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Eddie Mair | 09:47 UK time, Monday, 20 November 2006

did my head in, but I can't say any more. She kept shoving me out of shot. It's all in the hands of the lawyers.

In the meantime, Lissa is here and has just been talking to the boss about the weekend moderation problems. We're onto it. I should start keeping a log of the number of times I have to say sorry here..but really - sorry.

Now about our big new exciting thing that we're hoping to formally launch soon. it's clear some people have guessed well, or are close...so let me be blunt....



  1. At 09:54 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    I don't got a camera, but I am looking forward to seeing everyone else's efforts! Bravo!

    And Eddie, Posh does everyone's heads in. That's her purpose in life.

  2. At 09:56 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Yes, Eddie. I've got a camera. Do you want it? Are things so bad in the Beeb that you need us to send in our hardware?

    Glad you didn't feel out of place with the other celebs. I bet the conversation was a bit thin, though. Especially with Posh.

    Nice to have you back. Have a latte.

  3. At 10:03 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    A camera? I have access to five (if you include the webcam at home and the digiatl camera at work). So, what do you want a piccie of, Eddie?

  4. At 10:12 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Big Sis (1), well they seem to only run to one scanner, Lissa has to use her own mobile phone camera and claim on expences, so I think the froggers should have a quick whip round to get Eddie a camera. Should have thought of that last week, in time for his birthday...

  5. At 10:13 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    As a part-time pro photographer I'm intrigued. Do tell more.

    And doesn't everyone have a camera these days. Even if it is only the poxy, useless thing built into their mobile phone?


  6. At 10:19 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Still none the wiser - unless you're begging for something that works better than your current webcam. In which case I have this box brownie ....

  7. At 10:22 AM on 20 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    Simon believe it or not some of us don't even have a mobile phone.

    there again we do have a camera. But I hope it's not a competition. I'm rubbish at taking photographs.

  8. At 10:26 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    And doesn't everyone have a camera these days. Even if it is only the poxy, useless thing built into their mobile phone?

    I don't. :-(

    I don't have a mobile phone either.

    Would I be allowed to draw an entry Eddie and send it in? Even if my level of drawing is still a stick-person with giant pizzas on the end of their arms, it would still be something.

  9. At 10:34 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    How right you are! Is it too late, d'you think, to send one to Eddie? And one for Lissa as she uses her phone to take the mugshots of the team ....

    Re the Beeb's low tech approach, I suppose the alternative would be that the licence fee would go up even further. And it would all be our fault

    I can see the headline now: "PM Blog forces licence fee rise". Shameful.

  10. At 10:40 AM on 20 Nov 2006, silver-fox wrote:


  11. At 10:46 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I think I've sussed it. Public Service Art Installation.

    All PM listeners will be invited to take photos of themselves listening to PM.

    No competition as such ... but there will be categories, including Most Unusual Location, Most Uncomfortable Position, etc.

    And a mention in despatches for the Person Who Forgot To Remove The Lens Common Agricultural Policy.

    Pics will be printed out at licence-payers' expense and pasted all over the Chris Evans website.

    How did I do?

  12. At 10:58 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    admin annie, Belinda, silver-fox and anyone else without a camera:
    What a shame. I love mine (all four of them, five if you count the mobile) because 1) I'm a chap and therefore love gadgetty things with lots of buttons and dials and knobs and stuff to play with and 2) I just love photographing people at the happiest times of their lives. A lot of what SO & I do is weddings and location portraiture. I just love it!

    But for me having a camera on my phone is an oxymoron. It's either a phone or a camera, I don't want it to be both....

    As to not having a mobile phone: You lucky b*gg*rs! They're the curse of the age. Indispensible if your business requires you to be available 24/7. And therefore a complete curse, because you don't dare turn it off, in case you miss an opportunity.


  13. At 11:00 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    I have the original box brownie digital camera! The battery compartment - which holds 4, FOUR, which is why it looks like a box - has its door held shut by a stout elastic band. I've also added a cunning modification of my own, which is a piece of duck tape to keep the on/off switch at off (still with me?) otherwise it switches itself on in my bag, and by the time I want to use it, the batteries are flat. My mod works though :o)

    S.O. isn't an engineer for nothing, oh no.

    Does anyone want to borrow it? Swap it, even for a poxy one Simon??

  14. At 11:04 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Big Sis (9),

    In fact we made a real blunder...if we'd know this last week, Eddie would have been able to take his own pics of Posh, Tim and Homes and all the others at the weekend, to post here this morning for our delight.

    And indeed, some of the commoners who invaded the Lords last week when he was away on Wednesday.

    As for the rise in licence fee, that'll probably come about anyway because of having to pay the moderators overtime to keep them on the job at the weekends...

    Do you think Valerie Singleton done an audio-video presentation to show us all what to do, just like in Blue Peter days, including the sticky-back plastic and the loo roll?

  15. At 11:07 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Carl Goss wrote:

    Camera? Great .. I've thought for a long time that radio would be much better with pictures.. you could call it PMTV, get a big sofa for Eddie and Carolyn, doing a line each (of the script!). Put Peter Donaldson behind a desk with a picture of big ben behind.
    Oh and you'll need a sig tune.. can I suggest the UK theme?
    You can use all of my ideas for no charge by the way, because I like you.

  16. At 11:17 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    OK so I'm rubbish at cryptic clues. I now understand 'flash' and 'CAP' but where does 1660 come into it - or is that the maximum number of photos the new site will take before it falls over?

    Now that was unkind - slapped wrist.

    Eddie I think you'd better stop saying sorry - you are among friends.

    For my explanations of what really happened to the mods at the weekend see (345) on the new beach.

  17. At 11:20 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    OoooH hark at Fearless and Simon !

    Bet they also have central heating aswell :-)

    Sorry it just made me laugh.

    There is an ascerbic talk radio presenter who does an early morning show on a London radio station. He was walking past some homeless people and they asked him if he had a pound.

    He instantly retorted :- A pound! I've got thousands, but your' not having any. I've also got central heating!

  18. At 11:20 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Dear Eddie and Robin,

    Re your blog posting responding to Jonnie a couple of days ago (sorry - have been away for a few days, so just catching up) - it's really encouraging that the powers that be are trying to sort out the Blog to make more user friendly.

    My one constructive comment would be this: I do hope that, in the process of 'improving' the Blog, it doesn't become bland or subject to over moderation.

    The success of this Blog is its character - driven, admittedly, from above (i.e. Eddie) - and it is unlike anything else. Happily.

    Big Sis

  19. At 11:25 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Yes, yes, yes
    Radio with pictures - why hasn't anyone thought of that before.
    Of course it might end up being similar to the box in the corner we got with our wireless licence - but hey - still pictures.
    Can I have mine done by Wolf - or Simon?

  20. At 11:39 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Rosalind wrote:

    Eddie, i know you have to suffer in your job, but really, conversation with celebrities? I am so sorry you have to go through all that.

    I think we are trying to make up for the drought in one day here, possibly two.

    The card in my camera keeps getting unformatted and I have to go a long way to have it looked at! The trouble with digital is that there are so many photographs to take and no moderating influence (like the price of film). My computer has too many photographs on it already.

  21. At 11:47 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Auntie D (currently 19):



  22. At 11:47 AM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Jonnie (currently 17);
    I'm an inveterate hoarder. I bought my first decent 35mm SLR (Canon EOS 100) in 1993 in Singapore. Bought a second identical body, but no extra lenses, in 98, so I could keep one loaded with colour and the other with monochrome.

    Bought my first digital SLR (EOS 10D) in Autumn 2004. Then it's successor (20D) in Spring 2005.

    Already thinking of next upgrade, which model to buy.

    Kept both the film bodies, keep telling myself that one day I'll set up a wet darkroom again and shoot some film, just for myself. Process it, print it, etc. Just like I used to. Reality is that I will probably never shoot a roll of film again.

    Hence the four cameras.... SO's got a further three loafing around too. Two film and a digital. Hasn't shot a roll in 18 months either.

    Progress?? Maybe, but it's a lot less fun. And when I'm sat in front of a monitor all day the last thing I want to do in the evenings is sit in front of a PC screen. Hence the reason for no PC at home in the evenings!


  23. At 11:52 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Vyle Hernia wrote:

    A camera, eh? I can see another digital divide looming. Any folks (like me) still using East German SLRS could be at a disadvantage, here, as they don't easily download to a computer...
    Or do I borrow a digital camera to take a picture of my Practika camera for the pointless picture thing?

    BTW, I believe it is legal to photograph anything from the public highway, so copyright may not be tooo big a problem.

  24. At 11:56 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Dan Glebitts wrote:

    With her finely chiseled features and up turned werepig nose. Victoria Beckham is the epitomy of celebrity cool.

  25. At 11:57 AM on 20 Nov 2006, Vyle Hernia wrote:

    Forgot to mention - all this talk of covering the lenses reminds me of that nice presentation about Dubya; anyone know if it is available on the www? It's the one with varous amusing pictures and the parachute story.

  26. At 12:05 PM on 20 Nov 2006, admin annie wrote:

    Help, what is happening to the archive calendar? half the past dates for November are greyed out, inclusing the one that gives access to the new beach
    (Come ON guys we need the beach for R & R plus mutual support in sorrow and frustration and yes, in time I'm sure mutual backslapping and general shared enjoyment and triumphs).

    And if you click on 12th you get another 大象传媒 blog altogether from someone who appears to be unable to spell since it is entitled
    Mistajam. Apparently he is a 'big man with a big blog' that's a direct quote.

    Personally I don't care how big he is, or his blog either come to that, since we have the best blog and that's official. It's probably bigger than Mistajams as well. I just wonder if perhaps we could get ours to work this morning. Nothing personal techie 大象传媒 people, I just want to get ot the new beach.

  27. At 12:06 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Better yet, could we take away the cameras from all existing TV news programmes?

    I have never understood why you need 2 newscasters. The introductions to some news items are rendered as bitty as a round of Cheddar Gorge!

  28. At 12:20 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Vyle (23):
    Ooohh, you've opened a can of worms there talking legalities.

    It's not always permissible to shoot when on public land and use the results, come-what-may. Considerations like; a persons rights over use of their own image; the right to privacy; the rights of a property owner regarding the use of images of their property for advertising; the rights of brand owners and trademark holders; national security; and a whole lot more need to be considered. I could stand on the public pavement outside your house and photograph you through the window. Doesn't entitle me to publish or print it without your permission.

    I would issue a word of warning, which may not be welcomed by the folks at Auntie Beeb. If you submit imagery to the 大象传媒, they will assume your rights as the owner of the work without so much as a by-your-leave, although they will leave you with copyright. There has been an ongoing debate in the professional journals for years now about this kind of behaviour which is thoroughly disliked.

    See /terms/ especially para 9 and 10.3

    Eddie, sorry if this causes problems, but it IS fair advice.


  29. At 12:22 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    I have an SLR, but no cell phone.
    _ _ _

    P.S. 鈥淧osh did my head in鈥?

    This phrase always sounds to me like some variety of unspeakable violence being done to the cranium. Is this what happened?

  30. At 12:23 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    I have five cameras - six if you count the mobile phone one - and central heating.

    Do I win a prize?

  31. At 12:30 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Si - as well as the box brownie digital, come to think of it, I have the poxy mobile one (actually more megapixels than the bbd), an ancient P*ntax MEsuper slr, and two which came in between the SLR and the digital (electronic idiot proof automatic things, a N*kon and an Ol*mpus); and I'm not even a chap :o)

  32. At 12:35 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Where's Eddie today?

    Has he gone to the Maldives with the happy couple? Or is he in Kabul with the President of the Undemocratic Kingdom of Spin?

    I looked through the footage and think I've spotted Eddie at the wedding. What to other froggers think? You may like to look .....

  33. At 12:45 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    btw, does anybody know how, when the Spice Girls were dishing out silly names, she came to be called "Posh" anyway? I'd not have creditted any of them with the capacity for irony, but I'm unable to come up with any other possible explanation.

  34. At 12:46 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Stewart M wrote:

    This NEW thingy was reported as being inlcusive. BUT how do we see images once you have decided the various copyright issues and rights to publish unless you have a PC and internet connection. OR are we going to have a Vision on Style Gallery!! With music. Shown before the 大象传媒 TV news. Or better still broadcast instead of news24 when 大象传媒 1 & 2 have gone to bed.

  35. At 12:53 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    yes, I have a camera. It's still got holiday pictures on it from last time.

    No. you won't get a picture of me. Have you seen the price of decent lenses these days?

  36. At 12:54 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re: Simon Worrall (28) -- so that pretty much puts an end to it -- still it was a nice build up.

    Re: Fifi (grumpier than usual) (27)

    Now strange enough I don't mind the double headed approach.

    The best duo was on 大象传媒 News 24 with the lovely Kate Silverton presenting with the dashing Philip Hayton.

    I'll never know why Philip Hayton decided to leave. -- Oooh wait a sec what's this:-


    Perhaps Eddie will get a presentation partner and double-head with someone. The lovely Val perhaps ?

  37. At 12:55 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    This being the 1st thread for today, here's the latest from the lilypad.

    I'm just about to issue a round-robin email to the lilypad dwellers, who are working towards sustainable improvements to safeguard the future of the blog.

    This includes an updated 'history of the blog' written by the wonderful AnneP. Including instructions for making italics and links and whatnot.

    Anyone else who'd like a copy, please email me via the website. You don't need to join the team - just let me know you'd like to see the blogbiog on its own.

    Okay? Good-oh! ;o)

    ... there will now be a short pause while the pixies work out this is NOT a malicious or abusive posting.

    * Grumpy feelings return *

  38. At 12:56 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Dr H (29):

    Every time I see the Beckhams I have an unspeakable atavistic urge to do violence to my own cranium. By banging it on a wall or such-like.

    If it comes to that the same applies to every time I see anyone who's famous just for.... being famous, but talent-and-personality-free.

    I can excuse him, to an extent, he's got certain skills. But her?! Give me a break!

    I suppose another classic example would be Katie Price a.k.a. Jordan.

    And then there's .... cont. P94

    Pass the sickbag.


  39. At 01:03 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Appy (33):


    I love your thinking......



  40. At 01:04 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Aperitif (33)

    Weren鈥檛 the Spice nicknames handed out by the press? I don鈥檛 think they all liked the one they鈥檇 been landed with.

  41. At 01:06 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Aperitif (33):

    I think it was in fact Top of the Pops magazine who awarded the Spice Girls their monickers.

    She got 'posh' because they couldn't think of anything else to distinguish her visually from the others. Oh, and she tended to be rather aloof and unsmiley on camera.

    Don't ask me why I would know this. I have absolutely no idea. Perhaps I have a split personality and just don't remember putting on the white stilettos for a night's clubbing every Tuesday down at Quayhole Kate's.......

  42. At 01:25 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Sara wrote:

    I thought Posh was called Posh because she was from a slightly more middle class family than the others and may even have got a GSCE or similar.

    But then again, who cares?

    I don't have a camera but I have children who do and make me borrow theirs. My mobile doesn't have a camera, either, but the mobile phone shop managed to sell an expensive phone with a camera to my 92 year old mother who hasn't a clue how to use it, nor even wants to. That made me very cross.

    Lovely to hear so much from Si today - he's clearly in his element!!!

  43. At 01:32 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Jonnie (36):
    What's with the negative waves Moriarty?

    The terms exacted by the 大象传媒 towards anyone who submits imagery do not need to constitute a show-stopper at all. They only really affect those who hope to obtain a financial return from their imagery.

    You just need to understand that if you submit even a potentially award-winning set of photographs to the Beeb, the copyright stays with you, but the Beeb has an unlimited, enduring right to use those images whenever it wants, for whatever it wants, as often as it wants, in whichever medium it wants, including posters, adverts, 大象传媒 magazines and publications, etc. Submission constitutes acceptance of all the T&C's.

    And it can change the rules governing the use of any such imagery simply by posting the changed T&C's on the website.

    If you're happy with that, no problem. I certainly don't feel that this constitutes a problem for myself. If I were to submit anything to any part of the Beeb then it would be with informed consent knowing the above.


    I wonder what the real story about Hayton's departure was? I guess we'll never know......

  44. At 01:43 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Andy Mann wrote:

    I've got a Canon EOS 5D camera.


    12.8 megapixel full frame cmos sensor
    2.5 LCD screen
    3fps 60 JPEG image burst
    Compact magnesium alloy body
    battery charger
    neck strap
    USB cable
    Video cable
    user guide

  45. At 01:53 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Whisht wrote:

    Posh did your head in?

    Why? are you a Mansfield fan then??

    As for all this "user generated content" you won't catch me creating content for the 大象传媒.

    No sir-ree.

  46. At 01:53 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Eddie Mair wrote:

    I wouldn't say we've quite given it away yet. We think the final thing will be straightforward and fun. We're not even sure at this stage what we'll do with the results of what listeners do - and we rather like that. Like the Blog, I think the best things happen organically. I guess the thing will grow and develop as people want it.

  47. At 01:53 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Sara (42):
    Your Mum isn't the only one who succumbs like this. SO bought a mobile for her 75-year-old Dad last week. Spent a couple of hours on Sunday trying to explain to him how to use the organiser, the media player, the camera, etc. He is an intelligent chap with all his faculties. Thoroughly confused by all the chrome hanging off the thing. All he wanted to do was learn how to make and receive calls and send and read SMS messages!

    My Dad, some years ago, was looking to replace his car. *Almost* got suckered into buying one because it had a socket for a mobile phone installed. He didn't even OWN a mobile phone, but was on the edge of buying the car, nonetheless!

    "In my element"? I recharged my batteries at a black tie do in Cornwall last Friday night. The food and company were really good. The band were execrable. The rhythm guitarist looked for all the world like Bernie Ecclestone, and sang like him too!! The only way he could have carried a tune would have been in a bucket....

    I'm as tired and grumpy as ever. But it's a better class of tired and grumpy today.


  48. At 01:55 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Aha! So we were right, it *is* to do with piccies.

    Yes, I've got a digital camera as well as a 20-year-old SLR.

    My digicam keeps thinking it hasn't got any batteries in it even when I've put new ones in.

    This greatly p1shed me off when I was on hols in N Wales two months ago with a very ill friend.

  49. At 01:57 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re Simon Worrall (43)

    Okay Simon, that sounds reasonable and I would have no objection to the 大象传媒 doing whatever with any submitted photo's within the 大象传媒. I was more concerned by all the other issues you raised regarding 'public land etc...

    As regards to Kate and Philip I believe it was just a personality clash. I think they are both very talented but as an avid viewer of News 24 it was clear there were personality clashes. The feigned smiles and body language.

    Where I will side with Fifi on the double headed programmes is the problem of the presenter (who isn't reading a script) knowing where to look. It always makes me feel uncomfortable. Some do it better than others -- Bill and Sian are good.

  50. At 01:59 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re; Andy Mann (44)

    Is there a 'buy it now' price or is this a private auction ?

    Paypal ?

    Still in good condition ?


  51. At 01:59 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Andy Mann (44):


    "I am not worthy. I am not worthy".

    The photo-gadget fiend in me just escaped for a moment. Sorry about that.

    Do you have a lens to go with that....... :-)


  52. At 02:02 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Plea to froggers:

    Re the Blog History - Would one of the sweet toothed crowd who ran to and fro to the Sweetshop like to email Fifi a few lines on how that came about?

    As a 'savoury' lass, I wasn't really a participant, other than the infamous episode of Jonnie and the Walnut Whips (great title for a book, don't you think?)


    Big Sis

    PS Where IS Eddie?

  53. At 02:14 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Andy Mann - The address to send it to is:

    PM, The Pointless PM Photomachine Thing,
    Room G601, 大象传媒 News Centre, London W12 7RJ.

    You could mark it for the attention of Eddie, or Lissa.

    Make sure you send the instruction book.

  54. At 02:21 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    No No BigSister!

    The proposed book title is wrong..

    It's :

    Jonnie and the Walnut whips he never got

    Eddie is still in a legal wrangle re: Posh and the photo-shoot, and having a few mins out with the joke book.

  55. At 02:22 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Fiona wrote:

    Re: why is Posh called Posh (apertif 33) - as t'others have said something to do with her being rather more middle class apparantly. Daddy Posh is fairly wealthy and she used to be driven to school in a Rolls Royce............ apparantly!! (she says desperately trying to appear not to know everything there is to know about the Spice Girls LOL!)

    ....So Eddie does this mean you might appear in this week's Heat magazine Spotted column? I can see it now...... "a tanned and buff looking Eddie Mair sporting a dapper little Armani number being elbowed by a scrawny looking Victoria Beckham sporting a hat the size of Wales" ???

  56. At 02:26 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    I have laughed and laughed at today's offerings. Thanks folks...I needed that!

  57. At 02:31 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Today's newsletter, in case anyone hasn't received theirs yet:


    The storm clouds are gathering over Television Centre. I'm not trying to make some point about the 大象传媒 (we've just had Ed Balls on The World at One, which has got to be worth another 1% on the licence fee) - I just think it's going to rain.

    On our programme tonight, we'll hear from a veteran of Iraq about the Prime Minister's visit to Afghanistan. I know that doesn't make sense but trust me it will. Or it will come so close to making sense, that if you're doing something else while we're on air, you probably won't notice the joins.

    There's been a development in the story of the BA employee who wants to wear a cross. We're looking at the story of the drug that could help a woman in a persistent vegetative state "wake up": her family don't want her to have it.

    And do you "take" The Times? Honestly, before it was pointed out to you - did you notice anything different about it today?

    Which reminds me of an old Tommy Cooper joke. It takes a bit of telling, and to be honest, you really need him to tell it. But if I get a moment later, I might post it on the blog. Not a word to Balls though or we're done for.

    By the way - our announcement about a big new thing we want all our listeners to take part in, is just around the corner. What are you looking at, at 5pm, when we come on the air?

    Best wishes,

    Eric "just like that" Muir

  58. At 02:37 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:


    The second part of the title (as suggested by you) is rendered unnecessary by the use of the adjective 'infamous'. If you prefer, I'll change that to

    Jonnie and the abortive Walnut Whips
    Jonnie and the Walnut Whips mystery.

    And I'm still looking. Really.... you know I want to find them!

    I DID find the Welsh Dragon sausages - and I bet not many of you did!

  59. At 02:42 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Another saucy email on offer. I've been sent a very VERY rude visual joke. Or at least, it's rude if you have a filthy mind.

    I laughed till the tears ran!

    It involves an unfortunate lady whose clothes appear to have fallen off, and a furry domestic pet.

    I've already offended our bass player today by sending it ... anyone else fancy a try?

    It's a .pms attachment, 376KB in size.

    Email me via the website and it's yours.

  60. At 02:45 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    You clearly have a hotline to God.
    Or Tommy Cooper.

  61. At 03:04 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Mark Drew wrote:

    My word what a busy lot of Froggers we are today.

    How about making it really interesting and have the new big idea include Web Cameras?

  62. At 03:06 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Big Sis,

    If I remember rightly... the chocolate runs came about because I was working at home a lot on a project with a tight deadline and had no life for a couple of weeks. I mentioned that my only breaks were frogging and going to the corner shop, even over two weekends. Once when I said I was going to the shop Fearless Fred asked me to get him a Curly Wurly, and I left it in the kitchen for him. Next day he got me something - may have been a packet of salt and vinegar crisps as, although I do indulge in chocolate now and then, I'm a savoury girl too. From there, like Topsy*, it just grew.

    Thank you to everyone who replied to the rhetorical question about 'Posh Spice'. I distinctly remember them all being interviewed on some teen programme when the first single was no. 1 and proudly announcing their spice monickers. I recall Geri describing herself as "Sexy Spice" rather than "Ginger Spice" though, and believe the press dutifully changed that one (note to self - see, they are not all bad). I shared a house with four others at the time and we were in agreement that being devoid of anything to say and having a tendency to scowl might make one appear to be aloof, but that a) the difference was, in the case under discussion, soon clear; and b) this was not what any of us understood to be meant by the term 'posh'. We decided to have spice names ourselves (one quiet Monday evening with only beer and conversation to entertain us). We were, I think: Small Spice, Irish Spice, Fit Spice, Bloke Spice and Tall Spice. If anyone should care, I was Tall Spice (I am tallish but the others were all fairly short, especially one - whose name you can no doubt guess). I have no idea why I have decided to share this. Perhaps to illustare that non-celebrities can be equally as inventive - and even slightly more honest - about their 'spice qualities'.

    On a related point, an essay question for you: To what extent can class and wealth be correlated and which, if either, is the dependent variable? Discuss using both a broad and narrow defintion of the term 'class' and attempt to include Victoria Beckham and the Rolls Royce range of cars in your answer, whilst maintaining a straight face.

    Oh, I know, I know meow from me today, but sometimes one just feels that way, and I'm sure she's heard worse...

    *This is an expression my mother often uses. Anyone know where it comes from (I am not being rhetorical this time)?

    I just got the fast and furious message and can't quite believe it! This took an age to type!!!

  63. At 03:08 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Big Sis (60):

    Neither of those, for one is an imaginary friend and the other a dead comedian I was actually scared of as a child!

    No, I just have a number of friends with whom I share an appalling sense of humour and lack of taste.

    Someone suggested I should start a list of people who want ALL the jokes, instead of asking for each one ... shall we?

    You know how to find me, via website.

    Mrs Trellis ... you're on there automatically. (But this particular one is pretty rude ... so I would still ask first!)

  64. At 03:15 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:


    ALL the jokes sounds great to me! I know I've missed a few, but have greatly enjoyed those I've managed to read.

    The FIFI joke book. Sounds good.

  65. At 03:25 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    Is there another Lady P out there or am I catching up ?
    Well,I have' my newsletter,so that's not a bad start but I'm stillconfused, dears......

  66. At 03:28 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    Is there another Lady P out there or am I catching up ?
    Well,I have' my newsletter,so that's not a bad start but I'm stillconfused, dears......

  67. At 03:32 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Feefs, I think there was a story about a girl called Topsy who 'just growed and growed'.

    Posh? Rich? Class? Oooh-er, can of worms and tin-opener time.

    Don't think income or wealth has necessarily got anything to do with class, though it often has. Class - more upbringing, education, lifestyle and (dare I say it) taste?

    Right, I'm going to hide on the Beach now, so you can't catch me, na-na nee na-naaa

  68. At 03:38 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    Appy (62)
    Topsy was a small black slave in 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' and I think she did not know where she had come from and said she just "growed "

  69. At 03:45 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Fifi, yes please, I'm at work at the moment so will pick it up when I eventually get home. Thank you for asking but I am unshockable, 14 years in the forces did that to me!

  70. At 03:51 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    This weekend, serious journo Simon Hattenstone tells us in serious newspaper (https://www.guardian.co.uk/weekend/story/0,,1949277,00.html):

    "Even the soubriquets were a lucky fluke, after Top Of The Pops magazine interviewed them and decided to introduce them to the world as Posh, Baby, etc.". If he knows, I think we we should all stop pretending we don't know how we know, it was obviously fed to us via radiowaves in our cornflakes.

    Eddie, don't feel bad about Posh pushing you out of the frame, if you look at The Sun's slideshow of the event, you'll see she manged to obscure her sister despite being half her size. I do feel that you may have to have that bruise looked at though, she has sharp elbows.

  71. At 04:00 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Here is my essay. It is shorter that yours:

    You missed out the hyphen from Rolls-Royce.

    (Or this: One is more likely to have wealth based on class, than class based on wealth.)


  72. At 04:01 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Mrs T (69):

    On its way.


  73. At 04:01 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Humph wrote:

    Stewart M (34) and E. Mair (46)

    If we are sending in piccies (not totally sure yet, but it might seem so) then maybe we could use them to produce a calendar. Then it could be sold by the 大象传媒 to raise funds for a charity of our choice in rivalry to the CountryFile calendar*. Hey, with enough piccies we could even do one of those desk calendars with a rip-off page for each day.

    What do you think?


    ps. * Fight, fight, fight . . . H.

  74. At 04:20 PM on 20 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Lady Penelope

    Now you know that there is only one Lady P. You both do know that don't you?

  75. At 04:52 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Peter Wharton wrote:

    Re 71
    Didn't a WI club do something like that and a film was made!

  76. At 05:25 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Fifi, "it's a .pms attachment" Lol - I know the feeling.....

  77. At 06:37 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Ooops, was it Appy and not fifi that wondered about Topsy? sorry!

    So - it's to be a snapshot of the UK - or the world - at 1700 GMT as seen by PM listeners?

  78. At 06:41 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:

    And the calendar could include some of those deathless straplines Lissa is so fond of recycling. One for each day the show is on, (if we're going for tear-off "page per day" style.) Perhaps interspersed with some of the master's quotes. I still laugh over the "So, Mr X (forgotten the interviewee's name, but he was a refreshingly honest politician), have you been caught out being Honest?"

    At this rate it's only a matter of time til a big Hollywood studio is interested in making an epic about the Blog of Blogs.

    Re "Topsy" - she also figures in "The King & I" as the harem wives present a musical to the KIng of Siam based on the story of Uncle Tom's Cabin (One of the wives wants to escape from the King & uses the book to make her point).

  79. At 07:10 PM on 20 Nov 2006, John H. wrote:

    Drinks, 33, I haven't got time to check everything here, but I reckon irony - or perhaps good ol' sarcasm - had something to do with it. I'm sure I remember reading that the individual Spice monikers were actually first "aired" (ie created?) in a Telegraph article. Perhaps best not to quote me on that. And surely "Posh" was just a reference to Vicky's Little Black Dress - in the absence of any other identifiable quality? That said, I don't dislike either of the Becks.

    Mr Clever **** Handyman at 44, well if I add up the various pixels from my mobile phones and other stuff, I get to about 9 million. So there.

    Incidentally, continuing that theme, in part because of the camera, I've just changed my phone/supplier - and have got a 3+ megapixel camera into the bargain. Unlike dedicated photographistical people, I rarely carry a camera - I do though usually have my phone and enjoy it doubling up as a poxy camera. I've got some absolutely appalling images and video/sound stuff from gigs - Coldplay, Take That (!) and the Chilis - it's rubbish and ace at the same time. Also, just before the whole video on your phone thing took off, I annoyingly recorded clips all round a local walk - a lot of it featuring Mrs H's bum (since she was walking in front a lot of the time) and annoyed looks. It's so much fun...

    (You're right, you had to be there.)

  80. At 07:21 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Bill'n'Ben wrote:


    I missed all of the setting up of the "life , the Universe, and Everything - you ever needed to know about being a 大象传媒 frogger. I don't know whether I'd be able to add anything constructive. But I would dearly love to have a copy so that I can educate people and show them that I'm not doing any sordid or planning the downfall of the evil Empire while I spend hours on the compoota.

    As far as the filthy jokes, YES PLEASE.

    I'll e-mail you at FS.

    Off to play radio's then back for a BLOG.

  81. At 10:03 PM on 20 Nov 2006, wrote:


    Alright who left that next big thing just round the corner where anyone could fall over it? There I was camera to my eye, mobile to my ear, latte in the other hand, gas mask on, talking to the little mega-pixels (they are the ones that are slightly larger than leprechauns, right?) in my head and I walked straight into it. "Balls!" I shouted, "Did you leave that here?"

    Oh dear, I don't think I'm well.

  82. At 10:30 PM on 20 Nov 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    I've not had time to read every message so someone's probably already suggested this, but does it mean that we will have to send in photos of what we are looking at (?doing) at 16.59+ 1minute = 5pm every weekday?

    In which case, you may not like mine.......

  83. At 10:33 PM on 20 Nov 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    PS Eddie - You've probably been too busy what with the wedding and all (what did you get them for a present?) but I seem to remember a promise of new soundbites and a mention of parma ham

  84. At 10:55 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Thanks Anne P. and Annasee for the information about Topsy. That makes sense, but I didn't know that was where it came from.

    Doc (71),
    I see your missing hyphen and raise you a 'that' when you needed a 'than'. So there.

    By the way, I have been subject to the oddest moderation from the pixies: In my long frog at 62 I wrote I'm a savoury girl too (better than being unsavoury though, eh?) From there, like Topsy*, it just grew. but the part in parentheses has disappeared! Why? Who on Earth could that silly aside have offended?
    Answers on a pointless blog postcard please.

  85. At 11:10 PM on 20 Nov 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    And Eddie, when are you going to tell us about Fridays in your office, as promised (although I think we get the general idea)?

  86. At 11:27 PM on 20 Nov 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Now that's odd. My 'PS' has appeared but not the main message before it. I'm pretty sure there was nothing in it to cause offence..

    At the risk of looking like a complete idiot when the other one re-appears, I shall re-post it in a minute....

  87. At 11:31 PM on 20 Nov 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Ok it's there now!

  88. At 12:02 AM on 21 Nov 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Doc says - blown up by my own bomb (71, 84). Nhan is nhe worsn misnake I鈥檝e made nhis week no dane.

    But PS - my essay in brackets (71) was pretty concise, eh?

  89. At 08:06 AM on 21 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Appy -

    I agree. Savoury always better than moderated unsavoury. Was it the parenthesis?

    I wonder how the moderation works. Everything in moderation ......?

  90. At 11:38 AM on 21 Nov 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Yes Doc, your essay was indeed concise. Was it also class-centric? Are you relying upon a particular view of class? Isn't class, as one of the most obvious social constructs, an entirely subjective concept? Given these considerations, perhaps it was "too concise"? (But if I were marking I would give you an A).

    Big Sis, who knows?...

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