Ouch weblog: individual blog entry
15 May 07, 10:16 AM - RNIB digital TV survey
The RNIB is looking for people to participate in new research about how blind and partially sighted people want to navigate digital TV and plan their viewing. Although they have a lot of anecdotal evidence that blind and partially sighted people find it difficult to use digital TV because of the on-screen programme guide, there is no detailed research on this issue, so the RNIB needs evidence to show to government and manufacturers demonstrating that current on-screen programme guides and menus do not allow blind and partially sighted people to use digital TV effectively or easily. They also want to find out precisely what people expect from a talking menu and talking programme guide.
So the RNIB are looking for blind and partially sighted people of all ages, people who have digital TV as well as those who don't, people who watch TV a lot or only occasionally, people who are very familiar with technology and people who aren't. To take part in the research, there's a questionnaire to be filled in before the end of June - this can either be done at the RNIB's website or, if you prefer, over the phone. For the latter option, contact Jill Whitehead on audiodescription@rnib.org.uk, or telephone 020 7391 2398.
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