Banks criticised over loans
- 12 Aug 05, 12:00 AM
Two stories from different parts of the country, but both caught my eye today as they involve banks coming under fire for being irresponsible in giving loans and/or credit cards to disabled people who, it's suggested, were unable to handle the sums involved because of their impairments, and consequently ran up debts. One of the people involved reportedly has bipolar disorder, the other learning difficulties.
Compare and contrast:
(Just to reassure you, that's not our wording on the last headline.)
Be interested to hear your thoughts on these stories in the comments, and whether you've heard of anything similar happening to other people.
I know of two people whom this has happened to. One, also manic depressive, another who was given a large bank loan whilst living in a homeless hostel!
I have the opposite problem - despite the fact of living on disability benefits guarenteed (under current rules anyhow) until I'm 65 I can't get a loan. My partner who is employed, earns less than I, and could be sacked tomorrow in theory, can get one with no problems whatsoever!!