
大象传媒 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Thursday 30 June 2011

Sarah McDermott | 12:11 UK time, Thursday, 30 June 2011

Hundreds of thousands of public sector workers have gone on strike across the UK over planned pension changes.

Tonight David Grossman, who has been out on the streets of London with protesters, examines the proposals for public service pensions and we'll hear from the government, Unions and the Labour Party.

Meanwhile, Anna Adams has spent the day in Kent hearing from parents, pupils and teachers about how today's one day strike has affected them.

Then we'll take a brief look at the history of British industrial disputes, and discuss what the political consequences of more strikes are likely to be with our political panel.

And Sue Lloyd Roberts has another report for us from Syria - this time about how the revolution there kicked off and what role cyber activism played in it.

Do join Kirsty for all that and more at 2230 on 大象传媒 Two.


  • Comment number 1.

  • Comment number 2.


    Evidence like this ( and my above link #1 about being held to ransom by the energy cartel mafia for backup for windfarms to stop the lights going out ) must prove that the whole Climate Change scene is nothing more than an investment scam.

  • Comment number 3.


    Himalayas glaciers advancing

    the carbon scam that transfers billions a year from the many to the few is being fuelled by whom? the people who own the carbon exchanges? surely not.

  • Comment number 4.


    DAMNED: 'Deckchair Attendants Marine Non Entity Division' (sorry - best I could do).

    Whatever happened to judicious panic? Tony's 'Education X 3' has clearly done its work, if the educated strikers are so unaware of the tilting deck. And they have surely all seen Bond films; Cap'n Dave has a silk-lined escape pod.

    Is it me?

  • Comment number 5.


    They could house the idle power units in the idle fire-service control buildings.


  • Comment number 6.


    Followed by 'FLEXITARIFF' to maximise profit to the energy companies, while making it (legally) impossible to save, even by using less. Many more Regulators will be appointed, to meet a tide of confused enquiries, with vacuous platitudes. Retiring ministers will join energy companies, at high salaries.

    It's what your democracy's for.

  • Comment number 7.

    The workers involved in the dispute have decided not to sell their labour today. In my view an absolute fundamental right. Is anyone suggesting that we resort to forced labour in the UK? If so, Why?

  • Comment number 8.


    1995: "Molten Metal Technology Inc. was a firm that proclaimed to have invented a process for recycling metals from waste." Did they have a China operation?

    "the Canadian born Strong is little known in the United States. That鈥檚 because he spends most of his time in China"

    One of the telling signatures of the 9/11 illusion, was MOLTEN METAL and the EVIDENCE OF THE CRIME was shipped in haste to CHINA. OK - I admit the molten metal link is just me having fun, but these crooks are all NWO movers and shakers, so the China connection is interesting.

  • Comment number 9.

    A good time to ponder on the idea that while all should have the right (or indeed the right and privilege to strike AND keep one's job in the public sector) ... it is time to ensure that where large scale organised industrial or other protests or actions cause damage to people, property and our economy - that those organising and perpetrating these actions should reasonable and properly be required at law to meet the cost and recompense of the damage by a damages claim in the Courts.

    In other words, it is high time that UK law changed to make sure that Union leaders and their blackmail servants in the Labour Party - pay for the damage that their strikes cause to our UK people and our economy.

    I for one am sick of tired of the UK being regarded as the original strike torn laughing stock around the world because of the habits and mentality of our strike obsessed militant trade unions, Labour party poodle and hard line socialist trouble makers.

    Personal freedoms are great - but they also come at a price and with conditions that need to be very carefully, democratically evaluated and reviewed periodically over time.

    Militant strikers and trouble makers - it is time you and your unions, Labour and other political parties and hanger on thugs started paying in full for all of your damage to ordinary British workers and tax payers.

  • Comment number 10.

    Another now proven bent scientist, perhaps the CO2 global warming gang could be the next in the dock !

  • Comment number 11.

    Even the Russians are discussing our overpopulation..... ..... but I notice Newsnight isn't!

  • Comment number 12.

    I hate to use a WW2 analogy but perhaps the current position of mainstream politicians in general as regarding the Climate Scam screams parallels with the totally fictional inventive mind of double agent Garbo who had Adolf Hitler and almost all the rest of the German high command believing everything he said regarding the invasion of France on D-Day !

    This time its the Banks trying to asset strip our economy and render us all virtual slaves to a welfare state for the stock market parasites and existing private pensions. China could probably walk in unopposed, but if anyone was to invade it would probably be a Wall Street sponsored US to claim all the money back when we default on the debt.

  • Comment number 13.

    I realise it's where he'd love to be, but why does David Grossman need to be 'out on the streets'?

    "...examines the proposals..." Not even on the day of massive protests, does the 大象传媒 deign to provide us with a proper investigation of economically-disastrous public sector pension liabilities.

    "Meanwhile, Anna Adams has spent the day in Kent hearing from parents, pupils and teachers about how today's one day strike has affected them." Sounds like brain-dead 'six o'clock news' territory.

    "And Sue Lloyd Roberts has another report for us from Syria - this time about how the revolution there kicked off and what role cyber activism played in it." The Leftie media always acts like giddy children when discussing 'cyber' activism and is always devoid of any real-world understanding of its true 鈥 very limited 鈥 effects, especially in the West. Wait a few years to see the true results in Egypt, et al.

  • Comment number 14.


    Here, in the West, Paypal still works, VISA still works, Wikleaks hasn't had the desired effects and every security weakness has been quickly rectified.

    On a more general note: I get the impression that Newsnight audience nos. aren't what they used to be, as Jeremy's snapping at Mr. Mason, yesterday, seemed contrived to generate a bit of controversy.

  • Comment number 15.

    Well the Cons do a lot of talking.....

    But it doesn't bring down unemployment for the young. How can it with enough people to build a city the size of Manchester moving here last year.

  • Comment number 16.

    I think there would be a lot more support for school teachers if they worked for most of the year like the rest of the population, instead of having 3 months off every year.

    While they are enjoying their holiday breaks, mums are having to continue working to help support - or in many cases fully support - their families and then find extra money for child minders to cover holidays in the process.

    Many of them won't even near the prospect of enjoying a nice pension at the end of their working lives.

    The long school summer holidays arose from over a hundred years ago, when penniless families used to take their children out of school to go fruit and hop picking to help supplement the family income. So it was pointless keeping schools open.

    Times have changed radically since.

    Perhaps someone should teach the teachers that we are now in the 21st century.

  • Comment number 17.

  • Comment number 18.


    Asked by Kirsty Wark. The subject of the question is of no account, as one answer covers all: "WHATEVER WOULD ADVANCE THE BLAIR AGENDA".

    Has Kirsty STILL not realised that Blair was an illusion - a blagger - a snake oil salesman - needy and self obsessed? Please, someone, help her to watch this clip with wise eyes: /news/uk-politics-13919120

    It is clear from this gauche, swaggering, bewildered shell, that Blair has lost belief in his God-given belief.

  • Comment number 19.


    He declared the 'Twin Towers' (no Mr D - THREE towers) brought down by al Qaida hijackers (no Mr D - by sophisticated demolition techniques) made it imperative to invade Afghanistan (no Mr D - invasion was part of the move to a New World Order.)

    Where is WESTMINSTER FOR 9/11 TRUTH? Lost to the Age of Perversity I presume.

  • Comment number 20.

    Some good news:

  • Comment number 21.


    Looks pretty obvious, eh 76? Those out to get S/K knew his penchant and set him up. "Or did they!" (Homer Simpson.)

    How about: S/K makes injudicious advance, is shopped, and now his well rewarded fixers are moving to make it look like a set up?

    Remember 9/11 'collapses by fire' - Kelly 'suicide' - bin Laden 'killing'?

    Take another look behind the arras.

    Just HOW MANY nested lies do we live within?


  • Comment number 22.

    Revealed: British government's plan to play down Fukushima

    'British government officials approached nuclear companies to draw up a co-ordinated public relations strategy to play down the Fukushima nuclear accident just two days after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and before the extent of the radiation leak was known.'

    Fiat's Fire - Gangrene Thursday

    'In all seriousness, anyone concerned with the ongoing global crisis called Fukushima should set aside one hour to listen to this full interview with Arnie Gundersen. If the majority of people in North America knew what was really going on, the scenes in Greece would look like playtime. Wealth without health, is what?'

  • Comment number 23.

    @ Barrie #21 - DSK is INNOCENT. Didn't you remember Christiane Lagarde & George Osbourne on NN the week before the alleged incident :p (just before the new IMF Chief was to be elected)? Far too much of a coincidence. Either way, the xenophobia against the French by many was blatent.

  • Comment number 24.

    The IMF has turned into Obama's poodle

    'Of course, what's judged good for the UK could be inappropriate for the US, with its central position at the heart of the world economy as consumer of last resort. But that's not the way I see it. As ever, the IMF is the incumbent administration's poodle. It largely says what it is told to.'

  • Comment number 25.

    It is very 鈥渓eft wing鈥 for people to refer to 鈥済overnment money鈥 as a endless pot of money, but in reality the government has no money of its own. The only money the government has is by what it can deprive its citizens of by means of taxation, either now (via tax) or at a later point in time by borrowing (deferred taxation).

    Why Are Public Sector costs important ?

    Because the more expense you or I have to endure as 鈥渓iving costs鈥, the more wages we demand , which then makes our services and goods more expensive to export (earning foreign currency), which of course enables us to afford such things as public services in the first place. A catch 22 dilemma.

    Rule of Thumb
    If non public sector taxpayers can not afford a works pensions of equal benefit as public sector workers are demanding, then there is a mismatch of expectations somewhere.

  • Comment number 26.

    If the teachers want to strike again..can they please do it sometime in the 6 weeks summer holiday, or the autume break, or the christmas fortnight or the half term... or one of those teacher training days they are always going on.

  • Comment number 27.

    "...then there is a mismatch of expectations somewhere..."

    Agreed. Has long been thus.


    Where did those labouring under those expectations get them from?

    And how do we go about changing rather a lot of 'expectations' in a downward direction.

  • Comment number 28.

    I did not hear this perk mentioned on NN ?

    Didn't the ATL (Association of Teachers & Lecturers) strike yesterday ?

  • Comment number 29.

    '13. At 22:28 30th Jun 2011, Strugglingtostaycalm - Sounds like brain-dead 'six o'clock news' territory.

    Were they (well, those who made the cut in the edit suite) by chance asked 'how they feel'?

    Works on me like a cold caller on a bad line kicking off by asking 'How are you today?' [click]

  • Comment number 30.

    education system doesn't need saving. it needs disbanding and outsourced to poland where they turn out articulate educated skilled people with a work ethic.

    got to love kirsty's long convoluted questions that by the time she's finished no one can remember what the point was anyway.

    monarchy is a form of apartheid. so NN loves apartheid?

  • Comment number 31.

    Even though Denmark is an EU country, it is now going to install border controls for ALL.

  • Comment number 32.

    #31 So the Danes can do it why can't we?!

    Thanks for the link Mistress

    We are truely gutless

  • Comment number 33.

    #30 So why do so many "students" want to come here to study if our education system is so poor....

    ..... oh don't worry I've thought of the answer JC

    Thank goodness we had labour in for 13 years, just about the entire education lives of our young people, yet another thing they trashed.

    Now who do I remember saying, edukashion, edukashion, edukashion, didn't work did it.

  • Comment number 34.

    Is there some reason why NN no longer posts a blog for the programme in good time for the show? Here we are @1530+ and no announcement about what's on tonight's show...

  • Comment number 35.

    if the teachers go on strike again can they do it on the most busy times when everyone will be inconvenienced and call it three days before action in other words be like the government, no consultation, nothing in the manifesto, have no mandate for any of this s.... and generally treat people like serfs and something on your shoe, this government is becoming fascist by the day and the next target will be my cherished 大象传媒, a bastion of fair play and decency. They have Milliband on the run and Keir Hardy will spinning away in his grave as the Labour party becomes the Conservative party Lite......

  • Comment number 36.


    Can I come and live in your world 76 - it is obviously a lot nicer than mine. Who is your Prime Minister?

    Do you remember when (under Maggie) the Matrix Churchill (or was it Forgemasters) directors were headed for prison - not because they were guilty, but because they lost to a stronger force.

  • Comment number 37.

    "......education system doesn't need saving. it needs disbanding...."

    You can say that again.

    Problem is, where do you start? For far too many years we have had tweaks and moderations; too much reliance on box ticking and too broad an age group, curriculum, learning base/set and without the clarity of output requirements.

    The fact that the requirements are plural (we need dustmen as much as we need brain surgeons).

    And I am sorry to say that far too few hours are spent in school instructing and encouraging the right attitude to learning and personal development.

    The first thing educators should do is instil a passion for thinking and learning in young heads, then have the back up to support and nurture that desire; then we can begin to teach skills and facts alongside practice in knowledge application . Currently the lucky ones may get a bit of that from about 16 onwards. ie those already naturally inclined towards higher education. I am not sure if we have the will or the skill in enough abundance to make a difference.

    We now have to pay trained educators to get children out of nappies, sleeping through the night, eating properly, sitting still for more than 3 minutes, road safety and basic fitness and much much more even before they get to abc.

    We used to call these people 'mothers'.

    Any volunteers for the job of setting out, in fewer than 20 pages and in accordance with the plain English campaign, what we (Britain) might need its people to accomplish in the coming 30 - 40 years, and how and where we might start to re-design the system that delivers it?

    As I see it, the system is upside down. We need the best most inspirational teachers with the youngest and least inspired and motivated pupils 鈥 not the top streams .

    Soap box back in cupboard under stairs.

  • Comment number 38.


    Another diversionary 'clean-up jailing' of an MP, but no sign of the Conservative Party or their implicated MPs, WHO GAINED VOTES WITH A FALSE INSTRUMENT, owning up to a CRIMINAL OFFENCE.

    There's honourable.

  • Comment number 39.



    I make no apology for repeat posting of the link. STUDY THE MAN! What a phoney - and still getting worse. Now WE HAVE GOT OURSELVES ANOTHER ONE - WE CAN'T GO ON LIKE THIS! And Netanyahu is USING him - read the signs; he knows Blair is a blagger.

    Politics is nothing to do with good national management - it's a game played with lives, property and wellbeing.

  • Comment number 40.

    #34 richard

    Perhaps the delay in posting a draft agenda for the night's programme has something to do with the fact that the Patten 大象传媒 don't want us common people raising any points which could spoil the pre-scripted propaganda piece of the programme itself ?

  • Comment number 41.

    37 ...Problem is, where do you start? ...

    from models that work? what are poles and indians doing right when they are producing out skilled literate reliable people?

    copy success dump failure.

    as you say we have a child minding system that turns out on the whole the dysfunctional unemployed.

  • Comment number 42.


    ..And Netanyahu is USING him...

    some people want to be used. have a need to be used. s&m.

  • Comment number 43.


    Now we call them 'Time-outers': female somatic-vehicles carrying fine male minds, unfairly robbed of valuable Mammon-Time by taking 'time out' in the degrading business of nurture.

    IT'S A CRIME - literally a crime!

  • Comment number 44.


    It certainly parallels the Dubya fixation. And he (reportedly) courted the cane a lot at school.

    Mmmmnn -worth some thought. Now what is Dave's problem?

  • Comment number 45.


    "...dump failure...."

    Or perhaps we should dump success, or at least the system that all too easily rewards lack of effort. Perhaps we are just not hungry or poor enough or far enough down.............. yet!

    Lack of ambition, drive, commitment exists by the bucketload in those who can as well as those who think they can't. All too often young people seem to be stymied by their lack of vision and self belief (except in their ability to sing, dance or ensnare 'celebrities'). Given the right stimulus and support they might realise they their ability to 'do' is greater by far than their confidence in their ability. They just need someone to give them space to fail safely.

    We need a 'can do' mentality. Perhaps that's what they have in Poland and India - or just a greater need in order to survive at all.

  • Comment number 46.


    (That is not a claim to any kind of prior art.)

    From memory, I said: "if we MUST have schooling, we should make available, to the motivated, the facilities to support their self-education, and then put the bulk of finance, facilities and tutor-hours, into gifted mentoring, with a low ratio of mentor to the mentored. I would install a strong psychological component.

    But we are still of a dog eat dog mentality in Britain. (It is what Westminster loves - just watch them.) The weak go to the prison wall. Why would we wish to drive the prison industry into recession, when we cheerfully 'poison our own people', to feed the insatiable maw of the NHS?

    Nuff sed.

  • Comment number 47.

    YES WE CAN (#45)

    But not while we are hamstrung in a feudal, corruption-riddled culture, that renews itself in pseudo-democratic ritual.

    Where would we be without royal brides and dead heroes? Orwell lives.


  • Comment number 48.

    #37 BYT: we need an education system that does not feel inflicted onto the most disadvantaged children. It is possible.

  • Comment number 49.


    #48 M_H (Mork)

    ".... education system..."

    Yes, I suspect it is, though I think as soon as you use the word 'system' you are on to a less than sure thing surely. A 'system' usually requires a pre determined set of finely tuned components all fitted together in the same way doesn't it? Doesn't that somewhat follow that one 'inflicts' it?

    "....that does not feel inflicted...."

    I think the sooner people are discouraged from acting upon how they feel, rather than what 'is' (and those who feel 'offended' are the worst offenders) the better for all, especially themselves and those who go out of their way to deliver opportunities.

    "....disadvantaged children....."

    Your definition and clarification of dis/advantaged would be of interest. There is background, there is parenting (or lack of) and there are those who see opportunity, when it is 'inflicted' upon them, as disadvantage.

    How do you change those attitudes? Where do you start? Who? How?

    I am really interested.

  • Comment number 50.

    the page for tomorrow currently is a broken link, mods.

  • Comment number 51.


    I know it was addressed to Mort BYT, but I crave indulgence!

    Taking 'education' as 'leading out' I prefer whatever the Greek is for 'offering for intake'. I think that covers 'inflicted' also? An offer is passive.

    With regard to the 'disadvantaged': as I often assert: school is an unnatural, institutionalising environment; ANYONE who enters it - willingly or unwillingly - is disadvantaged, varying only in degree. They are robbed of their formative years, which should optimise individuality and self reliance; the result is Mammonites Coprolites. (sorry - carried away there).

    I'll get me shovel.

  • Comment number 52.

    @#409: "'system' usually requires a pre determined set of finely tuned components all fitted together in the same way doesn't it? Doesn't that somewhat follow that one 'inflicts' it?"

    if you break your leg, the health system picks you up in an ambulance, takes you to the best available hospital, and your leg gets reset by the surgeon, another part of the system. Would you feel this was inflicted upon you?

    so no.

    "I think the sooner people are discouraged from acting upon how they feel, rather than what 'is' (and those who feel 'offended' are the worst offenders) the better for all, especially themselves and those who go out of their way to deliver opportunities."

    top down. Actually, what is needed is to make the children/students feelings conform to 'what is' - and to make "what is" a mainly pleasurable experience for them, so they are not turned off from formal learning. In short, we need to make State schools, and State education in general, aimed at liberating the potentialities of all our young citizens, and make them places our young actually enjoy going to for a variety of reasons. If the students feel encouraged in the schools, why would we want to discourage their feelings??

    "Your definition and clarification of dis/advantaged would be of interest. There is background, there is parenting (or lack of) and there are those who see opportunity, when it is 'inflicted' upon them, as disadvantage.
    How do you change those attitudes? Where do you start? Who? How?"

    everyone is disadvantaged in some ways, everyone is advantaged in some ways. Some 'advantages' can be considered both as good or negative by different groups, or social values.

    in that particular post i was clearly referring, in the context, to educational disadvantage, which also has a very clear link to social disadvantage. The children for whom school has become a ritualistic torture, with no benefit they understand for themselves, a largely pointless exercise in social control they purely feel victims of. With a fair amount of justification, it might be added.

    and the blame for this are the policies of the Govt since 1979, no matter which wing of it was in power, the teachers often as much victims of this imposed regime as their students.

  • Comment number 53.

    "school is an unnatural, institutionalising environment; ANYONE who enters it - willingly or unwillingly - is disadvantaged, varying only in degree. They are robbed of their formative years, which should optimise individuality and self reliance"

    change both the "is", and the "are", to "can be", and i agree completely with you here.

    "the result is Mammonites Coprolites. (sorry - carried away there). "

    i have a higher regard for British teens than you do. Shitty education does not automatically result in shitty people. We are not machines!

  • Comment number 54.


    Last sentence intended to read: "The result is Mammonites and Coprolites." The clue was in the plural 's' on 'Mammonnite'. But Mammonites ARE, effectively, machine parts. And with respect to human machine parts, Metropolis says it all.

  • Comment number 55.

    #52 Mork

    I Don't want to keep splitting hairs - we are I think coming from the same place. Even though pt 1 I would say - YES, to some extent; Pt 2 - I maintain that over reliance on 'how we feel' is not conducive to an emotionally strong (wise?) society.

    Pt 3 - gets interesting. Can we put some flesh on the bones? It's all a bit 'theoretical - sounds just like a political sound bite and not getting to the root of the problems.

    All manner of factors contribute to the outcome you describe as ".....school has become a ritualistic torture, with no benefit they understand for themselves, a largely pointless exercise in social control...". I agree. It has. In far greater number than the few 'outcasts' I was aware of in the late 60s/early 70s.

    The journey includes lack of parenting skills/endorsement so children starting school without the rudiments of social control necessary for the enabling of any interactive environment; total lack of support by parents/elders of any authority establishment; lack of good nutrition and personal habits; lack of funds; lack of vision. Some of these things can be handed out, but most will take at least a generation to right.

    "..... aimed at liberating the potentialities of all our young citizens....." I totally agree. How?

    If you were to raze to the ground every element of the current education system, and began with the generation born in say, 2015, what shape would that system take?

    "....If the students feel encouraged in the schools, why would we want to discourage their feelings??...."

    I would want them to KNOW that they are encouraged - in society. Feelings are fickle. Knowledge is more stable.

  • Comment number 56.


    Just caught a glimpse of IDS - Work and Pensions guru. (A glimpse is enough; I have never forgiven him for granting Tony his war.)

    These thoughts popped into my head: A Polish bloke, who can only get poorly paid work at home, is MOTIVATED to do 'poorly paid' work here, as his home cost-of-living means that on return he might - say - buy a house. Fred Briton, doing poorly paid work, will NEVER be able to buy a house (unless he moves to Poland) hence he is DEMOTIVATED, to the point of moving aside for Polish bloke (though resentful).

    I have said before, that Westminster 'governance', being the shaper of our culture through time, must carry a significant proportion of responsibility for criminality arising from Mammonising of mothers, and storage-facility schooling. Byu the same token, regarding 'idleness' in our potential workforce, Westminster is again guilty of degrading British culture - specifically work ethic - through a variety of errors (strategies?) and should pay the only meaningful price.

    DISMANTLE WESTMINSTER. We must install competent management for UK PLC.

    I presume 'Auf Wiedersehen Pet' was made when Fred Briton could 'do a Pole' in Germany - live cheap, work hard, bring back a useful sum. Did the Germans find the Brits MOTIVATED?

    Gott in Himmel!

  • Comment number 57.


    Kirsty's disrespectful haranging of the Pakistani official was cringeworthy - his smile was telling. Then she moved to her other piano, but the tune was similar. This time some tacit indication of Strauss Khan's animal urges was her desperate quest. All in the name of 'edgy' I presume.

    In passing, if she wore slightly less dramatic heels, she could rise from a chair with a little more grace, and less gerontics.

    Is this all to Lord Patten's liking?

  • Comment number 58.

    #56 Got it in one Barrie!

    Just think how motivating it is as well being constantly told, you won't do the work that foreigners will do, you're thick, you're lazy, you're uneducated, any foreigner is better than a brit.

    Ah but then brits don't have feelings do they?!

  • Comment number 59.


    The JUSTIFIED view that we have of politicians, would never pass the blogdog Lizzy.

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