Art and cricket
I like cricket, but perhaps not quite as much as the late Harold Pinter who apparently once said:
"I tend to think that cricket is the greatest thing that God ever created on earth - certainly greater than sex, although sex isn't too bad either."
He don't like cricket, oh no, he loved it. And he's not alone among Thespians. For a game that for some lacks drama, cricket has been bowling theatrical types over for generations. Sarah Bernhardt, the famous French 19th Centry actress, was heard to remark, "I do like cricket, it's so very English."
Not any more mon cheri; it's moved on a bit. Emma Levine, the writer and photo-journalist, took these evocative pictures last year in Mumbai. The cricket-loving photographer started documenting locals playing the game across the subcontinent in the early 1990s and was "relieved" to find "the spirit of cricket remains" in the city that will be partially hosting the cricket World Cup in a few weeks' time.

Palm tree 'stumps' with Rajabai Tower and Bombay Stock Exchange in background

Sunday street cricket at Masjid Bundar

No-frills ice cream vendor at Shevaji Park

'Uncle' Zora repairs bats for local cricketers, Azad Maidan

Waiting to bat for a Sunday game at Shevaji Park

Night 'box' cricket match behind Crawford Market

Dolphin team enjoy puri sabji for lunch at Shevaji Park

Makeshift stumps in a street cricket game at Masjid Bundar

Drinks cart refreshes thirsty cricketers at Azad Maidan

Painting the crease for a practice match at Cross Maidan
You can see them and more at the Nehru Centre, South Audley St, London from 22 February in her show, Mumbai - A Cricketing Temple.
Comment number 1.
At 10th Feb 2011, jacksofbuxton wrote:We always played at our local "rec".Not the flattest of wickets I've ever batted on,it could turn anyone into Malcolm Marshall.I like the idea of a curry mid innings as well.
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Comment number 2.
At 10th Feb 2011, SS11 wrote:Nice pictures. Even I have grown up playing cricket on the streets and in our apartment. We have broken countless windows of houses on 1st and 2nd floors. Then we used to go n hide as if nothing has happened. Good old days :)
Those grounds at Shivaji Park and Azad Maidan are always full. You will hardly find an inch space to play if you're late to the ground.
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Comment number 3.
At 10th Feb 2011, hainba wrote:Very occasionally I see a family playing cricket in the park, it certainly makes me reminisce about my childhood. Our motto now is 'No Ball Games' even in parks, school playgrounds and residential roads. No wonder the children have retreated to their Wii, X-Box & PS3's. Too much grief for the sake of playing a game.
The joy of an impromptu game of cricket (or football) against other kids or mates is lost. Everything has to be organised and timed, I coach cricket and so many children only pick up a bat or ball in our sessions.
Greats like Trueman learn't to bowl a yorker by bowling at the opposite curb now it has to be coached and shown on a video.
Great photo's
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Comment number 4.
At 11th Feb 2011, wyndhamlewisandthenews wrote:unrelated to whatever this post is about, I was wondering if the bbc simply has one article template about how much money a painting by an ostensibly famous artist is selling for and then you just change the names and figures and image every time thereby engendering the notion that the most interesting thing about most art is how much cash it rakes in?
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Comment number 5.
At 14th Feb 2011, Breaking news wrote:Wonderful photos - thank you!
But why is it that batsmen get all the attention? As in the old days when batsman were gentleman and humble working folk were bowlers.
There is art in bowling!
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