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Wednesday 4 May 2011

Verity Murphy | 13:30 UK time, Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Here is what we are planning for tonight's programme:

We have the second in our series of extraordinary films on the 7/7 terror attacks in London, in which people caught up in the 7/7 terror bombings in London recount how the attacks unfolded.

If you missed Tuesday's film on the Circle Line attack .

On the eve of elections around the country we look at what is at stake for our political parties and who the winners and losers are likely to be.

We will be taking a close look at the Egyptian-mediated reconciliation pact between rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas, asking what it means for the prospect of peace in the Middle East.

Jeremy has an interview with new ´óÏó´«Ã½ Trust chairman Lord Patten.

And with the debate about whether a picture of Osama Bin Laden's body should be released we ask why it is so important to see such pictures and look back at some of the famous images of fallen foes from Mussolini to Saddam Hussein.


  • Comment number 1.

    do we think it has all ended with the death of Bin Laden? What a good question and a good subject for NN

  • Comment number 2.


    A day that will go down on the Wrong Side of History.

    Before the voice of the People could be heard, regarding AV, it was pre-emptively drowned out by the rank ordure of the NO Campaign.


    Here are the Westminster party political pits laid open for the world’s eyes to see.

    The behaviour of our political parties, and constituent MPs, is upon their heads only.


  • Comment number 3.


    We need a word for 'weirder than weird' stevie.

    First there was the wacky scene of the Obama Cabal APPARENTLY GATHERED TO WATCH THE KILLER RAID. Now, in surreal contrast, the release of selected stills from the movie, IS DELAYED ON GROUNDS OF TASTE.

    Is it me?

    (They said it was 'golfing wear' but it looked more like Batmangarb to me . . . What do we REALLY know of Barack Obama?)

  • Comment number 4.

    Heard Donald Trump wants to see bin Laden’s death certificate!

  • Comment number 5.

    'we ask why it is so important to see such pictures'

    Maybe better first to look at who finds it most important to get them to share, and where. The why kind of becomes obvious.

    The MSM could do worse than simply check a mirror.

    'who the winners and losers are likely to be.'

    Pleaaase can we have Jon Humphrys 'interviewing' Ed, Edd, er Eddie Izzard?

    I am having trouble deciding and these two in combo may just persuade me one way over another.

  • Comment number 6.


    These last few days have not been about Osama its been about you, the US Govt and its fathoms deep..

    Everyone can see that the ´óÏó´«Ã½ and rest of the MSM just does as its told - no true investigative journos and starkly so . After Dr Kelly you got really slapped down not that you were anything of an attack dog.

    'The importance of a photo' balance that with the importance of photoshop; trust me now I'm rather expert in its use. Unless I can study the original raw not put through a converter forget it.

    Here is a better question:

    Given the above, why should we watch or pay your wages?

  • Comment number 7.


    Even Portillo is using the 'given' that 9/11 was as-described by the Authorised Conspiracy Theory. He can usually be relied upon to be measured and perceptive.

    We truly are 'living within the lie', with not one 'greengrocer' prepared to 'call it'. The level of open deceit in the NO Campaign, was breathtaking. There is no law for referenda, but more to the point, the people now just roll over.

    Ah - 'fathoms'. You knew where the bottom was in those days. Now it's everywhere.

  • Comment number 8.

    Irony anyone?

    ".....The reality of bin Laden was very different - a man who encouraged others to make the ultimate sacrifice while he himself hid in the comfort of a large, expensive villa ...."

    The source and context is here:

  • Comment number 9.


    And the man even had the gall to see himself as some iconic world leader in a Manichean FINAL BATTLE.

    Who did he think he was? TONY BLAIR?

  • Comment number 10.

    Re Bin Laden killing...

    Direct Obama quote on ´óÏó´«Ã½ News at 10 tonight...."The capture and death of Osama"


    So he was captured and then assisinated in cold blood. Justice!

  • Comment number 11.

    What's Patten's opinion of Paxman's salary?

  • Comment number 12.

    JEREMY'S BACK (#11)

    But even added to his front, the value for money is hard to detect.

  • Comment number 13.


    Nothing added to the subject - just questions anyone could float, and statements of what needs to be done.

    Quite why he is worth air time I cannot fathom.

    And the EYES never smile.

  • Comment number 14.

    #12 barriesingleton wrote:

    JEREMY'S BACK (#11)

    'But even added to his front, the value for money is hard to detect.'


    Do'ya mean his Y-fronts?

  • Comment number 15.

    Chris Perkins was talking nonsense...is he a liberal?

  • Comment number 16.

    Have you heard Elton John's tribute song to Osama?....'Sandals in the bin'

  • Comment number 17.

    @13 "And the EYES never smile. " He morphed into his own picture in the attic a decade ago!

  • Comment number 18.


    Odd really. 9/11 was never going to pass scrutiny - and it doesn't. One tower might have seemed like a lucky terrorist, followed by a fluke collapse, but TWO towers 'looks like carelessness'. Add a third, with no trace of a viable narrative, and you have undeniable FALSE FLAG. That didn't faze magic Obama.

    So let’s have the photos. We can file them with the Obama birth certificate and damning footage from 9/11, under URBAN MYTHS, shove them down the memory hole, and concentrate on loving Big Brother.

    I wonder if ANYONE in the ´óÏó´«Ã½ knows how serious all this is?

  • Comment number 19.

    Cameron did look a bit rough when he made his statement on the killing of Bin Laden in Pakistan in the early hours of Monday morning.

    Bet he was just relieved that Bin Laden wasn't discovered in Bradford on full benefits!


  • Comment number 20.

    muse @ 16, heres one for yer:

    Osama Bin Laden offically dead the same week Obama officially born...what was the odds in that happening eh?

    Obamas a Leninist-Marxist by the way.

  • Comment number 21.

    So, Osama Bin Laden is finally dead.

    I think we should have another bank holiday?

  • Comment number 22.

    #20 kevseywevsey

    Here's one for you!

    'For those who love interesting tid bits of strange information, confirmation about the death of Adolf Hitler also took place on the same calendar date as the confirmation of Osama Bin Laden's death - both on May 1st, sixty six years to the day. The comedy show must go on.'

    btw - you really need to sort out your understanding of Obama's Marxist Leninist ideology out. Gimme some proof!

    Obama was bankrolled by Wall St....how does that make him a Marxist/Leninist?

  • Comment number 23.

    '10. At 22:08pm 4th May 2011, museV wrote:
    Re Bin Laden killing...'

    Have to say the 'well-oiled machine' seems to have managed almost post-Iraqian levels of after-the-event contingency and 'what happens now-ness'.

    Watched a rather slow car crash with a young man at a podium deciding on various holes and then digging them at a 'press' (if that is the calibre at the top of the 4th estate in the US that gets to be at a White House briefing... OMG) conference.

    In particular I felt that the use of the word 'execution', if only referring to the conduct of the operation, was perhaps unfortunate in the circumstances.

    Maybe, in future, politicians may find merit in not leaping to the microphone until you actually know what has happened and/or what's for the best, even if the media patently are not so troubled.

    You don't deny them the opportunity to say 'this may distress some viewers' and wheel in hundreds of low to no-qualified experts to do just that, plus a lot of stirring, without serious consequences.

    The pu... MSM has a right to ratings!

  • Comment number 24.

    who are the mad dogs?

  • Comment number 25.

    Bankers and Govts

    In full view .

    What happens when a criminal gets away with a crime, do they stop it or go on ?

    What happens when a faction of the US military speaks its mind in public through a another, names are named, the problem pinpointed and the knowledge and confidence of articulation speaks to some credible force ?

  • Comment number 26.


    While Billy the Spud, a latter day 'Orrance', brings the Arab world to enlightenment and joy, back home, all the main support-members of British culture are rotten to the point of collapse.

    The so-called 'mistakes' of banking are oozing to the light, like bleeding canker in the English Oak. The people's AV voice is being drowned out by tyrannical megaphone-hypocrisy, practised by a ruthless tyrant, even before the poll has taken place. The primary media outlet is suppressing, by default, the 9/11 reality, on which so much evildoing is predicated, even though proof of a false-flag operation is nearing irrefutable exposure. (A situation not unlike 'money-truth', just before reality dawned.)


    Minimise foreign interference and put THIS rotten house in order - if you know how.

    I repeat:


    The rotten oak lives on, replete with fruit;
    fed by its heart’s decay, it boasts success.
    Enthusiastic branches bow that trunk
    and pay full homage to its patronage.
    Once backbone’s true-grain majesty held sway
    but now corrupt, dark process feeds a shell;
    that core, long since bereft of virtue’s ring
    usurped, degraded; meeting falsehoods needs.
    So stands Great Britain: posturing the World
    while cant, hypocrisy and turpitude -
    it’s Rotten Boroughs - make up Parliament
    where talk is cheap; truth economical.
    On Trade and Trident British pride stands tall
    but like that tree, core-rotten, we shall fall.

  • Comment number 27.

    Bob Chapman Wednesday 4 May 2011

    'Going on since Last week'

    'The Tresasury Department was calling all the commodity firms and other investment banking and brokerage firms that do commodities for others and they told them that they wanted them to recommend to their clients that they close all gold and silver and commodity positions, they also raised margin requirements double'

    This is a definite transparent attempt to rig the market'

  • Comment number 28.

    26. The people's AV voice is being drowned out by tyrannical megaphone-hypocrisy, practised by a ruthless tyrant.

    It's only an election!

    I think AV lost support because the AV campaign couldn't see its own zealotry.

    The No campaign was rightly criticised for implying the GP are incapable of understanding AV, but the AV campaign has put alot of people off by behaving as if they are *irritated* by people who say they will vote No, when in reality we all know that in an election each individual is *free* to follow his/her own conscience.

  • Comment number 29.


    Nice work if you can get it:

    Time to fine people for using the word 'society' - I wanted to find a suitable quote but...someone should re-write this page !

  • Comment number 30.

    Whats a credible source these days, is it those who can all-envelop BS better and effectively discredit any descent with derogatory labels or just not allow those who question validity to have a voice ?

  • Comment number 31.


    West Midlands Police officers invited to work for free

    West Midlands Police officers who have been forcibly retired due to budget cuts have been invited to return to policing and work for free.
    Officers made redundant by West Midlands Police have been sent letters inviting them to apply to be Special Constables - volunteer police officers.
    The officers left under regulation A19 through which police with 30 years service can be forced to retire.

    "It was a bit of a kick in the teeth really."

  • Comment number 32.



    yes. but it works both ways which is why we have reason, logic, and debate.

  • Comment number 33.

    31. What did you think the BS was? How many times did you hear DC say "It isn't about voluntary work."; wasn't that clue enough? THEY like to give US clues as to what they are doing. :)

  • Comment number 34.


    Sniff, sniff...

    I think I can smell it too!

  • Comment number 35.


    But not for long... retired toilet attendants are being recruited as Voluntary Community Air Wardens and will go round spraying air freshener - if you want to have a say in what scent is used in your street go along to the public meeting.

  • Comment number 36.

    we should complain...if the Americans can have their bins taken out on a bank holiday...why can't we?

  • Comment number 37.


    stevie - you are lard'n the joke.

  • Comment number 38.

    Loved Jeremy's interview with Lord Patten. He even owns up to watching ´óÏó´«Ã½3 like the rest of us :p


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