Your Letters
Diplomat's dilemma: Would you shake hands with someone reviled? In life you shake the hands of many people. Some you like, some you dislike. But never stoop to the level of those you hate by not shaking their hand when it is offered.
Ian Friend
"Apes beat Smurfs..." Fine mental imagery conjured up there.
Sarah , Basel, Switzerland
Cut death risk by 14%? The road to immortality starts here!
Rob, Birmingham, UK
Should this not be more properly called the new Surrey Museum of Measures?
Rusty, Montreal, Canada
I don't care that it's only the 15th - I'm calling it. Pun Of The Month goes to Ross Brawn for his exquisite work in the final paragraph of this article. Bravo, Ross. Bravo.
Alex Knibb, Bristol, UK
Howard (Monday's letters), I only got as far as the first four words and then I was lost in a daydream about Daniel Craig minus "those" shorts.
Anne R, Fareham, UK
Re: James (Friday's Letters) and Angus (Monday's Letters). A neutron walked into a bar and asked, "How much for a drink?" The bartender replied, "For you, no charge."
Aqua Suliser, Bath