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And Bed!!! Geronimo.

Chris Evans | 05:07 UK time, Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Have hit the sack before nine p.m. - just now. The last time this happened, I was setting my alarm for my paper round, and trying to remember whether or not I'd done my geography home work.

Feels good though, oh so good. This is our busiest fortnight of the year, culminating in a five day event for Children In Need next week where perhaps even less sleep is achieved each night than on the final day of a certain U.S. golf tournament. Nudge nudge, wink wink.

I wonder where Rory's head is tonight? Wherever it is, I hope it's as happy as it deserves to be. How about we all try to be as good at what we do as he is at what he does? Perhaps you already are. Just me then.

Sleep required for any future attempts.





  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Christophe and all bloggers
    Long time no blog again, been lurking though!
    Hope everyone is ok, hugs to anyone that needs them
    later folks

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Good morning all,

    Morning Tiggs ,nice to see you hun.

    Chris ,At least you did get to get to bed early last night ,that was my plan to get some early nights ,but it went slightly awry when Mr B told me that a flim that I like was on .
    And you're up nice and early and raring to go ,well done to you ,and talking of your paper shop days ,I was flicking through your first book yesterday through those exact parts .

    Not read the bog from yesterday ,I hope all is well and I'll catch up later this evening ,just before I get my early night ..

    Longest day today ,now would you have believed ,doesnt seem like it ,does it ??

    Take care and enjoy your day in what ever it is .


  • Comment number 3.

    Chris: lovely to see you this morning. Hope you had a good night's sleep! Yes, delighted for Rory - just a fantastic achievement for him. Believe me, Chris, there's plenty of room for improvement where I am concerned and as for you, nobody does it better! xx

    Hi Tiggs and Bids. xx

    Hope everyone is ok - will need to catch up from yesterday.

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Just caught up,

    Crissie ,You really are putting me to shame , all these jobs that you getting through at the mo,Ermmm And when you're ready;)

    Sezza , hope you're feelind a little better with that mojo of yours .shouldnt worry too much ,it normally returns when your energy has been recharged .

    Mc, that sounded really good to me getting back into bed and snuggling down ,certainly can not beat that .I think that could be catching .

    Take care ...Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 5.

    Bids: my Marigolds are at the ready! Once I have completed a few chores, a wee glass of wine with you and Mr Bids would be just perfect!

    Absolutely pouring down here, and I have to go out and get provisions for a boardroom lunch today. So looking forward to getting soaked!

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Wow Christophe that's an early sleeptime, I bet Noah actually tucked you in and read* you a story for a change, I always find I have more vivid dreams when I have an early night.

    I'm needing a little motivation as had no cotton-pickin' work** for the last 2wks and I'm no good at twiddling my thumbs - so now I'll think of Rory, put the roar back in my engine and go out there and be the best I can be again. Pheonix from the flames and all that.

    Happy Tuesday all....
    Sazza x

    *I'm guessing Noah's been inspired by the Hay kids and can obviously read fluently by now
    **I'm not actually a cotton-picker, that'd be a tad daft in NLondon, I'm a designer

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning chums!

    I've not read back yet either, but I proise I will do in a mo.

    We too enjoyed a much-needed early night last night. What with one thing and another last week, too much alcofrol consumed, too many late nights and then a Zumba class ....... I was well in the land of nod before my head hit the pillow last night and feel much, much better for it today!

    Let's have a party!


  • Comment number 8.

    Sezza - your comment about Glasto being tidy thanks to The Wombles has really made me giggle! Cheers me dear!

    Festivals. Been to a couple but never brave enough to camp: a hotel and a courtesy bus shuttle service being my preferred option. I think I'm past all that now though. If it was purely about the music, no probs. But it's

    the ticket prices
    the rubbish over-priced food consessions that you have to queue to hours at
    the even more over-priced, extremely limited selection and even longer queue bars
    the disgusting portaloos - and queueing!
    the idiots in the crowd who push and jossle (sP?)
    the idiots in the crowd who wee in bottles in throw it, thinking it's a jolly jape
    the idiots who despite spending a month's wages on a ticket, are stoned by noon on Day 1
    the general rip-off nature of what could otherwise be a brilliany experience

    I shall now remove the ranty pants and step away from my soap box.


  • Comment number 9.

    Hey Chris. You are right about the Conga! It IS what it's all about! Did you get the picture I emailed of our wee lad conga-ing at his 3rd birthday earlier this year? Not sure if I can, or how to share it with all the other bloggers on here, but I'm sure it would make everyone smile for the day...

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Sazza: welcome to the blog! Very witty post!

    Cheryl: I have never been to a festival, but a lot of your points are very relevant to some of the stadium gigs I have attended! Speaking of which ... I am due to see Take That on Thursday with my lovely daughter. The forecast is torrential rain - our tickets are for the standing area! I don't want to disappoint her, but there is no way I am standing for 5 or 6 hours in the rain, much as I love TT and PSB!

    And hi DrNik: welcome to the blog to you, too! I agree about the Conga, and I'm sure that picture of your son is very cute.

    Lovely to have new people on the blog!

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning Bloggers, Chris and the Newbies,

    I need an early night as am feeling right grumpy today, and I know it's because I am tired after my late night on Saturday. But I have no way of making up the lost hours this week as have something on every night!

    On my fridge is a magnet that says "What if the Hokey Cokey is what it's all about". Which makes me smile and makes me think ;) So I'm for the HC rather than the Conga.

    I've never been to a festival, but I have been to some concerts, but not for a while. All the things that Deevs mentioned are what put me off going to festivals. I get a bit scared now in big crowds.

    One final thing - about getting married in a church and the rising costs. If you are a member of a church and go regularly then it wouldn't cost you a thing. As the vicar/minister, choir and organist would happily turn out for free - just saying :)

    Is it lunchtime?


  • Comment number 12.

    Chrissie, thanks for the welcome...
    Is it possible to post links on the blog (or does that break the rules), if I can, I'll upload the pic and post a link...

  • Comment number 13.

    Grrrrr. Typed a long post and it's disappeared into the ether ....

  • Comment number 14.

    So, what did I say ....

    AliB - why is it that a night out in our 40s takes twice as long to recover from than a night out in our 20s and 30s?!?

    DrNik - you might get away with it, but generally any links to personal info or advertising will get you modded. Fear not, we've all been there. It's like a Blog Rite Of Passage!

    Chrissie - I hate stadium gigs!

    Now, will that post ....


  • Comment number 15.

    ... and I also waffled thus:-

    Sazza - welcome to the blog! Chin up - we'll entertain you. What do you do?

    On the subject to marriage, say you had someone in mind who is a Vicar and you wanted them to marry you but they live nowhere near you, could they still officiate? Could a Vicar conduct a marriage in a civil venue? Just asking ....!

    Take That - Chrissie, I've been to the last 2 TT tours but didn't even bother trying to get tickets for this tour. The prices were just astronomical and quite an insult to their fanbase, I thought. Having said that, I hope the weather is kind to you and you have a jolly good time! We saw PSB at V last year and they were fantastic!!!

    We could do with some good weather here on Friday - we're off to see a bit of Shakespeare In The Park!


  • Comment number 16.

    Cheryl: I am having trouble posting too - have to keep pressing F5!

    DrNik: as Cheryl says, you might just get away with it for a little while ... I suggest you give it a go!

    Hi AliB: Chris was saying last week that he read somewhere there is no way we can "make up" lost sleep, sorry! Hopefully you will get a lie-in at the weekend!


  • Comment number 17.

    Morning all and Hello Sazza and Dr Nic

    Love the idea of 3yr olds congaring - start em on the right track young, that's what i say

    Sazza, good luck with the re-start. Sounds like you've got the oomph to go far

    Deevs, you've just listed all reasons I would never think of going to a concert so why does the ´óÏó´«Ã½ think I am obsessed with a muddy field full of said idiots!

    Mind you, my friend has had an access all areas pass for V for the last 6 years and has never seen a band!

    Ali, Hope you're recovering. Good point about the church but what about the bell-ringers? Mind you, they're a mercencary lot! ;-) There may need to be cake involved to tempt them!

    Earlyish night yesterday and am not feeling quite so bleugh today. Maybe 9 o'clock is the way to go tonight!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Cheryl: hope AliB can assist you with your (hypothetical?!) questions! Not too sure about the civil ceremony thing - I think that may have to be a Justice of the Peace, but I look forward to seeing if anyone knows!

    Hi Sezza!

    C xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Morning all from sunny Surrey, yes, honest!

    I love my bed and usually sleep like a log. Lights are normally out by 11pm and laptop off at least an hour before.

    Off to Wimbledon on Thursday. Everything is overpriced, even the tickets. But it is a good day out.

    Good to see a couple of newbies, welcome!

    Pen xx

    ps, took phone call whilst typing. Please ignore the first line of this post, boo!!

  • Comment number 20.

    Hi All...

    As Sazza said... start them Congaring young...


    NB: the link above is only intended for fun and amusement, there should be no advertising etc. and I do not mean to contravene any forum rules.

    Do.. Do .. Do... Come on and join the Conga...


  • Comment number 21.

    Pen: I do envy your trip to Wimbledon this week. Yes, totally overpriced, everything will be a total rip-off - but if you get to see some brilliant tennis, and enjoy the people watching, it will be worth every penny!

    Nik: really wonderful photograph. Just exudes happiness! Do Do Do ... it's Conga night for sure!

    C xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Love the pic, conga line including the Teletubbies!

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Nik, brilliant!

    Chrissie, I love to people watch and, yes, I did see what you did there! :-)

    Sun is shining, fickle weather!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Pen, I am very jealous of your Wimbledon tickets, have a lovely day on Thursday xx

    Deevs, If you wanted a vicar to marry you in a church that wasn't their own, then it would have to be agreed by the other Vicar. As for marrying you in a Civil Venue, I wouldn't think it was a problem, again it would have to be agreed by both the vicar and the place where you wanted to get married. Hope that's as clear as mud :)

    And yes I agree about taking longer to recover now I am in my 40's.

    Chrissie, That's a shame as I was relying on making up the sleep :). I hope to have a lay in on Saturday, but I am Street Pastoring, so won't get to bed till about 4!! I can see it being a lazy weekend xx

    Sezza, I think a lot of things can be brought with cake ;)


  • Comment number 25.

    Glad you could use the link and it made you smile.
    I'm the Teletubby in the front (thankfully unrecognisable), with wee Finlay leading the line.
    I'd like to say we (the Teletubbies) are available for weddings and bar-mitzvahs, but I don't think I could convince the other guys to reprise their roles again!!
    Have a good day all,

  • Comment number 26.

    Hello everyone.

    Cold and cloudy here.

    I am having trouble posting this morning.

    Hello and welcome DrNik and Sazza.

    Ali, glad you had a lovely time at the wedding.

    Pen, lucky you. Enjoy Wimbledon.

    I will scream if this doesn't post. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 27.


    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Thanks AliB, I am very lucky, even more so as they were a gift!

    I so wish I was in my 40's, lol

    Deevs, is there anything we should know, like buy a hat, maybe?

    Sezza and Sazza, now this could get confusing!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 29.

    CSN, you snuck in there, thanks I will.

    Btw, lovely photos on the other side.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Pen: aahhh, you noticed my wee play on words!

    AliB: two late weekends in a row - you have my sympathy! Yes, have a very quiet and lazy Sunday. xx

    CSN: yes, real trouble posting this morning - we just have persevere!

    Cheryl: see, I know our lovely Ali would have the answers. And yes, like Pen, I need lots of time to choose a hat!

    Client lunch beckons - off to serve the sandwiches!

    C xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Thank you Pen.

    I am sure you will have a great day. I went a few years ago and loved it.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Hello Chrissie, I feel hungry now!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.

    LOL!! Stand down from the hat buying .... the ink on the Decree Absolute's not quite dry yet!

    No, I was just thinking that if there ever "was" a blog wedding, over on the fence on the Mayo blog and on Twitter is a lovely chap who is a Reverend and that it would be lovely if he officiated any future blog matrimonials.

    That's all.



  • Comment number 34.

    CSN: me too! Luckily I remembered to get myself a sandwich while I was at M&S!

    Cheryl: aaahh, I see ... said Miss Marple!


  • Comment number 35.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    I remember going to bed early and getting up early for my paper round many many moons ago, my little faithful friend Blackie used to accompany me, it was a lovely round which included the houses down on the prom but on the downside there where many hills and steps. I must admit that this didn't last very long.

    Rory will be feeling very proud and happy. I wonder if Andy will soon be feeling the same happiness, we can only hope.

    Now going to catch up (running late today)

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    On the subject of marriages, I was very lucky.

    My lovely late stepfather was the vicar who conducted the service (two weeks before he and my dear late mother married otherwise it wouldn't have been allowed). The best man was a chef who provided the cake. My brother-in-law was a photograher who took all the pictures.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Hi Maddy: I never did a paper round - I really would have been too lazy to get out of bed so early. But I did work in a wee local cafe every Sunday. It was always pretty quiet, but I would cook bacon or sausage sandwiches, toasted sandwiches, that sort of thing. I must confess that practically every single thing I made was returned - hopeless at cooking from Day One, no matter how small the scale!

    And, that was lovely how everything came together for your wedding. We were married by a wonderful Minister, but it must be lovely to be married by someone who is really dear to you.

    C xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Y es it was lovely Chrissie. Thank goodness we didn't need the services of my brother who gave me away (he must have been relieved to do so LOL) who was a firefighter (now retired).

    I bet cooking all those sausages and bacon every day must have put you off eating them. I hope I do better with my dinner tonight. Last night I had a soggy shepherds pie, it should have been put into the oven from frozen and I let it thaw d'oh!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Maddy: how's about you and I apply for the next series of Masterchef?! Shame about your shepherd's pie - these things happen. I'm sure tonight you will be all organised. When I manage to cook something just right, my husband and daughter look at each other in wonder! Mind you, neither of them are disappearing off the face of the earth, so they must be eating quite well, elsewhere!

    Re: you not needing the services of your brother - did you read about the groom who apparently set fire to the wedding venue at the weekend, because he was angry about the bill?!


  • Comment number 40.

    LOL Chrissie-he must have been hot under the collar! I'll have a look for that news item.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Evening each from a very soggy Fife. Been piddling down all day and doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon.

    Hallo Sazza and Nik.

    Ali, I bet you're looking forward to the weekend and your long lie on Saturday.

    I don't usually make it past 9pm although I'm hoping to stay awake tonight to watch 3 men go to Venice.

    Back in a wee while.


  • Comment number 42.

    Hiya all

    Actually quite a nice evening here on the longest day

    MTF, Have the hordes started arriving yet?

    I never had a paper round wlthough i did do my brother's sometimes

    My first job was in an old style deli in town where we had to weigh out spices and currants and grind coffee!

    I can remember it vividly

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 44.

    Janet, that's awful, so thoughtless and selfish.

    Just finished watching Case Histories - fab programme. It's not on next week so i think that must be it for the series - I hope they make another one

    I'm now looking up trips to Edinburgh. it looked so beautiful and, as i haven't been there since i was 1 1/2, it's probably safe for me to go back!

    Night all, looking forward to waking up with Simon and Jamie!!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 45.


    Thanks for that information, I've just read about Peckforton Castle and what happened. What a nasty selfish thing act of arson by this selfish man which has ruined things for so many people and caused a million pounds worth of damage. Thank goodness no one was killed or injured in the fire which could so easily have happened.

    I feel bad about my flippant remark earlier as I had no idea just how serious it was.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Good morning all,

    Seems a bit strange today don't you think what with this radio 2 thing .Taking us all out of our comfort zone. Certainly missing Chris and I wont even be ably to listen at lunch time ,another one for later.

    I managed to get an earlier night last night and feeling much better fo it ,a few more of them and I'll be on to form again

    Not too bad a day here so far ,but we still seem to have that breeze ,think we're going to have it for the whole of the summer me thinks

    Enjoy your day all, in whatever you're doing.


  • Comment number 47.

    Just been checking the play list for today ,and I just might be able to catch the lovely Ken Bruce and the lovely Bob Harris, what a great duo. They are on between three and four .


  • Comment number 48.

    Morning all

    At least I think it is!!!

    Can't believe how much i rely on Jonny, Lynne and Moira to structure my morning - you know - Moira's reading the news, you should be getting dressed now!!

    Liked Simon and Jamie though, certainly some interesting music and Jamie singing was a real treat. Bet he never normally sings out this early!

    Just heard Father Brian Darcy talking about a painting that made a massive impact on him. It nearly moved me to tears but, honestly, is our Christoff the only person who actually pays attention to the Thought For The Day Contributors?

    Right, radio on in the office this morning so I'm here til Chris and Zoe. Dermot and Jeremy next, should be good


    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Morning everyone.

    I enjoyed Simon and Jamie, nice of Chris being on for a quick chat.

    Loved Jamie singing.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 50.




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