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Sir Patrick - what a guy ?

Chris Evans | 16:39 UK time, Friday, 20 January 2012

Seventy one by the way ! I'm forty five and don't look half as good as him now. Fit as a fiddle and ,beautifully, a bit mad. Just the right amount I'd say. Enough to keep the bad things at bay.

And he wants a job. But only big telly or movies - so if you know of anyone...

One Show tonight and then home.

You ?

Whatever it is - have a good 'un.

Peace and Love





  • Comment number 1.

    Hooray, It's Friday. It's Five o'clock, It's............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................time to get boy2 from tennis!!

    On the downside, it's been raining all day!

    on the upside, it's not as dark as it was this time last week!


    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Someone told me this week that at the moment, each day it gets darker 3 minutes later than the day before

    That means, it only takes 10 days to be half an hour lighter!!

    Nearly summer!!

    Chris, did you have to drive backwards all the way to the one show? ;-) "I'm driving backwards for Fridays!!" a la Spike milligan!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hey CLP - not had much chance to listen this week, and have missed you!

    Anyway, done some small catch ups, and it seems there is a lot of sadness/stress around right now so I'm sending hugs and positive vibes to all wot are in need.

    And just in case Annie is lurking - I am officially declaring FNWC open and delighted to report that after a 4 week absence, the penguins have returned, so just off to get one on the go with my rather snazzy wine opener gun thing present from christmas that really dont work with screw top wine bottles....

    Happy Friday everyone, over and out for me
    See you on the morrow

  • Comment number 4.

    Hooray for FNWC!!

    Will be there in a mo - not sure if I'm taxi running tonight yet!

    Debs, pleased to hear you're back in the world of normality - enjoy that penguin!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Hello Sezza and Debs - Happy Friday to you!

    It was great to hear Sir Patrick on the radio this morning - what a legend, I could listen to him all day.

    In fact, he could read out the list of ingredients on a packet of medication designed for morbidly obese and terminally incontinent hippopotamuses and it would STILL sound amazing... ;-)

    "Mellifluous" is, I think, the word. His voice is "mellifluous".

    Lots of love, Roo xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Evening each

    So glad you're back Debs - am opening the Merrrrlot as I type!!

    Heard most of the show this morning as I schlepped over that bloomin' bridge - up to Candyman, so missed PS - damn.

    Had to use JG's trick of bottle of warm water over the car to get inside, it was like an ice cube and the road was icy - my absolute nightmare. Talking of which I dreamt that I traded my car in for something smaller and as I was driving home in it I realised I was walking and it was something like a buggy I was pushing in front of me. Called on a friend's daughter to come with me to the garage to tell off the man who'd sold it to me. How stupid is that? I have books on the meaning of dreams but none of them can give me an explanation of this one!!!!

    MC - was that you Simon mentioned about the chocolate flavoured wine?? Was listening on the way home.

    Roo - where on earth did you get 'terminally incontinent hippopotamuses' from?

    Back soon when I've got a glass poured. xxxxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi Annie. I understand that there are a lot of those hippos in Africa. Apparently their breath (from either end) is almost lethal. Much like my late grandmother's.

    Nighty-night! Roo xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Annie, I'm not sure I do want to get any terminally incontinent hippos thank you very much!!

    Wouldn't mind finding a glass of wine though!

    MC, I knew someone else had mentioned chocolate flovoured wine! There can't be more than one of you can there!!

    Sezza xx

    ps love the word "melliflouous!

  • Comment number 9.

    Me neither Sezza, and 'the breath from either end' sounds truly disgusting.

    Had to stop watching the One Show when that man went through a tube in Invergordon. Set my claustrophobia off and reminded me of the horrible time in Slovenia when I was persuaded to visit the caves - shudder!!!!!

    Just been talking to my eldest - they are sleep deprived with the 4 month old. I was very sympathetic and didn't remind him he kept me awake for about 4 years - that's my good deed for the day.


  • Comment number 10.

    Annie, you are indeed a good woman!!

    Reward yourself with a glass of something or two!


  • Comment number 11.

    Ta muchly Sezza, will do.

    Are we the only ones here? xxxx

  • Comment number 12.


    Been dealing with poorly boys for the last 2 days, and the older one is worst!! Of course I'm not allowed to feel ill, or go to bed for 2 hours in the afternoon! Gggrrrrr!

    Rant over......thanks!

    No FNWC.......but we do have ale........Cheers!


  • Comment number 13.

    Oh, there you are eb. Bless the poorly boys, and of course you're not allowed to feel ill - you're their mother!

    Enjoy your ale - slainte. xxxxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Annie....the older one is t'other!!!!! And he's 42!

    Got to get my enjoyment tonight, hence the ale, as I have a 6 year old birthday party to take the boy to tomorrow, in his new pirate costume which he hasn't taken off for two days!!


  • Comment number 15.

    Ebs, you feel free to be ill if you want!! Or go to bed and hide under the covers if the fancy takes you!

    Enjoy the ale!


  • Comment number 16.

    Now that makes a difference eb. Take yourself off to bed and let him look after himself.

    Our 6yr old thinks he's Capn Jack and wears the costume at every opportunity. Hope your little one enjoys the party.


  • Comment number 17.

    I'm still here! Just watching a Louis Theroux documentary though. Goes down a treat with my whisky...

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Evening folks,

    No , It wasnt me !
    I have never ever ever drunk red wine , until recently. I have drunk two bottles single handedly and have a further bottle in reserve .
    M&$ did a wonderful Chocolate wine , a fortifed one, flavoured with Chocolate , and I thought it was just wonderful. Alas, despite my pleading and begging the staff to search the warehouse , it wont be re-appearing until nearer Christmas. I have been gazing at the shelves, in the vain hope a bottle has been misplaced , but nope , its just not there .
    However, i have found a similar-ish potion in $ainsberries. It's not as sweet ,but its certainly good . Roll on Christmas i say ...... hic ...... hic ....

  • Comment number 19.

    I'm off soon Roo. Enjoy your whisky.

    Meant to say welcome to GillV45 from the previous blog. I remember when I first posted and no-one replied to me - felt a bit like billy no-mates till Gingembre said hello.

    Friend coming to stay tomorrow so see you all on Sunday.

    Have a good weekend all. xxxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Good heavens MC - there's 2 daft people drinking chocolate wine!!!! Well I never - and no, I would never drink chocolate wine.


  • Comment number 21.

    Oh, hello from me too GillV45! xx

    MC - Christmas?! I got some petrol the other day and the garage had a special display of EASTER EGGS - are we REALLY almost at Christmas again already. Ooooh - them nights will be drawing in again soon....

    I've tried chocolate wine. It's OK. Will probably stick to wine with separate side-serving of chocolate though.

    Been on the hard stuff for the last two weeks though... my liver is knocking on my spine, asking to be let out...!

    Roo x

  • Comment number 22.

    Annie, who wouldn't want to be Cap'n Jack at any opportunity!

    MC, Now chocolate and wine - that sounds like a better idea!

    Roo, Hello! x x


  • Comment number 23.

    Now see I was trying to be good, but all this talk of chocolate makes me want some.....I may have to see what's left from Christmas in the cupboard.

    Anyone else fancy a cuppa while I'm out there??


  • Comment number 24.

    Ooh - go on then Ebx! Any out-of-date mince pies while you're there...?

    Roo xxx

    P.S. And you're not failing in being good - there's actually no such thing as "wrong" where chocolate is concerned: there's just right and "differently right"...!

  • Comment number 25.

    Hello Roo, i just hate all the fast forwarding done by the shops. Easter stuff was in the shops straight after New year . Give us a break ! Hope you are ok by the way xx

    Annie, its just sweet , not chocolate-y .
    We (I) are (am) in the process of eating up all the C word left over sweets and cakes . Mr MC is on a diet, so I am doing my best to eat everything up. Only a few boxes to go ..........
    Am planning a big lie in tomorrow, i just love not having to wake upto the alarm at weekends.

    Enjoy your weekend xxx MC xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    MC, I thought I did very well to get out of the supermarket without one of those malt-eeez chocolate bunnies falling into my trolley!! Almost in the styleeee of an Italian Captain!

    Ebbs, did you find anything good hidden away!

    Roo, Bit like when you go wrong on a craft project - it's not wrong. it's creative!

    I have accidently had 2 glasses of wine tonight - I came in from taxi duty and poured a glass then found out Mr Sezza had already got me a glass - D'oh!!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Tea made, cupboard raided.....only it wasn't Christmas Chocolate but the last of last years Easter Eggs!!!!

    I agree MC, can we not recover from one chocolatey event before they start pushing the next.....especially when you have to take a chocoholic 4 year old shopping! It's amazing how quickly a trolley can whizz past an aisle when it has to!


  • Comment number 28.

    Cheers MC, thanks hun. Am very much not OK, sinking fast without my main man Jasper (two weeks ago yesterday). But I'm pretending I'm alright today... big smiles, eh?

    I had the last out-of-date mince pie a couple of days ago, yummy! And I got a £5 selection box of cheese for 99p in my local Co-op (other local convenience stores available) PLUS a bag of apples for 25p - wahey!!!

    But the mercenary nature of marketing appals me too. Anyone care to wager when the first 2012 Chrimble tree will be spotted this year?! Last year I sighted my first one in August (in a hotel - book early for Christmas!!!). I'm guessing June this year... it's just soul-less. This Christmas day, I helped do the lunch for the local lonely old folks. Although my mum's Christmas dinner looked a lot less appetising than usual this year (like in that Vicar of Dibley episode, when you've spent the best part of the day with Christmas dinner the very last thing you'd want to see is... another Christmas dinner!! But I don't think the Pot Noodle people do a Turkey'n'Stuffing flavour...), it was a great day. The organiser put a thank-you note and a photo through my letterbox today and, to crown the whole, I look thinner in the pic than I've done in ages! Result!! (Another outing for the top I bought specially for the post-CiN phonelines dinner)!

    Merry Christmas!! Roo xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Roo (((xxx)))

    Ebbs, I used to tell my kids the things were there for the Easter Bunny or Santa to buy and we were only allowed to say what we liked so they could buy them!

    Stopped working when they were, oooh, about 12! ;-)


  • Comment number 30.

    Hello Winos!

    Only tea for me tonight.

    Sezza, hubby brought me in one of the self same bunnies tonight, it was a shame not to eat it! lol Never tried them before, but definitely on the 'like' list now.
    Also one of his customers gave him a tin of Q St chocs today so had to help him with those too.

    Diet? What diet?

    Annie, I too cringed when that guy went 'down the tube'........Scary!

    Hi MC and Roo, hope you are both well. xx

    ´óÏó´«Ã½4.......Imagine.........Simon & Garfunkel...........fantastic!

    Ta ta for now, Lin x

  • Comment number 31.

    Lin, I have a tin of chocs hidden away - either Mr Sezza or I was given it by a contractor at Christmas and I am trying desperately not to open it!

    It is my little brothers 40th birthday next week and we are doing a surprise party for him so I have suggested to Mum that little bowls of choc would be a good addition to the party table!

    Unfortunately, they have a tin of chocs to use up so I am going to have to be quick to get mine used up!

    2 glasses of wine = wobbly keyboard!

    Roo, I met a new four-legged resident at work this week. Sadly, we lost our Westie look-out just before Christmas - one of my residents had Jock who used to stand on the window-sill checking out everyone who came on site! Her family have just bought her Hannah, a beautiful Scottie - only sold by the breeder because her tail has a little kink in it! She has certainly brought new life to Lottie's eyes, that's for sure!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Aw, Sez, that's lovely! I am so sorry to hear about lovely Jock - but I hope that sweet Hannah will bring her companion a great deal of joy and happiness. xx

    Thank heaven that Hannah's "kinky tail" has preserved her from the fate of becoming a breeder's puppy-machine. Dog breeders baffle me. Most demand perfection, which is nigh-on impossible. I had a 'phone call last week from the husband of a friend. He said "I know it's early days - but we've got a litter of pups and I have a buyer for the male, but can let you have the male pup for - just because it's you and you're a mate - £750.". I found it hard to express myself without being insolent.

    Jasper cannot be replaced. But should I decide to get another dog in the future it will be - as with Jasper and his predecessors Jaki and Tess - from a rescue home. Grrrr....

    Girlracer - don't taint ME with the slur of being a weakly weekly wino, I'm on the other W! (whisky) - now THAT'S a jog down Quality Street for sure...!

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Anyone watching Kenneth Brannagh on with Graham Norton?

    Think he should be a Friday guest!!!!

    Definately time for bed - just took three goes typing that!!!

    Night all, sweet dreams

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 34.

    P.S. Sezza - love and hugs to Lottie from me. How fortunate she is to have you, not to mention the memories of her Jock, a loving, caring family, and now her new friend Hannah in her life. Every blessing to her.

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Ahh Roo, I think you and Lottie would get on well! As a lass form the highlands - her greeting to me is usually Y'aright Hen? - I think the whiskey would be a pleasure for all!


  • Comment number 36.

    Not watching the lovely Kenneth B with Graham N - I don't have a telly!

    But I do like listening to Graham Norton's Saturday radio show...

    Have a good weekend!

    lots of love, Roo xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Sezza - Ah, y'aright hen the noo?! To me, it would normally be "Halud yer whisht gurl!" hehe... Lottie sounds like a fab lady. Whenever I talk to an elderly lady (or man) I try and look into their eyes to see the young and spirited girl (or boy) that they once were and communicate with them on THAT level. Old people aren't doddery fools - they're US, but from a while ago, and most of them have lots to say that's worth listening to.

    I daresay Hannah and Lottie will enjoy many a "girls' night in" - and good luck to the both of them.

    Right. I really AM going now... Bottle empty = bed. But I shall happily raise a glass to Lottie and Hannah tomorrow!

    Nighty-night me ol' china (as they say where I come from!),

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Morning all

    Bit breezy and damp here. I'm munching breakfast and pondering if I have time to do a quick food shop before my tall visitor arrives to help me stick some boxes in the loft. I'm meant to be feeding him in exchange for the help, but there's a distinct lack of sarnie fillings and bread in my cupboards and I have no idea what to make for tea. Whoops!

    On the up side all my boxes are ready for the loft (didn't think they were going to be) :)

    Onwards and upwards (literally when the ladder arrives!)

    Hugs to all

  • Comment number 39.

    Morning All,

    House work done - check
    Newspaper purchased - check
    Second lot of washing on - check
    Proper coffee poured - check
    Oven cleaned - whoops :(

    Perhaps I'll do that this afternoon, after I've made some cakes for my lunch next week.

    So how is everyone this morning? Good to read you all last night, sounded like FNWC was going with a flow.

    The clouds are moving at quite a pace here, which means one moment it's sunny and the next it's grey.

    Thanks to all those who have commented on my FB post, I'll get all the details to you this weekend. I am truely blessed with wonderful friends - THANK YOU xxx

    I'm sure I'll be back later.


  • Comment number 40.


    Alib,I'm all worn out reading what you have done this morning already.Cant get my head sorted out today ,and no drink was invovled ,slept too heavy me thinks..

    Yesas nice to read what you were all up to last night ,didn't do much myself and not doing much of anything today apart from a trip to the supremarket ,I do live an exciting life you know!!

    Quite a pleasant day here ,suns out ,a few clouds floating around ,but no rain.

    Take care all and enjoy your day.


  • Comment number 41.

    OZ, sorry missed you there, hope you get them boxes up into your loft ,and can you send that nice tall vistor down to me afterwards I could use him here !

    And what ended up on the sarnies ,I could always pick you something up when I pop out later if you like? ;).


  • Comment number 42.

    Afternoon all!

    Seems like you had fun last night, and good to see Roo again - keep your chin up sweetie, all of us on here who have lost a trusted friend understand your pain - hugs x

    Have just made a quiche for my lunch and most tasty it was too - those of you who remember my pasty antics from last year will be relieved to hear that I used ready rolled pastry!

    Just having a chilling weekend after the hecticness of the last 3 weeks, feet up and tele catch up for me

    Happy Saturday everyone

  • Comment number 43.


    Apologies for my abrupt departure last night......'puter decided it had had enough and turned itself off!!

    I survived the party....just...and the boy is now fast asleep in quick smart fashion after declaring himself 'not tired'!

    It's cheese on toast for us tonight....I can't be bothered! And the first ever Doc Martin is on, I love it!


  • Comment number 44.

    Evening each

    Woos of a friend has gone to bed. Mind you, she has 3 boys who've been farmed out to her mother so I suppose she needs her sleep.

    Roo - thinking of you. xx

    And a wee comment on your thoughts about old people: I was at a checkout in the local supermarket the other day when an assistant said to me 'You can use the self-service checkout you know - one of the girls will do it for you if you can't manage'. Stupid patronising woman.

    Anyone heard of geocache thingy? Have been driving friend round the local area this afternoon and she found 5 caches - she's obsessed with it.


  • Comment number 45.

    Oh Annie, have we heard of geo-caching?? Mr Sezza has been obsessed with it for months now!

    He and the boys are geo-cachers and I'm a hanger-on, trailer-behind and (sometimes) willing accomplice!

    We're even going to the lake district in August for a weekend with other such nerdy geeks - I mean, keen enthusiasts!!! I don't mind - we're going to the home of the sticky toffee pudding!!

    He's been out this afternoon and I've been tucked up with a pile of card, glue and glitter making 40th and 13th birthday cards!

    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Sezza, how many has he got? Friend has notched up 158. Honest to god, how mad are these people??


  • Comment number 47.

    Apparently Sezza, there's 2 at the top of Ben Nevis!!!!!


  • Comment number 48.

    Not sure what to have tonight, and haven't caught up!

    I might have cheese on toast too lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 49.

    JG, cheese on toast is good! My favourite is beans on toast with cheese grated on top!! yum!

    Annie - 700 or 800! He had me out before Christmas setting up his on trail! And they won't even tell me how tall the tree was that boy1 climbed to get the cache at the top! MAD!


  • Comment number 50.

    Sezza - friend will be sooo jealous. Tell him we were all over Dunfermline, Crossford etc. They're all mad - mad I say!!!!

    We're having scrambled eggs, with grated cheese, in our croissants tomorrow morning before I drive friend to her last cache. Lord help me. xxxxx

  • Comment number 51.

    hee hee hee..........

    lovingly made cheese on toast for t'other who then goes and throws some of it in his cold cup of tea........I did giggle!! Love him!


  • Comment number 52.

    Hee Hee Ebs, did you not tell him a digestive works better!

    Annie, I'n sure with your help, your friend will soon be up there too!! ;-)


  • Comment number 53.

    ps Annie, just read your post again!

    Therre is no such thing as a last cache!!!!

    Night all, sweet dreams

  • Comment number 54.

    I give up....off to bed - the party has worn me out as well!

    T'other is taking the boy out for the afternoon tomorrow so I wil 'see' you lot then!


  • Comment number 55.

    Morning all!
    Not opened the curtains yet so cant comment on the weather but its meant to be dry so I might get my mini chain saw out later and hack back the lavender bushes before they start growing again. Out on walkies I'm already noticing bulbs popping out of the verges. Whoo hoo summer is on its way!

    I am trying to lose weight and have decided to go the old fashioned way of counting calories as I figure I can eat a little of what I want and not exclude any particular food groups - however, just worked out what my "normal" sunday roast would be and its my whole day allowance! yikes!!! Me think pigs in blankets and cauli cheese are just not worth 500 calories!!!

    lettuce anyone?
    So whatever you are up to, have a good day

  • Comment number 56.


    Debs - I'm watching the calories as well, not so much a diet as I've never eaten lots of junk, just not eating as much!! I've got an app on my phone that counts all the calories and the exercise every day - its interesting to to actually see how much/little you're doing! Seems to be working though......

    No outing the the boy today as he ran off in protest of coming home while walking the dog.....I had to drop dogs lead and recently purchased milk to chase him - and I had to run.......

    I shall just have to keep the image of t'other cheese on toast in his cold tea to keep me smiling!!

  • Comment number 57.

    Afternoon all

    Boys all gone out - geo caching of course Annie!

    Cakes made and iced (and bowl licked!)

    Looks like it's me and my book for the afternoon then!

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Afternoon all

    Having a bit of a dvd day today after the usual Sunday activities. Bit breezy again here, got a free blow dry in one of those extremely windblown looks!

    Bids: you can have tall visitor if you need him, but he's left the ladder here... in the loft, where I can't reach! Managed to get some bread so he got cheese sarnies for lunch, and the tea problem was solved by a trip to the pub ;)

    I know a few people who are into geo caching. Think you need a more up to date phone than mine to partake!

    Right back to the dvds...

    Hugs to all

  • Comment number 59.

    Evening all!

    Debs and Annie - thank you for your sweet words. xxx

    Oz - did you enjoy your DVD-fest? What did you watch? With my Christmas tokens, I bought the complete box-set of The Tudors. I love history, so some of it rankles a bit - and it might be a guilty pleasure; but a definite pleasure nonetheless. Henry Cavill (the new Superman, by the way...) - yumyumyumyum.... And I wouldn't cast Jonathan Rhys-Meyers aside for nicking my biscuits either... ;-)

    Big RooHugs to all,

    Roo xxxx

  • Comment number 60.

    BTW, Sezza - did you put Pudsey's mini girlfriend in a geocache in the end?

    R x

  • Comment number 61.

    Roo: couple of Pixar things: Ice Age 3 (I love scrat), and some shorts (including that cute angle poise lamp), and then I started on the Vicar of Dibley box set. All was going well til the point where the 2nd dvd refused to play... Might have to take that one back as disc 3 plays ok, will have to test the rest of the set first mind. Dvd watching habit might have to continue this week. Although not tonight as for some reason I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open. Probably sitting down and relaxing has caused that...


  • Comment number 62.

    Hi Oz - much respect to your choices - you can't go wrong with those DVDs!

    I love the Vicar of Dibley - lovely series. I've got a few episodes from the first series on DVD, but will have to save up for the box set. Sorry about the dodgy DVD, that's so annoying! I had an iffy one in my season 5 set of Sex and the City - I got a replacement, only to find the same fault on the same episode - aaaargghhh!!!

    This has reminded me - somewhere, I have a DVD of Jasper's performance as Bullseye in one of the productions of Oliver! in which he appeared. Must dig that out sometime.

    love, Roo xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Morning all

    Roo: sincerely hope the same thing doesn't happen with my dvd, had similar trouble with a cd I bought years ago, took it back, got the same problem on the replacement at which point I took it back and got my money back. Had the set a bit over the 28 days take back thing though, and got a few other dvds at the same time... might have to have a major dvd watching session again next weekend ;)

    Hugs to all

  • Comment number 64.

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