RNID terrorism hoax
- 12 Aug 05, 12:00 AM
Here's an extraordinary story. Over a month after the first terrorist attacks on London, the city continues to be on a state of high alert. It's not unusual to find your route being diverted by a security check of some kind. So you can imagine how staff at the RNID's head office in London must have felt when, just four days after the 7 July attacks, they received an answerphone message claiming that a bomb had been planted in their building and was due to go off in just 40 minutes.
According to the story, which has only recently been revealed in the local in the past couple of days, the message said: "This is al-Qaeda. There's a bomb in your building set to go off at 10am. You may need help". 250 people were evacuated from the building and nearby streets were also cleared, but the call was eventually traced to a 17-year-old in Scotland, who admitted making the call because he was "bored".