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Friday Feels Just As Good As It Should

Chris Evans | 11:15 UK time, Friday, 29 July 2011

My goodness me, we even have sunshine down South now - following the mad fog we had this morning.

Next week is gonna be gorgeous, they say. How does one celebrate such wonderment at 10.45 on Friday morning ?

By stopping off on the way home for a bacon sandwich. Couldn't decide whether to go for red or brown, so went for both and a cuppa in a polystyrene cup. Ahhh, the simple things.

Also, already thinking about a cheeky Friday night pint.

This is all too good.





  • Comment number 1.

    Greetings CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    Further ter me blog on the last blog..... t's ALL gone wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Am now coming to you from me local police station as am under arrest.... Due to an incident in me local Boots!!!!!!!!!

    Looks like this could be a difficult weekend for me!!!!!!!

    'ope everyone else 'as a good weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tatty Bye!

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Chris and everyone.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Chris, enjoy your Friday night pint.

    Bingo, what have you been up to?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Chris: you are spoiling us! I agree, the simple things in life are the best. But BOTH sauces?! Aaaarggh!

    Have a great weekend, Chris - it has been a real privilege to have "shared" this week with you.


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning Troops (just!)

    I've been lurking more than commenting this week, but agree 100%, well done Mr Evans in raising the profile of getting stuff checked!

    I've been tearing myself up of late, having had 2 "abnormal" results for "that lady test" we females have to endure ever 3 years. Last week I had the 3rd test in 12 months which came with the warning of "one more abnormal result and it's off to hospital for you for further investigation/treatment". I have been worried sick about it to be honest. Anyhooo, yesterday the results came back ... Normal!!! Relief doesn't even come close!

    Looks like you're all stuck with me for a while yet!

    TBC ...

  • Comment number 6.

    Bums! Just typed mahooooosive post and it's gawn!

    In a nutshell: first business networking breakfast went really well this morning. I stood up and said my bit and hopefully some work will come of it. Sezza - criossants avoided - it was a full english kinda "do" !!

    Looking forward to a busy weekend of friends, picnics, Nics pics, pub meals and cricket at Trent Bridge.

    Muchos Amore!


  • Comment number 7.

    Hello CE & Everyone.

    I don't quite know what the weather's doing here in Wirral today, it could go either way but it's warm.

    I forgot to bring home the bacon Chris. Although it was on my shopping list I came home without it D'oh! So no bacon butty for me today:(

    Can't write any more now as my mind's gone blank! Bingo's here!!!!!!!!
    Having read his posts you know what I mean!!!! LOL!!!!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Christoff, you are spoiling us - 2 blogs in one day!

    You've inspired me, a bacon sarnie is on the cards, and of course it's gotta be red.

    Can you please send some sun a bit further south, it's really overcast here with little sign of any blue.

    Deevs, relief indeed! I am still awaiting some results, so fingets crossed.

    Hope the blog meet goes well. Look forward to photographic evidence as and when.

    Hello to everyone else, the weekend is almost here :-))

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Thanks Pen - and yes, fingets crossed! Have a lovely weekend.

    Maddy - have you recovered from being Bingo'd yet!?!?!

    So lovely to see the blog back to "normal" too. Long may it continue!

    Hey ho.


  • Comment number 10.

    I have tried several ways of posting this, so apologies if I have repeated myself.

    Hello Chris. I listened this morning on my way from Lee-on-the-Solent to Crawley in my daily commute. I thought that your 'Happy Five-O Birthday' this morning needed a bit of polish, so I have written some proper words that go with the full theme tune. I have sent the whole thing by email and as a taster the first and second verses are here:

    Happy 5-0 Birthday, Happy Bi^rthday,
    Happy 5-0 Birthday, have a great day,
    We know that you're playing it cool,
    We know that you're nobody's fool,
    Cos' it's your birthday, today, today.

    (Change of key)

    Happy 5-0 Birthday, Happy Bi^rthday,
    Happy 5-0 Birthday, so we all say,
    You go and have some cake,
    Have fun for goodness sake,
    Happy Birthday, celebrate today.

    Thank you for making my time on the road each day seem shorter than normal. Whenever you go on holiday it takes me ages to get to work.

    (AFJ Jul 11) Alan Jones

  • Comment number 11.

    Doh! For a moment there I was gonna burst into a rendition of "Walking In The Air". Then re-read it!

    Hi Alan, not Aled!

    Do stay and play. The natives are very friendly.


  • Comment number 12.


    NO!!!!!! Haven't recovered yet as he's just watched the news and gone off on one!!!!

    I'll have some peace now as he's off to buy a lintel to stop the wall from falling down in his house! 100% true LOL!!!!!!!!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Maddy, I imagine life's never dull with Bingo around, LOL!

    Pen, who can just see a smidgen of blue emerging from the grey!


  • Comment number 14.

    He's a one, Maddy.

    Deevs - glad to hear all is well. What a worry that must have been.

    Christoff, Christoff, Christoff. What a show this morning! Little George in the bath "I like mine with a kissaaa", the Candyman and Noah's brilliant "Hooray!" all really had me feeling very Fridayish. As a result, I've been completely useless at work today. The brain's gone awol. I can't string a sentence together and have the concentration span of a gnat. I blame you, Mr Evans.

    Eddie was a treat this morning. I've adored him for years. I first saw him decades ago in a small improv show in Bristol and I went up to speak to him afterwards. I'd like to be able to say I impressed him with a bit of witty banter, but I just gazed at him all star struck like a fool. I think he's one of the cleverest and coolest people in the business.

    Hope everyone's fine and dandy this afternoon.

    Love Barmy x

    PS Eddie Izzard for Prime Minister. In a frock! YES!!

  • Comment number 15.

    Afternoon each

    2 blogs in one day has got me back commenting here... wotcha everyone!

    Chris, you have been brilliant this week... I lost my father and grandfather to the big C both before the age of 50. 2 Aunts (i only have 2!) have had it (but luckily both survived) and my Mum, Sis and I have all had abnormal results at one time or another over the last few years...and with it comes the worry but thankfully we`ve all been ok so far. Bit of a family history going on though it seems! So, great that someone as high profile as you has brought getting checked (whichever part of you it is!) out into the open. And even better news you got sorted... that`s definitely worth a bacon butty with both sauces!

    Deevs..fab news! and Pen.. fingers crossed lovely!

    Susan..you`re coming to Yorkshire...another one for the Northern Mafia meets! Lovely area.. lots of outlying villages and York, most of Leeds and so on very easily commutable. Can you transfer your new job too or is it a start again? Good luck with everything!

    Ali my love... i had no shower for 4 days and was tearing my hair out.. well it was easier than washing it over the sink. Good luck with getting fixed up!

    And all the rest of you lovely lot.. newbies included.. great to see such a fab atmosphere..long may it continue!

    Love to all..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 16.

    Oh goodness I dont `arf waffle don`t i?!

    Anyway, also wanted to say to those `picnicing` (sp?) tomorrow ..hope you have a fab day! I shall be staring longingly out of the window at work whilst dealing with kids who dont want their glasses fitting, won`t wear them or cry cos they don`t need them... and the odd adult with the same issues!

    Enjoy all!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 17.

    ~Wish I Was There To Have A Friday Pint Myself~too Hot Here In Indiana(U.S.)~Only 8 a.m. and Already Heat Index Is 37 C~So A PInt At The Musketeer In Lymington Would Be Nice~I Listen To ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 2 Daily~and Throughly Enjoy Your Station~Thanks For The Great Music and Nice Variety~Have A Brilliant Week End,maria(across the pond)~Smiles.....

  • Comment number 18.

    Thanks Scoobs.

    Six year old granddaughter is brilliant with her specs, does as she's told re looking after them. She has been educated by her grandad, who is very meticulous with his - god help anyone who touches them!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 19.


    Cheryl, I did rather wonder where you had gone to this week! Glad to hear the breakfast meeting went well.

    AJ: I didn't hear that part of Chris's show this morning, but I have sang your lyrics (in my head) and I think they're great!

    Maddy: as I have said before, here, many times: Bingo really is a star!

    Scoobs: wotcha to you! Lovely to see you here today - I enjoy your "waffle"!

    Maria: awww, one of my favourites songs, back in the day, was "Indiana Wants Me". I cried every time I heard it! Make sure you have a nice cold beer tonight, if you can.

    Susan: don't know how I missed the fact that you are moving home. I have been to Harrogate and what I saw of it, I really liked. This is a wee adventure, isn't it? Will you be able to take all your handbags with you, or would you need a friend to look after one or two for you ...?!

    In case I don't get back today, just to say to everyone at the meet tomorrow: have a great time. I will be thinking of you all, and I just know it's going to be a wonderful day. Just really enjoy being together.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.

    I declare FNWC open!

    Very unlike me, as I don't drink often or hardly at all, but I'm home and thought I'd pour myself a Pi*m*, well why not ;)

    Scoobs, great to read your waffle, hope all is well with you and yours xx

    Susan, Harrogate has the most famous tea shop in the world, and very nice it is too xx

    Chrissie, Have a nice weekend xx

    Well the pile of ironing won't do it's self!


  • Comment number 21.

    ~Yes! Chris You Are Rapidly Becoming MY Favourite Radio Person~Wonderful That You Shared Your News About Getting Checked Out`~(although in my situation it sent the walls tumbling down) I Had Not Been Feeling Well(which caused me to miss my return holiday to the U.K. last summer)and Was Diagnosed October 2010 with COPD/6th Of January Beast Cancer(which killed my mum)/total Left Masectomy 23rd of March/Hysterectomy 6th of June and was due to have total Right Masectomy 12th Of July~however Had An(un-expected-arent they all)Heart Attack 27th Of June~ So They Shant Be Doing Right Masectomy For A Couple Months~A VERY "Eventfull" Summer You Might Say~Yet I Sit Here Typing Away~One Has To Keep A Sense Of Humour About It All~Smile~Trying To Heal ~So I May HOPEFULLY Return To The U.K. Next Year~Thank You For Brightening MY Day With Your Great Show/Music~I REALLY Enjoy It...
    To:Chrissie-S~Thank You ~I Am Amazed YOU Even Know That Song As Indiana Is Not One Of The Biggest States~However Its Nice To Be Recognised~Smile~Wishing You and ALL A Fantastic Evening~maria across the pond

  • Comment number 22.

    Ali, good idea. I am just having a cup of tea.

    Scoobs, lovely to see you here.

    Chrissie, have a lovely weekend.

    Cheryl, glad the breakfast meeting went well.

    Pen, fingers crossed that your results are ok.

    Hope everyone going to the blog meet have a fab day tomorrow.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 23.

    maria, hello and welcome to the blog.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Thanks csn.

    Maria, welcome.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Well hooood a thought it - the lovely AliB getting there before me!

    Anyhoo - Ali, you are not a lush alone, I've just opened me chards to keep you company! GD and mates deposited, apparantly in, tents up and now in the "arena" - the rest i dont want to know about.....

    so watching the Blindside, with one of "them" pies int oven for me tea.

    Picnic sorted for tomorrow - and can i just recomend the odd friday off for peeps - I used to ALWAYS have fridays off till I got back into responsible proper worknthat, but what joy to have a long weekend the wrong way round - feels like saturday eve, but thats not till tomorrow - right going now as I think I'm starting to sound like Bingo.....

    Tomorrow blog peeps!

  • Comment number 26.

    ~Thank You CleverSupernanny and PennyForem~I THink I Shall LIke It Here Seems To Have A Very Good Atmosphere and I Love Chris and ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 2~Thanks For Making Me Feel Welcome~its A Hot One Here Today,Barely Noon and Already Heat Index Is At 38 C~Incredible~Happy Weekend Wishes To All,maria.....

  • Comment number 27.

    maria across the pond.

    Hello & welcome to the blog.

    You've certainly been through it this year, I've had the heart attack five years ago and have COPD. Thankfully no cancer scares.

    I just want to wish you a full recovery (the COPD cannot be cured but can be controlled) and sincerely hope that you can get to return to UK next year.

    Love from Marjie

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Evening all

    Phew, Maria from Across the Pond, I'm worn out just hearing what you've been through! I really hope things start to improve for you and that you stick around

    The wine is chilling, Mr Sezza is cooking and I have the weekend AND 2 days next week off to look forward to so I am feeling very happily Fridayish!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Evening each, happy FNWC. Have got a cheeky wee Merlot ready and waiting.

    Chris, the one thing I miss (being a veggie) is a bacon sarnie. Hope you enjoyed yours.

    Hallo Maria.

    Deevs, so glad the breakfast meeting went well. How brave to stand up in front of everyone. Well done.

    Been a gorgeous day up here, long may it continue.

    Enjoy the picnic you lot - I'm looking forward to seeing the photos and counting the bottles!!


  • Comment number 30.

    Hi all

    Merlot on the go, chinese ordered, 'stenders on telly. Right that's me set up for the evening.

    Hope everybody enjoys the picnic tomorrow, looks like the weather will hold out for you.

    I'll be watching the GP over the weekend. Who knows it may be the last Hungarian GP that I can watch (there is no way we are getting S*y).

    Hello to the newbies, stick around - we're a friendly bunch here.

    Now then as there are a few of us around, shall we fill up the hot tub and break out the snacks?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    MTD, it's ages since the hot tub's been filled up. Is the shed full of spiders??


  • Comment number 32.

    Mtd, I'll grab my towel!

    I watching 100 best Harry Potter moments surronded by silence as the boys have just got new phones!

    That's the last I'll see of them this weekend!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 33.


    Is anyone still up?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Hi CSN I am but after this cuppa will be off to bed. Have you got your grandson staying over?

    Suse xx

  • Comment number 35.

    I'm still here, I was just going to fill the hot tub and then Annie mentioned spiders and everbody ran away.....

    Nearly bedtime now....

    Hi csn & Suse.

    Night all

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Night all.

    Enjoy the picnic those of you that are going and all the rest have a good weekend whatever you are doing.

    S xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Hello, hello!

    Just a quick one....

    To all of those fortunate to be able to make the pickernick (sorry, we watched the Yogi Bear movie last week) in Cannock tomorrow.
    Have a fabulous day. Wish we were there.

    Also - I was working in Godalming this morning and decided to explore the Hindhead tunnel that Chris has been banging on about (in the best possible sense) all week.
    I can report that the open bore has a speed limit of 70mph, is well lit and can maintain the R2 signal, all the way through. As it turned out, I came back almost immediately and sat in a queue for about 50 minutes before getting going and being one of the first vehicles through the other bore......that's something to bore (geddit?) the Grandkids with.

    Finally - My mother-in-law is staying with us this weekend....I'll say no more, but tonight she is sleeping in a tent in the garden....

    Lots of love



  • Comment number 38.

    Night Suse, mtd and everyone.

    Little grandson is fast asleep, so will his nanny and grandad be very soon.

    Sleep well and take care.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Sorry Rips, nearly missed you.

    How could you make your mother-in-law stay in a tent all night.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hi CSN,

    I didn't say that....



  • Comment number 41.

    Evening all,

    Just breifly popping in to wish all of you that are meeting up tomorrow a safe journey ,and have a great time.
    I'm sorry that I can't be with you this time ,but I will be with you all in spirit.

    looks like some of you want some {{{hugs}}} so here you go ....Catch....

    Hope that everyone is ok and that you have all had a good week .And are going to have a great W/end.

    See you later folk ...Take care .


  • Comment number 42.

    This was intended for here, so have C&P it.....

    Evening all.

    A very quick drop in...

    I love glamping in our garden. Down comes the kingsize vi spring mattress and all necessary comforts.

    Its a lot of fun roughing it when the kids are tiny, but I think you reach a certain time in life, when you need a better bed to lie in, so to speak.

    To wake up to the sound of the birds singing and the tide lapping in, priceless.

    Have a lovely weekend all.


  • Comment number 43.

    Just to add... its chucking it down here atm.

    Hope all under cover are water tight ;)


  • Comment number 44.

    Morning friends

    Apologeees for sudden disappearance yesterday - left work at 1.30 went and did the shopping (all picnic fodder - it's that kind of weekend!) then when I got home Nic was here and we went out for the afternoon - fabulous!

    He took me to a place called Fradley Junction which is where the Trent & Mersey and Coventry Canals meet. Very quiet, very pretty, lots of narrow boats, tea shop (with cake!!!!!!!!!!!!), a pub, a chandlery/village shop and long towpath walks. Oh, nd a nature reserve. It was beautiful! Then when we got home we had a BBQ for 2 and were in bed by midnight. All in all, pretty darned perfick!

    Weather here today is ........ clear blue sky and the gentlest of breezes ...... PERFICK for pickernickering!

    See you all later - and for those not coming, we'll raise a sausage roll to you!

    Muchos Amore.


    ps: Rips - Nic's mum (so sort of mu ma-in-law) is coming to the cricket with us tomorrow. She has a habit of calling me by his ex-wife's name, so as I'm driving to Trent Bridge I am going to introduce the rule of "3 J**s and you're walking home"!!

  • Comment number 45.

    Morning Deevs and everyone else

    Boiled eggs boiling, baby toms picked, salt and pepper in a little packet for dunking said egss and toms, sausage roll and pork pie packed!

    See you later aligator!


  • Comment number 46.



  • Comment number 47.

    Sandwiches made, and all wrapped up in the fridge in shiny silver foil parcels, nuzzling next to the mini eggs, sausage rolls and nice things! And I'm being a quiet ickle mouse as Himself is having his only lie-in of the week.

    Sky still blue!


  • Comment number 48.

    Morning Debs and Deevs and Everyone Else,

    I am glad the sun is shining for you all, have a wonderful time. I wish I could be there, I love a picnic.

    Special Hi to MTF xx we don't see you so much on here now and I miss you. It's about time we had a nature update!

    Well I have to confess to not having done any housework for two weeks, so that's on the cards today. Then a coffee and a tea cake with a friend as a reward.

    Happy Saturday Everyone


  • Comment number 49.


    Have a lovely times at the picernick today. Like Ali, I wish I could be there with you

    And also like Ali, I was so pleased to see you yesterday MTF, I have missed you.

    Mtd, I was stood here with me towel last night waiting for the hot tub but I was all on my ownsome!

    Right, no one's done the ironing pile that's lurking in the corner so I suppose that's my job for this morning!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Mornin' Campers.

    Just a quickie, am doin' me pre-match warm-up before bein' frog-marched round Manchester wit the GD..

    Have a fab day an' a glorious pique-nique as they say in Gay Paree. An' trust me I know what they say in Gay Paree. Don't leave the jelly in the sun, watch out for stray cows an' MIND THEM WASPS. Oh if only I were there wit me hat made from that curtain thingy over me bed, me smoke gun an' me hurley, I'd be on Wasp Patrol, oh yes.

    Grr. Can sniff a pork pie within a 20 mile radius, them things. Not to mention their equivalent a Alton Towers is a picnic full a people enjoyin' a fish paste butty an' a pickle on a stick; I've 'ad to fend off more wasp abseilin' clubs down my frock than I've 'ad 'ot lettuce leaves. If any wasps readin' this can tell me why a sausage roll needs pollinatin', I'll be glad to 'ear it.

    Btw Deevs. Don't forget the tin-opener an' your glasses if yous are takin' them tins that the label's fell off, like Renee an' Dot used to do (the next door neighbour used to work at H*inz 57). An' remember. BV is beans, MS is spaghetti an FC is fruit cocktail. Feta cheese isn't good wit grapes.

    Ok, Relax an' breeeeathe. Oo an' another thing; en route to Blog Fresco or otherwise, give a listen to Ryan Tubridy, bless 'im, more meat on a dirty fork an' a right eejit; but if yous can keep up wit the speed 'is clack goes at, you're in for a treat.


    PS. Go an' untie the Mother-in-Law RIGHT NOW Rips. It's not big an' it's not clever, an' if that bull can decipher the code on that padlock yous'll be in deep doo-doo.

  • Comment number 51.

    Afternoon all,

    Well thae picnicers should be just about gathering now ,hoe the weather is
    Ok out there for you guys.
    Have a great time and catch up.

    What I want to know is...why is it that when you get the chance or a desperate fo a lay in that you wake at some sillly hour ,and thats it you just can't get back to sleep .thats been happening here for the last few weeks and it'e beginning to wear a bit thin.
    But on the plus side ,the chores are done and i'm sitting here with bit of time on my hands for a blog scan and a catch up at leasure.
    so I tell myself ,don't complain women ,be gratefull.


  • Comment number 52.

    And obviously missing letters out of my words.


  • Comment number 53.

    Lyndy-Loo and baby man just arrived so party is now complete, let the shenanigans commence!!!
    Later peeps
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hello everyone.

    Lovely and sunny here.

    Spending the afternoon in the garden with little grandson.

    Hi Tiggs, hope everyone is having a great time. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Afternoon all from a sunny Wigan.

    I didn't make it to the picnic unfortunately, as my neck's hurting too much to drive there. I did set off, but think lifting Finlay into the car was the last straw, so I turned around and came home. Very disappointing!!

    So I've spent a quiet relaxing day watching the ladies open golf and some cricket.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday!

    JG x

  • Comment number 56.

    Afternoon each from sunny Fife.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the picnic. JG, what a pity you didn't make it, hope you're feeling better.

    Have had oldest son, daughter-in-law and gorgeous granddaughter visiting today. And stepson popped in to introduce us to his latest girlfriend. We sat in the sun in the garden - lovely.

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.


  • Comment number 57.

    Aww JG, Sorry to hear the poorly neck has scuppered your plans for the day. Make sure you keep it warm and put some of that Ibu-stuff gel on if you can use it

    Annie, It's been sunny here too!!! I've actually got into the garden for a while for the first time in ages

    We're going to my Mum and Dad's tomorrow. Think my brother and his family will be there and there has been a threat of a barbeque!

    Hope the sunshine stays for another day!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi Sezza - have a lovely day tomorrow. Our weather forecast is cloud and drizzle - lovely - not.

    Just getting texts from stepson to see if I liked his new girlfriend - bless.


  • Comment number 59.

    Annie, Did you? ;-)


  • Comment number 60.

    I did Sezza, she was really nervous but she was lovely. Think he might be going to keep her.


  • Comment number 61.

    That's good Annie

    Clodagh, if you're around, I heard your Ryan Tubridy this morning! Phew, I thought Christoff was lively! Young Ryan takes the biscuit - along with a large expresso by the sound of him!

    Liked him though, he'll keep me going while the lovely Graham is away!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Morning all!
    Just reporting back post picernic, I think a good time was had by all, the sun shone, games were played (by some), baby man is a darling - see's a camera and automaticaly says "cheese" and beams a smile!

    Crumpys dog hunny is so lovely and loves a good stick/branch throwing game! And so nice to see a new face in PlaneJanet - I hope you were not too traumatised by your first blog meet!

    And for me, despite attracting the local wasps and crickets (were where you when I needed you Clodagh....) no A&E visit for me :-)

    Oh, and Crumpy and I DID eye up the mobility scooters and even thought the local search and rescue team were doing a bit of "show" did not feel brave enough to have " a go"..... next time maybe....

    Right few chores to do, awaiting the delivery of GD from festival and a beautiful bit of beef to roast later so time for a coffee me thinks.

    Happy Sunday everyone!

  • Comment number 63.


    Wishing time away is possibly the most stupid thing you can do. Witness recent reminders of our all too fragile mortality. But if I could push the fast forward button and arrive at next Saturday morning in a flash I would seriously consider doing so. 'C'mon Matt, man up. What can be that bad?' I hear you cry. Only work nonsense. I used to let this stuff really get to me - in fact, long termers on here will remember my darker days as I bored you all to tears with it on a regular basis - but lately things have been OK. Heck, I have even learned how to sleep! So should I be getting so wound up? Of course not. I should be facing my demons head on and giving them a poke in the eye and getting on with life.

    So I shall.

    Have a wonderful week all. I may, or I may not, but either way I'm going to live every minute of it.

    Much peace etc


    PS Paint it Black

    PPS Black Night

    PPPS Back to Black

  • Comment number 64.

    Hey Matt - good to see you on here can I
    a) give you a hug {{{{{{{ }}}}}}}
    b) some positive vibes that next week will not be as bad as you fear
    c) and some good ole "pull yoursell together man!"

    Do what you can to get you through the week and how about you come back next weekend and tell us how it went - and to help you take your mind off it, how about making some of those famous lists of yours

    If there is anything I can do to help FB me

  • Comment number 65.

    Goood morning all,

    A lovely sunny day down here on the south coast,,windows are going to be thrown open and a little pottering ,then this afternoon will be spent reading.Yes I have the reading bug and I'm on my forth book since the start of my hols.

    Matt, Just want to second what the lovely Debs has just said ,chin up mate and tin helmet on and go into next week fighting. find something funny to think about every day {{{hugs }}}.

    Cannock bloggers ,glad all went to plan and that you all enjoyed yourselves ,have see a couple of photo's and hope to see a few more on 'tother side .

    Well I suppose I'd better go and get some breakfast then get on with this pottering ,hard work you know !!!

    Take care all and have a great day in what ever you get to do .


  • Comment number 66.

    morning peeps
    A long lovely day yesterday but very very enjoyable.

    Got home about 9.45 pm - all shattered even though the Crumpy contingent didn't move from their chairs all day - no cricket, footy or boules for us!
    The exception was Honey ...! As Debs said she was on a constant stick hunt - hide one and she found another and mithered you until you threw it for her.
    Mucky sticks covered in dog slobber do not mix well with white linen trousers!

    She was totally jiggered by the end of the day and happily lay on her duvet in the car whilst we went to the pub meal in the evening and barely moved all the way home.

    Cannock Chase country park is just great with fab facilities and Deevs and Nic are so lucky to have it right on their doorstep.

    Lovely to see folks again and great to meet my near neighbour PlaneJanet - thanks for the lovely bag of garden fresh lettuce, chucks, will be on my sandwiches tomorrow,

    Also thanks to Tiggs for the lovely crocheted/knitted pink rose brooches using some wool given by Beez. A lovely thought and will be much treasured.

    Off to shower and change for another social outing, today, lunch with yet more friends in Bunbury near Nantwich.
    Such a hard life - lol

    Great to see some more newbies = Hi Maria & Alan and hi to Matt.

    Have a great Sunday everyone
    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 67.


    what a great day yesterday, thanks to all that were there.

    Matt - great to see your post, let me know if I can do anything for you - peace and love

    hi to the newbies, please stay around

    Baggy le puss chat

    PS - I seem to have put my back out, not sure why - (not the cricket), I'm using pain killers and alcohol to numb the pain ;-)

  • Comment number 68.

    Afternoon each

    Glad the Cannock meet went well, sounds like you all had a fab time. Who's got the photos on FB? Haven't seen any yet.

    Lovely to see you on here Crumpy - how's everything?

    And you Matt, about time you got back here. I do hope next week isn't as bad as you expect. Chin up, chest out, don't take any you-know-what, and get back here Friday to let us know how it went.

    SB: careful of that back.


  • Comment number 69.

    thanks Bright annie, I feel bad as I was meant to be at my sisters but couldn't face the drive, so now I'm stuck in my house going slowly insane!

  • Comment number 70.

    SB, backs are delicate things. Don't want to freak you out, but youngest son couldn't move for months after hurting his back - one of his discs was leaking fluid - very dangerous. So be very careful.

    Have had a lovely day today, faffing about in Fife with man in the cupboard. We visited Loch Leven but had to leave because of the midges, then had a walk around Falkland.

    I'm off to Pitlochry tomorrow for a meeting so must look out something reasonably smart to wear - I really don't do 'smart' so it may take some time. Looking forward to the trip up the A9, I love the scenery.

  • Comment number 71.

    thanks annie - it feels like something I have had before, part of your pelvis popping out (should only happen to women who ahve experienced childbirth) so very unfair that it has happened to me, hoping sleep and painkillers will sort it out

  • Comment number 72.

    Good morning blogettes

    I can defintely confirm bloggers are not axe murderers!

    Cannock Chase was really lovely - it was great to finally put faces to names. The sun shone, the conversation flowed, the time flew by.

    Hope those that could stay enjoyed their meal. Better get on now work calling.

    Onward and upward. Regards PJ

  • Comment number 73.

    Morning troops!

    Glad you all enjoyed Cannock Chase - it's lovely innit!? And what a great day. I can only echo what's already been written above, and can only add that Nic's lad was somewhat taken with Baggy La Puss Chat - a friend for life there!

    Matt- wassup dudeface!?!? Chin up. Don't let the wotsits get you down (those evil Monster Munch on the other hand ....!)

    Baggy - I mis-aligned my pelvis once and I have NEVER given birth. It was the result of an overloaded rucksack and took physio to correct it. Other than that, accupuncture may be the cure you seek!

    tbc ....

  • Comment number 74.


    We went to Trent Bridge yesterday and enjoyed an amazing day of cricket in the sun. Fabulous atmosphere, good play, even more picknickery and in bed by 10pm totally kyboshed! The problem now is that I have about a gadzillion things to do this afternoon but will want to watch the cricket when I get home just after 1.30. Doh - what has he done to me!?!? Didn't like the traffic on the way out though. We had a pre-paid parking space about 300 yards from the ground, but like all event parking, there were about 12 lanes of cars all converging into one lane to escape one gate. And I was driving. YIKES!!!!!! We got there in the end though and I've lived to tell the tale.

    A spot of work to do this morning and office to myself so may indulge in some ipoddery!

    Oh - and I'm back on the wagon of healthy eating after a couple of indulgent weekends, and a few weeks of wailing self-pity eating. 8 weeks til holiday and counting!

    Muchos amore.


  • Comment number 75.

    Hi everyone:


  • Comment number 76.

    ~Hello! and Thanks To Maddy Moon(marjie)~Sezzagirl~and bright Annie-G~For Making Me Feel So Welcomed~Still A Hot Oven Over Here~Last Evenng(late-close to midnight) was already 37 C~Preparing For docs Visit (so Tired Of doctors) and Just Chillin Listening to BBc Radio 2~Also To Sezza Girl~I PROMISE To try Not To Tire YOu Any Further With Health Issues~Smile~In Other Words I am Hoping For Things To Improve~As Im Tired Of All The Docotrs~Smile~Thanks For Making Me Laugh~I Think Humour Shall Get me This This Better Than Anything Else :) and To Maddy moon(marjie) Sounds As If You Have Also Been Thru A Lot~Hang IN There Dear~Yes!!! I definately Need TO Start Healing~So I Can Retrun To England~I Fell IN Love With Lymington~Cheers TO You All and Have A Wonderful Day,maria.....


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