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Sitting Tennant

redbee | 16:04 UK time, Sunday, 21 August 2011

David Tennant this morning's guest - endlessly beguiling bewitching almost, annoyingly youthful in this his forty first year and an abundance of energy. In short, a pure joy to have on board. More like him please.

And so ends another week of breakfast radio thingy's. Please may this job go on for a good few years yet. It's all far too much fun to stop anytime soon.

One Show next in just over an hour as I type and then homeward bound for a packed weekend full of fun times. There's Mummy Evans Snr, a kids party, a Raymond Blanc experience and hopefully a few hours down the garage on Sunday.

Be well mein leiblings.

Peace and Love.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hello Chris.

    Did you step into David Tennant's tardis LOL!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    I've just lost the post I typed.......

    Hiya Chris,

    Mr Tennant was a joy to listen to on Friday.

    By the time your post has appeared you will have done most of what you planned to do and may or may not be down the garage. I too hope your job lasts a few more years. Your right it's far too much fun to stop.....ever!

    Debs - It was my intention to use a shower cap, however I was rescued by a friend who txt me on Saturday to say a friend of theirs had set up his own decorating business offering very competitive rates - phew is all I can say to that.

    As a rule I dont' normally have alcohol on a school night but I am celebrating getting out of having to paint (pathetic I know) so there is a cheeky Rose chilling in the fridge (not to be confused with our lovely Rosie).

    Hope you are all having a nice Sunday.

    Take care folks!
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 3.

    sorry haven't caught up - just wanted to say thanks to Bids for the card, will do as requested and thanks for all the good wishes, my sisters wedding went very well indeed


  • Comment number 4.

    Afternnon all,

    just done a nice long post and lost it.Grrrr.

    Chris ,how nice to see you today most unexpected ,yes I enjoyed the show on friday with the old Doc ,best one the've had as far as I'm concerned ,but my favorite bit on friday was young Noah ,he souds absolutely adoreable,and I did get a fleeting sound of the lovely Mr D Jacobs.

    Baagy ,your welcome ,and I must say thank you to Deev's for passing it on.Oh!!! and glad the weding went off OK.

    We wnt off to do our errand this morning ,and came across a car that had been clamped ,its a c/park that has just started to charge ,so this poor girl had got back and found her car clamped ,the chaps were there just waiting to pounce so as I watched tone of them went over to talk to her and then went back to his van .I then got out of my car and went to she if she was Ok and that he hadn't been harrassing her,she said no but we re chatting there and she was telling me that it was going to cost her £250-00 . £80-00 pounds of that was for them just to write the ticket!!!
    At that point he came back to the girl and I quietly turned around and Apologized to him first for what I was about to say. I told him that I didn't like him ,nor his job,and i'll leave the rest out.!!!

    And actually they fitted the job prefectly as they both looked low lifes.

    Poor girl ,felt so sorry for her .hope she's Ok.


  • Comment number 5.

    Hi all again,

    Just been flicking back ,only to see bingo in trouble again ,this time with injury ,hope it wasn't too bad for you bingo.

    Debs ,yes my bedding was on the line too.

    Maddy ,nice to see you ,have been missing you of late ,hope that your'e keeping well.

    Mary lovely to see you also ,and I hope that the wine goes down.we're going to be on the red shortly.

    Billie hello to you too ,long time no see.

    Annie ,I had to smile to myself when I read your post ,was just how I felt when we've had ours especilally that 2-00 o' clock feed. the next you just feel like a zomby .
    We have just got to face the fact that when we did it for our own ,we were a lot younger lol.

    Right must shift myself Mr B is fretting and he's getting hungry.


  • Comment number 6.

    Hello everyone.

    Got home from Wales late friday and have been washing and ironing all weekend.

    Sorry, haven't had time to catch up here yet, hope you're all ok.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi everyone, hope the weekend was kind to you.

    Baggy: good to see your sister's wedding went well. I love a wedding!

    mtd: thank you for the link you put up at the weekend. xx The only thing about this ruddy BP movie is that I'll never be able to watch it - I hate horror movies!

    Mary: what a result getting someone to attend to your painting. Hope that Rose went down a treat!

    Bingo: pet lamb, hope you are ok. xx

    Annie: bless you for looking after the grandchildren overnight - it must be so exhausting!

    Bids: what a shame for that girl. These con artists have absolutely no shame. I can well understand the need for clapping someone's car if it is abandoned in the likes of Kensington High Street, but doing this to people in private car parks is actually robbery.

    CSN: nice to see you back. xx

    My weekend was one of clearing out yet more stuff - horrendous. Had to get rid of all our engagement cards, wedding cards, gift cards. Letters, photographs and mementos by the hundred. I was so upset on Saturday night, I couldn't even have a glass of wine, so that's really saying something! Still, it just had to be done and yesterday I felt much better. I will never, and I mean never, hoard anything again!

    Have everyone has a good day.

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    good grief, my spelling is awful! momentos!

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning all

    So glad I've got today off. I feel like I need it to recover from the weekend.

    It wasn't that busy, just seemed to be on the go all the time

    Had both sets of our parents over for a barbeque yesterday and that always seems busier than you think it will be

    School shoe shopping today - wish me luck - after the boys have regaled me with the Kings and Queens of England song from Horrible Histories that they're trying to learn - so far I think we're up to Henry VI or it may be VII - getting a bit confused with all the Henry's and Ed's!!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Good morning all,

    Another lovely sunny day down here on the south coast ,and at this moment Mr B is in the garden gathering apples.
    Not much on the cards here today ,just a visit ti the bank to pay a bill.

    Crissie ,that must have been such a rench for you ,I know I couldnt do it .But they do say that in the end your mind is even cleared of clutter ,thats probably why I'm puddled half the time lol. Just think of all that space that you will have to at least buy a couple of little items to hoard.

    Sezza, sounds like you were busy yesterday ,and yes its not that your mega busy just on the go ,we have got a family get together next Sunday so i'll be doing the same ,but a buffet this time .hope the shopping trip with your lovely young men goes to plan.

    Hope everyone else is AOK and enjoying your day.

    Take care ...Bidsxxx.

  • Comment number 11.

    Bids: thanks for understanding just how hard it was for me. I actually felt ill with every single thing I was disposing of. I spent 12 hours reading everything before shredding them! If this clears my mind, I will love that! Hope you and Mr Bids have a lovely day. xx

    Sezza: it's always more work than we think, feeding the family, isn't it? Even though it's fun, and lovely, it don't half make you knackered! Hope your day goes ok - school shoe shopping ... I remember it so well!

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Mornin' all.

    Chrissie, my heart goes out to you. I always keep cards and letters etc for far too long and when we moved recently I had to decide to keep just one box of stuff. As well as some family pics, I've kept notes and cards from my aunt and my mum, and I'm glad I did .... my aunt has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and since her stroke, my mum can't write any more, so I'm really glad I've got some written memories to look back at. But, deciding what to keep and what to get rid of wasn't easy, but having some extra space is good and the memories are still in your heart - no-one can take them away from you xx

    Right - another 1000 words to write today - no panic!!!!!!

    Have a nice day everyone.

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Jillygoat: oh, I know, it's impossible to part with everything. Cards and letters from my Mum are all kept. And a birthday card from each of my siblings. MsS has kept all the cards from my Mum, too - she wrote such lovely messages in every one of them! Oooh, and I discovered some incredible love letters from MrS from 1975!

    Sounds like you have a very busy day ahead! I'm sorry, but I must have missed what you are writing - good luck!


  • Comment number 14.

    Morning all

    Back from my adventures "down south", despite the car deciding it wanted to stay. Arrived in all that downpour, having made the car paddle through a few puddles (not much choice when they cover the entire road), parked the car went to find the booking in place and got thoroughly soaked while doing so (partly due to me having the bright idea of putting the waterproof in the boot as it was so nice when I left home!). Managed to unload the car in two goes keeping stuff that needed to be dry dry. Car then sat in the car park until Sunday.
    It would appear the brakes (hand brake anyway) then rusted on, as when I got in the car yesterday afternoon it wouldn't budge. Given the car isn't so young as it might have been I thought it would refuse to start if anything after the period of twiddling it's thumbs in the rain, but no. Started first time, put it in gear, took the handbrake off and eased the clutch off and we stayed put. Revved a bit harder, still stationary. Gah.
    Managed to find a couple of slightly mechanically minded blokes who came and peered at my car and wobbled it rather a lot in an effort to free the brakes (which appear to be on the back not the front like I was thinking!) but without much luck. They then advised me to be a boy racer (what self respecting boy racer would have my car I wonder ;) ) and floor it. After a couple of goes at this in both forward and reverse there were a few popping noises and eventually the car moved. They then checked for me that all my wheels were moving freely and not being dragged along and sent me on my way with the advice not to park with the handbrake on (just in gear should stop it moving apparently) if leaving the car for more than a day especially if it's been wet. They reckoned all the rusty bits would have dropped off naturally by the time I got home (a good 3 hours away).
    Got home a little later than planned due to the late start (although possibly not as late as if I'd got the break down company out and had to wait for them. First challenge there would have been finding enough phone reception to ring them, explain where the car was and the problem!) Car is currently parked in gear without handbrake on just in case! It's quite hard to override that instinct to put the brake on even though I always leave it in gear. I keep thinking I ought to do a basic car maintenance course, must keep my eyes peeled, haven't seen one round this way whenever I've looked before.

    Hopefully today (my recovery day, I knew I'd be worn out after the past four days) will be less eventful... I've had a fairly lazy morning: finished a book, done a load of washing and hung it up to air, put the previous lot of washing away, gone through the post pile, watered the plant (I think it needed it, a leaf fell off when I picked the pot up!)... This afternoon I must go food shopping (sarnie stuff required for being back at the grindstone tomorrow), and I have a couple of calls to make this evening. I really need to do some sewing as well...

    Hope everyone is well.
    Hugs to those in need of one.

  • Comment number 15.

    Chrissie - I'm studying for a degree part-time, and I've got to submit a 5,000 word assignment at the end of August. I've done about 1,500 words so far but am struggling to pick up the thread this morning! Never mind, I'll get there in the end!

    It'll soon be lunchtime and I'll have an excuse to stop again .....

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 16.

    Jillygoat: wow, that really is fantastic - good for you! Yes, 5,000 words is quite a bit (!) but you'll get there. Once you get back into the "flow" you'll be ok, I'm sure.

    Oz: bit of a nightmare for you with the car. Glad you go home ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 17.

    I give up! I meant "got" of course!

  • Comment number 18.

    Crikey Oz - what a nightmare! I love driving but hate cars and the fact that they seem to have a mind of their own! So glad you got home in one piece x

    Me and 'im indoors have a car each, simply because we work in completely different directions and neither place are on a public transport route - typical ! Anyhoo, I drive the longest distance so use his car as it has the smaller engine. Regular as clockwork it will not start first time and usually takes 3-4 goes before it decides to give in ..... 'im indoors gets in it and it starts first time! I don't do anything different so it obviously just doesn't like me, grrrrrr.

    Right - on with the studying *sigh*

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 19.


    Anyone got a pair of size 10 boots on?
    Could do with a kick up the harris.....

    Hope you're all well.

    DT - Fireflies - disappointed to say the least.
    Why would you admit to it?!?!

    Take care all



  • Comment number 20.

    Rips - I take a 6 in footwear but am happy to oblige - what's the problem? I'm having trouble knuckling down to writing today so a kick up the *** wouldn't do me any harm either. How about a mutual 'boot'?!

    And as for 'Fireflies' - tsk ...

    jillygoat x

    PS - where is everybody? I don't get out to play very often so I'm worried that I've broken the blog or everyone's hiding.

  • Comment number 21.

    Hi Rips: I know how you feel, very often I need a bit of a "push", but a size 10 boot? That's gotta hurt!

    Jillygoat: I'm still here. Promise, you have not broken the blog, but it's fair to say that this would appear to be a day for lurkers!


  • Comment number 22.

    Jilly: it's not you, it's me. Blog always goes really quiet when I have a day off the grindstone... (although it's quite nice out here so maybe that's the reason)

    Rips: I can offer you two size 5 and a half boots (with 2inch heels) will that do?

    Chrissie: as you say (and Jilly too) nightmare yesterday, been out and done the food shopping and handbrake appears to be behaving normally once more (didn't trust the no handbrake parking theory on some sloped parking)... now it's parked on the level outside my place again I can't for the life of me remember whether the brake is on or off... Sieve for brains, that's me ;)


  • Comment number 23.


    Hope that helps ;0)

    A very heavy and late Saturday night/Sunday morning followed by a day at an airshow in Oxford yesterday (which was ace, by the way) and then a rugby 'meeting' at the pub last night to sort out the tour do make for a very focussed Rips.

    Dreadful news about the gifted pilot Jon Egging. Wonderful to hear almost complete support for team and what they do.
    Their incredible displays never fail to astound me.



  • Comment number 24.

    Rips, we not only have size 10 boots, we have, courtesy of the shoe-shopping today, size 10 trainers and new school shoes!!

    I'll instruct boy1 to boot-up and boot-up as it were!

    We have survived the shopping expedition and even grabbed a couple of treats

    Don't tell Christoff but I picked up the audio-book of It's Not What You Think for a bargainy bargain of a price! Put it this way, it was marked up at £1.99 and had a half marked price sticker on!

    Feet up now for a bit

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Thanks Chrissie - I thought I'd scared everyone off!!!

    Rips - thanks for that. Have now done 2,500 words so only another 2,500 to go before Thursday *gulp*

    Oz - fingers crossed the car behaves itself now

    Sezza - sounds like you've earned the rest!

    I've just realised the time and haven't got anything for dinner yet, so a quick trip to ELH methinks.

    Toodle-pip for now peeps.

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 26.

    Rips: my thoughts too are with the Red Arrows and friends and family of the "Eggman". Thought someone was joking when I heard the news :(

    Sezza: well done on the successful shopping mission with the boys :)

    Jilly: my fingers are crossed too, but maybe the threat of my friendly local mechanic armed with a big stick peering at the car has done the trick...


  • Comment number 27.

    Hi all,

    Oz,so glad that you got your car going Ok,bitof a nightmare when anything like that happens ,I wouldn't have known what was wrong.

    Rips ,Mr B has a size 11,if that will help ,hope you get your mogo back soon.

    sezza ,glad the shopping trip went well ,wev'e just been on a couple of errands and I'm sat here waiting for a nice cup of tea .enjoy yout audio book ,can I ask where???

    Jiilygoat ,hope them there words are flying of them there pages by now.

    Crissie ,Idea on the cards and stuff.If you have a digital camera ,take photo's of them all and then down load them on to your computer ,then they will be there forever and at the press of a button you can see them anytime .


  • Comment number 28.

    Bids, The shop was the one that had The Works in it!!

    Chrissie, those are all the things that are so hard to part with. I did really well but I have just stashed aways Mr Sezza's "special birthday" birthday cards!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Sezza ,thank you .


  • Comment number 30.

    Sezza: well done on the shopping today. Shoe-buying is all very well, but getting Chris's audio book looks like the best buy of the day!

    Bids: that's a great idea about the camera - I still have things I can do that with. Also, our lovely mtd had suggested to me that I scan some things, and hold on to them that way. So, between you two lovely ladies, I will have kept some precious things. xx

    Just to say, what a terrible tragedy about Jon Egging. How I feel for his wife and his family - absolute devestation in their lives. Puts all my worries and concerns into perspective.

    C xx

  • Comment number 31.


    Flt lieutenant Egging's widow was on the southern news at lunch time ,and what a brave young lady she is..

    It's a very sad loss indeed RIP.


  • Comment number 32.

    Afternoon each

    Chrissie - how awful for you having to get rid of stuff. I gave all my photos, cards, etc to my oldest son when I moved house. Don't know what he's done with them but at least I didn't have to bin them. I hoped he'd keep them for my grandchildren. Good ideas from Bids and MTD.

    Mary, so glad you didn't get paint in your hair.

    Jilly, you're more than halfway there - keep going me dear.

    Rips, nice to see you.

    Sezza, I well remember my sons (and their friends) shoes/trainers in a heap in the hall - they were like boats!!

    I got all confuddled when I saw the date at the top of Chris's blog.


  • Comment number 33.

    Hi all

    Been lurking all day but can't cope with the tiny keyboard on the phone to do anything more than a tiny post.

    I expressed my feelings about the song choice of Mr Tennant at the time, he has gone down a lot in my estimation following that appalling choice.....

    What a good idea for Chrissie, Bids.

    Now this morning, Chris promised to blog straight after the show with some tips about vinyl - I think there are some bugs in the works that are not letting blogs to be published for some time (a bit like extreme modding???). Come on modders (if it is indeed you blocking the blog) let us see what we can do!!! I bet Chrissie has got some vinyl that she does not want to get rid of.

    Can I borrow the boot (and the foot attached to it) I'm in a semi permanent CBA mood at the moment (or is it just that 'Monday' feeling?).

    Anyhoo, quiz nite tonight - second leg of the knockout section (new for this season). We aced the first leg last week and are in the lead by over 30 points so it is quite unlikely that we will lose but good vibes are always welcome.

    Hugs all round


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 34.


    Happy anniversary Baggy and Mr Baggy - where did those two years go eh?

    I am sure we should have a Monday off every other month at least!

    Love the idea of scanning or photographing cards and mementos as I am going to have to sort through stuff too and there are just some things I will never throw away much to OH disgust. I feel for you Chrissie and doesn't it take ages as you have to look through everything and relive it again. Gosh that must mean we are real Togs!!

    Love and hugs to all

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Hi again

    Quiz cancelled, the other team have given us a walkover so we're through to the semis the week after next. Shame really coz it's a night out missed as well...

    Oh well better get a glass of merrloot on the go.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 36.


    Can I just pass on my thanks to Manchester Calling for introducing the word 'shonky' into my life. Without it I wouldn't have a word for today.

    Thanks for all the hellos yesterday.
    Hi, right backatcha!



  • Comment number 37.

    Good morning all,

    And a good morning to you also Rips ,hope that your day goes well.

    Here its a bit grey today ,we've had rain,but it's still very mild. Work for me today ,only two day this week as I'm having a couple of off.

    Take care and enjoy whatever you're doing .


  • Comment number 38.

    Morning peeps
    Rips, how's the cat???

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Morning everyone.

    Raining here.

    Chrissie, it must have been very hard clearing out all your personal bits and pieces. It has made me think I really should go through all the stuff that I have kept and hoarded for years. xx

    Hi Tiggs, Bids and Rips.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hello people.

    I am just trying out my new reading glasses.

    Where is everyone today.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 41.




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