebration of life.It was all very colourful as all of the people were all dressed in nice bright colours which was requested.
    No flowers either ,but we all took one flower of our choice and with those everyone got their chance to say their own goodbyes in a personal way .
    what a lovely idea..

    So all in all it's been a strange old day ,sad thoughtful and ended happy if you can say that without sounding morbid.
    R I P dear ...........xxx.


  • Comment number 19.


    Bids, so sad to hear about your friend's daughter x x x

    Christoff, those moments with your little boy are so precious, treasure each one and thank you again for letting those of us who pitched up to CiN last meet him too. Bet he's growed up loads since then. Although I seem to remember he was doing some serious damage to a cookie and a bag of wotsits then too!

    Hugh Laurie was lovely this morning. He may pretend to be a grumpy american doctor but we can tell he's really Bertie Wooster at heart!

    Long old week this one! ;-)

    Hope all the old jobs and new jobs are going well for people!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Afternoon everyone

    Glad you're back home Maddy, sorry I missed that yesterday, take it easy now!

    Yesterday was a good day, and we all had a good evening, with slightly too much to drink, but never mind. I managed to get myself home safely, that's the main thing!

    Bids, so sorry to hear about your friends daughter, you must have had quite an emotional day.

    Pouring a glass of wine, anyone joining me?

    JG x

  • Comment number 21.


    I'm sitting here in the living room watching a baby squirrel running up and down the window ledge outside and Tom running up and down on the inside. They stop to look at each other when they meet. They've recently come out of their nest over next door's front door. Tom sits on the open window and they put their noses together. People outside have stopped to watch, it's very entertaining.

    It's keeping me amused but I hope the squirrel doesn't come in or I'm going to be in trouble. I'm sure it won't as they like to stay outside.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Love to JG But I've got to do a taxi run then meeting some friends for a drink

    Glad you had a good leaving do. Have you got a start date yet?

    x x x

  • Comment number 23.

    Not yet, but it's loking more like 6th June, at my request :)

    I've had such a lazy day today, will have to be more productive over the next few weeks though! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 24.

    Evening CLP and the rest, missed Hugh Laurie this morning as I was having a lie in, but will have to listen again.

    No One Show for us in Scotland tonight, due to extended coverage of the Holyrood elections.

    Hope everyone has had a good day, hugs to those who haven't.


  • Comment number 25.

    Evening each

    Just seen your post Rosie - was just about to moan about no One Show till almost midnight tonight but you got in before me.

    Don't know if I have the stamina to join the FNWC tonight, been awake since 4 this morning and been looking after the 2 littlest boys all day.


  • Comment number 26.

    Haven't quite caught up yet but Bids, how very sad for your friend. There can be nothing worse than losing a child.


  • Comment number 27.

    Hi all... found this tonight and thought it might raise a smile or two...

    If not... It made me stretch my mouth from ear to ear...

    S xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Morning all

    RIP Seve, you were a legend!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 29.

    Morning all

    Ihas acutally rained here in the night! Stopped now but strange to see the ground wet!

    JG, sad news about Seve,

    Having new doors being fitted today so I think i might make myself scarce!

    HAve a good day people!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Morning all!
    Right just caught up with the last 4 blogs but cant name check everyone, however,
    JG - good luck with new job - whenever you start it!
    Bids - hugs, how sad for your friend
    Chrissie - hugs, what a lovely sister you are
    Deevs - go for it with biknini!
    Maddy - great to see you back and I would have loved to see the little squirel and Tom
    see I've forgotton now already! Hello to everyone else :-)

    Chilling weekend for me after a busy but productive week, off to see my friends new kittens later and a roast tomorrow and in between I have a mound of ironing Beez would be proud of

    Looking forward to a double dose of Roux on Saturday kitchen in a mo - so off to make coffee and toast

    Happy Saturday everyone

  • Comment number 31.

    Goood morning all,

    Wee too had storms here of and on through the night ,they seem to rattle around out at sea around the isle of wight ,woke me a couple of times .
    Still that has worked out quite well as our plan for is to weed the garden and get out to get the bedding plants a bit late I know.

    Also plan to listen to Fridays show at some point before Monday as I do like Hugh Laurie .Very good in the series of House ,one of our fave progs.

    Pen ,before I go would just like to wish you a happy birthday for today and hope that it's a good one for you .

    Take care ....Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 32.

    Good day fine people, how are you?

    Basking in the glorious sunshiiiiine here in Norfolk (well actually I'm in the shade - us ginge's can't walk past a 100w bulb without burning!!!!)

    It's all happy over in the east what with the yellas gaining promotion to the Premier League. I love winding my mates up by being happy for them and also due to the fact that it's 6 points for Spurs next season! I used to work for Naarwich City so I actually am really pleased for them.

    Not much to report really. work busy. Been back out running again after taking a month off. Girls have Race for Life next weekend. Thinking about getting another tattoo. Entered the ballot for next years London Marathon. Fingers are crossed for that and my Olympic tickets too. Daughter turned 14 last week and we had a sleepover with 5 of her mates here which was an experience. Picking up a piano tomorrow. Back on the diet as put on half a stone in past month but that's Easter eggs for you.

    Enough about me, how are you?

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 33.

    Afternoon each

    Lovely day here in Fife, then it all went pear shaped and it's raining now.

    Gingembre, lovely to see you - can't believe your little girl is 14. Five of her friends on a sleepover?? Did anyone get any sleep that night? I bet she had fun.

    I've just done a couple of hours work - on a Saturday! - but as I've done very little during the week I thought I should.


  • Comment number 34.

    Evening all

    Thought I ought to check in as it's been a while since I posted. Been a busy bee as usual, but not much new to report. Have had a lazy (ish) afternoon working on that sampler, heading for quarter done with about 2 months to go... Perhaps I need to do a bit a bit more often...

    Hugs to anyone needing them

  • Comment number 35.

    hello to all you wonderful people on the blog (and CLP)

    not much to report, life keeps going and at the moment thats the best we can ask for, another difficult day done but it was brightened as we decided to buy a mini bridge as a clever cover for the huge man hole cover in the garden, we are determind to have a garden we are proud of this summer and with Mr bps birthday party at the end of the month we have a deadline

    love to all


  • Comment number 36.

    Morning all from a very quiet house!

    One away, one gone out and the littlest one is till fast asleep!

    That's what we get for quiz nighting last night! Bit later than normal for him

    Good night though, even though we were on different teams and I had to risk a falling out with my Mum as I changed an answer to one she thought was wrong! Luckily the gamble payed off and we're still speaking! The difference between I am just a poor boy and I'm just a poor boy! Who'd a thunk it!

    Bit grey here this morning - looks like there might be some more of that strange wet stuff soon!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Morning sezza

    A little self publication if you will indulge me, I am running 10k for charity in July, my sponsership page is on my fb page if you would like to sponser me.

    If you would like to make me actually do some prep work then please feel free to through abuse at me


  • Comment number 38.

    ...laughter that is catching, where ever......Happy Sunday all...that which doesn't bear thinking about, don't.....it is the case that in the flesh all seems so much more, more of more and more. Live is the best. Being there. lots of love, peace. out. xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Blimey, I'll have whatever Rebecca's having!

    A x

  • Comment number 40.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 41.

    Rebecca makes me smile - i think!

    Have had such a lovley chilled-out here, always good to start the week with the ironing pile at a minimum!

    How's everyone else doing

    MTF, I thought of you yesterday. I think Alan Carr might be your new best friend. Maybe he's been reading your Friday requests but guess what he played at about 7pm or just before!

    Sezza xx x xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi All

    Some of you have been kind enough to visit us 'over the fence', so I thought I'd return the favour! First, I'd like to say a very big welcome home to MaddyMoon. It's lovely to see you blogging again, and what a sweet picture you paint of the squirrel. It puts me in mind of a holiday we had in Florida once. We were staying in an apartment on the ground floor, and my daughter befriended a squirrel by enticing him ever closer to the back door with peanuts, until he was virtually coming inside. He came back day after day - she was gutted that she couldn't take him home with us when we left!

    We have just had our inaugural Mayo blog meet in Cambridge, and those of us that went had a fantastic time. I'm a local, so I tend to take the city for granted and only do the touristy things when we have visitors. So it made a lovely change to go punting and have a walk around the place. Those of you who have been to blog meetings will not be surprised to learn that we all got on really well, as if we'd been friends for years! And the husbands/partners that came seemed to enjoy it too. I'm sure it will be the first of many - maybe one day we can even have a joint Mayo/CLP bloggers meeting.


  • Comment number 43.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 44.

    Deebee, glad to hear you had a good time - you've had a lovely weekend for it!

    I live far and close enough that I can get to Cambridge fairly easily but we don't go often so it's a treat when we do

    We got as far as Duxford last weekend!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 46.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 47.

    Well, who'd have thought it. I've been away for a while and I just nipped in for a little catch up and who is here? Blow me down, it's our very own Plum! Back from the wilderness in the guise of radio2airhostess! Some things never change. Sadly, that includes the quality of the 'comedy'. Come on Plummers, say something funny before I die of yawning.

  • Comment number 48.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 49.

    Hiya Barmy, how ya doin? think you're going to have a looooong wait!

    Hope you haven't been swept away by the storms down your way

    Just watched programme about Atlantis, very interesting but it didn't explain much about the breathing under water or the perpetual energy source!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    I won't even click on that....it's probably viral...

    Deebee, glad you had a good time!!

    Hi Ob and Sezza :)

    Chrissie, you're amazing, big hugs to you!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi Sezza. I'm very well thanks - not washed away quite yet but the garden has gone mental in the last two days.

    Thanks for the film clip Plum. Still haven't cracked a smile. Come on, you can do better than that.

  • Comment number 52.

    I'd rather watch the golf...lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 53.

    Barmy, should you have a little rain spare, we could use it! Garden looking very parched here and only May!

    Hi JG, How's the life of leisure coming along?

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 55.

    Night all

  • Comment number 56.

    Plummers, that's a very poor show. I was hoping for a well crafted little pastiche of all the bloggers, myself included, showing your rapier wit at its best. I'm going to stay up late in anticipation.

  • Comment number 57.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 58.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 59.

    Jeez. Is that it? They're a bit nuts? Blimey, I don't know about you Plummers, but I know alot of people and I can honestly say that each and every one of them is a bit nuts. In fact, I can't think of one who isn't. And thank God for that, I reckon.

  • Comment number 60.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 61.

    radio2airhostess @#43 - wow, that sounds like some blog meet! I don't think any of us Mayo bloggers have quite such interesting backgrounds. I have a good friend in 'real life' who works for the Daily Mail - I must ask her about it. Maybe she's heard of you - do you use the same blog name as on here?

    Deebee ~X~

  • Comment number 62.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 63.

    No, seriously?

  • Comment number 64.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 65.

    That's fine - I'll take your word for it.

  • Comment number 66.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 67.

    Plummers, I spent years bemoaning the internet. I thought it was a force for inane rubbish at best and pernicious evil at worst. I then found some little corners of it that have linked me to other things that I otherwise wouldn't have read, music that I wouldn't have heard and great comedy that has made me laugh out loud. The first and only people I met face to face from the internet were the people on this blog and they were all truly delightful, and all people that I would be happy to see again.

    The problem with the internet is not them. The problem is with people who set out to just spoil it.

  • Comment number 68.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 69.

    Morning! Hope everyone has a cracking day today. x

  • Comment number 70.

    Morning BarmyBonkers!

    (and all my other spiffing bloggite chums!)

    Had a fab weekend. Ate lots. Drank lots. Played lots. Laughed lots.

    Good innit!

    Have superdoopersmashinglovelydays!


  • Comment number 71.

    Hi everyone:

    Oooh a five day week - don't know how I'll cope!

    Thanks for the lovely wee messages from Annie, Debs and JG. I really appreciate all the support. xx

    Barmy, very well done on your hard work last night. I thouht Plum was actually doing quite well in her new guise until she typed the word gawjus!

    Plum: yes, I am nuts - completely and utterly nuts. But there's nuts ... and then there's you!

    A general question: can I ask, did anyone know that Hell's Bells was leaving Radio 2? I hadn't heard Chris mention anything about it until the 8 o'clock pips on Friday. I am so sorry to see her go - she is a brilliant Producer, and I spoke to her at the O2 bash - she was just so lovely. As I have said before, I really don't like change!

    I may be wrong, but I don't think we'll hear from Chris today, or perhaps much later in the day, what with the judging for the short stories thingy!

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Good Morning,
    Speaking of boredom, on this morning's pause for thought, i was reminded of an article I read (from a reliable and authortative source) that changed my perspective. The article talked about how our brains work and how we learn, children in particular. It explained that when a child states that they are 'bored', they aren't expressing disinterest or stating that something is dull, rather, they are trying to tell us that they have taken in so much information that their brains are still very busy processing it all and trying to make sense of it. Therefore, instead of looking to give them something else more intersting to do, to occupy them, to stimulate their minds, what, infact, they need, is just a short tranquil place, space or rest, to just let it all work out in it's own time.

    But, what I was going to write about was this....I opened my window to lean out and get some fresh air. As I did so, I saw a single pure white, fluffy feather, float through the air, carried by a gentle breeze, rocking it to and fro, till it reached the ground. I am guessing that it dislodged itself from a bird flying high above the rooftops, but I didn't see it. However, it seemd such a peaceful and serene sight, so light and refreshing, that I thought that it was worth a mention, here, with you all.

    thanx xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Morning all

    Lovely day here again! It's going to come as a nasty shock when we wake up to rain (whenever that is!)

    Chrissie, Might need to check that, I think it is a different Helen who's leaving - a bells-and-whistles wizard I think. I remember hearing chris say something on Friday

    Just waiting for a new tenent to come and sign up so I can give him his keys - always a nice bit of the job

    Was good to hear from Jools Holland this morning - he's be a great Friday guest don't you think?

    Laters lovelys

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 74.

    Sezza: thank you for that. Ahh, so I have completely misunderstood - I really did think I heard Chris saying Hell's Bells! Well, sorry to see the other Helen leaving, but I am delighted to hear that the Executive Producer Helen is staying!

    I didn't hear Jools on the show this morning, but I agree, he would be a terrific Friday guest, he's a bit of a genius.

    C xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Morning all

    Lovely sunny day here.

    Hope you all had a good weekend.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning All,

    I agree, how tough is it going to be to do a 5 day week! I did for one tiny moment, this morning, think that it was another Bank Holiday as the roads seemed to be very quiet.

    Chrissie, I have to disagree with Sezza and agree with you, I am 99.9% sure I heard Chris say Hells Bells on Friday. In fact I've just listened again and it defo her :(

    Nice and sunny here.


  • Comment number 77.

    Morning Ali and CSN

    It looks like my mistake! I thought I'd heard Chris say Helen was leaving and I thought it was Hells Bells then realised he was talking about another Helen who works as a producer on the show not the Exec producer.

    I'm sure we'll hear more as Hells Bells is so important to the show, sure they wont let her go without a big send off

    I'm trying not to think too much about 5 whole days at work! :-(

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 78.

    Hi AliB and Sezza: I did wonder why Chris was so laid back about "Hells Bells" leaving - I was thinking to myself on Friday: surely Chris would have had made a huge fuss of Helen because he absolutely adores her! Thanks for coming back to me on this.

    Hiya CSN. Nice to hear you have a sunny day, ours is a little dull - what else is new?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 79.

    OMG! How good are these stories that the kids have written? I've just read a few and they're amazing!!! It just shows that they still have imagination beyond our wildest dreams when they're young. It's a shame that it can't be harnessed for when we get a down day later in life -x-x-x-

  • Comment number 80.

    Afternoon All,

    Chris the interview with Hugh Laurie was just fantastic and I have to say he is looking good ;o)

    Well it's the last day of my holidays ;o( I've had a great few days off and felt very blessed to have the sun shining the whole time I was away on my little road trip. Feeling very relaxed and batteries recharged ready to go.

    Maddy - lovely to see you back on the blog, hope you are feeling much better now.

    Hope everyone else is fine and dandy.

    Chrissie, Seza and Ali - it's not Hells Bells the producer who is leaving it's Hells Bells the studio manager xx "Our" Hells Bells of Hull is going nowhere ;o)

    Chrissie, Ali - can I join you in the "crazy" gang as I too will be purchasing the Royal Wedding DVD. Watched every second of it and many of the repeats - loved getting caught up in the emotions of the day and wish the happy couple a long and happy life together.

    First time posting from my phone so fingers crossed it works!

    Have a good day folks!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 81.

    ps. Happy Birthday Rosie - have a lovely day. xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Hiya everyone, just caught up - Good one Barmy!

    I have just been reading some of the 500 word stories whilst eating my sarnie - the last one moved me to tears! "Crash" is what its titled on the web. I agree with Lyndy - what super imaginations our youngsters have, others I read made me properly giggle - I heartily recommend if you have a spare 5 mins give them a go - a delight!

    Happy Birthday Rosie Posie :-)

    Happy Monday for the rest of us!


  • Comment number 83.

    Awww "rescued" is lovely too!

  • Comment number 84.

    Lyndy and Debs, will read them later.

    Mary, glad you enjoyed your few days off.

    Chrissie, sending you some sunshine.

    Happy Birthday Rosie, hope you have a lovely day.

    I'm off to tackle the ironing. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 85.


    I'm glad I don't have to choose a winning story! The one's I have read are just fantastic!

    How anyone can write such complete stories in so few words is beyond me but for such youngsters to do is so cool!

    If each of the judges took their favourite five along, i wonder how many they have agreed on or if they all took a different five?

    Send in the Clown is positively scary and disturbing!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    I thought that wasn't going to post, took ages!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 87.

    I think I need to stop reading competition stories at work

    I just read The Death Channel (Purple circle with ALONE on from main list) and just as i got to the end someone opened the door behind me!!

    Honestly, I nearly screamed! If you read it you might see why!

    Hi CSN, it is a bit slow today!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Sezza, just read Send in the Clown, sent a shiver down my spine.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Afternoon good people of CLP's Blogsville,

    Apologies if I've missed anything - loads going on - good, bad and indifferent....

    Glad to see Maddymoon's name popping up above, hope you're ok x
    As for any other goings on, I've not caught up, just scanned this page, so hope I'm not missing anything but the nonsense that returned yesterday.

    Thanks for all the comments regards my short family break in Leicestershire, it's always good to get a reply or two. Seems like that was a month ago already.

    Take care guys

    Speak soon, hopefully



    PS Show sounds great, Chris. Loving it.....

  • Comment number 90.

    Sezza, just read that one, no wonder you nearly screamed out loud.

    Hi Rips, glad you had a lovely time with your family.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Ooooh Rips Rips Rips ..... I'm apparently (weather permitting) being taken to C0nkers on Sunday!


    Speak laters.


  • Comment number 92.


    Happy Birthday Rosie! Hope you are having a really lovely day. xx

    Mary: so very glad that the lovely Hells Bells from Hull is still with us. Our very own Rips would have been devastated had she gone! It's good to hear you had such a nice holiday. xx

    CSN: thank you for attempting to send some sun, but it would seem it's rather delayed!

    Have just spent my lunch hour reading as many of the stories as I could. They are all quite incredible, and a few of the ones I have read are just so "dark". Sezza, I also just about jumped out of my skin at ALONE, and I am just so upset at the very first on the list: TALENT. Incredible writing, will have to read more this evening, if possible.

    Back to the grindstone, I'm afraid!

    C xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Ooooh, can't believe that while I was writing my post, Rips appeared! How spooky! Rips: I didn't know you were having a wee holiday - nice to see you all had a good time.


  • Comment number 94.

    Mr Ripley - "the nonsense that returned yesterday"? That's no way to talk about your old friend Barmy, now is it? What a liberty.

  • Comment number 95.

    Afternoon all.

    I've just read some of the 500 word stories - the Clown story has left me feeling ever so slightly disturbed (OK - more than usual then)! What talent there is out there. If they can do it, how come a certain 'model' never writes a single word of her own books? Psht.

    I was away at the weekend with some girlfriends for my birthday and they took me to London and treated me to afternoon tea with champagne at a posh hotel in Sloane Square, followed by a trip into Harvey Nicks (never been there before) where we ended up getting makeovers, then on to one of the boat/bars on the Thames down by Embankment for drinkies, and finally dinner and on to a pub with a comedy club upstairs. It was perfect and the weather was glorious the whole day. I'm one lucky girl.

    Barmy - well said!

    Hugs to everyone who needs them xx

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 96.

    Ello tis I Leclerc (lifts glasses to show it's me)

    Yep we are stark staring bonkers on here and proud of it.

    I tweeted clp about the Hells Bells question but I see that Rips has responded on here as well.

    I must read some of those stories tonight. I would go crosseyed trying to read them on this ere phone.

    So laters peeps

    Mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    Jillygoat: sounds like you had a marvellous time in London - I am just a tiny bit envious! Nah, I'm not really - you deserved all your treats!

    mtd: hiya!

    C xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Thanks Chrissie. It was a real treat as the 'girls' are scattered between the West Country and Milton Keynes, and several points inbetween, so it's not often we have the chance to get together. When we do though, we tend to make the most of it so apologies to anyone who was on the same train as us coming home after midnight!!!!

    The makeover in Harvey Nicks was lovely. I've never had the courage to have one before but the Lancôme ladies were great - so great in fact that I treated myself with some birthday money to a gorgeous lipstick. In return I was given a box of goodies (which I wouldn't have been able to afford) and quite a few 'samples' were thrown in for good measure, so I was very happy! Now I just have to learn in which order to apply them!!


  • Comment number 99.

    Oh Jilly sounds like you really had a wonderful time :-)

    Just read some of the stories recomended on here - some seriously dark and scary stuff!

    Right time to wrap up and make some food
    Later lovelies

  • Comment number 100.



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