Farrimond talks more about her work; "my influences include
the Aztecs, Romans, Aboriginal Art and the designs of Charles Rennie
Mackintosh and the Art Nouveau Movement.
also draw motivation from my work as a complimentary therapist.
Table by Tina Farrimond |
use mainly glass and ceramic tiles but also a mixture of other materials
such as seashells, pottery and mirror glass.
also run short courses at the Bevere Vivis Gallery, work with schools
and conduct workshops for children.
is also currently engaged with Worcester Action for Youth creating
mosaics with young people at various Youth Centres.
Bundred's work is also featured at the gallery, he works with Wooden
intarsia (the art of 3D wooden pictures). Steve has been living
in Queensland, Australia since he left engineering 25 years ago.
on the look out for new ideas, a chance meeting on an overseas trip
in 1993 introduced him to intarsia.
with enthusiasm he returned home, got together with a talented graphic
designer and has been producing original timber artwork from his
well-equipped bush workshop.