Strong white flour recipes
From bagels to bannocks, from buns to bloomers, our bread recipes use strong white flour to ensure strong, stretchy gluten that will hold lots of air bubbles. This flour is made from hard wheat, or a mixture of hard and soft wheat. Hard wheat grown in hot climates during short, dry summers, producing grain with a higher gluten content, and therefore more protein. It is processed to remove all the bran and wheatgerm, and has a high capacity to retain water. Strong white flour is ideal for breadmaking.
Make your own easy pizza dough with this authentic Italian recipe – it uses '00' flour to give the base a lighter, crisper texture. But if you have bread flour, it will still produce a great homemade pizza.
More strong white flour recipes
Buyer's guide
Strong white flour is available from large supermarkets.
Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry, dark place. It will keep for up to six months.
Combined with fat, liquid, eggs or yeast, strong white flour is perfect for making bread, puff pastry, Yorkshire puddings, and any baked goods that require increased volume. Strong white flour gives baked dishes a light, open texture. The flour is also favoured for making bread in bread machines.