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It's That Time Again.

Chris Evans | 13:30 UK time, Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Know anyone who has only recently started listening to Radio 2? We're about to find out if we've persuaded any new ears over to the bright side, as it's RAJAR time again. Every three months we await our fate as the listening figures for UK radio are published, and tonight/tomorrow those for the first quarter of 2011 will be announced.


Just going for a lie down in preparation.

Have a great day Blogpeople. We love you guys. Peace.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris, I love Radio 2.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Nice new blog.

    You'll be fine Chris.


  • Comment number 3.

    Nice Sentmientations Sent Your Way... From Me To You...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    It's me first day off work terdee after doing a five day stretch... So ave finally got time ter blog!!!!

    A am blogging... butta don't wanter bring the blog down.... Especially what with the 'appy sentiment of the blog & the much anticipated listeners figures..... Butta believe a problem shared is a problem 'alved!!!!!!

    Although this doesn't always work when it comes ter oweing tax with me local tax office.... A shared that problem with them a found me problem was trebled!!!!!!

    Where was a????

    Oh I yeah.....

    Terdee it's all gone incorrect after ave been turned down for a bridging loan!!!!!!

    All was going nice until a told them what it was for.....

    Basically was ter build a bridge!!!!!!

    An ornimental one in me garden.... a thought a bridging loan would be ideal!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 4.

    Aye up Chris!

    Good luck with the RAJARs, I can only hope that any dips in listenership fall at the feet of your temporary cover staff ... if you get ma drift!

    Happy Hump Day.


  • Comment number 5.

    Afternoon each from sunny Fife

    Good luck with the number crunching Chris - I'm sure you've nothing at all to worry about.

    Should be doing some work but it's so hard writing about myself - biographical details needed for a publication - and I hate talking about myself. I'm sure no-one will be remotely interested. AND - they need a photo!! How awful is that?

    Might go and talk to the plants instead.


  • Comment number 6.

    Annie - you could talk to the trees, but they don't listen .......


    x x x

  • Comment number 7.

    Well, I'll just have a cuppa and a ciggie then Deevs.


  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris: I am sure all will be well with the figures, you must be adding to your "army" each day! This morning's show was brilliant, Chris, quite inspired to play Beatles covers. xx

    CSN: thank you, yes we do have some sun - I had to deliver a letter at lunchtime and it was so warm, I had to take my jacket off!

    Annie: now, don't you be shy about talking about your many attributes! With regard to photographs, there's only one of me I can tolerate at the moment, and it's the one you took of me in the taxi in Leeds!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    That was a good photo Chrissie, wasn't it?

    Unfortunately, mine has to be in HD. Youngest son is a photographer and is going to take it - he's been well warned to airbrush, photoshop etc.... Alternatively, I could use the app on son-in-law's phone which makes you look like a hamster.


  • Comment number 10.

    Annie: you really do make me chuckle! And, yes, it's a great photo, and it was such a great time meeting up with everyone.

    I miss the blog meets!


  • Comment number 11.


    Chrissie, had to wear my jacket to walk the dog, chilly out there.

    Annie, bet your son will take a lovely photo of you.

    Jumping blog!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 12.

    CSN, poor you. We've had showers but sunny now.

    And yes, he'd better - I look after his children!!!


  • Comment number 13.


    It keeps threatening rain, but nothing yet, I bet it starts just as I leave work!

    Chris, My friend is a newish convert, but I think that was probably the last quarter. I am sure your figures will be fine.

    Now, I know this was a long time ago, but I have finally got round to completing my Zimbabwe Journal. So those that have asked for a copy, it will be winging it's way to your email box shortly. It is 28 pages long, so I won't be offended if you decide not to read it...lol.

    Only an hour to go until home time - hooray.


  • Comment number 14.

    AliB: I am sure your Journal will be fascinating - well done on getting it completed.


  • Comment number 15.

    Hello again?

  • Comment number 16.

    Phew. A girl could get a complex here!

    Has anyone else had problems posting here or is it just me?

    Chris, good luck with the figures but we're sure it'll be all good. The show sounds great at the moment, really vibrant and engaging.

    Loved the Beatles covers this morning and the way it just sort of happened

    btw, Bloggers, Hels Bels was very much in charge today so i think it was the other Helen who moved on to other things

    Ali, did you send me your journal?

    So, what else did i miss?

    Sezza xx x xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Sezza, I have now :) xx

    Chrissie, Thanks, it was all written I just had to add some photographs but it kept going down my list of things to do! xx


  • Comment number 18.

    Ali, I think I did ask you for a copy?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 19.

    csn, You did, thank you, and I've sent you a copy. I used the email addresses on FB so if that's not right then look mine up on there and email me.


  • Comment number 20.

    Ali, thank you.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Jumping blog - not just me jumping with excitement at my TT tickets!

    Hello Peeps - not really here.....

    Deevs/Crumps - tea after work early June sounds brill - A shrewsbury on a Saturday is a bit of a bother - 230 mile round trip :-(

    BTW - having spoken to the infamous Diva I can confirm she is a very happy lady :-)

    Right off I pop

    laters taters

  • Comment number 22.

    oh PS - me too Ali!!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Debs, take care of those tickets and a happy Diva sounds good!

    Sezza xx x xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Ali, I'd love to read your Journal.

    Am watching Monarch of the Glen, have to get back there soon, I so miss Loch an Eilian.

  • Comment number 25.


    Happy Chops here!

    Tea in Telford. How very English and civilised ..... ;-)

    Sezza - I have had problems posting longish posts on here lately, which is why I've stopped waffling so much (no - you didn't notice!?!?), and why sometimes first thing in the morning I post several consecutive posts as its the only way it'll let me do it. Most annoying!

    Another late night for my lovely man - he should be home by 9. Hopefully. But he'll be really tired and in need of a lorra TLC.

    Hey ho!


  • Comment number 26.

    Happy we day, new! nice to be thought of in that way. mi like the song, madonna, like a virgin, in radio 2 terms, only a about a year or two going. I'm new again, wohoooo!!!!! soz, don't let me wake you with my immature woopalations....wooop woop. lol xx I will let you into a secret, I leave the radion on, even if I'm not here, to add to the viewing figures. lots of love and laughter xxx please don't blame me for wasting energy, the parrot needs company too. xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Deevs, Sounds like your man is coming home to just what he needs!

    Annie, I just watch M of the G too! SO beautiful - and the scenery's not bad either!

    New book club choice is To Kill A Mockingbird! I suddenly feel 16 again!

    At least I haven't got to wirte any essays this time!

    Sezza xx x xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Oh gawd! I remember doing that for Emglish O Level too! x

  • Comment number 29.

    I remember reading it, it must have been for O level I think!

    Do you remember, long, hot, sunny days with Steve Wright on the radio? Seems so long ago!

    Oh, wait, that was just last week! ;-)

    One of our group has been mithering about reading it for ages so we'll give it a go!

    Don't know if we'll enjoy it as much as the last choice - The Art of Racing In the Rain. Made me think of Christoff as the narrator was a dog called Enzo! Beautiful story but very sad

    Sezza xx x xx

  • Comment number 30.

    I can recommend A Spot Of Bother by Mark Haddon. Its ages since I read it but I know it had me turning the pages, and in tears or laughter and sadness - appeals to a wide range of readers.


  • Comment number 31.

    Hi Chris,

    Won't even begin to try and predict which way tomorrow's revealed figures will have gone, seeing as I predicted a dip in the first recorded figures when you took over.
    Good job I'm not a betting man.
    It must be like receiving your school report, only in this case.
    You don't have the option of pretending you didn't get one or hoping your teacher forgets about the unreturned - yet to be signed - slip of paper, which is now barely legible it's been transferred to your clean pair of trousers so many times.
    Does anyone else remember that heart stopping moment when you went upstairs to find that the pair of trousers or the pillow case in which you had hidden something of such earth shattering importance - that were it to be discovered by the enemy (Mum) it would surely be the beginning of the apocalypse - gone?!
    Well anyway.....my point being, that we (the world) get to see it, and not only see it, but have it rammed down our throats by the paper with the least on-side editor.
    That said - I'm sure it will be fine as always.....

    I'm certain in fact, because you keep raising the bar.
    I have never heard such a fine collection of records over 60 minutes as I did between 06:30 and 07:30 this morning. How on were Have This supposed to follow that?!

    As for your Silver Sony: I wear a gold wedding ring, but I chose White gold because it looks like silver. Well done btw. Not to be sniffed at!

    Hello t'others.
    Hope you're all ship shape & bristol fashion

    Love and all that sloppy stuff



  • Comment number 32.

    Evening Rips. Didn't understand all of that, but I get your gist. Nice to see you.


    Sezza, It's filmed in my favourite place in the world - Aviemore/Rothiemurchus.


  • Comment number 33.

    Sloppy stuff right back atcha Rips!

    Annie, it is so beautiful. Is it far from you? I think I'm going to be doing a lot of armchair travelling this year!

    Deevs, I look out for that one

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    I've been attempting to listen to your show Chris on my Premier hospital tv/radio. I would have loved to relax and listen for the full three hours but they kept interrupting for a wash, breakfast, medication, etc. And what's more, I've been in three different wards since last Friday because of the bug, each time somethin g new was wrong with the tv/radio, they don't maintain them as they say that they are running them at a loss.

    Yes, I had to return to hospital last Friday with high temperature, low blood pressure and some further chest infection. I hope I'll be OK this time and won't need to go back again. I've lost a stone in weight and been told to eat snacks as well as healthy food so this is good news.

    Anyway, I know that you have nothing to worry about at all regarding the figures as yours is the definitely the number one show and as long as you keep going then so will your breakfast show.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Aww Maddy, I'm sorry to hear you're poorly again. I hope you get better soon x x x

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    So sorry to hear that you have had to go back to hospital Marj.

    I did post on your fb and wondered why you hadn't been around.

    Take care and keep in touch.


  • Comment number 37.


    Thinking of you, take care.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 38.

    MTF, Good to see you too

    How's the wonky wheel on the lawnmower doing?


  • Comment number 39.

    Take care Marjie. xxxx

    Son-in-law has just sent me a photo of myself looking like a hamster. Can't stop laughing.


  • Comment number 40.

    Thanks Sezza & MTF.

    I am getting fed up with it now but I have to be patient. I'm getting a 'package of care' starting from tomorrow morning, this is where they come here to help me for a short time each day until I get my strength back which could be days or weeks. And of course Bingo is helping but he has his own life too and he mustn't get completely exhausted. He's very strong but everyone has their limits. And his lovely girlfriend is coming in to help, she's such a lovely girl and I'm so relieved that he's found her.

    Going to catch up with blog, fb and emails soon.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Sezza, if I was to tell you that the grass is about a foot deep....

    Annie, I would love to have a pic of me looking like a hamster :)


  • Comment number 42.

    Just decided to sign in to wish you well MM. Really sorry to hear that you have been so poorly. Please take care xx

    Hi everyone else - been back from hols for 10 days now and haven't a hope in whatsit of catching up so hope the rest of you are all hunky dory?

    Have some hugs anyway as I missed you while I was away {{{{x}}}}

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Good to hear Marj.

    Make sure they come for as long as you need them. xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Hi Susan. Hope all is well with you and that you had a great holiday.


  • Comment number 45.

    This is so much easier to communicate than the Mayo blog, where the 3 minute delay is still in place.


  • Comment number 46.

    Am fed up with the blog having problems allowing me to post so am off to bed in a cream puff.

    Night all. xxxxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Hiya MTF

    We had a wonderful couple of days in Weymouth and then went off to Bergamo for some R&R over the Easter hols - seems so long ago now! Hope you are well although I think I spotted you had been a bit poorly too?

    Sus x

  • Comment number 48.

    MTF, my lawn is foot high weeds in a sea of dry, brown grass!

    Hi CSN, have you warmed up now?

    Susan, I'm thinking this 5 day week lark is a bit much and I need a holiday!

    Maddy, you make the most of that care package and make sure you get everything you need. Slowy, slowly is going to do best for you so take it easy

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Hi Sezza I really need a holiday again. How come you do so much work to go away and then twice as much again when you come back. How are your new doors? We had new doors downstairs in January and they make such a difference - oak finish and so posh looking (for us).

    S x

  • Comment number 50.


    Marjie, so sorry you've been back in hospital. Take care and get well soon xx

    Night all.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Susan, Doors are lovely thanks! Can't believe how much difference they've made and they're not even painted yet!

    They've made the house feel much less dated

    And they shut properly and don't rattle which might stop Mr Sezza moaning all next winter!

    Sezza x x x

  • Comment number 52.

    Fighting fit again now Susan, until I cough, but its becoming less frequent.

    I have got to google Bergamo now.

    Hi Pen, bye Pen :)

    Right, I'm off to Bergamo.

    Nice to drop in and see everyone.


  • Comment number 53.

    Evening all,
    Just logged in to see if I had any probs ,none as yet.Hope everyone is AOK.has been a nice day here so I'm happy.

    Chris ,don't worry about the listening figures ,You'll be fine.

    Sezza,Crissie,Crumpy,Pen, Annie and Debs .Thank your for your words much apriciated .

    Maddy ,so sorry to hear that you've had a set back ,but better that they get you sorted eh!!! Just you take care and rest as much as you can ,Alright for me to say that ,you must be fer up with it all by now ,but chin up and fight on .

    Susan ,nice to see you ,bet you need another holibob now .can't remember where you said you were going ,Italy was it ???.

    And do I see here that we have a fairy in our midst again .hope both your wings are working on full strength now and no flutterings.


  • Comment number 54.

    Nowt wrong with flutterings Bids ;)

    Nice to see that you are happy.


  • Comment number 55.

    Hi hun ,nice to see you back .

    now that you are back and air bourne again are we going to get some of your nature watch posts ????.


  • Comment number 56.

    Sounds like a plan Bids.


  • Comment number 57.

    That's nice to hear ,really enjoyed last years so here's looking forward to this.
    I hope there's no been any more of those sad happening around your way like there was a few weeks back.


  • Comment number 58.

    Well it's getting way past that time that I wasn't here so I'll bid you all a very Good night and sweet dreams.

    Take care.... Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 59.

    Nature has some very strange habits Bids.

    But, there is nowt queerer than folk.


  • Comment number 60.

    Morning All,

    9.2 Million!!!!

    Well done.....

    Annie, I think gibberish sums it up ;0)
    Hi Seza.



  • Comment number 61.

    Morning peeps!

    Lovin' your work, and mightily impressed that Annie sleeps in a giant cream puff! That must be a real time saver when it comes to breakfast!

    Back later.


  • Comment number 62.

    There'll never be anything wrong with your figures CE!

    I'm shortly going to have my second cup of tea and listen to the rest of the show. Tom and Daisy fed and watered and very happy.

    I've decided to be a patient patient!

    Oh and Good Morning Everyone which should have come first.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Morning all

    Big Well Done to Chris and All the Team for the excellent viewing figure results. Well deserved!

    Coffe morning here and there's birthday cake around so I might have to go say hello!

    Laters Lovelys!

    Sezza xxx


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