Duck fat recipes
When duck is roasted it gives off a quantity of fat that can be strained and stored, once cool, in the refrigerator. Duck fat is an excellent cooking medium with a rich, silky texture and has a very fine, savoury flavour. It can be heated to a high temperature without burning.
Prep: Use it to make superb roast potatoes, homemade confit, pastry and dumplings.
Fluffy inside, crunchy outside, these roast potatoes are a perfect sidekick to any roast dinner. (They're even better the next day, eaten straight from the fridge!) Read our guide for more insight into how to cook the perfect roast potatoes.
Each serving provides 389 kcal, 7g protein, 65g carbohydrates (of which 3g sugars), 9.5g fat (of which 4g saturates), 7g fibre and 0.3g salt.
More duck fat recipes
Buyer's guide
Duck fat can be bought in tins and jars.
Once opened, keep in the fridge. If strained through muslin into sterilised jars, home-produced duck fat will keep for up to six months. Duck fat freezes well and lasts many months. A good tip is to freeze small quantities in small blocks or ice-cube trays for ease of use.