
Buyer's guide

Brie de Meaux is the original cheese from the city of the same name. Protected by an AOP (European Appellation d’Origin Protégée), it is matured for a month before sale. Other notable French Bries come from Melun, Montereau and Coulommiers – the first may be either very fresh and dusted with charcoal or extra-mature. British Brie is made in Cornwall or Somerset.

A slice of fully ripe Brie will be runny at room temperature, and the rind should be springy to the touch.

Brie is available all year, but Brie de Meaux, Melun and Montereau are considered to be at their best from May to October, and Brie de Coulommiers from October to April.


Unripe Brie should not be refrigerated, as this will disrupt the maturing process: instead, keep it in a cool place for a few days before consuming.